Anyway, leaving this here (I'll finish it tomorrow) just in case anyone else has the same idea somehow.
- Name: Kaede
- Gender: Female
- Age: Quite Young
- Appearance: Even so far from home, she keeps to a somewhat similar style. If she were to dress less flamboyantly, Kaede would be able to pass for being completely unremarkable... in Japan. Being extra short and obviously very foreign rather puts rest to that idea.
So far as Automatic Dolls go, she's particularly unusual in there being no visible sign of being anything other than human until you actually start considering the necessity of maintenance. Even the most human-looking Doll would normally have some sort of jointing or evidence. - Personality: Quite a chipper sort, despite her complaints about always sticking out nowadays--if nothing else, being able to lean on the whole exotic beauty concept strokes her already-inflated ego. It's perhaps inevitable that an Automatic Doll that passes for human literally up until the point you start taking her apart would get the vanity to match.
But she won't let that get in the way of doing her duty! Her first priority is to her mistress, in all things, even if her abilities beyond 'keep her safe and spot anyone suspicious' are notably lacking. At least she possesses the common sense to not go at domestic chores she's wholly untrained for with full force. - History: With the Meiji Restoration in full swing and its concurrent restoration, it is completely unsurprising that companies with experience in the new Automatic Doll production and Seradite would be contacted for their expertise and knowledge. Kaede is the product of one such venture, a prize delivered to the Danford family for their assistance and as a method of boasting about where some improvements could be made. Despite being evidence of the potential for considerably more underhanded work, every care was taken to demonstrate that--skillset aside--the Doll is completely trustworthy, with no back doors or hidden secrets. That isn't to say that, as an extremely early bespoke model, her creators didn't make sure to evaluate her capabilities thoroughly before sending her halfway around the world, both as a bodyguard and as an infiltrator.
Her service to the Danfords has been largely trouble-free, although her lack of any domestic skills or local knowledge has left her often struggling to fit in. She might be the only person relatively pleased with the current situation, as it finally lets her do something that she understands, with all her potential infiltration abilities being completely useless due to sticking out like a sore thumb. - Equipment: The only permanent equipment Kaede has is her katana--an example of combining traditional smithing techniques with the potential of Seradite (which is quite surprising, given the recent changes in the law over there). The resulting alloy... well, it's pretty sharp, and when supplied with power it becomes very sharp. Exceptionally sharp.
- Skills: Kaede was designed around the idea of creating an Automatic Doll that could effectively protect its employer, even while accompanying them into areas where taking a visible weapon in might be seen as an act of aggression, which of course meant creating a bodyguard that could handily infiltrate secure locations without drawing attention (her creators were quite overzealous).
Basically, they ended up making a ninja bodyguard. Of course, only half of this is useful in her current situation, where Kaede cannot help but stick out somewhat, and her combat ability is considerably more limited than an Automatic Doll that doesn't have her general adaptations... but it's still a bad idea for most people to get in close. - Character Type: Automatic Doll