Lost track of time so I guess this is here sooner than I thought it would be x)

"Yeah, I-I... I can help out, it's fine."
1. ♫ | 2. ♫ | 3. ♫
Morgan Reine
Prefers being called 'Morie'
Specifically dislikes being called 'Morg'
Morie's 167cm frame is most commonly hidden beneath hoodies, jackets, skirts, leggings, and boat shoes, leading to her giving off a sense of effortless beauty--though she very much puts effort into her looks. A beauty mark sits beneath her left eye, and she is rarely seen without hairpins keeping her bangs organized. She usually ties her shoulder-length hair back in a small ponytail when doing anything physical.
Her Cape costume.
Morie can give off an unapproachable aura, often looking annoyed or tired. This shell, though, is very easy to get past. The slightest bit of kindness--even sometimes a simple compliment--can quickly melt away her icy demeanor. Despite her best efforts to be aloof, Morie is shockingly clingy and soft-hearted. Though she often has difficulty communicating with words, her expressions and actions do more than enough to show her true nature as a caring ally and friend. Morie is one to nearly never pin blame on another, always being the first to apologize. A tendency to overanalyze little things can often control her, and that is especially true when something goes wrong--she will immediately look inward and pick apart every mistake she believes herself to have made, which can quickly sour her mood. Just as quickly, though, kind words can pick her back up--she becomes attached to others easily.
The girl is very quick to sacrifice for the sake of others, finding happiness in doing so through the happiness of those she aids. This trait, along with her general disposition, makes her a very easy soul to manipulate and take advantage of. Morie has recognized this 'doormat' aspect of herself, and it is the primary reason she tries--and fails--to be distant. Realizing she's been used is a crushing feeling to the girl, not helped by the fact that she can hardly even think to say 'no' without feeling herself panic. The thought of upsetting others, often even if they've upset her, paralyzes her.
When she speaks, she is rather slow and deliberate, needing to be focused on being clear with what she means and avoid stammering.
Notably, Morie excels under pressure. The high of adrenaline coursing through her makes her feel strong, the fear of failing something she deems to be important to her focuses her mind. She can come off as a different person when the chips are down--a person she personally likes better, leading to her being a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Being a hero is a pretty good way to get her fix.
At a very young age, Morie was a loud and outgoing child with a stutter. Predictably, this lead to many years of teasing, slowly dampening her free spirit. At the age of seven, she found herself the older sister to a pair of fraternal twins, and took to the role with joy. Due to complications with the twins' birth, they were both rather frail and prone to illnesses, which made life difficult for the family. Morie did all she could to help, taking an interest in medicine and self-teaching herself anything that she thought might be helpful in caring for the twins.
As she aged into her early teen years, she worked on her stuttering and kept mostly to herself and her family, with few friends but happy with her life, loneliness kept at bay by her siblings. She did well in school and in her sports of choice, having an average enough life until her trigger events.
As with most, she doesn't like to think about it. Morie was 14, at a bank with her mother to open an account for her. Her father was outside in the car with her younger brother and sister, waiting for them so they could go to dinner after.
A villain duo evidently wanted some money, because they hit the bank. A steel-clad, misshapen monster and a young woman at its side. The monster tore through the building, killing several people incidentally on its way, the woman following, entirely unfazed by any loss of life.
Morie herself doesn't remember much, due to avoiding the memories. At some point, she found herself pinned beneath stone, her body numb and half a leg missing. What she most remembered was the feeling of sickness that ran through her, like every fever she had ever experienced hitting her in one moment.
She remembered that in particular, because she later found out that was the woman's doing. A power that made people violently sick. A walking plague.
Despite Morie's severe injuries, she healed far faster than normal in the hospital. When it was realized her leg was growing back, it was clear she had awakened to her own power. Her mother didn't have such luck, having died during the incident.
Along with that, the plague-woman's power had affected her siblings, causing them to fall deathly ill. The pair struggled for a few weeks, with Morie desperate to spend as much time as she could with them, though that was extremely limited due to her own recovery.
When Morie received confirmation of their passing, she shut down. For over a month, her accelerated healing halted, and profound loneliness clutched her. Her father spent much time with her, but she could barely acknowledge him, knowing they were both changed, that she was no longer the daughter he knew, and he the father she knew.
After fourty-four days of being catatonic in her hospital bed, Morie closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was laying in her own bed, at home--her empty, lifeless home. The confusion motivated her to move for the first time in so long. In particular, Morie remembers the hope she had that she had just woken from a terrible dream, and that everything was normal. That was the simple and obvious explanation for suddenly waking in her own bed, of course.
The hope was quickly stamped out, mercifully, when she realized her body was still missing part of her leg. She had simply discovered another aspect of her power, having created a copy of herself in her home from the hospital.
At the very least, the event had gotten her out of her stupor. Silver linings to consider as she sobbed into her sheets.
From here, she began to experiment with her powers some more, finding she could move from body to body, and finished the healing process on both. Unsure what to do with herself now, she thought about the duo of villains, and the possible applications of her abilities. She first went about helping the sick and injured as she could with her copies, then engaged in mild amounts of vigilantism. While that was fairly successful, it also made her feel kind of guilty for going under the law, so she looked into reaching out to the PRT for less illegal Cape work.
The desire to help others and futilely attempt to fill the cavern of loneliness within her made it seem like a good idea.
Designation: Master/Stranger 2, Striker/Changer (Brute/Mover) 5+
Extra Copies (Master/Stranger 2):
Morie can create lifeless exact replicas of herself. There doesn't seem to be a hard limit to how many she can create, but each one takes about two weeks to complete while Morie goes about her day-to-day life. She can speed up the process by focusing on the task, capable of creating a copy in about 12 hours at her fastest, though this drains her energy quickly and makes her ravenously hungry. A small amount of her power is also required to keep copies from natural bodily decay, meaning too many in storage will also keep her permanently tired.
Morie can instantly transfer her consciousness to any one of these copies to control them, but can only control a single one at any given moment, the body she comes from becoming a lifeless copy. So far, she's made a point to keep track of her original body and always return to it, but in theory she could lose that body and be mostly unaffected due to these being exact copies (at time of creation).
When a copy dies, Morie's consciousness is sent back to the last living body she controlled.
Biological Assimilation (Striker/Changer (Brute/Mover) 5+):
Morie can absorb biological matter she comes into physical contact with and make it wholly part of her own body. This includes wounds and illnesses, taking on the injury and the bacteria/viruses herself, healing her target in exchange.
Similar to her other power, this is a slow-to-use power that shines with prep time. Given a few hours, she can fully absorb another human body (one of her copies), using and storing the matter to heal herself and become twice as strong, fast, and durable. The more matter she assimilates, the more these factors increase, with no known limit yet. Due to needing to make physical contact with the matter, this isn't something she can do passively, unlike her copy creation.
Generally, she stores a few copies of herself that have absorbed around 10 other copies of herself, making those bodies 10x as strong as her baseline human self. One copy she continues to feed, seeing if she can reach a limit to her power, though progress is slow due to both the time needed per copy, and due to the fact that she often uses those copies to cure others of their injuries and ailments. This 'Super Morie' body is currently at fifty-three copy assimilations.
- Relatively athletic for her age and size, due to training for the past couple of years.
- Basic hand-to-hand combat knowledge, basic training with weapons.
- Driven. Having Morie by one's side is having a steadfast ally that one can rely on. She might not be a particularly fast learner, but she's a dedicated one.
- My favourite superpowers tend to be ones relating to gravity

"Yeah, I-I... I can help out, it's fine."
1. ♫ | 2. ♫ | 3. ♫
Morgan Reine
Prefers being called 'Morie'
Specifically dislikes being called 'Morg'
Morie's 167cm frame is most commonly hidden beneath hoodies, jackets, skirts, leggings, and boat shoes, leading to her giving off a sense of effortless beauty--though she very much puts effort into her looks. A beauty mark sits beneath her left eye, and she is rarely seen without hairpins keeping her bangs organized. She usually ties her shoulder-length hair back in a small ponytail when doing anything physical.
Her Cape costume.
Morie can give off an unapproachable aura, often looking annoyed or tired. This shell, though, is very easy to get past. The slightest bit of kindness--even sometimes a simple compliment--can quickly melt away her icy demeanor. Despite her best efforts to be aloof, Morie is shockingly clingy and soft-hearted. Though she often has difficulty communicating with words, her expressions and actions do more than enough to show her true nature as a caring ally and friend. Morie is one to nearly never pin blame on another, always being the first to apologize. A tendency to overanalyze little things can often control her, and that is especially true when something goes wrong--she will immediately look inward and pick apart every mistake she believes herself to have made, which can quickly sour her mood. Just as quickly, though, kind words can pick her back up--she becomes attached to others easily.
The girl is very quick to sacrifice for the sake of others, finding happiness in doing so through the happiness of those she aids. This trait, along with her general disposition, makes her a very easy soul to manipulate and take advantage of. Morie has recognized this 'doormat' aspect of herself, and it is the primary reason she tries--and fails--to be distant. Realizing she's been used is a crushing feeling to the girl, not helped by the fact that she can hardly even think to say 'no' without feeling herself panic. The thought of upsetting others, often even if they've upset her, paralyzes her.
When she speaks, she is rather slow and deliberate, needing to be focused on being clear with what she means and avoid stammering.
Notably, Morie excels under pressure. The high of adrenaline coursing through her makes her feel strong, the fear of failing something she deems to be important to her focuses her mind. She can come off as a different person when the chips are down--a person she personally likes better, leading to her being a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Being a hero is a pretty good way to get her fix.
At a very young age, Morie was a loud and outgoing child with a stutter. Predictably, this lead to many years of teasing, slowly dampening her free spirit. At the age of seven, she found herself the older sister to a pair of fraternal twins, and took to the role with joy. Due to complications with the twins' birth, they were both rather frail and prone to illnesses, which made life difficult for the family. Morie did all she could to help, taking an interest in medicine and self-teaching herself anything that she thought might be helpful in caring for the twins.
As she aged into her early teen years, she worked on her stuttering and kept mostly to herself and her family, with few friends but happy with her life, loneliness kept at bay by her siblings. She did well in school and in her sports of choice, having an average enough life until her trigger events.
As with most, she doesn't like to think about it. Morie was 14, at a bank with her mother to open an account for her. Her father was outside in the car with her younger brother and sister, waiting for them so they could go to dinner after.
A villain duo evidently wanted some money, because they hit the bank. A steel-clad, misshapen monster and a young woman at its side. The monster tore through the building, killing several people incidentally on its way, the woman following, entirely unfazed by any loss of life.
Morie herself doesn't remember much, due to avoiding the memories. At some point, she found herself pinned beneath stone, her body numb and half a leg missing. What she most remembered was the feeling of sickness that ran through her, like every fever she had ever experienced hitting her in one moment.
She remembered that in particular, because she later found out that was the woman's doing. A power that made people violently sick. A walking plague.
Despite Morie's severe injuries, she healed far faster than normal in the hospital. When it was realized her leg was growing back, it was clear she had awakened to her own power. Her mother didn't have such luck, having died during the incident.
Along with that, the plague-woman's power had affected her siblings, causing them to fall deathly ill. The pair struggled for a few weeks, with Morie desperate to spend as much time as she could with them, though that was extremely limited due to her own recovery.
When Morie received confirmation of their passing, she shut down. For over a month, her accelerated healing halted, and profound loneliness clutched her. Her father spent much time with her, but she could barely acknowledge him, knowing they were both changed, that she was no longer the daughter he knew, and he the father she knew.
After fourty-four days of being catatonic in her hospital bed, Morie closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was laying in her own bed, at home--her empty, lifeless home. The confusion motivated her to move for the first time in so long. In particular, Morie remembers the hope she had that she had just woken from a terrible dream, and that everything was normal. That was the simple and obvious explanation for suddenly waking in her own bed, of course.
The hope was quickly stamped out, mercifully, when she realized her body was still missing part of her leg. She had simply discovered another aspect of her power, having created a copy of herself in her home from the hospital.
At the very least, the event had gotten her out of her stupor. Silver linings to consider as she sobbed into her sheets.
From here, she began to experiment with her powers some more, finding she could move from body to body, and finished the healing process on both. Unsure what to do with herself now, she thought about the duo of villains, and the possible applications of her abilities. She first went about helping the sick and injured as she could with her copies, then engaged in mild amounts of vigilantism. While that was fairly successful, it also made her feel kind of guilty for going under the law, so she looked into reaching out to the PRT for less illegal Cape work.
The desire to help others and futilely attempt to fill the cavern of loneliness within her made it seem like a good idea.
Designation: Master/Stranger 2, Striker/Changer (Brute/Mover) 5+
Extra Copies (Master/Stranger 2):
Morie can create lifeless exact replicas of herself. There doesn't seem to be a hard limit to how many she can create, but each one takes about two weeks to complete while Morie goes about her day-to-day life. She can speed up the process by focusing on the task, capable of creating a copy in about 12 hours at her fastest, though this drains her energy quickly and makes her ravenously hungry. A small amount of her power is also required to keep copies from natural bodily decay, meaning too many in storage will also keep her permanently tired.
Morie can instantly transfer her consciousness to any one of these copies to control them, but can only control a single one at any given moment, the body she comes from becoming a lifeless copy. So far, she's made a point to keep track of her original body and always return to it, but in theory she could lose that body and be mostly unaffected due to these being exact copies (at time of creation).
When a copy dies, Morie's consciousness is sent back to the last living body she controlled.
Biological Assimilation (Striker/Changer (Brute/Mover) 5+):
Morie can absorb biological matter she comes into physical contact with and make it wholly part of her own body. This includes wounds and illnesses, taking on the injury and the bacteria/viruses herself, healing her target in exchange.
Similar to her other power, this is a slow-to-use power that shines with prep time. Given a few hours, she can fully absorb another human body (one of her copies), using and storing the matter to heal herself and become twice as strong, fast, and durable. The more matter she assimilates, the more these factors increase, with no known limit yet. Due to needing to make physical contact with the matter, this isn't something she can do passively, unlike her copy creation.
Generally, she stores a few copies of herself that have absorbed around 10 other copies of herself, making those bodies 10x as strong as her baseline human self. One copy she continues to feed, seeing if she can reach a limit to her power, though progress is slow due to both the time needed per copy, and due to the fact that she often uses those copies to cure others of their injuries and ailments. This 'Super Morie' body is currently at fifty-three copy assimilations.
- Relatively athletic for her age and size, due to training for the past couple of years.
- Basic hand-to-hand combat knowledge, basic training with weapons.
- Driven. Having Morie by one's side is having a steadfast ally that one can rely on. She might not be a particularly fast learner, but she's a dedicated one.
- My favourite superpowers tend to be ones relating to gravity
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