Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Mad Hatter turned to look at his son for a moment as he waited for the others, once they were all finished, he gave a slight shrug he had heard of Oz but he never really met the guy or been to the land before. "I've heard of him but never really met him before honestly." He said, as he followed shortly behind Cheshire as they headed down an alleyway, one of the purple cats appeared behind some crates with what looked like a dead mouse in it's mouth before dropping it onto the ground. It turned it's attention towards the group and started to meow before leading the way and headed down some stairs.

Aurora looked over at Willow and gave her a smile and nodded slightly, as she stared at one of Cheshire's cats, as he followed him. "The hideout is just around here." Cheshire said as the cat came to a stop at a door letting out a meow as it rubbed up against Colby wanting some attention. Mad Hatter then went over towards the door and gave a few knocks as spy hole opened up, a set of eyes looked down at the group.

"Who are the others with you?" The person on the other side of the door demanded eyeing Colby, Willow and Mathew with a suspicious look. "These are our kids, can you let us in?" Mad Hatter asked, as the person took a moment. "One moment." They said before the spy hole closed shut, and a few seconds later the door opened a person came out and waved them through and gestured to a bin next to the door. "Put any loose belongings or weapons you have here." They told the group, as they started to empty their pockets, the man eyeing the three kids as well to expecting them to do the same thing.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Belle took a moment and looked over at Jack as he asked if Megan was alright, as she looked over towards Megan she was glad that Jack was being a brother to her. It didnt take to long for them to get back into town, the lights were already up, and there werent to many people out in the streets, just the ocasional shady person eyeing the group as Hansel and Gretel led. Sierra took a moment and paused as she could hear that Tick-Tocking sound again, as she went over towards the ledge of a nearby dock, seeing the crocodile again from earlier briefly before it ended up diving under the water.

"The crocodile is still here it seems." Sierra said softly while looking over at the others as Arthur turned to look at her and nodded slightly, he knew of Hook and he'd stop here quiet a lot in the last few weeks. And the crocdile always seemed to stalk Hook a lot of the time as well to. "Then Hook is most likely still here, just be careful." Arthur said as Sierra continued to follow the group until they were at the area that they had met the people earlier who said that they'd give them passage into Atlantica earlier, but they werent here just yet it seemed.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Thats still the plan, though we'll probably have to move and pack up camp sooner than planned however." Robin Hood informed the girls as he watched Rose and his daughter heading off somewhere else. Layla crossed her arms slightly as she watched her sister and Rose heading off, "Do you need help?" Layla asked her father turning her attention towards her as he smiled and nodded towards her. "Go ahead and inform the others that we are going to be packing up camp here pretty soon. If you can ask Merlin to find a new place to set up camp would be good." Robin Hood said as he went to go and let the rest of his men know as well to.

Layla walked over towards Rosalia and Merlin for a moment and looked at the two of them she wasnt sure what the two of them were really talking about. "Robin Hood says that we are going to be packing up camp here pretty soon, also he wanted to ask if you could help find a new place to set up shop." Layla said, as he nodded towards Layla as she headed off again, as he turned to Rosalia. "Would you like to help me with that?" He offered.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Robin Hood’s Camp -- The Moors

Rose seemed to be on board with the not running into danger plan and she didn’t seem too upset that the others, including Cassi, had shut her idea down. Cassiopeia looked back to her father but Rose spoke to her directly, wanting to talk to her privately. Now Cassi worried she had done something to offend Rose but she still followed the woman off to the side.
Once they were alone, Rose spoke up and shocked Cassiopeia. Cassi and Rose had developed this flirtatious back and forth and in the last couple of months it had ramped up in intensity. Cassiopeia was gearing up to ask Rose out but then this all happened. It didn’t seem to stop Rose from having her feelings though and now she was telling Cassi how she felt.
Cassiopeia’s face flushed from the straightforwardness of Rose but she always liked that about Rose. She rubbed the back of her neck and looked over at the others in the distance. She wondered if this had something to do with having a knife to her throat earlier. Cassiopeia had definitely felt frightened when Rose had been dragged behind a horse.
”I’d prefer if you didn’t move on just yet,” Cassi said and looked at Rose smiling. ”Truth is, before we found out about our real parents, I was going to ask you out. I don’t anticipate us being able to go on any sort of date soon but, I feel the same Rose and I’d very much like the chance to be with you.” Cassiopeia’s heart was racing and all the events of the past days faded into the background, meaning nothing to her in the present moment.

Willow Jones

Location: Tavern —> Street —> Hideout -- Agrabah

Willow followed the others through the streets until they came across a cat who started to lead them. It was strange to Willow how more involved the animals of this world were. It was just one of many things that she needed to get used to.
They reached the hideout and after being let in they were asked to get rid of weapons and other belongings. Willow wasn’t completely comfortable with that idea and looked at her mother with some hesitation before she set her bag on the table and pulled out a couple of knives that she had on her person.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

That smile. That perfect smile. The anxious energy that had been building in Rose released and she smiled. "Okay, I can do that. If you change your mind let me know." She wanted to dance, but Rose kept herself calm.

"I know things are a bit in turmoil right now and it is hard to know what is safe and secure. So if you want to wait until things are not so dangerous I understand. But I knew that if I didn't tell you now I'd regret it if anything bad happened. I'll let you decide if we tell Layla and Robin Hood, and the speed of anything between us." Rose was certain by now Layla probably had a betting pool on when Cassi and Rose finally hooked up. She had been pushing them for it for ages. So she wouldn't be surprised.

She, however, wasn't going to push. She had said her piece and Cassi had reciprocated. It hadn't just been adrenaline for her either she had been genuinely interested in her since before they came here.

"I should add that while the events that just unfolded have to do with why I am saying this now, it is not a new feeling. It just made me realize that I needed to say something." Rose confessed.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby pet the new cat that was paying attention to him. "Aren't you a cutie." He said giving praise to the cat. He was a bit distracted with that as the exchange at the door happened. They were told to remove their belongings. He mostly just had his backpack with all of his stuff in it, and the deck of cards that he had swapped with Maddie in his pocket.

"You want everything? I don't think I can put cats in the tray." He said as he removed his backpack. Not wanting to part with it. He glanced at his dad. Chesire was doing as told. So Colby placed his backpack in the bin carefully. There were some things in there that would probably be very confusing to anyone from this world. Then he pulled the deck of cards from Maddie out of his pocket and put it in the side pocket of the bag.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan turned her head, as her brother asked if everything was alright. In truth, she didn't really know. She didn't know how to deal with all of this information that had been thrown at her. It was one thing to be told that her birth parents were King Arthur and Lady Guinevere - it was another thing entirely to meet them and have them be so frustratingly perfect. "I wish they had a little bit of a monster in them," Megan admitted to her brother, quietly enough that no one but him could hear. "They're idealized myths. I wish there was something in them to despise." Arthur and Guinevere were perfect - they were the heroic ideals, royals who were just and kind and righteous. People like them didn't exist in the world that Megan grew up in.

More importantly, she couldn't see hints of herself in them. She knew that there was undoubtedly inherited physical characteristics, but those personality traits and quirks, none of it was there. She knew that people didn't inherit personalities genetically - that was impossible and just bad science - but still, she felt like she had no connection to those people. At least a little darkness in them would have humanized them and be something that Megan could relate to. Instead, they just looked like strangers to her, people from a world that Megan could never belong to.

The crocodile was nearby, meaning the pirates were as well. Megan wouldn't have minded an altercation with the pirates - a sword fight with them honestly seemed fun. But they didn't have time for that. They needed to move and quickly. Unfortunately, the others, their guides, hadn't arrived yet it seemed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She wasn't entirely sure what to really think, or say for that matter when Layla came over to where she and Merlin were and started talking about how Robin Hood was needing people to potentially go scout out a new spot for a new camp. Considering how they had gotten attacked recently, it was plainly obvious that the people after them knew exactly where they were. Moving on from their current location made sense, though she wasn't exactly sure where in the Moors though they'd be able to find a place for it that would be much better.

When Merlin asked if she wanted to help him find a place to go set up camp, Rosalia just sort of shrugged. "I mean why not? Sure beats hanging around here and doing nothing all day, so sure, let's go," she responded to him. It was better then doing nothing that was for sure. Since right now she was bored out of her mind, which was a bit strange considering the area that they were in and the place they were in, she would have thought it wouldn't exactly have much of a slow moment.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack listened to what she had to say, and in a way, he sort of understood what she really meant with it. Her biological parents, they weren't very much like her, and for him. Well even though he had just met his mother, she was essentially a stranger to him, and he had a few more sort of bits and pieces memories of his father, who was not someone he really knew either. Not to mention he was clearly not a good person and was a villainous type of character, and between Rumpelstiltskin and him, well, they were vastly different. There wasn't much in the way of things in common aside from vague appearances at most.

"...Not everyone is perfect, we haven't been around them for long, so they still might surprise you. Though if you want nothing to do with them, I'd understand that. You know that I want nothing to do with my father, but also it tends to make it a little easier for me to hate and want nothing to do with him considering his personality and what he's done and all... But you don't need a reason to want to keep your distance, you can just do that because it's what makes you feel most comfortable, you need to really focus on you, and not what others or they might want for you..." he said somewhat quietly to her. He hoped to make her feel a little better, he still kept his voice down overall though. He heard the sound of the crocodile drawing close by, and the pirates were around still too probably, this was definitely going to be interesting.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie's mind was already beginning to race with ideas of what the Land of Oz might look like. Speculating how much from which stories were true and how much were fabricated for a good telling. A part of him wished the story of Wicked was true, though he wasn't one to pine after a bad guy, he thought the story of Elphaba was just too well told and tragic. That was enough to keep him busy on the walk there as Colby paid mind to the stray cats his father was seemingly plagued by. It was however useful in helping them get around, and just as if a track was switched so too was Maddies thoughts. He now began to wonder of the possibilities that hanging around his father would awaken some form of feline compass. Allowing Colby to follow the path of cats to their desired destination.

By the time they'd reached the door, Maddie had already imagined several fantasy scenarios in which Colby befriended one feline or another. Even the dreaded Displacer beasts of D&D made an appearance and were held by Colbys cat-like charms. Maddie hurried inside, holding his bag tight to himself while they shuffled into the room. When they asked for their belongings to be placed, he only gripped his bag tighter. His hand shook for a moment, before he had to remind himself this is a hideout. They were no friends to Jafar, and for that matter Maleficent. Or so he hoped, because if magic truly was illegal here, then Merlin's book certainly wouldn't do to be found within his bag. Maddie placed his bag into the bin, putting the playing cards inside his bag reluctantly. "W-w-we'll get them b-back right?" He asked the large man who'd opened the door.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The man turned to stare at Colby for a moment and shook his head slightly, he wasnt really sure about the kid as he looked over at Maddie. "You'll get your things once you have finished your business here now follow me." He said waving the group down into a hallway there were a few other people staring at the group of them, and then the guy opened another door revealing a small room with a table, a couch and a chair.

"Take a seat the boss will be here shortly." He said, Aurora, Cheshire and Mad Hatter all headed into the room itself and sat down on the couch. The cat that had led them to the hideout was meowing at Colby and rubbing against his leg before entering the room itself as well. "She always does this kind of thing, don't worry." Aurora told them as she sat down on the chair and leaned back, the door closed behind them leaving the six of them alone for now. About ten minutes later the door opened again, as a woman came into the room and looked at the group. "Who are the other three?" The woman asked staring at Willow, Maddie and Colby. "These are our kids." Mad Hatter answered as he looked at the others. "This is Jasmine, she helps with leading the rebels here." He told them.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra leaned herself up against a nearby wall and looking down into the water for a moment, seeing the moon shining down on the water was rather relaxing, as she started to run a hand through her hair. Hansel and Gretel were standing close by each other and it looked like they were alert just in case any of Hooks men decided to rear their heads. Guinevere turned to look over at Megan seeing both Megan and Jack talking amongst themselves, she started to make her way over towards her daughter. "How are you doing?" She decided to ask her daughter, hoping to get to know her a little bit.

Sierra started to catch some movement in the water as something started to break through the surface, what looked like a carriage like vehicle approached, and what looked like giant sea horses were pulling it. The people that they had met with earlier had mermaid tails in place of their legs as it made its way to the dock. One of them finally spoke up staring at the three people who werent there earlier and glared. "None of you said you'd be bringing more." They said looking a bit suspicious at the group now. Arthur quickly approached and pulled out a bag of coins and tossed it over to them. "That should cover the rest of us." Arthur said, as the mermaid took a moment and inspected the money before opening the carriage doors for them. "Go ahead and get in." They said.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Alright then, if you want to get any supplies feel free to grab whatever you need. I'll meet you at the entrance to the camp." Merlin told Rosalia as Rapunzel came out of the tent looking a little bit tired after treating all of the wounded. Layla had gone over to help with the rest of the men to pack up some supplies with the help of Robin Hood's men. She took a moment and turned to look at her sister and Rose seeing the two of them still talking. "Just make out already!" Layla yelled to her sister teasingly, before running off go and help her father.

Red made her way out of the tent she couldn't help but hear Layla yell that out as she looked over at Rose for a moment and smiled, she was fine if her daughter was with Cassi as long as she was actually happy that was all that really mattered to her as well. She didnt want to ruin the moment as she went to help pack up the camp.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Robin Hood’s Camp -- The Moors

Cassiopeia was relieved when Rose clarified that these weren’t new feelings for her. So, Cassiopeia hadn’t just been flirting with her for all those months for no reason, Rose had really felt something for her as well. She felt her cheeks warm at the idea of controlling the pace but then her competitive nature kicked in and she smirked.
”You really shouldn’t leave me in charge of how fast we move,” Cassiopeia teased. She took a couple steps closer to Rose, looking down at their feet until she was closer and looked up at Rose. Cassi reached out and took Rose’s hand in hers. She rubbed her fingers over her knuckles, feeling a familiarity there but also a cool warmth spread up her arm.
”We can take it slow but I don’t want to wait,” Cassi decided. They didn’t have to rush into anything but Cassiopeia didn’t want to hold back either. If she wanted to hold Rose’s hand, she wanted to be able to. If she wanted to rest an arm around her shoulders and kiss her cheek, Cassi wanted to do that as well.
Layla’s words drifted over to them and Cassi squeezed Rose’s hand instinctively before she turned her head and glared at her sister. ”Trying to have a moment here!” She yelled back and gave her sister the middle finger with her free hand before she looked back at Rose, shaking her head. ”Would it be a deal breaker if I told you I’m a package deal? Unfortunately, we will always have to deal with that.”

Willow Jones

Location: Hideout -- Agrabah

Willow’s heart beat loudly in her ears as they walked into the hideout and found seats. She sat down on the edge of her seat, not feeling comfortable despite her mother’s presence and the company of Colby and Matthew as well. The fact that ‘the boss’ would be there shortly also made Willow nervous.
Just as Willow went through a possible list, a woman walked into the room and there was a familiarity about her that Willow didn’t understand and then she was introduced. Willow’s eyes lit up in understanding. Of course! Jasmine and Aladdin were probably leading the rebels at this end. It made sense and Willow felt foolish for not figuring it out sooner.
”Hi, I love your clothes,” Willow gushed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"No worries. I've known all along you were a package deal." Rose laughed. Squeezing Cassiopeia's hand back gently. There had never been any doubt in her mind that even just being around Cassi would mean she wouldn't also be spending time around Layla. She was fine with that. She liked Layla well enough.

"I'm all for not going slow, I think we've dragged the courting of each other out long enough." She smiled. Then pulled Cassi's hand up and kissed the back of her hand gently.

A part of Rose's mind had noticed Red walking past and looking their direction. She was thankful her mom didn't say anything. She really didn't want to have that fight. And she would. That was who Rose was. She had had the fight enough times already and her adoptive parents had been supportive. They'd honestly be happy that she was finally settling down.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby followed the others into the room. He happily set about to petting the cat that was demanding his attention. "Oh I don't mind." He said smiling. He sat down and allowed the cat to smell Silky and Jackson "I love cats. Though now that I know who my dad is, I'm not surprised about that. I always understood cats better than people to be honest."

He looked up when the woman came into the room. She was pretty and he understood why Willow geeked out about her clothing. The clothes here were gorgeous. Not something he'd wear ever. He raised his eyebrows when she was introduced. He hadn't totally been expecting Jasmin to be around. Her and Aladdin must not have had kids since there weren't any in the group.

"Hi, I'm Colby." He said grinning then went back to paying attention to the cat.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She nodded her head slightly at Merlin when he wandered off a bit or whatever. Personally, she didn't really need any gear or anything, considering she tended to travel light and not carry a lot around, even in the real world. It just made things easier as a thief if you went in with little, as then you could carry more without raising suspicion later. So she wasn't sure why Merlin thought she'd need to go grab stuff or whatever, she tended to carry around everything that she'd ever need for simple things. Though she wasn't sure how useful her skills would be in the Moors.

Rosalia's attention turned as she saw others walking around and moving about talking to each other. Layla was yelling at two people or something, but whatever, she honestly didn't really care too much about it in general. She saw Rapunzel leaving the medical tent, and decided it was probably best to just sort of continue to sort of ignore her. Instead, she figured she'd head off to the camp entrance to go off with Merlin in search of another campsite or whatever it was that they were doing. Truthfully she had sort of only been half paying attention when it was established what Merlin was going to do and she had been asked if she wanted to tag along, oh well, guess she'd find out eventually.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He was still slightly waiting for a response from Meg, since he still wanted to know somewhat what was going on in her head. Especially considering her meeting her parents and all. Of course, they were just sort of having a conversation, when Guinevere decided that she was going to wander over and try to talk to Megan. Which in and of itself was a bit odd, considering at least in his mind, Meg had sort of made it clear that at least for the moment she didn't want to really talk to them. Of course, no one else seemed to notice it at all in general for the most part.

Jack was going to say something about it, but decided against it, as his attention turned towards the water as those who they had talked to the day before appeared with a carriage of sorts. He didn't blame them for being a little suspicious given then fact that they suddenly had a few extra people at this point. Made sense really, but he thought nothing of it anymore as the situation resolved itself with Arthur handing over more money for them and all. He sort of hung back a little bit, not sure how this was going to go, and he just stuck by Megan to see what she was going to do.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded at what her brother was saying. It was all well and good, but ultimately didn't do much to put her mind at ease. There was a difference, unfortunately, between knowing something intellectually and knowing that same fact emotionally. She just couldn't help but fixate on trying to find some sort of flaw, some sort of concrete reason for her to have nothing to do with her biological parents - it would've been easiest to just leave them behind, pivot off into some other sort of adventure. But sadly, Megan believed strongly in social justice - and beheading tyrants like Maleficent. Lady Guinevere, then, asked Megan how she was and Megan tensed up ever so slightly. The only bit of familial tie she had really responded well to so far had been excalibur, but that was partially because she was a lesbian who adored a good sword. "I'm fine," Megan answered. "As happy as a well-fed maggot."

Her hand went to her blade as something stirred in the water, eventually turning out to be some sort of magical carriage, guided by sea horses. The escorts they had hired turned out to also be mermaids - Megan wondered if that made Sierra feel happy or annoyed. Arthur then solved the potential issue of there being extra passengers by throwing money at them and Megan had to wonder how King Arthur wasn't recognized - did people not even have decent portraits being passed around in this land? "Why didn't they recognize you?" Megan then asked quietly. She had an idea - but also just wanted to gain more context of this world.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie sat down when instructed. Waiting for their mysterious host to show up. Apparently she always had a flair for the dramatic. Either that, or she was overly cautious as to who and what was let into her chambers with her. Maddie absently tapped a tune along his leg, with two fingers. The quick rapid successions of A Very Merry Unbirthday caused his fingers to dance atop his thigh nervously. After a time, of what felt like eternity, a woman appeared wreathed in thin veils made up of a color that couldn't quite agree on if it was green or blue. The material was embroidered with golden designs and trimming. She was stunning, and there was an air about her.

Maddies fingers halted all sound. Frozen in place as he leaned forward a bit in his seat. Immediately she questioned the identity of the three newest additions, and it made Maddie wish he could simply forward all to the resistance so that they'd know they weren't spies or something. He looked down at what he was wearing and then back towards Jasmine, for the first time feeling a bit as if he was cheated in the costume design. Merlin could've given them clothes like this? "H-hi, I'm Maddie. Pleasure to meet you. What uh what land are you from?" He felt stupid asking but he hadn't heard of her name before. "Oh a-and n-nice clothes. Wish I h-had a pair"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Jasmine looked at the two boys who had introduced themselves by giving a name and smiled towards them. "It's nice to meet the two of you. And whats your name?" She asked looking over towards Willow as she entered the room and sat down on the chair, she leaned back slightly as she looked at everyone in the room. "So is the plan still in place?" Hatter decided to ask Jasmine as she looked at him and nodded. "We are still getting a few things set up but yes the paperwork to get you all into the palace will allow you to sneak into the palace as guests." Jasmine stated as she looked at the rest of the group who was there. "I'm going to assume that they filled you all in on the plan that we have set up?" Jasmine asked Colby, Mathew and Willow, hoping that they knew what the group had planned for that evening.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Guinevere looked at Megan as she answered her question she had a feeling that something else might be bothering her but she didnt want to say it in front of everyone else and wanted to talk to her privately maybe. Arthur turned to look at his daughter asking why these people didnt notice him. "We may have faked our deaths shortly after Camelot fell and we moved here to stay as low as possible." Arthur answered her question. "We are wasting time here and we'd rather not be sold off into slavery, Hook's people are in port so if you want in get in now or don't." One of the mermaids said impatiently as they climbed back up onto the carriage.

Belle climbed in shortly behind Sierra as well as Hansel and Gretel, inside of the carriage was rather nice there were a few ocean like paintings placed around the carriage and there was some carpeting in there as well to and seats on either end of the carriage as well. Guinevere climbed in shortly as well Arthur held the door open for both Jack and Megan to get in to.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla looked over at her sister and Rose and couldnt help but smirk slightly at her sister's reaction and flipped her the bird as well to, she was far enough away she couldn't hear what they were saying. Tents were slowly getting packed up onto nearby wagons and horses, Merlin grabbed a pack of some supplies and some food as well, as he walked over towards the front of the camp seeing Rosalia was there and approached her. "Are you ready to get going?" Merlin said to Rosalia seeing that she was packing pretty light.

Layla was helping up packing away one of the tents as well and had gone over to help her father pack up things as well, the rest of Robin Hood's men were now finishing up packing up camp and getting ready to move out now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Robin Hood’s Camp -- The Moors

It meant a lot to Cassiopeia that Rose understood her bond with her sister. It had just been Cassi and Layla for years, for their whole life and that wasn’t going to change as long as Cassi could help it. Layla was her partner in crime, her best friend and her first love. It was a bond that could never be broken.
Rose kissed the back of Cassiopeia’s hand and her face flushed to match the colour of her hair. She stepped closer to Rose and turned, her arm brushing against Rose’s as they stood side by side.
”Let’s go help the others,” she said.

Willow Jones

Location: Hideout -- Agrabah

Willow’s cheeks pinked as she realized she hadn’t introduced herself and now Jasmine was talking to her. ”Oh! It’s Willow,” she said and curtsied awkwardly before sitting down. Willow sat on her hands so she wouldn’t fidget with them and listened to the conversation.
The plan had been roughly explained to Willow but she was starting to realize that things tended to happen on the fly with this group. Plans were made moments before and switched in the middle so she shrugged when Jasmine asked if they had been briefed on the plan. ”Briefly.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"Okay." Rose said, taking in Cassi's blush. She smiled smugly at that. And put her arm into Cassi's so they were walking arm in arm back to the others. She let her arm drop away though when they got closer so she could start helping pack. Her personal stuff was still in the bag as she hadn't gotten settled here yet. She had a feeling it would be a while before she settled anywhere.

As she helped pack. Rose couldn't help but smile. She had finally made a step with Cassi. Not just flirting. Though the flirting had been nice. Rose had always liked Cassi and their rivalry hadn't been serious. It had always been one of challenging each other to be better. They could keep doing that. Nothing would change except now the winner could claim kisses.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby resisted the urge to facepalm when Maddie showed how little he knew about Agrabah. How in the world had he missed that Disney movie? it was a classic. He sighed. Thankfully it seemed Jasmine didn't notice. Colby leaned in and whispered to Maddie, "This is her city. She's the princess here." He wondered where Aladin was if she was here seemingly alone.

"Yeah we heard about the plan. I'm all for it." Colby grinned. Fancy party and a thief. It sounded like a cool heist movie. And he was excited about the opportunity to be involved in that. Who would have thought Agrabah would be where the heist movie took place? Well, it sort of made sense.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

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Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She looked at Merlin and shrugged slightly, "I don't typically carry a lot around with me. Makes it easier to slip away quietly if you run into trouble, since you don't have a bunch of stuff weighing you down." Those were the only words she really said to him, more then ready to just sort of follow after him, as she wasn't entirely sure what to think, or where to even really go or where they might want to head off to to find a new place to camp.

Of course, the thought crossed her mind that Merlin likely would bring up the whole thing with regards to Rapunzel and how Rosalia wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. Then again, she didn't really care at all, as at least going out to find a new place to go gave her something to do. And also ironically got her away from Rapunzel, who she didn't really want anything to do with still at this point. The others she still didn't very much care about what it was that they were doing, she just wanted to wander around and do something.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He had to stop himself from laughing with regards to Megan's response to Guinevere's question about how she was doing. It was a funny response to him, but that's also because he was used to what his sister tended to say, even if it could be considered a bit morbid at times. Jack was a bit glad that seemingly Meg was acting a bit more like herself and not too annoyed with her biological parents, then again that could just be an act and she could just be hiding what was going through her head, which also wouldn't be too surprising.

Glancing at the carriage again, he saw that everyone was starting to more or less climb on in, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised that it seemingly could fit all of them inside of it, but whatever. He took one more look at Meg, before he climbed into the carriage, taking a seat inside. The decorations were a bit over the top with regards to appearances and all, at least in his mind, it was a bit too over the top in his mind, but oh well, hopefully it wouldn't be too long of a trip.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Now Arthur had said something that caught Megan's interest, professionally speaking - he and Guinevere had faked their deaths. How? Did they use some sort of sleeping draught that looked like poison, allowing their bodies to be tossed? Did they find corpses that looked close enough to them and dress them in their clothes? Did they supposedly die inside of a burning building, the flames removing any trace of them except for a left behind ring with the seal of Camelot upon it? Megan's mind hadn't been spinning over potential methods of faking one's death this much since BBC Sherlock had been on air.

Megan climbed into the carriage, the last one inside. She didn't want to be responsible for these people being enslaved by Hook and his men, so she didn't dawdle. However, that didn't mean her mind had moved on from the interesting question of how King Arthur would fake his death. How had excalibur ended up where it had? "How did you fake your death? Did you plan it out in advance or was it just blind luck? Is that how you lost excalibur?" Megan pressed. "Are your graves empty or are there corpses of someone else in there?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

A shiver went down Maddies spine as Colby whispered to him. The hairs on his arms standing up but luckily hidden by the sleeves of his new garb. Sure Colby was only relaying information about who this woman was and where she belonged. But the feeling of having him so close, the soft touch of his breath as he spoke to him in whispers, it made him tingle. His eyes went wide as he heard that she was the Princess of this region. Of course now he felt like a complete fool for having asked, but how was he supposed to know? He decided not to dwell on the idea and quietly cleared his throat.

"Same here. I think we may have even added a bit of flair to it, and with new faces it'll be harder for them to spot us. Can't be made if they don't even know who we are." There was an odd sort of grin on Maddie's face as he spoke. One that matched Colbys, especially when he was feeling particularly mischievous. He wasn't sure if he should mention the genie's lamp they'd found and how it would be worked into the plan, so he kept quiet on that for now. "Lucky for us, Colbs and I have some talent for sleight of hand. So we should be able to handle it." For a moment it felt very Oceans 11, as if they should break down the plan right then and there while simultaneously doing the act to succession.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"It's nice to meet you then Willow." Jasmine said giving her a slight smile as she looked towards the three of them and nodded, they seemed to know the plan then and raid Jaffar's vault during his little gala. "The paperwork for the three of you will take some time and give you a cover so you can come in as guests." Jasmine said as she looked over towards Aurora, Hatter and Cheshire. "If you all will follow me we can give you the disguises that we have set up." Jasmine said as she stood up and motioned for them all to follow her into another room that had some clothes that were already set up for the group.

"Thank you." Aurora said as she looked over towards the clothes that were there and started to look them over as Jasmine nodded turning her attention back to the group. "I would come and help, but sadly everyone knows my face pretty well in the palace, and i'd be taken away on site the moment Jaffar and his men spot me." Jasmine said sighing slightly she hated having people do the hard work instead of her. "Also if any of you get caught I won't be able to help you either so please be careful." Jasmine warned them.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Once everyone was inside of the carriage it closed shut, and there was what sounded like a loud clicking sound like it was being sealed shut to make an airtight seal. Then the carriage started to move and then it descended rather quickly under the water due to it being rather dark since it was night now they weren't able to see much aside from a few fishes here and there. Sierra leaned back in her seat as she looked over at King Arthur and Guinevere she was kind of curious how they were able to fake their deaths and escape unscathed it looked like.

Belle had seated herself next to Jack as she listened in on the conversation that was going on also looking over to hear Arthur's answer, she was held under rumple the whole entire time and didn't hear to much what was going on in the outside world. Guinevere looked at Arthur and then over towards her daughter as she was about to answer the question. "Camelot was about to fall to Morgana's forces, Merlin was there and he was able to use a spell to make us look dead which she believed it. Our bodies were then moved to a mass grave before Merlin came back when things settled down and brought us back. The surviving knights then scattered for the most part but stayed in contact from time to time." Arthur answered Megan's question.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Robin Hood made his way over towards Merlin and Rosalia for a moment seeing the two of them were ready, there were a few of his men in camp that werent really fighters or anything plus the injured to werent able to do any of the fighting either. "We are about ready to get going, if you are alright with watching over the young and injured for us?" Robin asked Merlin as he watched some of them were assembling and nodded towards him, they needed to be watched over and having them fighting wouldn't be a good thing either. "Of course." Merlin told Robin Hood.

Layla made her way over towards the group she was going to be fighting as well, but she was curious how they'd be able to find the rest of them. "How will we know where the camp is?" Layla decided to ask looking over at the two of them for a moment, before Merlin answered the question. "I'll come once we find and have the new area set up for the camp and escort you all back there." Merlin answered, Layla nodded slightly as she spotted Red and Rapunzel there with some of the men who were going to be fighting as well before turning to face Rosalia. "Good luck Rosalia and see you later." Layla said to her before going back to the group. "Lets get going then." Merlin said looking at Rosalia and motioned for her and the others to follow him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose made sure she had all of her things back. As she went to join the others to go deal with the bandits her arm started hurting and she knew she wouldn't be able to reliably wield the bow. She couldn't trust it. Rose hated injuries that took her out of games and now this was even worse. It was important that they deal with the situation.

She sighed and walked over to Robin Hood. "I'd love to join you, but the arrow earlier went into my arm and I can't trust it to hold a bow." She hated saying that. "I'll go with Merlin then to find a new location." She glanced at Cassie, "Be safe okay."

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah
People Reading

Colby followed Jasmine into the other room. She'd have to work on getting them papers, but that should be done in time for the event. He looked over at her and listened as she said she wished she could go too. He understood that she would be caught on sight and so it was a dangerous proposition.

"Hey, it'll be okay. We'll help and get the lands back to the rightful rulers." He smiled his crooked smile at her. "Your people love you. They'll be happy when you're back where you belong." He said. Colby wasn't a great motivational speaker but he wanted Jasmine to know that they would be doing their best to help her.
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