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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 23 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Wandering Moors -- The Moors

Cassiopeia followed her sister further into camp once the initial elation of having all her memories restored wore off. There were a few chests scattered around and Flynn gave them an ominous warning. Cassiopeia frowned, looking at the chests.
”Surprises… like what?” She would have appreciated a bit more of a descriptor.
Cassi looked around and Layla started opening up chests, no regards to Flynn’s odd warning. She shook her head at her sister and reached out to catch the items tossed to her. They looked to be in good condition. Cassi set the new quiver of arrows aside and turned her attention to a chest and opened it up to see what she could find.

Willow Jones

Location: Palace -- Agrabah

Willow was feeling a bit more confident with her memories restored. She felt ready to go forward and get what they needed from the palace, even with Rumpel lurking by. She watched Matthew and Colby, smiling as she overheard that they had gotten their memories back as well. Merlin’s spell must have finally worn off.
Soon after that, the group moved towards the vault. Willow took up the rear to be a sort of look out. The hallway was clear thankfully but Willow kept an eye out while The Mad Hatter set up to break into the vault.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She wasn't too sure if Merlin should be breaking down to the door, since most of the time, doors were locked for a good reason. However at least now they wouldn't be wandering around the forest much more, and going to just be waiting for others to show up. Though she couldn't help but wonder still how the others were supposed to find where they were, since as far as she knew, no one had exactly told them where they were. Then again, maybe Merlin would have some weird magic thing that would allow him to message them or something.

Rosalia walked into the tower, looking around as the others in the group were starting to get setup in the tower. A doorway caught her eye though, and she couldn't help but walk over to it, seeing that the door was knocked down, so it wasn't that difficult to see into the room. She vaguely recognized from it as her childhood bedroom, and she looked at the room, not too sure how to feel about it, seeing how it looked now, compared to how it vaguely appeared in her memories. She didn't say anything about it though, just looking and walking away from it, though it did make her wonder what her life would have been like if she had grown up here.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack just continued to stay quiet as Megan and Sierra were making their case in front of the council on why they should help them out and not just stay there in their little underwater bubble. He wasn't too sure how this could go, since they were asking an entire kingdom to more or less aid them even though it could cost the lives of their people. Though the argument about Maleficent turning her attention towards them, even if they didn't actively fight against her now, made the most sense, and hopefully they'd be able to listen to reason.

Their answer was a good one, as they said that they'd help them, in exchange for their help with something. Which honestly was something that he expected completely. If you ask for help or for something, be sure to expect them to ask for something in return. Jack nodded his head a bit, listening as they explained that they needed help with dealing with Captain Hook, "Alright, sounds like fun," he commented with a bit of a shrug.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago


"We should get some drinks." Aurora said to both Tinker Bell and Willow as she made her way over towards the nearby bar that was there, and started to look around at the various drinks that were there and decided on some wine. There was some music that was playing as well to, some of the more younger guests who were close to Willow's age were dancing together. So far there wasn't much anything going on as some men who looked like they were nobles or something like that were heading the same way that Rumple had gone through which Willow could see them going through. It looked like there was some sort of important meeting going on as well Tinker took the drink that Aurora had offered and walked up to Willow. "It looks like theres some sort of big meeting going on." She said to the two of them, maybe it was worth eavesdropping in on the conversation.

Mad Hatter was kneeling down and listening in on the vault door as he fiddled with the combination lock on it, he looked over at his boy flirting with Colby made him smile slightly. It didn't take to long until the Mad Hatter was able to crack open the massive vault door, and looked at the others. "Time to grab what we came in here for." He said, as Cheshire stepped into the room itself, and the room itself was truly massive, it contained a lot of gold, and other artifacts it was going to take awhile to find what they were actually looking for.

The Moors:

Merlin came into the tower shortly after as the last of the injured were moved into some of the rooms there he looked over at Rosalia and Rose for a moment as he watched Rosalia exploring the bedroom that looked like it belonged to her's when he realized that they had stumbled into Rapunzel's tower. "The tower is secured for now, and there doesn't appear to be anyone around in the area." Merlin informed them as he looked at the two girls. "I'm going to head back to where Robin Hood and his men had their original campsite where we would meet them, would either of you like to come with?" Merlin offered, the tower itself seemed to be well enough out of the way from the main road and should be safe for them to stay for now.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Looks like we all have a deal then. We will gather what we can while you all deal with Captain Hook and should be ready once you return. The King and Queen will fill you all in on where Hook's forces are located." He said looking at the group and then over towards Ariel and Eric as they nodded towards him. Sierra thought that was easy enough then as she started to follow her mother and father back towards the throne room was. Eric went over to grab a map and then laid it out on the table which showed Atlantica and the surrounding islands, as Sierra looked at the map.

Eric then circled an island that was on the map that was marked as Neverland. "This is the island where Hook and his fleet of pirates operate out of, they usually have their ships loaded with supplies and captured prisoners, we get them out and take Hook and his men out and destroy their ships. We'll have some backup as well to that are willing to help out with the mission. Does anyone have any sort of questions?" Eric told the group as he looked at them Sierra looked over towards her father, the plan seemed well enough to her. "Sounds good enough for me." Sierra told her father.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Well that will spoil the surprise really." Flynn said jokingly as he found what he had been needing as he looked towards the girls, Cassi was able to catch the arrows, and the chest that Cassi opened was filled with a bunch of bombs from the looks of it. Though it looked like they were duds anyway which was probably a good thing then, Layla was glad that her memories were all back now as she adjusted some of the stuff she had on her. "We should get going then." Layla said as she started to leave the campsite behind.

"So what is it exactly that you grabbed?" Layla ended up asking as Flynn looked towards her and smiled slightly as he pulled out the map of Maleficent's castle it showed the interior of the entire building itself. "I've been in and out of her place a few times and been mapping what I could." Flynn said to her as they made it back to where they had their ambush.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah
Skills: Puzzle Solving

Maddie had hoped that no one would see that display of flirting. Having thought that they were away from all the prying eyes given that Chesire was playing lookout and his own father was busy with the tumblers inside the lock. He'd always wanted to learn how to pick locks. It was a necessary skill for some of the larger escapist routines in magic, but Maddie hadn't quite worked his way up to those yet. When his father turned to spy a chance at seeing him flirt with Colby, Maddie turned away and blushed a bright red as he felt embarrassed to have done that in front of their parents. Hopefully there would be time for that later in a more…private setting.

With a last click the lock finally settled free and they were able to open the door towards the Vault. A room sprawling with gold and golden trinkets. Every inch littered with Genie knows what as they stepped into the room. "It's like a needle in a haystack…" Maddie quickly began to scan the room, searching for the golden lamp as he slowly made his way around the room. The first corner hadn't proven much luck, nor the second. He felt as if they were wasting time, stepping back to examine the room as a whole again and treating it like one of his favorite visual puzzle games. I Spy. His eyes quickly darted, unfocusing on everything so that the distinctive silhouette of the lamp would stand out. Luckily he'd found the lamp and snatched it up, replacing it with the one he'd found in the outskirts of town so Jafar would be none the wiser. "Got it. Now what?" He said as he hid the lamp amongst his person where he'd previously had the other.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 23 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Wandering Moors -- The Moors

Cassiopeia slipped the arrows into her quiver and looked inside the chest she had opened. The bombs looked useless and old. Cassi was grateful for that as she didn’t know how bombs worked but they could have come in handy if she did. She shut the chest and packed up once Flynn got what he needed.
The trio walked back to the ambush point and Cassi peered over Layla to look at the item retrieved. It was a detailed looking map of a castle and Cassi admired the line work that Flynn had done. Cassi gave an appreciative whistle.
”That’s going to come in handy.”

Willow Jones

Location: Palace -- Agrabah

Willow walked over to the bar with her mother, looking at the crowd as she waited. She smiled, watching the people her age dancing together. It made her wonder what growing up in a magical place like this would have been like. As her eyes drifted over the group, she saw more important looking people walk in the direction Rumpel had gone and she frowned a little.
Aurora handed Willow a drink and she thanked her mother before taking a sip. Tink joined them and mentioned the same people Willow had just seen. The way she said it made it sound like she wanted to move closer to the group. Willow shifted her weight nervously and took another sip of her drink.
”Shall we take a turn about the room?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan had to stop herself from snorting, when the Council then added that they would more or less be dealing with Hook on their own. It sounded like the reinforcements they'd be receiving would be fairly minimal. Megan hadn't been expecting that, but then again, she didn't have a favorable view of most government officials. She figured that they were all either corrupt or incompetent, so them being sent off to more or less take care of Hook by themselves? That wasn't ultimately shocking.

The group left the room and then returned to the throne room, where Eric spread out a map and pointed out the island Hook was operating from - Neverland. "If he's on Neverland, can't we just... ask Peter Pan and the Lost Boys to handle him?" Megan asked. Everything seemed to exist here, so she assumed that Peter Pan did as well. She did however hope that no one was singing racist songs about indigenous people there, that was something that could stay within the realm of a horrible racist choice made by Disney (one of many).
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Rosalia was not too sure she actually wanted to stay around the tower for too long. Just because yeah, it had technically been her home, but also it hadn't been since she was a toddler. And that didn't make it her home, it just was insanely weird for her to be there in general. She just sort of was leaning against a wall in the tower, not really saying too much of anything or whatever, when Merlin entered the tower finally, before walking over to her and the other girl to mention a few things.

Well, that answered her question about how the others were supposed to know where they were or how to get there. They'd be going off out of the tower to go find them and bring the back. That option, and the option of staying there were both ones that she didn't care too much for really. However she would prefer still to not be in the tower, at least not for too long, she figured that gave her really one option. "Sure, I'll tag along with you to go bring the other group here."

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Well, this was an interesting conversation, since based on how the council or whatever seemed to talk about gathering what they could while they dealt with Hook or something made him wonder just how much in the way of resources that Atlantica had. It didn't sound like they had too much, which made him a bit curious as to what sort of aid they'll end up getting in general. Jack followed the others now as they went back to the throne room to go over the part about where Hook and his pirates were based out of, that obviously being Neverland.

He listened to what they were talking about, and then Megan's response to things, namely the idea of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, and why weren't they stopping or dealing with Hook. One thing he did notice from their time in this world, things were not always what they seemed about the different fairy tale characters. So who knew how things like that actually would work out. Though he couldn't help but be curious about the answer to Meg's question with regards to them, since he wondered how they were different from the stories.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago


Aurora thought for a moment looking between her daughter and Tinker, they really needed to stay and keep an eye out as she looked over at Tinker. "Go ahead and look into it, Willow and I will stay here and keep an eye on things so that the boys can get back." Aurora told the two of them as Tinker nodded and headed that way where the men had gone. Willow would see some armed guards heading the way where the vault was.

Mad Hatter watched as his son managed to find what they had came here for and smiled towards him. "Great job there." Hatter told his son as he patted him on the back as he replaced their fake one that they had found earlier. Thats when Cheshire paused and could hear some movement and some people talking and realized that the door to the vault was still open. Doing the only thing he could think of Cheshire quickly went to the vault door and closed it behind them. "Someone is coming." He warned the group and looked around for a place to hide, the only place to really hide was under the piles of gold by the looks of it. "Hide." Cheshire said as he could hear the vault door slowly being opened both of them quickly dove into the nearest pile of gold that they could find as the vault door slowly opened.

The Moors:

Merlin looked over towards Rose and had a feeling that she'd like to come as well to. "You are welcome to join us if you'd like to Rose." Merlin told Rose as he looked over at Rosalia since she agreed to go with them and nodded as he started to head back on out of the tower and started to make their way back the way that they had come not to long ago, back into the woods once more. Then there was what sounded like a loud clap of thunder, and shortly after that there was a flash of lightening to. "Stick close." Merlin told them he didn't want the two girls to get separated from him as the rain started to come down rather hard.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"We haven't heard from Peter Pan or the Lost Boys for sometime now, and maybe they have been captured or killed, that or they have gone into hiding as well to." Ariel told Megan looking over at her as Sierra looked down for a moment she did like Peter Pan as a child, it was a possibility that they had been sold into slavery like how Hook's men had captured some mermaids and sold them off to who knows where which was a really bad way to go.

"They have to be somewhere there at least." Sierra said to both her parents who looked slightly sad but there wasn't much that they could have done, they had cut off most ties to the surface world. "We should get some supplies and then we can set off to the surface to Neverland there's an armory where we can get what we need." Eric said looking at them before making his way towards elevator the rest of the group made their way over towards it as well to, and activated it. "Do either of you have any ideas or suggestions?" Eric decided to ask the group.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Yep, figured it would be pretty useful." Flynn said with a smirk as they made their way back towards the ambush point, there were still some bodies of Maleficent's men as well as a few bodies of Robin Hood's men as well to. She felt bad that they had lost some of their father's men and she hoped that the information that Flynn had would be really useful. "Where do we meet the others again?" Layla asked looking over at her sister and Flynn for a moment. "He said something about the camp that they had moved I think wherever that was." Flynn said, he wasn't sure where Robin had set up shop prior to them rescuing him.

Layla nodded knowing where the camp actually was before their attack earlier. "I know the way." Layla said as she started to head off the trail and slowly started to make their way back to where the original camp site actually way. Thats when the mother nature decided to rear her ugly head and it started to pour rather hard. Flynn quickly wrapped up the map and slipped it under his shirt so that it wouldn't get to wet.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose wasn't sure what she could do at the new camp. With her arm hurt, there wasn't much help she could lend to moving stuff, so she knew she wouldn't be much help at the tower. So she nodded and followed Merlin. If it annoyed Rosalia, that was her problem. Going with Merlin meant that she would be able to talk to her mom that much faster.

When the rain and thunder started, she sighed. Great. Now they had to contend with the weather and whatever else the woods decided to throw their way. She wanted to be thankful she was with Merlin but hated feeling reliant on him. Rose wanted to be independent, but it was hard to do that in a world so beyond what she had spent most of her life in. But now, with her memories, she knew most of the dangers they could encounter.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby blushed a bit from Maddie's compliment. Especially since they were sort of caught in the act. He grinned, though. Semi-walking on air as they entered the vault. It was massive. He let out a low whistle. He was glad the lamp was found quickly.

However, the downside was the voices coming their way. His dad shut the vault door. And Colby panicked, wondering how they were supposed to get back out. But that was a later problem. He looked around, trying to find a hiding spot. At first, he couldn't find a good spot, but then he found a pile of shields and shifted them so that he could tuck himself under them. So unless the shields were picked up, he shouldn't be noticed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 23 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Wandering Moors -- The Moors

Cassiopeia drank some water from her canteen before offering some to Layla and Flynn as they stopped at the ambush point. There were still bodies on the ground and Cassi wished there had been some time to set up a proper pyre for Robin's men.
Cassi put her canteen away and followed the others back to the original camp, hoping the others would be there. Out of nowhere, it started to rain. Cassi flipped her red hood up over her head so she could still somewhat see and keep somewhat dry.
"Remember that one hunt, Lala. Back in Kansas where we were out in the rain for six hours? We eventually got that deer but I never thought I would be dry again," she said. Now that all get memories were restored, she even remembered travelling with their father through the rain. It was so strange having two lifetimes of memories mingled together.

Willow Jones

Location: Palace -- Agrabah

Aurora wanted to stay and Willow was glad for it. There were a group of soldiers moving towards the vault. Willow squeezed her mom's arm before she headed that way. Willow wasn't sure what she was going to do or say but her friends were there and if they were discovered, it was going to be one hell of a party surprise.
As she approached the soldiers in the hallway, Willow didn't have a clue what she was going to say or do. She just knew she had to say something.
"Excuse me," she said, bowing her head slightly at the group. "But would any of you be skilled in dancing? I'm afraid my mother and I have no one to dance with." Willow stated.
She could have bowed more or acted less than but here, even in Agrabah, Willow was a princess so it made sense to act the part. To command a room and hold the gaze of any soldier who looked at her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

That seemed awfully convenient. But then, something occurred to Megan. Everything in this world was a story back in their own - heroes triumphing over villains against all odds. And in all the good stories, heroes never had an abundance of help - that would ruin the enjoyment, reducing the stakes, and making it a bit of a bore. Megan realized that there was no reason to suspect that what they were living through right now would not be subjected to the same rules as other stories; that the Lost Boys and Peter Pan couldn't be there to help them, that they'd largely be handling Hook on their own, as they were serving as the protagonists.

A darker thought then occurred to her - that once they handled Maleficent, something even more challenging and horrible would simply rise up in her place. There had to be a sequel.

Megan decided not to share these thoughts with the others. "The armory sounds good. Any maps of Neverland that you have would also be helpful," Megan said. She didn't need a weapon - or armor. She already had both. But the others would need things. Jack probably knowing story rules would end up in some sort of cloak to make him look like a wizard; whereas Megan was clearly being slotted into the role of a knight.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She was a bit annoyed that Rose decided to tag along still, but thought nothing of it, figuring it best to just continue to ignore her existence. Rosalia couldn't help but roll her eyes at Merlin's comment about them needing to stay close to him, as if they were going to wander off. Well in her case it would be to wander off again, but at least for her it ended up being something beneficial, since they had found Lancelot after all. So that was something at least right?

"Once we find the others or something what exactly is the plan or what are we supposed to do?" she asked Merlin. She looked up at the sky and as she heard the thunder, and the rain started pouring down. Personally she was fine with wandering around in the rain. It was not as bad as some people seemed to think in her opinion, though she did wonder why the sky decided to randomly go off into a thunder storm or something like that really.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Well that certainly was not a good thing to really hear about with regards to Peter Pan and the Lost Boys. They didn't exactly strike him as the types to stay hidden forever, and to make themselves known, at least known in the sense that people knew they were still around. So with them not there, or at least hidden to the point that no one else knew that they were there, that was saying something in general. Jack was mainly just in his own little mental world of thoughts as he followed everyone else, just thinking a bit.

The comment about probably gathering supplies and such first snapped him out a bit, and he figured that sort of thing was probably a good idea really. They were specifically talking about going to the armory or something like that, and he nodded his head in agreement with it. It made the most sense to him, and it wasn't just him really agreeing with Megan or anything. "I don't have any real suggestions that haven't already been stated already really," he said with a shrug.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah
Skills: Puzzle Solving

A string of expletives ran through Maddie's mind as Chesire warned them of the incoming guards. No sooner had they succeeded than now having found themselves inside a new problem. Cheshire closed the Vault door, which led to many more problems, though the sounds of it being opened could be heard from the other side. Hatter and Chesire both dove into piles of gold like an old Scrooge Mcduck movies, and tasked Colby and Maddie with a place to hide. Panic set in, as he watched Colby find a pair of shields to hide behind. A part of him wanted to join him, both to be near each other, but also because he wasn't sure he'd find somewhere quick.

But Maddie knew better. It was never good to hide with others in hide in seek. Sure he'd never been invited to play with the other kids back at the orphanage, but he'd heard enough arguments from the kids telling others to find their own spots. Maddie grabbed an extra shield that was laying around and wedged himself between it and a pile of gold, concealing himself from view. He kept his breaths shallow, trying hard to make sure that his breathing didn't give him away, hoping the guards would just go away.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago


The guards just finished opening the vault when Willow and Aurora approached them they looked at one another for a moment, one of the guards appeared to be around Willow's age as he eyed her up and down for a moment, very tempted at the offer before looking at the other guard clearly his superior. "Go head if you want to, Jafar and Rumple want us to do some inventory." He said as Aurora looked at the other guard quickly but gently holding onto his hand. "Please if you don't mind?" She asked, giving him the puppy dog eyes look.

Where the boys were luck seemed to not be on their side for Colby a massive scorpion would appear through a small gap of the treasure and started to crawl along his arm. And for Maddie a rat would end up moving along the side of his pants, the little rodent would start sniffing around him moving would most likely end up getting the guards attention, they hadn't left the area just yet either.

The Moors:

Merlin looked over at Rosalia as she asked the question, they had found the group that they were looking for and they just needed to have the others once they had gotten who they were looking for. "Once everyone is gathered we head back to the tower, and go from there I talked with Robin Hood, the person who they were looking for, your father said he had something that could be useful." Merlin told Rosalia as they made it back to the camp, Rapunzel was there tending to some of the wounded as well to as she looked over to see her Rosalia as well as Rose and Merlin she was glad that they were alright. "Did you guys find a good place to hold up?" She asked looking over at them and then made her way over to Rosalia. "Are you alright?" She asked her. Red made her way over to Rose and smiled pulling her into a hug before letting go of her. "Hows your arm?" She asked her.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"The maps of Neverland are over there, if you don't mind." Ariel asked her daughter gesturing to a bookshelf with various maps, that are labeled. "Sure thing mom." Sierra said as she made her way over to the shelf and looked over them before spotting what it looked like and grabbed the map that said Neverland on it and made her way back. Ariel smiled towards her daughter as she took the maps and rolled them up putting them into a small bag. "Alright then to the armory." Eric said as he led the group over towards the elevator again and pressed the button that would lead them down to where the armory was once everyone was inside.

The armory was rather big there were sets of armor that lined the walls as well as various weapons racks containing both swords, spears, and tridents. There were a few men in the armory training on a few dumbies nearby as well as some were sparing on a training floor of sorts. Sierra was interested in the tridents as she made her way over towards one of them and picked it up as Eric watched her grab one. "Be careful with those." He said as Seirra held it in her hands, before an energy blast was sent to a nearby rack destroying the stuff that was there. "Those are a little bit explosive." He said with a slight laugh as Sierra looked slightly embarrassed as she set it back down. "Good to know that now." Sierra said to her father as some of the men stopped what they were doing after hearing the explosion.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Oh yeah I remember that, that was a good time, I had to drag that thing to camp." Layla said with a slight laugh as she accepted her sister's canteen and took a drink from it before handing it over towards Flynn as he accepted it as well to taking a drink from it, before handing it back to Cassi. Layla quickly started to put her hood up as well to, she didn't mind the thunderstorm going on. She did always enjoy it actually she like to watch at night to sometimes back at home.

"It shouldn't be to far now." Layla said as she led the way through the woods again, eventually making their way back to the camp, seeing the group was there along with Rosalia and Rose and Merlin. "Good to see the wizard again." Flynn said as he quickly spotted Rapunzel and his daughter and made his way over towards them he wasn't sure what to actually say to her he hadn't seen her since she was really little. "Hi there Rosalia." Flynn said, he wasn't sure if she'd like a hug or not or a handshake either. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions if you'd like to ask any." He offered her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 23 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Wandering Moors -- The Moors

Cassiopeia chuckled more as the memory unfolded and she nodded. It had been a long day but it had been a great day. They had fed themselves with some of the meat as well as a shelter that the girls liked to hunt for. Cassiopeia smiled more at that, seeing more and more how it made sense they were related to Robin Hood. They may not have been stealing but they were giving back to the people in their own way.
They made it back to camp and Cassiopeia saw to her relief that the others had returned as well. Cassiopeia walked over to Rose, minding her broken arm and hugged her. ”How did it go?”

Willow Jones

Location: Palace -- Agrabah

Willow’s mother followed her lead for which she was grateful for. The younger guard took interest in Willow but looked to his officer for permission. Willow smiled, batting her eyelashes kindly as the superior officer granted her request but that still left him.
As Willow stepped up to take the younger guard’s arm, Aurora approached the elder, insisting for him to join her. Willow smiled at the older man. ”Oh please join us, just one quick dance,” Willow pleaded. Hang in there guys, almost got them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah
Skills: Puzzle Solving

So far everything had been going well, the guards hadn't fully opened the Vault doors yet, though the threat of them doing so still lingered in the air. Maddie subconsciously began to hold his breath, looking towards the gaps in his hiding spot, a small crack just enough to peer towards the door with a dark vignette in his periphery. Something was stalling the guards, all of this giving him more time to think. Did Rumple somehow orchestrate all of this? Did he purposefully walk away in order to lay a trap for what he assumed would be the last of the resistance within the walls of Agrabah?

There was a slight tickle against his leg, something small and thin brushing against the hairs ever so slightly. At first he'd worried it was a bug, some sort of magical roach or scarab, but then he felt the cold wetness of a nose followed by some equally cold paws. They began to scamper up his leg, a rat hidden amongst the treasures that now made Maddie his new home. He didn't dare to move, didn't dare scream or make a scene. The guards weren't too far off, and so Maddie just held himself together, wishing for this all to end so that he could kick his leg and shake the rat free of him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

The group was taken to the armory, once the maps had been retrieved. Megan thought for a moment about the armory of Camelot - she remembered now being fascinated by the place as a small child. Weapons, swords in particular, sparked her imagination - they were instruments of both life and death, means of protection and devastation. They were divinely macabre, a sort of harmonious sadistic power. It wasn't an accident that she had taken up fencing in the real world - handling a sword felt just as right as handling a scalpel or a bone saw.

"I don't need anything in here, but my brother needs something to keep him from bleeding out," Megan said once they reached the armory. She raised a slight eyebrow at the trident energy weapon Sierra had picked out - that definitely seemed useful. She didn't trust Jack with one of those though - he'd probably blow himself up by accident.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Ok, so some plan will magically appear based on hopefully getting something useful from someone else, that's fun," she responded to Merlin. This was a little weird that they were kind of hoping that there actually was something useful that her father or whoever had. Who knew what sort of info that could potentially be, it could be something important she supposed. Or it could be something that turns out to be nothing at all. It sort of just depended on what it was, and the perspective of it really.

They eventually found their way to where the other group was, or at least where part of it was, and she didn't really say anything at all. Then Rapunzel decided to ask if she was okay and she sort of shrugged, "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" she eventually responded. Her attention was drawn away from that potential conversation by the arrival of the rest of the group, including who she figured was her father, who came over and started talking and seeing if she had any questions. "How about everyone stops asking if I have any questions or anything like that? Because that is getting a little annoying and the answer I keep giving people is no. And that likely is not going to change anytime soon."

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack was still staying fairly quiet for the time being as after the maps had been retrieved, they were all led to the armory area. Which certainly was an interesting place, and very different from the sort of places he was really used to for that sort of thing. Then again, what was he really expecting? They were in an underwater kingdom that had a bunch of merpeople everywhere, so honestly that sort of thinking was getting him no where. He probably should just stop being surprised by everything that is going on in general, since it didn't seem to make too much of a difference really. Everything was different then what he had known before they showed up there.

Hearing Megan's words, Jack couldn't help but roll his eyes a bit. Of course she thought that he'd break or bleed out everywhere in a matter of a few seconds from what sounded almost like a paper cut really. He knew that he wasn't much of a fighter, preferring to use his skills to potentially get out of a bad situation more then potentially escalate it. "I am not going to bleed out everywhere Meg. It's not like I'm made of glass or anything. So much faith in me clearly," he ended up saying to her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose was fine with Rosalia ignoring her. She would just ignore her right back. Rose smiled as her mom and Cassiopeia walked over. A small weight was lifted. She had been worried. "Arm is feeling better, thank you. Everything else went mostly okay. We had to deal with some hungry wolves, and Rosalia found Lancelot. We are at a tower we found. How was your mission?" She asked both of them, leaning into Cassiopeia slightly.

"Oh, and I remember everything, know. But I have more questions." Rose chucked at the thought. She would have to have a chat with her mom about it, but there wasn't a rush. She was just happy to be in her presence. Before she had been willing to accept her as her mom because of her vague memories, but now that she really remembered she was glad she had come.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby kept his composure, which was a really good thing. But there was no way he was going to let a scorpion wander around on him. He couldn't. Even if it was deathstalker, which despite its name is not super deadly. Other than anaphatic shock most people survive stings from them. But he knew he wouldn't be able to keep quiet if it stung him.

He grabbed it quickly by the tail and flicked it away from himself. Trying to give enough distance to be safe, but not so far as to draw attention. There was no way to keep it from causing some movement. If he was lucky they would just think it was the scoprion from the start and not that it had suddenly learned how to fly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago


Aurora looked at the guard giving him a loving smile doing her best to try and get her attention focused on him, when he did catch some movement in the corner of his eye. Seeing some treasure moving slightly, he took a moment and stared at the two women before looking at his partner. "Watch these two." He said as the older guard proceeded to enter the vault itself and started to look around, walking past both Maddie and Colby's hiding spots and over towards a pile near them. The two boys would see one of Cheshire's cats sneaking up behind the guard looking ready to pounce on the scorpion that Colby managed to get off of him. When the guard turned around and stared at the cat for a moment and sighed.

"It's just a damn cat." He said before looking towards his partner. "Escort the two ladies back to the main floor." He told them, as the guard started to get ready to leave as well, before closing the fault behind them. "Ladies, lets get going." The older guard said motioning for them to move along now. As soon as the door was opened Cheshire and Mad Hatter got out from where they were hiding. "We got what we came here for right?" Mad Hatter asked looking at the group as Cheshire went to open the vault door, luckily it didn't lock from the inside.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"There's some armor if you need it." Belle said looking over towards Jack as she looked around at the armor rack before pulling out a set that would fit her the best, along with Ariel and Eric as well to. They were going to be fighting after all as the two of them grabbed a trident each. Sierra decided to do the same as well to, she started to put on the armor which felt slightly bulky but it was better than nothing at all really. Ariel then went over towards a shelf grabbing herself a few bags as well, there were what looked like turtle shells that were sealed off with what looked like detonation cords sticking out of one end with them from the sign nearby said explosives.

"Is everyone ready to go?" King Arthur asked as he finished grabbing the stuff that he thought he would need as well to looking over at the group as Ariel came back holding a few bags each and started to hand each one off to everyone. "These should be enough to take out Hook's ships." Ariel told them as Hansel and Gretel as well finished getting what they needed for the mission as well to.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Rapunzel nodded slightly towards Rosalia as she looked down for a moment but didn't say anything else really, Flynn looked towards his daughter and nodded towards her. "Well if you want to chat about anything or whatever you want to talk about i'm fine with that." Flynn said to him, as both Rapunzel and Flynn looked towards Rose, and they both instantly knew what they had found it was the only tower in this land. It had been abandoned for a really long time now and they hadn't been there in years, though it was safe for the time being hopefully they wouldn't end up bumping into any of Maleficent's men anytime soon.

Layla smirked as she went over towards Rose and gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek looking over at her sister teasingly. "Glad that you are alright." Layla said to Rose giving her a slight nudge as well to as Red looked at her daughter and nodded. "We can talk more once we are safe." She said to her as Merlin started to speak up. "Lets get out of the rain and head back to the tower, and we can do some more planning from there." He told them as he started to lead the group back towards the tower.
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