Hildr The Red__ _ _ _ _

34 | Female | Drudgunze | Force | Knight__ _ _ _ _
C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S__ _ _ _ _
A tall, fair, statuesque woman, at 178 cm in height, Hildr’s distant Eskandr blood runs thick.
Her main motivation is to live life to its fullest and take care of her blood brothers, although there have been rumors that the person who healed her blindness is still alive.
She loves to piss her opponents off to make up for her own general lack of possible ways to approach a fight. Her attitude does not carry over in her day to day life as she is fairly shy and can be intimidated with words without any intention to violence.
B A C K G R O U N D__ _ _ _ _
A Drudgunzean with an unusually high wheel score: almost fifth. This gift was nothing but a curse for the girl at birth as her condition left her blind until a healer of the old gods came to cleanse her of her condition, allowing Hildr to see for the first time at the age of three.
She always admired her father, later inheriting two of his blades. Her prowess with fighting more wildly than the average knight was looked down upon by her fellow Drudgunzeans. This caused her to become a traveling hire blade that mostly resides in Eskandr’s region.I N V E N T O R Y__ _ _ _ _
a pair of arming swords along with her armor.T H E G I F T__ _ _ _ _
Fourth wheel, Leadvein, being gifted with Force. The gift plays a large part into her fighting style as she uses it to leech the enemy’s kinetic energy and puts it into her own attacks. Having been blind for the first three years of her life, Hildr has an above average sense of hearing, smell, and touch. This, however, does leave her rather handsy around people she’s close to. S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S__ _ _ _ _
Combative skills around spears❖
high raw magic❖
Heightened sensesW E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S__ _ _ _ _
Barely any knowledge on magic❖
quick to lose her temper❖
Bad with romance❖
Socially awkwardC O L O U R C O D E & O T H E R__ _ _ _ _