Hello, it's me, Utrax! Here's a character sheet.
If my CS is accepted, I'll join the Discord server to get the conversations and stuff.
Thanks for giving it a look! Let me know if I need to change or clarify anything.

Base Form:
Myrtu can be perceived as a towering equine being, with a singular crystaline horn, and wings created out of the light of rainbows, stylized as feathers. Their glossy coat of fur is not simply white- they are every color all at once. Blindingly bright during the day so as to appear white, yet reflecting the light in a pearlescent sheen, with hues that shift through the rainbow, as the light hits their hide in differing angles; yet, deep and black as the darkness itself at night, reflecting the moonlight in a dazzling iridescent display that glitters as rainbow starlight.

Aspect: F R E E D O M
"Wild and free! To choose, to roam, to explore, to do as the will doth guide thee!"
They are the instinct to break the cage, the chaos contained in the whim, a desire to break the rules, the inspiration drawn from a freefall. She is the darkened impulse that drives one to kill at random- he is the instinct of the opportunistic thief- they are the desire of the slave to break their chains. This is the essence of true free will- to choose death in combat or death at the edge of a cliff. He is the freedom of the wanderer, she is the freedom found in the strict code of the hermit, they are the freedom of birdsong changing melody in the wind. Freedom found in the strict order of the universe- freedom in the wildness of the universal chaos.
Freedom to do as the heart desires, to see a task through to the end, and to grab hold of fate itself!
For that is the true heart of freedom!
To be free, one must be creative and passionate, yet willing to put in hard work and effort, but not so serious that the joy of being free is overlooked! He can be all of these things, in such a dizzying display of inconsistent attitude, it can be frustrating for others to deal with. From one moment, willing to plod along and put in determined effort, to deciding perhaps a RUN or FLIGHT is more freeing in the next, to being cold and aloof as the impulses of violence turn her brutal- they are a difficult to summarize and even more difficult to understand. One thing is certain though: freedom can be incredibly selfish.
Musical Theme:
If my CS is accepted, I'll join the Discord server to get the conversations and stuff.
Thanks for giving it a look! Let me know if I need to change or clarify anything.

Base Form:
Myrtu can be perceived as a towering equine being, with a singular crystaline horn, and wings created out of the light of rainbows, stylized as feathers. Their glossy coat of fur is not simply white- they are every color all at once. Blindingly bright during the day so as to appear white, yet reflecting the light in a pearlescent sheen, with hues that shift through the rainbow, as the light hits their hide in differing angles; yet, deep and black as the darkness itself at night, reflecting the moonlight in a dazzling iridescent display that glitters as rainbow starlight.

Aspect: F R E E D O M
"Wild and free! To choose, to roam, to explore, to do as the will doth guide thee!"
They are the instinct to break the cage, the chaos contained in the whim, a desire to break the rules, the inspiration drawn from a freefall. She is the darkened impulse that drives one to kill at random- he is the instinct of the opportunistic thief- they are the desire of the slave to break their chains. This is the essence of true free will- to choose death in combat or death at the edge of a cliff. He is the freedom of the wanderer, she is the freedom found in the strict code of the hermit, they are the freedom of birdsong changing melody in the wind. Freedom found in the strict order of the universe- freedom in the wildness of the universal chaos.
Freedom to do as the heart desires, to see a task through to the end, and to grab hold of fate itself!
For that is the true heart of freedom!
To be free, one must be creative and passionate, yet willing to put in hard work and effort, but not so serious that the joy of being free is overlooked! He can be all of these things, in such a dizzying display of inconsistent attitude, it can be frustrating for others to deal with. From one moment, willing to plod along and put in determined effort, to deciding perhaps a RUN or FLIGHT is more freeing in the next, to being cold and aloof as the impulses of violence turn her brutal- they are a difficult to summarize and even more difficult to understand. One thing is certain though: freedom can be incredibly selfish.
Then asked the wolf to his elder, whom limped along as she often loped, "Sister hunter, I see the scars upon your hide- were they not those of the hunter's traps? Which sought to tear from you thine fur and flesh?"
To the other, turned the scarred wolf, golden eyes a'gleaming, "Tis true, the hunter's trap did bite- its teeth made of metal, whose vicious grasp mine own fangs could not harm."
And this was cause of confusion in the other wolf, who did ask, "Yet here you stand, healed and hale- not so for mine own father- not so for thine own sister- tell me, Sister hunter, how it is so?" It was then that the other wolves, hearing this question, perked up with their ears and eyes, turning them onto the the wise old wolf.
Grinning in white fangs did the older wolf reply, "In mine moments of pain- for many days did pass- I struggled and fought all the while. Through the dark night, the hoarfrost mornings, I thought of my kin- how my fangs would again help bring low thine prey. I thought of the days when, once more, I would run alongside each of you through damp undergrowth."
Perplexed, did the other wolf did ask, "Did not the thought of death cross your mind?"
"Nay- never so! I knew that I would find mine freedom, once more, beneath paw and claw- and thus did Myrtu appear before me," the older wolf replied, eyes pointed skyward in recollection. "In blinding dazzling white of many colors, the sight pained mine eyes to gaze upon, and so I did shut them, as she did come upon me in silent hoof and haunch."
And the wolf did say, "With one touch of his horn most glorious, did the metal maw, which had rent my legs to the bone, did shatter into sparkling dust- for Myrtu, knowing my want for freedom, did bless me with that I so sought. And did Myrtu, their horn aglow, did free my broken legs of their pain and ailment, for that too, was my desire- for how could I yet run again, were it not for this blessed freedom from mine wounds?"
To the other, turned the scarred wolf, golden eyes a'gleaming, "Tis true, the hunter's trap did bite- its teeth made of metal, whose vicious grasp mine own fangs could not harm."
And this was cause of confusion in the other wolf, who did ask, "Yet here you stand, healed and hale- not so for mine own father- not so for thine own sister- tell me, Sister hunter, how it is so?" It was then that the other wolves, hearing this question, perked up with their ears and eyes, turning them onto the the wise old wolf.
Grinning in white fangs did the older wolf reply, "In mine moments of pain- for many days did pass- I struggled and fought all the while. Through the dark night, the hoarfrost mornings, I thought of my kin- how my fangs would again help bring low thine prey. I thought of the days when, once more, I would run alongside each of you through damp undergrowth."
Perplexed, did the other wolf did ask, "Did not the thought of death cross your mind?"
"Nay- never so! I knew that I would find mine freedom, once more, beneath paw and claw- and thus did Myrtu appear before me," the older wolf replied, eyes pointed skyward in recollection. "In blinding dazzling white of many colors, the sight pained mine eyes to gaze upon, and so I did shut them, as she did come upon me in silent hoof and haunch."
And the wolf did say, "With one touch of his horn most glorious, did the metal maw, which had rent my legs to the bone, did shatter into sparkling dust- for Myrtu, knowing my want for freedom, did bless me with that I so sought. And did Myrtu, their horn aglow, did free my broken legs of their pain and ailment, for that too, was my desire- for how could I yet run again, were it not for this blessed freedom from mine wounds?"
Musical Theme:
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