The Alcatraz
???? days since launch

The massive prison ship floated listlessly through deep space. So far away from civilization that the odds of seeing another vessel had become nonexistent. Even with all of the problems the Alcatraz had faced in the past few months, things mostly seemed to run as though all was well. Guards patrolled the cell blocks, kept prisoners to their routines, and the non-bridge crew simply went on living. A normal cycle that had been going on for what seemed like endless months? years? all indiscernible unless you had access the the ships own runtime.
Though the past few weeks a fresh annoyance was added to the list. Every few hours a garbled message would override the intercom, it wasn't the slightest bit decipherable, but it sure sounded panicked. On top of that, quite a few prisoners had become restless as rumors began to spread. The crew had no clue how the prisoners had learned of the warden's disappearance or the captain's self imposed solitude...but it was making many of them rather nervous.

Unfortunately, Felix did have access to the runtime logs. "Two years..." He muttered under his breath as he crawled through a vent above one of the many cell blocks. He was just there to fix one of the fans to keep the air circulating properly, but it had turned into a whole adventure of reconnecting wires and following a strange trail of minor sabotage. Eventually he ended up finding the culprit, some smaller human man trying to make his way through the ventilation system to...what? Freedom? What did he even plan to gain?
"Excuse me." Felix said as he tapped on the back of the man's shoe, causing a flurry of attempted kicks before Felix managed to grip both of the guy's feet. "What exactly are you doing?" Felix asked impatiently. He was gonna drag this guy back out of course, but his curiosity was piqued.
"I'm not gonna let them take me!" The prisoner wailed as he tried to get free from his own shoes to escape. Felix's grip tightened and threatened to crush the inmate's feet. "The Draughts? If they wanted you there wouldn't have been time to get into a vent, and you certainly wouldn't have made it far." Felix shook his head, of course he was dealing with a paranoid one...though he guessed he wouldn't find a sane person in a vent. "You don't get it, I heard they're clearing whole cell blocks now. I'm not gonna be dragged to the depths, no. Whatever's down there's gotta be worse than starving to death in the vents!"
"Woah woah, let's not get ahead of ourselves buddy. I'm not about to deal with a corpse blocking the climate control again." Felix said as he began pulling the desperate guy backwards. "The last one had the starboard cellblocks reeking for weeks even after we cleared it out. So...Out ye come!" Felix said as he kicked a nearby large door vent open and fell out pulling his screaming new friend behind him. A few nearby guards showed up and detained the guy as Felix dusted himself off and fixed the vent door. "Crisis averted." He said as he pulled up the work order on a nearby terminal and cleared it.
Something bothered him though, what was that prisoner saying about the Draught Sentries clearing out whole cell blocks? This was certainly the first he'd heard. With a few swipes he pulled up the cameras and glanced through each block until he found something suspicious. Several blocks had their cameras disabled...and it was going in a rather straight pattern.