Marrow and Taeru’s little one sided confrontation ended amicably enough both thanks to Sanzzoku’s intervention to correct her mon‘s attitude and because Taeru getting his own meal served put Marrow’s mind entirely at ease. Soon enough the two of them were chomping away at their food without any complaint. Unlike William who simply had to take a moment to insult their host’s cooking.
Sanzoku gave Ikoma an apologetic smile and a shrug over the boy’s shoulder. She for one found her meal perfectly fine, though that was likely in part due to her rarely eating anything but commoner fare during her life, and having an understandable eye for quantity over quality. The titan of a woman needed all the energy and protein she could get after all, and while spice was nice, regularly spicing the amount of food the sell-sword was currently loading into herself to a satisfactory degree would quite literally bankrupt her.
Not that she was the kind of person to leave her taste buds completely out too dry however. The woman would, on occasion, indulge in a little sweet treat when she could afford it (both physically and financially) but breakfast was certainly no time for such things. It was a time to fuel up before facing the day and, if Sanzoku had anything to say about it, chatting in between generous mouthfuls of rice.
She rolled her eyes at Williams attempt to shut down her not at all nosy inquiry to Rintaro about his climbing equipment, then gave him side tild of her head a look that said ‘see it was fine’ when the young man who she’d questioned supplied an interesting answer to her query about his climbing equipment order, though he did seem a little nervous about it, judging from the stuttering. She put it down to either being embarrassed by William’s intervention on his behalf or being intimidated by her size. Or both.
”Oooh those. Yeah, I’ve heard about em, and been up that way a few times. Never seen any myself though. You’ll have to tell me about how your climb goes if we happen to meet again somewhere after you go up there” she said, but left it at just that rather than risk making him more nervous about being the focus of their attention, having found her tact about 20 seconds to late.
It also helped that a little confrontation involving a haunter and the establishment’s furret server drew her attention for a moment. The sellsword’s hand went to her mace on instinct upon hearing and seeing the start of it, but then gave a short bark of a laugh and released it as the source of the little incident merely being the mon’s impatience became clear.
”That one needs to learn table manners it seems” she joked before saying ”not like you Marrow, your the fastest little learner, aren't you sweetie” to her pokemon while giving him a little scratch behind the ear as she praised him.
She still having a fair bit to learn about him however, she missed how the mon was a little bit more on alert than he had been a few moments earlier, the houndour’s ears perked up in response to distant and, to most, inaudible sounds of combat occurring outside the town’s walls.
@AThousandCurses@Scribe of Thoth@LostDestiny