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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago

Bethany Bell

Westchester, New York, Xavier's Mansion Foyer -> Outside
Skills: N/A

Bethany stared at Mary as she decided to brush it off for now, she wasnt sure if that was still a good or bad thing really. "At least maybe keep an eye on that then." Bethany said to Mary, Danger didnt seem to be turning back on again and she decided to release her now, as she turned her attention back over towards Rogue and Wolverine. She was actually relieved to know that Rogue believed their story that they were from a completely different reality than their own here. "What should we do with Danger?" Bethany asked as she followed behind Wolverine and Rogue outside. "We can't really just leave her like this." She said, even though Danger had attacked them she did feel bad for the robot who was here alone for so long.

She turned to look at Mary as Rogue and Wolverine said that their version of Mary was actually dead here after what Pietro from this reality did to her and something like that did actually happen in their own. "When did this happen?" Bethany asked Mary as she looked at the car that was parked in the driveway. "Also where do you guys actually stay now since the mansion is kinda out of commission it looks like?" She asked Rogue and Wolverine.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Westchester, New York, Outside the Mansion

Outside felt better. Felt less constricting. And then the other shoe dropped and they explained that Mary had died here. "Yeah, we should go with you. We aren't getting our ship out of the lake anytime soon. Should see about decommissioning Danger or something." He didn't like the idea of leaving her like that. Xavier's school was the shiny polished version of Mutants for the world to see. He could understand why there would be an issue around a death like that. Ed didn't know much about Mary's family, by choice. He hadn't wanted to get close to the people here. He just wanted to get away from home and all the memories of his sister.

"We are traveling with other people. We don't know where they ended up. However, we know they are still alive." He didn't give location information or how many others they had with them. Let alone that one of them was Pietro who had apparently almost killed Mary and had succeeded at killing her in this world. That was not a conversation Ed wanted to have. Mary seemed fine working with Pietro and that was her choice.

"Any other world-shattering events that might be different? Like the World Trade center, Thanos destroying Cardiff, M-Virus you know the standard stuff?" He already knew the answer to the Thanos question, wishing he didn't, but it gave a baseline. He let them lead the way to their vehicle. The three of them would have to sit in the back since no one particularly wanted to sit squished into a seat with Rogue. Assuming Wolverine was driving. He also didn't particularly want to sit squished next to Wolverine either.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Sketchy Hotel Room – New York City

Lance didn’t seem too happy with Guin and Antoinette at that point as he lashed out at them before walking away. Antoinette took it as a good sign that he didn’t walk out of the room and leave them alone with his sleeping sister. Still, Antoinette never was a fan of random emotional outbursts. She didn't see the point in them. They never contributed or helped anything.
Antoinette glanced at Lana to see how she was doing but Antoinette was quickly distracted with the sound of sirens and then the fact that they were getting closer. Antoinette walked to the window and peeked outside, seeing cops rushing into the building and a mix of people yelling and shouting. There was a pounding of footsteps on the stairs and then knocking and yelling on all the doors of the floor. They really couldn’t catch a break but it was probably a drug raid and not them specifically that the cops were here for.
”Honestly, I don’t think now is the time for you said, they said. We need to get out of here. I’ll try casting an illusion to make it seem like the room is empty. Stand close and no one move,” Antoinette instructed. She hoped this would work and she hoped there weren’t too many cops that would come through that door. Antoinette was getting better with her illusions every time she used them but sometimes it was hit or miss. Still, Antoinette concentrated on the room around her, holding up a hand and her purple eye started to glow brightly. She envisioned how the room would look without four people in the room.
No one is here, it’s just an empty room. No one is here, it’s just an empty room. She chanted to herself, hoping it would translate into her illusion and the telepathic ability she had with that.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Asgardian Magic Attacks

"A touch," Runa answered Klara, glad to see her cousin contributing towards them winning this fight. The fiery one had been more or less handled, so now they had a new problem presenting itself - the Quicksilvers were practically identical. Runa sighed. If Pietro had been more adventuresome in his outfits, then they wouldn't have this sort of problem. She made a mental note to drag him shopping with her once they had a chance, perhaps in Shi'Ar space - the Shi'Ar always had the best looks. "Hold on, I've got this."

Runa concentrated, divining the identities of the Quicksilvers through her mannaz (man) rune. The answer then came to her in a moment - the one with the lighter shirt. She then decided the best thing to do would be to color code them. Using the gebĹŤ (gift) rune, Runa transformed the outfit of the other Quicksilver into traditional Midgardian superhero garb - a blue outfit with a white lightning streak across the chest, with matching white gloves and boots. "There, the one in blue is the wrong Pietro," Runa exclaimed to Klara, before casting a spell that she heard was quite popular on Midgard and seemed quite appropriate for the situation - fireball.

She scorched the false Quicksilver, knocking him to the ground. He (and his new outfit) had a decent amount of burns.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Battle Meditation

Guin was happy to see that Annie was pretty capable and confident in her skills when it came to casting illusions. She was used to working with Lance on things, but honestly, Guin was vibing pretty well with Annie at the moment. It was probably mostly because Annie didn't have her head up her ass. She had half a mind to use her powers on Lance to knock him out as well, he was acting like a brat. She watched as he walked over to one of the vents and pulled out a baggie of pills. For a brief moment, she was tempted to go take the bag from him and take a few of the pills for herself. But the moment passed.

Blue and red lights flooded the room, as sirens sounded off from nearby. The cops had arrived. Guin didn't know if the cops were there for them specifically or if this was some sort of raid on the motel - which, given the character of the receptionist, wouldn't have been all too surprising to her. They couldn't leave Lana though to the mercy of the cops - Guin didn't trust the police, especially not with an unconscious mutant girl. Annie gave a plan, whereas Lance decided to double down on being an absolute dick. Guin was really tempted now to knock him out too. "I'll assist you, Annie," Guin said, not acknowledging anything Lance had said, knowing that he was likely just looking for a fight. She used her powers two-fold with great success: 1) using her telepathic battle meditation technique, she boosted her allies' powers and 2) using her own telepathy, she added telepathic layers to Annie's illusions, reaching directly into people's minds.

I'm going to kill Lance. Your situation sounds frustrating. Hopefully the cops don't kill us before you get here.

....One, why do you want to kill Lance? And two, that didn't really answer my question of is it annoying to fight me or whatever? Cause I really want to know the answer to that.

I mean, yes? But it was also really hot.

Ok then... Now back to why do you want to kill Lance?

He's being a major dick. And keeps picking up drugs like they're candy.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Wooded Area
Well, Pietro was confused. He was confused for a few different reasons. One, was for the whole what the hell was his counterpart wearing, the other was what Guin was saying. Uh... Guina? I have a few questions about that... Partially where did Lance find drugs? Like, he always struck me as the person who would likely burn them or toss them out to keep them away from people, not go actively after them... That is really weird, actually, more then just a little weird... Also, next thing, cops are there? Where exactly are you???

Quicksilver clearly did not approve of the outfit that he was wearing, and looked a little annoyed actually with the outfit, "Ugh, really? This outfit and all? You have got to be kidding me it looks a little ridiculous and kind of impractical!" he complained, right before he got hit by the fireball that Runa had thrown at him. He instantly stood back up, clearly a bit sore and he waved his arm around a bit to put out the fire that had started.

"Ok, why the hell don't you stay down already?" Pietro complained towards his counterpart, rolling his eyes a bit. He was learning a lot in this fight. Namely the fact that apparently he could be incredibly annoying in a fight in general if you were fighting against him. That normally was a great thing! However in this situation it was incredibly annoying and he sort of wanted to knock his counterpart and keep him down for the count at the moment.

"Because I live to annoy people?"

"Okay, just shut up already!" Pietro commented, before he threw a punch directly at his counterpart's head at super speed. Quicksilver tried to dodge out of the way a bit, but Pietro had surprised him a bit, and managed to slam his fist into the side of his face, with a loud boom he managed to throw him into a tree and broke it in half, before he hit the ground, not moving anymore at the moment (likely in part due to the injuries he had gotten from Runa's fireball), though there was some blood on Pietro's hand from the punch. "Ok... Now what?" he asked Runa.

Sketchy Hotel
Lance rolled his eyes slightly, this entire thing was getting on his nerves, just in general and all. Annie would be unable to leave any sort of illusion, she just was not able to create them in general. That left everything to fall on Guin hopefully to keep them hidden from the cops who were now from the sounds of the footsteps, reaching the second floor that they were on now. There were the sounds of a lot of footsteps, before someone pounded on the door, and a moment later, the door was kicked open and a few police officers entered the room with their guns drawn.

They scanned the room a little bit, before one of them yelled back "All clear here!" towards those still in the hallway, before heading out of the room and moving onto the next one.

Things would seem like it was all fine, and they just had to sneak out and have no issues right? Well, more police flooded the hallway, and one of them seemed to be one of the ones in charge, slightly scanning every previously searched room as he went along the hallway a bit, and he stopped at the doorway to their room, and looked inside of the room. He seemed a bit suspicious of the room, and he took a few steps into it.

"Something wrong?" Another voice asked, as another person stopped in the doorway.

"Something seems a bit off, not entirely sure what though..." he muttered, taking a few steps forward even more so in the room.

Well, this wasn't going to end well. Since Lance probably could try to knock both of the cops out, allowing them to race out of the room and try to escape from the hotel before they got caught. Actually of the three of them he did have a little bit of a power set more or less meant for combat. But, he also knew that Guin was more or less just trying to sit there and prove herself right and everything with all that was going on (plus it might cause more issues) so he just stood back quietly, just waiting for this to either blow up entirely in their face, or actually work.

"Double check every empty room," the guy in charge called back to the others still in the hallway, "Since there might be something else wrong aside from the druggies we've already caught." The problem was now though, this guy and the other one in the doorway were not moving. The one in the doorway just seemed confused, but was standing there so the boss guy wasn't alone. The one in the room was just looking around, almost like he didn't trust what his own eyes were seeing.

The Mansion
"It happened forever ago," she responded with a shrug, "Didn't seem like it was all that important to mention." That and also she kind of had moved on from that whole situation. Pietro felt horrible about it, but based on things, it was probably best not to mention Pietro or whatever again currently. That just sounded like asking for trouble.

"Yeah, more then a few people kind of want Quicksilver dead," Rogue added, before turning her attention over towards Ed's question. "Uhhh, most of that stuff comes still happened. Actually the whole Cardiff thing is how ya ended up with us in the first place. And just asking that sort of thing in general without more examples, kinda vague."

"...Well... We know what happened here with the mansion and the team... What happened with the Avengers?" Mary asked, figuring to give something more specific and asking about one of the other main teams in New York.

"...Well that's a bit complicated."

"What do you mean?"

"Stark died taking a nuke into space, didn't come back from the wormhole in 2012," Wolverine responded, clearly not really wanting to have all of them asking a bunch of questions right now, "They stuck around for a few more years, but eventually they kind of disappeared. They resurface every so often, but that's about it."

"...Okay, that is a big difference."


"Uh, yeah, Tony Stark is very much still alive in our reality..."

"Huh, interesting..."

"...Okay, next question, whose all with you guys? Like with the team and everything?"

"Well let's see, there are those two," Rogue said, nodding her head towards Ed and Bethany, "Cyclops, Storm, Beast, us obviously, Emma Frost..."


"Jeannie and Cyclops got divorced about a year after everything, so she left, not sure where she is now."


"Yeah, feel like I'm missing someone... Oh right, there's an Asgardian sticking around with us for a while cause Emma was going to help her out, her mind according to Emma was like swiss cheese or something like that. Though having an Asgardian around is helpful at times."

"The magic is annoying."

"It ain't so bad."

"You and I have clearly had different experiences with it."

"...So back to the other question about what to do about Danger?"

"I'll talk to Scott about it, maybe we can set up a place in the city for her and all. Decommissioning her entirely... That's a bit over the top... We didn't do that initially since she's kind of a part of the team at times, or was in the past, and she's her own person entirely... And we thought that she'd go underground essentially once she realized that there wasn't anyone here or something for her to defend... Now, for gettin' into the city and all, I'll fly on ahead and you can take the car back with Logan. Gives ya a bit more room in the car too," she said with a smile, and a slight wave, "See ya there, this'll be interestin' to say the least." With those last words, she took off into the air, and after a few moments she was completely gone from sight.

"Everyone in," Wolverine grunted as he got into the driver's seat of the car.

Mary went over to the car and opened the door to the backseat and got in. "Well this is definitely an interesting situation..."

"You can ask more questions, but either keep them specific or to a minimum." Once everyone was in the car, Logan turned the car on and started driving them towards the city.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Westchester, New York, Outside the Mansion -> In the car

"That's fair. I ended up with the X-Men because of Cardiff, so that makes sense." He nodded, responding to more than one part of what had been said. He kept his reaction to them saying that a lot of people wanted Quicksilver dead at a minimum. Mary wasn't telling them that a version of Pietro was with them so he decided to keep quiet about it too. If they'd stick with these guys then it would come up. And that would become a really uncomfortable conversation quickly. They'd have to find a way to warn Pietro. Also, Guin would probably find out her dad was dead here. Ed didn't know how she would take it. He felt detached from this world, even with the memories that had popped up it still felt like it belonged to someone else.

"Which Asgardian is with you?" They knew a few now. He wondered if it was Runa. And if it was what had happened to cause the swiss cheese brain. He wondered that no matter who the Asgardian was. "Since Tony Stark is dead here. What happened to his daughter?" He already knew that he was going to probably have to face himself, and didn't know how that would go. How many of the others would have to deal with meeting themselves? How many would have a version they couldn't recognize?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago

Bethany Bell

Westchester, New York, Outside -> Car Ride
Skills: N/A

Bethany nodded slightly towards Mary if the two of them had made up over that then it shouldnt be to much of an issue really, she followed the others towards the car. Rogue decided to opt out on the car ride and flew off towards wherever the X-Men were staying now, she climbed into the back seat of the car and nodded slightly. "Yeah Tony is still alive and well in our reality." She said as she leaned back slightly as she started to think a little bit on what to actually ask Wolverine.

"Well you know the three of us, what about the others on the team, like Guin, Lance, Annie, are they all okay here. Or did you guys never meet them?" She asked, Bethany was really curious about herself but she knew that she'd end up meeting herself here pretty soon anyway once they got to the location. "Oh yeah is Genosha a thing here to?" Beth decided to ask as well.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Sketchy Hotel Room – New York City
Skills: Enhanced Intuition; Illusion Casting

Antoinette could feel that her power wasn’t working and that Guin was doing all the grunt work. The first set of police officers entered the room and cleared it before moving on. However, the next set of officers that came in, didn’t seem convinced. They saw the room empty of people, thanks to Guin but didn’t seem convinced.
Antoinette started to panic as she tried to think of something to do to either get them to leave the room or fully believe this room was empty. If they started walking into the room more and moving things around, they would definitely run into her or one of the others and then they would be in the middle of a gun fight. And Antoinette couldn’t be in a gun fight.
Thanks to her intuition, Antoinette was getting the vibe that they would not be leaving like the head officer said. Antoinette couldn’t be completely sure though and she blamed that on the panic she was starting to feel. Antoinette tried to ignore the suspicious looking cop and focus on the illusion. If they broke cover, they likely wouldn’t be making it out of this room unscathed or at all. Who knew what this universe did to mutants?
Antoinette, curled her fingers into a fist, tensing her whole body before she relaxed it completely and pushed her illusion casting. She didn’t think they had any other option other than to try and help Guin out. Antoinette was able to successfully reinforce the illusion that the room was empty of people but she pushed it one step further. Antoinette normally only affected sight and sound but she pushed to add smell to the mix and a sudden strong smell of natural gas filled the room. Antoinette did this in the hopes that the police would bail, thinking there was a gas leak which would leave the three of them free to run from the building with Lana being carried.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: N/A

Runa was offended at Quicksilver's distaste for the outfit she had given him - it had been all the rage in 1963. She had seen a young speedster on Midgard wear it back then, what had his name been, it started with a W? At any rate, it was fashionable and she made a mental note to get Pietro to wear something like it once they got back. He could use with an updated look anyways - the silver jacket and Hawaiian shirts were beginning to get a tad old. Thankfully, Pietro managed to beat Quicksilver in the battle of the speedsters, meaning that their opponents had been taken out.

Runa was of the mind that the best course of action would be to re-group with the others, as much as she was mildly curious about where these enemies had come from. "We should make way towards the others, we know the general direction, and my magic and your mental bond to Guinevere can guide us the rest of the way," Runa told Pietro. Once they had the others, they could begin to figure out their next steps. She would just feel much better once she knew the rest of the team had regrouped, particularly those ones that Runa worried about being alone in combat, like Lance and Annie.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Battle Meditation, Telepathic Attacks

Guin really hated cops. It was one of the reasons she was glad she had left SHIELD - back then, a privileged rich brat, she hadn't really realized that SHIELD agents were just cops with fancier titles. The entire superhuman Civil War she had missed out on during her honeymoon had more or less been proof of that, where the government tried to force all the superheroes to register and basically become glorified super-cops. It was one of the reasons why she was proud to be an X-Man - no one ever mistook the X-Men for cops. The Fantastic Four and the Avengers occasionally drifted into that territory, but never the X-Men.

Aside from feelings of anger towards the cops in the room, Guin was feeling pretty proud of herself - she had been applying her telepathy more and more lately, and it was paying off. She was single-handedly convincing the cops that their room at the motel was entirely empty - she just hoped everyone else in the motel had made it out before any of the asshole police got to them. She noticed Annie begin to pick up the slack and Guin took a breath, redoubling her efforts. At first, she almost lost her grip of both the boost to Annie's powers and her mental meddling, but she managed to improve her own illusion work drastically after another moment of focus. This plan was working.

Can't talk. Focusing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Wooded Area
"Uh... Yeah... Meeting up with the others probably would be a good idea..." Pietro agreed, though a few things stuck out in his brain. The main thing being that well here it seemed like he was still with the Brotherhood. While in their world, obviously he wasn't, and while some people still didn't trust him, most of the time people didn't call the cops or something just when they saw him. Which had been an issue when he had first gone to sticking with the team. So that made him wonder how people would react if they saw him racing around New York City at this point.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's see about finding everyone else."

"...Just a thought crossed my mind..."


"The fact that I kind of stick out like a sore thumb and if my counterpart here is a killer... Well pretty sure people might want to see him either dead or arrested if I had to guess..."

"...That is seriously the thing bugging you right now?"

"What? Kind of seems a bit important right? Well whatever, guess we can deal with that later..." Pietro commented, before grabbing both Klara and Runa, and taking off at a run to get them out of the woods and to the city, hopefully.

Sketchy Hotel
Okay, this was starting to get to be a problem, as they were essentially just sitting around, doing nothing, and just sort of hoping the cops leave them alone. There was still the issue of getting out of the hotel. Considering the fact that the place was surrounded and swarmed by cops, so there wasn't exactly too much of a plan Lance noticed with regards to everything. Luckily, what the other two were doing seemed to at least somewhat be working in general.

"Let's move on... Keep an eye out though, something is definitely going on here..." the first one muttered, before leading the way out of the room, however the door was still left open, so they could still hear the voices from the hallway and the cops moving along in the hotel.

After a few more minutes, things were a little bit quieter. They'd be able to hear people more or less getting arrested down the hall, but they seemed to be in the clear, for the moment anyway. The door was still open though, so they were going to need to keep their voices down if they didn't want to risk being heard in general, but the police were fairly far away at this point down the hall, so if they were going to try and get out of the hotel, now likely was their best chance.

"Ok... Hotel is surrounded by police, and we need to somehow get out of this room, downstairs, and outside and down the street or something like that... Sounds simple enough..." Lance muttered to the other two.

Meanwhile, in an alleyway across the street, Pietro stopped there with the Asgardians in tow, and his eyes grew slightly wide, seeing the outside of the hotel that the others were in, and he looked at both of them. "Well... They are currently in there... And the place is currently surrounded... It gets a little difficult for me to be able to race in and grab them and pull the group out... Since typically it is easier for me to just race around with two people... Especially if I'm avoiding the cops..." Pietro said to Runa and Klara, wondering how they were going to exactly get the group out of their situation.

Hey Guina, the Asgardians and I are outside the hotel. What the hell happened that resulted in the hotel getting swarmed by cops? And how many are in the group with you again? Trying to figure out the best way to be able to get you guys out of there..."

The Mansion
"The Stark kid is MIA. Pretty sure she's caught up with Magneto and his group at this point. Last she was seen was at that boarding school 7 years ago, and have no idea what "Genosha" is," he explained a bit bluntly.

Mary was a bit surprised to hear that, and now she was wondering what all exactly had happened. This reality was weird, and she was learning that she hated this reality more and more at this point. It also made her wonder where exactly everyone else had landed. Since from the sounds of it, several members of the group weren't exactly considered the greatest of people. So they likely could end up in trouble if they weren't exactly careful. This was a really strange place, and things could end poorly for them or the others if they ran into issues.

Wolverine seemed to remember the first question that Ed had asked him, and shrugged, "Honestly, she showed up a few months back, looked like she'd been through hell or something and at first fought against us, before she just completely passed out. When she woke up she could barely even remember her name, Frost said that it was like her brain got scrambled and other stuff got mixed up with it. I wasn't paying much attention to that explanation. But she's been with us since. Bit of a trickster though, so that is annoying all the time, but she tends to be helpful, occasionally, when she can seemingly think straight. Think she's Thor's kid or something from what Emma was able to figure out from the jumbled mess of her head."

"...Do you have any sort of idea how her brain got messed with or whatever?" now she was curious as to what exactly had happened to result in that.

"Nope, no idea."

"Fun..." well, there apparently was a version of Klara hanging around who was a bit crazy or something like that. Though a part of her couldn't help but wonder what had happened that resulted in Klara going a bit off the deep end and having her mind being a bit of a jumbled brain like that.

The drive into the city itself took a little bit, but eventually, they'd enter New York City itself. They'd be able to see Stark Tower off in the distance, but the lights were out and didn't look like it was in use currently. After a little longer of a drive, they'd end up parked next to a building with the words Frost International on a sign out front, and Wolverine turned the car off and got out. "Well, we're here," he told them as he headed inside through the front doors.

"Well this is more then a bit strange... What do you two think of everything?" Mary asked as she got out of the car now.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago

Bethany Bell

Westchester, New York, Car Ride -> Outside Frost International
Skills: N/A

[color=696969"Genosha just sort of started where we are from, a country for mutants from what i've heard."[/color] Bethany said to Wolverine she was kind of surprised that they didnt have Genosha here. She was pretty sure though that mutants were still prosecuted just for simply being who they were, as she looked out the window as they started to get closer towards the city. She noticed Stark Tower in the New York skyline in the distance, which looked like it was shut down. "What happened to Stark Tower?" She asked him as Wolverine started to mention Klara, and that something was wrong with her in this reality.

Eventually they were parked outside of a building, she leaned forward and looked up to see the words Frost International on the building. Beth turned her attention towards Mary getting out of the car shortly after her as well. "It's kind of weird being home, but it's not even our home with all of these weird changes from our own reality also seeing myself would be really weird as well to." Beth answered Mary as she started to make her way over towards the building itself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: In the car -> Outside Frost International

Well, that made things interesting. Klara was here but brain scrambled. Maybe that explained what happened to their Klara. He hated to think it but he was glad the answer was potentially that. He had gone a lot worse places when thinking about what was wrong with Klara. Ed still couldn't shake the feeling that Loki had something to do with it.

"Yeah strange is one way to put it. But I'm sure our world would be strange those from here." He gave a bit of a shrug. He was curious about more than Stark tower.

"What happened to New York? It is so quiet" New York was never quiet. It was a city that never slept. But there weren't a lot of cars or other people around. It was like a ghost town.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods -> NYC Motel, Outside
Skills: Infinite Deception of Words, Asgardian Magic, Darkness Manipulation, Darkness Constructs, Asgardian Magic Attacks

Runa had been about to offer to conjure up a simple glamour for Pietro, in order to keep him from being too easily spotted - of course, Klara did have an edge on her when it came to glamour magic. Love and beauty magic went hand in hand in Runa's experience, but she didn't do shabby work at glamours by any means. She remembered one of her earliest glamours rather fondly - she had been going to a party with her old beau, a Roman god with blinding golden hair, located in the last vestiges of Roman civilization deep in the Amazon jungle. Such reminiscing was cut short when Pietro spirited them away, coming to a stop in what looked like an alleyway in New York City. Runa both loved and detested the concrete landscape of New York - it was a marvel and miracle, just as it was a horrific affront to nature.

Pietro explained the situation and Runa nodded. She knew that she had been avoiding using her power, after the trouble it had been giving her in Nova Corps territory. But there was no reason to get in her head about it. She took a pause. "I can handle the guards," she volunteered, slipping into the Asgardian vernacular for a moment. "Klara, if you wouldn't mind assisting, in mind and body? That allows Pietro then to retrieve the others." Runa then focused, Gandr extending out to full length as her staff glowed in front of her, she felt the swirling eddies of reality around her and she lied.

"The cops are all asleep." Klara contradicted her lie and Runa tugged at the strings of reality, snapping her fingers. But instead of the large release of magical power she was accustomed to, it was more a sad and timid result - she barely made any of the officers go to sleep. Her eyebrows furrowed. "The cops vanished into the aether," Runa lied, going with a more violent and permanent solution, her own frustration feeding into her choice. Klara contradicted the claim, seemingly not bothered by the violence, and Runa snapped. Half of the cops disappeared into nothingness.

"Their fellows likely will have noticed that. Go now, Pietro," Runa urged, before now going for a more showy bit of magic. She gathered up darkness around her and breathed life into a construct, using her magic to give it a voice, and she sent a large shadow-y looking demon out into the fray.

"I will spare those who flee. The rest, I will suckle on the marrow of your bones, and the bones of your children and their children after them, until nothing is left of your line but blood and pain," Runa/the shadow demon said.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy

A voice popped into her head - Pietro, thankfully having arrived to the rescue. They had managed to avoid getting arrested and/or shot at so far, but knowing that there was a speedster outside with a pair of actual Norse goddesses made Guin feel much better about their chances. They still had to deal with the dead weight of Lana and of course, Guin was feeling guilty for the others in the hotel who weren't as lucky, who were being arrested while they were able to make an escape attempt. She wanted to help them, but they could barely help themselves as things stood. A glance out the window told her the entire place was surrounded too. It's me, Lance, Annie, and this girl we accidentally kidnapped. I don't know why the cops here, I assume because they're assholes, Guin answered.

...Sounds like the usual chaos that follows us around honestly

Guin then felt some of the cops... fall asleep? And then she heard a booming voice, threatening to suck on people's bones and eat their children. ...Is that you guys?

Yeah, it's Runa trying to scare people to get them away. Not sure how well this will work out if the cops decide to come after us or whatever.

Dramatic af. Anyways. Coast seems clear inside here, if you can speed on up and grab the girl. Maybe Lance too. Annie and I can get out ourselves, we've been kinda kicking ass with illusions.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Sketchy Hotel Room – New York City

Eventually the police left the room and Antoinette relaxed a fraction, glad that the smell of gas had worked to deter them and was hopefully one of the reasons why the cops were moving further and further down the hall. The door being left open was minor in Antoinette’s mind compared to the silent stand off they just had. As the hallway grew more silent, Antoinette dropped the illusion and looked at Guin.
”Thank you for your help and doing most of the work there for a bit,” Antoinette whispered. Now they had to get out of the room and out of the hotel without being seen or captured. Antoinette figured her and Guin would have to keep up another illusion as they went but for now, Antoinette took the mental break.
”With a hotel like this, there might be some secret way out, something the patrons use for quick escapes,” Antoinette suggested, trying to keep her voice low. The problem was finding it and getting out undetected.
Antoinette turned her head when she heard a faint, dark voice. She thought she heard words of something or someone wanting to suck on the marrow of their bones. ”Does anyone else hear that?” Antoniette asked. The cops in the hotel with the guns didn’t sound all that bad now compared with whatever that was.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sketchy Hotel
"...Be right back, I'll race in and see if I can find them in the building..." Pietro said towards Runa and Klara. Though he did have to stop himself from laughing a little bit at Runa deciding to go for the dramatics and try to scare all of the cops. It likely would cause enough of a distraction for him to be able to get into the building itself. Running around though he might cause issues with the cops if they noticed he was there though. Klara just nodded her head, wanting to keep an eye on what Runa was doing and make sure that nothing horrible was going to happen randomly. With that being said, in a large gust of wind, he took off running towards the hotel.

With Runa and Klara now, the cops outside were clearly paying attention to the giant thing that Runa had conjured up. So what else would they do but try to shoot the thing. Of course, since it wasn't an actual thing, it didn't seem to do anything at all. Klara couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly at this whole situation. "Honestly how has Midgard stuck around for so long? Seems like sometimes they don't have the brightest ideas around really..."

Meanwhile, Pietro was zipping around, avoiding the cops as much as he possibly could. Wasn't exactly easy, since the cops outside had been thoroughly distracted by Runa, but inside of the hotel was another story, as it had small hallways and there were several officers inside of the building still. Yeah, it totally was fun for him to find the scenic route through the building to find the best way possible. Despite him running as quickly as he possibly could, it took him a minute or two to actually manage to make it to where he was heading without knocking anyone over. Though that didn't entirely fix the problem.

"Ok, we need to get out of here now, since not sure I'll easily be able to do more then one trip here and no idea how long Runa can keep up the distraction. The place is swarming, and not just obviously outside. There are still a bunch of cops in the building, who probably noticed the gust of wind racing through the halls of this place..." Pietro said instantly to the group. He obviously could see them (since Guin had more or less been mentally messing with the cops' heads) and he was looking at the group, before seeing Lana still knocked out. "...Right, you mentioned that you kind of kidnapped someone... Who exactly is she anyway?"

"It's complicated, so don't ask right now."

"Uh... Okay?"

There was a bit of a commotion down the hall now, shouting from some of the cops, a lot of it was garbled and mixed up, but they'd be able to make out one name, and that was Quicksilver. So it seemed like they knew that he was in the building though, so that wasn't a good thing. Pietro turned and looked at the group, "As I said, only have time for one trip in and out of here... My counterpart here, he's uh... Uh, well... Not a nice person... At all..." though it would be plainly obvious to Guin that he likely had been attempting to say something else to describe it, but chose not to.

"...Well, there is 4 people here including Lana who is still knocked out, how many people exactly are you fine with racing off with since as you said, this is going to be a one way trip out of here?"

"...Usually only 3, but that's also with everyone conscious and able to potentially hold on or whatever while I race along, it makes my life easier. 4 people without the fourth person conscious and able to hold on at least even slightly, yeah no, that's likely not gonna happen."

"I mean I could try transporting whoever is left in here out of the hotel. Not too sure how things would go range wise, but recommendation? We should really choose something, since pretty sure they aren't going to believe this room is empty anymore."

Frost International Building
"It's complicated," was all Wolverine said, as he more or less lead the way into the building itself.

Mary looked at Bethany with her comment, and she shrugged slightly, "Personally I'd prefer to run into another version of myself instead of people looking at me because I'm supposed to be dead." Yeah, that whole situation was beyond strange to her. She wasn't too sure what to think with regards to that, however it was an interesting thing for her to see, how people who knew her would have reacted if she was dead and gone. Though she wasn't too sure if she was glad to see people a bit upset and clearly saddened by her death, or not.

Wolverine led them past the front desk and straight to the elevator, more or less ignoring the person who was there, before calling the elevator down to the ground floor. "We'll see if Rogue had enough time to convince them of all that's happened. Would make life a hell of a lot easier." When the elevator showed up, he stepped inside, hitting the button for the top floor, and once the three of them were in, the doors shut and took them up to the top floor.

They'd eventually reach the top, and they'd walk out into a large living area, they'd see someone familiar sitting on a couch who turned to look at the group as they entered the area. She wasn't wearing her typical armor, however the one odd thing about the outfit was the circlet that looked vaguely like it might have been homemade. That, and the pendant that looked somewhat old and stood out from the rest of her outfit.

"I thought that Mage and Nightlock were here already?" Klara asked, clearly a bit confused.

"They already are." Wolverine grunted in response.

"But... What?"

"Don't think much on it, your brain probably can't take too much in the way of thinking still."

"What is that supposed to mean? I still can deal with you."

"Calm down kid."

"I'm also older than you..." she grumbled, before standing up off the couch and walking over to them. She tilted her head to the side as she looked at the group. "You seem a bit strange..."

"Alternate reality craziness, don't want to try explaining what's going on fully."

"Oh? That's a bit... Odd..." Klara seemed to be thinking about something, as if there was something in the back of her mind that she was trying to remember, but she wasn't quite able to.

"...So how did you end up here?" Mary couldn't end asking her at this point.

"Oh that. Trust me, everyone asks me that and I'm used to it. What Emma calls it is I have amnesia, or memory loss, and that my brain is still at times trying to sort through the chaos of memories that are in my head. First thing I truly remember vividly was being in the streets of New York City about 2 months ago, kind of battered around a bit, my armor being damaged, and then these guys startled me and I fought back cause I freaked out. Things calmed down after about an hour, and them managing to knock me out, but after I woke up here Emma talked with me and said she'd help me piece some stuff together or whatever. Everything before that is a jumbled up mess. Can't fix everything easily though cause one false move with things could result in me going into a coma, it's great. Though I have been able to piece some stuff together just from things that are obvious, like how I'm from Asgard and my father is Thor the God of Thunder. Other then that, not much really." It was a bit obvious that she was used to people asking how an Asgardian got to be with the group since they weren't exactly very commonly found at this point.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago

Bethany Bell

New York, Frost International
Skills: N/A

"True seeing everyone's reactions and stuff knowing that you are dead here would be weird." Bethany said to Mary as she followed Wolverine into the building, taking a moment she looked around the lobby as the elevator was called and Beth stepped inside of it as well. She leaned herself up against the wall of the elevator as it started to go up, she wasnt sure what her counterpart here was actually like or if she was good or evil. Bethany stepped into the large living room area and started to look around and spotted this reality's version of Klara on the couch. It was kind of entertaining to see both Wolverine and Klara bickering between themselves as she listened to the two of them before turning to look at Klara.

"Maybe our Klara could talk to you maybe or something like that whenever we meet up with the others from our reality." Bethany suggested even though their memories were completely different maybe they had certain memories in common or something like that. Bethany then turned her attention towards the hallway as she heard the door opening, and saw herself coming out of the room. "Well this is a little bit weird like staring at a mirror or something." Nightlock said looking over at the others as she entered the living room area.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Outside Frost International -> Inside Frost International

Ed followed Wolverine into the building. When they entered the room with Klara. He smiled. He couldn’t help it. The woman on the couch was Klara. Maybe not their Klara, but maybe she was. The part of him that feared the Klara they had been traveling with was wrong, was a creation or Loki in disguise hoped that they had finally found their Klara.

"You can call me Ed." He told Klara, as the Bethany look-a-like Nightlock walked into the room. Behind her was his own look-a-like. He was suddenly very glad his twin had been a sister and not an identical brother. That would have made this very uncomfortable.

"Not sure how I feel about it." Mage said frowning looking at his double. What would their differences mean?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Sketchy Hotel Room – New York City

A couple minutes after Antoinette heard the strange voice, Pietro was in the room. She breathed a sigh of relief at seeing another companion and knowing there were two others with him as well. The X-Men always did better in a group and they could easily overwhelm the police this way. The major problem now was thinking of a plan quick enough before all the police came for them.
”Why don’t you take Guin and Lana, Pietro? I could create another illusion that might get the police to go running, which should give Lance and I a chance to get out of here. What do you think?” Antoinette asked Lance. They hadn’t exactly been getting along since being in the hotel but Antoinette guessed that had something to do with the stress of the situation and having a sister in this timeline.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: NYC Motel, Outside
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Darkness Manipulation, Darkness Constructs, Asgardian Magic Attacks

As anticipated, Midgard's meager forces were distracted by her demonic shadow construct Runa was puppeteering. The Midgardian bullets were flying harmlessly through the shadow construct, as it was not made out of flesh or bone, instead made out of shadows and the absence of light. The cops had not heeded her warning though and Runa twisted her hands inward, controlling the shadow monster, and causing the construct to stomp on the cops, crushing a good portion underneath its heel. She had slain many of the forces present, with the rest scattering and running towards the hotel for refuge. Runa's eyes narrowed. It was cowardly of them. "Not so fast," she murmured, before swinging her left arm forward, and the shadow construct then kicked, hitting most of the remaining cops - and the front of the building.

A gigantic chunk of the front of the building was now gone, obliterated by her minion's kick. Runa raised an eyebrow. It was easy to forget how fragile Midgardian structures were - such a kick wouldn't have knocked down any of the walls in Odin's halls. The front of the building looked like it might be about to crumble - along with the rest of it. Still, Pietro had run inside - he was fast, he would be able to get everyone out, Runa was certain of that. And if not, Lance could shift into the beast and use his body to protect himself and the others from the destruction. "Cousin, would you mind casting a spell with me to reinforce that building? Midgardian craftsmanship is rather disappointing."

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Motel
Skills: Telepathy

Guin chuckled ever so slightly at Annie whispering thanks to her - and acknowledging that she had done most of the work. She had only recently begun applying herself at a telepath, honing the focused totality of her psychic powers, and it felt good to finally succeed at it. Guin wasn't used to having to try at things - most things were either easy or just given to her. For instance, she hadn't had to go through SHIELD's academy system, instead just put into the field. She never had had to study for tests or exams or even give an assignment more than a second thought in school - she was a prodigy, it was easy, she was a gifted child, she didn't need to learn how to struggle and how to fail. Her psychic powers were the first things she really had to struggle with to become good at.

She considered what Annie said about their being a secret way out - her mind flickered to prohibition era structures, was this motel even old enough? It seemed old, but Guin doubted that it was actually that old. The odds seemed slim to her that there were any fun secret exits, but maybe she was wrong. "Yeah, that... that's Runa," Guin replied softly to Annie. Pietro then showed up and Guin couldn't help but feel relieved - as cliche as it seemed, he made her feel safe. And she trusted that at the very least, he'd make sure that Amidala, her cute little pet, managed to get out okay.

"... I don't love leaving people behind, but the more we talk, the less running time you have. Maybe I can give you a psychic boost, help you go faster."

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sketchy Hotel
"Of course Runa," Klara said to her with a smile, "Their buildings aren't the best or anything at all, that much is clear," she added as she started casting a spell.

"Guin I could survive a building falling on me it wouldn't be that bad!" Lance protested a bit when she commented on not leaving people behind. "If he has to leave someone behind, I'm fine if it is me since everyone else would get killed or something if this building comes down."

Pietro wasn't too thrilled with the conversation with regards to who he'd grab and race off with, but the one thing he was glad about was that Guin didn't seem to suggest leaving her behind. Since that would have been a hell no not happening sort of thing in his mind. Guina, not sure that will be helpful, I've been told going super fast past what I naturally do would be bad. Since there is a bit of a mental block that I subconsciously put there that prevents me from going too fast according to Wanda, cause otherwise bad things could happen.

Making a bit of a quick decision, Pietro races off, with Guin (and her little pet) and Lana in tow. Guin would manage to get him to go a little bit faster, and he raced out in a gust of wind. Once outside, they'd actually fully be able to see the damage that Runa had caused outside, and he couldn't help but sigh a bit. "Wow Runa, dramatic much?" Pietro asked her as he raced over, and set Guin and Lana down (Lana being a person Pietro still didn't even really know.

"Huh, whose she?" Klara couldn't help but comment with regards to Lana being there.

Back inside once more, Pietro went right up to Annie and Lance, "Alright, your turn, let's get out of here before the building comes down..." Lance nodded his head, before Pietro picked up the two of them and raced off again, this time however, the cops inside seemed to notice them completely now, and started shooting at the trio as they raced along. Luckily, Pietro had quick enough reflexes to more or less dodge the bullets, before heading outside. He barely managed to get them out of the building before it started crumbling a bit more, and becoming unstable. At least he managed to get them to the alleyway where everyone else was.

Before he could take too much of a breather, out in the street, they'd be able to see a sling ring portal open up, and out stepped the magical wizard, that being Doctor Strange of course making his dramatic entrance! He looked a bit annoyed about something, before turning his attention towards the group in the alley. "I know you are there, I already have enough trouble with Asgardians for another to start causing issues," he said, though clearly prepared to attack the group.

Frost International Building
"Not sure that talking to another version of me would aid in the matter... My brain as people like to describe it is swiss cheese, can't remember much and everything, so not sure meeting with someone who actually has some memories would actually work out," Klara commented with a bit of a shrug towards Bethany, before looking at Ed, "Nice to meet you I guess, even though I already know a version of you, which gets a bit confusing in my head and makes it spin, but whatever."

Well things got a bit interesting, as she saw the two counterparts show up from a hall, and Mary was a little weirded out by this. Though people seeing her as a dead person walking around wasn't a good thing in general, but also looking in a mirror and seeing other people around wasn't great either. This whole situation was insane in her mind, but she ended up just sort of waving slightly, "Uh, hi there?" she said to them.

"So these must be our guests then I take it?" a voice called out, before in walked Emma Frost, with Cyclops walking right next to her, and Rogue following close behind them. She looked between the group with a smile, "Other versions of Mage and Nightlock then? And who looks like the child who died years ago? Such an interesting group."

Cyclops just sort of looked at the group. Of course, it was a bit harder to get a read on his facial expressions because of the visor, so it was near impossible to know what he was thinking at the moment. Of course, this was beyond strange, since there were two different versions of both Ed and Bethany in the room. Mary personally wasn't really sure what all could really be said given this whole situation. One thing that she did know, was that Emma Frost in their reality was borderline on whether she was a good person or not. At least from what she heard, and now, here she was, talking to them as if it was nothing.

She was a bit grateful that the other members of the old X-Men team were here, so clearly in this universe the Hellfire Club couldn't be all that bad and all right? She was still a bit hesitant about it, but thought nothing of it. They kind of still had to off and find the others, maybe they could help? There were so many things going through her mind.

"What exactly brings you all here?" Cyclops eventually asked the group, he was keeping his voice steady and neutral with every word he spoke.

"...We kind of got stranded in this reality and kind of want to try and get back to our own..." that was about all that she really felt comfortable sharing. She trusted Cyclops and the others for the most part, but she still was unsure if she should trust Emma Frost at all.

"You know, we really need to do something here to make it more obvious as to whose who since you aaaaaaalllllll look identical," Klara blurted out. One thing was a bit obvious though when it came to her words really. Unlike in their reality, where Klara typically spoke in a bit of a more formal matter (like most Asgardians tended to, but a little less formal still then some other Asgardians they've met), here, as the bit of an amnesiac that she is, she very much didn't. Actually, aside from the circlet and the sword that they could see leaned up against the wall, she rather easily could pass off as a normal human with how she was acting. "So, we're going to fix this, right now. What to do though..." She seemed to be contemplating this now.

"Klara, we shouldn't crowd our guests don't you think?" Emma commented, before turning her attention back towards the group. "Well, we can see if we perchance can aid you. Rogue spoke a bit of what you all told her and Wolverine when they arrived at the mansion. However if you don't mind sharing what happened in your own words, we might be able to see what we can do."

Before Mary could say anything else though, she was interrupted by Klara going, "Oooooh I know!" she said out loud, before starting to giggle like crazy, a bit of a swirl of magic appeared in her hands, and she flung it out at the four (Bethany, Nightlock, Ed and Mage). The four of them would find that on their chest, they each had a My name is... sticker, each with their name. (the 667 counterparts with their codenames of Mage and Nightlock, Bethany and Ed had their actual names). Though Klara did also clearly have her sense of humor and trickery, as they all also ended up with one stuck on their forehead directly in the middle, and she couldn't help but crack up laughing.

That definitely lent itself to an amusing sight to Mary, though there was a bit of a crash down the hall, and out in a flash of fur came racing into the room as a red, blue and white cat came into the room racing into the room. Rogue let out a sigh, shaking her head a bit "What are Remy's little rascals doing now? Did he give them catnip or somethin'?" she asked with a bit of an eye roll.

Mary reached her hand down, and the white one came over and started rubbing up against her, "Hey there Figaro, how are you doing?" she asked, itching the cat behind the ear.

"Ok, gotta ask, how do you know how to keep the cats straight? They always are just a ball of fur racing around to me. Remy is always correctin' me when I call one the wrong name."

"It isn't that hard when you pay attention..."

There was something that would distract Ed and Bethany a little bit though. What was that exactly? It was a flash of another odd memory that clearly wasn't quite their own, at least not how they remembered things.

Bethany's memory that flashed into her mind was what looked like to have been sort of a continuation of her last memory. She'd see her going to the Frost International Building, and getting brought up to the top floor and being introduced to what looked like most of the previous X-Men team, and Cyclops offering to help her learn how to use her powers correctly.

Ed's memory that flashed through his mind, that was much more recent, and looked to be the incident they had been somewhat discussing with regards to how they had ran into Klara. He, along with Rogue, Gambit Storm and Wolverine in the memory, came across a strange sight, as they'd be at the sight of a crater of sorts, and he'd see Klara in the center of it, looking disheveled and her armor looked battered up and damaged in more then a few places, and she had her sword out in her hands, waving it around freaked out. When the group approached she instantly lashed out and started trying to fight them off. Despite looking like she had a few injuries, she held her own, before eventually getting knocked out, but she had been muttering a lot in the fight, every so often he'd be able to make out a word, typically relating to needing to stop someone. It wasn't clear who though.
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