Aurora thought for a moment as she took her seat and looked towards her daughter. "Maybe for the last ten years or so, while I was fleeing I bumped into these two." Aurora said to Willow as she gestured to both the Mad Hatter as well as Cheshire, Hatter turned towards Maddie and gave him a slight frown and looked down for a moment. "Maleficent's forces invaded Wonderland and we had to run for it, she was taking some people against their will for who knows what. So Cheshire and I have been on the run ever since, and eventually met up with Miss Aurora here." He told him.
When a young waiter came over he wasnt much older than any of the three of them and handed them all a menu. "What can I get you all to drink today?" He asked them, as Aurora, Hatter and Cheshire all ordered some water. The waiter then turned to look between Willow, Maddie and Colby as well to see what the three would want to drink. The menu had various kinds of alcohol, and the food all appeared to be middle eastern as well to.
Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A
Arthur looked towards Megan wanting him to explain what Maleficent wanted with all of them, he took a moment and leaned back as the others started to head out of the cabin. "As Merlin had said, he wanted to make sure that all of you were safe, so thats why he sent you all to Earth. He was probably going to wait until you and the others were reunited with us to tell you all this, but what Maleficent really wants to do is expand her empire and have Arcadia merge with Earth as well." Arthur said while looking over towards Megan to gage her reaction.
Sierra leaned herself up against the nearby wall gently rubbing her shoulder and winced as it was still painful to the touch as well to, she turned to look at Jack and gave him a slight wave. Both Hansel and Gretel were going around the permitter of the cabin making sure that none of Hook's men were going to sneak up on them, Belle eventually found a nearby chair to sit on the porch turning to look over towards Jack. "What has your life been like?" Belle ended up asking him, mainly she wanted to get to know what her son was like growing up and how he was treated as a child as well to.
Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A
"I'm going to go and get answers, if any of you want to come with me you are more than welcome to." Robin Hood said to his two daughters, but also offering it to the others if they wanted to come with as well to. Rapunzel was finishing up working on the bandage to Rose' wound and looked over towards her. "You are good to go now, just come here in the morning to get a clean set of bandages." Rapunzel said to Rose as she had gone to tend to the other wounded in the attack. Layla looked towards Rosalia and held her hands up and sighed shaking her head slightly. "Alright, just don't come crying to me if you are feeling worse." Layla said jokingly as she looked towards her father as he left the tent.
"I'm going to go and check things out with dad." Layla said to Cassi, she hoped that her sister would join and help find out who attacked the camp. "How are you feeling?" Red asked turning to look over at Rose, with a bit of a concerned look, though whatever salve that Rapunzel had used for the wound dressing the pain was nearly gone now, it would just feel a little bit sort and stiff.