Felix Dromas
Race: Human and Tulak (Though he's almost indistinguishable from a normal human)
Age: 24
Gender: male

Standing at a height of 5' 11" Felix is pretty unimposing. He doesn't look terribly muscular, but that's the cost of being mostly cybernetic.
6 Flashbang grenades
Stun Baton
Rail Amp'd Hand Cannon- Felix's weapon of choice, only has three shots to the magazine. He generally carries eight mags on his person. Generally requires cybernetic limbs or at least specially designed braces to keep the user from snapping their wrist firing it at full power. Naturally he's gotta be a bit careful firing it near windows or weak points on the ship.
Attunement/enhancements: Felix is about 50% prosthetic after his very close encounter with death. His arms, legs and eyes have been completely replaced with top of the line cybernetics. Unfortunately the human brain isn't meant to run this much equipment, so a standard VI was installed to help him regulate the functions of each and increase his overall effectiveness. His eyes, despite looking almost completely normal are also prosthetic.
ProstheTech MK III artificial limbs- Between titanium alloys and carbon fiber joints, these limbs are pretty difficult to damage. The powerful mechanisms allow these limbs to exert more strength than their standard human counterparts while still looking the same using synthetic skin. Most people would be almost completely unable to distinguish the two unless they were damaged.
ProstheTech MK II artificial eyes- Using enhanced cameras these devices simulate eyesight in those that either lost their own or never had it. This allows the user to bring up Heads Up Displays and other nifty functions through the neural interface.
Virtus VI- More of a utility VI than anything else, the Virtus helps Felix keep all of his cybernetics running. It also allows him to run basic scans within a small (5 meter) radius. It only recognizes basic commands he gives it, but he still treats it like an AI with a mind of its own.
Unique Abilities :
Proximity scan: Felix's VI is able to scan nearby technology and to a lesser extent organic materials. As a combat-engineer however, his interest is purely in the tech.
Overclock: Felix can overclock his cybernetic enhancements to dangerous levels in serious situations strengthening his limbs and allowing him to react faster. Like a computer, this produces a dangerous amount of heat and is only used in very specific situations.
Personality: Felix has seen, no, experienced some things that no living being should. Being dismembered and tortured left deep mental scars that not even a psych expert can begin to decrypt. Other than that, he is a fairly charismatic individual that is surprisingly softhearted outside of combat. Due to his own circumstances, he fully believes that at least some of the prisoners weren't horrible enough to be sent on the Alcatraz.
Felix was born to a Tulak mother and Human father, a union that was slightly unorthodox at the time. While the two races were fairly friendly towards one another, it was still taboo for Tulak to mate with outsiders. Because of this, Felix was raised on a human colony with his mother disguising her horns to fit in. It wasn't until he was fourteen that he joined the colony's militia. A band of raiders had been harassing the settlement and forcing them to give up their already meager rations.
Of course, the militia's job was to prevent this...but the leaders decided against it due to the sheer number of raiders and the obvious result. Felix decided that it couldn't continue. What was the point of having a militia if it didn't protect anything? Why train citizens to wield weapons and then tell them they can't use them to fight back? Being the stupid kid he was, Felix sneaked to the raider camp in an attempt to deal with them once and for all. With the belief that he was saving his family and home, he took the shot that killed the raider leader.
In an obvious turn of events, this didn't work out. His position was quickly found and he was tortured to a state that would make death seem like a mercy. His arms and legs ruthlessly ripped off and the sockets healed to prevent him from dying. The raider life wielder used their magic to keep him conscious the whole time as even his eyes were plucked from his head, leaving him a wailing torso and head that couldn't see anything as the raiders burned the colony to the ground. All he could do was scream as he heard everything he had set out to save being destroyed. Eventually his screaming turned to sobs as he heard the carnage around him. In the aftermath, the colony was essentially erased from the surface of the planet and Felix was left to die in the ruins.
In perhaps a final act of defiance, Felix stayed alive for days until the shuttle that normally left supplies for the colony arrived. They picked up what was left of him and brought him back to earth to recover. The therapy, the prosthetic limbs, everything. It was all paid for by the reward for killing the raider leader. Apparently his bounty was in the millions, and the group that he had led slowly dispersed after his death. That was the closest thing to a victory Felix could claim for his actions, though the mountain of corpses that had resulted shadowed over it.
It was an obvious choice to join the UN's military after that, fighting the bad guys and all that. Of course, that was also complicated when his bloodwork revealed his ancestry. Being half Tulak made Felix a potential diplomatic tool with the anti-human groups that constantly lobbying for war between the Tulak and Human races.
It was on what was supposed to be a simple escort mission that everything fell apart once more. In a final effort to appeal to the leader of Tulak nationalist group, Felix's helmet was removed and the small nubs on his head were revealed. Though, instead of the intended effect of bridging the hostilities between the two groups, this enraged the man and led to a massacre on both sides that Felix was "lucky" to have survived. The diplomatic disaster that ensued after this was pegged on him as he was the sole survivor of the humans that had been present. Tulak citizens cried for his death, humans tried to defend him, the governments played tug of war as they do. The final result was him being stationed on board the Alcatraz as a guard and engineer. The fact that this compromise was acceptable to both governments was more frightening than comforting.