So, Stella decided that it was time to begin training her Pokemon, which was a smart move. However, she could have trained in the city without bothering that many Pokemon as it is not that uncommon for people to fight the wild Pokemon that live in the city, but it is what it is.
Before that though, she went to the Pokemart and bought a Potion.
Anyway, Stella would eventually leave the city to go train and deciding to let chance decide guide her, she would arrive to Route 1 since chance knew that it would be a bit of a struggle to grind on Route 4 with her current team.

(Ignore the mountains. This was the only picture that came close to my mental image.)
Those heading to Route 1 would be welcomed by the site of rolling green hills with wildflowers beginning their spring bloom strewn about, painting the route with vibrant, untamed color that ran along the entire route. The road itself was like any road; there was a paved path for cars, but for those walking around they would only have a dirt path to walk on though it was well maintained. It was a popular route for beginning trainers due to the lack of challenge that the terrain offered and the close proximity to Florasong Town compared to Route 4's challenges and length.
Aside from hills of greenery and flowers, there were a sizable number of farms on this route each with their own specialty. Some grew wheat, some grew berries, some grew vegetables, and so on. A large portion of the region's food is grown here on this route. Of course, this was common knowledge to anyone living in Evig would know that the only thing not produced here is meat, which is actually produced in places such as Nexus due to the region having advanced cultured meat to the point that it is now the mainstream.
There were also ranches in the area where it can be safely assumed that had Pokemon on them and plenty of Breeders who offered their expertise. One could get Moomoo Milk in some of them. There was even a Day Care Center where a nice elderly couple who were very much experienced Pokemon Breeders.
The route was decently well-trafficked with trainers and others coming down from Florasong or from Grand Glory. There were many trainers in the tall grass searching for Pokemon or on the edge of a forest that strangely wasn't marked on the map. What could be in it?
There were kids playing in the grass, well, actually it looked like they were holding a little tournament of some sort. If Stella was paying attention, perhaps she would recognize Faye, one of the others at the lab who received their starter as well. Also, not that far off sitting under a tree was Tristan, a boy with white hair greyish-silver hair, that was there at the lab when she received her starter. It appeared that he was reading a book.
Along the grass there were puppy Pokemon going about their day, mainly just lying in the now midday sun or playing amongst themselves. There were also these creatures with zigzagging markings all over their body scavenging for food.

However, slithering in the grass were these purple, poisonous snakes with yellow rattles at the end of their tails hunting the near endless supply of Zigzagoons.

Stella would battle a few of these Pokemon. Kaebe had an easier time with fighting some of these Pokemon while Oclu struggled a bit due to its fragile physical stats. Still, the training bore results!
However, while training against Pokemon, Stella found a few encounters that definitely were not common, but now she was armed with knowledge that they lived here on this route.

With her training out of the way, what does she do?
Connected Areas:
Grand Glory City
Florasong City
Unmarked Woods
Well, it was never said that the cut marks of the tree were high up on the trees. The marks were found lower down where people who weren't climbing the trees were, around the trunk and exposed roots. But anyway, Jason decided in his best interest to actually observe his surroundings.
He was not wrong about the forest being a haven for bug collectors of various age groups and backgrounds. Knowing Jason, he's probably met some out back in his home in the Hoenn region due to the proximity of Petalburg Woods to his hometown. They were typically a bit of a strange, standoffish bunch, but this crowd was even more so. They spoke to only each other and gave the budding trainer the evil eye. It seemed like they were quite secretive with their info though Jason's focus was on the very familiar cowboy.
Now he didn't jump. It was more like he perked up when he felt a hand touch his shoulder. Connor glanced at the hand that was on his shoulder and then to the owner of said hand. He grinned when he recognized who it was. "You know it. Apparently from what I hear it's from a Pokemon that hasn't been seen in this forest in years though those damned bug-maniacs won't tell me a thing about it. If you're lookin' for info from them, it ain't coming out easily."
"By the way, I heard something about some kid beating a poacher last night. I take it that was you?"
It would be correct to assume that Freya indeed knew where this was heading. "Wait!" Freya called out to Steph as she ran away. "Ugh... Shit, hey wait up!" It was not long until she herself was running after them as well to the alley way. She had to make sure that whatever happened, that Steph would not end up killing anyone.
Meanwhile, the thing had been completely unaware that it was spotted and continued down the alley until it approached a messy looking man in his mid-twenties wearing baggy clothes, unkempt long pale blonde hair peeking out of a beanie. This guy looked like grease incarnate. "What'cha got this time?" The man said as it took the Pokedex from the Pokemon, examining it with a puzzled look about. It looked like a phone, but it had this weird card slot in it, speaking of which, had a card inside. He pulled it out to examine the card. Belonged to some girl apparently, but who cares?
He shrugged and slid the card back in without thinking. "Eh, no idea what it is, but it sure looks expensive. Probably could pawn it off and get quite a pretty penny off it."
However, there was a factor that they did not predict; a Bogan Galarian girl was making her way down that alley with a fury that would strike the fear of God into the heart of anyone.
So, Stella decided that it was time to begin training her Pokemon, which was a smart move. However, she could have trained in the city without bothering that many Pokemon as it is not that uncommon for people to fight the wild Pokemon that live in the city, but it is what it is.
Before that though, she went to the Pokemart and bought a Potion.
Stella obtained a Potion!
She spent 300P
She spent 300P
Anyway, Stella would eventually leave the city to go train and deciding to let chance decide guide her, she would arrive to Route 1 since chance knew that it would be a bit of a struggle to grind on Route 4 with her current team.
Route 1

(Ignore the mountains. This was the only picture that came close to my mental image.)
Those heading to Route 1 would be welcomed by the site of rolling green hills with wildflowers beginning their spring bloom strewn about, painting the route with vibrant, untamed color that ran along the entire route. The road itself was like any road; there was a paved path for cars, but for those walking around they would only have a dirt path to walk on though it was well maintained. It was a popular route for beginning trainers due to the lack of challenge that the terrain offered and the close proximity to Florasong Town compared to Route 4's challenges and length.
Aside from hills of greenery and flowers, there were a sizable number of farms on this route each with their own specialty. Some grew wheat, some grew berries, some grew vegetables, and so on. A large portion of the region's food is grown here on this route. Of course, this was common knowledge to anyone living in Evig would know that the only thing not produced here is meat, which is actually produced in places such as Nexus due to the region having advanced cultured meat to the point that it is now the mainstream.
There were also ranches in the area where it can be safely assumed that had Pokemon on them and plenty of Breeders who offered their expertise. One could get Moomoo Milk in some of them. There was even a Day Care Center where a nice elderly couple who were very much experienced Pokemon Breeders.
The route was decently well-trafficked with trainers and others coming down from Florasong or from Grand Glory. There were many trainers in the tall grass searching for Pokemon or on the edge of a forest that strangely wasn't marked on the map. What could be in it?
There were kids playing in the grass, well, actually it looked like they were holding a little tournament of some sort. If Stella was paying attention, perhaps she would recognize Faye, one of the others at the lab who received their starter as well. Also, not that far off sitting under a tree was Tristan, a boy with white hair greyish-silver hair, that was there at the lab when she received her starter. It appeared that he was reading a book.
Along the grass there were puppy Pokemon going about their day, mainly just lying in the now midday sun or playing amongst themselves. There were also these creatures with zigzagging markings all over their body scavenging for food.

Pokédex Entry #835 – Yamper, the Puppy Pokémon. This Pokémon is very popular as a herding dog in the Galar region. As it runs, it generates electricity from the base of its tail. It only assists people with their work because it wants treats. As it runs, it crackles with electricity.

Pokédex Entry #263 – Zigzagoon, the Tiny Raccoon Pokémon. It marks its territory by rubbing its bristly fur on trees. This variety of Zigzagoon is friendlier and calmer than the kind native to Galar. If you've lost something, this Pokémon can likely find it.
However, slithering in the grass were these purple, poisonous snakes with yellow rattles at the end of their tails hunting the near endless supply of Zigzagoons.

Pokédex Entry #023 – Ekans, the Snake Pokémon. By dislocating its jaw, it can swallow prey larger than itself. After a meal, it curls up and rests. The eggs of bird Pokémon are its favorite food. It swallows eggs whole, so sometimes an egg gets stuck, and Ekans faints.
Stella would battle a few of these Pokemon. Kaebe had an easier time with fighting some of these Pokemon while Oclu struggled a bit due to its fragile physical stats. Still, the training bore results!
Kaebe is now level 7!
Oclu is now level 6!
Oclu is now level 6!
However, while training against Pokemon, Stella found a few encounters that definitely were not common, but now she was armed with knowledge that they lived here on this route.

Pokédex Entry #821 – Rookidee, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. It will bravely challenge any opponent, no matter how powerful. This Pokémon benefits from every battle—even a defeat increases its strength a bit. Jumping nimbly about, this small-bodied Pokémon takes advantage of even the slightest opportunity to disorient larger opponents.

Pokédex Entry #827 – Nickit, the Fox Pokemon. Aided by the soft pads on its feet, it silently raids the food stores of other Pokémon. It survives off its ill-gotten gains. It erases its tracks with swipes of its tail as it makes off with its plunder.
With her training out of the way, what does she do?
Connected Areas:
Grand Glory City
Florasong City
Unmarked Woods
Well, it was never said that the cut marks of the tree were high up on the trees. The marks were found lower down where people who weren't climbing the trees were, around the trunk and exposed roots. But anyway, Jason decided in his best interest to actually observe his surroundings.
He was not wrong about the forest being a haven for bug collectors of various age groups and backgrounds. Knowing Jason, he's probably met some out back in his home in the Hoenn region due to the proximity of Petalburg Woods to his hometown. They were typically a bit of a strange, standoffish bunch, but this crowd was even more so. They spoke to only each other and gave the budding trainer the evil eye. It seemed like they were quite secretive with their info though Jason's focus was on the very familiar cowboy.
Now he didn't jump. It was more like he perked up when he felt a hand touch his shoulder. Connor glanced at the hand that was on his shoulder and then to the owner of said hand. He grinned when he recognized who it was. "You know it. Apparently from what I hear it's from a Pokemon that hasn't been seen in this forest in years though those damned bug-maniacs won't tell me a thing about it. If you're lookin' for info from them, it ain't coming out easily."
"By the way, I heard something about some kid beating a poacher last night. I take it that was you?"
It would be correct to assume that Freya indeed knew where this was heading. "Wait!" Freya called out to Steph as she ran away. "Ugh... Shit, hey wait up!" It was not long until she herself was running after them as well to the alley way. She had to make sure that whatever happened, that Steph would not end up killing anyone.
Meanwhile, the thing had been completely unaware that it was spotted and continued down the alley until it approached a messy looking man in his mid-twenties wearing baggy clothes, unkempt long pale blonde hair peeking out of a beanie. This guy looked like grease incarnate. "What'cha got this time?" The man said as it took the Pokedex from the Pokemon, examining it with a puzzled look about. It looked like a phone, but it had this weird card slot in it, speaking of which, had a card inside. He pulled it out to examine the card. Belonged to some girl apparently, but who cares?
He shrugged and slid the card back in without thinking. "Eh, no idea what it is, but it sure looks expensive. Probably could pawn it off and get quite a pretty penny off it."
However, there was a factor that they did not predict; a Bogan Galarian girl was making her way down that alley with a fury that would strike the fear of God into the heart of anyone.