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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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Flicker opened their mouth to make a retort to Aura... only to stop as they considered their companions' words. "That probably would work better, yeah," they said after a moment. They folded their arms around themself and turned their head away slightly to hide the embarrassment on their face. "Yeah, two or three of us going through the window would probably be safer."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Arkisz Yennen

Arkisz observed the magical energies his spell allowed him to detect, stowing the information for now, as nothing seemed outstandingly worrisome - the spell would remain active until he chose to stop focusing on it. The fading abjuration magic he sensed did, however, pique his interest, as it had a hint of.. unfamiliarity to it. Even so, it did not seem to help the two who were now lying at their feet.

He waited for a moment in which there was no speaking before relaying the information in short. He then split his attention between keeping tabs on the sounds inside - being a tad distracted at the calmness within - and his teammates making a plan of entry. His eyes remained on the door, straying up to the window every few seconds to make sure nothing happened to surprise them.

His eyes didn't leave the door as he spoke. "Seeing as they seem.. unperturbed by our presence-" He began, nodding towards the unworried sounds that passed faintly through the closed port, "-I am not sure how effective goading them would be." Arkisz paused, listening again for any irregular commotion, before he continued in his typical calm tone. "However, the door and the window do not seem to be directly magically trapped. So an engagement on our part does not seem unwise."

It was after a short pause when he finished that a strange, metallic pack of sorts that rested upon the Vedalken's back began to shift. Long, spindly spires of metal shifted and extended downwards before other parts unfolded and came to meet them - several metal plates converging and latching together as they mirrored the movements of another such collection of pieces, both of which ultimately formed a sturdy, metallic limb of sorts. This happened several times over even as a larger clump of odd circuitry and metal bits that rested more closely to his middle-back shifted and formed whatever it was they were designed to. Conclusively these mechanisms served to transform the large, odd-looking metallic satchel that rested on Arkisz's back into a surprisingly sizable, complicated-looking metallic creature which crawled off of the Artificer and planted its limbs onto the ground next to him, its several small hand-like limbs twiddling underneath it as it observed its surroundings. This was his Steel Defender.

"I would prefer to take the door, if possible."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Rala had been listening thus far, but her irritation with their idleness seemed to be getting to the woman as she impatiently tapped her foot and sneered at the bickering crowd. The way of entry seemed so mundane now that their enemies seemed to know they where here. While she was never too keen on taking the front door, she knew there were a few strong lads in the crew, and that with the right tools a rushdown can be more effective than anything.

"If we're going through the window, let me go with" She stated bluntly, pulling her dagger from her side to be ready for a melee.
"Either way, I'm ready"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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Aura could tell Rala was getting antsy it had become increasingly easier to read her as the group traveled. After all Aura was used to reading people so she decided to get this thing moving as quickly as possible. "Okay well if I am levitating people up there I need to know who I am floating and who is carrying. Window team seems to be myself, Rala and Flicker, so while I get ready with this spell you two bicker over who gets to be carried. Ill be up right up after, I would come with but I am not really sure how concentration spells work while I am inside my vessel and now seems like a, not ideal time, to test it out..." Aura started bending the golden wire she had back into the appropriate shape, as it had been squished in her bag. When she was done she looked at the two who would be going in through the window. "Ready whenever you are. Quick, the longer we stand here the more prepared they get. Chop, chop." She knew this would likely annoy one or both of them but it still amused her nonetheless. She waited for one of them to either climb onto the other's piggy back style or for one the be picked up bridal style. She didn't care how but one needed to be carrying the other. "Just to make sure, because I cannot stress this enough, together gear and all you two can't weight more than 500 pounds so if you think you will be dump any nonessential now and I will bring them into the vessel with me for later use."

Levitate is prepped and ready to go whenever they decide who is being the floater/carrier. This way we can move along to them at least getting to the window.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Flicker gave a curt nod towards Aura. "Sounds good to me," they said. They gave a awkward cough as they turned their head towards Rala, not looking the rogue in the eye as they did so. "I, erm... since I'm taller, err, I probably should carry you. If, you know, that's okay..." The group would notice the glow of their hair shift from its usual shade of orange to lighter, more yellowish tone, which those who had travelled with Flicker for long enough would recognize as a sign of discomfort.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

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Plasm lost thought for a second as they admired Flicker's adorable shy stammering. Shaking their head, Plasm would look around the group. "So then Rala, Flicker and Aura take to the window while Jørmund, Arkisz and I take the door, correct? I do agree that we do need to hurry on this
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Rala looked at with scrutiny at Flicker but her face softened at his clear embarrassment. She was clearly a decade his senior, and so she found no problems working with him. Moving over to him, she positioned herself for him to hold her around the waist, keeping her arms free. Rala was surprisingly light, being a short and athletic woman.

"Hold me steady. They're likely to have someone waiting for us" She grumbled as she prepared her dagger for the upcoming attack.
"Good luck out there you three" She added to the rest of the crew.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Flicker gave a small nod before picking up Rala, and was both surprised and relieved to find how light she was. The glow around Flicker's hair shifted closer to its original shade of orange, though hints of yellow remained. While some of the party may have read Flicker's discomfort as embarrassment - and that was certainly part of it - they were more concerned about accidentally burning Rala should their powers flare up... which in a stressful situation like this, was definitely possibility. They took a deep breath to calm themselves down before looking over at Aura. "Think we're ready," they said.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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"Okay, up you go then. Hold on tight." Aura completed casting the spell and lifted the two into the air and up toward the window. "If you have to break anything wait until the door team has gotten the door open. I can hold this for ten minutes if need be." She decided to move out of the way of the door. It was likely she would be the last person going inside so better to do so from cover than from right in front of the soon to be opened door. "Lets get in there quick and quiet if possible." She muttered this more to herself, not sure how quiet the door team was going to be considering they were just gunna waltz through the front door.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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As Flicker and Rala made their way up Jørmund shoulders the door as hard as he could. His expectation of the door swinging open violently was met only with the slightest of groans of protest from the hinges and wood. Several profane primordial words could heard from him as he angrily shouts at whoever is on the otherside. His shoulder hurt from the maneuver but at the moment his frustration and injured pride were getting the better of him.

"They may have it barred from the other side. That or whoever is holding the door is strong as an ox. Someone want to give me a hand with this?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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From within the tower, sounds of confusion could be heard as the cultists within heard Jørmund slam against the door in an attempt to open it the wrong way before shouting primordial obscenities through the door when he predictably failed. As Jørmund swore and cussed, Flicker and Rala arrived at the window stealthily enough to not be immediately noticed. Within the tower, they found that the cultists within had made no attempt to ready themselves for the party's entry. Until a few moments ago, the cultists had simply been working on whatever experiments they were running in their arcane laboratory as if they had no idea anything was wrong. Now though, the cultists were all staring slack jawed in the direction of the commotion outside. All of them save the two androgynous elves standing at the back of the room. Instead they looked at each other and began conversing in elvish.

"I am no longer sure who the greater fool is." One of the elves said. "The lummox at the door or the cattle he is about to slaughter for us."

"If he saw me open the door, my coin is on the lummox." The other elf replied. "If he didn't, I'd say they're about equal."

It was at that moment that Jørmund asked for help opening the door, snapping the human cultists out of their shocked stupor. "Adventurers!" One of the cultists exclaimed as he drew a scimitar from his robe. "To arms! To arms! Protect Nanna May!"
4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Flicker resisted the urge to facepalm at Jormund's little door blunder, instead settling for an exaggerated eye roll. At least it provided ample distraction while they landed onto the window ledge and placed Rala down next to them. All of the cultists were so focussed on the door not one of them had noticed, which the window team the opportunity to get the drop on them.

Quite literally, it seemed, in Flicker's case. The fire genasi grimaced slightly as they looked at the ground, spotting a cultist directly below them. It wasn't the worst drop they'd fallen from by far, but it wasn't going to be painless either. Unfortunately, unlike Rala or Aura who had some options with ranged attacking, Flicker's only option from this distance was to start tossing flames around the place, and it was a little too early to start setting the tower alight.

I guess I'm doing this, Flicker thought. They cast a slightly concerned look at Rala before attempting to jump down on the nearest cultist, in which, upon landing on them, would try and strike them with a couple of punches.

Flicker's ki points: 3

Unarmed strike to hit cultist = 16
Advantage = 9
Damage if hit = 4

Bonus action, second unarmed strike to hit cultist = 17
Damage if hit = 3
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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The cultist noticed Flicker descending on him just in time to try and avoid the falling genasi. Unfortunately, having been caught off guard, the cultist couldn't dodge fast enough and was subsequently used as both a crash mat and a punching bag by Flicker. By the time the genasi monk was done, they had beaten the cultist into a barely conscious pulp who now lay groaning on the floor. The seven remaining look on at the beating in wide-eyed horror. Seeing one of their number brought low so quickly and so easily has clearly had an effect on them.

"Pull yourselves together!" One of the elves called out, speaking in common this time.

"Remember who you are protecting!" The other elf added. "Remember why you are protecting her!"

The words of the elves restored the courage of the cultists, who then drew scimitars from their robes just as the first one had. They didn't attack immediately though. While they were no longer frightened, they were still cautious and opted to wait for an opening rather than recklessly charge a dangerous opponent.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Arkisz Yennen

It seemed the group was decided - half of them would go through the window, and the other half through the door. Arkisz readied himself next to Jørmund as the Earth Genasi made to ram the door as the others levitated to the window above them. There was a dull, sudden thudding sound as Jørmund crashed into the door, which seemed sturdy despite what one could only imagine was years of misuse in this secluded clearing. Arkisz watched as the higher-up infil team began to crawl through their own portal with ease. He was quick to aid at the call for assistance. He moved past Jørmund and let his hand briefly brush over the old wood and the aging lock as he let it drop to the handle. It turned. Arkisz afforded a somewhat sheepish-looking glance back at his companion in second-hand embarrassment from the attempt to bash it down a moment before. His eyes glanced over to Plasm, making sure they were paying attention, before he turned back to the door and finished the knob's rotation, throwing the door open suddenly.

The scene laid out before them, multiple cultists with swords drawn backed by a couple of similarly-robed elves, and with one individual already splayed out on the floor beneath Flicker. Arkisz nodded and stepped into the room itself, his eyes focusing on the group of foes in front of him. He paid particular care to watch the elves and their hands - people known for their magic could be rather dangerous.

Arkisz swept his blade through the air, gesturing it towards the group as a whole before he spoke.
"Surrender yourselves and you will leave here unwounded." He said simply. "If you resist I cannot guarantee the safety of your lives or...Nanna May's."
His voice was as it always was - informative and smooth. There was only but a hint of authority behind it, but it did not waver or quake like someone who was unfamiliar to combat or confrontation. His gaze in turn kept its cool and perceptive visage as he looked over the flock of cultists who seemed to be held together by the courage granted them by the elves at the back.

He could only assume Nanna May was the leader of this cultish-looking group of bandits - perhaps they were one of the elves at the back. He was hopeful that his command would be heeded and they could avoid a lot of bloodshed, but the familiar grip on his sword told more than words that he was ready to fight if he needed to. He stood his ground about ten or so feet away from the closest of them, holding his blade at the ready as his Steel Defender poised next to him, equally ready as its steel limbs tnk tnk tnk'd against the floor as it shifted its weight around as it stood.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"Surrender yourselves and you will leave here unwounded. If you resist I cannot guarantee-"

This much was all Arkisz had time to say before the cultists charged with various battle cries on their lips. Of the seven cultists in total, two of them went for Arkisz, two of them went for his steel defender, and three of them attacked Flicker. Meanwhile, the elves remained at the back of the room, merely observing the fight while eating some rations they had pulled from their robes.

As the cultists reached their intended targets, two more of their number were brought low. One was slashed across the chest by Arkisz and died quickly. The other wasn't so fortunate however. Arkisz's steel defender struck with its force-empowered rend and severed the cultist's sword arm at the elbow. The cultist clutched at the stump with his one remaining hand and staggered back in shock before tripping on his robe and falling over on the ground writhing in pain.

Despite sustaining two more losses, the cultists continued their attack. They swung their blades as one and each scimitar found its mark, though none of the blades struck as lethally as what the adventurers had managed, only scratching or grazing the flesh or striking less protected portions of armor.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Aura couldn't help but roll her eyes at the lack of thought behind the door team. They had seen the door open and hadn't even checked to see if it was locked before attempting and failing to break it open. This was going to be one of those days...She looked up to the window hearing the sounds of battle within and decide that going through the window was a waste of time. So she swung around the corner to the open door and did a quick sweep over the room.

She spotted the elves in the back seeming unconcerned with that was happening. This irritated her so she pointed a finger at one of them and cast Eldritch Blast at them. "Cocky bastards think you are safe from the fire." She called to them as the arcane energy blasted from her finger.

Eldritch blast to hit- 11

Damage if hit (which I doubt unless I have advantage) 2 force damage Plus 2 thunder damage from Genie's wrath for 4 total
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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The elf that Aura cast her Eldritch Blast towards simply tilted their head to one side to avoid the attack before regarding Aura with an utterly unimpressed expression adorning their androgynous features. "Do you believe yourself safe from the fire?" The elf asked in reply before snapping their fingers, calling down a flame-like radiance upon Aura. Though she managed to avoid the full force of the flame, it did manage to leave a small burn on Aura's forearm.

"We merely observe the battle yet still one of them attempts to strike us." The elf the commented to their fellow. "The impertinence, Emmyth. The unmitigated gall."

"Calm yourself, Elnaril." Emmyth counselled. "The work will be complete soon. We need only be patient."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Plasm observed the fight with a macabre curiosity. Flicker's ability to kill a man with their bare hands was... fascinating. Not even mentioning Arkisz's automaton, it was incredible how it severed the cultist's arm with such efficiency was just... amazing. Plasm's head snapped up and came to as they watched Aura cast her eldritch blast, missing by just a hair. That was interesting itself really. Plasm looks to the cultist who had attacked Azkisz and pointed a gloved finger, casting Eldritch Blast.


Eldritch Blast: Hit= 1d20+6= ac 15, Dmg= 1d10+4= 9
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Plasm's Eldritch Blast struck the cultist square in the chest, launching the man back a few feet and sending him sprawling to the floor from which he did not rise again.

With no immediate danger distracting him, Arkisz was able to focus enough on the senses granted to him by his casting of Detect Magic. The strange magical energies he sensed on the cultists guarding the door were also present on the cultists within the tower. The magic was quick to fade once the cultists died, but while they lived, Arkisz noticed that whatever was effecting them wasn't just abjuration. Enchantment was also present in the strange energies these cultists gave off. Furthermore, now that he was within the tower, Arkisz was able to notice magical energies that had been blocked by the stone walls.

Specifically, he saw a large concentration of strange magic on the floor above through the wooden ceiling. It was similar to what Arkisz sensed on the cultists, only much more powerful and much more varied. The magic surrounding the cultists also seemed to be connected to the magic on the floor above. And whenever a cultist died, the magic surrounding them seemed to be drawn up towards the more powerful magic in the moments before it faded away.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Jørmund pushes through the door only taking a brief moment to survey the area. The number of cultists was mildly concerning but they seemed disorganized. With a short chant in primordial a slight shimmer appears on the mace he held in his left hand. He moved closer to the cultists that were attacking Flicker. A quick swing at the back of one of the cultists.

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