Name: Sophia Belle
Superhero name: None at this time
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 26

Powers: Invulnerability, Super Strength, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Senses (Ultraviolet Light, Hearing akin to an Owl), Higher Stamina (Needs to eat and sleep less),
(Unknown to Her: Continuously draws small amounts of mana/magical energy from her surroundings)Limitations: Despite being invulnerable, she feels varying degrees of pain, meaning she will still try and avoid being hit if possible - and there is a limit. While bullets give her minor bruises, things such as prolonged electrical current, extreme heat or cold, or explosions would still harm her (though to a lesser degree). Super Strength is also limited this way in that hitting steel hurts while breaking wood does not (or very little). Her speed is only limited to roughly 50 mph. As for her senses, they can be overwhelmed like anyone else on the planet - bursts of ultraviolet rays that most people cannot see are especially effective.
Skills/Talents: Before her superhero life, she was good with numbers and responsible financial management, however she didn't hold a job and learn odd bits of information regarding interests (like superhero comics, fantasy reading). She is able to retain things that interest her very well though.
Background/bio: Sophia grew up mostly alone besides the maids, nanny, and butlers. Her family was rich but very neglectful, often leaving her with a feeling of being alone. The servants never really, genuinely got close to her, so she had a childhood filled with video games, fantasy books, and comic books so she could escape into another life. As she grew up into a teenager, she became a bit of a rebel, though it wasn't to go to parties and the like, but rather becoming uncaring for school and more involved in her 'fantasy life'. By the time she was 22, she had dreams of exploring the world and maybe meeting a superhero in person and began to travel on her own - with parents that still didn't seem to care.
By the time she was 26, she had been to Korea, Canada, Germany, and found her latest stop in Scotland where she wanted to visit all the old castles. One fateful trip she had found herself wandering the halls away from the tourists, wanting to see what the ruins held for herself. She stopped by an old gate that seemed locked and behind it was a garden. Not thinking of the consequences, she found a rock and broke open the gate, but to her surprise the garden changed into some sort of engine room. She marveled at what she had found and in her excitement, she darted in with a smile only to hear a female voice announce the words, "core is critical, core is critical - scanning for new vessel - scan number 2,456,543 in progress". While many thoughts crossed her mind, she had no time to back out before the room was flooded with a red beam followed by, "replacement vessel found. Injecting core."
Whatever happened to her, it was like a pain she had never felt before in her life. It was so intense that she just barely remembers the room growing dark before she passed out onto the floor. By the time she woke up, it was clearly night - long past time for any tourist groups and it was obvious she had been somewhere that no one had been before. As Sophia stumbled out of the castle ruins, she could almost 'feel' the world around her buzzing with energy - the night sky, the moon - everything seemed so clear and sharp. As she came to terms with her new powers, she knew she always daydreamed of being a superhero...