Tristan Glory

These next seconds were the most intense as he stared at the ball rock back and forth with such intensity that his eyes nearly went bloodshot. This catch was practically make-or break as King was on his last leg making it unlikely the exhausted bird could be knocked over by a moderate breeze. And then that wondrous ding signaling success and with it all the tension deflated from his body with a relieved deep sigh after having hold his breath followed with a weak happy chuckle.
Tristan was about to break out into a victorious cheer when Astrid suddenly chimed in, reminding him of the teacher's presence. Having to listen to the woman grade his performance and battle only to hit him with a C; those few words deflated any sense of satisfaction much like the tension in him had done moments ago as he fought the urge to glare and call her off for butting in as he never asked for her opinion. Refusing to let her ruin his very first victory and accomplishment and so chose to simply stare at her incredulously." Gee...thanks." The words came out stiff and forced with a hint of sarcasm as he stood up fixing his shirt and hair to recompose himself." I may admit this battle was not handled in the most graceful manner, but seeing that it was our first battle, I have to say that King did exceptionally well in following my orders as brilliantly and sudden as they were." He said with a short boastful laugh trying to save face by acting like it was all according to plan while King let out an almost uncertain happy chirp at the praising... compliment?
Ceasing his laughter upon seeing the teacher head off as he let his body relax looking exhausted." one told me pokemon battling could be so stressful." As well as keeping up that confident and strong image he worked meticulously to maintain but seeing the resting pokeball got him to perk back up; strolling over while holding up the pokedex to see showcasing the full intel on the riolu and money earned." That teacher's unwanted grading aside, I'd dare say this momentous occasion calls for a celebratory selfie!" Tristan exclaimed in a sing songy manner then turned and position himself a bit to the right of King with the Pokedex held up in an angle to get both him, the murkrow and pokeball." Come, King and pose like winners do!" Holding up his right-hand index finger to indicate number one with a dazzling smile while King lifted his left wing and head tilted in a cocky manner as a click of the photo was taken.
Tristan looked over the selfie with a pleased grin." Mhm, I knew you would be photogenic King though not at my level quite yet, but before long I will show everyone you are worthy to be considered royalty." Nodding to the bird who gave another happy, albeit tired chirp as his trainer pursed his lips thinking to himself." Hm, I think this could use something to give that bit more...oomph before I send it out." Clicking his tongue a few times as he pondered before a most wicked idea came to mind.
#Firstvictory #Firstcapture #suckitprofkaput
Snickering as he added these captions then hummed as he went to post and send to everything." There we are. I think that's a decent start for some good payback for that washed-up geezer's humiliation." The selfie and his first win did much to get Tristan back in a good mood that he found himself whistling as he moved and bent over to snatch up the pokeball." You may have been a stress inducing headache but I'm happy to introduce you to team Glory. I'll be sure to give you a proper introduction later..." Stopping to think of a name for the riolu with a curious tilting of the head before perking up with an idea." Princess! Soon you will attain the graceful title of Glory alongside King." Nodding his head in a smug manner as the bird gave a tired cawed cheer along with a weak flap of his wings. Being reminded once more of the murkrow's exhausted state, likely unable to fly all that well and so Tristan crouched down offering his hand which King looked at uncertain before hopping onto it who was then lifted up to be offered to hop onto his shoulder." You've done amazingly well standing up to this Riolu without backing down. Go ahead and rest, but I best not see a single tear or wrinkle." He warned with a raised index finger held up in front of his beak to which the bird let out another happy caw while nuzzling the finger.
Pleased to see the shiny murkrow in such a good mood as well though couldn't help but worried for the bird seeing how injured he looked, and Princess was hardly in any better shape and so figured his next plan of action was to visit a pokemon center. Hearing voices though got his attention having him turn his head to see Astrid now talking with a girl he vaguely recalled seeing back at the pokelab who seemed to be having some trouble with that scalie beast that was nothing but mouth and teeth. The sight of the tyrunt made him cringe; already having endured being popped on and tossed out of the lab by that horrid hydreigon that he simply did not want to risk any chance of getting bitten by that untamed beast." Hmph, let the teacher deal with that though I can't exactly deny her assessment. We will definitely need to work on our battling and timing." Looking to King who nodded his little head in agreement.
" Right, now then. Pokemon center it is. Course if we run into a pokemart first then might as well get the shopping done with...whichever we come across first." Placing his index and middle finger to his temple and gave a farewell salute followed with a dazzling toothy grin in Astrid's direction as his way of offering his thanks whether she saw it or not then turned to depart from the park.
From there, Tristan set off whether to a pokemon center or pokemart or if fate had other plans in store to some unknown destination as one could never tell where this rich teen's direction sense would lead him.