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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bethany Bell

Westchester, New York, Xavier's Mansion Foyer.
Skills: N/A

Bethany watched as Ed started to use his ability to find out where the others were, she was glad that he was able to find that the others were separated into separate groups at least that made things a little bit easier. "If you could get an exact location I could try and shadow travel us all over to them." Bethany said towards him, though she had done really only short distance jumps nothing to big, she didnt want to end up traveling into a wall or anything like that would really suck.

Bethany nodded slightly as Mary quickly bolted off down one of the flights of stairs, she wasnt sure what Mary was looking for after she tested that the mansion did have power. Beth continued to watch the holograms as they went about their day pretty much, though they seemed to be really glitching out, as she noticed a hologram version of Mary which was kind of weird to her. "Maybe someone is actually here." Beth said towards Ed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Pietro had more or less ignored the question Runa had asked of him and she sighed slightly, annoyed. For someone so fast, he could be painfully slow at times, missing important questions - and sometimes even events. She was about to repeat her question again for the hyperactive mutant when suddenly, she could hear voices in the distance. She followed behind Pietro to investigate, figuring that at the very least whatever they saw would give them more clues as to their whereabouts. What she did see was surprising. There was a beastly looking man, growling and hitting at the air, where a silver blur was zipping about.

It was Quicksilver.

Runa instantly cast a spell using her algiz rune - it took her a few moments to concentrate, but a cloak of invisibility then shrouded herself, Pietro, and Klara, protecting them from being noticed. With that put in place, Runa then silently began to work divination magic, using the ĹŤĂľila rune as a focus. She concentrated on the other Quicksilver, eventually beginning to pry small pieces of his backstory, his history, the baggage that he possessed. He was a killer, a mad one at that. Her eyes darted over towards the Pietro they had come here with. She knew he wasn't much of a killer, nor was he mad, but as someone from Asgard, Runa didn't necessarily see being a killer as a bad thing. Warriors killed. She held a finger to her lips, indicating for Klara and Pietro to be silent, before mouthing a word while pointing at the other Quicksilver - killer.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Alleyway
Skills: Telepathy

"Basically the story bible for an alternate world where everything went to shit," Guin explained, taking another breath as she tried to keep her head from spinning. She had gotten a little bit better at her telepathy, mostly because it was annoying to not really understand her own powers, but she was still nowhere near the level of expert telepaths like Professor Xavier or Jean Grey. Getting that rush of memories and information had been a bit much for her. She could practically imagine Pietro going this is because you don't practice enough and she rolled her eyes instinctively. Before she could say anything else though, things got interesting.

Lance - not her Lance, but the other one, the one who had gone through hell, took off sprinting. And then seconds later, a vaguely familiar looking person popped up, who Guin realized, thanks to her accidentally downloading the Dungeon Master's Guide to this world, was Lance's twin sister, the creatively named Lana Banner. The girl who had been abducted by a cult. And not even the fun sort of cult. "Your brother ran off that way, Lana," Guin said, pointing in the direction the other Lance had gone. She then concentrated, tapping into Lana's mind, and altering the way that she perceived Lance. She managed to tweak her perception of him slightly, but Guin was out for perfection. She tried again, but was unable to transform Lance into a perfect likeness of Lando Calrissian. Instead, he would look slightly like Lance to Lana. "You've got the wrong guy, he gets mistaken for Lance all the time."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Westchester, New York, Outside of Xavier's Mansion

Ed blinked when he saw the younger Mary. He hadn't known her for long, certainly not long enough to have seen her look that young. He watched her for a moment. Whatever had happened here, had happened years ago. That had been evident from the state of the place, but this drove that home, and it was unsettling.

"I'm not sure I understand the purpose of this hologram." He said. They weren't ghosts, not with the weird glitching. These had been intentionally left behind. Was a message in their patterns? Who would that message be for? He thought of how they were looping. Was this one specific day? Was this the day that the Mansion had been abandoned?

"I might be able to get an exact location if I had a map. But my tracking spell was never that precise." He told Bethany. He knew it was possible to make it more precise. He probably could with time and testing, but he couldn't guarantee it would work. The spell had been designed to follow someone on foot. Not find them a continent away. Though he had, with Runa's help, gotten it to give him directions to someone in space.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 32 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Alleyway – New York City
Skills: Illusion Casting;

Guin’s answer wasn’t comforting to Antoinette. So they were in some alternate reality that ran along a similar timeline to their own. To make matters even more strange, the person who was running from them suddenly stopped to turn and look at them. It was Lance, but not their Lance and then he was running again and someone else entered the alleyway.
She walked over to Lance, thinking it was the same one who was just running away. Guin seemed to know who she was and it must have been information she gathered from the other Lance’s mind. Guin was working to try and confuse the girl and Antoinette jumped on the idea of that. She cast an illusion that this Lance had brown eyes rather than blue and blonde hair rather than brown. She succeeded in changing Lana’s perception into seeing brown eyes but didn’t for the hair.
”That’s true. They do look similar from far away but not so much up close,” Antoinette said, smiling softly as she rocked back on her heels, hoping this Lana would believe them and move on.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Wooded Area
Well, to say the least the fact that it was weird to see more or less looking at another version of himself was more then a bit of an understatement. Like this was more then a little bit freaky as he watched his counterpart continue to zip around and bug Sabretooth, and clearly he was cackling more then a little bit. Pietro glanced towards Runa as she made them invisible, and the word that she mouthed made him get a little sick to his stomach. This version of him was a killer? Runa would easily be able to tell that Pietro was not too thrilled and was a bit freaked out over what she had more or less been telling them. Klara was remaining fairly quiet, as she was just watching to see what was going to happen.

Quicksilver managed to land a punch on Sabretooth rather easily, but only because Sabretooth had stopped trying to hit him and just sort of standing there. "Oh come on, what's the problem now?" Quicksilver asked Sabretooth, sort of sounding annoyed and taunting a bit. "This is getting boring in general! Why did you stop?"

Sabretooth didn't seem to answer, as he started sniffing the air, as if he smelled something, before he let out a bit of a low growl of sorts. "We're being watched," he growled, before starting to look around the trees and everything, as if expecting to see someone there, and his eyes narrowed.

"Look, if you want me to go scouting, all ya had to do was ask," came the speedster's response, before he raced off into the trees themselves. Thankfully, Pietro noticed something, and very quietly moved Runa gently off to the side a little bit more, as a gust of wind raced past them, and if Pietro hadn't moved her, his counterpart likely would have ran into her. Eventually the speedster zipped back into the clearing. "Well there is literally no one out there, I would have seen them even with them hiding in general you know."

Sabretooth did not seem at all to be too convinced about that and started moving towards the clearing, right towards where the group currently was hidden. "There are people there, even if you can't see them." he growled again.

New York Alleyway
She turned and looked at Guin, and her eyes seemed to flash with a sense of recognition, and then clearly some anger as she saw Guin's face. Her eyes darted over towards Annie now, and she'd have a hint of recognition and the same anger clearly evident on her face. "Stay the hell away from my brother," she snapped instantly, before electricity started darting along her skin, and jolted out at the pair of them, zapping them but not seriously, and knocking them backwards away a little bit. "You think you can mess with my head and trick me? Well think again!"

When the electricity hit Guin, she'd get a flash of memory, but this time, she knew for a fact that it was something that she had witnessed, but, well, it was a little bit strange. It would stand out to her mind, but it was almost like it was her memory, but yet it wasn't hers. What was this memory? Well when she scanned Lance's counterparts mind, she had seen everything through his eyes, including his own death. This time, she was watching that moment from a different point of view, her own, and in the memory, she'd see Pietro look at her, as if sort of saying Are you going to try and stop me? but she didn't do anything, and with one swift motion he ended up snapping his neck.

Annie, well she would end up with a similar sort of experience, with a memory that appeared to be her own going across her mind, and it would appear to be hers, but something wasn't quite right with it. She'd see the memory, of the day her mother died. Or well, the day her parents died. Instead of going out to the market, she along with her father, were still at home with her mother when the Purifiers attacked the home. Annie would vividly remember the memory of both of her parents ending up dead, and unfortunately for her, she'd end up as an orphan in the foster system. This was the only memory that was different, so it was a bit confusing, compared with her other memories of her father.

Lance was confused for a moment, but almost like a bit of an understanding or recognition crossed his mind, and he instantly grabbed onto the stranger's arm. "Lana stop it alright? Look, I get it we've both kind of been through hell for the most part, but that doesn't mean you get to just show up and act like you are the boss of me!" he snapped at her, but the thought crossed his mind that he didn't actually know who she was. Actually, he didn't know who she was, and he didn't know what he was fully referring to. He did remember that she was somewhat, at least when they were younger, important to him before she seemingly disappeared, for some reason.

"You need to not be hanging around them Lance and you know it!" she snapped back at him, yanking her arm free from him.

"I can hang around with whoever I want to. As I said, you aren't in charge of me."

"Feels like I am since most of the time you wander off to another drug dealer!"

"What I do is none of your business!" he snapped back at her, but now this situation was oddly familiar. Like they had these sort of arguments and fights all the time. As if they were like that and fighting constantly, and once again, this was not something he'd remember. Actually, he had no idea why he had these sort of vague memories involving Lana, when he had no other memories of her, and her words about a drug dealer or something didn't surprise him at all. Now he was insanely confused.

The Mansion
Downstairs, Mary was looking around, wandering around the hallways. One thing that was obvious though, was that the illusion didn't hold in the basement levels. It was clearly old and worn, as well as abandoned just in general. "Danger are you here?" she called out again, before her vision blurred, and everything seemingly went white, as if she was in a rather large white empty space. There was a large door ahead of her, and she seemed alone, at least for the moment.

"Welcome..." a voice said somewhat softly to her, as if appeared just to be in her mind or something, and now she was more then a little bit confused as to what all was going on at this point in time.

Meanwhile, back upstairs, nothing seemed to really be going on at the moment with regards to everything. With the people moving around, you would have thought that there would be the sounds of footsteps, but it was oddly quiet aside from the voices. At least, it appeared that way at first, After a moment, there would be another sound in the area, it sounded like footsteps, but they were off. Scrapes and scratching, as if metal was dragging along the floor with every step the person took. Of course, there would be a jolt of something off occurring with both Ed and Bethany, something that might potentially be a little distracting for a moment from them.

Let's start with Ed.

He'd remember everything almost like it played out, Thanos' attack in Cardiff that resulted in the death of his family. However, something else happened afterwards in the fallout. He'd remember being approached by a group, something that was a bit off of course, a woman who introduced herself as Emma Frost to him, and she offered him a chance to ensure that nothing like what happened in Cardiff happened elsewhere. And to have the power to be able to protect anyone that he might care about in the future, and to prevent others from harming anyone ever again, and she gave arguments as to how humans have been attempting that sort of thing all the time, and the arguments at the time seemed to make sense to him. Where her group wanted to more or less be at the top of the world, and have that sort of power to protect others. This memory would appear in his mind, but it wouldn't make too much sense with every other memory that he has, which is a bit confusing.

Bethany meanwhile, would have a memory of the day that her family died, more specifically in the time immediately following after it, her time spent at the orphanage. A woman would show up one day to talk to her, about what happened with her family, introducing herself as Sage. She would offer to take her in, go home with her to a group known as the Hellfire Club, who would help her to get revenge on those responsible, even though the main group was dead, Sage explained that there were people just like them still out there causing issues for other mutants. Eventually, with the conversation, Bethany would end up getting taken out of the orphanage and going off with Sage, but that was where the strange memory would end.

The world would snap back for them though, as the scraping and scratching footsteps would start to get closer and closer to where they were. A shadow would appear at the top of the staircase, and Bethany would be able to recognize her (even though it had been a while since she physically saw her) whereas Ed would not be able to tell who the person was.

A robotic woman was at the top of the staircase, and one thing Bethany would easily notice was that something was up with her, as the wires looked to be a bit busted in places, and the parts around her head seemed to be a bit rusted. The holograms would react to her presence, making it obvious that she likely was the one responsible for creating them, as several of them seemed to wave at the robot who was there. Bethany would know, that the woman wasn't typically activated unless the mansion was in serious danger, or something horrible had happened and that's what caused her to appear. The instance where Mesmero invaded the mansion and turned the group against one another was the last time she appeared in person.

"Hey there Danger!" the holographic form of Mary would call out to her with a wave.

"Bloom, a mission has appeared, the rest of the team is already heading for the war room, you would do best to join them," the woman spoke. Ed would recognize her voice belonging to the AI that was in control of the Danger Room training sessions. Bethany would notice a few things that were definitely off about her voice though. Her words were stilted, as if she was short circuiting every so often, as if she was partially damaged, but not enough to cause too many issues. Actually, that would explain a few things about her, and the holograms appearing to glitch, as Danger seemed to be old, and have been left alone by herself.

"Thanks Danger, I'll see you later then!" the hologram Mary said with a wave, before she took off towards what would have been the elevator, before disappearing entirely. Danger's attention now turned to look towards Ed and and Bethany, as if wondering what to say to them.

"Unidentified visitors to the mansion, state your names and purpose for your visit," she said in the same stilted tone, before a few holographic spikes appeared surrounding them, prepared to run them through, and if they were poked they would feel very solid. "No one is here, no one, left me alone, I am here, and it is my duty to protect this school. No unwanted visitors allowed." she was rambling a little bit, and every so often her head was twitching as she spoke. The real Mary hadn't popped back up yet, so they were stuck with the robot, who seemed like she might have a few screws loose.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bethany Bell

Westchester, New York, Xavier's Mansion Foyer.
Skills: N/A

"Well hopefully we can find you a map somewhere around here then." Bethany said towards Ed, as she took a moment and stepped back feeling a surge of memories going through her head. She remembered being raised up in an orphanage after her family was killed, and she was the sole survivor of her family. Beth remembered getting a visitor and talking and getting to know her as Sage, and was offered to join The Hellfire Club which she took it without much convincing and she wanted revenge against the people who were responsible or similar groups and leaving the orphanage with Sage.

When the memories faded she could hear some movement and then the holograms addressed the figure overlooking the foyer, when Beth got an easier look she realized that it was Danger as hologram Mary said hi. Danger sent hologram Mary off, and she noticed that Danger herself looked pretty damaged and worn as well. Bethany jumped slightly as holographic spikes appeared around her and Ed, she reached over to see if they were real or not. When she felt that they were soldi Beth quickly turned her attention towards Danger, she didnt like the idea ofbeing skewered on the holographic spikes finally spoke. "Ed and I were just passing through and stumbled onto this place." Beth said, when Danger looked like she didnt believe a word she just said quickly spoke the truth. "This is Edus, and i'm Bethany we come from a different reality, our ship crash landed in the lake just outside and we got seperated from our friends and we are looking for them." Beth said truthfully.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa was thankful for Pietro's assistance, moving her out of the path of his counterpart. It seemed his counterpart had been easily fooled by her magics, but the same couldn't be said for Sabretooth. He seemed more formidable of a foe than the other Quicksilver anyways and Runa quickly devised a plan in her head, fiddling with her raidĹŤ rune, the rune she had the best connection with and provided her strongest magic. At first, nothing happened. But then, on the second attempt, Runa managed to horizontally display Klara, Pietro, and herself by 500 feet, Sabretooth and Quicksilver no longer in sight. She wasn't satisfied though - they needed to be farther away, ideally a few miles.

Runa shifted them again, this time they appeared still in the trees, and nearby there was an entrance to some sort of bunker. She didn't take much time to ponder it, switching the rune she was concentrating on to the laguz rune. It was a water rune and Runa cast a simple spell based on it, removing their scents so that way ideally Sabretooth's trail would run cold. "I removed our scents," she whispered to Pietro and Klara, quiet enough to make sure no one else could hear. "We should keep moving."

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Alleyway
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks

Guin noticed that Annie had reinforced her telepathic manipulations with an actual concrete illusion. For a brief second, Guin realized that Annie could've been an excellent spy - SHIELD would have loved to recruit her. But that thought was cut short as Lana demanded they stay away from her brother and then shocked her, every inch of Guin's body pulsing with dangerous electricity, as she was flung backwards. Not only was the electricity physically painful, but a memory played out in front of her - in this memory, she watched as Pietro snapped Lance's neck. The scene physically disgusted her. But she didn't have time to crumble and dwell on it.

She really didn't want to get shocked again.

Lance evidently knew Lana, somehow, and had gotten into a screaming match with her. Good. That would distract her at least. "Go the fuck to sleep," Guin telepathically commanded. Her command echoed throughout Lana's mind and Lana became visibly drowsy, swaying some on her feet. Guin pushed more though, not letting up her psychic onslaught, and Lana collapsed to the ground, fast asleep. "Ugh, finally," she muttered, secretly proud of herself for doing a classic telepath trick. She peered her head around the corner of the alleyway and saw that there was a sketchy hotel not too far from there - and looking down the alleyway, she could see the vague impression of a doorway, almost completely hidden to the naked eye. She figured that had to be where Lana had come from.

As much as she didn't like Lana (due to being attacked), she wasn't going to leave her in the alley defenseless. But she also got the impression that whoever else was behind the door Lana had come from would react similarly to her presence. "One of you help me with her, okay? There's a hotel nearby - we can get a room there for her, one for us too."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 32 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Alleyway – New York City

Lana didn’t move accept the images they put into her head and she suddenly seemed very unhappy that Guin and Antoinette were with Lance. Antoinette frowned, trying to figure out how Lana may know them and why she didn’t like them but then she was hit with something electric and flung back. Shock and images filled Antoinette’s mind as her body rolled through the effects of being electrocuted.
She saw things that didn’t belong in her life, like both her parents dying and memories of running like she had with her father but she was alone and she was running from foster homes. Antoinette stood after Guin knocked Lana out with her powers. She shook her head, trying to figure out what just happened. They very well could have been memories but they weren’t her memories. Guin suggested a hotel and Antoinette nodded.
”Ya, I can help,” Antoinette offered and got on one side of Lana to help Guin carry her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Westchester, New York, Inside of Xavier's Mansion

Ed's memories shifted. He knew they were wrong because he was here with Beth. But he had not joined the X-Men in this universe. He had joined another group and while he thought of what he felt about in those memories he knew he didn't agree with what those people had wanted.

Ed had never seen Danger. He had heard her plenty of times over the months he had been at the Mansion. But he hadn't realized there was a physical body for her. Now she was threatening them. Not something he had ever expected. He hoped Mary knew some sort of code to get her to calm down, but at the moment Mary wasn't there.

But...Mary had been here. Danger had told Bloom that she had a mission. So if they convinced Danger that they were friends with Bloom maybe she'd stand down. "Hi, I'm Ed." He started. "We're friends of Bloom's." He didn't know who else would have been at the Mansion at the same time, especially in this changed universe. His stomach twisted in the fear that the group he had joined had caused...whatever had happened here.

Thankfully Danger seemed to be sort of believing them. But the Bloom she knew and the Mary that had gone downstairs wouldn't match up.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Wooded Area
"...Agreed, cause that was just plain weird... Just... Me... Killer? Bad... Very very bad... Because if people paid attention I probably could murder a bunch of people in a few seconds and no one would notice... Just... What the hell happened here..." Pietro whispered in response.

"I mean, could be worse..."

"How exactly?"

"...Not sure."

They were keeping their voices down enough, but they'd be able to pay attention as Quicksilver came zipping into view near the door that was there. "Ugh, why is Sabretooth so freaked out, there is literally no one here!" he complained, and the door nearby opened up as someone came out from it, and he looked a bit annoyed at the complaining.

"Seriously? You have to sit there complaining about everything?" he responded with an eye roll to Quicksilver's complaints. "Honestly, what are you, 6 or something? What's going on? Thought you were sparring Sabretooth?"

"I waaaaas. But Sabretooth decided to act all weird and thought that we were being watched or that there was intruders waaaaaaay out here. Seriously, he thinks some idiots decided to show up way out here. Do you honestly think someone would show up here?"

"I mean, we have had to deal with a few intruders because of everything, so honestly not too surprising at all."

"What? Do you seriously think he's right?"

"Usually he's not wrong."

"Ugh, I wish Wanda was around... But she's off doing something for father, and I'm stuck with you as the only sibling around."

"...Wait didn't that guy pop up in the reality Wanda created? He's a SHIELD agent or something like that in the real world, don't remember what his name... Second reality where he's related to me? Weeeeeird..."

"That sort of thing is very telling when you think about it... Maybe he actually is and you just don't really know it..." she responded, keeping her voice down. However, despite what she could do, she couldn't stop herself from sneezing. Now, it wasn't exactly loud, but it was loud enough for Quicksilver and the other guy to hear, and look towards where they were hiding. "Oops..." she said somewhat quietly, but at that point it didn't really matter.

"Still think Sabretooth is crazy?"

"Oh shut up Firestorm and maybe we should do something useful!"

He shrugged in response as his entire body lit on fire, before he sent a fireball directly where they had heard the sound come from. The tree that the three of them were right next to instantly burst into flames, and it started spreading, eventually it was circling the three of them as various plants and bushes around them started catching on fire.

"You couldn't have done something better?"

"What? If someone is there the fire and all will show them soon enough, considering the fact that otherwise they'd suffocate, or burn to death, so why does it matter?"

"You burn down the entire area?"

"Create a vacuum or whatever to get the oxygen out of there to contain it, it isn't rocket science when you think about it. Not super difficult."

"...Ok, well since I don't feel like this is going to work out and don't feel like burning to death or running through fire, give me a second..." Pietro muttered, before he created a cyclone using his arms, and the flames started to die down from the force of it. His counterpart took notice to this, and tilted his head to the side, before in the blink of an eye he charged right where they were, and ended up somehow without even seeing them easily, slamming into Pietro and throwing him down into the ground. Runa's spell would start to falter, and Pietro now was visible to the other two.

"...Wow like I'm looking in a mirror here..." Quicksilver responded, more then a bit surprised to see Pietro.

New York Alleyway
"...I'm so confused..." Lance muttered, not sure at all how he could have possibly known Lana, he had never met her before, and in their reality, he didn't have a twin sister in any sort of way. Things were really weird for him, and his head was a little bit cloudy. He hadn't even noticed what exactly Guin had done, knocking out Lana entirely, before deciding to see about them getting to a nearby hotel. "Uh what?" he asked, clearly a little confused before looking to see what hotel they were supposedly now heading towards, dragging Lana along with them.

"Guin... That hotel looks like a really not great place to go... But alright it's better then sitting here and waiting for someone to get super mad at us for existing here and all, so I guess let's go." He had a very vague memory in the back of his mind, that hotel looked familiar a little bit, almost like he and Lana at some point had an argument or something like that there. Of course, he was willing to see about helping to have them carry Lana there, and in the trek over, he bent light around so that they were more or less invisible as they got over to the hotel.

Eventually when they reached it, he dropped the invisibility he had created and everything and held the door open as they would be able to walk inside. The inside and front desk looked just as sketchy as the place did on the outside. There was a guy who looked like he might be high on something or maybe he was just tired at the front desk, and he looked at the group and sort of yawned a bit, not even really paying attention or seeming to care about anything. Lance walked up and figured this wasn't going to be a fun conversation, "Uh... Hey, can we get two rooms please?"

The guy at the desk finally seemed to acknowledge the group in its entirety, "Oh hey there Banner, welcome back! What, did your sister decide to try something and passed out from it? If ya don't know what you're doing passing out isn't surprising after all."

"Uhhhh..." he was not sure what to respond with, considering the fact that apparently this guy knew him? What, was his counterpart a regular here?

"No matter, you know the rules, no questions asked or anything, you're usual room is free, and just so happen to have the room right next to it. Don't worry about a thing, I still owe you for helping me out with a few things you know!" the guy said, as he went and grabbed two keys and put them, along with something else to, but Lance wasn't entirely sure what exactly, "Rooms 205 and 207, enjoy your stay, I've got to go do a few things to go do," with those last words, he hung up a little sign saying ring the bell for service, before he scurried off down a hallway.

"...Glad to see that he apparently tends to be a bit of a blabbermouth so I didn't have to say anything much... But wow..." he commented finally, before looking at the keys he had been handed, and what appeared to be a packet of pills. "Well great, he decided to hand me drugs, so much fun... Alright, we need to get up to the rooms I guess... Preference on which of the two rooms, they are right next to each other."

The Mansion
Danger didn't completely lower her guard, the spikes were still pointing towards Ed and Bethany, and she tilted her head to the side, as if she was thinking about something. "Friends of... Bloom?" she repeated, as if something in that phrasing didn't make sense to her. As if it was messing with her programming in a way. "You... Make... Sense..." she started stammering a bit, and sparks started shooting out from her head. Something just did not seem right, but the spikes around them disappeared as Danger continued sparking.

"Reset... Short circuit... Alone..." were the only words she said after that. One thing that was plainly obvious, was that something Ed had said seemed to cause this issue. The illusion around the interior of the school completely broke, and they'd all be able to see the school broken and neglected, now it seemed to agree with how it looked on the outside. The holograms of the students disappeared, fading away when the illusion broke, and now Danger's facial expression seemed a bit more on the well... Crazed side.

"Leave! Now!" she yelled out at them, before out of nowhere lasers started firing off at Bethany and Ed. The lasers were firing off wildly and seemed to burn the walls of the already somewhat not so sturdy mansion, but luckily it seemed to hold in general and didn't shake or anything like that from the impact.

Meanwhile, downstairs Mary was a bit confused as to what she saw and heard. Blinking a few times, her vision blurred, and she found herself opening her eyes up with her lying on the ground as if she had passed out. Her head was pounding a bit from it, but she thought nothing of it, as she stood back up off of the ground, trying to dust herself off a little bit, before she went down the hallway and saw that several of the rooms had papers scattered around, as if the mansion had more or less gotten abandoned in a hurry of sorts.

Walking into one of the rooms, she found a few folders with papers that she started to sort of flip through, trying to see if she could find anything that might explain what happened at the mansion to make it so that everyone left. There wasn't really anything helpful, at least at her first glance, but she didn't stop to look through everything more closely, before she heard something above her with crashes and a bit of a commotion. She grabbed the stack of papers before she took off running, heading for the upstairs area to maybe try and see what the hell was going on.

She entered the main foyer area, just in time to duck out of the way to avoid the lasers that Danger had fired off. "...Well I thought you were around here somewhere Danger," Mary commented, poking her head around the corner and looking at the other two seeing all of the chaos that was going on. However, what she hadn't fully expected was what was going on with Danger. At the sound of Mary's voice, she started twitching and glitching out a bit more. Mary barely had time to react as she sent vines out to block a blow from a laser that would have hit Bethany in the head with a powerful shot, but thankfully the shield of plant life she had created managed to protect her, barely as the vines burned away, but it worked out.

"Danger stop it already this is getting ridiculous!" Mary snapped out as she managed to get over to where Ed and Bethany currently were. "Ok, what the hell is going on, considering the fact that Danger is usually not like this..."

"Others have been alerted... Aid is coming," Danger said out loud now, sparking a bit out of control still, and Mary was incredibly confused. She had no idea what had happened to the mansion, but Danger was starting to freak her out a bit, and considering what the robot was capable of, she had every right to be.

This was a messed up situation, and Mary knew it. Something obviously had happened at the mansion that resulted in it becoming abandoned, and well, Danger clearly going a bit off the deep end. Danger was a powerful AI, and with this entire situation, she was worried about what she might do. "As her name might suggest, she's dangerous so keep on your toes if she keeps trying to attack again... Did she just pop up and start attacking? Or did you say something that caused her to go crazier or what? Sorry, I was looking around to try to find her cause I thought she was probably active somewhere with the holograms... I passed out or something since after a few moments I suddenly found myself waking up on the floor... But mind telling me what happened?" With all of this, she wondered what was going on, and spikes suddenly seemed to shoot out from the walls and just narrowly missed the group. Danger had also mentioned alerting someone, so she was wondering if that was all in the AI's head, or if she actually had called someone, and if so... Who?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bethany Bell

Westchester, New York, Xavier's Mansion Foyer.
Skills: N/A

Clearly it looked like either Danger was really damaged or due to staying in the mansion for so long alone without anyone she started to short circuit. She noticed that the holograms suddenly stopped and revealed the actual state of the mansion itself. Danger seemed to believe them one moment, and then the next thing she didnt and attacked both her and Ed as lasers started to go off. "We need your help!" Bethany yelled out to the crazed robot, as she heard Mary and started to make her way over towards the two of them, at least Mary was back and alright.

Beth flinched as a laser came straight towards her head, luckily Mary stepped in and was able to block the hit with her vines, as Bethany started to relax somewhat. "Thanks for the save Mary, and honestly we didnt do anything, and she appeared, we asked if she could help, but then accused us of being intruders, and she started to attack us randomly like this." Beth answered Mary as she held out her hands using her powers and then shadows appeared around Danger and started to pin the robot down.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Asgardian Magic Attacks

Runa had to resist the urge to kick Klara ever so slightly in the shins for sneezing. A small part of her wondered if Klara had thought it would be a funny prank, got the idea, tried not to do it, but ended up doing it anyways - her cousin did tend to have an odd sense of humor at times. Runa herself had never really been a fan of the entire trickster label, but it was something Klara very much identified with. Unfortunately, the fake Prince surrounded the trio in flames, despite Runa's efforts at concealing them. Pietro used his powers to dispel the flames, only causing the other Quicksilver to speed on over out of curiosity, and Runa's spell concealing Pietro failed.

Runa knew she had to act quickly - he was a murderous speedster after all. Runa pulled the Ä«saz rune and concentrated on the false Prince, encasing his lower half of his body in ice. She had wanted to turn him entirely to ice, but she figured that was close enough. The next rune that her fingers felt was wunjĹŤ, meaning joy. She attempted to cast an illusion spell using it, designed to show Quicksilver the thing he loved most in the world, in order to distract him - but it didn't work. Her fingers then grabbed the ice rune again and Runa managed to freeze one of his legs, handicapping him for the moment.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy

Guin rolled her eyes at Lance's comment about the hotel not looking great. "I know, I'm not fucking stupid," she snapped slightly. "But we can't leave her out in the street and dropping her off at home isn't an option as I'm pretty sure her friends would also try to kill Annie and I, so sketchy hotel it is." She was feeling slightly irritated, mostly as that was an easy emotion to process and understand after the images she had seen. They were in a completely different world and from what Guin was able to tell, this place was a nightmare. The sooner they got out of there, the better. She didn't want to stick around and learn more horrible things. She felt like they were stuck inside some emo kid's fanfiction AU.

Guin and Annie managed to carry Lana between the two of them, with Lance keeping them invisible with his powers. She hadn't heard anything from Pietro in a little while either and it was worrying - he was a speedster, he was usually impatient and hyper, not unresponsive and silent. The hotel itself wasn't an all too unfamiliar environment to Guin. She had stayed in places like this as a teenager, particularly when she was doing one of her many dramatic moments of running away, ditching her school and attempting to live life as someone else. She had also been battling drug addiction. The guy working the counter was... Well, Guin tried not to judge other people fighting addiction, but she was a judgmental person by nature. She raised an eyebrow, biting back some snarky comment, and instead doing a quick telepathic sweep of the hotel - nothing out of the ordinary.

"That's... not usually how these things work," Guin then said, glancing at the pills Lance had been handed. She didn't recognize them. She supposed that was a sign of progress. "I'd flush those, if I were you," she then added, before moving Lana into room 207 and getting the sleeping beauty into the bed.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Westchester, New York, Inside of Xavier's Mansion

"She's short-circuited. I think she's been alone too long. But she knows your name. She seemed to calm down when we told her we were friends of Bloom. But then that happened." Ed said taking a few deep breaths from having to dodge lasers. This did not seem like a good way to run a school.

"Good idea Beth." He complimented her for pinning down Danger. He suddenly wished Guin was with them as she was good with computers. He reached into his pocket and touched his shield talisman. If Danger got out he was ready to put her into a bubble. "Do you feel okay Mary?" He asked concerned since she said she had passed out. They hadn't gotten hurt, but that flash of memories might have hit her harder here. He looked at the place where the hologram Bloom had disappeared and wondered what had happened to that girl.

"I think we are in a different universe. I don't know where the change point is here from our world, but the whole thing with the reality stone was messing the universes up. I think we slipped into a different one. That's why things are messed up here." He didn't mention the flash of memory that didn't fit with what he thought, and what he knew. He hoped the others were okay. "Danger, you said you called people, who did you call?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 32 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Alleyway —> Hotel – New York City
Skills: Enhanced Intuition;

Antoinette helped Guin carry Lana all the way to the hotel. The building itself looked run down and in desperate need of repair and the inside was no different. Antoinette almost didn’t want to set Lana down anywhere for fear of bugs crawling over her. They didn’t have many options though and so Antoinette followed Guin to room 207.
The guy at the front desk had left in a hurry after greeting them and he had handed Lance some pills. Antoinette frowned and looked around the place again. She had seen drug dens in movies and TV shows and this had a similar look to it. Whoever Lance was in this reality, he clearly had some troubles. At least that’s how it was shaping up to be.
As they walked, she tried to get a read on the place as well and came to the same conclusion that the place was shady and not really a place Antoinette particularly wanted to be in for long. ”I’m not certain we should stay here long,” she said. She didn’t exactly want to abandon Lana but this place gave her all the wrong vibes. Besides, they still had the others to find.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Wooded Area
"Uh oh... This isn't good," Klara commented under her breath, seeing the sort of chaos that was going on. Thankfully, Runa had seemingly managed to keep the two at bay for the moment, though that didn't mean much of anything given their current string of luck.

Pietro was not too sure what to think, considering the fact that at the moment he was face to face with his counterpart, who was working on trying to break his leg free from the ice, and he seemed incredibly annoyed with it. "What the hell is with this, who else is here..." Quicksilver muttered under his breath. Despite his best efforts, the block of ice was still staying in place, and because of the cold and ice he wasn't able to really phase his leg out of it or break it with his speed at all.

Taking the moment of him being a bit distracted, Pietro punched his counterpart across the face, hoping to maybe hit him hard enough to knock him out. Unfortunately, he only accomplished in fully knocking him away and to the ground, as Quicksilver was there trying to break the block of ice on his leg still.

Now for the fire and all from Flynn, well, the ice more or less just slowed him down more then anything, as the heat started melting the ice. He wasn't entirely sure where to aim, since he figured that the speedsters obviously couldn't create ice like that, and just decided to light up fire everywhere. Sadly, the heat was starting to get really bad, and the flames shot out, lighting the woods on fire, and the smoke was starting to make it incredibly hard to breathe for all of those in the trees. Pietro ended up getting hit partially from the fire, and he got distracted moving his arm super quickly to get his arm to no longer be on fire anymore.

Klara managed to create a little bubble of mist around her and Runa to prevent them from catching on fire, but this had the effect of it being a bit more obvious to where they were, since there was one patch clearly not on fire. "Drop the invisibility Runa, we can't stay hidden when everything is on fire anyway," Klara said to her.

Sketchy Hotel
Lance followed after the other two and headed upstairs and followed them into the room when they laid Lana down on a bed. He rolled his eyes slightly at Guin, "I know that Guin, it is more or less common sense to do that!" he snapped at her a bit annoyed. She did remember that he was the one that more or less tried to keep her away from drugs or whatever growing up right? Well, that didn't really matter too much at the moment, right now, they needed to figure out what the hell that they were going to do currently.

He looked over at Annie when she suggested that they shouldn't stick around in the hotel for very long, and he shrugged. "I mean, not sticking around would be great, but we've got a few issues that we have to figure out. One, seems like you two at the least potentially being seen out on the streets wandering around is a bad idea. Two, we don't even know where everyone else is. Three, we are in an alternate reality, and have no real way to get home, at least currently. We are stuck for the moment, so we might as well stick around here until we actually have an idea of what to do, or ways to get back to where we belong. So we probably should try to tackle one problem at a time, and hanging around in a sketchy hotel room, is probably at the bottom of the list of things we need to worry about right now."

Of course, Lance wasn't too sure how things were going to go for them. He wondered where everyone was, and he had no idea what to do with regards to everything and their current situation. Though he was a bit scatter brained currently, which was a bit strange, he hadn't even notice that without even thinking about it he had slipped the packet of pills into his pocket instead of tossing them.

The Mansion
"Huh... That's beyond weird... Though the alternate reality thing definitely makes the most sense to me... I found a few things downstairs, wasn't much but it did include a few things about the school closing after a funeral... Though not sure who it was a funeral for..." Mary responded, before she more or less just waved off what it was that Ed had asked about her, "Yeah I'm fine, didn't even remember passing out, just some weird door thing or whatever popping up and next thing I knew I was on the ground, nothing more then that." Yeah, she felt perfectly fine, at least at the moment, which was a bit surprising at times for her anyway.

Danger was sparking still, and she was attempting to break free from Bethany's powers, the shadows pinning her down were starting to bend, but they still managed to hold her down. "Called...As soon... As I heard... You... Voices..." Danger responded, still glitching out a bit.

"Yeah... That didn't answer the conversation as to who you called Danger..." she pointed out, before there was the sound of a car or something outside. Well, this was a bit concerning, at least in her mind with regards to the fact that they were in an alternate reality, and they had no idea who it was that was going to be walking through the door. She instantly was prepared to strike out against whoever it was that walked in, and was just sort of waiting at this point.

And was she a bit surprised by who walked through the door.

"Alright Danger, bit surprised by ya deciding to call us, not to mention a little surprised you're still active, so what's goin' on?" Rogue's voice called, as she walked through the door, with Wolverine not too far behind her.

Both of them stopped, and were just staring at the group, and Rogue looked incredibly confused for a moment, as Wolverine sort of seemed to sniff the air a little bit. "...Didn't we leave those two back at HQ?" Rogue asked him, pointing towards Bethany and Ed.

"We did." he grunted in response.

"Alright, glad I ain't crazy thinking that. Danger, what's with the projections? Or maybe shapeshifters?"

"No, it's them."

"Ya sure? Cause this is a little strange."

"Positive. Something is off though."


Well this was seemingly an awkward situation to be in, so Mary figured that she might want to say something, "Uh... Hi Rogue, Logan," she commented, with a bit of a wave at the pair of them. Rogue's eyes went a bit wide and she took a step backwards, clearly surprised by seeing her there, and making it fairly apparent that she hadn't noticed her there before.

"That is what's off."

"What the hell is goin' on here?"

"Something... Wrong..." Danger blurted out, sparking a few more times, before she stopped moving, seemingly shutting down, as if she's running low on power.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Bethany Bell

Westchester, New York, Xavier's Mansion Foyer.
Skills: N/A

"Maybe we should get you checked out, because passing out isnt really normal right?" Bethany asked Mary as she continued to pin down Danger, feeling the robot straining against her powers. Bethany looked towards Ed and gave him a slight smile, as she kept Danger down for now. Danger was still a threat as she noticed her shadows pinning her down were bending slightly, but she kept her grip. When Beth heard a car driving up, and then heard two familiar voices as she turned around to see both Rogue and Wolverine coming into the mansion's foyer and addressing Danger as Danger glitched out again before she shut herself down.

She turned around to look at the two for a moment as Rogue mentioned them being back at HQ. "It probably sounds a bit crazy, but the three of us are from a different reality, we were on our way back to Earth when we kinda slipped into a rift, and we got separated from the others in the process. Our ship is kinda in the lake to just outside of the mansion, if you don't believe us." Beth said and looked over towards Mary and then over towards Rogue and Logan. "Whats off about Mary?" Bethany asked the two of them.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Asgardian Magic Attacks

Runa was not going to drop the invisibility. Yes, Prince Flynn could see where they were at the moment, but it didn't mean that it had to be that way. The invisibility also gave them the added benefit that their moves could not be telegraphed - Flynn had no idea what they were going to try next, whether that was throwing a dagger or casting a spell. "Just because he knows our location does not mean this spell should be broken," Runa informed her cousin sharply, although she was thankful for the mist's protection from the flames. Although, she was somewhat mystified (no pun intended) as to why Klara hadn't done more against the flames.

Runa grasped the laguz rune (water, lake) and conjured up a small puddle of water, not nearly the quantity she was looking for. She cast again and this time managed to douse some, but not all, of the flames. The steam from the sudden extinguishing was a natural camouflage for the invisible fighter and Runa now turned her attention onto Prince Flynn himself, sending a dramatic jet of water crashing into him, dampening the flames raging around his body somewhat. Runa then deftly changed her position, still keeping her aura of invisibility up around herself and Klara.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy

Lance was really starting to get on Guin's nerves. "Are you done mansplaining the situation?" Guin asked him pointedly. Sure, sometimes Annie was a bit naive and whatnot, but Guin didn't get the impression that Annie wasn't aware of any of those factors. Annie, like Guin, instantly knew that this sort of environment was predatory. Lance had the male privilege of being relatively clueless and unaware of the sorts of things that went on in places like this. It wasn't an ideal place for them to have brought Lana to, but it was better than leaving her on the street - just barely. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and figured she'd try one of the simplest options they had - see if she could get a signal. She could connect with Pietro telepathically and knew that he wasn't alone, but for the others, it might be easiest to just try calling them.

Her phone seemed to be able to connect to nearby wifi hotspots just fine, but she had 0 bars when it came to cell service. Not to be deterred, Guin quickly went and messed somewhat with a few of the settings, editing in a bit of the code and whatnot (her phone was a Stark original, of course) and voila, she had cell signal. Guin scrolled through her apps and opened up Uber - thankfully, it looked like this apocalyptic hell hole still had ride sharing apps. She booked a ride for 4 people to a nice upscale hotel, but there weren't a lot of drivers around, so it would be about half an hour or so. Guin then opened up another app on her phone and booked two hotel rooms for them. "Okay, our ride will be here in 30 min, we'll be going to my favorite hotel downtown and we have two rooms. One is for her, the other for us. Don't ask where the money came from. Annie, can you make convincing illusions to disguise us two for the trip there?"

Hey, I booked us a hotel room downtown. I kinda kidnapped someone by accident. When will you be in the city?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Westchester, New York, Inside of Xavier's Mansion -> Outside the Mansion

Ed hadn't officially met Rogue but knew who she was. And had met the Wolverine in their world. They seemed to both know him here though. Not only that but it sounded like he was working with them, which was a bit relieving. He hadn't particularly cared for what he had gathered from the weird memories. He had hoped he hadn't broken his family laws here.

"Maybe we should have this conversation outside?" Bethany had gotten to the heart of it thankfully. He just didn't want to see if Danger was going to wake back up with a nasty headache and decide to take it out on them. He had a sinking feeling too, one he really hoped wasn't true. He glanced at the elevator that the hologram Bloom had gone through.

He stepped outside away from Danger. Hoping the others would follow behind. Hoping they wouldn't see his hands shake. What had happened to this world? Where had it gone awry? He knew the version of himself here, in this world, was dangerous. He knew he had made a choice that Ed hadn't made and had never thought he could make. Had he been pulled back from it though? Was the fact that he clearly was working with Wolverine a good thing? Or had Wolverine gone to extremism?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 32 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Sketchy Hotel Room – New York City

Antoinette was well aware of the situation they were all in and normally Antoinette was rather good at adapting to new environments and rolling with the punches, so to speak, but there was something decidedly off about this place that Antoinette wasn't comfortable forming a plan in. If Lance was right in saying Antoinette and Guin shouldn't be seen in the streets, a sketchy motel didn't seem like a promising idea either. People may want to kill them here just as much as on the streets; truthfully, they didn't have many options.
"Guin has a rough idea where the others are," she reminded Lance. "I'm sure once we have Lana straightened out and in a safer place than here, we can locate the others and find a way back to our own time." She was glad Guin was one to speak her mind, calling Lance out made her smile a little but she refrained from commenting on that specifically.
Antoinette looked at Guin when she addressed her about casting an illusion when they made the trip to the new hotel Guin got for them. Antoinette had often shifted the appearance of her eyes when she had been on the run with her father as well as using coloured contacts. Antoinette didn't think there would be a problem casting an illusion on the two of them. She wouldn't have to project it far, just a few feet around them for anyone who came close to them.
"I should be able to do that," Antoinette said confidently. Now they just had to wait thirty minutes for their ride.
Thirty minutes may not seem like a long time for some but in retrospec, for them, thirty minutes was an incredibly long time to wait around.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Wooded Area
Guina, a little busy at the moment... Pretty sure my reality counterpart is probably trying to kill me at the moment! Pietro responded to Guin mentally, I'll catch up later with the Asgardians in tow probably when I'm not having to deal with another speedster. I also am learning just how annoying things are... Is it really this annoying to fight me and everything? Cause this is a little ridiculous and annoying! Just on a scale of 1 to 10!

He whirled up a punch to try and hit his counterpart, however, he whiffed it, and despite his counterpart being slightly slower, he had managed to catch his arm and whirled him around. There was a loud crack as Pietro's arm suddenly was at a very weird angle as he got thrown to the ground. He managed to get back up, and with another loud crack Pietro managed to snap his arm back, but it did look very painful for him, however it healed rather quickly and wasn't visible anymore.

"I mean true," she commented with a bit of a shrug, before water started swirling around her. She sent a tidal wave directly at Flynn, and he wasn't able to fully avoid it. Klara smirked slightly as the fire on his body to go out entirely, and he was completely drenched now, and knocked down to the ground. "There, feel a bit better now?" she asked her cousin, before glancing at the other speedster, who had broken free entirely of the ice that Runa had encased his legs in.

"Huh, who is hiding there I wonder?" Quicksilver commented, before he charged right at Pietro, who instantly sidestepped him entirely.

"None of your concern really," Pietro responded, before he charged at his counterpart, and the pair was suddenly racing around and punching at each other at super speed. Eventually they stopped, though Runa and Klara would notice a slight problem with this at this point. A pair of speedsters who looked identical just suddenly raced around and had more or less mixed up who was who. They were both wearing nearly identical outfits, with the only difference that was obvious being that one of the pairs shirt was black, while the other was only a slightly lighter color (looked to be a blue of some sort).

"Umm... So Runa, you wouldn't by chance have been paying attention to what color the speedster that is from our reality was wearing were you? Or should we just attack both and hope we hit the right one?"

Sketchy Hotel
"Fine whatever, get us all caught or whatever, you honestly have no idea what's going on, and you pretending everything is okay is dumb!" Lance snapped at her, he was starting to get seriously annoyed with Guin being the bit of a know it all at the moment, he also was annoyed with the fact that she was acting like he was an idiot, for basically pointing out their entire situation in full, since they were kind of stuck at the moment. He had a massive headache, and he more or less walked away from Guin and Annie for a moment, as his brain started racing through a few different things. However, something crossed his mind, and he went over to a lower vent in the wall that wasn't giving off any heat or anything, obviously since the room wasn't exactly warm or anything.

Pulling off the vent, he reached in and pulled out a bag that seemed to have more of the same pills that the guy in the lobby had handed to him. The thought did cross his mind as he stood back up fully as to wonder how he knew that it would be there, but he didn't think anything off it, just turning the bag around in his hands with his back to both of them.

Though before the arguments could get worse or anything, they all would be able to hear the sound of sirens nearby, sounding like they were coming from farther down the street. However, one thing would be apparent, was that the sirens were starting to get closer. A lot closer. And there were a lot of them. Soon, they'd be able to see flashing red and blue lights out the window in the room. There was the sound of yelling, and they'd hear doors slamming as people in the various rooms seemed to more or less making a run for it because of the cop cars. They'd be able to see police storming the hotel rather quickly, and it wouldn't be too long before they'd reach their floor and where they were.

"Of course we can't catch a break..." Lance muttered with an eye roll. "I'd come up with an idea but since you seem to think you have the best handle on everything and the situation and all, you get to think about what all to do to get us out of this mess, since we went to the hotel right then and there since you initially said to even when I pointed out from a distance the place looked like crap. So go ahead, come up with some brilliant plan to get us out of this, I'd love to hear it."

The Mansion

"It's fine, don't worry," Mary said towards Bethany, sort of waving off her concern about her passing out.

Rogue looked at the group, before lowering her voice, and she and Wolverine started whispering back and forth, but the group wouldn't be able to hear. "Alright, outside then," Wolverine eventually commented, before walking outside, with Rogue right behind him. Once outside, they'd see a car in the overgrown driveway. Though Logan did seem to at the moment sidestep Bethany's question with regards to what was up about Mary.

"Alright, that story ya got there? It's insane. But you're in luck, we're used to all of the crazy, and that ain't the worst thing we've seen or heard. Not to mention, a few of ya do look like you've gone for a swim slightly in your clothes," Rogue commented, referring to the fact that Mary and Bethany's clothes were still somewhat damp from landing in the lake despite Ed earlier attempting to get them all dried off with his magic.

"I mean, I can definitely agree with that... But um... You didn't exactly answer Bethany's question..."

"That's complicated."

"Well... I believe ya when ya say you're from another reality... It is the only explanation... Cause, well, our version of you Marygold... Died... Around 7 years ago now. That's why we were a little startled."

"...Wait seriously?"

"Yup. Quicksilver managed to knock you out of a fourth story window. If you had gotten thrown a little farther, you might have lived. But you landed on the front steps directly, and you died within moments from the landing." Logan added rather bluntly, figuring that he might as well tell them straight about it.

Mary instantly started going through her head. She remembered that whole thing, and if she remembered correctly, not too many people at the school actually knew that full story. Though of those who did know the full story, well, when she was willing to forgive Pietro and allow him on the team, that might have resulted in more then a few arguments, actually she remembered Logan arguing with her about it when she was talking to the Professor and Hank about it. "...I remember that incident. And I do remember crashing through that window and hitting the ground. That hurt a lot by the way, I kind of ended up in an actual hospital and not just the medical area at the mansion for a few months because of the broken bones and everything... Though I did know I was incredibly lucky, a few inches the other way and I was told I probably would have died from the fall..." Mary explained to the group, mainly explaining the full situation to Bethany and Ed.

"Yeah, well here. You didn't survive the fall."

"Yeah, the mansion and the team and everything sort of just fell apart. The school was going downhill fairly quickly... Before it eventually closed entirely."

"Didn't help that parents found out a kid died from everything that Xavier was having the team do. Most of us more or less stuck around though, we just operate from somewhere else."

"We knew something was going on here, since Danger sent a message to Scott that something was going on and there were intruders at the mansion... He messaged us since we were closer to go check it out. Which turned out to be you. We honestly didn't expect Danger to still be operating, and when the school closed, we offered to let her come with us, but she chose to stay and guard the school."

"Yeah, I think she's kind of mentally caught in a time loop of sorts or something, since she used her holographic projections to make the interior of the school look like it would with it operational and running."

"Not surprising, she did seem to not be able to accept that the school closed. Plus by herself for 7 years? Anyone would go crazy."

"Anyway, if ya want to come with us, we can see about gettin' all of this sorted out for ya. Figure out what to do next. I might see about messaging or callin' back to alert them somewhat to expect guests."
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