Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

City streets

"Alright, finding the chaos or something like that and not go head straight for Magneto, got it... You can radio them or whatever to let them know roughly where Magneto's base of operations is if you want to. The main base of operations seems to be around Madison Square Gardens, and the blocks surrounding it to be their only little mini city in the middle of this giant city, it goes at least down to Times Square, and several blocks in other directions around the area. Just so you know. It's pretty far away from where we are, but that other commotion that we're heading for is a lot closer then that, so in theory shouldn't take us too long to reach it," Thalia commented to the other two. Yeah, she was all for not trying to go deal with Magneto, just the three of them, and them ending up dead or something because of it.

Of course, she easily could go get to where they were heading by herself if she took off into the air and flew over. However she wasn't super strong, so she couldn't easily take the other two with her, and she wasn't going to just sort of leave them behind, at least currently really. Though she also had the issue of if she flew up in the air for too long, she would be spotted and likely end up dead even quicker or something like that. Yeah, she'd prefer not to die yet.

Hurrying along, she started leading the way so that the other two could easily follow, though whenever possible, she was leading them down side streets and alleyways so that they weren't always on the main road. In her mind, that made it so that it was less obvious they were there, or that they'd end up running into more of the Brotherhood group, or any of their lackeys she supposed.

"So it isn't too far from here..." Thalia started to say, before the ground shook for a few moments and there was what almost sounded like a crack or something, and a shadow started to pass over the group. If they looked up, they'd see a very peculiar sight; someone who was easily identifiable (that being Sabretooth) was moving his arms a bit wildly, and soaring overhead and thrown far away from them. "...Ok, what the hell? Guess the fight wasn't entirely over yet?" she said, before hurrying along a bit farther and eventually they'd reach the collapsed building and the commotion over there. (You'll end up there at the end of the other group's section)

Pile of Rubble

"Guin I can maybe try to hover or something, since I do not like this shopping cart idea of yours..." Lance said to her with a bit of an eye roll. Yeah, in a city or street area where there was rubble and debris or trash most places, trying to roll around in something was likely not the best option. "Though maybe I can try healing..." he commented, before he tried to summon a ball of light into his hands, however there was just a sort of flicker or something in his hands, before it died out again. "Or maybe not..."

Sabretooth let out another roar, before he made another attempt to slash at Cass, but despite everything, he somehow ended up not landing a single hit, and apparently this sort of annoyed him even more then anything. Of course, being annoyed and such can be a powerful motivator, however it can also be a big hinderance as you don't exactly pay careful attention to what exactly he was swinging at, and each one of his other attacks missed their targets rather easily. Yeah, things were going super well clearly here for him.

"Seriously, you sometimes cause issues, but right now you are kind of a bit pathetic with these attacks," Pietro commented to Sabretooth, before he zipped forward and managed to land a punch on Sabretooth's head, but of course, this ended up resulting in Sabretooth picking him up and throwing him away from him now, causing him to hit another building and sort of fall to the ground. "Owww... Okay, maybe I shouldn't completely taunt the guy or something..." he commented as he stood back up, but this was getting a bit ridiculous.

Mary had had just about enough of this entire situation. Sabretooth needed to go so that they could easily deal with the injuries that people had, and he needed to go now. "Alright, I'm ending this," she muttered, before the ground started to shake, however that sort of only lasted a few moments. Actually, what ended up happening next was almost a bit comical in how it happened, and Mary was a bit surprised that it had actually work out as well as it had. Once she knew the vines were in place though, she simply flicked her wrist and hand upwards.

And Sabretooth got launched into the air by essentially a spring created out of vines.

The group would be able to see Sabretooth get launched into the air and sent flying what looked to be at least a few blocks away from him, and they way he looked as he flailed to catch something was almost like something out of a cartoon with appearances. Yeah, she had not expected things to work out like that, but hey, it was useful and got the situation dealt with, so they could at least see how badly people were injured or something like that.

"How's everyone doing injury wise?" she ended up asking, glancing around at the group, and with a few different injuries, most of the group had at least some form of injury.

"My powers aren't wanting to work at the moment, so it might be a little while before I can heal anyone..." Lance commented with a shrug from where he was. Yeah, he wasn't easily going anywhere currently.

Pietro got up and before he could answer Mary's question himself, he saw movement from a nearby alleyway, and the group would be able to see the others (the group of Thalia, Ed and Jade) pop up out of the alley. He instantly was ready to jump into action if they attacked, and he looked at them before asking, "Who the hell are you?" he asked rather bluntly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City Building Interior
Skills: N/A

Carolina watched as Sabertooth started to take a few more swings towards her sister but easily missing which was a little bit funny to her, while trying to hold back laughter, her sides hurt a lot she was pretty sure that her injuries were pretty bad. "He kind of sucks at his job." Carolina said jokingly as Guin tried to get Lance into a shopping cart that she had found, Pietro managed to get a good hit on Sabertooth but winced when he threw Pietro.

Luckily Mary was able to use her powers and managed to launch Sabertooth high up into the air sending the mutant flying over a few blocks by the looks of it. Carolina sat back down taking a few deep breathes and ocasionally winced at the pain, when she saw some more strangers coming from a nearby alleyway. She really hoped that they werent hostile she wasnt sure if she'd be able to handle another fight right now until she was healed. "Who are you all?" Carolina asked turning to look at Thalia and the others who arrived.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra didnt really want to remove the piece of rebar sticking out of her side, out of fear that it might make things worse, and she didnt really want to loose anymore blood than she already had now. Cass easily ducked out of the hits that Sabertooth tried to get on her, she had dealt with him back at the powerplant and managed to survive that with a bad scar on her arm. Pietro managed to hit him, but Sabertooth flung him a few feet away.

She felt the ground shaking slightly as Mary summoned a vine and sent Sabertooth flying off into the air, watching the mutant flying away and flailing his arms around was pretty funny. Cass started to tense up again as another group of strangers suddenly approached, and eyed them warily. Cass eyed Lance and Carolina the two of them were probably in the worst shape than she or the others were, before turning to look at them. "Are any of you medics or anything like that?" Cassandra asked.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Edus Penior

Skill: Magic

As they rounded the corner and saw Sabertooth get launched like a bouncy ball out of the area the group who had been fighting him turned on them. "We were are from outside. We are trying to figure out what is going on in town." He told them mostly honestly. No need to give them the full reason for their mission. "My name is Ed. I can heal if you'll allow me." He said moving toward the group slowly.

He moved to the woman first. "I'll have to remove the rebar." He informed her before pulling it out and quickly having his magic heal the woman. The orange glow emanated from his hand and she would be mostly healed. Only soreness was left. Then he turned to the man, though boy would be a better description, that was on the ground. The orange magic emanated again and the visible injuries on him were gone.

Ed really hoped that these people were the rebels that they hoped to find here rather than some other faction. Though he supposed anyone that was sending Sabertooth, a known Magneto associate, flying off like Team Rocket had to be at least somewhat on the 'rebel' side.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Jade Cornish

Jade let out a slight whistle, looking up into the sky as she saw Sabretooth comically soaring/flailing. He deserved it. She knew enough about Creed to know that he was the worst of the worst, a predator in both appearance and actions. He wasn't just a monster, but a rapist, a man known for sexual violence and dismemberment. The more she thought about it, the more being ejected into the air was probably letting him off easy. She also couldn't help but feel a growing disappointment in the fact that he had managed to survive when others had not. She didn't make any audible comments about it though, as they finally reached the rebel group.

Instantly, Jade's mind went into overdrive. The rebels were from the list OMEN had given them of heroes that may still be alive within the city. Bloom, the kid leader of the X-Men, was present and looking worse for wear. Jade snorted ever so slightly when she saw that Guinevere Stark was still alive. She hadn't known she was a mutant. To be honest, Jade was surprised SHIELD had even taken her as an agent. She seemed like every other rich person's kid - useless and irrelevant. And... Quicksilver? He was still around? "I'm Jade," Jade offered, her accent immediately marking her as British. "We're here to help. They're nuking the city soon."

Guinevere Stark

Guin was frustrated that Lance didn't like her idea of climbing into the shopping cart - it was perfectly reasonable! And logical! It would get him away from Sabretooth quickly and - Guin paused in her mental rant, looking up to see that Sabretooth was blasting off again like he was Team Rocket, flying through the sky. Her eyes then fell to the plant-spring that Mary had made. Well, that was one way to handle things. A small part of her wondered why Mary couldn't have done that to Magneto - if she hadn't tried her hardest - if her family could have still been alive...

"My back looks like a feral cat mauled it, which... is basically what happened," Guin answered, when Mary asked about people's injuries. She really did need to clean the wounds - dying from an infection wasn't on her bucket list. But before Guin could do much else, newcomers arrived - three new assholes. Guin looked at them warily, ready to run them over with her shopping cart at any sudden movements... but they claimed to be nice? Except for one of them was wearing a gas mask like those creepy guys from Doctor Who? And then Ms. Gas Mask said that nukes were being sent?

"... How soon is soon? And by they I'm guessing the US government, Ms. Apocalypse?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Mary was a bit on edge, but the group seemed to be alright in the long run as they were more or less seemingly able to lend some aid, and she relaxed a little bit. However she didn't drop her guard entirely, she learned that looks can be deceiving very early on in this whole mess, so even if they were being helpful and all now, didn't mean that they wouldn't turn their backs on them in a split second. Though she started figuring to trust them, at least a little bit, when she saw the gas mask that Jade was wearing, and she looked at Guin with her comment, and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Guin, she's a human, outside of the city pretty sure they have no idea if the virus is still able to infect people, or if Magneto's managed to make more and just make the city completely uninhabitable to normal humans without them. So the mask is probably just a precaution right? And I take it the other two are likely mutants." Mary figured, explaining it somewhat with a bit of a shrug.

"Eh, mostly right anyway, I'm a mutate, and a few other things with regards to my powers protect me from anything potentially effecting me from that virus. But otherwise you are spot on with regards to everything else, smart. My name is Thalia Maehers."

"Fun, nice to meet you lot, and also I'm surprised that the government hasn't decided to try and nuke the city yet already. Though am I the only one who knows how bad of an idea that is? All things considering they should probably have the obvious pointed out that most nukes and missiles are made out of metal. You know, the thing that Magneto likely could easily send back their way. Based on what they were saying, wouldn't be surprised if they didn't use their heads and realize the idiocy that is them."

"Yeah, they are kind of dumb at times. Though guessing they are hoping that when the city gets nuked, Magneto is distracted and doesn't pay attention, and then everyone ends up dead."

Lance looked at Ed, and nodded his head slightly, "Thanks for that, maybe I can fix my injuries the rest of the way..." he said to him, really hoping that the injury to his legs wasn't permanent. If it was permanent, then things were going to be horrible for him in general. Light started emanating from his hands in a little ball, as the remaining of his injuries started to heal themselves. Of course, in theory, he should be able to start walking again, if nothing was permanently damaged. Then again, the damage even if it was temporary it might take a moment or two for him to be able to actually walk around.

He started to get up, and thankfully, the damage clearly wasn't permanent. However he was very unsteady on his feet and more or less used his powers over light to sort of create braces that more or less allowed him to keep himself standing. Though they were sort of in an interesting sort of situation with this sort of thing. "Okay... Damage doesn't seem to be permanent, that's a good thing..." he muttered, having assessed the situation in general.

"So... Things are fun, maybe we should get off the streets? I mean, this likely will have drawn more attention and all to us aside from just you three. Which means we really should get off the streets if we don't want to get caught up in too much more trouble and we can maybe talk about stuff later," Pietro pointed out, looking at the full group.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City Building Interior
Skills: N/A

Carolina watched as the strangers approached, the only guy from the new group approached her sister and yanked out the rebar that was in her sister's gut wincing as it was pulled out and hearing it clanging to the ground. She was still a little bit weary of them still as she turned towards the gas mask woman noting that her accent was british like herself and Cassandra were. Then the news about the US government just going full scorched earth and just wanting to nuke the entire city wasnt smart at all in her opinion.

"Uncle Sam seems pretty stupid then if they think that sending some nuclear missiles at the city where Magneto is a pretty dumb plan." Carolina said wincing slightly as another shot of pain had gone through her and looked down at her wounds, she was really feeling the pain now. They did really need to get out of the streets and back into the tunnels as well to before more of magneto's mutants came after them all.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra nodded slightly towards Ed as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath as Ed quickly yanked out the rebar, feeling blood starting to come out, just as Ed started to use his magic to heal her wounds. She took a moment and sighed as she looked down to see where the rebar used to be and a scar now had formed there now. "Thank you." Cass said towards Ed as she looked over towards Carolina who was still in pretty bad shape right now to. "Could you heal my sister to if you don't mind?" Cass asked him, as Jade spoke up, and looked at her as she mentioned about the US government sending out nukes to the city which was bad.

She looked towards Guin for a moment she had to agree and wanted to know what the time window for this was, going up against Magneto would be really hard. "I'm assuming that they aren't sending in anymore aid now are they?" Cassandra asked them, she was also curious how they got into the city in the first place. "I have to agree we should head down into the tunnels and discuss more there."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Edus Penior

Skill: Magic

"Glad that's enough. If you need more assistance let me know." Ed told Banner. Then nodded to the woman who had had the rebar in her. He looked over at her sister, stepping closer, and then casting his healing spell. Orange light emanated from his hands again. surrounding the first woman's sister. When the light faded she was healed.

"No. We'll be lucky if we get an extraction." He confirmed her question. "Lead the way." He said taking a half step back from the group letting them guide the way into the tunnels mentioned. He doubted the tunnels would be anything like his home. The tunnels he would never see again.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guinevere Stark

Guin was mildly annoyed with Mary speaking to her like she was a child who couldn't process information. Of course she knew that humans couldn't be in NYC due to the virus, it had killed her entire family. She knew it was airborne, she had been heavily involved in figuring out Magneto's plan in the first place. The more she thought about it, the angrier Guin felt, and it didn't help that her back was majorly fucked up thanks to Sabretooth. She felt like screaming and rushing off to be by herself for a moment, so that way she wouldn't be tempted to strangle Mary, but there was nowhere to go. She was stuck.

"I hate it here," Guin muttered under her breath. Maybe it would be for the best if the government did send nukes, maybe Magneto then would finally put her out of her misery. Guin set off ahead of the group for the nearest tunnel entrance, opening it up and hopping on down. She didn't really want anyone to talk to her, mostly since she only really wanted to scream at people or curl up into a ball and cry - either option would do. She didn't have a good outlet for all of the complicated feelings threatening to overwhelm her.

Jade Cornish

Jade wasn't very impressed with the group that they had found. They seemed rather shellshocked, which was a given considering everything they must have gone through, but there was evidently a reason as to why they had been unsuccessful at fighting Magneto. They were child soldiers - and not even good ones. Jade sighed. At least they might be able to get some information out, but she wasn't going to hold her breath as to it being useful. The stakes were incredibly high here and the aid in the city was just lacking. Maybe their energy would've been better devoted towards another strategy, but it was too late now. They couldn't change course.

"Ta, that sounds good," Jade commented, the annoyance and lack of faith somehow hidden in her voice. The Stark kid led the way into the tunnels, Jade noticing her body language that very much radiated angry - not surprising, but didn't boost her opinion of this group at all. They had a speedster and still hadn't managed to defeat Magneto - a waste of resources if Jade had ever heard of one. "Are there more of you or... is this it?" Jade asked, doubting that they had anyone waiting in reserve, but willing to be pleasantly surprised.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Pietro instantly zipped over and was easily keeping up with Guin as she started leading the way to the tunnels. "Are you okay Guina? I mean everyone is kind of a bit on edge at the moment..." he whispered to her, sticking close by to her as they headed into the tunnels. Everyone was a bit on the freaked out side, especially considering that likely the world was going to end soon if they didn't stop Magneto completely within the next day or so, which meant that everything was all hectic.

Mary was remaining fairly quiet as Jade had asked if there was anyone else. Actually, there were, well, it was barely plural with their being anyone else. It was sheer dumb luck that there even was any others. Like, the only people who had survived were either mutants, or people who managed to survive the virus because of some other power or force that protected them. Which is why they had Ben Grimm still around, and then the curious incident that was Bruce Banner, more or less stuck in the form of the Hulk cause otherwise he'd end up dead from the virus.

"...There's only like, three others. And I know one of them is able to survive a nuke to the city even if the city got blown up," Lance commented with a bit of a laugh. He realized that he hadn't really introduced himself aside from more or less just saying thank you to Ed. "Um... I'm Lance by the way, Banner," he introduced himself to Ed and the group, figuring he might as well fully introduce himself to the three new people. Of course, didn't really matter if they had a very strong chance of dying in the next day or two (well, even more then usual) so it probably didn't really matter.

"So, who are the three others still around? Or will it likely be plainly obvious once we get there?" Thalia asked as the group went into the tunnel area, and honestly now she could easily understand why no one could easily tell that anyone other then Magneto's group were still in the city. The group hid out in essentially the sewer tunnels underneath the city, which explained a lot about them in general overall.

"I mean, two kind of stand out like a sore thumb, the other stands out for a completely different reason." Mary responded, though she was more or less mentally in her own little world. Her mind was racing a bit, and she was still very hesitant to bring these three strangers into the tunnels with them. It felt like they were risking a lot by trusting them for any reason. Sure, Ed had seemingly healed the others and all with his powers, but still. Trusting them for any sort of reason, well, she was just on edge, and if it seemed like the three of them might turn on them, she wasn't going to hesitate to just kill them.

Eventually, they'd reach their small area that was there own little hideaway. It wasn't much and sort of sprawled out into the other tunnels surrounding the more open area. Sitting in the corner that would be a bit more plainly obvious on the ground would be a fairly familiar hammer (that being Mjolnir), but didn't seem like Thor was in the main area currently. There were a few loud footsteps that came their way, and eventually Ben Grimm (the Thing) came into view down one of the tunnels. He instantly looked ready for a fight seeing the three new people show up, "Who the hell are they?" he grumbled instantly.

"Some people who came to give some help when we needed it. It's fine Ben... Where are my dad and Thor?"

"Not that far down the tunnel from here. You all sure that it was a good idea to bring strangers here?"

"Eh, somewhat sure, not entirely sure still if we can fully trust them or not, but they did sort of help out at the time, so they seem alright," Mary responded with a bit of a shrug.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Edus Penior


So this group of kids at least had other people with them. He shook Lance Banner's hand. He opened his mouth to say something and then closed it before finally saying. "Well, I'm, glad to know there is something resembling a resistance in this area. I was going to say nice to meet you, but considering the circumstances." He shrugged.

They followed the group down into the tunnels. Ed knew it'd probably be a good idea to meet the others that they had and maybe as a group they could deal with Magneto and get rid of the need for a nuke. He raised his eyebrow at the mention of Thor. This group had Thor and Banner and had somehow not been successful. That made Ed wonder who all was on Magento's side. That'd be a good question once everyone was gathered. Any intel this group of kids had would be essential for their mission.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City Building Interior
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked up at Ed and gave him a slight smile as he was able to patch her up. "Thank you, i'm Carolina it's nice to meet you." She said towards him, as she watched Guin turning off and making her way down towards the sewers where they had been staying. Carolina followed shortly behind her and Pietro and started to climb down the ladder and eventually made it to the bottom. She headed further down until they were in their little makeshift home of sorts.

"How are things here?" Carolina asked looking over towards Ben as he, he seemed to be on edge with their three new guests as far as she could tell she trusted them. She wasnt sure where Thor or Bruce Banner were further down, she wasnt sure what they all were doing really.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra was grateful that Ed was able to patch her sister up, and she was back up on her feet again, her attention turned towards Jade asking if it was just them or if there were anymore. "There are only three more of us around." Cassandra said, she'd have tried to call for more help herself. But she was pretty sure that SHIELD had considered her long dead by now, she was technically just an ordinary human at the time before the virus was unleashed. "Lets get going." Cassandra said as she started to follow the others down as well to and into the sewers.

Cass got off of the ladder and made her way towards their little home seeing Ben Grimm coming over and was instantly questioning about their three new guests. Cass still wasnt super sure if these people could be trusted but if they were here to help take down Magneto then she was willing to listen to what they had in mind Thor and Hulk were both apparently further down in the tunnel doing something.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guinevere Stark

Guin didn't know how to put into words everything that she was feeling, but primarily, she was tired. The humans were apparently going to nuke New York City, as that was always their solution. The last time they had sent a nuke, her dad had almost died diverting it into outer space. Maybe it had been foolish for him to even try back then - maybe New York's destiny was to be destroyed by the United States government. And if they managed to stop this nuke, what stopped the next one? What kept the government from sending a nuke the next time an Avengers level threat reared its ugly head? Was there a point in resisting Magneto if the humans were going to kill them anyways? "I'm fine, I'm just tired of all of this - of living in the fucking sewer and eating garbage... I should be in a penthouse watching Netflix and scrolling through social media, or in a lab running some sort of experiment... I'm not meant for this," she confessed to Pietro quietly.

"I know Guina... None of this is really what any of us expected at all..."

"The humans are going to kill us all - and if they don't, they'll just send a nuke again. The first one nearly killed my dad," Guin said.

"You don't know that..."

"Yeah, I don't," Guin said, but privately, she couldn't help but wonder if they were on the wrong side. She didn't believe that Magneto was good - she hated him, he had killed her family - but humanity didn't seem much better either. Maybe it would've been better to walk away and let everyone kill each other. She waved slightly at the Thing, not really in a mood to talk anymore - even with Pietro.

Jade Cornish

Jade wasn't shocked to see that apparently the Thing had survived all of this - and to learn that Thor and the Hulk had as well. It was grim to know, though, that even their resistance against Magneto hadn't been enough. She knew she was an egotistical person, but even Jade was finding it hard to believe that they could succeed in their mission when those three powerhouses could not. A moment's reflection though comforted her - Thor and the Thing weren't known for being geniuses. And the Hulk was a complicated case. The answer was likely not brute force here, but strategy - and she excelled at that.

All they needed to do was devise the optimal strategy and enact it. She would need to catalogue all of the powers and abilities available to them amongst this group, as well as those of their opponents. Some of them in this tunnel would likely end up having to sacrifice their lives - Jade herself knew she was unlikely to leave this city alive - but that was acceptable. She didn't come here to live.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Pietro figured that Guin didn't really want to talk with him or really say all of what was going through her head currently. He was a bit worried about her, but of course, they weren't exactly in an easy place to just go off by themselves to easily have a conversation about everything without others likely overhearing or something like that. So he dropped their current conversation, and paid attention to what everyone else was saying.

"Huh, this is definitely an interesting group to be around..." Thalia couldn't help but mutter under her breath. She was wondering what exactly the full mess of everything with Magneto if this group couldn't by chance take him down. Thor was literally a god (though she definitely knew that didn't necessarily mean anything), and a part of her couldn't help but wonder a bit on how Banner was even alive. Maybe it was a similar situation to her own situation with regards to the virus, or how the Thing was still around because of what his own body and powers were like. Maybe because of the Hulk he's alive? Would make sense if that was the case she supposed.

"Apparently the country has decided to nuke us," Mary ended up saying towards Ben, figuring she'd be blunt about it.

"huh, took them that long to decide to try and do that? It won't work, but surprised they didn't push the button when all of this started."

"...That actually is a valid point now that you mention it, never thought about it, but usually people tend to shoot first and ask questions later..." Mary commented. Thor and Banner had heard the conversations and came from one of the tunnels into the central area where everyone was.

"... The eyes of the Valkyries are upon us, it seems. Perchance we shall feast in Valhalla's halls before the sun has set," Thor contemplated. "... Hail, godslayers," Thor then said, looking at Jade and Thalia.

Banner's eyes darted to Thor. "... You sound ridiculous sometimes..."

"...To be fair that was an accident... How the hell was I supposed to know she was so flammable?"

"Uh what?"

"Last Asgardian I ran into I kind of burned to death by complete accident... I mean sure, she was kind of trying to destroy everything and everyone, I just spat a fireball and well... Poof." Thalia added, before looking a bit surprised at Banner, well that wasn't exactly what she had expected. "Also, I've got to ask, is he stuck like that or what happened?" she added, looking towards Banner.

"He's stuck since the virus is still there, if he shifts back fully he will die..." Lance explained somewhat, with a bit of a shrug.

"I actually like this - Hulk and Banner, the best of both worlds," Banner argued.

"Hel is the goddess of death, she'll get better," Thor told Thalia. "No harm done, but the stench of her is on your skin, young maiden."

"Whatever you say about it."

"Doesn't mean it isn't weird or whatever still! Not to mention if a nuke actually did hit the city and wasn't sent flying back and likely destroying the rest of the country or whatever, still pretty sure you are the only person in this room who would actually survive it, just saying." Yeah, he wasn't at all used to the fact to the whole situation with regards to his dad and the Hulk. It was still beyond weird in general to him, just how he viewed the whole thing.

"Yeah, about the whole nuke thing. Anyone have any suggestions, I am wide open to any sort of suggestions to maybe stop world war three from happening, since that will happen if Magneto turns it back away from the city, since let's be honest, he's almost certainly will. So any thoughts or suggestions or whatever?" Mary had been a lot less on the whole working as a team thing, or really taking charge of anything since this whole situation started. It mainly was because of the fact that the last time she really did that sort of thing, it had been the mission where they had been too slow to deal with anything to prevent what was happening. Personally, if she had the choice, she would go off to try and deal with Magneto by herself right now, but she also knew that either the others would stop her or follow after her. Mary didn't care that she might die when this situation was fully dealt with, that's just how things likely would be.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Edus Penior


Ed nodded at Carolina. Down in their hideout the others gathered. "Well I think we really only have one option. Deal with Magneto ourselves. If we can kill him then there is no reason for a nuke." This was already a suicide mission for them. He had come to terms with not surviving. If they could kill Magneto then at least it would be worth it.

"What can you guys tell us about who they have, how many they have, what their head quarters is like? Anything." Ed gestured. They could work out a plan after they had details. It would be not just suicidal but would ultimately lead to failure if they didn't do something resembling planning. Also Ed had a feeling Jade wouldn't consider it an option.

He did raise an eyebrow at the conversation between Thor and Thalia. Maybe if they survived they could go for drinks and talk about all the stupid shit that led to this moment. That'd be novel.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guinevere Stark

Guin listened to everything everyone was saying, trying not to give into the pessimistic tinge of her thoughts. They could kill Magneto and end all of this, but they had been trying to do so for ages and hadn't managed to do it. Then, if they managed to somehow stop the nuke, that didn't stop the governments of the world from sending more. Thor could potentially divert some of them into space, but every time? And even if they did kill Magneto, what stopped the government from deciding to nuke New York's mutant population anyways? She wished that she had some brilliant solution that would fix everything. As much as she claimed that she didn't care if she lived or died... Guin wanted to live. She wanted her life to go back to normal. She glanced at Pietro, contemplating something.

"We should have a contingency plan for if we don't succeed - if you all can get into the city, it stands to reason we could get Thor out. If Thor can intercept the nuke and redirect it up into space, it'll buy us some time before the next one is sent," Guin suggested. As for Edus' question, "Magneto holes up near Madison Square Garden, he controls several blocks around the place, his group is always there." They unfortunately didn't know much. Knowing more would've improved their odds of success - and everyone in the city, and the world, was counting on them to defuse this situation.

Jade Cornish

Jade was intrigued by the changes she saw in front of her. The Thing, Hulk, and Thor surviving wasn't the interesting factor - it was more that the Hulk seemed to have become tamed, almost civilized. She had to wonder if he had been capable of doing that all along and if the virus had simply given him the push needed to survive. Thor made a comment about the stench of death on her and Thalia and Jade opened her mouth to make a snarky comment, only for Thalia to run her mouth like she was medically incapable of not speaking. And by the time there was an opening for Jade to reply, the moment had passed. Of course, no one could see her rolling her eyes or how she had been about to speak thanks to the gas mask.

"So all you have is a location, something that could be easily ascertained from a satellite feed or a few hours of reconnaissance work?" Jade summarized, less than impressed with this group's abilities. Thalia had already managed to get them almost identical information with her quick aerial scouting earlier. No wonder these people had been so inefficient when it came to fighting Magneto. They were idiots. "I see. Then we should avoid giving your group any too complex a task, just in case it's too hard for your minds to comprehend. In fact, I think you all would be excellently suited to engage Magneto's forces, creating a diversion so Edus, Thalia, and I can sneak inside to slay Magneto. I trust you all have combative powers? If you don't, then you should stay behind and not waste our time - or your life."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City Building Interior
Skills: N/A

Carolina listened to everyone was they started to speak as she stood up and stretched slightly, she turned to stare at Jade for a moment as she spoke and glared at her for a moment. She didnt really like the way that she was speaking and that she suggested that the three of them just go ahead and fight Magneto himself alone while the rest of them would be more or less the canon fodder and fight the Brotherhood alone by themselves before speaking up.

"If all of us havent figured out a way to stop Magneto, then how would the three of you even be able to take out Magneto by yourselves solo?" Carolina pointed out and then gestured towards Jade. "I mean just a simple breach in your suit would most likely end up killing you pretty quickly with the virus still airborne most likely, you need at least one of us to help you out there. And you'll probably need someone who knows the building pretty well to get you inside."

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra listened to the others as the spoke, she stared at her sister for a moment as she spoke up, and shook her head slightly, she wasnt really sure what kind of plan that they could come up with. "If you all manage to take out Magneto, whats to say that the US government does decide to nuke the city anyway? Do you happen to have a way to let the outside world know that you were successful or something like that?" Cassandra asked the three of them.

"I was a SHIELD agent before all of this, if you have a way to contact the outside, I could try and make contact with someone on the outside to try and delay the launch. Or at least give us some more time to do a little bit of recon around the area, or give them targets to distract Magneto and his people while we sneak in and take him out." Cassandra said, she wasnt sure if the plan would work at all, or if someone else in the room could think of a better plan.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

"I honestly don't know a whole lot about the inner area... I typically just sort of use my powers defensively and for healing in a bit of a pinch if need be... You do realize not everyone is a fighter right? Magneto has gotten most mutants in the city to be on his side, and honestly probably want us dead... Most of their powers from what is plainly obvious, are a lot more volatile then ours, if we attacked them just head on, well then that was going to result in us probably dying since they have numbers and firepower. We don't really have either, sure, we've got some firepower... But they have both, in general, and we don't. So how exactly do you expect us to get super close?"

"Not to mention pretty sure we'd stand out like a sore thumb, if I zipped around in the area people would plainly know I was there... Since you know, wind from running and all..."

Mary's eyes had a bit of an eerie sort of greenish glow to them for a moment. Before going back to normal. "Before you assume anything maybe get the full idea of what people do and don't know... I guess you can say I have a bit of a... Security system... Scattered around the city... It's still fairly new, not perfect... And a work in progress still... But I do have... Some ideas..." Mary muttered. It had more or less been something she had been messing with. Being able to see through plant life wasn't something she ever thought possible for her to accomplish a year ago, and now she found herself being able to do that. She had tested it out with a few streets here and there, before she eventually managed to create a bit of a network throughout the city, including inside of Magneto's compound.

"Why the hell didn't you mention this before?" Pietro couldn't help but ask her, raising a bit of an eyebrow.

"Because it only got setup two days ago!" she snapped back crossing her arms, "And I was still messing around with everything. I wasn't sure the range on it when I was starting to mess with it! I didn't know for a fact if it would even work, so for testing I've literally just been glancing at it every so often, and I didn't want to get hopes up of getting a better insight without knowing for a fact that everything worked correctly and the way I hoped it did!" She was annoyed, but she could understand why people would question why she hid that. However, she kept things to herself unless she knew for sure something worked at this point. Unless she was positive, she didn't act on anything, partially because of the fact that the last time she went off and basically was winging something, it had resulted in their situation. It was obvious that Mary blamed herself for what had happened, and that was why she never really spoke up about anything, but it was clear she still did have an idea of things to do.

"Well, what can you tell us about the area then?" Thalia asked calmly, figuring that it might be best to just move on a little bit and diffuse the situation before people started fighting each other.

She took a deep breath, before Mary turned her attention towards Thalia now, "The main central area of the city that they have blocked off spans for several blocks. It's essentially another town within the city. However, the closer you get to the main building that Magneto claims as his main base of operations, the stronger and more powerful the members of the group you encounter are. One thing is obvious though, Magneto isn't the only one living in the main building. It seems like essentially his most trusting and loyal followers all reside in building along with him. From Mystique and Mastermind, to Sabretooth, when he isn't causing issues for us obviously, and the Scarlet Witch," she continued, glancing at Pietro for a moment when she mentioned his sister. "Even though most of the city doesn't have too much electricity and power to run a lot of equipment or lighting and everything, Magneto and his crew do, enough to power just about everything they have there, including the buildings, but that shouldn't come as a shock really."

"Do you have any more info aside from that on what might we expect on the inside of the building itself?" Thalia then asked her, figuring that asking would be better then nothing, and if she didn't have any info, then so be it. But she already provided them with a few more details then the Stark kid had.

Oddly enough, despite not really wanting to be in charge, Mary easily stepped back into that sort of role for the moment, but deep down she really didn't want to be the one calling the shots or coming up with ideas. Actually, she really just wanted to go be by herself and more or less just attempting to do some surveillance and not actively doing anything but just watching the city. Alone. Without anyone around. "Unfortunately... No... I couldn't easily get anything inside of the main building itself... Once at the building, I probably could using the ventilation system or something like that for the purpose... But I don't have the layout of the interior. However, if you want ideas of a building plan from before Magneto likely did redecorating or right when we get there... I guess you could try combing through city hall to see if there is a building plan, but that would take a lot of time, which we don't exactly have... Finding a way to send the nuke away though would be a good thing to think about... The hard part would be you'd have to intercept the nuke before Magneto has the chance to turn it away. And from what I've been able to tell, getting into the city is a lot easier then getting out..."

"Problem is obviously you can't exactly just blow up a nuke above the city... And the problem with redirecting it is that you'd have to get a massive head start on the nuke in order to have enough time to redirect it... Before obviously Magneto decides to more or less return to sender..."

"Doing a bit of reconnaissance makes sense to me, get a little better of an idea aside from what Mary just said... Should be fun and simple right? We just have to stop him before the world essentially ends, easy. No problem."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Edus Penior


Well, that explained the...friendly...nature of Thalia and Jade's relationship. They had known each other prior, that had been obvious, and apparently, that was because they had killed an Asgardian together. Cool.

He listened as the group discussed what they knew. Mary had a way better idea than the others. Though it still wasn't as much as they had hoped. One of them needed to send a message out, and let Alexander know what they had found out. They had completed the mission technically. He would have liked to have more information. But they knew where Magneto's base of operations was, they knew some of who worked for them, and they had even made contact with the small group of survivors.

Ed was perfectly happy stretching their mission parameters. Killing Magento would be a great way to deal with the problem. "Jade, Thalia, either of you want to find a quiet place to send a message to Alex? We haven't checked in yet and he's probably started to get concerned." He asked. Jade was the better choice in his mind. She had a good head for details. He turned to Mary, "Thank you for the additional information. I think we should start with recon. We have two days. If we can spare someone to go to the City Hall to look at records I believe that would be a good idea." Someone who was less fight-y with someone who could protect them would be a good choice. He'd let the group decide for themselves though. "As for the rest of us. I'd like to get an idea of numbers and what sort of powers. While at the City Hall see if there is an underground route into the building. What sort of powers do you all have? So we know what we are working with." They all had to have something since otherwise, they'd be dead.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City Building Interior
Skills: N/A

Carolina leaned back slightly as she listened to the others speaking as she looked towards Mary seeing that she had made some sort of security camera system was pretty interesting. She had a feeling that it would come in handy whenever they do start fighting and getting some more exact numbers on the number of mutants who were living in the Madison Square Garden area. She turned to look at Ed asking what everyone elses' powers they had.

Out of everyone here she probably had the most useless power out of the entire group, she didnt have any kind of flashy offensive power. "I have astral projection, doesnt really help much in a fight unless I am able to possess someone, it's better for reconning an area really more than anything." Carolina answered Ed as she looked over at everyone else in the room she was probably the one with the least amount of combat experience.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra listened to Mary as she looked towards her mentioning that she had some sort of plant like camera system around the city was pretty interesting and she could get a better feel who was around the area. She started to think for a moment she wasnt really a botanist or anything like that and she wasnt sure the extent of Mary's powers could go. "Could you make a plant that could release some sort of gas to knock out some of Magneto's men, that could maybe make things a bit easier for us." Cassandra asked hopefully Mary could give that a try, that would be useful.

Cass turned her attention towards Ed as he asked the group about their powers, her sister was the first to answer, as she gestured towards The Thing his body was covered in some sort of organic stone. "I have dermal armor, I can take a bit of a beating but how much depends on how hard you hit me." Cass said, though it was more of a passive power, she could handle some of the attacks from others but only for so much like what Sabertooth had done to her not to long ago.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Jade Cornish

Jade snorted slightly at Carolina's words. "You see but you do not observe. Point one being I'm not wearing a suit to keep the virus from my lungs, merely this gas mask. Point two being that I have no delusion that I'll leave this city alive. I died in Altsoba and came back from a devil's bargain. I killed Lucifer. I was there when the goddess of death burned. Magneto might fancy himself a god - and that happens to be my specialty when it comes to killing." She paused, hearing the concerns then raised by Cassandra. Goodness, these people were getting on Jade's nerves. She was seeing less and less of a point in engaging them beyond using them as cannon fodder later on. "Do you think we'd really come here without a means of communicating? As for pulling your SHIELD credentials, who do you think sent us here? We're part of a joint OMEN and SHIELD initiative, with a direct line to OMEN's director." Jade scoffed.

Lance's attempt at cutting Jade down didn't work either. In fact, he just added to her feelings of frustration with them. He admitted that they weren't all fighters. If their powers weren't useful, then Jade had no interest in them. They clearly were an ineffective means of stopping Magneto, and Jade had no interest in watching whatever poor excuse for hand-to-hand combat the no-fighting-powers members practiced. Neither did Mary attempting to chastise Jade for assumptions, only to then reveal she had been keeping this information from her own team - and providing details that once again, Jade was fairly certain Thalia could've gotten herself.

"I'll go update Jakobsen. I'll have him pull copies of the building plans, an audio description of the plans isn't ideal but can be made doable...." Jade then trailed off, not even realizing it was possible to roll her eyes so hard as Carolina revealed that she had the ideal recon power and apparently, hadn't been able to use it to learn anything. "The collective IQ of the planet would be improved if New York was wiped off the map, clearly," Jade muttered under her breath.

Guinevere Stark

Guin didn't like Jade - it felt like she was talking to some sort of irritating Sith lord, with the mask that concealed Jade's face. She half expected Jade to fall into the enraging quiet tones of Kreia, to explain the agonizing wound in the Force that one of them carried. Guin wanted to be the main character in this story - she wanted to be able to avenge her father, to put the world back to right, to save everyone. But with each day and each moment, she realized she wasn't the main character. She was Leia, not Luke - not a Jedi, barely even a mutant. "Such a goddamn mega bitch," Guin sniped, but she wasn't going to dwell on Jade that much longer.

She knew that hearing Mary had a surveillance system set up now should've made her hopeful - but if anything, it made her bitter. It confirmed what they had already more or less known - that Magneto and his chosen were living their best lives, while the rest of them hid in the sewers like rats. At least the man, Edus, was far more pleasant to listen to than Jade. "I can switch bodies with people, but only if I can make skin-to-skin contact first," Guin explained. She felt a little bit embarrassed over her mutant power. It wasn't really useful. She hadn't even been able to use it on Sabretooth earlier that day. The only thing it had done was keep her from dying when Magneto released the virus and sometimes, she wished that it hadn't.

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