In a world of crisis, one young man stood firm against Nine Singularities of Seventy-two Demon Pillars, Lord of Destruction and Harbingers of Death. At his side, a mysterious young woman with no future; aided by the Heroic Spirit of an honorable Knight. As well as a strange beast that came and went as it pleased; capricious and young enough to shirk the duties it was born to. Backing him up, a bumbling, well-meaning doctor behold to a secret that only one other knew, and she, the self-proclaimed genius advised them as best she could.
In his world of crisis, Nine Demons Pillar with the Power of Eight would challenge him. Seventy-two Demon Pillars would rise. Seventy-two Demon Pillars would fall. And, this young man would know great victory at humbling loss and selfless sacrifice.
Sacrificed, the mysterious girl to save his soul; her hopes and dream, found only at the end, imbued into the shield he rested upon to stare out at the ask-soaked future.
Surrendered, the strange beast, Four of Seven, so she might stand upon more at his side until the end, though he would disappear into normalcy.
Repented, the bumbling doctor who stood to task and finished what he started years ago and challenged the conviction of Humanity's last hope.
In silence, a selfless wish was made by two young hearts, full of hope and optimism, the spark to rebirth Humanity from the ashes, and, like Adam and Eve in Genesis, bring life to a lifeless world.
And so, in a world of crisis, contained and cleared, the Ash of Chaos would wash away and be dispelled... but not removed. No. It would relocate. If not here, then there and elsewhere.
Now, in a world yet to know crisis, the ashes would land; cloying the lungs of the unfortunate victims, and bringing them under the weight to the point of fracture and madness.
In a world without crisis, Director Fujimaru Ritsuka would stare at the dark spots of the Future as seen by SHEBA and foretold by CHALDEAS. Haunted by the failure to change it once, Director Ritsuka would take to a stack of seven files - Seven Masters for Seven Servant to change the fate of Seven Wonders.
Selfishly, she prayed she'd hit the proverbial jackpot with this. only get one second chance to roll the dice, after all.
In his world of crisis, Nine Demons Pillar with the Power of Eight would challenge him. Seventy-two Demon Pillars would rise. Seventy-two Demon Pillars would fall. And, this young man would know great victory at humbling loss and selfless sacrifice.
Sacrificed, the mysterious girl to save his soul; her hopes and dream, found only at the end, imbued into the shield he rested upon to stare out at the ask-soaked future.
Surrendered, the strange beast, Four of Seven, so she might stand upon more at his side until the end, though he would disappear into normalcy.
Repented, the bumbling doctor who stood to task and finished what he started years ago and challenged the conviction of Humanity's last hope.
In silence, a selfless wish was made by two young hearts, full of hope and optimism, the spark to rebirth Humanity from the ashes, and, like Adam and Eve in Genesis, bring life to a lifeless world.
And so, in a world of crisis, contained and cleared, the Ash of Chaos would wash away and be dispelled... but not removed. No. It would relocate. If not here, then there and elsewhere.
Now, in a world yet to know crisis, the ashes would land; cloying the lungs of the unfortunate victims, and bringing them under the weight to the point of fracture and madness.
In a world without crisis, Director Fujimaru Ritsuka would stare at the dark spots of the Future as seen by SHEBA and foretold by CHALDEAS. Haunted by the failure to change it once, Director Ritsuka would take to a stack of seven files - Seven Masters for Seven Servant to change the fate of Seven Wonders.
Selfishly, she prayed she'd hit the proverbial jackpot with this. only get one second chance to roll the dice, after all.
7 Servants, 7 Masters, 7 Singularities! That's a Jackpot, and the name of the game!
Welcome to Fate/Grand Jackpot! A Fuyuki-style FGO fusion RP.
Getting on is simple, each player is their own Master and Servant; each Master has a Mystic Code that affords them a unique power, and each Servant is built like a Fuyuki-style Servant, but all powers and most abilities will be put on a Charge system, and therefore, limited in their uses.
So prepare for plenty of PvE Combat involves both Servants and Masters in equal measure, as you travel through the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, as designed in the form of casinos and maybe even do a little gambling to get your Charges back as Masters and hit jackpots to win fabulous prizes, like a FREE Noble Phantasm!
CHALDEAS and Director Ritsuka are not to be held responsible for any subsequent losses of Charges and Noble Phantasms gambled inside of a Singularities. Player discretion is advised. Please gamble wisely.
- 0: This isn't your sandbox, so no playing at God, lest you be removed. Stick to the power set on your Character Sheet and inquire through PMs, if you want to have a "anime moment" in your post.
- 1: Do not railroad. Everyone is telling a story, same as you, so be respectful of that, and don't usurp someone else for your tale without their permission. Healthy collaboration is key.
- 2: Please, no one-line posts. It's on my shoulders to write essays, but, at the very least, give me one to three paragraphs to work with.
- 3: The Usual Suspects will be denied outright, at their full potential: Hercules (Nine Lives is OP), Gilgamesh (Enuma Elish is OP), Medea (Rule Breaker is too easy to abuse) , and Grand Class Servants - other Servants with similar power sets may be banned, as well, as I do not have the time to nerf these Servants.
- 3A: Some Servants with initially broken Skills that aren't intrinsically necessary to their character can be nerfed, however, on a case-by-case basis, such as Medusa's [Mystic Eyes of Petrification] can require some form of Mana cost or concentration to stay active. This doesn't mean I'll entertain arguments for nerfing Enuma Elish, Nine Lives, or Rule Breaker.
- 4: I'm not massively well-versed in Fate Stay lore. I'm a casual fan with an idea, so I'm not going to get everything 100% about why you should have this Parameter here and that Parameter there. This follows closely to Grand Order rules, with Fuyuki elements at play. So, bear that in mind. If something looks off, bring it up, but, please, do so respectfully.
- 5: Be prepared to play your Master and Servant. This is a 7 Master/Servant cast comprised of the traditional Seven Servant Classes - no Shielder or Extra Classes for plot reasons - and, unfortunately, drops do happen for one reason or another. To eliminate the risk of Death by Cross-play, everyone will be self-contained, because the most common death of Fate RPs is someone's Master drops, their Servant is stranded, and nobody makes the Servant a new Master, so they drop, and it spirals from there.
- 6: Lastly, have fun with your writing, your collabs, and let's secure seven Holy Grails, and have a pizza party with them.
Reserve List:
- Saber: @Yankee
- Lancer: @Anza
- Archer: @Silverstein
- Caster: @SSW
- Rider: @Rezod92
- Assassin: @Enkryption
- Berserker: @The Irish Tree
EDIT: With interest shown, here lies an unearthed CS Skeleton:
[b][i]Name:[/i] [/b]
[b][i]Sex:[/i] [/b]
History: [hider=History][/hider]
[b][i]Magic Circuits Quality:[/i] (E to A)[/b]
[b][i]Magic Circuits Quantity:[/i] (E to A)[/b]
[b][i]Magical Affinity:[/i][/b]
[center][b]Minor Magecraft[/b][/center]
[center][b]Major Magecraft[/b][/center]
[center][b]Primary Mystic Code[/b][/center]
[center][b][i]”Mystic Code”[/i][/b][/center]
[center][b]Non-Magecraft Abilities/Items[/b][/center]
[b][i]True Name:[/i][/b]
[b]History:[/b] [hider=History][i][/i][/hider]
[b][i]Strength[/i] [/b]
[b][i]Agility[/i] [/b]
[b][i]Endurance[/i] [/b]
[b][i]Mana[/i] [/b]
[b][i]Luck[/i] [/b]
[center][b]Class Skills[/b][/center]
[center][b]Personal Skills[/b][/center]
[center][b]Noble Phantasm
[Rank ”E to EX”]
My CS to better demonstrate what I'm roughly looking for in a "completed" sheet.
I'm picky with format and aesthetics, so I will, by no mean, hold anyone to this exact sheet. However, things like how many time per Singularity your Mage can cast is required, as well as how many times you Servant can use their Noble Phantasm, but other details like flavour text are just nice to see as fluff, and helpful to understand some skills at a glance to avoid wikidiving.

Name: Penni Statton
Sex: Female
Alignment: Benevolent Evil
Hex Code: C8A2C8 “Lilac”
Penni Statton was born, 1933, in a traveling circus; the cordial affair of a gypsy woman and a tightrope walker. Born to the circus, equally as she was born of the circus, performance was in her blood and soul. By the time she could walk, she was learning to tumble and leap. By the time she could speak, she was learning to charm and misdirect. A troublemaker, through and through, Penni would don the mantle of the clown, and charm and amuse the audiences across Eastern and Central Europe for coin and adoration.
However, by her twenty-second year, Penni had developed a youthful wanderlust to learn more about the world outside of her circus, beyond the veil of the big top tent and the borders of the traveling caravan. So, within the borders of a big city, she could besiege a library of no small merit, and plunder its shelves for hours without end...
...until she came upon it. A book, sequestered in hole, no bigger nor smaller than it, in width and height, and naught but an inch short in length, so that it stuck out from the wall - as if, it were the almost hidden switch to a secret room.
And, in a way, it was.
Unbidden, the book entitled, to none but her, ‘Wyse’ opened Penni to the world she lusted to wander - a world of adventure and magic, illusions and bravery, and it taught her these things in return for her dutiful study.
Sinking her deep and deep into its pages.
In 1961, after six years of study, Penni Statton would go missing into the night, leaving behind the darkness and the spilled blood of the circus she’d been born into, raised by, and lived for.
Sacrifices for a, then believed, nobler cause.
In 2013, fifty-two years later, Penni Statton would appear in the middle of a family dinner in a small home in London, shy of her thirties, and pulled into the custody of the Clock Tower. Two years later, she would be turned over to Project: CHALDEAS at the request of Direction Fujimaru Ritsuka to serve in the Rayshift Project.
However, by her twenty-second year, Penni had developed a youthful wanderlust to learn more about the world outside of her circus, beyond the veil of the big top tent and the borders of the traveling caravan. So, within the borders of a big city, she could besiege a library of no small merit, and plunder its shelves for hours without end...
...until she came upon it. A book, sequestered in hole, no bigger nor smaller than it, in width and height, and naught but an inch short in length, so that it stuck out from the wall - as if, it were the almost hidden switch to a secret room.
And, in a way, it was.
Unbidden, the book entitled, to none but her, ‘Wyse’ opened Penni to the world she lusted to wander - a world of adventure and magic, illusions and bravery, and it taught her these things in return for her dutiful study.
Sinking her deep and deep into its pages.
In 1961, after six years of study, Penni Statton would go missing into the night, leaving behind the darkness and the spilled blood of the circus she’d been born into, raised by, and lived for.
Sacrifices for a, then believed, nobler cause.
In 2013, fifty-two years later, Penni Statton would appear in the middle of a family dinner in a small home in London, shy of her thirties, and pulled into the custody of the Clock Tower. Two years later, she would be turned over to Project: CHALDEAS at the request of Direction Fujimaru Ritsuka to serve in the Rayshift Project.
Magic Circuits Quality: [Rank B]
Magic Circuits Quantity: [Rank C+] (Increases in the light)
Magical Affinity: Light Magic
Attribute: Illusion and Enchantment.
Minor Magecraft
- At-will, Penni can create spontaneous, minor tricks of magic - sometimes a feather duster to clean or dirty, sometimes a bouncy ball to play with or distraction. However, these tricks are insignificant in this world, and disappear after a time.
“Chapter 1: Tips And Tricks To Wizardry 101...
Oh, come on, now. What performer worth her salt doesn't know her basic Prestidigitation? To splash a little dust here? To spritz a little sparkle there?”
~ At-will
Silent Image
- Penni can create illusions of almost static images of anything her imagination can cook up, but it’s little more than a magical tapestry with looping motion. Easily as seen as it is seen through, but shockingly effective when you need to hide quickly.
“Chapter 2: Intro To Making A Silent Movie...
Let’s read... the simple power to create an illusion; though, one devoid of sound and sense, save for sight, for it needs only to be seen...”
~ 9/Singularity
Minor Image
- Penni can create illusions that build off her learnings in Chapter 1, and can generate sounds to aid in her trickery, but she cannot create clear speech.
“Chapter 3: Much To Do About Soundscapes...
Oh, hey, now, we're getting closer to the good stuff. These illusions aren't perfect, but they come with a bit of sound to help carry the charade.”
~ 8/Singularity
Major Magecraft
Major Image
- Practice makes perfect, and now Penni can create illusions that come with sight, sound, and can feel hot or cold.
“Chapter 4: Actualization and Temperature Control...
Oh, baby! It's time for some real magic! All five senses - well, only three. You can't touch or taste anything, but we got sight, sound, and temperature!”
~ 7/Singularity
Persistent Illusion
- Building off her knowledge, Penni can make her Major Images run on a mental script when she isn’t around.
“Chapter 5: Script Writing 101
Now, this is what I'm talking about! Sight! Sound! Taste! Temperature! Smell! And, I don’t have to focus on it! Yeah, baby! Let's go!”“”
~ 6/Singularity
Permanent Image
- The culmination of everything Penni’s learn in one spell, complete with all five senses at play...
It's eerily real.
“Chapter 6: Making It Once and Making It Stick...
It's a Major Illusion, but injected with a big dose of Elmer's Glue! It's not that easy to tear down, now!”
~ 5/Singularity
Wyse’s Grim Magecraft
Phantasmal Killer
- Breached by Wyse’s Magecraft, Penni has learned to turn her friendly illusions into threats from her imagination. After all, the mind is the most dangerous weapon of all.
“Chapter 7: Fantasies of Premeditated Murder...
This can’t be right. Magic is supposed to be fun. I don’t understand. Illusions are fun. I didn’t mean to kill them...”
~ 4/Singularity
- Dug in deeper, Penni can turn her illusions further out and strike at multiple people at once, and where crowds once stood, only bodies lie dead.
“Chapter 8: Imagine A Funny Scene and Knock ‘Em All Dead...
This isn't funny! Funny is happiness! I'm not happy! They aren't happy! They're all dead!”
~ 3/Singularity
Shadow Terrain
- Losing herself, Penni imagines a safe place and from her mind springs a circus of shades and shadows - semi-solid attractions housing all her fears and nightmares - and in the middle of it all: a swirling pit of magic, where the big top should be, rooting it all together...
“Chapter 9: Starting From Square One...
Hello? Where am I? Wyse? Where did you go? I can't see you. It's so dark and lifeless...”
~ 2/Singularity
Alter Reality
- From the darkness, a glimmer of hope, an illusion like no other, expressed by one’s lost soul, desperate to be found and returned to the light. And, within this light, [Information Redacted]
“Chapter 0: Carry Out a Noble and Imaginary Service...
I saw it, Wyse. The End of It All. I saw it like you promised. Oh, Lord save me, I saw it. Humans should never see it. I hate you, Wyse. I hate you. Where are you? Please, save me. Please...”
~ 1/Singularity
Primary Mystic Code
Wyse Grim... such is the name of the man that penned the grimoire on the illusion of the False Goddess, Sivanah, and the lessons that she imparted upon her most disloyal of followers. For the most part, Wyse takes the form of an unusual grimoire - a thick, nondescript book with no title, no cover art, and no writing on its countless pages. However, Penni sees beyond the illusion, and can read what’s printed on its innumerable pages.
...and see his true form within.
Penni is rarely seen without Wyse, conversing with the book, as though it is real, and given its nature... perhaps that is not so unlikely, if one looks close enough.
Non-Magecraft Abilities/Items
- Circus Training - Prior to discovering, or, perhaps, being discovered by, Wyse, Penni was just a humble, acrobatic clown girl with the usual dream to make them all die laughing.
Oh, the fun we had back then... - Clown Attire and Makeup - Once, a proud uniform of a spirited young girl... now, the disguise of a broken old woman... Beneath the make-up and fabric are scars of a once brilliant torch hacked away by the darkness until it was naught but a match...
Flicker flame, I don’t want to die yet...

Class: Assassin
True Name: Mary Poppins
Master: Penni
Sex: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Nanny
Attribute: Earth
Hex Code: CCCCFF “Lavender Blue”
A woman of import to some, and none to others, but reputable to God and Country. The pinnacle of English Gentility, and the emblem of what a British Nanny should be, Mary Poppins came into existence in 1926, and fully realized in 1934.
In between that, eight years of child abductions and unsolved serial killing come to be known as the, "Nanny Murders," before it all ceased out of the blue - so one tales tells in another time. Another tells of her adventures with the Man In The Moon, on a jaunt through space and time. And another, still, of her adventures across medieval times; facing down dragons and goblins alike.
Even one such tale of her in the future of a future that could be.
However, she is but a simple woman of imaginations plenty, and given the power to step out of her book, like a chalk drawing upon the sidewalk, and walk a path of her desires.
This is just one tale of one path walked by one Mary Poppins, a woman with a wholly untellable history, still being told, whenever the West Wind takes her.
And, upon the East Wind, she blows in on a stormy and dark day with a prim and proper tale of murder to tell.
In between that, eight years of child abductions and unsolved serial killing come to be known as the, "Nanny Murders," before it all ceased out of the blue - so one tales tells in another time. Another tells of her adventures with the Man In The Moon, on a jaunt through space and time. And another, still, of her adventures across medieval times; facing down dragons and goblins alike.
Even one such tale of her in the future of a future that could be.
However, she is but a simple woman of imaginations plenty, and given the power to step out of her book, like a chalk drawing upon the sidewalk, and walk a path of her desires.
This is just one tale of one path walked by one Mary Poppins, a woman with a wholly untellable history, still being told, whenever the West Wind takes her.
And, upon the East Wind, she blows in on a stormy and dark day with a prim and proper tale of murder to tell.
Strength [Rank C+]
Agility [Rank C+]
Endurance [Rank C++]
Mana [Rank B+]
Luck [Rank A+]
Mary Poppins's Parameters increase whenever she operates in the service of her Master, as a "proper British nanny."
Class Skills
Presence Concealment [Rank A-]
- Appearing as quite the popular and fetching woman, or a rather simple and plain madame, Mary Poppins can appear and disappear without notice, save for around children who always have an inking of her comings and goings.
“A British Nanny is at her level best when she comes and goes without notice.”
Personal Skills
Class Concealment (Caster) [Rank EX] (Drops to [Rank E] once the jig is up)
- Though, immensely, magically-adept, she is no Caster by nature. Her many centuries of feasting upon true Casters allows her the ability to pass off as one, and avoid the weaknesses of her True Class.
“A British Nanny is at her level best when she is everything and nothing she appears to be.”
You Are What You Eat (Cannibal) [Rank A]
- Two centuries of hunting those more magical-inclined and childish in nature, Mary comprises a rather strict diet of the hearts of spellcasters and children with "the innocence to yet believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny", and finds no trouble in hurting them at all.
“A British Nanny is at her level best when she maintains a proper diet and is never pernickety.”
Innocent Monster (Nanny) [Rank ???]
- Iteration after iteration; looking this way, looking that way; being this way, being that way. It all starts an innocent desire to be the best, and end up creating a monster of contempt and pride.
“A British Nanny is at her level best when she... Oh, who am I kidding? I'm the best because I'm the best. After all, cream of the crop, tip of the top, it's Mary Poppins, and there we stop.”
Noble Phantasm
[Rank C]
[Rank C]
Earshot, initially. Infects others when spoken aloud, garnering the potential to reach globally
Debuffs affected target with a compulsory urge to say the precociously nonsense word, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and can barely think of doing elsewise until they do so; opening themselves up to attack or allowing Mary Poppins to retreat.
Due to the nature of it, once pronounced correctly, it will nary trouble the listener any useful length of time again. As such, it must be used sparingly and appropriately.
"It's super-cali-fragi-listic-expi-ali-do-cious, even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious."