Here you will find the CS of notable NPCs. Big THANK YOU to Prose for creating these.

"Persecution is not one man's crime, but everyone's crime."
Compassionate. Bright. Driven.
Basic Information
- Name: Sonia Alise Thomas
- Gender Female
- Age: 58
- Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
- College Degree: Social Sciences, History
- Languages: English, Spanish
- Notable Skills: Public Speaking
- Compassionate
Simply stated, Sonia cares about others. She's seen the state of the world at large and tends to be terribly worried for the people around her.
- Bright
Sonia has a sharp mind, she tends to think things through and she's always coming up with solutions.
- Driven
Sonia is determined, this determination is part of how she won her presidency. She's the kind of person who's ready for action, no matter how hard it may seem.
Sonia Thomas was born to the Southern United States, she lived a fairly modest life and spent most of her childhood in the company of her loving mothers and close friends. Sonia would be one of few kids in her school to actively seek to befriend witches, getting to know what she could of their culture and traditions. This natural love of people was part of how she wound up on the path that she did.Sonia would go to college social sciences and history and even find herself working for the school system for some time. She was a favorite of her students and a favorite of their parents. It would not be too surprising to anyone when she eventually wound up on the ballot for presidency.
Sonia would move into her new position without hesitation, eager to bring about positive change for the people around her.

"Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves."
Clever. Charming. Cruel.
Basic Information
- Name: Emil Theodore Pearson
- Gender Male
- Age: 52
- Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
- College Degree: Psychology
- Languages: English
- Notable Skills: Smooth-talking, Analyzing, Debating, Hunting
- Clever
Emil is not without his intelligence, as clever as a fox in a chicken hutch and just as likely to cause problems.
- Charming
Emil is easy to talk to, even pleasant at times.
- Cruel
Emil couldn't care less about the fate of those who don't support him, he is hoping to spark up trouble.
Emil Pearson was born in the Midwest, the youngest of four boys. As a result of his rather crowded home, Emil found himself struggling to keep up with his older brothers. His father was an avid game hunter and as a result, Emil and his brothers were taught to do so as well. As Emil aged, he found that he didn't quite click with others at his school which often ended in him bullying them. This would go on until he hit high school where his grades would see him placed in AP classes. This stint amongst the brightest minds in his school would bring him a few friends an allies.
Emil's intelligence and pleasant personality would make him a hit in college. He would choose to study psychology although he'd never wind up putting it to any use. Emil would eventually run for office in his home state although he wouldn't see a win there, many would state his policies were outdated in the current climate.
Unfortunately, this would not deter his political ventures, as he would find himself running a tight race for presidency, making a name for himself with his smooth-talking and levelheaded discussions. However, some people still can't help but wonder if his policies regarding witches are very levelheaded at all.

"I don't make a habit of letting things get out of hand."
Confident. Critical. Empathetic.
Basic Information
- Name: Lina Evaline Valeria Calvo
- Gender Female
- Age: 42
- Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
- College Degree: N/A
- Languages: English
- Notable Skills: Leadership, Child-care
Magical Abilities
Years of Magical Education: 10
Schools of Magic: Evocation, Enchantment, Illusion
Evocation 9
- Water Wielding
Lina is quite good at wielding water, although she requires a source of water to exist in her proximity. She can control it to it's fullest extend, causing waves or whirl pools and even using it defensively.
- Fire Starting
Lina is quite useful for starting a fire, this is... admittedly more unruly than her water. She can pull forth flame or strengthen pre-existing flame but she cannot control everything it does.
- Flashlight
Lina can cause light to form between her hands which can be useful for brightening up a dark area, although... not much else.
- Lights Out
The opposite of her ability to draw forth light, Lina can drain light from an area and render it entirely black. She tends to do this when she needs the attention of a group of people.
Enchantment 6
- Shared Empathy
Lina is very good at making others feel what she is feeling, at times this can be overwhelming for her and the person on the receiving end.
- Hypnosis
Lina, alternatively, is not so good at hypnosis. While she is not the worst and she has successfully used it on a few occasions, she is often a bit messy when it comes to trying to control others.
Illusion 8
- Masking
Lina has nearly perfected the art of masking herself to look like someone else, at times this has been used as a way for her to take time for herself away from others.
- Monster Making
Slightly more sinister than her other use for illusions, Lina can make some pretty grand illusionary monsters. These are not tangible but they feel tangible.
- Confident
Lina is sure of herself, she doesn't overthink her decisions and she isn't afraid to do what she wants. She believes strongly in the quote "it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission".
- Critical
At times Lina can be hyper-critical of the people around her. She scrutinizes new faces and doesn't always believe in the good of people.
- Empathetic
Lina is empathetic to a fault, she's often the first to listen to a sob story and believe it. However, she's a great listener and she hates to leave the ones she loves hanging.
Lina was born in Shipden Peak, which was a place where she never felt unsafe but was always rather keen to the idea that some humans weren't terribly accepting of their kind. Her childhood was rather sad with her mother having passed away quite young and her father having to raise her alone. She was lucky however that she grew up strong and she grew up kind (or... as kind as possible). She would meet a few hiccups in high school, dodging bullies and often times lashing out at those bullies but all in all... Lina was promising.
She would prove herself to be a competent, powerful young witch and eventually go on to lead the Coven.
There was some complaint about her rise in position but for the most part, she's done a good job of keeping her people safe and happy.
Here you can find the Relations Sheet, feel free to fill it out and put it underneath your CS once accepted.
[h3][b]R E L A T I O N S[/b][/h3]
[color=dimgray][i]"(what do you think of yourself?)"[/i]
Status: What is your current relationship with yourself, this should be something like a goal or process or a realization, e.g. "slowly coming to terms with my shortcomings" or "I am finally realizing the beauty I possess"[/color]
[color=dimgray][i]"(What you think about them)"[/i]
Status: e.g. friends, mentor, sibling, rival, unrequited attraction, etc. Multiple things are possible.
Significant Moments. If you had any moments in your past with this character that you would like to describe here, you're free to do so. You may delete the hider if you have no use for it, or you may keep it. Example:
F I R S T M E E T I N G / I N T U I T I O N
The moment I laid eyes on her I knew she didn't like me. Albeit her smiles, the wrinkles around her eyes, and that charming personality she displayed, I could feel the watchfulness she hid beneath the mask. Of course, I had been in contact with her before I [i]met[/i] her. But when I arrived, it must have been after midnight already, Lina Calvo was awaiting me fully awake, in her office. She offered me tea and a hearty welcome along with some questions she likely asked any newcomer. She didn't mention whether she was aware of where I was from or who I had been in the past. But those damn brown eyes... I felt like she had deciphered me without ever touching upon the topic in the slightest. And since then I couldn't shake the notion that she has been watching me discreetly.
Update: We have new headers, ask Prisk for them! For the header: Use your dialogue color.
[h2][color=EFD7AD][i][b]First Name and Last Name[/b][/i][/color][/h2]
[color=EFD7AD][i][b]Location:[/b][/i][/color] Location A → Location B
[color=EFD7AD][i][b]Interactions:[/b][/i][/color] Character Name [@Player Name]
[color=EFD7AD][i][b]School of Magic:[/b][/i][/color] Please put your highest school first, least highest last
[color=EFD7AD][i][b]Items:[/b][/i][/color] What is on your character right now?[/cell][cell]
[img]put your gif/image here[/img]
Here you can find a list of abilities used by accepted PCs, organized by school. Note: Not up to date.
- Abjuration
- Heal
Heals any living organism upon physical contact; the more the caster concentrates on the spell, the greater its magical output. Extensive medical knowledge bolsters this skill, allowing for more efficient and targeted healing. (by ShepherdOfHope) - Detect
Allows the caster to gain knowledge of a living organism's physical or magical maladies through touch. Injuries, illnesses, or other physical defects can be located through Detect, allowing the caster to treat them more directly. Curses, certain potion effects, or hexes can also be located; however, these might be more difficult to ascertain, depending on the caster's skill. (by ShepherdOfHope) - Dispel
An anti-spell of sorts, Dispel removes certain magical effects from a person or area (the latter requiring more concentration). These effects include illusions, enchantments, and even curses. Of course, a caster of greater skill than the Dispel caster may render them unable to break their spells. (by ShepherdOfHope) - Ward
Ward allows the caster to temporarily safeguard an area from unwanted magical effects. This might render it invisible to Diviners, impassable for the undead, or impossible to alter with illusions. However, she must specify which effects/creatures become blocked, and the ward necessitates constant magical output in order to maintain. Creating the ward itself takes time, requiring deep concentration and a precise series of incantations to manifest. (by ShepherdOfHope) - Mystical Barrier
This spell allows the user to create a barrier around them or someone/something else to protect them from attacks. Depending on the caster's level, the barrier can protect from both magical and physical attacks. The caster does not need to maintain concentration of their barrier, but if they do, the barrier can last longer with energy directed into it. The spell has a range of 30 feet. (by PatientBean) - Cleanse
This spell allows the user to cleanse another person of harmful effects. These can be magical effects, such as confusion or entrancement, or physical, such as poison. This ability requires concentration and the caster must touch the person to cleanse them. If concentration is broken, the spell stops. At higher levels, cleanse can clear multiple ailments at once. Depending on skill level, certain effects may take longer to cleanse or may not be able to be cleaned. (by PatientBean) - Spellbane
Spellbane is a magical "armor" of sorts that the caster can "don" to defend themselves against the influence of magic. Magical effects, depending on their nature and strength, melt upon it like snow falling upon a stovetop. This armor, while figurative of course, does encompass the entire body - and while it may seem a rather one-dimensional ability - can prove flexible if used creatively. The caster cannot, notably, sustain other magic while it is activated - and they must consciously maintain it. (by Bartimaeus) - Champion of the Weak
In combination with her Transmutation magic, the caster can enhance their mind and body to function as a stalwart defender to whatever or whoever needs it. The caster can sharpen their being to steel their will with Abjuration magic, and strengthen their body with the Transmutive. This makes them especially resistant to enchantment-esque effects, and allows them to overpower beings several times their size - but it is notable that their physical durability is not enhanced. This ability cannot function in tandem with other magical effects. It also isn't activated swiftly, requiring a few seconds of deep concentration to manifest. (by Bartimaeus)
- Heal
- Conjuration
- Geri & Freki (personalized companions, not universal)
Hanna can conjure two distinct wolves after a few ceremonial gestures. One of them has black fur and the other white, both with red eyes. A faint shadowy, smokey feature trails wherever they go, which indicates that they are not of this dimension. Hanna can keep these animal companions materialized for less than half an hour, longer if things are calm around her and devoid of distractions. These creatures came about after much time experimenting with this school of magic. There is something about these particular wolves that Hanna is quite fond of, and they seem to take to her in the same way. (by Prisk) - Domain aka Pocket Dimension
A caster can create a pocket dimension. It is large enough to store certain items or small animals in. The pocket dimension must be expanded over time to hold more than a pebble. Most casters advance their pocket dimensions to be roughly the size of a small dog. Very skilled caster may expand it further. (used as a "handbag" by Prisk's character Hanna)
- Geri & Freki (personalized companions, not universal)
- Divination
- Future Sight
The ability to divine the future of an individual. This ability is somewhat headache-inducing for some casters and can end in migraines. Caster may be making some kind of physical skin-to-skin contact with the target of their divining or use other means to form a link, such as Tarot cards. The visions created by this magic are not exact but they're usually accurate. (by Prosaic) - Intuition
Intuition comes easy to most casters. Some casters may pay the price of physical health, headaches and nausea are quite common for those who suffer from side effects. The caster gets strong feelings about people and things around them. This is somewhat tied into the aura of those people or things. While the caster may not see the aura of a given thing tangibly, they can feel it. These strong gut feelings are unfortunately quite easy for others to brush off as little more than paranoia. This ability mostly gives the caster a gauge on feelings and intentions. (by Prosaic) - Danger Sense
This spell is an innate ability to sense when danger is near. Depending on the user's skill level, the length of the sense can be large-scale or more immediate. At higher levels, the user can detect what type of danger is present (supernatural, human, weather, etc.). Those who can mask themselves using magical means stand a higher chance of not being detected than those with lower skill levels. (by PatientBean) - Tracking 1.0
The nature of divination often means that the caster's sense of direction is pretty much impeccable. However, while they excel in finding people they know or love, they tend to struggle finding people they're not close to. They're almost entirely useless when it comes to finding items. (by Prosaic) - Tracking 2.0
The power to track people and objects over any distance, environment or condition. In its essence, tracking is used to find and follow tracks that are weeks, months or even years old, and to reconstruct what has happened from the smallest clues. A caster'S skills in divination could be solid but unrefined. Then they may be able to follow someone who was recently in the area but they would be unable to track someone weeks or months after they had left. Highly advanced trackers may be able to even track people who use teleportation or portals but this is mostly rumored and not actually proven. (by Benzaiten) - Hematomancy
Divination can be used in correspondence with Necromancy. If so, a lot of divination comes from blood, bones, flesh and ashes. Blood and bones are said to work best. By using blood (or bones), the caster can enhance their ability to see fractions of the future, past or present. For weaker casters, those are only ever snippets, mostly incoherent. (by Benzaiten) - Divine Sense & Aura Detection
Used in correspondence with Necromancy, the caster has the ability to register and detect any undead creature and identify their type (e.g. vampire, skeleton, etc). Additionally, the caster is able to detect and identify the school of magic of other witches and warlocks around them. They may only detect the school of magic if it has a strong enough aura around the person (at least 5/10 skill level), otherwise, the magical aura is too weak to discern and they might not be able to pin which school of magic a person is practicing most. - Psychometry
This spell allows the user to be able to read an object they are touching and get sensations or memories through the object. At higher levels, the user can even get the sense of who touched the object and read their thoughts and emotions. This spell requires the user to touch the object and channel their magic. Depending on the size of the object, the channeling could take longer. If the concentration is broken, the spell does not work. (by PatientBean)
- Future Sight
- Enchantment
- Mesmerize
This spell allows the user to charm and manage another being through words and appearance. The being affected is tasked with doing what the user intends. To the person being affected, the caster appears beautiful and captivating. At higher levels, the user can tell the being to do things against their own wishes. However, the being affected cannot cause harm to themselves or others. The being must be in sight. Those with stronger wills can fight against this. Depending on the user's skill level, the being affected might remember they were charmed. (by PatientBean) - Emotional Read
This spell is an innate ability to read another person's emotions. To the spell user, the emotions may or may not show as colorful auras. At higher levels, the user is able to read the emotions the person is trying to hide. The person must be within view. (by PatientBean) - Memory Modification
This spell allows the user to modify a person's memory to make them believe something happened or to make them temporarily forget something. Depending on the user's skill level, the altered memory can last longer. There must be a verbal iteration of what memory is to be changed. The person being affected must be touched for this to be active. The effect lasts roughly one hour. (by PatientBean) - Pheromones
This (sometimes partially passive) ability can create physical attraction in another person towards the caster. When the caster focuses on this ability, the effect becomes much stronger. If a person is already attracted to the caster, the ability itself will settle easier and affect the person faster. This is a temporary emotional enhancement/change and will leave the subject's system depending on how long and how much magic they've been subjected to. Depending on the caster's skills, a person affected by this may notice they've been charmed after it has washed out of their system. (by Prisk) - Suggestion
The caster can strongly suggest a course of action or intention. This has its effect through physical contact or/and clear verbal interaction. The person they speak to can choose to not do it, but the thought will certainly linger for some time and cause an internal argument. The suggestion may become part of a person's life for a time, or even their identity. If the suggestion is repeated multiple times over a course of days or even weeks, the subject may become more inclined to follow the suggested action. (by Prisk)
- Mesmerize
- Evocation
- Frostbite
Creates a localized area of bitter cold around the caster's person, especially around their hands. At its greatest extent, they can freeze liquids at a touch, and prolonged exposure might leave someone with, well, frostbite. This spell can also be used to reduce swelling and bleeding from an injury. (by ShepherdOfHope) - Scorch
Frostbite's cousin and polar opposite, Scorch creates an area of extreme heat around the caster, particularly near their hands. At maximum output, certain plastics and metals may begin to melt at touch, and the caster can leave severe burns on another person. This ability can be used to treat muscle tension or increase blood flow if the caster is skilled enough to keep the heat down so as to not burn the patient. (by ShepherdofHope)
- Frostbite
- Illusion
- Audible Indunation
When in close enough proximity to a person, the caster has the ability to overwhelm someone's mind with voices. For this to work, they need to be able to see the person they're targeting. Advanced casters might be able to use this illusion on people without directly observing them. This illusion might extend to putting specific words or phrases into a person's mind. Mostly, however, Audible Indunation manifests as a chattering of overlapping, unfocused voices that overwhelm the mind and can confuse, irritate or even knock out a person. This ability can 'ricochet' when (a) someone uses a field with ricocheting ability or (b) it becomes too restraining on the caster or (c) someone has the ability to mind shield. It requires concentration to uphold the illusion. Skilled casters can leave up the illusion for 30-ish seconds without concentration. Advanced casters might perform a longer unconcentrated illusion. In any case, if the caster becomes unconscious or falls asleep, the link to the illusion is severed and the illusion fades. (by Benzaiten) - Monocular Realization
This describes the ability to perform an illusion on oneself. The illusion gets attached to the caster and reimagines their appearance according to the caster's wishes. Any visual feature may be "changed" in this manner - including facial features, height, skin color, clothes, number of limbs, or (in cases of advanced casters) even the species. However, this does not result in an actual change of bodily features, but instead, works as a "filter" atop the real version. As this is only an illusion, any and all false visual features (e.g. claws, a hook for a hand, clothing items) would not truly exist and therefore never be accessible or "usable" beyond a simple lie. This illusion requires imagination, some performance skills, and a bit of concentration. If the caster loses consciousness or concentration, the illusion will fade. Holding up the illusion will feel draining after some time and only highly advanced casters could uphold it for multiple hours. Additionally, the caster has to remember the details of their disguise. Inconsistency in the illusion would result in the deceived possibly seeing through the facade. While this is hard to master at first, skilled casters can uphold an illusion easily for a decent amount of time. (by Benzaiten) - Shadowplay
Without having to see their target, the caster can create the illusion of shadows on any surface and have them enact any form of movement they desire. An example are shadows that imitate the target's death - causing unease, fear and possibly panic to rise within the deceived. Note that Evocation also has Shadow Magic, this does not need to be Illusion. Here the schools overlap and a clear boundary is hard to draw. (by Benzaiten) - Cloaking
Cloaking is a bit of an exact art, the caster has to mimic every detail of an area that they intend to cover themself in or it won't work at all. As such cloaking imitates the area the caster stands in to make them appear invisible. (by Prosaic)
- Audible Indunation
- Necromancy
- Life Force Alteration
Through excessive study, the witches can learn to alter life energy by using necrotic means. Altering the life force of a living creature can affect their health, their strength and even their ability to perform magic. Very advanced casters are able to create poisonous effects by altering life energy. Actually ending someone's life by pulling the life force out of their body would require either a very long time or a very high amount of energy. The life force is always trying to balance itself out and will continuously attempt to restore itself. (Therefore, this can not "shorten" someone's lifespan.) (by Benzaiten) - Aferrlife Linking
The caster can connect the living world to the world of death, linking the land of the dead and the spirits & souls inhabiting it to the realm of life and existence, allowing both worlds to interact with each other in some ways. This is usually referred to as "lifting the veil" and is a very temporary situation. Often only the caster themself may interact with the spirits on the other side. On other occasions (and with the right skill) one may be able to connect the two worlds more permanently, such as bringing spirits/ghosts into the world of the living or pushing a living soul to the other side and into death. (This is exceptionally hard and should not be attempted by a single person, it can cause various disasters.) As a result of a fudged attempt at lifting the veil, the rules of both worlds might combine/mix together in unpredictable ways, and potentially even lead to cursed resurrections for those that do end up dying. This can also cause any changes to anything from either world to affect both of them instead of only one. (by Benzaiten) - Revivify
If a creature or person has just died, the caster might be able to lift the veil enough to pull their soul back into their body and return them to the living. This does not heal them. Any wounds inflicted would still be present. This act requires high concentration and the success depends on the circumstances of the death, the caster's own condition, and the willingness of the deceased to return. The caster might be met with a lot of struggle as the veil has a naturally strong "draw" always pulling souls towards and through it. (by Benzaiten) - Dead's Whisper
The caster can ascertain the final or current emotions, or sometimes vague thoughts, of a specific deceased individual. This requires a timely ritual and a personal possession of the deceased. (by Bartimaeus)
- Life Force Alteration
- Transmutation
- Animagus' Aspects (specific to McDaniel)
McDaniel specializes in the Animagus' field of transmutation. Her animal form takes the shape of a black Jaguar. Despite the strength and agility of the Jaguar, she rarely finds this form appropriate, as it is not unassuming, nor is it particularly good for combating things of magical nature. It is, however, very fast and well-camouflaged outside of urban areas. With the nature of this creature being so concomitant to her usage and ability with this magic, a few side-effects, of sorts, accompany this technique even when she's not actively using it. These effects include enhanced senses such as hearing, smell, and balance - as well as more physical alterations, such as sharpened canines and the classic pantherian ear/tail combo, though these can be willfully concealed with magical effort, for a time. (by Bartimaeus)
- Animagus' Aspects (specific to McDaniel)
Here is an incomplete list of available abilities sorted by school of magic. You may pick any one of these or use them as inspiration.
- Abjuration
- Power Deflection
The user can deflect any* power that is launched against them without being harmed. This serves as a means of self-defense and counter-attack. The user can deflect whatever power is projected by their target and turn it back on them. Whether this works or not depends on the skill level of both casters. If the caster of Power Deflection is more skilled, they dominate the encounter. On the other hand, a more skilled caster may break through the Power Deflection. This can also be achieved by straining or distracting the defensive caster. *It should be noted that this ability protects against sudden incoming magic, such as a straight attack (e.g. an ice ray or fire bolt). Magic that builds up gradually (some Enchantments) or magic that is used indirectly (e.g. sending conjured birds at the person) are unaffected and can not be deflected.
- Power Deflection
- Conjuration
- Inanimation
The user can place objects and even some (smaller) animals into an inanimate state, regardless of any force that acts on it, causing them to lose their ability to move and become inanimate. This is more of an "anti-Conjuration" ability, yet it officially falls into this school. The size and number of affected objects as well as the duration of the inanimate state are depending on a caster's skill level. Only skilled casters may inanimate an object and leave it in this state without concentration for a certain duration. Inanimating an object, stops it in exactly its current form and in its current place. This can make things "hang in the air" if they've been thrown/flying/etc beforehand.
- Inanimation
- Divination
- Astral Vision
This described the ability to see overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existence. This ability is extremely hard to control. Most of the time, casters suddenly see a fraction of something from another dimension, and in the next blink, it is gone. (Ghosts, spirits, other beings.) The easiest beings to detect by this are those who formerly wandered this realm: the souls of humans. Only very few casters ever are able to consciously tap into their astral sight but those who can usually develop an obsession with training their inner eye to expand to other dimensions. Oftentimes those witches can be found lingering around graveyards or other "spooky, old" areas. Astral Vision usually only lets people glimpse into a fraction of The Veil. But technically it should be able to detect any layer of any dimension. Astral Vision has been mistaken as a skill of Necromancers for the longest time due to the ability to see fractions of The Veil. Nowadays scholars are convinced that although Necromancy enhances the ability to see into The Veil with this ability, it could potentially reach way further than any Necromancer could see. (Note: Necromancers can also have the ability to see/feel spirits/ghosts from The Veil with a similar ability, only it would be limited to The Veil.) - Omnilingualism
Upon concentration, the caster may understand and decipher any and all human languages. Depending on the skill of the caster this can include 1 or more languages, usually, a caster can only decipher 2-3 languages they don't normally know, at the same time. Once they've studied a language to some degree, a caster may decipher 4-5 languages at the same time. This ability requires the caster to hear their target. The ability is therefore limited to verbal translation. Languages can't be deciphered if written down. Some casters have tried to work around this restriction by using text-to-speech technology but have been unsuccessful. The reason for this is not yet known but some scholars believe it has to do with aura recognition (which is not possible with robot voices). The caster does not gain the ability to speak the language by this. - Dream Walking
A caster can tap into the Dreamscape of other beings. When asleep themself and after a ritual, the caster can use their sleeping state to travel between dreams. Usually, they get incoherent, second-long glimpses of the dreams of people around them without knowing whose dream it was. The skill to linger on or even find a specific dream takes a lot of effort and training. But it is possible for every advanced casters to tap into a specific person's dream and stay within it for a period of 1-2 minutes. Any longer and the caster risks their own mental health, sanity and comprehension of reality. (Note: Dreams are seldom very clear, deciphering dreams is an entire task in and of itself.)
- Astral Vision
- Enchantment
- Mind Link
Through a ritual and high concentration, a caster can create a mental link with another living being. This link functions as a temporary connection between the caster and one other creature. The creature needs to be willing to accept the link, it can not be forced. Once a link has been created, both participants are able to notice the emotions and feelings of the other person and possibly send non-verbal "urges" (such as creating the urge to pay attention to something or to leave the place; you can not communicate specific ideas/commands). High emotions such as fear, panic, depression, ecstasy, excitement, etc. will be easier to pick up on than regular day-to-day emotions. The other person is always aware that the emotions/urge is not coming from themself. The link between the two beings lasts for roughly 1-3 hours. Once the caster has performed the ritual to link minds on a being once, it becomes easier and quicker to link with that individual every single time to a point where the ritual might not be needed anymore to form a link. - Zoolingualism
The caster has the ability to understand animal life forms and their reactions. You do not "talk" to animals but you do, often instinctively, know what instinct they are following based on their body language and sounds. So you may be able to make out whether an animal is hostile, calm, or scared, even if you previously knew nothing about this animal. You also instinctively know how to react to appear aggressive, calm, submissive, etc. to that particular animal. This is one of the few, extremely rare passive abilities that exist.
- Mind Link
- Evocation
- Wind Wall (Weather Magic)
A wall of strong wind rises from the ground at a point in range. Depending on the caster's ability, the wall can be up to 50 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The wall can be shaped in any way the caster chooses so long as it makes one continuous path along the ground. Keeping the wall up requires concentration. The Wind Wall keeps fog, smoke, and other gases at bay. It may also keep creatures and people from stepping past it, depending on the user's skill level. Lightweight materials in its proximity will be thrown around as if taken by wind. Any lightweight material thrown at the wall will be propelled upwards into the sky by the force of the Wind Wall, this includes arrows, bullets and other ordinary projectiles. - Personal Weather/Self-Weather (Weather Magic)
Users can create, shape and manipulate their personal weather system, allowing them to generate different types of meteorological phenomena (rain, wind, snow, lightning, etc.) in their immediate vicinity, usually limited to their specific space. They may also be able to project their weather system to an area within range (30-60 feet depending on the caster's skills). This ability requires constant concentration to uphold. Often manifesting as a cloud that follows them, the user's power creates effects based on will or emotional state. With enough control, the weather can grow into an expanded system that can affect a wider area. - Tornado Magic (Weather Magic)
The user can create and control tornadoes and whirlwinds. Those are limited to be around human-sized. A caster may create one or up to 3-4, depending on their skill level. Also depending on their skill level as well as their concentration, the caster may move multiple tornadoes individually (e.g. one going right, one going left). - Burrowing (Earth Magic)
The user is capable of tunneling through solid matter, including fully solid ones (at a higher skill) and looser collections such as sand or snow. Depending on the matter, they may choose to leave a tunnel after them. The pace at which the tunnel is created depends on the caster's skill. The natural walking/running speed of the caster does not get increased by using this spell (they do not "fly" through the earth). - Quicksand Generation (Earth Magic)
The user is able to transform earth properties into quicksand or can manipulate pre-existing sand to function as quicksand. This is primarily used to subdue, bind, trap someone, sink objects/people, etc. The radius of this can range from 5ft to 15ft. The depth ranges from 15ft to 60ft, depending on the caster's skill level and what the ground is made out of (e.g. is it 60t earth downwards or is there maybe something else in the way). - Ray of Light (Light Magic)
A beam of light flashes out from the caster's hand, or alternatively from an object they are holding, and lights up the surroundings. This light could temporarily hinder the sight of beings in its vicinity. Certain undead or demonic creatures may be vulnerable to the light. The caster can choose how big and bright the Ray of Light is, depending on their skill level.
- Wind Wall (Weather Magic)
- Illusion
- Illusion Manipulation
The caster can control the illusions of other casters. Witches with this ability are known to not be able to create illusions themselves. Instead, they can make an already existent illusion move, act, and react however they like. In essence, "stealing" the illusion created by someone else. This also includes the ability to block a caster's attempt to dispel the illusion on purpose. The illusion itself is still held to the restrictions of its original caster including its range and in most cases (shadows excluded) its form, size, color, etc. The illusion will still vanish when the original caster goes unconscious or is otherwise unable to obtain a certain amount of (now forced subconscious) concentration on the illusion. The caster of Illusion Manipulation can control one or more illusions at the same time, depending on their skill level. They can not control or dispel illusions cast onto oneself. (E.g cloaking would be unaffected by Illusion Manipulation). - Local Displacement
The caster can displace their location/position, allowing them to physically appear to be standing in one position while actually hiding or standing in another location entirely. The caster must be able to see the location they wanna appear to be standing in with their own eyes (pictures or technology don't work). The caster can use various forms of enhancing or directing their eyesight, such as mirrors or binoculars, so long as it is not a "screen" they are looking at. Skilled casters may be able to project other people's locations as well, this would reduce the range of the illusion. For example, if the caster makes only themselves appear to be in a different location, they might have a range of 120 feet. If they choose to display two people, that range gets reduced to maybe 100 feet. An entire group of 6-ish people might reduce the range to 60 feet or less. Making different people appear in different locations (all of which the caster must be able to see) is only possible for advanced casters. The illusion disappears when concentration is lost.
- Illusion Manipulation
- Necromancy
- Aura Absorbtion
The user can absorb auras of other witches into their own aura. This grants the user the temporal (though weakened) magical ability of the person whose aura they've absorbed. The subject will be weakened by this but can't be killed or stripped of their magical abilities. The caster can only absorb one power of one witch at the same time. They then gain all magical abilities the person possesses for that particular magical school. (E.g. absorbing Illusion Aura will only result in Illusion spells.) The caster will have significantly more problems using the stolen abilities as they're not innate to them. (You will have to roll on a table to determine success when using those abilities.) The absorbed aura only stays with the caster for a very short amount of time, a couple of minutes usually, until it fades away, unable to be held onto any longer. - Raise Undead (Animals)
The caster, depending on their skill level, may raise one or more dead creatures to become undead. The larger the creature, the harder this gets. The same applies to the number of dead raised. The caster can give the undead a simple, straight objective ("protect x", "fight y", "dig hole"). Undead raised in this manner do not understand verbal commands or react to a change of objective. The task is determined during the casting of this ability. The undead immediately dies when the task is fulfilled or when the task is stopped by the caster themself. Undead creature do not fear death and don't stop fulfilling their directive until stopped or succeeding. The magic within the undead creature fades continuously. Depending on the caster's skill, the undead may be animated for 30 minutes or a couple of hours. An undead raised in this manner needs to stay within range of its caster. That range, however, is quite wide compared to most abilities. For advanced casters, this may include multiple miles. (Please note that undead raised in this way can not "think". You can't task it to find something, do your chores, sort things, make decisions, or otherwise act sentient. It may be able to fetch something for you if the command is simple enough but that's the extent of it. An undead creature is also limited to its abilities in life and what its current state allows. A half-rotten bird won't be able to fly anymore.) (Also note that this is an ability available to players. Raising undead is possible in other ways, such as creating vampires, ghouls, etc. but it won't be available to you.)
- Aura Absorbtion
- Transmutation
- Petrification
The power to transform matter into stone. The caster can petrify an inanimate object, turning it into a stone version of itself. This changes its density and weight. Depending on the skill level of the caster, the object can be of various sizes. Using this ability requires concentration but once the object has turned to stone it is stuck in this form.
- Petrification