Collab between @metanoia & @Aces Away || Featuring Honey Badger & Boa + special guestsThe following Collab takes place between the hours of 4:00PM and 5:30PM on Saturday
____________________________________________________________________________________________________Whenever Honey Badger had a lot on his mind and it weighed heavily on it and his shoulders, he needed a drink. Because he was technically underaged, he could always get a solid beer at the family-owned club and bar, Edge of Sin. He seldom came for the strippers, though some of the southside’s best lookers were here, but their best one, a certain blonde, seemed to be off tonight. No, he was here strictly for the cheap beer. He knew he would be able to stay for as long as he wanted or needed. He was essentially royalty. His brother was the leader of the serpents and his father the owner.
But Mika being here had more to do with his other brother returning to town and Big Rey changing family dinner from Sunday to Saturday. Yeah, that was on his mind alright. Hyde’s surprise return and demanding breakfast. It was all proving to be too much for Mika, especially considering how he spent yesterday. He didn’t know nor really care what became of the letters. The most he knew was some of his old graduating class went to their old stomping grounds, but he opted to follow his ex.
He smiled, though because he enjoyed doing that but because…well, he really didn’t know why he was smiling. Seeing her face again in person was nice, but that hardly justified any of all that he said.
Raising his nearly empty bottle of some serpent brand of beer, whoever was on bartender duty right now saw Mika and knew exactly what he wanted. As the sound of the cap being popped off was heard, Mika held a new bottle in his hand. When he was in the middle of the first sip, his phone buzzed on the countertop. He debated on letting it go to voicemail. He wasn’t in the mood to talk, but his natural curiosity won this battle and he saw who was calling him.
As he answered, he said in an excited tone,
“Well if it isn’t my favorite sister-not-sister-in-law!” Mika took in another sip of his beer.
“How’s our favorite boy doing? He’s not giving you any trouble is he? Need a surprise visit from Uncle Badger again--”“Shut the hell up and tell me what the fuck you’re brother’s on, Badger, and I’m not talking about Mordechai.” Allegra cut in, tone just above a simmering rage.
“I’m sorry?” Mika blinked, his excitement dying down into confusion.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, setting his beer down on the countertop.
“I’m talkin’ ‘bout whatever the hell’s goin’ on in your hometown. Some fuckin’ letters and the world’s worst treasure hunt? I know you’re back home, you tellin’ me none of this is ringin’ any bells?” She replied with a thinly held patience.
“Sounds like Mordechai and some others ended up in the Serpent’s backyard?”The minute he heard Allegra mention Boa, alarms went off in Mika’s head.
“Just hold on a minute..” Overlooking the fact that she knew about the letters, which in itself was sending off so many red flags in his head, Mika had to fixate on the bigger little tidbit she just dropped on him.
“What the fuck are you even on about with Boa? Since when was he back here?” Mika asked, a deep dread building in his stomach, almost like he wasn’t going to like what answer she gave to him.
Allegra took the phone from her ear and covered the receiver with her palm, leaning back as she took a deep breath before releasing it in a closed-mouth scream as she came back up. Closing her eyes, she spoke quietly, voice tight.
“Of course he didn’t tell you he was comin’ home, I almost forgot how you boys were. Silly. Me.” She pinched the bridge of her nose as Chai giggled from his spot next to his mother. She took her hand from her face absentmindedly and rattled her bangles in front of the boy, who laughed more and grasped after the shiny bracelets.
“Mordechai got in some time yesterday, early from the sounds of it. Got wrapped up in whatever is goin’ on there almost immediately. Surprise surprise.”Having supplied that bit of information, Allegra let it sit with Mike before adding in,
“Apparently, you can ask ReyRey how the rest of the night went, because between greetin’ Mordechai back and their interaction last night, it seems he had a change of heart about our favorite dumbass,” She sniffed sharply, irritated.
“Pretty much erased all’a your hard work of having convinced him he wasn’t some prized dog.”Somewhere in the middle of all of what Allegra told him, Mika had already paid for the one and a half beers he drank and was walking outside towards his truck, processing everything.
“Goddamn it, Rey Rey…” He cursed in a low town under his breath, leaning against his Toyota Tacoma. He didn’t know how to react to it. He was processing the shitstorm that must have been last night. While he was making moves to introduce himself back into Cece’s life, the business of the letters seemed to have ended in a bad way. To make matters worse, Boa didn’t even bother to let him know he was back in town.
“Fuck me!” Mika angrily kicked his foot back into his tire, which hurt him more than it did his beat of a machine, and he grunted.
“Son of a snake’s tit! So what do we do now then? I got family dinner in a couple of hours, but I need to know everything.” Taking in a few breaths, HB got into his truck but didn’t start it up. This added to everything else, it might’ve been the last thing Mika needed on his plate, but whenever Boa was involved, he pushed
everything to the side.
“I’m guessing you and Boa talked recently about it. Do you remember where he might be? Did he say where he was? Do you remember anything about the background? Was he alone?” The panic in Mika’s voice was obvious and him spamming questions was just part of his process.
“Jesus, Mika, let me answer a fuckin’ question,” Allegra snapped, grip tightening on the phone.
“They were on a bench at some park, but I don’t think either of them were plannin’ on stayin’ that long with how much emotional turmoil was spilling outta them. His friend Poppy was with him but you an’ I both know that when Mordechai gets like this he drifts off away from everyone an’ gets sobbin’ drunk.” She pulled her phone from her ear as it buzzed and checked the screen, doing a double take at the message before sending off a quick reply and getting back to her conversation.
“That was him, apparently the kids an’ I’ll be stayin’ at Poppy’s house when I get in there.”Park…Bench..There was only one place Mika could think of that both Poppy and Boa would go. The town wasn’t big enough to have more than one regular park hangout.
“Lyon’s park. That must have been where they were.” In that small deduction he made, Mika almost overlooked one key detail that she dropped at the end and there was a smile on his face. For the first time in a while, a genuine smile.
“You have no idea how excited I am that you’re gonna come to Edenridge. I don’t know what’s going on yet, but if it’s bad enough that our favorite snake decided to disappear on us, then I know he’s going to need you by his side and double goes for Viva and Chai.”As he leaned his head back against the headrest, Mika thought about everything terrible that’s been happening and how he had even more of a feeling of dread for family dinner, but he couldn’t think about that right now.
“Poppy’s good people. You will be safe there. That much I’m certain. As for Boa…” Mika kicked up his truck, the sound echoing into the call.
“I’ll try to find our Boa. There’s a few places I know he goes to when he needs to be ‘away’.” HB was glad that it wasn’t a video call they were on because the worried expression on his face wouldn’t make anyone feel any better if they saw him.
“I trust you, Badger. Set his head straight in that emotionally constipated way that always seems to work for you two,” She took a deep breath, reading the flight confirmations and mentally packing everything they’d need while putting aside what she could get the diner girls to ship later.
“I know I don’t get serious that often, but they both looked like shit, Mika. Wherever he is…you’re gonna have ta prove yourself again. I got plenty’a choice words about your big brother, and even more I wanna say right to ‘is stupid face. Almost two years of reassurances fuckin’ wasted ‘cause he thought it would be ‘propriate ta call Mordechai a tool in front’a everyone.”What were you thinking, ReyRey? What was the point of that? Mika didn’t know the whole story, but his brother’s temper was always a problem. As much as he could sit around and think about how stupid his brother could be, Mika didn’t have time to spare. He didn’t know how bad Boa was. He wished he could check up on Poppy too, but hopefully she was going to be okay. For now, he had about three places in mind where Boa might be and less than two hours to do it.
“Don’t worry. You can leave him to me. I’ll get him straightened up by the time you and kids get here. And when you do, I’ll treat you all to the best sandwiches Edenridge has to offer.”“I’ll hold you to that. And Badger? Keep any hard shit away from his veins for me, would ya?”
As Mika drove down Carlisle Ave, the only thing he could think about was Boa and how he didn’t tell him that he was back in town. Maybe that’s what was bothering him the most. After all they went through and how close they became in all of the time that Mika has been in Edenridge, all the laughs they had, all the friendly scraps they indulged in because that was just the southside way (for the guys, at least), and hell the times they even found comfort in each other’s arms some nights, he couldn’t at least shoot a text his way to say “hey Badger, I’m back in town”. Even that would have gone a long way.
But now? Now their first time speaking in almost three months wasn’t going to be over a couple of in-house-made beer or over some crappy nachos made at Edge. Or even dropping by Godmother’s for a couple of sandwiches. No it was on a scavenger hunt that only Mika knew of the thinly-stated clues, but it was difficult playing when you didn’t know everything that was in the game. The only place that he could think of that Boa
might’ve gone was a known safe haven for lost souls and it wasn’t the apartment building he lived in. No, there was another place that he suspected Boa might go to.
“Gardenview Temple,” he said as he pulled up to the known safe place for anyone who needed shelter, or really just to get away from anyone and anything. Even Mika had stayed here a few times.
Parking across the street from it, Mika walked through the front doors. He always liked coming here. The serenity he was always consumed by whenever he heard the low hummings of whatever music or sounds
Spiritual Leader Shale had playing. It just made him feel relaxed.
Well, it always did except for now. Right now, Mika was not only on a mission. Luckily for his mission, he found the person he was looking for in the front.
“Spiritual Leader Shale, there you are!” Mika rushed to the front almost in a panic-like run.
“I’m sorry if this is rude. I promise you I wouldn’t run into your temple if it wasn’t important, but you haven’t seen Mordechai around, have you?”“You’re alway welcome Honey, at least you didn’t have dirty boots. And not for almost two years, no,” Shale answered, turning to Mika with a raised eyebrow as they assessed the state of the man in front of them.
“He’s back in town? Duke and Dolce haven’t said anythin’ to me…” they eyed Mika.
“I’m guessin’ it wasn’t an easy homecomin', huh? You comin’ here to check for him certainly never boded well before.”Shale always was able to see through Mika. It was especially easy given the state of him. As he took a moment to catch his breath, he was looking in all directions he could, the sense of panic clear in how quickly he turned his head.
“I just found out he’s in town and, well, someone very close to him and I told me he might not be doing too good. I know he comes here when he needs a place to lay low away from everything, but it seems like he’s not.” Mika could deduce that from how surprised Shale seemed when he asked about Boa, which only deepened the fear he was experiencing for his brother’s safety.
“Well, I guess that explains why you came here,” Shale spoke up, not moving their eyes from Mika’s barely contained franticness.
“But Honey he came to me for shelter and a quick patch up, it was never the adults he came to for the emotional stuff, he never trusted us for that sort of thing.” Shale stated it as a matter of fact, no offense in their tone as they thought of one of the temple’s frequent flyers before the tragedy of 2019.
“If I remember correctly, him and little Danny were extremely codependent on each other for those deep emotional chats. He’d only come to me for guidance if Danny pushed him to, or if Danny needed help himself. For someone who really needs other people, that boy has always had a stubborn loner streak.”As Mika stood there, listening to every word that Spiritual Leader Shale had to say, they were absolutely right about Boa and Danny. Thinking back, they always were near each other right before that terrible day. Right before everything for this town went to shit. And Mika couldn’t recall a moment when they weren’t by each other’s side, at least whenever he saw them together. But he couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle about what Shale said in regards to Boa’s nature.
“You’re absolutely right. Even about his stubbornness.” But that didn’t answer his question…or maybe it did?
“You’re so right about him and Danny, but Danny’s not here anymore. He isn’t--” For a moment, pondering for close to a minute in silence, a lightbulb lit up in his head. Danny wasn’t here, but something of him
“Of course! I know where he is!” In a typical impulsive Bager action, Mika gave Shale a hug, shocking a laugh from the temple owner. It was quick, but he owed everything to them. “
I can’t explain it right now, but later on, I’ll come by and tell you everything! Thank you again, Shale!” “I’m always here for a little guidance. And Honey,” Shale smiled at the young man in front of them and he stopped before he was about to walk out.
“Give hugs more often, you’re actually pretty good at them.”Mika walked out of the Temple and hopped into his truck and sped off as fast as he could. He U-turned and went as far east as he could. He wasn’t absolutely positive that Boa would be there, but with all of the clues that Shale gave him and everything they said, there was only one place his brother could be and only one place that he would go to be alone. Mika knew Boa more than anyone in his life and if there was one place he might be, it was the fucking cemetery.
When he pulled up to it, Mika didn’t care about where he would park. If he got it towed away, then he’d cross that bridge. It was still light out, so the cemetery didn’t seem as gloomy as it typically did in the nighttime (not that Mika would know anything about that because he didn’t come here in the dead of night that often). But even if it was pitch black, Mika knew exactly where to go. He was there when they buried Danny. So of course, he knew where in the cemetery his gravestone was. Dead center in the entire landscape.
And sure enough, sitting directly in front of it with what looked like a bottle of some kind of liquor, Mika found him at last.
“You son of a bitch!” Mika announced himself, standing about five feet away from a seated Boa.
“You seriously couldn’t at least tell me you were back in town.” Mordechai didn’t even have it in him to flinch as he looked blearily up at the figure before him. The sun glowed behind his form, eclipsing Mika’s frame and making Mordechai squint even more than he already had. His hand went up to block out the light, and as the bottle was still gripped tight it came with as well, allowing Mordechai to see that there were only a couple sips left in the whole bottle.
“S-s’rry,” He mumbled out, looking away from the painful light. He could have sworn he’d only put his head down for a minute, but if Mika was here he must have lowkey passed out for at least half an hour.
“D’you wanna sip?”Like you wouldn’t believe. But no, Mika made a promise. He never turned down free alcohol, but he made that promise to Allegra. People could say whatever they wanted, but HB always kept his word to those who truly mattered to him.
“No thanks. I gotta drive, so I’m not trying to get buzzed up.” And yet he had one and a half beers in the last thirty minutes. Then again, cheap beers were nothing compared to cheap, hard liquor.
“But I will take that seat next to you.” As Mika sat next to his brother, he stared at Danny’s gravestone. He didn’t know what to really say, so he just remained quiet for a few minutes, looking at the headstone, thinking about the kid and how they first met. About how many stories he read to Danny and how much he learned from someone who was half his size almost. He thought about the day Charlie took him from this world. He thought of all the times that he made trips up to New York just to see Boa any chance he could get and then here they were. He was thinking about what was going through Boa’s mind. What demons was he entertaining in that head of his?
But more importantly, Mika was thinking about how relieved he was to find him. Period. That relief had faded when he saw the state of him.
“So Allegra and the kids are coming to Eden, huh?” Mika asked, leaning forward a few inches, looking at Boa.
The other man huffed quietly, the sound barely a laugh.
“Y’know Legs,” He slurred, dropping his arms across his knees and his forehead onto his arms.
“She gets a thought ‘n’ follows through on it…no stoppin’ ‘er.” Mordechai tried to smile despite his state; face marked with tear tracks, eyes bloodshot and bleary, and hair completely disheveled, he was certainly a sight.
“I never know what ta do when she gets goin’.”Badger let out a chuckle as he kept his eyes on Boa.
“That’s easy, Boa! You get the hell out of her way and let her cause whatever mayhem women like her do.” Again, he laughed, never moving his gaze away from Boa.
“You’re lucky that she’ll do it in your honor. I’d hate to be the person who is on her badside.”“My honor,” the next noise that passed his lips was twisted and disconnected, the self-deprecation heavy in the exhale.
“What honor, Badger, I’ve failed anyone I ever set out ta support. I’m workin’ past plastered in a graveyard in the only other pair’a clothes I own. I was a tool for thinkin’ I was anythin’ but one.” the last part was grumbled as he pulled his head up to stared straight forward.
“Because I love you, I’m giving you a warning.” That was all Badger said before a crisp, open-palm slap from his left found its way across the back of Boa’s head. From his drunken stupor, Boa flew forward with the momentum and Mika stood up. He looked at his brother. He didn’t know if this was what he needed, but it was the only thing that he could think of that would knock some literal sense into Boa.
“You seriously too drunk to fight back?” Mika taunted Boa for a few moments before grabbing him by the tanktop. With his higher stance and even greater strength, Badger pulled the snake out of the grass, making sure he was looking at the Badger who, contrary to popular belief, was giving so many fucks that what he was about to say hurt him more than Mordechai could ever know.
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe you are a tool just to be used by whoever has the greater willpower. Maybe all of those times I went out of my fucking way to drive for FOUR FUCKING HOURS to see you, to get to know your family, and to think of Viva and Chai as my own flesh and blood was for nothing. And maybe you being here in front of his grave, being in a worse state than when we first met is exactly what you deserve. I mean, you said it yourself, right? You’re a tool because you thought you weren’t.” It hurt him, but Mika’s way wasn’t the way of a scalpel. He wasn’t some tactful wordsmith and he wasn’t raised to be one. Mary-Anne O’Hara-Zima was more tactful than he was, but she raised him to be someone who knew when to be understanding to how others were feeling and when you needed to get through to someone who more or less closed themselves off.
And that’s exactly what he was doing right now. When he was truly afraid not only for himself, but for someone he cared about more than his own damn life, he was often cruel for their sake. Whether it was Cece or Boa, he gave them the hard truth because it’s what they needed to hear. For Cece, of course, it was to protect her, but for his brother -- for the person he’d literally give his all for, Mika had to make sure he saw it in his eyes, saw the rarity that was his heart, that Boa was full of shit.
“Look at me, Boa!” Mika wasn’t the type to show tears, but his eyes were watery. Mordechai flinched, turning his gaze back to the other man from where he’d tried to look away.
“I don’t care what happened yesterday or what happened last week or why you didn’t tell me you were back. None of that matters. What matters is right now! I said it once and I’ll say it fucking again! You are not some tool or dog or whatever fucking object people have you believing. You are Mordechai Boaz! And you know what? He’s someone who doesn’t take crap from anyone!” Mordechai’s legs were jelly, Mika was basically holding him up with sheer muscle and rage, and he was pretty sure his tanktop wasn’t surviving this encounter with Badger’s paws. The way he had the fabric bunched and twisted in his grip, it would probably be stretched beyond acceptability once released. The dark haired snake stared shakily into Mika’s deep blue eyes, stormy as the dangerous ocean they mimicked, and found himself getting swept up in the waves. The bottle tumbled from his limp fingers as he reached his hands up to grasp around Badger’s own and keep himself in place. Mika had found him again, he realized, the other man had tracked him down just to assault him and bash some logic into his skull.
Echoes of a happier time rang through his mind, the memory slowly building as it pushed away the negative thoughts that had clouded his mind so completely. He latched onto the memory as strongly as he was gripping Mika’s fists. He thought of absentmindedly crafting with his daughter, of Mika showing up and bulldozing through his bullshit, he thought of candles lighting up the faces of the people he loved.
“H-how the fuck do ya d-do that, Badger,” Mordechai sobbed roughly, begging for breath as he threw his arms around Mika’s shoulders, temporarily trapping the other man's arms between them as he dropped his forehead to the other man’s jacketed shoulder.
“E’ry fuckin’ time. How?”For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Mika didn’t know what to say. In the back of his mind, he wasn’t expecting Boa to embrace him in this way. He didn’t know what to expect, but as he shifter to hold his brother close to him, supporting Mordechai with all of what he had to give, he thought about the last time they were here. Not in the cemetery, but using fists and then words to get to the root of it all and Mika still didn’t know how he always got this result with him. He just knew that when those he loved more than anything in this world were in a bad way, he had to do anything that he could think of to help. Boa just responded better to his no-bullshit approach.
After a few moments of letting him get it all out, Mika brought his brother’s gaze up to his, just smiling at him in a rare, gentle way that so few people ever got to see.
“I don’t know, Boa. I’m not sure if there’s anything I can say that explains how or why this keeps happening, but know that I’ll keep doing it. As long as I am able and for as long as you’ll let me, I will keep pulling you out of the darkness again and again. You are my family. You. Are. My. Brother.” Mordechai returned his face to Mika's shoulder and kept them locked in that position until his sobs had died down, as if hiding his face hid the full body breakdown he was having in the open cemetery. Slowly, as his chest stopped heaving and his breathing had leveled out, Mordechai let go of Mika and stumbled back to lean back against Danny’s headstone. He attempted to run a hand through his disheveled locks and push his hair from his face, but his fumbling fingers got tangled in knots and he gave up halfway through. He looked back up at Mika again, too embarrassed at the moment to meet his eye.
“'M sorry you’re always dealin’ with me an’ my dumb shit,” he mumbled, squinting against the light surrounding his brother once more. If Mika was willing, they’d go right back to pretending Mordechai hadn’t been incredibly vulnerable out in the open. It was always a subtle dance between the two men, allowing vulnerability without necessarily acknowledging it, or at least not dwelling on it after it’s been showed.
“‘M sorry Legs probably attacked ya too…”He chuckled.
“I’ve accepted long ago that we are meant to deal with each other when we’re out of whack. But don’t worry your pretty little head about it, Boa. Besides…” Badger looked at Boa for a solid few seconds, smiling like he was earlier.
“She was really worried. And I promised her I’d bring you back to us.” For that moment, Mika let the vulnerable state of him and Mordechai linger.
“I’m just glad that both of us won’t have to face that potential wrath of hers if I broke my promise. She can be scarier than my own momma when she’s tired of my shit.” And Mika wasn’t talking about Momma G, either.
“That woman’ll put the fear’a god in ta an atheist,” Mordechai laughed
“She’s act’lly gonna fit in real well ‘round ‘ere, scary as it is ta think.” He looked at his Serpent jacket that had fallen off his lap and to the ground when Mika had first smacked him, and he bent down to pick up the symbol that connected him to his crew and his brothers.
Only to fall face first into it instead, arms folded under him uselessly.
“fuck,” Mordechai hissed, pushing himself over until he was laying on his back. He tasted copper on his tongue and reached a shaky had up to his lip.
“I busted my lip…er…re-busted? I-it was already like tha’, but I jus’ bit it open again,” he rambled, running his tongue over the wound as his unfocused eyes searched for Mika.
“Ya didn't do it this time, tho most'a my busted lips have come from ya in one way or the other…ReyRey was always that close second, though…"As much as Mika tried to resist the urge, as soon as he saw Boa try to walk and fall right on his face against the moist grass. And, of course, Honey Badger couldn’t hold in a few moments of cackling that came from a very immature place. “Someone call life alert, because this old man fell and he can’t up!” That’s how you knew things were back to how they should be. Something happens to one of them and the first response is to poke fun at their unfortunate circumstances. Mika’s been in his position and Boa always laughed when he fell down a few times, so it was only fair that Mika did the same. Besides, that’s what family was for!
“Oh yeah, you’re right. I do always end giving your mouth a nice shiner, don’t I?” Honey Badger kept chuckling as he approached his fallen brother.
“What can I say, eh? Us Gonzalez men know how to throw down!” Mika snickered as walked over to Boa’s side, draping his arm over his shoulder. With a series of grunts, he showed off his superior strength once again as HB lifted up the fallen snake up to his feet. He made sure to keep a constant hold on his wrist with his own so Boa could walk somewhat.
“Now what do you say we get out of here?” Mika asked, showing one last bit of his soft side to his brother as his smile reflected that.
“Yeah, in a minute…firs’,” Mordechai looked his brother deep in the eyes before his gaze flittered off to the side again, his mind falling back to another brother as Mika began to drag him towards the gates.
“…first’ d’ya know where Hard Times’ grave is? Danny’d be pissed if I didn’t visit ‘im too.”Mika would admit that he and Charlie never did bond in ways that it seemed he and Boa did, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know where it was located.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s on the way out. About five or so rows this way--” Mika guided Boa into a steady rhythm and they walked
seven rows of gravestones away and there it was. Given what Charlie did and everything, Mika was honestly shocked that it wasn’t too messed up.
“Here we are,” Mika said, being gentle with Mordechai as he set him down in front of it.
The drunken man slowly dropped to his knees as the other set him down, gaze on the grass as he tried to gather the stones to look this other slab of stone dead on. He hobbled forward on his knees before reaching his hands out to grip the top of the headstone, fingers tensing and relaxing against it repeatedly. He dropped his feverish forehead to the cool stone and closed his eyes as his world spun.
“...Hey, Charlie,” He whispered, not daring to open his eyes as he got used to saying the name again.
“Guess ‘m a bit of a hypocrite, I was so mad for ya not visitin’ me in juvie, but look at me now….” He scrunched his brow as he kept his eyes clenched.
“Anyway…’m sorry for everythin’. I miss ya…”Mika took a knee beside his brother, his hand on his back. HB didn’t say anything. He just made sure that Boa knew he wasn’t going anywhere until he was ready.
When they left the cemetery, in his mind Mika had a lot to think about. He got the full story about what happened last night, but that wasn’t why he had been uncharacteristically quiet (especially for him who always had something to say). It balanced out because Boa didn’t speak much, either. It was a quiet, thoughtful ride, but there was definitely something on Mika’s mind.
He knew Boa needed to sober up and needed a place where he could lay low until Allegra and the kids arrived in Eden, but there wasn’t a lot of places that certain people wouldn’t come knocking for him. Mika thought about driving him to the temple. Shale seemed to be worried in their own way about him, but that was too public. And with the state that he was in, Mika didn’t feel comfortable enough leaving him there (no disrespect to Shale).
There’s no other way. Mika knew there was only one place in the entire southside that he felt the most comfortable leaving Mordechai for a few hours until he was done handling what he needed to do in the next hour.
As it was decided, Mika took a sharp left, though he tried not to make too sudden so he didn’t rock Boa too much. His fragile state and all was taken into great consideration about how Mika drove. It wouldn’t be long until they were outside the Lost Soul’s apartment complex.
“Alright, we’re here, Boa.” He wasn’t sure if he was asleep or not, but he had to get him out of whatever daze he was in.
Mordechai had been zoned out most of the trip, head against the passenger side window as he watched the street signs change, his head feeling heavy and his thoughts distant and muted. He had mumbled his way through last night’s full story, telling Mika everything he knew before going tiredly silent. The turn the Badger took would have jammed his head to the glass if he had been driving in his usual manner, but as it was the force of the turn simply pushed him more fully against the smooth surface. He glanced at the building through the windshield and lolled his head lazily to the side.
"Los'souls He inquired, running his fingertips along his jacket's zipper in nervous habit.
"We havin' a sleepover?"With a laugh, Mika opened his door.
“Very funny. But no. I told you I’d let you sober up with someone I trust more than anyone in this world and I meant it.” As he hopped out, Mika rounded to the passenger’s side, he aided and guided Boa out. He made sure to support him with his arm draped over his shoulder and using his free hand to prop him upward.
And then they were off, walking slowly through the center of the complex, giving the Angels’ who stood guard a nod. About five minutes walking, they were inside the main building that was dead center in the back. The elevator was a straight walk through the front doors. Unlike most times whenever someone used the elevator, they would only be able to go up three floors. The “mystery” floor was only accessible by those who had clearance to use it. Typically it was often reserved for high ranking members of the associated gangs (angels, Serpents, etc), but Mika had the knowledge of the secret passcode for a very important reason that Boa was about to find out.
As he entered the five numbers in a very specific order, the elevator went up one, two, three, four--
DING“Fourth floor.” An uneasy tension built in Mika’s stomach and soon rose to his throat and it was hard for him to keep it under wraps. It wasn’t that he had a reason for being nervous, but something momentous was about to happen in under two minutes. Okay, maybe he was just a little more nervous than he cared to admit.
Alright, you got this, Mikhail! Third door on the left side.Mika stepped out of the elevator with Boa and they walked past the first and second doors on the left. When they came to the third, it was just like every other door on the outside.
“Hope you’re ready, Boa.” He might’ve said that to Boa, but it was more him projecting his own nerves about the person on the other end of the door onto Boa.
KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!How long has it been since he’s made a personal visit? A week? Maybe a month?
“Yeah, it’s been close to a month…” He muttered, biting his lip as the door opened.
“Hello--” A
woman who bore a striking resemblance to Mika answered the door. She was wearing an oversized, red coat, her dark locks falling in front of her face as she greeted the two young men with a wide smile (albeit one laced with a delighted shock).
“--Oh! Mickey! And…sorry, I don’t think I’ve met you before.” She exchanged a long glance between the both of them.
“Please, come in. I don’t think we should talk outside, anyway.” She closed the door behind them.
“You boys thirsty? I have water and kool-aid. I always keep a special vase of cherry flavor because I know how much Mickey here loves his cherry-flavored drinks!” She laughed, also in a similar manner that Mika did.
Mordechai blinked slowly as he shifted his gaze between the woman in front of him and the man supporting all his weight. He once again experienced the unsure feeling of wondering if his stomach was rolling from emotions or alcohol, because he may be drunk but he wasn't stupid, and he'd heard plenty of stories and seen almost every picture that Mika had of the woman standing in front of them.
"I'ssa, uh, pleasure ta meet'cha ma'am," Mordechai slurred unsteadily, mentally cursing Mika for choosing
now to introduce him to his mother. A mother who Mordechai had no idea lived at the Lost Souls complex in the first place.
"'M sorry for intrudin', m' name's Mord'chai Boaz." He used the hand across his brother's shoulder to pinch Mika not-so-subtly, trying to express his displeasure to the other man for the situation. One of the few people he'd ever thought of trying to make a good first impression for, and Mika tosses his stumbling ass right under the nearest bus.
He'd never live this down.
Cursing at Boa’s pinching action, Mika glared at him for a few seconds and set his ungrateful ass on the couch as gently as he just pinched him.
“It’s no trouble at all, Mordechai! Mickey has told me so much about you!” She took a seat opposite of the two of them in a recliner that sat across a coffee table in the middle of the living space in the apartment.
“And you’re not intruding at all! I rarely get any visitors, especially from friends of my son’s!” She flashed a smile to the two of them.
Mika tried to keep as straight of a face as he could. The guilt of not visiting his mother as often as he would’ve liked to was consuming a large part of his ability to even speak, but when she looked at him, in that same way she always did, that smile that broke through him every time, there was a certain reset button that went off in his head.
“My boy here needs a place to rest up away from prying eyes. You know, just so he can not worry about anyone needing him for something, ya know?”Mary nodded.
“I understand.” That was all Mika needed to hear to not worry about Boa.
“Well, you’re in luck, Mordechai! I just made some of my famous corn beef hash and fried potatoes. If you think you’re up to eat something. You look like you haven’t had a decent meal in some time.” Ah, good ole Mary-Anne not able to filter her observation of the state of people.
She was right, however, as Mordechai hadn't done much more than push around Big Mama's breakfast at Beau's house this morning, the only thing he really had in his stomach right now was rum and butterflies. He'd sunken harshly into the couch where Mika dropped him, however, his eyelids already dropping as his chin tried to meet his chest. The warmth of the apartment, as well as the comfort he was feeling being back around Mika again was allowing for him to relax and once more give way to the liquor in his system.
"Sounds like a dream…" he mumbled, eyes closing completely.
"I'll be…righ' there…'' The last part came out in barely an exhale, his chin dropping completely and body listing to the side, head hitting the arm rest with a teeth rattling thud that couldn't even startle him back awake.
“Amazing. He gave me hell and once his head hit the couch, he’s out like a light.” Mika shook his head and chuckled, smiling as he took a few moments to look at his sleeping brother before looking at his mother.
“Thanks for doing this, mama. I know I don’t always say it, but I have missed you. I’m sorry I don’t visit enough. It’s just--”Mary held her hand up, shaking her head.
“You don’t have to say it.”They always were in sync. Whenever Mika needed to confide in her or needed her advice, he knew his mother was here for him and he knew she was safe here. He didn’t know how long this would be their arrangements, but at the very least, he could find peace in that. After all, she was his rock.
Brushing off all the strong emotions he was feeling, Mika stood up.
“I’ll check back with you in a few hours. If he wakes up, just stuff some food down his throat. I’m sure he’ll have quite the appetite.” As he gave his mother a big, tight hug, wanting it to last longer than it did, he really did have to leave or Big Rey would have his head for being late for family dinner.