Apate, Goddess of Deceit
The Web Layer
Apate is a very secretive woman who hides behind her identity as the Goddess of Deceit. She was born and raised as a Goddess among mortals and thus, was never given a mortal name. Through her subterfuge, she has taken on many a moniker when it suited her.

Apate is a tall, lithe woman with hair that is a burnt red color. She appears to be very young, and youthful, and she has a look that suggests that she takes very good care of her skin and body. Apate is not one for high fashion, and her wardrobe is more of a means to her goals. In her temples, she will dress in all black and will adorn a dress and jewelry to add an air of regality to her visage. When she is in Olympus, she will dress to both make herself seen and to fit in at least a little with their fashion. Often she will still wear a dress that features a mesh top and bottom that reveals more of her body.
Apate will often have a solemn, stern look on her face when interacting with most of her fellow deities and mortals alike. Her smiles tend to appear to never be genuine and serve more to keep up her visage as the cold, calculating woman she is known to be. Her makeup is often kept very plain as well with the color used to compliment her natural hair and nothing more. She has various tattoos across her body. While mortals will never see her tattoos it is still her form of self-expression.
Apate will often have a solemn, stern look on her face when interacting with most of her fellow deities and mortals alike. Her smiles tend to appear to never be genuine and serve more to keep up her visage as the cold, calculating woman she is known to be. Her makeup is often kept very plain as well with the color used to compliment her natural hair and nothing more. She has various tattoos across her body. While mortals will never see her tattoos it is still her form of self-expression.
Apate views herself as a product of her upbringing. She is cold, calculating, and completely detached from the needs of her fellow deities. She helps when she benefits, but otherwise, she pays them very little of her attention for free. Apate will be willing to listen, however, and she has a desire to help those in true need. She will still expect payment or a favor in return but she is not without heart.
Apate also views herself as a product of her upbringing. With the expectations that were placed on her from birth, she became who she is and often she would rather be the person she wanted to be. She often takes pleasure in how she plays the game, but at the same time, she would rather spend her time admiring the beauty of this world as well as sharing in mortal delights. This will never be a path that she travels down, and instead, she will continue to find her joy in the missteps of the other gods and the misfortune she brings to the mortal realm. This is all she has ever known and all she will know.
When her mother opened Pandora’s Box and unleashed her children onto the world, she made sure that each one embodied the characteristics of these deities. The one thing that remained in the box was hope, and that is the ultimate trait that Apate embodies. Hope that she can keep up her ascent in the pantheon, hope that her schemes will always place her on top, and hope for a better future for herself one day.
Apate also views herself as a product of her upbringing. With the expectations that were placed on her from birth, she became who she is and often she would rather be the person she wanted to be. She often takes pleasure in how she plays the game, but at the same time, she would rather spend her time admiring the beauty of this world as well as sharing in mortal delights. This will never be a path that she travels down, and instead, she will continue to find her joy in the missteps of the other gods and the misfortune she brings to the mortal realm. This is all she has ever known and all she will know.
When her mother opened Pandora’s Box and unleashed her children onto the world, she made sure that each one embodied the characteristics of these deities. The one thing that remained in the box was hope, and that is the ultimate trait that Apate embodies. Hope that she can keep up her ascent in the pantheon, hope that her schemes will always place her on top, and hope for a better future for herself one day.
Her fellow deities would also describe Apate as a cold, calculating, and cunning woman who plays the grand game as well as anyone else. They all know she is not one to play her hand early and she is known to wait for the other to make a mistake, misspeak, or misremember a situation before pouncing on them and laying her cards bare She takes great delight in watching her fellow deities stumble, and will often go out of her way to ensure that they do. This isn’t to say that she dislikes the others. She has lived a storied life that has grown boring and is seeking entertainment through another's misfortune. She is also not against helping other gods as well. As long as the pot is sweet enough Apate will be willing to lend assistance in most matters.
She is indifferent to the plight of mortals on an average day, but not against lending a hand when she can. At the end of the day, each mortal she helps could prove to be another spider in her web. If it costs her some food to get information that is a better deal than most. There are days when she yearns to do more to help but rarely will she act on these desires.
She is indifferent to the plight of mortals on an average day, but not against lending a hand when she can. At the end of the day, each mortal she helps could prove to be another spider in her web. If it costs her some food to get information that is a better deal than most. There are days when she yearns to do more to help but rarely will she act on these desires.
Titles and Roles
Grand Spymaster of the Gods, Army of Zeus Liaison, Information Broker
Apate is the Grand Spymaster of the Gods. After establishing independent intelligence networks across the realms, her ascension up the ladder was all but assured. Each intelligence network reports directly to her providing up-to-date information on the motives of those who may wish to threaten the status quo. This includes information on technological advancements, plots against the gods, as well as other information that could develop into serious situations. While she is not as powerful of a goddess as others, many would do well to curry favor with Apate. Her information networks expand not only into the mortal realm but into the godly one as well. She makes it a point to be the Goddess who knows all, and thus if another god finds themselves in a dispute Apate will be able to provide information that could help in these matters. Apate also has access to the Artifact S.I.H.T, a comprehensive and powerful satellite array that has coverage across the globe. The feed is locked behind her temple doors and only she can access it; the only exception is Zeus with his control. With her information networks and the S.I.H.T Satellite array, Apate is a force to be reckoned with.
With her pervasive information networks, she is often alerted of threats to the city and acts as an information liaison in the Army. Whether it is a disgruntled demigod or a full-fledged attack by a scorned mortal Apate will know in advance. How she will react to these threats is up to how minor or massive it is. If the threat is minor and she has nothing to gain by withholding the information she will alert the Army of Zeus. If she has something to gain, whether, in intelligence or standing, she may withhold the information until it proves beneficial to reveal. She may even let the threat play itself out for entertainment and to remind the other deities that her services are vital.
Apate is also considered a broker for information. She has troves of data that is useless to the gods and their purpose, but to a mortal who seeks a throne, it could prove valuable. Apate will trade her secrets for knowledge, coin, and often a combination of both. While she does not need the money herself it does help fund her networks of informants and keep them loyal to her. When it comes to sharing information with the other gods she will often request payment in the forms of minor to major Artifacts depending on the information. While most can not meet this request, and instead they will barter down to something more reasonable, a few have provided useful tools for her work.
Apate is the Grand Spymaster of the Gods. After establishing independent intelligence networks across the realms, her ascension up the ladder was all but assured. Each intelligence network reports directly to her providing up-to-date information on the motives of those who may wish to threaten the status quo. This includes information on technological advancements, plots against the gods, as well as other information that could develop into serious situations. While she is not as powerful of a goddess as others, many would do well to curry favor with Apate. Her information networks expand not only into the mortal realm but into the godly one as well. She makes it a point to be the Goddess who knows all, and thus if another god finds themselves in a dispute Apate will be able to provide information that could help in these matters. Apate also has access to the Artifact S.I.H.T, a comprehensive and powerful satellite array that has coverage across the globe. The feed is locked behind her temple doors and only she can access it; the only exception is Zeus with his control. With her information networks and the S.I.H.T Satellite array, Apate is a force to be reckoned with.
With her pervasive information networks, she is often alerted of threats to the city and acts as an information liaison in the Army. Whether it is a disgruntled demigod or a full-fledged attack by a scorned mortal Apate will know in advance. How she will react to these threats is up to how minor or massive it is. If the threat is minor and she has nothing to gain by withholding the information she will alert the Army of Zeus. If she has something to gain, whether, in intelligence or standing, she may withhold the information until it proves beneficial to reveal. She may even let the threat play itself out for entertainment and to remind the other deities that her services are vital.
Apate is also considered a broker for information. She has troves of data that is useless to the gods and their purpose, but to a mortal who seeks a throne, it could prove valuable. Apate will trade her secrets for knowledge, coin, and often a combination of both. While she does not need the money herself it does help fund her networks of informants and keep them loyal to her. When it comes to sharing information with the other gods she will often request payment in the forms of minor to major Artifacts depending on the information. While most can not meet this request, and instead they will barter down to something more reasonable, a few have provided useful tools for her work.
Artifacts of power and renown:
S.I.H.T (Sight) Satellite- AKA The Eye of Nyx
The Semi-Autonomous, Internal-Fabricator, High-resolution microsatellite camera, and Tracking Satellite Array, is one of the most powerful tools at Apate, and the gods at large's disposal. This was gifted to her by her mother when she embraced the title of Goddess of Deceit. It is a satellite that can observe, track, and highlight key targets all without the push of a button. Each satellite has an Internal Fabricator and its Semi-Autonomous nature allows it to constantly repair itself thus extending its lifespan. When Apate does want to see something specific somewhere, she can control where it looks and then save any relevant data. She can collect photos and videos when controlled as such. The satellite system itself when in its autonomous mode will delete any data it recovers if Apate does not save it herself. While this is a powerful tool, it will still provide a birds' eye view of the situation on the ground. Even if it is incredibly detailed she uses it to confirm reports, spot potential threats, and keep an eye on the gods when they are away. The satellites are also able to send their imagery and videos to certain members of the pantheon on demand including a detailed rendition of the whole planet that can be zoomed in on if needed.
As the satellite streaks across the night sky and is a large object it is often seen by the mortals below who have come to refer to it as the Eye of Nyx. The followers of Apate and Nyx will often pray to either at the sight of it streaking across the sky hoping they see the prayers below. As well, her followers will often travel to her temples to offer payments to the Goddess and ask that she bestow her devious nature onto them so that they may right some wrongs in her life.
S.I.H.T Personal Data Display
Apate has access to small tablets that allow a user to view real-time information and assume control over a small section of the satellite array. Apate and her support staff often limit access to the array depending on who asked to borrow the tablet. These tablets all appear to be a translucent rectangular panes of glass that will illuminate a detailed rendition of the needed area, including topographical information. Zeus has a more robust and customized version of this technology built into a staff that he carries with him. With his unlimited access to the systems, he can tap into a trove of real-time information at will and project the needed information at will.
S.A.L.A, the Smoke, and Light Apparatus is a swarm of drones that will work together to form a shape out of the cloud of smoke as well as emit light when needed. This is a remote-controlled system that Apate acquired in exchange for information from another god. She utilizes this system when she wants to visit a mortal to further her status. The smoke it billows will dissipate quickly, lending a ghastly appearance while she causes the drones to illuminate the eyes.
Wrist-mounted Chemical Disbursement tool
Apate, and her acolytes, will often use this tool to spread chemicals that encourage either a sense of dread or fear among an unsuspecting population. This is always accompanied by a gas filtration system that protects the user. The wrist-mounted tool has numerous cylindrical groves where the user can mount the canisters of their specific chemical. A display on the side allows the user to choose what is used and how. Whether this is used as a liquid to put the agent in a water supply or a gaseous form to overwhelm an area, the wearer has this option.
This tool was designed for agriculture on the ship but was modified and produced in numbers to assist the gods in sowing disorder.
E.I.S Camera Drone and associated control system
The Eye in the Sky camera drone is an artifact that Apate will lend to her acolytes who are not entrusted with access to S.I.H.T. Is a simple, round drone with a repulsor lift engine that allows it to fly through the air quietly and quickly. The drone itself is fitted with an array of powerful cameras and other tools. Developed to assist the crew with surveying the land ahead in more level detail than what S.I.H.T allowed, it has become a mainstay tool at Apate’s disposal. Its feed is also linked to the same system and can be viewed by Apate in her command center. It is small enough and colored in a way that it is silhouetted against the sky above, preventing the mortals from seeing it.
The drone is controlled by a translucent control tablet that allows the user to either see the images and videos in 2D or to have them displayed as a hologram. The drone’s onboard software is also capable of recording certain information about a person, namely their gait. With this tool, Apate can get verification of a potential target and then use the more powerful S.I.H.T array from there.
S.A.M System
S.A.M, Smoke And Mirror, the system is a decoy hologram system that enables the wearer to create either a singular or multiple detailed holographic replicas of themself. Apate helped develop this technology with her devious nature in mind. This is used when she feels threatened as she can create these mimic versions of herself and get to safety or await help. It also keeps with the theme of her temples.
Brothels and Taverns
Apate has bought or has a controlling interest in almost every tavern and bar across the realms. She always makes sure the prices are low and the booze strong, as these establishments serve as an important information-gathering site. These locations are littered with cameras and microphones that supply information in a near real-time fashion to her command post at Olympus. As well, some of the workers in these establishments are her own acolytes and use the taverns as a meeting place or drop-off point for information gathered in the realm.
Apate pays the workers at these establishments far and above what they would normally make, and she has invested heavily in the security of her workers.
The Semi-Autonomous, Internal-Fabricator, High-resolution microsatellite camera, and Tracking Satellite Array, is one of the most powerful tools at Apate, and the gods at large's disposal. This was gifted to her by her mother when she embraced the title of Goddess of Deceit. It is a satellite that can observe, track, and highlight key targets all without the push of a button. Each satellite has an Internal Fabricator and its Semi-Autonomous nature allows it to constantly repair itself thus extending its lifespan. When Apate does want to see something specific somewhere, she can control where it looks and then save any relevant data. She can collect photos and videos when controlled as such. The satellite system itself when in its autonomous mode will delete any data it recovers if Apate does not save it herself. While this is a powerful tool, it will still provide a birds' eye view of the situation on the ground. Even if it is incredibly detailed she uses it to confirm reports, spot potential threats, and keep an eye on the gods when they are away. The satellites are also able to send their imagery and videos to certain members of the pantheon on demand including a detailed rendition of the whole planet that can be zoomed in on if needed.
As the satellite streaks across the night sky and is a large object it is often seen by the mortals below who have come to refer to it as the Eye of Nyx. The followers of Apate and Nyx will often pray to either at the sight of it streaking across the sky hoping they see the prayers below. As well, her followers will often travel to her temples to offer payments to the Goddess and ask that she bestow her devious nature onto them so that they may right some wrongs in her life.
S.I.H.T Personal Data Display
Apate has access to small tablets that allow a user to view real-time information and assume control over a small section of the satellite array. Apate and her support staff often limit access to the array depending on who asked to borrow the tablet. These tablets all appear to be a translucent rectangular panes of glass that will illuminate a detailed rendition of the needed area, including topographical information. Zeus has a more robust and customized version of this technology built into a staff that he carries with him. With his unlimited access to the systems, he can tap into a trove of real-time information at will and project the needed information at will.
S.A.L.A, the Smoke, and Light Apparatus is a swarm of drones that will work together to form a shape out of the cloud of smoke as well as emit light when needed. This is a remote-controlled system that Apate acquired in exchange for information from another god. She utilizes this system when she wants to visit a mortal to further her status. The smoke it billows will dissipate quickly, lending a ghastly appearance while she causes the drones to illuminate the eyes.
Wrist-mounted Chemical Disbursement tool
Apate, and her acolytes, will often use this tool to spread chemicals that encourage either a sense of dread or fear among an unsuspecting population. This is always accompanied by a gas filtration system that protects the user. The wrist-mounted tool has numerous cylindrical groves where the user can mount the canisters of their specific chemical. A display on the side allows the user to choose what is used and how. Whether this is used as a liquid to put the agent in a water supply or a gaseous form to overwhelm an area, the wearer has this option.
This tool was designed for agriculture on the ship but was modified and produced in numbers to assist the gods in sowing disorder.
E.I.S Camera Drone and associated control system
The Eye in the Sky camera drone is an artifact that Apate will lend to her acolytes who are not entrusted with access to S.I.H.T. Is a simple, round drone with a repulsor lift engine that allows it to fly through the air quietly and quickly. The drone itself is fitted with an array of powerful cameras and other tools. Developed to assist the crew with surveying the land ahead in more level detail than what S.I.H.T allowed, it has become a mainstay tool at Apate’s disposal. Its feed is also linked to the same system and can be viewed by Apate in her command center. It is small enough and colored in a way that it is silhouetted against the sky above, preventing the mortals from seeing it.
The drone is controlled by a translucent control tablet that allows the user to either see the images and videos in 2D or to have them displayed as a hologram. The drone’s onboard software is also capable of recording certain information about a person, namely their gait. With this tool, Apate can get verification of a potential target and then use the more powerful S.I.H.T array from there.
S.A.M System
S.A.M, Smoke And Mirror, the system is a decoy hologram system that enables the wearer to create either a singular or multiple detailed holographic replicas of themself. Apate helped develop this technology with her devious nature in mind. This is used when she feels threatened as she can create these mimic versions of herself and get to safety or await help. It also keeps with the theme of her temples.
Brothels and Taverns
Apate has bought or has a controlling interest in almost every tavern and bar across the realms. She always makes sure the prices are low and the booze strong, as these establishments serve as an important information-gathering site. These locations are littered with cameras and microphones that supply information in a near real-time fashion to her command post at Olympus. As well, some of the workers in these establishments are her own acolytes and use the taverns as a meeting place or drop-off point for information gathered in the realm.
Apate pays the workers at these establishments far and above what they would normally make, and she has invested heavily in the security of her workers.
Background and Relationships:
Apate’s mother was known as Olivia Skor, though with her ascension to godhood she adopted the name Nyx. She was the ship's original Psychiatrist and served the crew in this capacity. Her primary focus was on the mission first, the crew second, and the people who would become subservient to her third. This is not to say that she did not care for the crew, so, she held each in high regard and attempted to assist them in many ways. When Zeus had begun to show signs of his slip into his tyrannical future self she attempted to dissuade him and to help him through medicated means. He would refuse, and eventually convert her to his cause. With her knowledge of how the human mind worked, and how certain chemicals interact with it, she was learning ways she could manipulate the mortals to her cause. She became the first Grand Spymaster for Zeus, a role she worked and perfected in her way.
Nyx would decide to have children. She would bear 15 children, each with a different father. Moros, Ker, Thanatos, Hypnos, Oneiroi, Momos, Oizys, Hesperides, Moirai, Keres, Nemesis, Apate, Philotes, Geras, and Eris. Her intent was for each child to serve a particular function in support of the pantheon as a whole. Thus, each child was trained in a particular field and developed their own set of skills. Only Apate would ascend above the rest and become one of the most influential goddesses to ever grace the Pantheon.
Thus, with each child having their father and none of them knowing who it was, the topic of their parentage has become a much-debated topic behind closed doors. The only one who knows for sure was Nyx and she carried the secrets of her love life to the grave. As well, Nyx ignored much of her earthly training and raised her children at an arm's distance. She was never the most loving or supportive mother, instead, she focused on turning her children into the most ideal supporting cast. Though when Apate began her ascent upwards in the Pantheon she was all too pleased with the results as it allowed Nyx more room to brag and ascend herself.
Apate’s relationship with Zeus was positive at first glance, even if the two barely interacted, however, Apate did have a deep mistrust of his motives. This stemmed from his perverted nature, as well as his illusions of further grandeur. It was not Apate’s place to ever question his rule, nor has she ever confided in anyone her feelings about the deceased Zeus, but she was quite happy that his clone was more malleable to her cause.
As most gods did, Apate made sure that Zeus knew she was devoted to his cause. She made sure that the S.I.H.T arrays were in working order and had complete coverage of the world, passed on threats dedicated to Zeus himself, and often let him decide how to counter the threats posed, and she made sure that she showered him with pleasantries with each interaction.
Apate views Hades with more love and admiration than the rest of the pantheon combined. Hades and Nyx were close during her life, both before ascension and after, thus whenever Hades made his journey to Olympus he made sure to visit. Out of all the children, the only one who appreciated his visits was Apate. They have had many conversations over the years, and he has been instrumental in her development and her ascension. As a reward, Hades is the only god to have seen Apate’s true authentic smile and is given information without cost, and is given heartfelt compliments.
While he remarks that Apate bears a strong resemblance to her late mother, he has never been able to bring either of them into his kingdom as Zeus, in all his wisdom, would never allow such a trip.
The cocky little shit is forever on Apate’s list of people she wants to screw over. The favoritism the other high gods bestow upon him for no other reason than his ability to deliver mail in a timely fashion is exhausting. While the two have interacted, Apate prefers to keep him at an arm's length away for fear that his stupidity is contagious.
Apate has a very neutral relationship with this goddess. The two remain cordial, and professional to one another at least in Apate’s mind. She does not disrupt her plans for the world, at least yet. Thus, Apate has not experienced the wrath of mother nature scorned.
Apate can always sense there is something more to Hebe than she lets on. As the daughter of Zeus she has known nothing but luxury. As well, like Hermes, she did not need to work as hard for her station as the others had. This does not mean that Apate views her in the same light. Indeed, Hebe Dia seems kind, and well-intentioned. The two share a very similar upbringing, as they are daughters of some of the most powerful gods to exist. Apate remains jealous that she did not get the same luxury of life that Hebe did, as Apate was pushed from a young age to be anything other than herself. There are rumors that she would want to invite Apate to an all-goddess sleeping party. Apate shudders at the thought.
Thus, Apate keeps a weary and often jealous eye on Hebe Dia.
Eros is an enigma due to their ever-changing nature. Apate would have loved to claim the brothels as her own space, and she still has ambitions to do so. There is no finer place for information gathering.
Apate is one of the youngest of her siblings and bears the most striking resemblance to their late mother. She is also the most decorated, the most powerful, and the most influential of them all. Despite her younger age, Apate was always the one with the biggest appetite for power. While she would have rather gone down a different path, her mother pushed her further and further down her own and this helped develop these desires. As she grew and grew more powerful, Apate made sure to sabotage any of her siblings in their quests for power as well. A few were content in their supportive roles, and they flocked to her side and have served her ever since.
Eris, Nemesis, and Moros all serve Apate in many forms both in the capital and in the field.
Acolytes and Temples
Apate has numerous acolytes that serve under her. These include her informants, spies, demigods in the city, and her siblings. These acolytes will carry out her demands without hesitation and without fear.
Scattered throughout the realms are small temples devoted to Apate. These temples are usually small, with a single altar for gifts to the goddess. These alters will then take the gifts and an acolyte will then remove them and bring them to Olympus. Her grand Temple is located in Olympus. It features a mirrored maze that distorts and confuses would-be devoted followers. If they get lost, they may perish amongst the mirrored versions of themselves with nary a soul to assist them in their trials. Those who do make it through will be able to ask the goddess for a favor, and only one. If it is within her power, and within reason, Apate will often answer these prayers.
Apate’s mother was known as Olivia Skor, though with her ascension to godhood she adopted the name Nyx. She was the ship's original Psychiatrist and served the crew in this capacity. Her primary focus was on the mission first, the crew second, and the people who would become subservient to her third. This is not to say that she did not care for the crew, so, she held each in high regard and attempted to assist them in many ways. When Zeus had begun to show signs of his slip into his tyrannical future self she attempted to dissuade him and to help him through medicated means. He would refuse, and eventually convert her to his cause. With her knowledge of how the human mind worked, and how certain chemicals interact with it, she was learning ways she could manipulate the mortals to her cause. She became the first Grand Spymaster for Zeus, a role she worked and perfected in her way.
Nyx would decide to have children. She would bear 15 children, each with a different father. Moros, Ker, Thanatos, Hypnos, Oneiroi, Momos, Oizys, Hesperides, Moirai, Keres, Nemesis, Apate, Philotes, Geras, and Eris. Her intent was for each child to serve a particular function in support of the pantheon as a whole. Thus, each child was trained in a particular field and developed their own set of skills. Only Apate would ascend above the rest and become one of the most influential goddesses to ever grace the Pantheon.
Thus, with each child having their father and none of them knowing who it was, the topic of their parentage has become a much-debated topic behind closed doors. The only one who knows for sure was Nyx and she carried the secrets of her love life to the grave. As well, Nyx ignored much of her earthly training and raised her children at an arm's distance. She was never the most loving or supportive mother, instead, she focused on turning her children into the most ideal supporting cast. Though when Apate began her ascent upwards in the Pantheon she was all too pleased with the results as it allowed Nyx more room to brag and ascend herself.
Apate’s relationship with Zeus was positive at first glance, even if the two barely interacted, however, Apate did have a deep mistrust of his motives. This stemmed from his perverted nature, as well as his illusions of further grandeur. It was not Apate’s place to ever question his rule, nor has she ever confided in anyone her feelings about the deceased Zeus, but she was quite happy that his clone was more malleable to her cause.
As most gods did, Apate made sure that Zeus knew she was devoted to his cause. She made sure that the S.I.H.T arrays were in working order and had complete coverage of the world, passed on threats dedicated to Zeus himself, and often let him decide how to counter the threats posed, and she made sure that she showered him with pleasantries with each interaction.
Apate views Hades with more love and admiration than the rest of the pantheon combined. Hades and Nyx were close during her life, both before ascension and after, thus whenever Hades made his journey to Olympus he made sure to visit. Out of all the children, the only one who appreciated his visits was Apate. They have had many conversations over the years, and he has been instrumental in her development and her ascension. As a reward, Hades is the only god to have seen Apate’s true authentic smile and is given information without cost, and is given heartfelt compliments.
While he remarks that Apate bears a strong resemblance to her late mother, he has never been able to bring either of them into his kingdom as Zeus, in all his wisdom, would never allow such a trip.
The cocky little shit is forever on Apate’s list of people she wants to screw over. The favoritism the other high gods bestow upon him for no other reason than his ability to deliver mail in a timely fashion is exhausting. While the two have interacted, Apate prefers to keep him at an arm's length away for fear that his stupidity is contagious.
Apate has a very neutral relationship with this goddess. The two remain cordial, and professional to one another at least in Apate’s mind. She does not disrupt her plans for the world, at least yet. Thus, Apate has not experienced the wrath of mother nature scorned.
Apate can always sense there is something more to Hebe than she lets on. As the daughter of Zeus she has known nothing but luxury. As well, like Hermes, she did not need to work as hard for her station as the others had. This does not mean that Apate views her in the same light. Indeed, Hebe Dia seems kind, and well-intentioned. The two share a very similar upbringing, as they are daughters of some of the most powerful gods to exist. Apate remains jealous that she did not get the same luxury of life that Hebe did, as Apate was pushed from a young age to be anything other than herself. There are rumors that she would want to invite Apate to an all-goddess sleeping party. Apate shudders at the thought.
Thus, Apate keeps a weary and often jealous eye on Hebe Dia.
Eros is an enigma due to their ever-changing nature. Apate would have loved to claim the brothels as her own space, and she still has ambitions to do so. There is no finer place for information gathering.
Apate is one of the youngest of her siblings and bears the most striking resemblance to their late mother. She is also the most decorated, the most powerful, and the most influential of them all. Despite her younger age, Apate was always the one with the biggest appetite for power. While she would have rather gone down a different path, her mother pushed her further and further down her own and this helped develop these desires. As she grew and grew more powerful, Apate made sure to sabotage any of her siblings in their quests for power as well. A few were content in their supportive roles, and they flocked to her side and have served her ever since.
Eris, Nemesis, and Moros all serve Apate in many forms both in the capital and in the field.
Acolytes and Temples
Apate has numerous acolytes that serve under her. These include her informants, spies, demigods in the city, and her siblings. These acolytes will carry out her demands without hesitation and without fear.
Scattered throughout the realms are small temples devoted to Apate. These temples are usually small, with a single altar for gifts to the goddess. These alters will then take the gifts and an acolyte will then remove them and bring them to Olympus. Her grand Temple is located in Olympus. It features a mirrored maze that distorts and confuses would-be devoted followers. If they get lost, they may perish amongst the mirrored versions of themselves with nary a soul to assist them in their trials. Those who do make it through will be able to ask the goddess for a favor, and only one. If it is within her power, and within reason, Apate will often answer these prayers.
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