Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Alright. So some light breakfast of Rice with some veggies and meats (that her Persian friends have beautifully set up), and Bunga was ready for today. She is out and about, she remembered probably mentioning about waiting on her dorm for James to enter, but somehow she's got a feeling that James wouldn't be meeting her in the dorm entrance. She also decided to not wear bodypaint on her legs and arms, so it's just going to be plain Bunga Kurniawan for today, no fox ears, no fox tails, but still 100% of her boundless energy. That's one thing Bunga's pretty sure she can't change with any formula, from all the branches.

Although she's quite curious about Electric Dynamicism and how it'll change her personality, she's got a feeling it might be able to change her personality. But she'll leave the fantasy of that in her head for now.

Walking within the hustle and bustle of Bermuda. With all the buildings jutting out, their architecture seemingly coming from different cultures and yet, merging beautifully at the same time. In just her short walk to find James, she found a bunch of buildings made with Greek Columns side by side in what looks like Chinese architectural style buildings. What purpose do these buildings hold Bunga has no idea. But it feels weird, a good kind of weird, that these buildings are right next to each other.

And it was during Bunga's walk that she found James. Sipping some warm drink, basking in the sunlight, and reading a newspaper by the looks of it. "James!" The woman waved to her, walking briskly towards him, and sitting right in front of the British Polymath, her smile as bright as the sun James was basking himself. "I finally found you, yay!"

"How are things James? Are you doing alright? I heard from my friends that there's some chaotic happenings last night. Have you heard about it yourself? Gah! A part of me wanted to investigate the issue myself. But, I have to keep my appointment with you. So... how are you James?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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@Psyker Landshark
While the newspapers brought up some concerning local news, it was informative enough to release the dorms that Jeanne was staying in as well. After all, she was supposed to be functionally under house arrest, and considering the nature of how rooming worked in Bermuda, it was more or less a public service to alert other young, budding Polymaths of whether or not their apartment featured a psychotic arsonist who burned down libraries and didn't even care enough to pretend she was remorseful.

The Incan-style apartments then, was where Valeriya ended up.

By the time she arrived, most of the premises had been vacated, the residents having left during the early hours of the morning to either get things done or prepare for anti-fire measures. A few students lounged still by the beautifully clear pools, enjoying fruity drinks and the warmth of the sun, but beyond the smell of grilling meat, Valeriya could sense a more disturbed stench. Her training had exposed her to it, after all, as a simple matter of course when learning to fight with electrically-charged less-lethal weaponry. The smell of burned flesh. The drops of blood upon the stair steps, flaking and dried out, but still very clearly visible. If she had waited for noon, perhaps this would be gone, flakes brushed away and air purified by seaside breezes.

But for now? Something was certainly off here. She simply didn't know what.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Liotrent
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James Porter

James read the newspaper and sipped his coffee. The usually black drink was colored a creamy brown and had a sweet roasted aroma. He savored the smell and its sweet taste as the warmth from his drink circulated throughout his body. Jeanne's defense team was quite a stellar cast and as it would so happen Bang was there alongside some other Polymaths. Catching up on all these situations James could only deduce that perhaps last night's incident may have something to do with Jeanne's predicament. After all, who else would attempt to break curfew? They would have many valid reasons to do so for their own investigation.

As he was lost in thought thinking of his next steps, the person he was waiting for happily waved to him and called his attention.

"James! I finally found you, yay!"

She happily made her way over to him and thought about ways to convince her to go check the hospital with him when she conveniently provided that for him.

"How are things James? Are you doing alright? I heard from my friends that there's some chaotic happenings last night. Have you heard about it yourself? Gah! A part of me wanted to investigate the issue myself. But, I have to keep my appointment with you. So... how are you James?"

"Ah I'm doing quite grand, thank you. Though, it is interesting that you'd say that. I was just thinking of going to the hospital to see if there was anything we could do there. I'm quite interested in those involved. Who knows, perhaps we'll meet Bang along the way."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

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Shou Zheng
Hana Yun
Valeriya Zhukova

With a tired sigh, Shou raised a clenched fist and rapped his knuckles against the closed door. He could only hope that Hana did not take exception at being woken up right after curfew had ended. Just because Egoists could function on less sleep than regular folk - degree varying from individual to individual - didn’t mean that none of them appreciated their beauty sleep.

He stepped back from the door afterwards and slowly crouched a few times while he awaited a response. Not only to test just how strained his left leg was, but also so he could swipe a finger through the droplets of blood on the ground. The color was dulled and it had almost dried by now, but if Shou breathed deep regardless of how his lungs protested the action, he could just barely catch the burnt smell of hair and flesh. Such an acrid scent lingered in the still air, and he could only wonder if Jeanne had gotten involved in another incident.

No matter. Nerves still buzzing and limbs creaking a bit as he stood, Shou stepped forward to knock on Hana’s door again.

The door opened before Shou could strike it, and a hastily dressed Hana greeted him. His call was, clearly, unexpected. “Good morning. I wasn’t expecting any visitors at this hour…” She trailed off as she took in the situation in the hallway. Shou, clearly quite injured himself. Blood out in the hallway. “Oh my, what happened to you? Do come in.” She stepped aside to let her friend into the apartment. There would be time enough for questions later.

For a moment his raised hand hung in place before Shou just let it drop. "Might have been a bit too enthusiastic with my training," he answered with a strained chuckle before he bowed his head towards Hana. "That blood isn't mine though," he added with a slight nod over his shoulder at the blood trail that had also caught her eyes.

Unfortunately he had no shoes to slip off as he trudged past Hana, so he'd be making somewhat of a mess wherever he went. "Sorry about imposing, but I'd rather not deal with the staff. Is there somewhere I should sit or lay down for you to help me deal with this?"

Hana shrugged. “Anywhere that’s easy to clean. The blood in the hallway not being yours gives me more questions than it answers, but it’s good to know.” This was hardly the start to her morning she had planned, but she could manage. “I don’t have a big stockpile of elixirs yet, but you know the sort of thing I have available already. I’m guessing you’ll need something to help you heal, and maybe something for the pain?”

“Just healing’s fine. The pain will let me know if something is going wrong,” Shou answered as he looked around Hana’s room and whistled. It was about comparable in size to his own given his was shared, but it was furnished more nicely. Thankfully the bathroom was almost immediately after entering the room, so he stepped right in and avoided tracking any of his mess over the fancy rug. With a grimace, he finally grabbed hold of his tattered shirt and tore it off him. Even without an Egoist’s strength, the singed fabric would have torn easily. As it was, a few strands that had practically fused to him thanks to the lightning remained. What a pain to clean up…

With the worst of his injuries exposed, Shou finally took a seat on the cool tiles so Hana wouldn’t have to reach or look up to deal with any of them. “As for that blood, fire was involved. Smell was faint, but burnt flesh is hard to mistake,” he elaborated as he started to stretch, but stopped as he felt skin crack.

While Shou got himself situated, Hana crossed over to a cabinet she’d stocked with what supplies she did have on hand. At least she could stockpile her various drugs, so she didn’t need to administer them on the fly all the time. Carefully, she ran her fingers across the vials, until she found the right ones, picked one up, and collected some bandages and other more traditional medical supplies.

When she entered the bathroom, Hana raised an eyebrow. “Training, huh? Must have been pretty extreme.” She handed over the vial. “That should help with things. Past that, all I’ve got are the more traditional bandages and antiseptics. And an actual bath, I suppose.”

“Well, there’s something in the water that warrants an electrified killzone,” Shou explained as he took the vial from Hana without batting an eye. “It probably would have fried me if I lingered, but…” He trailed off as he uncorked the vial, sniffed it, and then drank it with a shrug before he finished, “gradual exposure should get me used to it. Curious as to what they’re trying to keep out.”

“Not all of this was something I went looking for though. I don’t know if there’s a Dynamicist out there manipulating the mist, but I was almost strangled once I stopped electrocuting myself and made it back on shore. So, uh, if you’ve got any business after curfew, be careful Hana-yang,” he warned as he finally felt her concoction settle.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Whatever would necessitate that sort of defense around the island is certainly troubling.” It sounded outrageous, but the alternative is, what? A fight with someone using electricity? That was equally outrageous, with the treaty ban on electric dynamism. If someone was using the mists, or they were otherwise dangerous, that would also, certainly, explain the curfew.

“Do you want me to take a look at anything? I can still help bandage things up, or set bones, or the like.” Hana was already eyeing up Shou’s injuries, though she wouldn’t just invade his personal space unless given the ok.

“Troubling would certainly be a word for it,” Shou agreed as he took a few deep breaths and focused. Instead of calming his heart down though, his chest almost shook as his heart race suddenly spiked. A slight flush coloured his face as the increased blood flow started to ferry Hana’s work to every part of his body.

“I should wash off first.” A raised finger rubbed some of the dried salt off his skin for emphasis before Shou looked towards her. “I’d appreciate your help bandaging up afterwards though.” He planted a hand on the ground and used it to help himself stand as he leaned forward. A grimace passed quickly as he still seemed to favor his right leg. “Feel free to stick around and watch if you want,” he offered with a cheeky grin.

Laughing as she declined and stepped out, Shou flicked the water on and started on the rather gross task of cleaning himself off. Scorched cloth, dead skin, and messes of that sort had to be scrubbed off before the balms and bandages could be applied. He didn’t take his time with it though, and moved as quickly as his battered body would allow him to. He was already imposing on Hana quite a bit, and he planned to get out of her hair quickly.

It must have been awfully suspicious for the blonde to be confronted with Shou’s bandaged form as he stepped out of an apartment. The exact nature of his injuries were hidden by the wrappings, but the clues wouldn’t have lined up after a few moments of consideration. The trail continued further on past the dorm he had exited, and the signs were likely hours old by now. Unless his treatment had been extensive, there was no reason for him to have exited just now.

“Miss. Zhukova,” he greeted her with a polite nod as he closed the door behind him with a click. His bare feet were completely silent on the cool stone tiles and his eyes flicked down towards the trail of blood drops. He was a bit interested in who else had run into trouble yesterday night, and he turned away from the Russian to follow the trail.

Shou. Again. This Chinaman really had an aptitude for showing up just in time to interrupt anything she was doing. Then again, considering his bandages, someone else had a rough night as well. It seemed it was becoming something of a trend.

“Mister Zheng.” Valeriya returned Shou’s nod. “I do hope we didn’t keep you up too late last night. Though from the looks of it, you’ve had quite the time yourself, yes?”

“Most of it self-inflicted,” he admitted with a shrug as his keen eyes had little trouble picking out the dulled brown droplets. “I would like to sleep in my room, so don’t make it a habit, hm?” Thankfully the halls only went so many ways inside the building, so even with a few areas scuffed out by foot traffic, it wasn’t hard to find where the trail finally ended. Granted, he couldn’t help but rub his forehead as he looked up at the room number. “So were you looking for this to begin with or just following the trail as well?”

“Would you believe it if I was here to see the Frenchwoman?” Valeriya replied dryly. “Unironically, yes. My roommate Lucretia ran into a spot of trouble last night as well. Much like you did, I assume. And evidently, perhaps Jeanne. It’s becoming a trend.”

“Huh. We’re not very good curfew breakers are we?” He mused, but it was probably more of a rhetorical question. He knocked on the door sharply and leaned his head up against it before he shook his head. “Doesn’t sound like there’s anyone inside. The injuries must also be pretty bad considering all the signs. Maybe they actually attended one of the clinics around town.”

Valeriya nodded. “Blood and scorch marks across the pavement. Everyone I’ve questioned thus far besides you has been…less than useless.” She sighed, standing up. “Come on, then. It looks like we have the same goal. We ought to start at the largest hospital and work our way down from there. I’ll tell you what happened with Lucretia in more detail on the way so long as you tell me what happened to you.”

"I imagine they'd have gone to the closest. If they were burnt that badly, jostling them across the island wouldn't make much sense," Shou pointed out before he looked down and sighed. He hardly had a map of the island memorized by heart, so unless Valeriya did, it seemed they'd have to call an operator for some help. As for sharing exactly what had happened, he didn't really know what she could do with the information. "Sure. Like I said, mostly my own doing…" he started as he led the way out of the apartment complex.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Medili
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Medili Connoisseur of Fine Pineapples

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Higashiakemi Ryuuko
Nazca Whitehall

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by banjoanjo
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banjoanjo Still likes pistachios

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Bunga | James
Nazca | Ryuuko | Bang

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Higashiakemi Ryuuko | Bunga Kurniawan


Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Liotrent
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Liotrent Tabby Space Cat

Member Seen 1 mo ago

James & Jeanne

The two, with Jeanne taking the lead, slipped out from the emergency exit of the hospital and strolled out onto the cobbled streets of the district. As morning transitioned into noon and appetites were reawoken, the streets became populated once more with students looking for an interesting meal. The Frenchwoman had no particular interest in food, however, and instead, she drew James to a small, enclosed courtyard perhaps a ten-minute walk away. Tropical flowers bloomed in the garden, heavy, fruity scents seeping into the warm air as they convened upon a small, white gazebo.

“Well,” Jeanne spoke, seating herself. “Was there a complication with my request, James?”

He sat down in turn and replied, ”No, in-fact, I have it right here…” James took a set of vials wrapped in brown paper and a simple string. He then set it down on the table and took a seat opposite from her before continuing ”... From the reactions of the people in the room earlier, I take it you didn’t tell them I was involved with you in any way?”

She took the package in her hand, untying the string to peek at the contents. Her expression did not change, but she did nod, acknowledging some value in his work. Liquid chemistry, indeed, was one of the few things in the world that had not been affected overtly by the Formulizations of the Polymaths. “It is a present,” Jeanne replied. “I had presumed that if you wished to hand this to me in person, you would have arranged to rendezvous, rather than hunt for me. Are you so eager to see me after all this time?”

James crossed his legs and rested his hands onto them as he steepled his fingers. ”More curious than anything, you could’ve chosen anybody for this task. Why me? Was it because I’m Bang’s roommate or something else?”

Jeanne turned her face slightly to the side, her right eye peering into his mien. After a long moment, she spoke, more statement than question, “You don’t remember.”

His mind began to process what she had just said, but as far as he could remember he never met Jeanne or perhaps it was because he had forgotten. James then broke his silence as his curiosity piqued, his gaze fixed towards her “Remember? What do you mean?”

But as he fixed his gaze, he saw her own expression turn from the faintest glimmer of curiosity to one of crushing coldness. She leaned back, then stood up. “I meant nothing by it. Is that all, Mr. Porter?”

James stood, he never broke his gaze, never once blinked, for once James wasn’t calm. “Ms. Bordeaux, if you know something about my accident and my past I would very well like to know. As it stands there’s a regrettably large part of my life that I frankly do not remember. You seem like you know me and even treat me as a close friend. What do I not remember?”

Heightened emotion, however, had never been something that gave Jeanne pause. She favoured him with one last look, and the words that left her mouth were filled with a withering frigidness. “We were friends once. We are strangers now. Good day, sir.”

Without the finality of a sword through a length of taut rope, the Frenchwoman strode off, her blonde hair disappearing between the rosebrushes of the cobbled path.

And yet, the tropical breeze carried on her final words.

“We met, six years past, upon the coast of Étretat.”

He stared out in a daze as his mind tried to process what that meant, this mission has become more complicated than he had originally been told. He adjusted his top hat once again and took his cane into both hands, wringing it tightly at first with frustration before easing himself to let out huff. In his mind came a question, ’now what?’. He shook his head twice and head off to brew over a cup of hot coffee.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Medili
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Medili Connoisseur of Fine Pineapples

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Higashiakemi Ryuuko | Bunga Kurniawan


Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Izurich
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Franz Steiner
Lucretia von Königsmähne
Solomon Antedivula

@Jumbus @Izurich @ERode

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

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Shou Zheng
Higashiakemi Ryuuko
Valeriya Zhukova

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 16 days ago


Bunga waited in that seat for what felt like hours. She watched the hour clock tick by, patiently waiting for James to come back, she herself wondered what kept James so occupied for so long? And eventually got tired of the whole waiting game and rose from her seat, walking around the hospital to find the British person. Honestly, just what is keeping him for so long? Is his discussion with that French woman warrant such an extended leave? Leaving me for nothing? Wait... is he in love with her? Are they potentially discussing about topics of romance and of relationships? Hmm, only one way to find out now.

Bunga wandered the halls of the hospital. Trying to find a way out and hopefully meet James. The layout of the hospital still confuses the woman, a maze of white interiors and white halls. And Bunga, with all her colourful clothing, not really fitting in with the somber mood of the hospital. She has to find James or else she'll go insane from the monotony of the building.

And fortunately she did escape. Finding a convenient exit that lets her get out of the hospital, she wandered around, her face souring at the lack of a James Porter in her vicinity, and she finally, finally, after an hour of so of waiting, and almost half an hour of searching. Finally found James. Enjoying a cup of coffee, the French woman not a sight to be seen. The woman furrowed her brow, puffed up her cheeks, and sat right in front of James. Her face expressing disappointment towards him.

"Is this how you treat your women James?" Bunga said, rather angry at being forgotten by the British Polymath. "You found another woman you like and you buzzed off? Leaving the woman you came here with to exhaustively search for you? Hmph! At least you can tell the nurse at the hospital that you'll be leaving or something. I have to spend a long time waiting right next to Nazca's ward waiting for you, only for you to not come. Just... what are you talking about with that woman that warrants such an extended leave? Is it love? Or some forbidden topic between you two that I'm not aware of?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Liotrent
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Liotrent Tabby Space Cat

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James' thoughts brewed with so many questions that he could hardly hear any other thought. 'Who was Jeanne to me? Who am I to her? What can I not remember?' So many damned questions that he couldn't answer. Usually he'd be very contained with these emotions but not being able to figure himself out is frustrating. Who should know him better but himself after all, though it seems that wasn't exactly the case anymore when a frenchwoman knows more about him than even he does.

"... The coast of Étretat, six years ago." He ended up whsipering those words to himself as if it was some magic incantation or some formulation that'd bring his memories back. Futile and naive. So instead he thought of ways to remember, there was bound to be some information of the events that had happened six years ago, especially on that coast. 'What had happened when I was twelve years old?'

At the same time, his mission is no where near complete. However, he had already met his target at least once and is in a precarious situation. One wrong move and the entire operation is scuppered. He pinched the bridge of his nose and began to arrange all his thoughts accordingly. That's when another person he had neglected appeared. A angry Bunga. She bombarded him with questions, some of a personal nature. These were questions he did not need at the moment for they were things even he didn't know. 'Was it love? Perhaps, she was elated in the letter to him. She even seemed slightly curious and playful before I said the wrong things. Was what happened in the past something that forbidden and so my memories were subsequently erased? I do not know'

"We were acquaintances once. She asked me for a favor and I did that for her and we talked for a short while." He answered with a small, pleasant looking smile, however ingenuine it was. For now, he had to put up his walls, he could not afford an slip up. Not now. He'll get his answers eventually, but he had to put his objectives first and deal with the people around him appropriately.

"Sorry, it took so long that I had assumed you must've left without me. I couldn't exactly contact you to make sure and well, it was the logical thing to assume." He apologized and offered a seat, "... To make up for it, please, take a seat. Drinks and pastries will be on my tab for today."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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EE 87, May 5 | Night

The dinner at Jeanne’s residence concluded quickly. Everyone had their theories and their plans, and they laid them out to each other as they made to leave. Inti refrained, as he did not have a plan. Not yet at least. In a way his plan was to think of a plan. He left the dorm with an inkling that some of the French woman's “defense force” were still keeping some things to themselves, bidding Nazca and Ryuuko good luck on their outing.

When he returned to his own dorm he found his roommate was not where the Abya Yalan had left him. Well, with no Kalil to distract him, Inti didn’t have much more to do than prepare to turn in for the night. Tomorrow I’ll pick up some books or something. From the large patio window he could see the fog rolling in just after the evening bell tolled and the locks clicked shut. Without ceremony Inti stripped out of his day clothes in what would be part of his new nightly routine for the foreseeable future: disrobe, wash, attach the monitoring equipment, then tuck in.

Inti laid on his back, staring up at the high ceiling and ruminating on the mystery surrounding Jeanne’s night out. Maybe I should have gone with them, he thought. Seeing the conditions after curfew would most likely help to wrap the brain around some of the events. Then again, it was a curfew, and the more of them outside after it the more likely they were to be caught. That wouldn’t help the case at all. Then again again, no risks meant no new clues, right?

"Haaaaa…" Inti heaved a sigh and closed his eyes. Talking it over with his family would be good, then he’d jump right into tomorrow with an open mind and a plan of action. Eventually he relaxed and his consciousness escaped his physical body, and when next he awoke it was in familiar white.

EE 87, May 6 | Morning

Consciousness came all too quickly. Inti awoke on his back, staring up at the plain white ceiling. He let out a long and indignant sigh through his nostrils, choosing to lie still for a few more minutes. Stupid siblings! He'd all but clung to sleep until they ganged up on him and forced him out, and now we was awake earlier than normal. The sun had yet to rise, though from the window in his room Inti could see the first rays of light trying to push past the horizon.

The plan for the day was to try and make more headway on the investigation. It seemed all of his peers were much more familiar with detective work, but Inti couldn't simply sit back and let them take care of everything. After reconvening with the others he'd had to get some advice before heading out. Idly he wondered how Nazca and Ryuuko's post-curfew investigation had gone. Or was still going, considering the morning siren wouldn't sound for a little while yet.

Inti scrubbed a head over his face. He should probably stay hooked up to the monitoring equipment until the usual time, but he wouldn't able to fall back asleep. Nor did he want to, for various reasons. After a few moments of deliberating internally, Inti pushed himself up.

Might as well try and do something productive! He padded to the wide glass doors of the dorm that lead out to the ocean, but when he tried the door he found them stuck tight. Right, the locks. By now the fog had mostly dissipated, but until curfew was actually over he was confined inside. So he had to think of a plan B. It was the dawn of the third day for students in Bermuda, so the dorm wasn't very lived in. There was nothing to clean up, in other words. Snooping around his roommate's quarters would probably be frowned upon. He turned and made his way to the large open space in the center of the apartment where a circle of chairs and couches sat. Inti dropped down into one, pulling his legs up and sitting with them crossed beneath him. He crossed his arms to match and let his head fall over the back rest. Gathering his thoughts, he considered the dream once more, as it was the only thing he could think to do at the moment.

Thanks to his siblings - Namely Pikiru, Inti thought - he had a starting point. Pikiru told him that the model of gun that used those bullets was mainly used by aristocratic types. It was an Occidental weapon of British design, made to be concealed in a coat sleeve and the pop out quickly to defend oneself from danger. Knowing all of that, did it mean that the gunman who had fired at Jeanne (or around her as was Inti's theory) a British aristocrat? Probably not. But he could narrow his broad search slightly, and focus on if there were any suspect magnetic fields around the sleeves. He'd memorized the look of the cartridge's field, so he would easily be able to spot a similar one, and distinguish it from other concealed items.

...and maybe he'd keep an eye out for stereotypical culprits as well.

As soon as the locks clicked open Inti was out the door. The tassels of his colorful poncho fluttered as he jogged. There hadn't been any new messages for directives, so his plans were up to him. Like the prior morning, his first stop would be getting some food into him. The second would be Nazca and Jeanne's dorm to follow up with the others. He'd scooped up the newspaper that had been deposited on his own dorm's front steps, but it stayed tucked under his arm until he drew near to his destination. Other early risers were outside seeking colleagues to gossip with, and by the time Inti made it to the quaint mess hall he'd visited yesterday, he felt he'd already read the paper several times over just by hearing passing conversations. Still, it didn't stop him from cracking the newspaper open and seeing for himself.

It looks like a lot of stuff happened last night, he thought to himself, reading while he ate breakfast. There were damage reports in various parts of the island. And cases of amnesia as well... in people that were out after curfew? That was curious. According to the article, people that lost consciousness while out in the mist woke up with few or no memories of the night's events. Were they being concussed?? As he continued reading, something else caught Inti's attention. "Hmm?"

It was a description of one of the incident sites, where it was mentioned that motionless clockwork birds had been found. That put Nazca at the scene. Inti was looking forward to the results of their overnight investigation, so he finished up the meal and went to rendezvous with Jeanne's defense force.

People that he passed still chatted about the news, both in and outside of Bermuda, but the talk died down as students began their own plans for the day. Eventually Inti arrived at the Inca-styled apartments. They looked the same in the daylight as they had in the evening, though there was one unusual difference that only became apparent when he was nearly on the doorstep. It was small, but recognizable to Inti as the weak curl of stardust signifying the magnetic field of unoxygenated blood. And indeed, as he got closer he could see the spots of deep red on the dormitory's steps.

But... what did that mean? Someone had been hurt, assuming this was a human's blood. It was impossible to tell how badly just from this, and best he could tell was that the blood stain must have formed at some point during the night. It wasn't much, so it could have been a coincidence. He'd ask the others about it.

Stepping around the drops Inti went inside. The doors were unlocked as expected, and he wandered to the dining area they'd used last night. It was deserted. A quick peek into other areas revealed much the same.

"Allianchu...?" he called by way of greeting, stepping back into the entryway of the house. He hadn't seen any of Jeanne's "defense force," or much of anyone. One of the students staying in the Inca-styled building poked her head out from around a corner at the sound of an unfamiliar voice though, and she fixed Inti with a curious stare.

"I'm looking for the people watching over Jeanne," he said. At the mention of the Frenchwoman, a flicker of emotion passed over the girl's face. Whether it was fear or disdain Inti couldn't say.

"None of them are here," she told him. She blinked, tilting her head. She might have recognized Inti from yesterday, but if she did she didn't say so. "Left really early in the morning, I think."

"Okay, thank you." Inti turned and was back outside just like that. So there had been all kinds of damage done to the city last night, at least one injury, and everyone investigating Jeanne's case - and Jeanne herself - had hurried out of the house. It was reasonable to assume that, given the news, everyone was getting an early start. He'd just have to catch them around the city while they (and he) were on the case. Then he'd be able to ask about the blood, the hunt for the bat Egoist, and about anything else that might have happened.

"So, then where to first?" Inti said to himself, opening up the newspaper again to choose on of the sites to start with. The most likely spot to meet up with everyone was where it mentioned Nazca's birds had been found, so he would start there, keeping an eye out for any fields that matched the one he was looking for.

EE 87, May 6 | Afternoon

With part of Jeanne's defense force having broken curfew and experienced the violent repercussions, and the other part having heard the story from the source themselves, Inti alone remained ignorant of the true events of the night before.

He had visited all of the sites mentioned in the Triangle, but hadn't run into Franz, Ryuuko, Nazca, Bang, or Jeanne as he'd hoped he would. Even the area blackened by fire and littered with the clockwork birds did not draw the two curfew breakers back, at least not while he was there. It was clear they had been involved in something, though. Unfortunately the officers posted at each scene were not particularly forthcoming with information. None of them carried the kind of gun he was looking for either. The broken storefront and the beach crater didn't appear to have any relevance to Jeanne's case - for one the bullets left behind at the former scene were completely different from the one involving the witch of flames - but of course no one could say for sure. Except maybe those that had been out that night.

Maybe he should switch his focus, Inti considered. He'd thought that by going about the investigation he'd run into his fellow defense force members sooner or later, but as the hours passed that didn't seem like it would be the case. Plus he was getting nowhere with his current work. Disheartening? A bit. But realistically Inti knew that his plan was simplistic and inefficient. The odds that he'd run into the gunman were low, but he'd thought that if that person was involved then they might have returned to the scene. No such luck.

Since no one knew for sure who had caused the various incidents during the night, and those mentioned in the Bermuda Triangle were made anonymous, it would make the most sense to actually pursue the people Inti knew were involved.

...and yet, he couldn't find them. After departing the cordoned off areas, Inti had swung around to the dorms again. Still there was no sign of any of the defense force. Making his way back to his own housing, Inti tried the telephone directory - which was of little help. They couldn't put him through to any of the others when he didn't know where they were and they were out of their dorms, and his second try in looking for information on any of the other curfew breakers mentioned in the newspaper didn't work either for much the same reason: no known name to connect to.

"Ugh..." Was he at a dead end once again? Man, mysteries were just not his thing. His ran through the memories in his brain of last and this morning. What was going on? There was that blood he'd seen and hadn't had the chance to follow up on, could it have been that one of them actually was hurt? And in that case, what should he do? Call on the hospitals in the area to see if anyone had been admitted, right?

"..." Checking in would have been easier if he knew for sure someone was hurt. The day had worn on already, if he left now would he be stuck outside once the curfew alarm rang?

His first instinct was to talk to his 'family,' as it had been last night. But the memory of their teasing and forcing him to awaken carved a small frown on Inti's face. Ultimately they were right, he was here in Bermuda on his own and he should be taking advantage of that. Growing and becoming independent while he could. So he would choose not to rely on them. He tightened his fists at his side, growing determined. Of course, not taking to the dreamscape that night meant that his mind conjured another idea. He had to see some things for himself, in person. Which would mean braving the fog in order to piece together just what was going on at night that could cause all of this. If it led him to some answers, then all the better. With that in mind, Inti set off again.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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EE 87, May 6 | Afternoon into Evening

As the sun rose, so too did the sun fall, following the same path it had for the last 87 years. As reliable as the laws that governed the world, as reliable as a metronome set ever since the foundations of the world were laid. Students and civilians alike convened at places of respite, places of refreshment, all under the gaze of a sun drowning itself in the oceans. Long shadows sliced into streets, steam vehicles chugging along pre-ordained paths. Afternoon blended with evening, and though the days events were filled with intrigue and schemes, it would still be a bit longer before such machinations came to boil.

For now, the last bits of warmth could be enjoyed. For now, the city, the island, of Bermuda remained bathed in the gold of an equatorial day.

Nazca laid alone in the hospital bedroom, her entire body still throbbing from her injuries, the memories of the night before craft only of the accounts of others. Visiting hours had not yet ended, but those who she had formed any truly meaningful relationship with were gone with the wind. The sea breeze could be smelled from an open window nearby, carrying with it distant conversations, merriment and disdain captured in whispers pulled by eavesdropping currents. The outside of her room had grown quiet. For all its pretensions of being a microcosm of the world, Bermuda’s singular major hospital was quiet. There were only so many people who could get injured, after all, and physical violence was something that would be a rarity indeed in a place filled with so many intellectuals.

Intellectuals lacking in common sense and courtesy. Barbarians worth nothing more than the heft of their brain matter.

There was a knock on the door. A woman’s voice, a nurse’s.

“Miss Whitehall, you have a visitor.”

No phone call this time?

The door swung open without a sound, and there he was. Dark eyes set with thick eyebrows, black hair resting in genteel curls. Younger now, without the accoutrements of a man of the law. A dark green suit jacket fit his shoulders well, and a cravat was wrapped around his lace shirt, while a tanned set of trousers lead naturally into his leather boots. He removed his top hat as he entered, and in his other hand was held a woven basket. A small bouquet of flowers grew out from one half, while the steam of baked goods wafted out from the other end.

“Good afternoon, Miss Whitehall,” Maximilien spoke as the door was closed behind him. “I’ve brought a gift, to encourage your recovery, if you wish to receive it.”

The tide was rising, waves crashing against the driftwood-dotted beach. Shells, chalky and sharp, created boundaries that indicated the height of previous waves, while gulls flew overhead, seeking the more opportune beaches that laid further east. This was where the tropical forests of Bermuda met its artificial coastline, a divide made as obvious as a sudden point where dark soil was cleaved and turned into white sand. Heat lingered still on the beach’s surface, on the bleached bark of toppled trees, even as the temperature swayed further and further downwards.

In time, the night would fall. In time, the mist would roll in.

But for now, the sky had not yet fallen into the magenta of a fortuitous night. It burned a beautiful crimson, a rose ablaze, as gossamer clouds dissolved into hues of amber and scarlet. And as sunset burnt away into afterglow, she stood there, barefoot upon empty shells, blue eyes gazing northwards. Music was the affections of the meager-minded, song the indication of an unsound mind, participation in such fine arts only necessary to fuse a motley crew of damned souls into the flesh that would surpass the machines. The French sang only songs of war, songs of the Blast Knights, of the cavalry charge. Throaty, invigorating dirges to the brothers dying by their sides, to the pasty, weak-kneed fodder they would descend upon.

Songs that did not exit from Jeanne’s lips, but songs that her right foot still kept the meter to, tapping in tempo to the stampedes of armored stallions, the rhythm of expulsed gas cartridges.

The remnants of sunlight caught her golden hair and rendered her silhouette gilded, aflame.

But it did ended as suddenly as the intrusion of another. Her foot rested against the sand. Her form turned away from the sea. The vestiges of sunlight died, and with it the firelight of her flaxen strands. She fixed her gaze upon the trespasser. Coldly indifferent.

“It is time.”
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Bunga Kurniawan | James Porter

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Nazca Whitehall
Clockwork Autumn

Nazca sighed. She had gone through most of the day in a pain-addled daze, still processing the events of what had –apparently—happened to her the previous evening. Although she appreciated the visit of a choice few people, the adopted Abayalan had grown increasing irritated as the day wore on.

Although her frustration about her hospitalization and inability to put words to action had a hand in it, much of it had to do with her supposed visitors. Aside from the initial batch, Ryuuko, who had brought her to the hospital, and the rest of the scratch investigation team, none of the following visitors had done anything to improve her mood. Not a single one of those ‘visitors’ had even seen fit to even mention even the murmuring of an offer of sympathy. Being visited for an ulterior purpose was one thing—the treatment she had received was another. She was incredulous at the audacity of some people—supposedly civilized people that lacked even basic decency and propriety.

One of them even had the gall to try and pry trade information about her own craft from her, right in her own hospital room, if Bang hadn’t stopped her. And like everybody else, she hadn’t even offered a single word of condolence. Not even a single flower or pastry to try to soften her up.

The audacity of that bitch!

She still had words for the Vietnamese student as well over their differences of opinion, but at least he was gentlemanly.

So naturally, once everybody had left to do their things for the rest of the day, Nazca sat stewing in her hospital bed, with only pain and some books borrowed from the hospital waiting room for company.

When she was informed that she had yet another visitor –Where was the phone call?—Nazca couldn’t help but to scowl, but she schooled her face into a neutral one before the door swung open.

The visitor was not somebody that she had expected to see, and the bedridden girl couldn’t help but to raise her eyebrows at Maximillien Robespierre and his ever so slightly more casual sartorial dress. Her eyes roamed over to the woven basket in his hand, decorated with a bouquet and accompanied by the pleasant puff of freshly prepared food.

Another person here with an ulterior motive, then. At least this one knew what he was doing. Perhaps, then, she would not kick him out like the others.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Robespierre,” she greeted, sitting up slightly in her bed. “The gesture is appreciated, thank you. You would be surprised to know how many others that have been here today lack even basic social etiquette." Shifting positions slightly, wincing slightly as she did so, she then looked him in the eye. “I assume, however, that this is not a social visit?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Valeriya Zhukova

Dusk was approaching. By all logic, this was really none of her business. But, Valeriya wouldn't be doing her job as a spy if she didn't report back exactly what was going on with this island. She knew she wasn't the only agent her empire had planted here, but she was the only one in as good of a position as possible. That meant she had a responsibility to investigate. Damn it all.

Valeriya sighed as she performed one final check of her armor and weaponry. She'd brought two sets of each from Russia: one production model line as a control group to base her tests off of, and her next-generation prototype line. Tonight, she'd be using the production models. As much as she would have liked to field test her prototypes, the kinks were still being worked out. And she wasn't exactly confident enough in them yet to trust her life to them in a live-fire situation.

In truth, her preparations were as ready as they could be. The backdoor into her dorm was installed, tested, and activated. No problems there, for when she would have to return. She'd installed another one into the testing area as well, so as to let her leave after curfew with her guns and power armor. Now all there was to do was wait. Valeriya started putting her armor on, checking each piece over as she did so.

"Electroartifice Formula online." Valeriya murmured to herself in Russian as she put the helmet on, Formulae lighting up on the inside to provide her with an enhanced visual. "Railgun link established. All systems green."

Just then, curfew hit. The Starsteel Formula materialized, and Valeriya hefted her rail rifle up in one hand as she activated her backdoor with the other. A quick escape out the testing facility later, and the armored girl set out to the meeting point she'd been given.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Vega7285
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Hana Yun

Some time that evening, Nazca would receive yet another visitor, though one prefaced by a visit from the nurse. "Miss Whitehall," the nurse began, "as you might expect, several Polymaths on Bermuda have an interest in medicine, and one has heard of your case and wishes to volunteer her assistance. Shall I show her in?" The nurse waited for an affirmative before leaving to admit a young lady of oriental descent into the room.

Hana had arrived with a small black bag similar to those carried by traveling doctors, and a small bouquet of flowers: Hypoxis, Yarrow, Sage, and other flowers symbolizing health and wellness. She set her bag down, and first set about putting the flowers into a more permanent home in an available vase. "Good evening, miss Whitehall," she began. "I apologize about the unannounced visit, I only recently heard about your situation and was in a bit of a hurry to prepare my things." Compared to most of the visitors for the day, this oriental lady's tone and behavior were at least an attempt at professionalism similar to those of a doctor or other medical staff.

"I'm Hana," she introduced herself, after the apology. "I'm sure you've had a long day, so I'll try to be brief. I specialize in medicine, and one of my preparations should help." She picked up her bag, rummaged around it, and fished out a carefully-sealed vial of liquid with a label printed in her native characters. "This medicine will accelerate the healing process considerably, and should serve to speed your recovery. It promotes the body's natural healing and ah-" she caught herself, "you probably don't care about all the details. Needless to say, it's safe on both Egoists and people or more ordinary constitution." She placed the vial on the bedside table, in easy reach for Nazca.

"I had to ask your doctors a few things to make sure I prepared the correct dosage. Take one vial a day. You may need more rest or be hungrier than usual as side effects." It probably didn't need to be said to just do what one needs to to remedy those particular needs. Hana set out several more vials next to the first one.

"As a volunteer, I can't do more than look in on you from time to time, so please call me if you think anything is amiss as a result of my treatment. Ask for Hana Yun."

She bowed politely in the oriental fashion. "Before I leave, if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them." The way she spoke about her work, it was clear enough this wasn't some experimental treatment, although doubtless anyone volunteering their expertise at a hospital is looking for more clinical data. Past furthering her own research, however, Hana didn't appear to have any particular motives beyond the altruistic. At the very least, she had no intent to stay long, or engage in small talk. Her visit was a professional one, not a social call.
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