Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Alora Holly:

"Take me on a hike so I know it's real."
~Quote from her Tinder bio






Alora stands at a height of five-foot-ten inches tall. While she is not the lithest person, she has a solid muscle foundation that helps project the intimidating aura she has cultivated over the years. They tend to gravitate towards darker-colored clothes that they accessorize with brightly colored and numerous pieces of jewelry. She is typically seen wearing a t-shirt and ripped black jeans. Sometimes she spices up this look with a jean jacket adorned with small pins from the various museums she has visited.

Alora is currently growing her hair back out. She has worn a shaved side and mullet style for the past decade. While she never felt this har was indeed her style, it was aggressive, which was the energy she liked to carry. As a result, her hair has grown out in varying lengths and is often spiked in a messy design.


Her friends describe Alora with a cold, unapproachable exterior and a soft, almost vulnerable interior. She likes to keep strangers at arm's length. Her style and outward personality are all a means to this end. To her friends and her chosen family, she tends to gravitate towards being the mom figure of the group. Everyone comes to her when they are struggling or need advice. She does wish she had someone who could return the favor as she has had numerous struggles with her mental health and is currently diagnosed and on a few different medications. She spent the last decade battling a dependency on alcohol, and she has been sober for one year. These factors, combined with traumatic moments from her youth, have caused her to develop into the woman she is today.

{College Graduate}{Authentic life}{disowned}{trauma}

Alora's early life was a chaotic time in her life. She had begun to show signs of her mental health struggles, and instead of seeking help, her parents pushed her into more rigid systems of control. Instead of speaking to a therapist, she was not allowed to use electronics after seven, be in bed by eight, and awake by five in the morning to do a litany of chores and work around the house. Both of her parents were alcoholics who sought the answers to their lives at the bottom of many a bottle.

As she grew older, she began to rebel against her parents' control. Arguments became a constant occurrence. Her friend group grew with similar misfits joining the fold. While her teenage years were not overly sour the undiagnosed disorders and the abuse of her family situation did leave lasting damage. Eventually, she moved out, went to college across the country in California, and finally got her degree in biology.

She stayed in California and worked as a park ranger. While she tried to keep the interactions with her family to a minimum, eventually, another argument turned so heated that her father told her never to return and to never talk to him again. She became disowned and had not had contact with her parents for five years. Alora rose above this, as she has always done, and built herself a self-made family that has helped push her to be the best version of herself.

A month ago, things began to change. At first, it was the odd happenstances of Alora's day. She could feel a slight breeze all around her out in the park, yet the sensation was not one her body experienced. It was as if she was feeling the slight breeze across the field, all at once. While strange, she chalked it up as a side effect of her medication. As the days dragged on, her power became more apparent. The plants inside her apartment seemed to thrive and would move when she would pass them by. What's more, she could still feel the same out-of-body sensation she felt in the field with these house plants.

Alora had powers. What does one do when they realize they have mystical powers? They train. Alora explored the boundaries of her abilities through trial and error. While the trials proved to be valuable, the errors nearly killed her. It took a week, and a vision-esque dream, for her to come to terms with the fact that she was not losing her mind.

A week ago, Alora received a package with a postcard inviting her to a cabin in the woods and a letter explaining why she was invited. With hesitations front of mind, and uncertainty about the way forward, Alora headed off towards her new future.


Charging cables
Two weeks' worth of clothes


Alora's magic allows her to exert control over plant life. Thus far, she can manipulate her green friends to grow at a faster rate, sway on command, and can magically graft one plant onto another. This ability has grown stronger since she was first gifted her powers. At the start, she could only sense the plant life around her. While she can not see through them nor hear, she can get a glimpse of what they feel around them. What scents are in the air, and what grounds have been stepped on. As the weeks turned into a month, Alora noticed that she was becoming in tune with the plant life. She learned how to sway the plants at a whim and command plants to proliferate.

These powers come with downsides, as all do. The more Alora tries to exert her control over plants, the more lost she can become in the networks of green life. There is a near-infinite number of plant life in a forest, from the pedals of grass to the massive mycelium colonies buried deep in the ground and all the pollen in the air. If she spends too long in tune with nature, her mind may as well be lost in it. As well, when she first discovered and started to use her power, she over-exerted herself. Her skin began to harden for a brief moment and appeared like bark. Alora would do well to avoid prolonged use of her powers, as one can not see the forest if one is a tree.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name:Matthew Pierce
"Right, I think we need to be going now. We have important work to do!"




Matthew is a tall and lanky dude, with soft yet neat brown hair swept out of his face, usually serious brown eyes, pale skin that shows that he’s usually inside reading books all day instead of doing something athletic, and a narrow and slightly pointy nose. He’s not really muscular or athletic, and isn’t “stronger than he looks” physically, either. Instead, his strengths come from his brain and practical nature. So, basically, he’s a nerdy twig. xD

He usually wears clothing that’s subdued in color, making him not stand out so much. His favorite piece of clothing is his long, brown cloth jacket, which he usually wears when it’s cold outside. Otherwise, he usually wears browns, beiges, blacks, and grays, with some other color thrown in if he’s feeling a bit extra that day.

{Serious}{Practical}{No nonsense}

Matthew is a serious dude who doesn’t really like goofing around. He’s not much for cracking jokes or telling quippy one liners, and would rather get the work done and move on, whether it be a serious fight against a monster or just studying on his off time.

He often studies about and trains for his magic, and is often very irritated when he finds frequent dead ends whenever he tries to find anything useful for magic in general. He’s also very irritated when Nyx refuses to work with him, which is most of the time. He’s not trying to be a slaver, damnit! He’s only trying to work with her on her terms, and she’s still refusing to help him anyway!

Despite trying to be calm and in control of everything, Matthew is actually an utter mess in terms of his actual emotions. He’s easily annoyed, easily frustrated, easily stressed, and very, very nervous and pessimistic. Despite all this, he buries all his emotions all the way down, and only lets them out when he’s in private. Unfortunately, Nyx is usually with him even when he’s in private, which can lead to some…awkward situations.

Speaking of Nyx, she and Matthew have an…odd relationship, to say the least. They usually argue and bicker, and Nyx often teases Matthew, knowing exactly the way to get under his skin. They are still friends, though, and when the chips are down, Nyx will often do a whole lot of clever maneuvers in order to get him somewhere safe. She never wants to collaborate with him, however, and Matthew can sense that beneath all the teasing and snark, there’s something Nyx isn’t telling him…

{College student}{Trauma}{Emotionally abusive family}{Emotional manipulation}{From joking child to serious adult}

Matt wasn’t always this serious.

Starting when he was a child, Matt used to be known as the jokester of the family, usually telling puns and riddles and just generally not taking things seriously. He was also very emotional and a bit manipulative, crying at the drop of a hat if he didn’t get his way, and also liked wearing colorful/pastel clothing, as well as loving cute things and usually carrying a teddy bear around.

Since he was in a place that was more lenient with gender roles, everyone around him was okay with this, including his mother, who loved him to death.

Then, tragedy struck.

While Matt and his family were traveling to his grandmother’s house, they got into a wreck that killed Matt’s older twin siblings and mother and paralyzed Matt’s father from the waist down. Only Matt came out fully unscathed.

After that, everything changed for little Matt. Along with having to live with survivor’s guilt and the death of half his family, his grandmother soon became the head of the household in order to take care of his father and constantly berated Matt for his jokes and his love of cute things and bright colors, telling him that “real men don’t joke around” and “I will not let my grandson be a feminine pushover!”

Not wanting to disappoint his family and his father agreeing with his grandmother because she was taking care of him, Matt gradually “grew out of” his “more feminine” interests and became more serious, throwing away his teddy bear and starting to bottle up his emotions because his grandmother complained about them, too.

Then, when Matt was fourteen, he had his first supernatural encounter…with a bat spirit who tried taking over his mind.

Thankfully, Matt was stubborn enough to resist the spirit’s multiple attempts in order to make her worn down to make a deal with him instead, with the deal being that the spirit would protect Matt from monsters if he would let her stay in his mind.

Matt, reluctant but frightened at the mention of more monsters, decides to let the spirit stay, and six years later, Matt is in college and gets a weak version of light magic, but the spirit(Nyx) stays in his mind because "the deal hasn't been paid off yet"(in reality, Nyx has formed a bond with Matt, and still wants to protect him, but is too tsundere to admit that.).


Some books on magic
Charging cable
Couple changes of clothes
A handful of dollars and pennies


Let there be LIGHT.

Matthew can partially illuminate a room and also make things, people, or himself give off a faint glow. He can also partially blind people or creatures by literally shooting light into their eyes. As for his weaknesses, his vision dims a bit after using his powers, and he will become blind for a while if he uses them too much. His powers are also fairly weak compared to the others and even Nyx, but he tries to be helpful nonetheless.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ashley Levierre
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Ashley Levierre

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Morgan Lafleur

"Just... keep... quiet... and let me think..."






Height: 5'6"
Weight: 110 lbs

Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Pale

Build: Skinny
Notable Features: Morgan has a very androgynous appearance.

A quiet anti-social girl - that is everyone's first impression of Morgan, which is not far from the truth. The only problem is that Morgan is not a female, but a male.

On a second look, one would see that Morgan looks very skinny, much more so than an average person. Morgan tends to walk with a very uncertain and irregular rhythm, giving off a very nervous and anxious energy.


Contemplative | Nervous | Quiet

Morgan's mind is a constantly ticking clock - always thinking, always wondering, always working. Morgan is always focused on one thought or another. When faced with a problem, Morgan's reaction is always to wrack his brain in order to find a solution to the problem, which he usually does... eventually.

However, Morgan's one strength is also a weakness of his: Morgan does not like taking action unless he has a well-thought-out plan or solution. This usually leads to delayed action. Morgan also has a compulsive need to constantly think of contingency plans for any possible situation or scenario that might occur.

Morgan's greatest bane is frivolous chattering and excessive displays of energy. When faced with someone yammering away with high enthusiasm, Morgan's quiet contemplativeness goes on overdrive, anxiously trying to figure out the best response to deal with the situation. This usually leads to awkward social situations which causes Morgan to consciously avoid such social situations.


Morgan grew up in the city, surrounded by all of the hustle and bustle of everyone's busy lives. However, because of his quiet and contemplative nature, the high energy of the city unnerves Morgan, and he spent his childhood and adolescence (self-)isolated from the community around him. Despite his parents' best efforts to acquaint him with some friends, Morgan did not have any close friends.

Morgan's powers manifested itself about three months ago. Morgan was eating when his mother accidentally cut herself while preparing a plate of fruits. Somehow, Morgan's mother was not hurt in any way. In fact, she did not even realise that she had cut herself with the knife at all. However, Morgan, who was sitting at the dining table suddenly felt a sharp pain on his hand. Morgan looked down, only to see a painful red gash on his left hand.

Since then, incidents like this have only repeated themselves. Whenever someone within his sight hurts themselves, any wounds that they might have gotten would appear on Morgan's body instead. These wounds would vary in severity and pain. Throughout those three months, Morgan would always have cuts and scrapes present on his body.

Morgan himself was frightened by what was happening around him. The pain that he constantly felt from all of the wounds on his body threatened caused his mood to turn for the worst. A close brush with death when a particularly deep cut on his wrist almost caused him to die before he could reach the hospital for medical aid worsened the fear that he felt, and added on a much more irrational fear of dying. Morgan desperately tried to isolate himself from the world, taking weeks of leave from work just to hide in his room.

Just two weeks ago, a mysterious postcard fluttered into Morgan's bedroom. A quick read of the postcard revealed a mention of magic and an invitation to a particular location that promised help and an explanation of the weird phenomena that has been happening to Morgan for the past few months. After a few days of thought, Morgan chose to accept the invitation. He resigned from a job he was close to being fired from, lied to his parents that he had found a job in another state, and left for the address.


Wireless earphones
Chargers and cables
Portable charger


Morgan's magic is to heal. However, Morgan's healing is done through taking on the wounds that someone has suffered onto himself. When the healing magic is over, a wound would appear on Morgan's body, at the same location, and with the same severity.

Morgan's body recovers and heals from wounds faster than normal. Small wounds not more than 1mm in depth take an hour or two to recover. Deep wounds around 3cm to 5cm in depth take about two to three days to recover. Broken or fractured bones take about a week to recover. This improved recovery only happens when Morgan is alive - a fatal wound would kill Morgan before his magic can heal up his own body. While Morgan is recovering, he will also feel the full amount of pain that any wound would inflict.

Magic Progression:

Morgan starts off (as of the start of the roleplay) being unable to control his power at will - his power just randomly activates whenever someone around Morgan gets hurt. As Morgan grows, his control over his power will improve, and this will allow him to better control when his power activates. As he grows even stronger, he will be able to activate his power at longer and longer ranges.

As his power develops, Morgan's body will also heal itself and recover faster and faster. The same limitation of being unable to heal and recover from fatal wounds still applies unless there is a way to prevent Morgan from dying as his body heals.
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Hellion Nulla Dies / Sine Linea

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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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