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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Robin Hood’s Camp -- The Moors

Cassiopeia put in the work to help finish packing up the camp before she gathered her bag alongside Rose. The others had started to gather, getting ready to move out. Cassiopeia was ready to go with her sister and father, wanting to fight against those who had ambushed them.
She looked at Rose when she said she would hang back and leave with the camp to find a new location. It was the best idea but Cassi did have a moment of anxiety at being separated. She smiled when Rose told her to be careful and Cassi leaned in to kiss Rose’s cheek.
”You too,” she said before going to stand next to Layla. She nudged her sister before looking at Robin Hood. ”Ready when you are.”

Willow Jones

Location: Hideout -- Agrabah

Willow beamed as Jasmine spoke to her. Next to Sleeping Beauty, who happened to be her mother, Jasmine had been Willow’s other favourite princess. Jasmine had been fiercely independent and didn’t follow the status quo. It seemed Disney had at least gotten that right.
Jasmine led them over to a stack of disguises for them and Willow hunted through the bunch until she found something that would work for her and put the veil on her head and covered her face. She turned to face her mother, only her eyes peeking through and spoke.
”How do I look?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She saw the group that more or less were assembled to go off and do some fighting or whatever and go rescue people. As had been apparent, she wasn't a fighter, when it came to the fight or flight response, she always chose to run away. Always made it easier that way, since it allowed her to stay alive longer. Who would run into a fight carelessly to go do something, when you had the option to just, not do that. Personally, she wouldn't go race off to find a bunch of people that she'd never met and go save them or whatever.

"Yeah whatever," she said with a sort of half hearted wave towards Layla, before turning her attention towards the group of people that she was now with. Of the group of course, the only person she really knew was Merlin, which wasn't that surprising. "So where exactly are we going to go again? Just a reminder or whatever," she asked Merlin as she followed along after him, not even too sure what they were going to do or where they were going to go.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan did have a few questions, and they were questions that he wanted to hear the answers to. How did Arthur and Guinevere fake their death? Sure, it made sense in the long run for them to fake their deaths, since then Maleficent and her group wouldn't try to find them and kill them or something like that. It also didn't surprise him that Meg had immediately jumped with interest on the whole situation, considering her fascination with death and all, but that also was just her personality and all to be interested in that.

Jack listened to their answers about how it all went down, and he was a bit interested in what sort of spell did Merlin use to feign death. Not to mention, the whole faking their deaths and all so they could get away sounded almost a bit like what happened at the end of Romeo and Juliet, where she faked her death with the help of a priest or something like that and appeared dead. Of course this didn't fully end in the whole tragedy sort of thing that ended with both of them dead, but it was kind of the sort of thinking he had at them moment.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

It made sense that Jasmine wouldn't be going with them. If this was indeed her world then everyone in Agrabah would know who she is. Their cover would be blown before they even began. Still, there was a certain tone of sadness when she spoke about the plan. Maddie figured it was a longing to want to be of some more use. To better help her land heal and move past these villainous plans. It seemed Colby picked up on it too, voicing a better thought for her concern. How many others were placed into a similar situation as Jasmine? He tried not to glance at Aurora, thinking about how this must all feel for her. If her kingdom was under a similar problem, how it must feel to be liberating others kingdoms before her own. To see others reunited with their peoples instead of herself. Perhaps it was a bit selfish of a thought for Maddie, but he was certain she'd have such a feeling deep beneath the surface.

As Jasmine showed them to another room where their disguises awaited, Maddie hung back a few steps, wrapping his finger around Colbys for a bit. "Nice speech back there. I'm sure she needed to hear it, especially from an outsider. Now how's about we go kick some evil…Wait what's the villain's shtick here again? No magic or something?" Maddie had wanted to say some evil genie booty, but he wasn't so sure the genie was evil. After all, it was locked in a Vault with other magical items. He really didn't like being so out of the loop. "Ok we have to watch this movie when it's all over. I need to know what all I'm missing." Maddie made his way into the room, looking through the disguises, grabbing a blue and gold one who's design he seemed to like.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan couldn't help but wonder how much pressure the carriage they were in could withstand, as she presumed they would be going more or less to the ocean's floor. Even then, if one of them were to try to leave the carriage at any point, it wouldn't be as easy as peacefully floating back up to the surface. Leaving any sort of well-sealed structure would be certain death. As of such, Megan found the ambiance really quite lovely. The ocean really was a horrifying place of mysteries and death.

"Huh, he used a spell. That's cheating," Megan said with a slight sigh. She was hoping to find that they had done something more creative than take the magical route. For something that was supposedly creative itself, magic really did seem to hinder out of the box thinking. "Which of the knights survived?" Megan then asked. She didn't know very many names of the Knights of King Arthur - if she were being honest, the only one she knew through pop culture was Sir Lancelot. And Sir Robin, the one from Monty Python.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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"It looks perfect on you." Aurora said to Willow giving her daughter a smile as she started to go over towards the racks, finding one that would fit her the best pulling it off of the rack of clothes. "Is there a place to change?" Aurora asked Jasmine, and she nodded towards her. "Theres two empty rooms at the end of the hall that are open you can change in there." Jasmine said, before turning her attention over towards Colby and gave him a smile and nodded "When this is all over you all are welcome to stay here if you choose to, I have a few things to take care of first, when I get back your paperwork should be complete." Jasmine said as she turned around leaving the six of them to get changed. Cheshire and Mad Hatter started to search around before finding some clothes that fitted them as well to, before turning their attention towards the kids. "Once we are done here we'll head back to our shop, and head to the event next." Cheshire told the group.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra turned her attention back towards King Arthur as he started to think about all of the members of the Round Table at least the ones that had survived and remained in contact with, he shrugged slightly he wasnt sure what other methods were aside from alchemy as well but magic seemed to be quicker to use. "Not very many but Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad, Sir Percival, and Sir Gawain are the only survivors that I have had the most contact with." King Arthur answered Megan, Sierra turned her attention towards the window as she could see what looked like lights in the distance, it reminded her of the first time seeing the underwater city Rapture from the Bioshock video game series minus the modern looking buildings that the game had.

The city looked rather majestic looking seeing the various towers and spires in the distance, and the ocasional mermaid either riding on the back of a dolphin or another seahorse was interesting to see. The chariot then went towards the lowest part of the city towards an opening in one of the large spires, and it slowly started to ascend and then breached the surface. There was a small jolt as a bridge hit against the side of the carriage and the door opened allowing everyone to get out. "Here you all are." One of their drivers said, inside the area looked like a bay of some sort as similar carriages were either surfacing or going back under unloading either supplies or passengers off. Some of the mermaids were walking normally and giving the group some odd distrusting looks towards them before going off to their business.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Rapunzel started to make her way over towards Rose and tapped her on the shoulder. "I managed to get some more of the ointment for you just apply it to the wound and a fresh set of bandages." Rapunzel said to Rose giving her a smile as she handed her a small roll of bandages and a small bottle of the ointment that was given to her earlier. She turned towards Rosalia and gave her a slight smile, she wanted to hug her but she knew that probably wouldn't turn out to well. "Stay safe alright?" Rapunzel said to Rosalia before going off to join the rest of the ones who were going to be fighting. "I have a small place set up a distance away from here that should be safe enough for everyone there." Merlin answered Rosalia's question before turning his attention towards Rose. "You are welcome to join us then." Merlin said as he started to lead the group in the opposite direction now.

Robin Hood nodded towards her saying that she was going with the others to find a new camp area, understanding that and it was probably for the best. Layla turned her attention towards her sister as she nudged her and smirked a little bit. "So how are you two love birds doing? And i'm ready as i'll ever be." Layla said to her jokingly before following shortly behind Robin Hood as the rest of the men started to head off towards the road where they would eventually go to the ambush point.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"I will be." Rose smiled at Cassiopeia. "Thank you, Rapunzel. I think I'll need that." She appreciated the medicine. Part of her didn't want to take from them though not knowing how much they had. But she placed it into her bag. "I'll apply it when we find a spot."

She looked at Merlin when he said she could come with them. "That's good." She laughed. Even if she felt like she couldn't protect them if she needed to. At least they had Merlin who could kick some serious ass if they needed it. She glanced over her shoulder one last time at Cassiopeia, and then followed Merlin in the opposite direction. Please, she begged the universe, make sure we reunite.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby grabbed an outfit that looked like it might fit and that he liked the colors of, mostly darker tans but with a black vest over. It was less sparkly too. He figured if he was going to be doing sneaking he wouldn't want something that caught too much light. Though he had a feeling this mission would be more of a "look confident and like you belong" over a sneak in the shadows type.

"Thank you, Jasmin. I'll keep that in mind. We'll see where I land when it is all said and done." He joined Maddie and gently squeezed his fingers back. "Thanks, it seemed like she needed it. I can't really blame her for being sad about it all." He got changed and rejoined the others.

"You look good Willow." But leaned in to whisper to Maddie, "You look better though." He said winking.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Robin Hood’s Camp -- The Moors

The camp started to move out and Cassiopeia looked back in time to catch Rose looking after their group as well. Cassi smiled and winked at Rose before turning back to answer her sister.
”Great. Long time coming but relieved that she feels the same and pulled me aside to say something,” Cassi said with a bit of a laugh.
Cassiopeia took the time to observe the group that they were heading out with. She was surprised to see Rapuzel join them but was glad for the help all the same. ”So, what brought you into the fight?” Cassi Rapunzel curiously.

Willow Jones

Location: Hideout -- Agrabah

With approval from her mother and from Colby, who Willow smiled and thanked in kind, she went over to the rooms to change into her clothes. She wore darker, neutral tones as well so she didn’t stand out. Willow was slowly learning that each country in the middle east seemed to have a different colour scheme.
Once changed, she stood with her mother again and waited for the others. Once the Mad Hatter and Cheshire were done they announced they could head back to get the next bit of plan started. Willow nodded, feeling more comfortable now that she looked the part.
”Let’s get going,” she said eagerly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Personally, she'd have rather not had too many other people going along, from the group from what she still considered the real world. She didn't really like any of them, and they were super weird and apparently way too willing to go along with everything. That made no sense to her, since apparently they all were super willing to just toss whatever life they had in the real world to go with this one, then again, in her opinion, children mainly believed and went along with the idea of magic and fairy tales and everything. So maybe that said something about everyone else who was in the group. Maybe they all were still kids or whatever despite appearances.

"Alright then lead the way or whatever," she said towards Merlin. Right now, she was just going to go back to what she had been doing before, and that was pretending that the others didn't even really exist anymore. Or at least weren't there in the sense where she just continued to ignore them. Honestly, she didn't like conversing too much with random people, and most of the group they had come with they hadn't exactly given her a reason to trust them. So yeah, she wasn't too thrilled that Rose had decided to tag along or whatever.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Once again, Megan brought up a good question with regards to the other knights. He didn't expect to hear of all of them surviving, it was obvious being in Camelot and all was a bad thing when Maleficent started to take over, so knowing which knights they might expect to find eventually was probably a good thing. Listening, he honestly wasn't surprised that Lancelot was alive, he was easily the most famous knight in the story of King Arthur. Partially because he was his best knight, and partially because of the whole thing with Guinevere.

Jack looked out the window at the city as they approached it, and it was honestly a bit hard not to essentially be in awe of the city itself. It was insane, and then a thought occurred to him, about what was going to happen once they reached their destination, or how they were really going to breathe outside of the carriage. That question was answered fairly quickly, when the carriage seemed to go into a bay area that surfaced, and seemed to have air or something like that just in that specific area. Though he definitely wasn't entirely sure where they'd be going now, and people were kind of staring at them a bit, probably because they were strangers or something like that, so them being distrusting made sense.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

There was a brief time between trying on his outfit, and seeing himself in it beside coming out to the others, that Maddie had almost forgotten why they were doing it all. The colors were so vibrant and beautiful, the hand embroidered designs, the trims and little details that you just didn't see put in places like Kansas, he couldn't help but be enraptured by it all. He began to wonder and fantasize about what life might be like in this land. What it would be like to hop from story to story, get engrossed in their culture, only to hop back out in time for tea before a new adventure unfurled. Maddie smiled for a moment as his fingers traced the golden trims before finally stepping out from behind.

Colby and Willow had already changed into their attire, and it had appeared Maddie missed the assignment. They both wore neutral colored clothing that leaned more on the darker side of things whereas he had chosen a more vibrant and exotic looking piece. He began to feel a jit self conscious about his choice, glancing over at the other clothes on the table as he walked out and made his way towards Colby and Willow. Colby's words were like an expert marionette getting ready to do his work. A single twitch of the string causing a small involuntary smile to twinge onto the corner of his mouth. Maddie's cheeks flushed with embarrassment on two fronts now as he looked at the pair. "T-thanks. Maybe…I-I don't know, maybe I-I should change. I-I didn't think about stealth I just wanted to…"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't get much from the list of knights that King Arthur listed, as she only knew about Lancelot from the stories of Lancelot and Guinevere sleeping together. She had to wonder if that was true here as well. Was there going to be a twist that Megan turned out to be an affair baby? She wished she knew more about the Arthurian cannon - and then she stopped her thoughts there. She didn't need to know more. This wasn't an inheritance or a heritage. These people weren't her parents - sure, they had conceived her, but they hadn't raised her. They didn't owe her anything and she didn't owe them anything. Once everything was over, Megan was going to go back to her normal life... but she was keeping the sword. Excalibur was hers.

Their carriage ended up coming to a stop inside a bay of sorts, one of the few places that seemed to actually be a sealed air-environment. Megan was a bit relieved that was an option down here - she had been ever so mildly concerned that they would have to swim around in deep diving suits or something the entire time. Megan stood up from her seat and hopped out of the carriage, staring back at the people gawking at them with mistrust. She had a bit of a dead eyed expression almost, like the look of someone so desensitized that it just bored into your skull - an unnerving, uncomfortable gaze. It was her natural resting face. Like she was thinking about how best to murder you and hide the evidence.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Mad Hatter walked over towards Maddie and gently patted him on the head and smiled towards his son. "You look fine, just act like you belong and don't act nervous and you'll do just fine." Mad Hatter said as he looked at the others after they had gotten changed, he reached over to grab some clothes for Tinker. Then Jasime came a few second later with some paperwork and handed it over towards them all as she looked towards them. "There you all go here is your cover stories, you are all noble merchants on the other side of Agraba from the same family wanting to do trade with Jafar." Jasmine said as she handed them each a scroll with the relative information. "It should look passible for Jafar's men at the entrance to the palace." She told them all.

"Thank you." Aurora said giving Jasmine a smile as she nodded towards the other woman and motioned for them all to follow her back towards the main room. "You are welcome to have your things, once you finish with your mission come back here as soon as you all can." Jasmine told the group. Cheshire nodded as well as Aurora and Mad Hatter as they gathered their things as well to, they just needed to go back and get some gear to break into Jafar's vault.

The Moors:

Merlin nodded towards Rosalia as he started to make his way towards the woods, there wasnt anything that really stuck out or was a threat to the group at the moment. There were a few wild animals roaming around the woods, there was an ocasional deer that stopped and looked at the large group of people before bolting off further into the woods. Merlin took a moment and looked over towards Rose knowing that she was hurting a little bit. "How is your arm doing?" Merlin asked her as he paused for a moment and knelt down to look at the ground and noticed some horse tracks that looked to be pretty fresh and assumed that they were probably made by those that had attacked them. He had all of these people to watch over and didnt want to know where that trail went off to before continuing forward.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra took a moment and looked around the area in awe how interesting it all was, and she was really curious how they were keeping these buildings from flooding with the ocean. She turned towards Hansel and Gretel as they got out of the carriage and started to look around before making their way over towards the people that had brought them here. "Is there a way to get an audience with the king and queen here?" Hansel asked, as the two mermaids looked at one another for a moment and then gestured towards the nearest tower which was the largest.

"The palace is there, you can follow that hallway over there." They gestured towards it a hallway that would lead them over towards it. "As for getting an audience you'll have to ask someone there." They told them before going back over towards their carriage and started to leave. "Alright lets get going then." Hansel said as he started to make his way over towards the hallway, there were a few windows that showed more of the kingdom itself. Arthur and Guinevere nodded as he turned to look over towards Megan for a moment he wondered if there were any more questions. "Did you have any other questions that we can answer for you?" Arthur asked Megan, as Belle stood more or less next to Jack as she looked around she was curious how the meeting would actually go. "I wonder what else the rest of this place has to offer." Belle said looking over towards Jack.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"So are you going to share her with me then?" Layla asked her sister teasingly she of course didn't like Rose in a sexual way at all, and saw her as more or less as a friend, and she wanted to see her sister's reaction to her teasing. Layla started to walk alongside Robin Hood and a few of his men who were spreading out slightly just to make sure that they didnt run into any kind of traps that were there or any kind of ambushes but still for the most part stayed fairly close to the group.

Rapunzel turned her attention towards Cassi as she thought for a moment how she ended up meeting with Robin Hood and his men and smiled slightly. "Flynn Rider and I were in our home together whenever Maleficent's men attacked us along with Gothel we managed to escape into the woods before meeting up with Robin Hood's men by accident and we kind of just stayed with them, his men needed patching up and reading a lot of books that were in my tower some of them were medicine related so learned a few things like that from there." Rapunzel told her.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"It is hurting. If I need to I might be able to use my bow, but I'd rather not go into a situation where I have to." Rose could fight a little in hand-to-hand as well, but most of her training was in the woods. "If something happens worry about the others. I can protect myself." That was true, and she could understand that Merlin probably had a lot of weight on his shoulders right now.

She didn't bother trying to talk to Rosalia. Rose knew that the girl was guarded and closed off. She couldn't blame her for her sense of self-preservation. Rose, however, didn't understand why someone who so blatantly didn't want to seem like they cared about any of this had bothered to join. Why come if she wasn't curious about the truth? Rose had wanted answers for so long she couldn't bear to know that she had them at her fingertips and wasn't trying to get those answers. Now that she knew who her mom was, and where she was from a lot of things made more sense now. But there were still things she needed answers for. And of course, she wouldn't stand by when evil was corrupting the world.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

"No need to change. You just get to play distraction." Colby grinned. "And Hatter is right. Just look like you belong there and you won't get questioned." Colby knew that Maddie would have issues with that. Confidence was not his strong suit. That meant he would need to have a quick way out of the situation if it got too sticky since there was no rescuing him from prison if he got caught.

Colby frowned. "Thank you, Jasmin." He was excited about basically getting to be involved in a heist. He enjoyed plots like that in TV and games. "I think," He said to his own dad. "That'd be really good for us to have a quick out. So if we do get caught, any of us, we can disappear out of there." It wasn't just Maddie he was worried about possibly getting caught. But that was who was most concerned about.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Robin Hood’s Camp —> Wandering Moors -- The Moors

Cassiopeia sighed, exasperated with her sister and rolled her eyes. ”I’m afraid this is one thing we will not be sharing, sis.” Cassiopeia made an effort to keep her voice down but she didn’t stop talking. She figured her father would silence them if needed. She listened to Rapunzel’s tale and smiled.
”There’s a movie about the two of you where we are from. Flynn was incredibly entertaining. He reminded me a little of Robin Hood and Aladdin. Do you draw at all? The movie had shown the inside of a tower covered in different drawings and paintings,” Cassi explained. She knew not every character would be what Disney or other movies portrayed but she was still curious.

Willow Jones

Location: Hideout -- Agrabah

Willow smiled a little at Matthew’s discomfort about not matching the others. Willow would have gone for bright and vibrant as well but she didn’t want to stick out. She did like his clothing though, just didn’t express it. Jasmine gave them some paperwork and explained what their cover would be before the group was left to head back.
Willow tucked her papers away and glanced at Colby when he suggested having a quick exit. ”Oh and a signal of some kind. Like if guards are coming or whatever,” she said, feeling more eagerness at the heist and less fear. It was a similar feeling Willow got from having a particularly intense kickboxing class.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

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Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She was perfectly happy just sort of being by herself with the group that they were traveling with. It was a larger group then she usually was around, that was for sure, especially considering she typically stayed by herself, but that was just the person she was. Being someone who depended more on herself then anyone else was likely the best thing for her, especially with how the group that they had landed in the area with were like. Rosalia definitely wasn't too thrilled with being essentially in a group full of strangers right now.

Actually, the group that were from what she still dubbed as "the real world", most of them were strangers to her and she only knew a few of them, and none that she would actually think of being more than acquaintances, so that's what was going through her mind right then when they continued walking, and Merlin looked at some horse tracks that were on the ground. Well, hopefully they didn't run into more trouble, since she seriously doubted that aside from Merlin, anyone in this group would be useful in a fight.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He still wasn't too sure what to think with regards to the whole walking around in a city that was underwater full of people who were mermaids. Jack was still glad that the area did have oxygen and all, so they didn't have to worry about breathing or whatever without magic or anything else really. Then there was the fact that he was still trying to figure out what was going through Megan's mind, but as usual, it was near impossible to understand what was going on in her head.

His attention turned as their guides of sorts seemed to just direct them towards the palace, and how they'd have to try and get an audience there themselves. Jack wasn't entirely sure how that sort of thing was going to work, but it likely would be obvious when they got there. He heard what Belle said, and Jack looked at her and shrugged, "Who knows? Honestly everything that has happened since we got to this place so far has been a bit surprising, then again, it was kind of hard to predict what sort of situations we'd get into." Yeah, he had no idea what to expect in this place, or what sort of stuff they might expect to see. They were in a city at the bottom of the ocean, it was going to be impossible to predict what's going on.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

It was a strange sensation having his father pat his head like that. On one hand it was comforting, something he'd looked forward to since he could recall. Not just any form of affection, but one from his actual father. On the other hand however, he was someone he'd just met. They hardly knew each other and yet there was still a connection. Maddie didn't know how to feel about all of it. He bit his lower lip, thinking, listening to what his father had to say. Don't act nervous How could he not? That was his default, anxiety was a common friend of his as normalcy left him behind. "Right." He didn't sound convinced. Fortunately for him, Jasmine came in with all the appropriate papers, he took his and looked them over though he wasn't quite certain what he was looking for.

When Maddie had heard that they were all royals, well the bright outfit suddenly seemed to fit right in. A bit of weight left his shoulders though not much. After all, they were all part of the same family now, which meant that unless they were all from the far off land of Alabama,Maddie and Colby should refrain from any usual shows of affection. He made his way over towards Colby as he continued to look at the foreign piece of paper. "So…bro, how's about you do all the talking. Otherwise we're likely to get caught." He hated that whole sentence. From the unfortunate use of the word bro, to having to admit his failing outlook. "Well, a signal should be something we can't accidently do, but is easy enough to see. We could have a phrase? Like Hey family, how long has it been since we've danced the mamushka? Or I don't know, could just do a peace sign. That can't be common
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was mildly interested with the uncertainty there seemed to be in getting an audience with the Queen and King of this place - she had more or less assumed that Sierra's parents were the rulers here and would likely jump at the chance to reunite with their daughter. Everyone in their group seemed to be the children of royalty or legendary heroes, so Megan had figured it was an honest assumption. But maybe Sierra's parents, if they did rule here, weren't interested in reconnecting with her - maybe they didn't view her as their child, similarly to how Megan was struggling with seeing King Arthur and Queen Guinevere as her parents. Speaking of which, King Arthur was asking her if she had more questions for them.

Megan didn't know how to phrase her question - largely because it was one she had for herself. Were these people she was interested in developing a relationship with? What connection, if any, did she truly have to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere? Was she a Princess of Camelot - or was that a role meant for someone else, designed for someone Megan had never been? Would she have been good at being royalty? "Not at the moment, no," Megan answered Arthur. "None that you can answer, at any rate."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Mad Hatter looked towards Jasmine and gave her a slight nod. "We'll see you whenever the job is done." He told her as he grabbed his things and then started to head out of the building itself. The cat quickly followed behind Colby and meowed for more attention clearly wanting him to have his attention. Aurora started to think for a moment as they headed back out onto the streets on what they should do looking at the rest of them. "I'm fine with whatever you all decide to as long as everyone agrees with it." Aurora told them, as she noticed some guards there were watching them slightly, she didnt like that they were watching them. Cheshire also noticed it as well to, while turning to the kids. "Try and act normal alright." Cheshire told them as they entered the market area now and the crowds were a lot bigger now as well to.

The Moors:

As Merlin looked at Rose as she answered her question he thought for a moment, he would help her if they did end up getting into a fight if needed. But the other people here were sick, injured or were to young to use magic or even lift a sword or bow. "I'll still protect the both of you as best as I can." Merlin told them as he was still on alert, it was a little bit to dark at the moment so seeing anyone would be really hard at the moment in case they were being ambushed. Rosalia would see a small blue light appear right in front of her and got really close to her face, it was a little fairy as it flew around her head for a few seconds before flying off. Rose would also get the feeling that they were being stalked and could see an outline of an animal of some kind in the distance.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra was still really nervous about getting the chance to meet her parents and what they actually were like would they even be happy to see her at all? She didn't know as she looked over her shoulder towards Jack and Megan seeing as they both had their parents there with them now. They got to the other end of the large hallway of sorts as Hansel and Gretel stopped seeing what looked like some kind of elevator system by the looks of it. There was a small group of people getting off, as another group got in, the area was full of glass as Sierra got curious she made her way towards the closest wall to get a better look. It looked like it was run on water pressure as the elevator ascended up to the next floor several feet up that led them to the palace.

"I defintely wasnt expecting any of this." Sierra said still she was really curious how everything worked here, Belle turned her attention over towards Jack and nodded slightly towards him. "What is it like where you all grew up?" Belle then decided to ask, she was curious how her son grew up and what his life was like as well to. "Are you sure there isnt anything that we could answer for you?" Guinevere asked her daughter. Hansel approached the elevator of sorts as well and pressed the nearby button on the wall to call it back down.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Well you are no fun at all then." Layla said teasingly back to her sister, as she stood next to Cassi and listened in on the conversation between her sister and Rapunzel, Rapunzel smiled slightly and nodded towards her. "Being trapped in a tower since you were a little child you do have a lot of free time on your hands, though it's mostly just painting more than drawing." Rapunzel answered Cassi's question, as Robin Hood held up his hand motioning for them all to stop, and gestured towards the nearby bridge they were at the location now.

"Alright some of you get into ambush positions over there." Robin Hood said as he gestured towards the treeline, and looked towards his men who were holding and dragging some barrels with them. "Get those charges set quickly." Robin Hood told them as the men nodded and quickly started to get to work now.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Wandering Moors -- The Moors

”Cool. I wonder where Disney got their information on everyone here to get some things accurate.” She mused over the thought when her father held his hand up. A silence fell over the group as they came to a halt and Cassiopeia looked around until she spotted the bridge in question. Cassiopeia’s entire demeanor seemed to shift as she looked to her father for instruction and listened to what he required of them.
Cassiopeia glanced at Layla. ”Ambush positions?” They had done an ambush once, sort of and there was a way to ambush animals when on a hunt. The main concern was being down wind but Cassi wanted to be sure. She walked closer to her father and tapped him on the arm.
”Where do you want us, dad? Lala and I are good at hunting animals but we have minimal experience in this sort of thing.”

Willow Jones

Location: Hideout —> Streets -- Agrabah

Willow glanced sideways at Matthew for the saying he gave them and she scrunched her nose up. ”A bit of a mouthful, don’t you think? No, we need something simpler. Oh! How about a classic, ‘I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore.’” Willow knew it was kind of cheesy, but it was where the three of them were from or thought they were from.
She followed the others outside as they headed back onto the streets to the store. She was looking around, trying to get a better understanding of the land they were in when Chesire spoke. Willow followed the source of concern and noticed the guards. The problem was, Willow didn’t know what acting 'normal' in Agrabah entailed. She glanced at Matthew and Colby before she fell in step closer to her mother. From what she knew of the Middle East in her world, women weren’t treated the best, so she didn’t think walking arm in arm with them would be her best option.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"Worry about the others first." Rose said with a bright smile. She could still punch if need be. It was only her bow that was restricted because it required both arms. She'd much rather Merlin worry about those who were genuinely unable to protect themselves. Though she did appreciate he was willing to try.

She glanced around as they continued to make their way. It was dark now. And traveling like this in the dark wasn't really a great idea, but it was the option they had since their old spot was compromised. As they continued, Rose got the feeling of being watched and glanced around trying to find the source. She saw an outline of some animal and looked at it trying to decern what it might be.

She had to move a bit to get a good look since it is hiding in some bushes. But it appears to be a wolf. Her heart pounded lightly in her ears. She had always felt an affinity for wolves and didn't know why. She had hoped to have answers from Red, but little had been discussed about it. Other than the one wolf that had been protecting her years ago. She hadn't had time to ask follow-up questions because Rumple had attacked at that time.

Rose looked at the bush, considering if she should try some Disney Princess bullshit or move on.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

"Cat number three." Colby grinned as he gave the cat attention. Now that they were outside it would be best to not discuss the delicate parts of their plan. He did laugh at Willow's code phrase and nodded. "I like it." He stood up picking up the cat as he started to walk. He had to look a bit ridiculous at this point with three cats on him. One on each shoulder and now this one in his arms. He hoped Jafar wasn't allergic to cats. Or maybe it'd be funnier if he was.

He frowned thinking about what he knew about Jafar. In one of the movies he had become a genie and been locked away. That must not have happened here. Or if it had it had been reversed? Was Aladian's dad the king of thieves here? He thought about the smell of the old plastic case for the VHS he had inherited from his adoptive parent's family. It gave him a weird nostalgic pang he hadn't anticipated.

He glanced over at the guards that seemed to be watching them and decided to flank Willow with Maddie. He figured it would be better and safer for her that way. As much as he'd rather be walking by Maddie's side. Hopefully, Maddie would understand why and not get hurt by the choice.

"Want to hold a cat?" He offered her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 32 min ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: Perception

Rosalia was getting a bit bored with the conversation, or just the group she was with in general at this point. However, her attention was turned rather quickly to a blue thing that started flying around her. It looked like a fairy or something like that, but she couldn't really get a better look before it flew off in a different direction. She glanced over at the rest of the group, who seemed to not have noticed the fairy, which didn't matter all too much to her, as she figured that there might be something important that the fairy might be trying to lead her towards, usually in fairy tales fairies were good right? So why not trust the thing?

Glancing around, she found a bush to hide behind for a little while, without being noticed as the rest of the group seemed to just go on past her. Eventually, she managed to break away and head off in the direction that the fairy had gone off. Eventually she reached a small pond and clearing that had a bit of a campsite around it that looked abandoned. "Well this doesn't look good..." she muttered to herself, looking around the area, finding that it seemed to have been abandoned fairly recently. Rosalia started looking around, finding signs of a struggle and drag marks, as well as tracks heading farther down the path. Thinking to herself about whether this was a smart idea or not, eventually she started down after the tracks to head farther along.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He wasn't too surprised by Megan not wanting to ask anymore questions that Arthur or Guinevere might be able to answer. Though it sounded like they couldn't really answer her questions, but that made him even more curious as to what questions were still on her mind. One thing he knew for certain, was that Guinevere seemingly pressing the issue was likely not going to end well in the long run and make things worse if they wanted any sort of relationship with her. He was distracted slightly by the words and everything that was going on around him now though, turning his attention for a moment towards Sierra.

"I mean yeah, but was there any way to potentially be ready for a city under the ocean was there?" Jack responded with a bit of a laugh, before turning his attention towards Belle when she asked what the world they grew up in was like. "Well, it's a lot different from this one, namely the fact that magic doesn't exist and to everyone there, this entire world is essentially a bunch of stories from books, so that's a bit of a major thing... Um... Not really sure how to explain a bunch of other things or differences between the two..." he responded with a bit of a shrug, he typically wasn't the best at explaining anything.
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