Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
~The Vampire Lords of Alavaris~

I. Akyasha
II. Aleksiya
III. Luna Emeraltide
IV. Dragan Meszaros
V. Giselle de Farry
VI. Captain Fellborn

The city of the Undead, Alavaris

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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The Queen

Known Vampire Lords


-'The Society'-

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Servants of Ichor

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Character Sheet

♀ | 5'8"

♪Rest now, in my arms
This needn't be a nightmare
Dream my voice, hear my song
Your blood is safe with me♪


A longing for control, stasis, and jurisdiction serve as the fundament of Luna's peculiar magic, borne of her unique and particularly strong capacity for enthrallment. So potent is the pierce of her mystic gaze and the ineffable quality of her voice that even her kin sometimes cannot resist. The extreme character of this ability manifests too in her applied magic as ethereal chains, enrapturing spirits, and dismissive auras. Upon the battlefield, Luna dominates her adversaries by way of binding them into paralysis or sapping their will.

Luna can ensnare victims with manifested chains, tying their arms to prevent retaliation, or binding their legs in place to stop their movement. Similarly, she can achieve the same effects by draining the target of their inclination to fight -a 'charm' spell, more or less. At its most powerful, Luna can outright dominate a victim's mind, temporarily throwing them into thralldom, and contesting against their willpower.

Each of these things Luna manifests through her gaze and through voice. Beautiful and soothing, her voice can at one moment be merely an enticing melody, and the next a disorienting curse. To mortals, even unintentionally, a look into her eyes for just a little too long may draw dizziness, confusion, or captivation.

She is in all ways a siren that nullifies and neutralizes, leaving one helpless of her approach when at last her saber or fangs find their way into flesh.


Matronly. Focused. Curious.

Luna favors peace over violence, and would rather a world return to its former glory, than to stagnate in moonless ennui as it is. To her, everything now is a mistake that must be corrected, albeit with carefully-designed adjustments in favor of her own kind. Though loyal to vampire-kind and Ichor, Luna holds that man is an existence that should be respected less as cattle, and more as a reservoir of 'friends' to draw from. The connotation in her wording and demeanor, however, ties the nature of 'friends' and 'pets' closely together. A servant, a dog, or a cow -each is still something that even humans can come to 'love and respect' despite the reality of their existences.

Posturing as an accommodating and reliable figure, Luna strives to be a mentor and leader in many ways, perhaps out of a longing to be considered helpful and appreciated. With a longing for the return of the moon, she is driven to uplift Ichor, her kin, and all those who would further this endeavor. Some might call her ambitious, though Luna would describe herself as a merely hopeful soul.

Though outwardly cold in demeanor, she is in reality quite fond of socializing, new relationships, and even comedy. With a joke, her poised expression turns to giddy laughter, and the veil of seriousness drops in favor of someone amicable and friendly. Though her dedication to her goals are iron, she need not be herself.


When Luna yet breathed, her profession was that of a priestess in service to the goddess Atmeria, now long forgotten by man. As a priestess to the deity of rivers, lakes, and other freshwater sources, Luna blessed locales with safe travels, bountiful harvests of fish, and purity. The sanctity of wells, guarding them from proliferating disease and taint, fell into her purview as well.

The sole caretaker of a temple to Atmeria, Luna was more often visited by hopeful suitors rather than villagers seeking divine blessings and rituals. Her immaculate voice, like crystalline pristine waters of a mountain stream, drew the attention and desire of many. Some merely sought her innocent company, while others nigh-demanded less savory things.

In the twilight of the Ophidiel Era, one such persistent suitor would visit upon Luna not merely his own charming company, but eternity itself. The vampire, in their affair with Luna, feared the loss of her immaculate song, and begged her to remain at his side into the yawning road of forever. Smitten by his person, and herself always an aloof priestess, Luna accepted his proposition and bound her destiny to endless time.

The rendezvous with the man would not last, in a cruel twist of fate: he himself would not last, leaving the once-mortal priestess alone in the Gotterdamerung. As the curtain upon the world descended but inches above the stage, Luna took to wandering, drinking in all that she may experience, and honing the beliefs in Ichor that now guide her newly-awoken chapter.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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  • Name: Aleksiya Ravennart, also known as Ice Princess Aleksiya, or the Rime-Winged Vermilion Angel
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "... Don't ask." With the appearance of a child no older then 10, Aleksiya can still put off a surprising amount of menace.
  • Abilities: Aleksiya is known as the Ice Princess for a reason. In addition to a high capacity with blood magic, Aleksiya specializes in magic that permits the manipulation and creation of ice. Ice created by Aleksiya is extremely cold, enough to produce a burning sensation on contact with unprotected skin and prolonged contact causing tissue damage. She can rapidly form ice in different shapes, commonly in the form of spears and spikes to be used as projectiles. Given sufficient time, she can even freeze a target solid. Before her death and revival, she could freeze targets much more rapidly. But her signature technique is the combination of Blood and Ice magic. By freezing blood, she can enhance blood projectiles to fly further and penetrate more deeply, raining shards of frozen ichor upon her foes or creating exotic patterns of crimson frost to use as a barrier. Her second title was earned due to the use of her favorite weapon, a scythe composed entirely of frozen blood that she can create at will as long as she has sufficient blood to manipulate. She does not need physical contact with her own blood, or disembodied blood, in order to freeze it and alter its shape. Therefore, an enemy who gets her blood on them could easily be unaware of the danger until too late.

    When given enough excess blood, she is capable of manipulating the blood in her body to force herself to operate at a higher degree of strength and speed. This technique is known as Rime-Winged Vermilion Angel, and is the origin of one of her titles. Excess Blood forms in icy veins stretching from her back, twisting together to resemble a pair of wings, where it can be stored for use to maintain this form. It is crucial that she maintains the 'wings' and does not overuse this technique, as the strain from the manipulation of her own bloodflow can cause her veins and many internal organs to rupture. While this may not kill her outright, it would be catastrophic in battle.

    Her most powerful technique, Endless Crimson Crystal Prison, is currently too complex and requires far too much power and blood for her to activate. On activation, ice rapidly encases the target, who is then skewered by numerous spears of ice before being frozen completely solid. The target is left a permanent ice sculpture, a bizarre art piece filled with gleaming spears. An overkill technique intended to be used against large or particularly stubborn foes, it has slipped from her grasp due to the lengthy period of time she spent dead.
  • Personality: Arrogant and cruel. Sadistic and capricious. These are words that describe the demeanor of the Ice Princess Aleksiya. High-handed, judging those around her by if they offer value only in how much they amuse her, this is the Crimson Reaper's attitude. But, while describing her in this manner is not necessarily incorrect, it perhaps does not capture the whole picture.

    It's impossible to deny Aleksiya's sadistic streak, and she is cruel to her enemies and will often speak in a callous and unforgiving manner. Her smug attitude is no exaggeration either. But, in spite of this behavior, she shows favor to the weak and downtrodden, those who suffer under the thumb of the kind of people who recklessly abuse their own power. Human or vampire, those who prey upon the helpless are viewed scornfully by Aleksiya, who reserves her cruelest acts for those who show such cruelness themselves. She is especially sensitive to the plights of children. She will at times exaggerate her more cruel and villainous streak specifically to grow her reputation, but it isn't uncommon for her softer side to show through. In some respect, her willingness to serve Ichor is likely due for the sake of providing further structure to the world's current state, in hopes of punishing those who exploit the weak.

    Regardless of her softer side, Aleksiya's arrogance cannot be overstated. She has nothing but confidence in herself, and her abilities, and will mock and belittle any that she sees as beneath her.
  • Bio: Aleksiya was born to a noble family, long ago. As nobility went, they were quite fair-handed, and loved their daughter, showering her with affection and spending as much time as they were able to with her. The Ravennarts were also friends of another neighboring family, the Mierret, and Aleksiya frequently played with their youngest daughter, a girl of her age named Brigette. Aleksiya and Brigette rapidly became close friends, and spent many days together playing in and around the grounds of her family's mansion. Unfortunately, these days were not to last.

    Tollivor Burian, head of the Burian family, had long held a rivalry with the Ravennarts and the Mierret.
    Manipulating minor nobles, he was able to stage a surprise attack on the Ravennarts' mansion during a celebration where much of the Mierret family, including Brigette, were present. In spite of their best efforts, their defenses eventually crumbled, and Aleksiya and Brigette's families were slaughtered. Given no time to mourn, they were snatched away by Lord Burian, who claimed their lands and intended to use the young girls as trophies, enslaving them for the sake of a spiteful vengeance against his slaughtered rivals. Subjected to Lord Burian's cruel whims, the girls were frequently beaten and subjected to starvation, as the wicked lord subjected the common folk to monstrous acts for his own amusement. Aleksiya witnessed horrific tortures and cruel games carried out in Lord Burian's court, and was sometimes subjected to them herself. But she felt far worse pain when Brigette was targeted, as the other girl's health steadily wore down.

    One morning, she awoke to learn that Brigette had apparently died in the night, her body tossed away like trash.
    From that point onwards, Aleksiya did not care what else happened.

    She would take revenge on Lord Burian, and make him suffer for his crimes.

    But her young body could only take so much cruel treatment, and soon she too was cast out, starved and beaten, to die in the cold one winter's night.

    And yet, it was not to be. A figure she thought she recognized as a noble she had once met prior to Lord Burian's attack made her an offer of survival, and power, and she found herself accepting without a second thought.

    The next morning, Lord Burian was dead, his skinned corpse hanging from his bedroom window.

    Aleksiya Ravennart, now a vampire, claimed ownership of the land that once belonged to her family, as well as the lands of the Mierret and Burian families. The nobles who participated in her family's slaughter were killed, their heads displayed on pikes and their properties absorbed into Aleksiya's territory. From this point on, the girl's life was one filled with that which brought her pleasure. Finery, sweet blood, and punishment for the wicked. As time went on, she became more and more active in moving against those who had earned her ire, and her reputation as the Ice Princess grew. Her manipulation of ice grew to become quite famous.

    Unfortunately for Aleksiya, not even her considerable magical capabilities were enough to save her from the surprise attack of the Hundred Paladins, and she was killed. In her last moments, her thoughts drifted to Brigette, and the smallest hope that she would see her once again...
  • Anything else: Carries a stuffed rabbit that belonged to Brigette. It is quite weathered by this point, but somehow mostly intact.
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