Base Form
Jeon is an androgoenose cat-dragon-fawn-thing most often seen dressed in light flowing garbs and armed with some roguish or swashbuckling weapon like a rapier, short bow or set of knives. His head hosts androgenosue face and sits surrounded by flowing bleach blond locks crowned in a pair of ivory white horns with bands of blue running across them at points. He has lightly tanned skin on most of his body, except his feet and heels which are the padded and clawed paws of a panther, and his dragon-like tail that ends in a fluffy fan.
To go into the great unknown, to seek out fame and fortune, to do daring deeds and overcome the odds, that is how adventurers do, and that is what makes them Jeon’s favorite kind of people. He is the patron of all who would take up arms and a coil of rope and delve into the depths of the world, of those who would go deep behind enemy lines to strike a blow or those who would take a blade to a twisted knot of intrigue and plot infesting their homeland.
If there is a band of 5ish dangerous people messing shit up, then Jeon will be right behind them cheering them on and also occasionally dangling a carrot in front of them to make sure they keep making things interesting.
Of course, what is an adventure without a bit of adversity? A boring time that’s what Jeon thinks, and so he is almost as likely to toss a box of starving crazed weasels in the way of a band of heroes as he is to toss them a sword to strike down their problems. Plus if things get just way to bland he might just set up a whole scenario for people to deal with, and what does it really matter if a few villages get burned down by goblins if someone takes them down in the end, and gets stronger as a result.
More than just trees, a forest is a diverse and complex ecosystem, that, while yes, defined by its largest of residents, includes so much more than that. From vines growing on the trees, to caterpillars munchkin on the leaves and
birds tonikalla munching on the caterpillars, to the mushrooms munching on the rotting wood below, all are part of these great landscape defining realms.
Forests are also more than just an ecosystem, they are ancient heartlands of terrestrial life, and hallmarks and symbols of nature itself, ones oh so often stood in opposition and contrast to the civilizations who fell them for timber and /or clear them for farmland. To those of the plains, forests are deep dark mysterious things, hiding dangers and terrors, things best gnawed at the edges of or briefly penetrated and plundered for treasure such as furs, fruits or fungus rather than a place any sane being would live.
Of course, people and forests are not incompatible, and to those who would live in harmony with the trees, or even encourage them to flourish in new and wonderful ways, forests can be a sanctuary from the harsh world beyond, and a wonder deserving of protection. From [druids] to [treeshapers] and [forest guardians], mortals who live in tandem with the forests can enter a symbiotic relationship that allows both forest and friends to prosper.
Jeon is more or less just here to have a good time. Of course his idea of a good time is a pulse racing adventure where blood is spilled and dramatic twists and turns are to be had, so there are bound to be a few casualties along the way. To this the god would shrug and say, “hey, plenty more adventures to be had in the afterlife, long as you don’t end up in hell and who cares about the rotters that end up there anyway”
Jeon is quick to laugh and almost always smiling and joking around, because for him life is all one big game. That doesn't mean he can't be serious of course, or at least that he can’t pretend to be, the god occasionally putting on a persona or four to set up some evil or other for heroes to overcome, building up some nefarious jerk with power and prestige, all so that they can be taken down in dramatic style later on.
As for the other gods, well, Jeon can never be serious with them either. They are all playing a game of the gods and it's no fun if everything’s running smoothly and predictably so he is likely to be a nuisance. He can also be an unreliable ally to those shaking things up, though they should expect him to doublecross anyone who looks to be getting too close to any kind of apocalyptic victory. The best kind of games are those that can go on forever, and the best stories have a happy ending with victorious heroes.
“It’s over baron! Release the Princess and maybe we’ll let you live!” barked a valiant knight flanked by a cleric and a mage as all three stood arrayed at the entrance to a dark and foreboding throne room that had been converted into a ritual site.
Human cultists and goblin scoundrels were scattered about the room, either gormlessly standing in the open in the cultist’s case or ducking for cover behind various overturned furnishings in the goblin’s. Behind them stood the baron in question, draped in crimson robes and holding a sacrificial knife aloft, ready to plunge into the breast of the bound princess who lay before a swirling portal which contained a hulking skullfaced apparition that was pressing a clawed hand against some kind of barrier preventing it from entering the mortal world.
“Oh it is over, but not for me you fools! With the blood of this royal maiden, the barrier between worlds shall be broken, and my grandfather shall be free at last from Aldion’s clutches. Then, together, we shall topple the throne and claim this land as our own!” The baron monologued, before raising the dagger high into the air to do the deed.
Before he could bring it down however, a stained glass window suddenly shattered to his right, and in through it came first a grappling hook that latched onto a hanging chandelier, followed swiftly by a roguish fellow came swinging in on the hook’s rope. Before anyone could react he was snatching the princess from the altar and swinging up and away, towards the safety of the rest of the band of heroes.
They in turn unleashed their fury, spellfire and smite hammering the minions while the knight raced forwards to challenge the barron head on. Blades clashed till the knight had the baron on the back foot and scored a deliberating blow.
“Gah, you might have beaten me, but I’ll have the last laugh!” he claimed, before flipping his knife and driving the sacrificial blade into his own chest.
“No!” the knight cried too late to stop him. Then the armored warrior thought for a moment and noted that “Wait, I’m pretty sure you're not a virgin so…”
The dying grin on the baron’s lips did not fade whoever, and instead he beamed as there came the sound of glass shattering, and a deep booming voice spoke out “well done” as the skull face entered the world while slow clapping thunderously.
Then all of a sudden the smoky illusion of the hulking demon vanished, and was replaced with a youthful being with long flowing hair and a pair of dragon-like horns adorning an androgenouse face, while down below a swishing tail flounced behind it as it patted forwards on pair of cat’s paws.
“you solved my demon summoning puzzle!” the being said with a light and chipper voice, while still clapping, an applause that was joined by the remaining goblins (much to the confusion of their cultist allies) although this seemed to be as much for the creature as the heroes considering the cheers it was getting.
“Thank you, thank you, you all did wonderfully. Especially you Skishnick, great work on that death trap room. Loved the blade pendulum!” it called over to one of the goblins who just moments ago had been trying to shank the wizard.
“Eyy thanks boss! Worked on that one all night I did” the female goblin in question called back, mighty chuffed to have been singled
“Wah, wait. That trap room killed Jimmy, you bastard!” the knight sputtered, raising a blade towards the creature, who tisked and raised a finger to tilt it away again.
“”Oh don’t worry about him, the Ferryman’s taken him safely up into the great adventure in the sky by now” the being said with a shrug before kicking the corpse of the baron (who had died of blood loss with a stupefied look on his face a few moments before the kick) “unlike this guy who’s going right down to Aldion where he belongs”
“How dare you! You're the one who turned my dear sweet uncle to the side of evil!” came a cry from the princess, to which the being just rolled its eyes and replied “Ha! Hardly. That guy was already going down to horny boy before I got to him. Allllll I did was tempt him with a little power and get his awfulness out into the open. Trust me, he’d have knifed you in the back before too long sweetie, but now he’s dead and your throne is safe!”
“Dozens of people are dead because of you, and you want us to thank you!? For. For orchestrating all this!?” the knight sputtered “why are you even here? Just to gloat?”
“Oh no no no, I’m here to give you your reward for completing that quest I set you off on” the being waved a hand over its face to briefly turn it to that of an old hooded man the heroes had met in the dark counter of an inn before waving the hand back and the creature’s grinning face returned. Then it pulled out from behind its back a massive ruby, one the size of a human head that caught the eye of every person in the room.
“This, to be exact, on top of everything you’ll loot from the baron and your royal reward of course” it said, holding out the gem to the Knight. The warrior, however, had gotten over his shock and decided where he stood in this situation.
“No. no no no I will not accept this blood stained prize” he said, and then silenced his party members with a raised hand.
The creature gave an elongated sigh before shrugging and saying “shame”
“Hey! Hey boss! Can I have it if they don’t want it?” Skishnick the trapper goblin shouted, reminding the heroes (and princess) that there were still a bunch of goblins and cultists in the room.
“Eh, sure why not,” the creature replied, before tossing the gem over to the goblin and turning away.
As it walked away all hell broke loose behind it, as the gem catching goblin immediately made a run for it with her prize, prompting the rogue and wizard to go chasing after it with a cry of “get her!” breaking the spell that had overtaken the room as every other goblin and cultist made either a break for it, committed to a last stand or, in a trio of goblin’s cae, making a suisidal attempt at kidnapping the princess all over again while giggling like mad
“Hmmm, maybe don't pull up the curtain so obviously in future I suppose” the creature said to itself while sauntering back to the portal, only to go “hmmm” and glance back at the knight who had tried and failed to stab it in the back.
“Tisk tisk, not very chivalrous of you Mr Knight” the creature said with playful admonishment.
“I. How! Who… What are you?!” he demanded to know, to which the creature replied “Why I’m, Jeon Du Termas of course, the prince of peril! Queen of all that is yet to be found! Patron of all who would seek out fame, glory and, most importantly, adventure! You know… Your god?”
Jeon turned, smiling despite the futile attempt by the knight to take his life, and tapped the offending blade which was engulfed in with a magical blue glow “and you, you I like, so have a little something extra from me”
“Now, I really must be off, you all weren't my only irons in the fire after all, but I do so hope we’ll get play again some time” he said, blowing the knight a kiss before turning away again and swishing his way back into the portal, leaving the mortals to clean up the mess of his little game like always.
Musical Theme