
15, Male, Kobold
Appearance: Standing at the boasting four foot something, the blackened Kobold was armed with fiery red eyes and obsidian horns. Splashed on his face and the ends of his arms and legs, ashen scales replaced the tone of charcoal. His build was nothing short of lanky and his fashion was reflective of a slave of the mines.
Family: Father – Deceased, Mother – Deceased, Siblings – Unknown, Grandfather – Draconhouser
Occupation: Miner, just as everyone else. Often serves as scout and prospector for the labor camp to make up for his lackluster ability for hard labor. Niv thinks of himself as a fairly good surveyor.
Background: Supposedly Niv’s family was quite expansive prior to his parents’ deaths but otherwise not much could be said. His siblings either scattered or were transferred elsewhere soon after they became of age to be able to do so and the only family left for Niv is his grandpa and mentor, Draconhouser.
Hobbies: Niv enjoys hoarding any wonderfully sparkly thing that his hands can grasp, including sometimes what the guards possess. Outside of material wealth, Niv collects whatever he can from the world. Such could include any secrets he eavesdropped on—though this mostly consisted of stories that Draconhouser told him—or even as far stretched as taking hold of fun and running with it. This habit leading to Niv becoming ripe with mischief whether in free time or work.
Party Role: Rogue
Strength - Weak
Power - Petty
Control - Weak
Resilience - Petty