Name: Verik Innes
Age: 20
Gender: ♂
Race: Human
Homeworld: Luxendarc (Bravely Default)
Key-Weapon: A friendship bracelet embedded with his blue mage asterisk. It gains additional charms for each spell/ability copied through "Skill Drain" and additional stylized bracelets are generated through "Seal Pact". He can generate spectral weaponry based on the abilities to help facilitate their physical components, and will simply free-hand most magic attacks.
When calling upon Ringabel's D-Link, he can generate a spectral spellbook/scrapbook, containing pictures/drawings of the original owner of each of his abilities and the abilities themselves. The book can float and be used as a firing platform, with the pages burning off as Skill Drain spells/abilities are consumed.
Abilities: Skill Drain - Copies almost any spell or ability he's been hit with, but only for a single use, if he survives.
Seal Pact - copies one spell or ability from a friend, for as long as they remain friends. Can only copy one per friend. "Sealing the pact" requires physical contact.
Pact Abilities:
Plant Slayer - Fire a spectral arrow that deals massive damage to plant enemies - Obtained from his mother
Skill Drain Abilities: (single-use)
Cura - Tier 2 Healing Spell - Stolen from a Red Mage
Raise - Revives a target that has been knocked out or that has died recently - Stolen from a Red Mage
Fira - Tier 2 Fire Spell - Stolen from a Red Mage
Blizzara - Tier 2 Ice Spell - Stolen from a Red Mage
Thundara - Tier 2 Thunder Spell - Stolen from a Red Mage
Paralyzing Pollen - Causes pollen to erupt from any physical attack, paralyzing foes - Stolen from an Alraune
Lullaby - Inflict sleep on all enemies - Stolen from a Treant
D-Link: Ringabel
Job: Blue Mage - power of friendship variant.
Appearance: Blue eyes, black hair, and an understated yet meticulously chosen wardrobe. Cares far too much about how others view him, and his physique and grooming generally reflect that. He aims for an air of Sprezzatura to conceal his need for validation.
History: Born in Florem, "the Land of Radiant Flowers". Males are strictly forbidden from taking up residence in Florem, and so when his single mother gave birth to him, she decided to move to the surrounding outskirts, not wanting to give him or her home up. Although it mostly worked out, she came to regret her decision not to make a clean break with Florem. There are no laws restricting visits to Florem, so he mostly grew up with Florem culture, which is known to be rather superficial. Soon enough Verik had grown into a gregarious flirt, getting into relationships with plenty of girls, and getting into just as many fights with his mother over them. They didn't exactly live a life of glamour, residing in a cabin and living off the land, and he perceived it to be interfering with his relationships. Eventually, however, in his most recent relationship, he had his heart broken over petty reasons, got into a fight with a Red Mage love rival and lost all of his "friends" in the process as he suffered a shameful defeat. He came to better understand why his mother had such resentment for the place, realizing he had no true friends within Florem. Although he hasn't resigned himself to becoming a hermit like his mother, she was all he had for a friend when he fell through a crack in the world and gained a Keyblade.