City streets
"Alright, finding the chaos or something like that and not go head straight for Magneto, got it... You can radio them or whatever to let them know roughly where Magneto's base of operations is if you want to. The main base of operations seems to be around Madison Square Gardens, and the blocks surrounding it to be their only little mini city in the middle of this giant city, it goes at least down to Times Square, and several blocks in other directions around the area. Just so you know. It's pretty far away from where we are, but that other commotion that we're heading for is a lot closer then that, so in theory shouldn't take us too long to reach it," Thalia commented to the other two. Yeah, she was all for not trying to go deal with Magneto, just the three of them, and them ending up dead or something because of it.
Of course, she easily could go get to where they were heading by herself if she took off into the air and flew over. However she wasn't super strong, so she couldn't easily take the other two with her, and she wasn't going to just sort of leave them behind, at least currently really. Though she also had the issue of if she flew up in the air for too long, she would be spotted and likely end up dead even quicker or something like that. Yeah, she'd prefer not to die yet.
Hurrying along, she started leading the way so that the other two could easily follow, though whenever possible, she was leading them down side streets and alleyways so that they weren't always on the main road. In her mind, that made it so that it was less obvious they were there, or that they'd end up running into more of the Brotherhood group, or any of their lackeys she supposed.
"So it isn't too far from here..." Thalia started to say, before the ground shook for a few moments and there was what almost sounded like a crack or something, and a shadow started to pass over the group. If they looked up, they'd see a very peculiar sight; someone who was easily identifiable (that being Sabretooth) was moving his arms a bit wildly, and soaring overhead and thrown far away from them. "...Ok, what the hell? Guess the fight wasn't entirely over yet?" she said, before hurrying along a bit farther and eventually they'd reach the collapsed building and the commotion over there. (You'll end up there at the end of the other group's section)
Pile of Rubble
"Guin I can maybe try to hover or something, since I do not like this shopping cart idea of yours..." Lance said to her with a bit of an eye roll. Yeah, in a city or street area where there was rubble and debris or trash most places, trying to roll around in something was likely not the best option. "Though maybe I can try healing..." he commented, before he tried to summon a ball of light into his hands, however there was just a sort of flicker or something in his hands, before it died out again. "Or maybe not..."
Sabretooth let out another roar, before he made another attempt to slash at Cass, but despite everything, he somehow ended up not landing a single hit, and apparently this sort of annoyed him even more then anything. Of course, being annoyed and such can be a powerful motivator, however it can also be a big hinderance as you don't exactly pay careful attention to what exactly he was swinging at, and each one of his other attacks missed their targets rather easily. Yeah, things were going super well clearly here for him.
"Seriously, you sometimes cause issues, but right now you are kind of a bit pathetic with these attacks," Pietro commented to Sabretooth, before he zipped forward and managed to land a punch on Sabretooth's head, but of course, this ended up resulting in Sabretooth picking him up and throwing him away from him now, causing him to hit another building and sort of fall to the ground. "Owww... Okay, maybe I shouldn't completely taunt the guy or something..." he commented as he stood back up, but this was getting a bit ridiculous.
Mary had had just about enough of this entire situation. Sabretooth needed to go so that they could easily deal with the injuries that people had, and he needed to go now. "Alright, I'm ending this," she muttered, before the ground started to shake, however that sort of only lasted a few moments. Actually, what ended up happening next was almost a bit comical in how it happened, and Mary was a bit surprised that it had actually work out as well as it had. Once she knew the vines were in place though, she simply flicked her wrist and hand upwards.
And Sabretooth got launched into the air by essentially a spring created out of vines.
The group would be able to see Sabretooth get launched into the air and sent flying what looked to be at least a few blocks away from him, and they way he looked as he flailed to catch something was almost like something out of a cartoon with appearances. Yeah, she had not expected things to work out like that, but hey, it was useful and got the situation dealt with, so they could at least see how badly people were injured or something like that.
"How's everyone doing injury wise?" she ended up asking, glancing around at the group, and with a few different injuries, most of the group had at least some form of injury.
"My powers aren't wanting to work at the moment, so it might be a little while before I can heal anyone..." Lance commented with a shrug from where he was. Yeah, he wasn't easily going anywhere currently.
Pietro got up and before he could answer Mary's question himself, he saw movement from a nearby alleyway, and the group would be able to see the others (the group of Thalia, Ed and Jade) pop up out of the alley. He instantly was ready to jump into action if they attacked, and he looked at them before asking, "Who the hell are you?" he asked rather bluntly.