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pantothenic bored salaryman

Member Seen 4 days ago

Asani 15th

Location: Merchant Dorms
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: 2:?? HD
Characters: Yalen, Colette, Rita

The portal provided by Hugo dropped Yalen and Rita right outside of his dorm room door. Miraculously the priest trainee didn’t land on his face this time, and was able to step out of the gateway with ease. The tiny Segonese girl was all giggles as she followed her guardian out of the rift in space.

”Dat was so coooool!” Rita started jumping up and down while flapping her arms in excitement. Yalen smiled fondly at her antics. It was amazing how, despite everything that had happened to her, she still had the capacity to express such joy. It wasn’t hard to understand why she was so energetic. It wasn’t just the amazing display by the paradigm; this was also the tethered child’s first step outside the refuge. Like a pet goldfish released into a lake, she had a vast world waiting before her.

”Come on Yawen! ‘et’s go play somewhere!” Rita pulled on the back of Yalen’s robes to try and get him to cooperate. While he was all smiles, he had to remain firm and not go break curfew just to humor his new friend. It was as dark as could be outside save for the street lamps that dotted the main arteries of the city. The time difference between Torragon and Perrence would take time to overcome for her. He knelt down and messed with Rita’s hair a bit.

”Aw, there are a lot of places I want to show you Rita, but we have to stay indoors tonight. Sorry. This city is a little bit like the Refuge. All magically gifted students in Ersand’Enise have a curfew and I’ll be in trouble if they catch me out here.” Yalen could apologize all he liked, but Rita still puffed her cheeks up indignantly.

”Boooooo. Fine, but you gotsa feed me some’ting tasty for breakfast!”

A second rift in space opened and closed behind the pair, leaving behind the hastily prepared skid carrying Yalen’s auction spoils. Ten wyrm scales, twenty wyrm teeth, a sizable wyrm pearl, and a froabass egg were tied to the wooden planks. It was easily several thousand neskals worth of treasure. For the frugal Dordian priest, it was a mind boggling amount of money to be entrusted with. He still needed to decide what to do with it.

”Good thing they gave us this. I wouldn’t be able to carry it all by myself otherwise…” Yalen yanked the ropes over his shoulders and leaned his body forward. He wasn’t athletic by any means, but the proper use of weight and leverage allowed him to drag the heavy load all the way to the door of his dorm room. If there were two things to be thankful for, it was the city’s well paved roads and his luck in getting a place on the ground floor. As he fished around in his bag for the room key, Yalen realized he had forgotten something.

My hat! Yalen had forgotten his hat in Hugo’s study. There was no way to go back and get it now, at least until the paradigm called upon him once again. That was a shame. In the meantime he would have to use an umbrella. With a click the door was unlocked, but before Yalen could twist the handle the door swung open on its own. No, not quite on its own. Someone was standing there in the doorway. Someone whose face he recognized very well.


An armor-clad woman with platinum blonde hair strode out of the dorm, ignoring Yalen, and made a beeline for the Segonese girl.

”Go to sleep for a minute kid.” Colette waved a hand over Rita’s head, causing the child to gently collapse. The Quentic knightess put a gauntleted hand under Rita’s arm to keep her from falling to the ground, then hoisted the tiny girl over her shoulder. With her immediate objective accomplished, the older woman fixed her eyes upon Yalen. She looked like she hadn’t slept in days.

”It’s been a while, Yalen. Good to see you.”

The younger teen couldn’t meet his sister’s gaze. They couldn’t have crossed paths at a worse time. He bowed his head regretfully and clasped his hands together. ”...I can explain everything.”

Colette released a long, heavy sigh and rested her head in her hand. ”Let’s just go inside before she catches a cold.” She spun around on her heel and doubled back to Yalen’s room with a pint sized package in tow. As she passed by the stack of wyrm treasure, the ropes binding them to the skid unraveled and the entire cargo floated into the air before trailing behind her. Her little brother stood dumbly with his mouth agape. He’d never seen her use magic to this extent when the two were still together. How strong had she gotten while working as a knight?

Jocasta might still be stronger though… Eh? Yalen had no idea why that thought came to his head. Whose side was he on!? His ears felt hot as he closed the front door behind him. The candle sconces were already lit, filling the dorm room with a pale yellow glow. He had to wonder how long Colette had been here.

Yalen’s dragon bits were dumped unceremoniously in the corner of the room while Colette laid Rita out on his bed. Getting manhandled the way she did should have woken her up, but a mega dose of melatonin among other things would ensure that no such thing occurred. She was out until morning; thus, the two ‘siblings’ would have plenty of time to hold a private conversation. After tucking Yalen’s new friend into an oversized quilt, Colette breathed another sigh and rubbed her temples.

”Alright Yalen, who the heck is this?” She questioned while pointing at the bed.

”Her name is Rita.”

”Mmh. And? What’s she doing here in school?”

”I brought her with me after uh…” Yalen licked his lips nervously. ”Saving a refuge from destruction up in Torragon.”

Colette went silent then. The duo stared at each other awkwardly, him waiting for her to reply, her for him to say that this was all a joke.



”Merda! Sei proprio un coglione Yalen! Arghhhhh!” Yalen’s sister started pulling at her hair. She made the sign of the Pentad as well. She made it three times just to be sure.

“Calmatevi mia sorella…”

”Calm down!? You went to Torragon! I can’t believe you’re skipping classes in your first semester! And this kid? You’re adopting children? Are you trying to be like your father now? You’re barely of age yourself!” Yalen winced a bit. She sure had some pipes on her! Colette stormed over to the kitchenette and levitated an opaque bottle off the top of a shelf. It was a sample of wine that had come with the room. Yalen guessed it was a type of champagne but never took an actual sip. His sister poured some into a cup and quaffed it.

”Huff… huff…” Colette wiped her mouth on the back of her hand and braced her hands against the wall. She closed her eyes and took some diaphragmatic breaths.

”Alright. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s you after all. I’m just gonna… try to keep an open mind about this and listen to what you have to say.” The beleaguered swordswoman shuffled over to the dining table and took a seat there. She slapped the top of the table to get Yalen to join her, so he went over and took the chair opposite to hers. As he bent to sit down, the joints on his leg braces made a sound that got Colette’s attention. She reached her foot out under the table and poked at the metal and leather contraptions.

”Those are new. Did the school provide you with them?” She kneeled down and pinched at the various joints of her brother’s leg supports.

”No, I borrowed these while I was in Torragon.” Yalen replied, now feeling a bit out of place because of Colette’s intrusive examination.

”I see.” She got up from under the table and sat back down. ”Gosh, this room feels like an inn. The only evidence that you live here is a drawer full of your clothes and that shrine over there. Do you even touch the money Charles sends you? I thought you’d be staying in the noble quarters.” The two blondes looked towards the side of the room where Yalen had set up a shrine dedicated to Oraff. It was a small one made for portability, crafted with the infamous “axe-breaking birch” and covered in a generous portion of gold plate and orange sapphires. It was likely one of the most expensive things he currently possessed. Despite him being gone for a week there was a freshly lit stick of incense sitting in the receptacle. By now it was clear that Colette had been house sitting.

”But there’s really nothing I need.” Yalen admitted. ”I have all my textbooks and study materials. I eat three meals a day. I have a bed. Is there something else I should be spending money on?”

”How about a new outfit? Are you seriously wearing your vestments in class? You stick out like a sore thumb.”

Yalen self consciously tugged at his collar. ”But I’m comfortable in this… Besides, everyone knows I’m here as a priest, not the son of a nobleman.”

”That’s a fair point, but as long as you’re a Castel I think you should try to look a bit more important. By the gods, at least hire a maid for appearances sake. It would also give you more time to study.” Colette shrugged. Well, it’s not my business anymore. You’re old enough for me to stop nagging you about things like that.” She drummed her fingers on the table thinking about which way to steer the conversation next. ”Before we get to the bottom of your week-long absence, perhaps you would like to know why I’m here.” Yalen nodded in reply.

”This city has become a hot zone. A recent string of assassination attempts has the politicians on edge, and they’re cashing in every favor they have. The monastic orders were bombarded with pleas for reinforcements, so the Century has been dispatched by the Holy See of Verano. 100 elite mages are coming from every corner of Perrence and the surrounding territories. Until further notice, I have been granted a permanent visa in Ersand’Enise.”

Yalen got the gist of what she was referring to. Ever since the ceremony of the five thrones, ill rumors had been spreading amongst the student body. Some were even talking about the ruler of Belzagg going missing. If a head of state was harmed within the safe haven of Ersand’Enise, then even a hundred extra soldiers was too little. However, she called them the Century. While he was not familiar with the title, he assumed that these were top notch mages being dispatched to the academy city.

”I looked for you as soon as I arrived, you know. You had me worried sick! Couldn’t you have left a note or something? The day after you disappeared I interrogated every teacher in the academy. I even kicked down the door of the Zenith herself! That move almost earned me a whipping. Thankfully Ms. Upta was understanding and declined to report me. It didn’t do me much good though. I could tell she knew where you were, but her lips were sealed. I at least knew you were alive, so I spent the last week stalking your dorms waiting until you got back. With that all said”, Colette finished her cup and refilled it again, “How about we talk about your recent adventure?” Her eyes slowly drifted towards the dragon hoard piled up in the corner.

”Okay. Please bear with me, this might take a while to explain.”

Yalen walked his sister through the first night when he received a mysterious summons. He talked about the birds, and the journey through the Forked Tower. When he revealed his chance meeting with the paradigm, Colette raised an eyebrow.

”You met Hugo Hunghorasz? Isn’t that, like, the most powerful wizard in existence? What business would he have with a shrimp like you?”

”I was wondering that myself…” Yalen ignored her commentary regarding his height. ”But I wasn’t the only one there. He needed help, and a lot of it. A refuge in Torragon petitioned the school for assistance and a team of Biros was slated for dispatch. We were headed to a sanctuary full of tethered.”

”A tethered refuge? I’ve heard about those. They’re supposed to be like fancy hostels for sick people right?”

”On the surface maybe, but that place held some dark secrets. More on that later…”

Yalen skimmed through the battle with the halassa and the first encounter with the royal sand wyrm. The mention of the latter caused Colette to squeeze her cup until a crack formed in it.

”A sand wyrm? A beast like that would normally call for a military intervention! Was the paradigm trying to get you all killed?”

”He warned us of the possibility. I knew what might happen to me. Don’t forget, I volunteered to go. It was my decision to make.”

”Ugh. I wish you’d think about yourself a little more.”

”I know I don’t have long to live, but I can’t choose to do nothing when I have the power to help someone. I’d rather die fighting for what’s right.”

”That’s so like you… so are you okay? Hurting those animals must have been difficult for you.”

”You’re right, it did make me sick. They were aberration mad though. Even if I left them alone they no longer had a place in the natural world. It’s regrettable, but I had to do it.”

Yalen described his first meeting with Rita and his first impression of the refuge. He declined to talk about the dreams he had that night and quickly moved the story to the second morning. There was the communal breakfast and the mission briefing, and also his little pool party with the children. He briefly talked about the camel ride to the canyon where the aberration had been spotted. That was where the party discovered the sand wyrm’s consumption of the aberration and encountered a massive flight of froabasses.

”How in the five hells did you make it out alive?” Colette inquired.

”Well the girl named Jocasta…”

The rest of the events were a blur. Yalen told his sister about the death of the warden and everything they learned thereafter. He informed her of the plan concocted by Manuel and Amanda. He revealed the suffering Jocasta was made to endure when she was still living in the refuge, and the program for training tethered children to become assassins.

”That poor kid. And you’re saying she wasn’t the only one?”

”Her story was disturbingly typical, or so I was told.”

”That’s… I don’t even have the words to describe how disgusting that is. I can’t believe it was happening right under our noses. The church must be made aware!”

”I’m not sure how far your words would reach sis. Severa is home to a massive Darhannic population. I also cannot say with certainty that this is a problem endemic to all the refuges in the system.”

”Still… maybe I could convince someone to open an investigation.”

The hundreds of tethered in the refuge had to be trained in preparation for the wyrm’s assault. To further complicate things, Duke Frannemas and his people came to inspect his territory and Hugo was sending more and more students to intercede. With some shrewd negotiations and ample preparation however, the Biros were able to save the refuge from destruction and also gain its independence.

”Pffft. An apprentice teaching magic? The Zenith would have your head.”

”It was for the greater good! Besides, many of them were surprisingly quick to pick up on the Gift. Especially this one called Isabella. I believe some of the tethered are attending the school now.”

Yalen ended his summation of the adventure with the death of the sand wyrm, the mock auction, and the final goodbyes they all shared. He purposefully omitted the battle with the froabass alpha. There would be a time to talk about the disturbing things he’d seen and done at that time. He didn’t have the courage to do it right now.

”When this little one begged to come with me I was just about to step through the portal. She nearly tore my robe off.” He nodded towards Rita, who was snoring quite loudly. Colette leaned back and whistled. The whole story took an hour to finish.

”You’re such a softie, Yalen. I’ve always liked that about you. You may have been a little too impulsive though. How are you going to take care of a kid when you still have a full course of magical studies to complete?”

Yalen scratched his head. She was right, he hadn’t thought that far. ”I honestly don’t know. I figured I would sort it out as I went.”

”Yup. That’s so you. Intelligent as hell, but impulsive. Well, until she gets used to life outside of the refuge I don’t think it’s right to ship her off to Miatto. She can’t stay with you or it will interfere with your studies. Hmm.” Colette started rocking her chair back and forth. ”How about you leave her with me? I’ve got a room to myself in Cathedral Square. If you transfer some of your savings over to me I can use it for her living expenses and hire a nanny. Maybe we can even arrange a tutor to continue her education.”

”That’s- that’s a really good idea. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

”You’re not the only one here with a heart kiddo. I’ve been watching over squirts like you since you were in diapers. One more can’t hurt.” Colette chuckled and gulped down a fourth cup of wine.

This is perfect! Yalen couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He had a ton of new friends, his big sis was in Ersand’Enise, and now he could see Rita any time he wanted. He couldn’t think of a more perfect school life.

”Yaleeeeennnnn.” Colette slurred. Her face was getting red now. The booze was finally starting to reach her head. She fumbled out of her chair and sauntered over to Yalen with her arms stretched out.

”I’ll forgive ya for disappearing from school, but you gotta give your sister a hug!” She wrapped him in a bear hug and dragged him out of his seat. Yalen felt his cheek getting rubbed against her steel armor and tried to push her away, but she was too strong.

”Colette, your breastpl-!”
”So you’re old enough to be interested in my breasts huh? You little perv!”
”Breastplate! Your breastplate! Take it off if you want to hug me you lush!”

Colette switched her grip so she could give Yalen a noogie. He started to kick at her shins in desperation, but she was wearing greaves. In the end he was forced to humor her drunken frenzy until the clock ticked past 4:00 HD. He still had a full day of classes tomorrow. When the knightess finally began settling down, her armor had been scattered around the room and she had Yalen’s head resting in her lap. She was stroking his head like a dog while he stared at the wall in contemplation.

”Do you think I can become strong like you?”

Colette stopped her hand.

”Why do you ask?”
”I can’t save anybody as long as I’m the one who needs saving. I don’t want to be a burden any longer.”

His serious tone seemed to sober her up somewhat. Colette let Yalen out of her lap and stood up to collect her equipment. ”I don’t know if you can be as strong as me, but you definitely have potential if you try hard.”

”I would like you to train me.”
”Pardon?” Colette looked back at Yalen while strapping her gauntlets back on. The look in his eyes was one she hadn’t seen since he begged to come to Ersand’Enise. It was an intensity that she rarely witnessed from him. He looked like a soldier.

”Yalen, I’m not a gym teacher you know. Asking me to train you is a very serious thing. I didn’t build muscles like these by jogging in the park.”

”I’m prepared to puke blood if I have to.”

”...” Colette walked towards Yalen’s study desk and looked at the class schedule he had glued to the wall. She picked up a fountain pen and tapped it against her chin. After a minute of thought she scribbled some words onto the parchment and circled them. ”If this isn’t a joke then let’s do it. But make no mistake, it’s going to be your funeral. We’re going to have to build a regimen on top of your classes using the available free time. I don’t want this to affect your grades so we’ll have to find a way for you to study too…” She circled a few more spots on the schedule. ”I’ll have to schedule my patrols to line up with the times you’re in class. We can do physical conditioning in the morning and evenings and use your free periods for magic combat training. As for study time, I’m sure we can figure it out together.”

Yalen came to look at the training schedule being drafted and crossed his arms. ”Is it okay for me to be doing this every day? Doesn’t the body need to rest after intense training?”

”With the church’s methods, you could push boulders for 24 hours and not even feel it the day after. Trust me, those Rezaindians know their stuff. No more prayers first thing in the morning, you’re waking up early for me now.” Colette patted her little brother on the back. ”Alright”, She went to the bed and scooped Rita into her arms, blanket and all, ”I’ve got to take this one home. I hope she won’t start bawling her eyes out when I tell her she’s staying with me.”

Yalen took off his Dordian necklace and placed it around the tethered child’s neck. ”It’s alright. I’ll visit her every week.”

”Heh, you’re a sweet kid Yalen.”

”I’m just imitating my pushover of a sister.” Yalen smiled and hugged Colette one more time. ”I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Asani 16th

Location: Merchant Dorms -> All over Ersand’Enise
Day of the week: Taldes
Time: 4:?? HI
Characters: Yalen, Colette

”Attention maggot!” Colette shouted. Yalen’s desperately needed rest was interrupted when his new drill sergeant started banging a pair of cooking pans over his head. In his panic to get up he accidentally rolled over and collapsed onto the floor. His sister dropped the pans and picked him up by the arms before sitting him back on his bed.

”Good morning sleepyhead, looks like you slept in! That business in Torragon must have tired you out huh? Come on, up and at ‘em!”

Slept in? Most of the academy will be asleep for another 4 hours… Yalen rubbed his eyes with shaking hands. His heart was beating out of control even though he had been laying still all night. His throat felt unnaturally parched. The symptoms of aberration absorption were beginning to manifest.

Colette rushed about the room trying to speed up Yalen’s morning preparations. She handed him his leg braces and a fresh pair of clothes. She also put a basin of hot water at his feet and passed him a towel so he could wipe himself off. While he groggily got himself prepped for the day, the older woman placed a cup of black tea on the dining table next to a sandwich wrapped in rough parchment paper.

”Here! I brought you breakfast! Hurry and eat!!”

After 20 minutes of hasty preparation Yalen was hustled out the door by Colette, a piece of his sandwich still hanging out of his mouth. First light hadn’t even broken over the horizon yet. The whole street was covered in the dark blue shade of astronomical twilight. Other than the skeleton crew of the night watch there was nobody in sight. A soldier in ornamental looking armor just happened to pass by right as Yalen finished locking his door.

“Good morning Lieutenant D’aureville! You taking a squire on a ride-along?” The person’s head was covered by a full face helmet, but they sounded male. Colette gave the man a friendly wave.

”Oraff keep you Manon! Meet my brother Yalen!” She ruffled Yalen’s hair despite his protests.

“The rumored brother? Good to see you’re okay boyo! I’m glad you’re here because she just wouldn’t shut up about you!”

”Thank you Sir Manon. I wouldn’t tease my sister too much. She’ll take it out on you later.” Yalen gave Colette a sideways glance.

”Hey, I’m not the type to hold a grudge! I’ll just break one bone during our sparring session later!” She sent Manon a wink while gripping the hilt of her bastard sword. Her fellow Century knight shuddered and marched away as quickly as his plate armor would allow. Once he was out of sight, Colette turned to Yalen.

”Okay so before we begin, I want you to drink this.” She opened a small bag attached to her hip and retrieved a vial of clear liquid. This she handed to Yalen, who eyed the tincture a little suspiciously.

”What’s this?” He asked while shaking the glass container.

”It’s an extract the Rezaindians concocted a few years ago in conjunction with the Stresians. I have no idea what it is, but it’s something they use to keep their ranks filled with able bodied recruits. Those Eshiran worshiping zealots have the highest fatality rate in the monastic orders, so they’ve developed some interesting shortcuts to address that.”

Yalen uncorked the vial and sniffed the medicine before downing it in one go. It was one of the worst things he’d ever tasted, and he’d once been fed a sardine pie from Enth. The young monk coughed and thumped his chest. Colette rubbed his back encouragingly and took the empty vial out of his hand.

”Awful stuff ain’t it? I’m not actually allowed to give this to people outside the warrior sects, so keep it a secret.

”It tastes exactly as bad as it smells.”

”Get used to it, since you’ll be sucking it down every week. When you combine that drug with hard training, a year’s worth of body sculpting can be done in only a couple months. Follow me.”

The pair walked until they were at the large fountain built between the merchant and common dormitories. There were a handful of windows faintly illuminated through the curtains by candle light, but the dorms were still mostly asleep and the siblings were the only ones loitering outdoors. If Yalen was caught out here without his chaperone he’d be cleaning floors after school.

Several empty buckets were scattered around the fountain. Colette took two of them and beckoned Yalen over. She filled the buckets with an inch of water each and forced them into his hands.

”Lift your arms up so they’re parallel to the ground.” She commanded. Yalen obliged, hoisting the buckets up so his body formed a T. ”How do you feel? Is it too heavy?”

”Actually, it’s not too bad.”

”Pass them here again.” Colette filled the buckets until they were just under half full and then asked Yalen to lift them again. This time he could only hold them in place for a few seconds before he was forced to let his arms hang to the sides.

”Great. That should be the right amount of weight. You’re going to follow me on patrol while carrying your water buckets. Our route will take us through the merchant’s quarter to the Queensgate, then we’ll circle back around. After that we’ll do some body weight exercises and cool off with light running.”

”How long will my morning training be if I might ask?”

”Um, I also need to perform magical therapy on you afterwards, so two hours I guess? Don’t forget, I’ll also be picking you up tonight. Ideally we’re aiming for four to five hours of physical training per day.”

Yalen clenched his teeth. I’m going to die!

Asani 18th

Location: Oliviere Bakehouse
Day of the week: Orredes
Time: 2:35 HO
Characters: Yalen, Isabella

It has now been three days since their return from Torragon. Yalen was on his way to enjoying his lunch period when he was unexpectedly intercepted by Isabella outside the school gate. The pair of tethered students were now casually strolling side by side, one of them on four and the other on two. According to the pigtailed brunette there was a great bakehouse in the Merchant’s Quarter they could eat at.

”These streets are suuuuuper flat. This is even better than the refuge!” Izzy boasted as she rolled her wheels over the cobblestone.

”Are you sure you don’t want me to push you?” Yalen offered.

”A gentleman are we? Nah I’m good, thanks.” Isabella turned her head to check out a horse carrying a pair of lovers down the road. ”Whoa, check out that lady’s corset. Was that thing made of leather? It must smell sooo bad.” The four eyed fashionista was forced to suddenly angle her wheels to get out of the way of a trio of giggling Biros. ”Man I hate when people take up the whole sidewalk like that.”

”Aren’t we walking next to each other too?” Yalen interjected.

”Yeah, but we’re uh, disabled people aren’t we? Where’s my special treatment!?” She loudly complained.

Is she the type to only garner sympathy when it’s convenient for her? Yalen secretly thought to himself. He jolted in surprise as a bird dropping landed inches away from his foot. He looked up to see a flock of seagulls circling overhead, likely scouting the city for food scraps.

”Hey, there’s the sign for Cutter Street. We turn right here.” Yalen followed Isabella around a corner, and instantly a delicious smell hit them like a wave. There was a sweet, yeasty aroma with a subtle herbaceous undertone. From where the two were they could see a fair amount of townspeople lined up outside a modestly sized building. The front of the bakehouse had a wooden stall erected in front of it with a row of slanted planks overhead for shade. A blonde Parrench girl about Rita’s age was politely manning the stall and taking orders, while someone who looked like her older brother walked up and down the line to keep it organized. People were leaving just as fast as new customers lined up, delicious treats in hand.

”Let’s grab a spot in line!” Isabella spun her wheels madly, leaving a trail of dust behind her. Yalen picked up the pace to catch up with her, narrowly avoiding bumping into a few strangers on the way.

”I’m so glad to be living here. I was getting sick of churros.” Izzy chuckled. ”Hey, do you think they have those sandwich looking things? The ones that look like they got dipped in paint?”


”Yeah! Those! I bet they’re super yummy.”

“Believe me, the macarons my father makes are delicious.” Seemingly out of nowhere, the tethered pair were suddenly addressed by the Parrench gentleman. He spoke to them while continuing to direct people with his hands. “Is this your first time visiting our bakery?”

”Yes.” ”Mhm!”

“Enchanté! Mother loves getting new customers. If you show this to my little sister you’ll get a free fruit tart with your order.” The kind youth handed Yalen and Isabella small blocks of wood with the name “Oliviere” carved into it. He gave them a shallow bow and continued to walk down the line.

”Uh, score!? I’ve never been one to turn down a freebie.” Isabella pumped her fist in the air.

”You can take mine too if you want.” Yalen dropped his share on his friend’s lap. ”I don’t think I could handle two portions.” Truly fruit tarts were one of his favorite things to eat, but the diet Colette had him on required cutting down on the sweets for a while. He’d been eating nothing but bread, meat, and cheese for a few days now.

”Oh, are you sure? Thanks a lot.”

The pair chatted for a few minutes while slowly advancing towards the bakery stall, and the closer they got the more their mouths began to water. It smelled so good that one could almost get full off the scent alone. Every few seconds a stocky looking woman pushed the doors open and handed a basket of goods to the waiting customers.

”How’s your homework coming along?”

”It could be better. I kept poking myself with the sewing needle last night.”

It was now their turn to order. The sandy haired girl gave the students a dimpled smile.

“Good afternoon! What can I get for you?”

”Fougasse for one, miss. Oh, and a spice cake.”

“One Hugo sir!”

Yalen produced a coin purse from the inside of his robes and dropped some coins in the girl’s waiting hands. She fondled the money for a second and then stuffed them into the pocket of her apron. She ran up to the bakehouse’s front door and stuck her head in to holler the order at whoever was working inside, likely her parents.

”I thought you weren’t that hungry.” Isabella said with a raised eyebrow.

”Oh, the cake is for my sister.”

The Parrench girl hopped back up to the stall and looked down at Isabella. “And for you ma’am?”

”Hm? Oh. Six macarons please! I also have these.” Isabella dropped the wood blocks in front of the young lady.

“You must have talked to my brother then. Fair warning, the next time you show up he’ll probably ask you on a date.” She covered her mouth and giggled. “Your face is his type.” Isabella made a face like she was choking in response to the comment, causing the cashier to laugh even louder.

“Yeah, he’s rather shameless. Twelve owls please.”

Once the two paid up they stood off to the side to wait for their purchases. It did not take long though. After about three minutes the big woman kicked open the door and handed the teenagers their food with a toothy smile. When they finally received their items Yalen and Isabella wandered north to the Arboretum. The park was full of other Biros in various states of activity. Some were studying quietly, others were enjoying their own lunch or walking along the river.

”Hey, I think those two are making out.” Isabella pointed at a pair of lovers who had attempted to hide themselves in a thicket of trees, rather unsuccessfully. They were so enamored with each other one might assume they needed each other’s lungs to breathe. The display caused Yalen’s cheeks to heat up.

”L-let’s just sit down.” There was an unclaimed bench nearby where they were able to relax out of the way of others. At least, Yalen was able to. Izzy simply rolled her chair around so she was sitting close by. The pigtailed girl picked a sandwich cookie at random and sank her teeth into it. She slapped her arm rest and squealed.

”Sho goooooooooooooooood!!!” Isabella screamed with a mouth full of pastry. Seeing the delight on her face made Yalen’s mouth water a bit. He had to try this. He unwrapped his food and marveled at the delicious slab of dough on his lap. The loaf was lightly moist with olive oil, dotted with cured black olives and seasoned with some kind of herbs. He could smell a hint of lemon as well. He bit into it without hesitation, and as soon as he did he was struck by a tidal wave of flavor. It was zesty, salty, and herbaceous. The surface was perfectly crisp, while the inside was moist and chewy.

”This is incredible. I’ve never had such delicious fougasse.” Yalen licked some oil off his finger. He and Isabella were so engrossed in their meal that they didn’t speak another word to each other until they were finished eating.

”My waistline is gonna hate me for this later.” Isabella brushed some crumbs off of her skirt. ”Phew. I wonder if I should go back though. I might end up looking like the baker’s wife pretty soon.”

”Hey now, if she heard you say that she’d have every right to hit you with her rolling pin.” Yalen chastised. ”Shall we start heading back?”

They continued to exchange small talk on their way back to the academy. They made some commentary on today’s theology class. Isabella boasted about all the plans she had for her free period later in the day. They talked about the progress of their magical studies - Izzy moped about accidentally making a bowl of water explode yesterday.

”If you don’t mind me asking, how are you feeling?” Yalen asked.

”What do you mean?” Isabella strained her arms to get her wheelchair up the ramp in front of the school gate.

”The…The madness. Has it affected you at all?”

”Well if you want an honest answer, I feel like shit. I’m just trying to power through it. I’ve been ignoring the voice in my head telling me to look for more reality holes to suck on. How about you?”

Yalen shook his head. ”Every morning it feels like I’m dying. If it weren’t for my sister’s help I don’t think I could get out of bed in the morning.”

”That must be nice... Oh, I have to go this way. I guess we’re splitting up here.”

”Yeah. I enjoyed this. We should meet for lunch again sometime.”

”You getting sweet on me Yalen? Careful, your other girlfriends might get jealous.”

”Hey!” Before he could throw something back at her Isabella zipped away, gliding her wheels along the ground using her newfound kinetic clout. Yalen sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. It seemed like every girl he knew enjoyed teasing him. He checked his basket to make sure Colette’s cake was still there and then shuffled off to agriculture class.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interlude II

Ersand'Enise: Common Dorms | Mudville
Co-Post with @Th3King0fChaos

It was well past midnight when Silas crept through the third floor window that was his shared dorm room with Desmond. The latter was dead asleep on the bottom bunk of their still holding creation. Despite their efforts, it was still a trial to walk through the room quietly. Between Silas’ hoarding tendencies, Desmond’s constant workshopping, and their combined disregard for cleaning; it had quickly filled again after the gland was removed. A wide display of items scattered without rhyme or reason. It was a vision of chaos even in the tranquil stillness of night. Desmond’s snoring was the only sign of life as Silas approached.

“Desmond” He hissed in a whisper. While he’d yet to get into trouble for being out past curfew, it was because he was careful.

Desmond turned in his bed as he heard the window open, he was a light sleeper and Silas coming in and out every now and again awoke him, yet Desmond never really called him out. Silas does his own things and Desmond did his. As Silas called his name, Desmond opened his eyes and looked towards Silas and said, ”Hmm?”

“You still selling your egg? I got a buyer but we got to go now.” Already he turned away to pick through the other boy’s belongings in search for the object of discussion.

Desmond began getting up as he slowly rubs his neck and sighs as he stretches and says, ”Yeah I am, let me grab it”.

As Desmond goes to the other side of his desk and grabs a thin metal pin, as he pushes it against the bottom of one of the drawers Silas was told to never touch and slowly he shifts it and a pop can be heard as he opens up one of the drawers where it can be seen a thin wire swaying and dangling in the drawer as he grabs the egg out of the large drawer, ”Alright let’s go”.

As once Desmond closes the drawer it sends a kinetic wave through the desk and allows Silas to see there was a large box inside the drawer filled with something he’s unable to fully see but it seemed like it was like sand and shifting.

Silas hopped between feet, all nerves and excitement. “You got something to cover up?” He considered for a moment. “Better not, actually. We’ll be looking shady enough. You can climb down the window with that?” He nodded at the box, but his senses lingered on the shifted energy in the other drawer. A question for another time, he decided as he opened the window to leave the way he came. Using his own Gift to lighten the other boy's load.

Desmond looked towards Silas as he seemed almost too excited to do this as Desmond answers, ”Yeah I can get down with this”.

As he began to follow Silas, not 100% sure where they were going, however with how Silas is acting, this is most likely a shady deal. As Desmond began to climb down with just one hand he seemed quite capable in doing so.

Silas held a finger to his lips as they crossed the Arboretum, showing the quietest path across rocks through the stream where they were least likely to be stumbled upon. It wasn't until they were well into the merchant quarter that he relaxed enough to speak again.

Desmond walked with confidence, he acted as if he was meant to be there, often Desmond knew he could blend in almost anywhere all you have to do is keep your head down and act as if you belong.

"Sorry about all the rush and secrecy. But they've upped the guard like we've never seen before and it’s got people in a panic." Despite the hour there was still a scattering of people milling throughout the squares, scant few wasting a second glance at the pair. The moon had long past and only the lighting of lamps and arcane magic guided their way. Or at least for Desmond. Even without his false sight Silas knew how to navigate the city, especially this close to home.
“The buyer is in Mudville, not too far in, but still not something Zeno’s need to know about if you know what I mean?”

As once they made it to the Merchant district it seemed Silas was calmed enough for him to start speaking again. Desmond listened intently as they moved, as the information of upped guards and watchmen is quite valuable for many reasons, but mostly in case Desmond ever needing to use it. “Yeah I get what you mean. Hmm, I wonder why they are upping guards”.

Desmond was quite curious and worried on why the guards and watchmen seem to have been upped, it must be something outside their scope at the moment, maybe some more dangerous business is at play in this school than he first thought. Desmond just made sure to be prepared for if something goes wrong or if they get spotted.

Silas couldn’t help but snort. “I’m guessing the assassinations might have had something to do with it.” He shook his head mournfully. “But they’re everywhere now. Sticking their noses in anything the least bit shady, however victimless the crime.”

Only when he noticed Ishto, waiting for them across the bridge to the docks, did Silas stop his hurried pace and finally face his companion. The fat red headed boy tapped his foot impatiently, scowling at the scattering of people walking past.

“Alright. Last chance, any questions? Second thoughts?” He asked, side stepping off the main road.

Desmond sighed when the assassinations were brought up again, it was a subject that annoyed him. Not because he lost people to it, it was because he was asked to go and it was where Desmond saw how the school saw the students, they used their labor and promised less than minimal for it. ”Yeah those would do it”

Yet the conversation changed once they made it to their intended area, there they saw a rotund red haired boy it seemed they neared one of Silas’ boys. Desmond looked to Silas as he spoke and said without much of a thought, ”Nope, none. Just ready to off load this”. He said as he followed making sure to keep watch around, as they could be caught up in some simple thing and then get ‘got’ by the many possible watchmen trying to stick their noses in.

Silas relaxed at his answer and grinned “Great. Should be back in bed by dawn.” He turned on his heel and waved to Ishto as they made their way down the bridge.

“Yes I know we’re late but it takes time to lug these things across the city you know?”

Ishto glared at him, looking much more petulant child rather than underworld trader. The small boy walked up to Desmond, craning to see the top of the box he held. “Really gots a dragon in there?”

Silas pulled him back by the collar harshly. “You the one buying Ish? Didn’t think so.”

The pudgy younger boy folded his arms indignantly and fixed his glare on Desmond. “You ain’t a rat?”

Desmond looked towards the egg shaped child as he seemed to almost question Desmond’s motives and if he would rat them out. Desmond snorted as he said looking down onto the red haired boy, “A rat? I mean I’ve been called a rat bastard. But I ain’t here to rat. Just want to off load my shit and be done with it”

“Give it up. He’s fine, and we’ve already been standing here too long.” Silas pointed his head towards the road, urging the others to follow. “Where we going?”

Ishto took them to a tavern near the south side of Mudville, right before the main road turned north again. Even before they entered they could hear the liveliness inside, drinking, cheering, and singing. Silas found himself practically pushing through the crowd of grown adults that made no notice of at least two obvious children in their establishment. At least Desmond didn’t look terribly out of place.

The groups thinned as they made their way past the bar towards the back room. Inside the second door on the left sat two men. Silas didn’t recognise them, but he wasn’t exactly one for faces.

Both stood as the three walked in. Or at least Silas and Desmond did while Ishto stayed in the doorway, only to make himself scarce before the strangers could speak.

“You’ll understand if we forgo introductions.” Said the first. “Might we see the object?”

Desmond’s walk was one that seemed to modify in the places he was, almost like he was changing as they went through. As they pushed through the tavern, Desmond made it easily through and then made it to the back where they would find 2 men. Desmond took notice of them as they spoke as he nodded about forgoing introductions and took the egg out for them to see. Close enough for them to see the egg, but just far enough away so they wouldn’t be able to just to snatch it.

Desmond was wary however, as this could be some elaborate trap to steal the egg from him, or worst, get Desmond for any other crime or things he had done in the past some people would want to get him for.

The man hummed as he inspected the egg from a respectful distance. “You are rather young to have such an artifact?”

Silas didn’t move from his place behind Desmond but felt his muscles tensing. His paranoia told him a trap was waiting here. Surely Moriff knew they’d come and hatched some plan to get the egg and kill him at the same time. The strange buyers muttered together in a language he didn’t understand or recognize.

“We offer thirteen hundred neskals.” The second that had been silent before finally said.

Silas squeezed Desmond's arm as the older boy stepped forward. “They brought at least twice that with them.” The luggage of the buyers was nearly the size of their own. Despite it’s sturdy make of wood, brass, and leather its contents eventually revealed their general shape to him after a moment of focus.

Desmond listened to the men calmly, with them noting his age and then beginning to mutter to each other. Desmond had no clue before giving the offer of thirteen hundred neskals. As Desmond wasn’t going to allow the first price to go as it was, as he stepped forward and spoke out for the first time, as he began to haggle them up starting at almost double to price. As he was going to shock them to then start working down to the price he actually wanted. As they negotiated Desmond was able to get the men to settle just slightly above even what he was aiming for, 1.6k Neskals wasn’t a bad amount as Desmond settled quite happily with a smile. “Thank you for doing business”

The egg was replaced with an impossibly large bag of coins that weighed the box down enough it took both boys and a hefty implementation of the gift, to lift it again.

“You’re a natural,” Silas smiled when they were alone again. “I’d make you buy me a drink in celebration but, people around here can smell money.”

Desmond chuckled as he said, ”I never said this was my first time did I?” Desmond chuckled once more as he said afterward, ”How about I get you something when we get back to the house?”

"A deal then."

A cough came from the doorway, causing Silas to start. But it was only Ishto, apparently having thought enough to return at the most opportune timing. Silas grumbled and dug into his own pocket to produce a single neskal only to fling it at the boy. There was no way he was going to show the daft boy the box’s new contents.

“Not a word of us you hear!” Even as he called after, the boy had run down the hall and back to the worst of the crowds.

“So, back home?” Silas asked, taking one the box’s sides.

“Yeah, don’t wanna get questioned on why we have this much cash on us. I know these kind of people to get something from us if we wait around”.

As once they got home, Desmond gave Silas 40 Neskals and said, ”Thanks for that. I definitely know who to go for when I need to get things out of my hands”.

Silas nodded in response. His arms were sore from carrying their haul across town, and the lack of sleep was beginning to show signs of wear. “Anytime.” He yawned, clumsily lifting himself to the upper bunk. “Goodnight Des.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Upon returning to the academy life resumed as usual. Just like that it was almost like that awful couple of days were little more than a distant nightmare. While she did not experience the loss and grief others might of felt her failure to protect nearly half of their team did not sit well with her. One was cut in half with an atomic-powered laser, the other kidnapped not once but twice and one more straight up vanished with little more than a note of leave. That last one admittedly was not her fault but it sucked nonetheless.

While the time they had spent with the reptilian humanoids was insightful and yielded perhaps the second most valuable find to be had this venture she couldn't help but wonder how it might of ended were her peers more competent. Was it for better or for worse that one of this remarkable species own researchers was so easily won over with sweet honeyed words and flirtatious behavior? Nonetheless it yielded insight, insight she now carried with her moving forward into a world with a larger scope than what was previously known.

More than that even was when they were dropped into the desert without prompt wherein Ismette invoked a fatal disaster that would have swallowed all of them had she and Jocasta taken any other action. As a result she returns now not only armed with knowledge that Ismette has dabbled in previously unknown magic
but also that some thing was made aware of their world, or perhaps had been aware prior given it took the shape of the god of death itself. They had traveled back in time to undo it's summoning in the first place but did time work the same for something clearly not from this world? Given how powerful it was she wondered still if it was not aware of what they did to thwart it's arrival.

She couldn't help but speculate as she returned to her dorm, mind heavy with many new thoughts to occupy an already laden mind.

She stepped back into the shared dorm of her Zeno group, the hold under Zander Mozaru. It was a humble space, spartan in decor. Aside from a couple art pieces it was largely designed for practical use over aesthetic or even comfort for the most part. She could appreciate the intent behind its design, her own room largely looking like what one would expect from a medical student, especially a binder from this academy.

Once she had placed her belongings back in the chest over in her room she set out to find her Zeno. She had seen uses of free-casting performed back during her mission such as with Ismette. It had proven invaluable and its use could not be argued. Ordinarily, if he was not out performing one of his other duties he could be found around here, hence why she started here on her search for him.

Zander Mozaru was to be found in the inner courtyard of his home, a satchel of nails hanging from his belt and beams of wood whisking about this way and that. While he was physically occupied with hammering one nail into what looked like a new awning, a half-dozen other hammers were in action nailing other beams into place. Somehow, though, there was no hint of sound. When Trypano stepped outside, he did not look her way, but his voice was friendly enough. "Ah, good timing," he began. "Would you mind just holding up the far end of that long beam there? Then, maybe we can speak if you've got any questions."

Trypano gave a simple nod before moving across the inner courtyard over to the beam as requested. It seemed Mozaru, on top of being skilled with kinetics, also had some talent in multitasking apparently. Regardless, she hoisted up the beam he indicated and awaited further command.

Such a think was not forthcoming. Instead, it was an invitation, as a hammer floated over and noiselessly pounded a nail into the wall close to Trypano's fingers. "So," remarked the Zeno, twisting on the ladder to regard her, "How can I help you?"

She was not put off by the pounding of the hammer nearby her fingers as she was confident in both the Zeno's measure of control and her own capacity for pain. Rough times learning to control her drawing had taught her well what pains to heed and which are little more than distractions.

"Recently since my arrival I've seen instances of other casters who eschew components of the spellcasting procedure. I am curious to learn such methods."

He was busy hammering again as she spoke, but he paused for a moment and tilted his head. "You mean like this?" he gestured at his work.

Trypano gave a short affirmative nod. "Much the same."

"Hmm yes," he replied. "We can work on those." One hand dug into the satchel at his belt and plucked out a nail. "Here," he offered, handing it to her. "Now, use this to cast a Kinetic spell." He grinned slightly. "Focus your drawn energy at its tip, like you're used to, first."

With her left hand she received the nail, her suspicion being that she'd be using it as a makeshift wand of sorts. As instructed she aimed the nail at a loose board, drawing from the motion of the air and attempting to move it in however small degree it may.

The nail wobbled and fell. Zeno Mozaru smiled ruefully. "You got ahead of yourself. Pick it up, and then focus like it's a wand. Don't do anything with the magic at first."

Her expression as stoically focused as usual she gave a simple nod, taking note of this correction. This was nothing new, the process of learning under a teacher one she was well accustomed to. Picking up the nail she focused then on the steps of the procedure as laid out, bringing focus to the end of the nail and drawing back again the kinetic energy, holding this energy steady at the focus point of the nail.

"Good," said the Zeno, not wasting any words or motion. "That's a process you know. You've done it a thousand times. Now, use the nail as a focus. Anything can be a focus, right? Raise that hammer from the ground and put it in my hand."

As per his command she then focused the kinetic energy into the hammer. Admittedly kinetic was not her strongest field but giving a small object motion was still basic enough for her to manage. With the tip of the nail directing the energy into the hammer she lifted it slowly. It wobbled unsteadily but maintained a tenuous float as she attempted to move it over to her Zeno's grasp.

"And you were able to do this in one of your weaker schools," remarked the Zeno approvingly, as he took the hammer. "Now, we've established that anything can be a focus. Hold that nail right up to the wood, almost touching. Bring your other pointer up behind it, about an inch away."

With little pause she approached the wood and placed both the nail and her other pointer into position.

"Now the space between the tip of your pointer and that nail is your focus. Build up your kinetic there and push it out in the direction of the nail in one quick burst."

Her brow narrowed with focus, concentrating as she drew in the energy and channeling it into a point removed from the end of her faux-wand. With a mental push she gave the kinetic energy a vector in the direction of the nail. The point pf origin still erred towards the nail itself, a noticeable fault in this her first attempt at the method.

The nail skewed to the side and stuck messily in at an angle, bringing up some splinters and the Zeno pursed his lips slightly. "It's second nature, now, to view the object in your hand as the focus, isn't it?" he tossed her another nail. "Line it up. Try again. If it helps, view the back of the nail as your focus: just behind the back of it. Like an extension of your finger, you're going to use that energy to push it in."

Like an extension of my finger. She considered the advice given. This time the aim was to insert the nail into the board, bridging the point of focus somewhere between her finger and the end of the nail. With deep concentration she slowly and carefully directed the energy, not a surge but a slow, heavy push. With this advice at mind she seemed more successful in keeping the point of focus nearer to her finger. A more tactile approach seemed to suit her.

The nail sunk into the wood virtually - if not completely - straight and stuck fast. "Much better. That approach suits you." Zeno Mozaru smiled. "Of course, there's a great deal more to learn, but you've used both a part of your body and your actual target as foci. That's the essential first step."

"I see." She reflected on the techniques demonstrated as well as the state of her mind and focus while performing them.

Under his instruction she continued her practice until time came for her to attend other obligations. Some progress was made but it would be some time still before she could move away not only from the process of motion and tools but from rooting her magic so close to herself.

There sat the lantern, a veritable artifact of the gods itself, on a humble table in the library. It was a large place, silent and easy to get lost in. It seemed a decent place to converse in relative privacy as many different faces go too and from this place. She was well aware Hugo as well as a select few others were aware that she was in possession of it but the overall administrative body would likely crack down on their unannounced seizure of a country's holy relic for their own use.

She had sent a letter to her good acquaintance Ingrid notifying her of the location of where they'd speak. Desmond being present was optional given how his involvement would still net them minimal potential for this task.

Her fingers steepled, a textbook on organ rejection open to the page she was last one, she eyed her environment whilst scanning for other living souls present in the area. She wanted to remain inconspicuous but the need for some secrecy regarding the topic remained as she waited.

Ingrid had come to the library as Trypano had asked. She took some time to find a book of interest though, One about different oil burn rates and temperature output.

She spent some time finding Trypano as even with a letter to help find her, it was a large library. Maybe after 10 minutes of wandering Ingrid found her. Ingrid gave a smile and a wave as she took a seat next to her. "Afternoon Trypano, what are you reading?"

"Ah, Ingrid. I am currently reading a text on prior records regarding a binder's difficulties with organ rejection in the human body." She set her eyes on Ingrid's approach, calmly sliding a velvety red cloth bookmark into the book and setting it shut.

"I gather Desmond was busy either tinkering with one of his many new weapons or training for the Kinetic class's project no doubt. Regardless, since you're both on the same team for the upcoming trials event his involvement is of only mild concern."

She gestured to the lantern before continuing. "As you're aware our attempts to elicit a functional response out of this item prior was rushed and yielded only modest results. While I do believe that with some research into it's history we could discern it's mechanism what truly interests me is the potential of a secondary use when it is to be paired with it's historical set-piece: The Record Book of Ahn-Shune. Now, as you're aware one of the offered rewards is access to The Forked Tower where said book is currently kept."

She turns her gaze over to the lantern itself. "While confidentiality regarding what occurs in the tower is required there is no doubt that discovering the true functions of the lantern itself should be done for documentation purposes. The church would do nothing aside from keeping this artifact polished anyhow. My proposal is that between the two of us if only one our groups enters the top 5 groups selected in the trials then the one who makes it should accept the invitation to the tower and will thus for that period become the owner of the lantern for that period of time."

She turned her eyes back to Ingrid. "Your thoughts?"

Ingrid listened and honestly thought that was the plan already. So there wasn't much to say, "Sounds fine to me Trypano. Though I don't know the odds of my group winning at the moment but let's hope for the best."

Trypano nodded in response. "Indeed. We'll both try our best and that way it should at least double our odds of putting this mystery to rest." She then offered a hand to shake. "My thanks on your cooperation."

Ingrid remembered another thing right as they were shaking hands. "Oh! I found something on my person when we were in Torragan." Ingrid pulls out the small note that carries a 10 digit code and what looks like a snakey smiley face. "I think she placed it on me. Any thoughts"

Trypano cradled her chin in thought as she considered what Ingrid mentioned. "It could be spatial coordinates or perhaps a coded message. Outside of that I'm unsure of what they pertain to without additional context to help make more sense of it. I did notice a section of those manuals awarded to us were sealed however so perhaps you may want to see if there's correlation in that."

Ingrid just gives a thumbs up before leaving now hearing Trypano's thought's.

With business settled Trypano resumed her study for the remainder of her free time, more thoughts brewing in the back of her mind as she digested this info.

The handy thing about having a lantern as a rare artifact was that it was also circumstantially useful as a light source. Sitting at her desk she poured over notes on the various symptoms that follow when foreign organs are implemented into the body. While not fatal in the short term it was simply not viable as a long term replacement as subjects would then suffer numerous conditions as a result, their health deteriorating over time. Why? She wondered. She knew that should the body accrue a splinter it would, in time, be pushed out from the flesh as it grows back in anew. Were anything that wasn't it's own flesh just a splinter in the eye of sightless meat? Even the very mana they called upon seemed to reject any form but the one that was decided for them.

Just... Why? How does something with no mind of it's own decide what will and will not be?

In the flickering candlelight she studied well into the night, conceding to rest only as exhaustion clawed it's way upon her. So much to do, so little time.

- Directly involved: @Force and Fury,@dragonpiece.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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jdh97 Hopeful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


“This is it? Vieri, you’ve been gone for so long, practically vanished on me, and this is all you have to offer me when you get back? I was expecting better.”

Lord Montaigne, if he really was a Lord, was a potential patron Vieri had been courting, an art collector and enjoyer of fine things. The third one Vieri had visitted today. He was the nicest.

The objects of grievance were set up on easels. Three paintings.

He steepled his hands, brows arching to mirror them, “Is everything alright Vieri?”

“Yes, it’s just-”

“Just what?”

They suppressed a shrug, “I’ve been busy.”

“Busy? Busy? Vieri, you make time for me. Not the other way round. If your classes are too much, you fall behind, if boys and girls are turning your pretty head, disappoint them. It should be simple. And to think I was considering taking you under my patronage.” He shook his head, and left.

“Well fuck you too.”

Lord Montaigne spun on his heels, incredulity spilling across his face like milk. Then he burst out laughing.

“This is why I like you Vieri. You have attitude, fire… passion. Just show it with more nuance than, well, those… things. Maybe I will give you another chance.”

Here it was. Just another way of whoring themselves out. But they needed the money. The other venture had not gone so well.

“Would you like this?”

Fuck. You. “Yes.”

“Perhaps you can prove it when you bring your next offering then, hmm?”

Vieri nodded, if only because they did not trust their tongue.

Four glasses of red down, oils on palette, and one canvas halfway ruined.

The other three paintings were tatters in a corner of their student room, knife glinting in the pile. This one would soon be joining it.

Was this really how they’d deal with it? By making abstract and angry art?

Yes, yes it was. Cheers to that, and on with the fifth glass.

Vieri had been hiding. From a set of people, fellow students, heroes. They would dodge them in the hallways or streets, and get lost down so many corridors of drink that even their own thoughts couldn’t find their way. This is because Vieri was a coward. Vieri had hid then and Vieri was hiding now.

They might not be able to hide much longer. Money was in short supply these days. Gods knew why. They swirled their glass, aromas heady and rich. Rich indeed.

“To Lord Montaigne,” Vieri toasted the empty room, “Fuck you.” A swig. “Fuck me.”

As Vieri lay half off their bed, room spinning faster and faster, brain floating in its own pickled juices, a thought bobbed to the surface.

This had to stop. No more. No more. I will stop this. I will face them. I will.

Tomorrow, came the answer, perhaps mumbled, perhaps thought, perhaps both. Tomorrow, tomorrow, always tomorrow.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RezonanceV
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RezonanceV Signature Element

Member Seen 11 days ago

Evander Fino Synesti

Road to the Queen’s Gate:
I Will Never Forget Who I Am

Time: Morning, Location: Erasand’Enise
Mood: ”The Beginning of a Story” by Sami Vuorensola
Current Event: Introduction to Erasand’Enise & Societies Faire

“My name is Evander Fino Synesti, son of Duke Foscari Synesti, grandson of Pietro Synesti, and the 9th line of descendants from Avince, I hereby swear on my family’s name, we will rise again by my hands and flame.” Evander recited his identity under his breath. Clutching his mother’s necklace, the gold band on his finger slid against the dragon pendant and began to increase in heat, revealing his family’s motto within the band’s integrity, words Evander repeated with his head bowed forward and eyes closed, “Cor flamma dolor exurit gladii, I will never forget who I am.”

The carriage bounced up slightly, raising Evander off his seat, breaking concentration. He looked outside his carriage window and what was revealed struck him at his core. The sight of Ersand’Enise lay off in the distance from the hillside trail they traveled on. Evander had eight of his father’s men protecting his arrival, one called out to the young prince, “We will be arriving to Ersand’Enise just before sun fall!” Evander could feel a rise of emotion in his gut, am I nervous?, he thought.No, I am excited…I will make you proud Celestina, Mamma, and Papa.

Evander continued to reflect on his mission and why he was sent to Ersand’Enise. In his rumination, time flew like a pigeon lifting off the edge of a building, swiftly. The high gates and walls covered any view of Ersand’Enise’s life and architecture. All that Evander could rely on was the stories his tutor told him before having been sent off. He was excited to see the statues of heroes, monuments of gods, and colorful sights of trees painting the city streets.

“We’re here!” One of Evander’s guards called out as he reigned in the horses to stop them from pulling the carriage further. The lead guard, Monte De l'Oeuvre, a Perrench-born mercenary, and skilled Arcanist, stepped forward to greet the Captain of the gates. The two spoke in Perrench to each other, and the gates slowly opened to the treasures of Ersand’Enise.

Evander’s carriage began again, the horse's hooves beginning to click on the stone streets paved with history and craftsmanship. There they were, statues, minarets, spires, homes, domes, large structures worshiping Pentad, and colorful trees all perfectly tucked together within the walls of Erasand’Enise to provide any tourist and resident a consistent experience of inspiration,breath-taking, was all Evander could think. The carriage stopped in front of a building with symbols etched into it’s street-facing stones forming a word, Registrar.

Monte De l’Oeuvre opened the carriage door greeting Evander, “Your grace, welcome to your new home.” Evander emerged from out of the carriage, his white golden hair falling over his shoulders; he drew his cape over one side and planted his feet on the ground of Erasand’Enise for the first time,“Where are we?” Monte De l’Oeuvre responded, “We are at the office where you will receive your next assignment; you will be on your own from here. Is there anything else we can assist you with before our leave?” Evander shook his head and waved his hand,“No, that will be all.”

His escorts turned around and began their march back to their Duke’s land while Evander took steps forward into the Registrar’s office of the Academy.

The lobby was ornamented with callbacks to all the Zeniths of the Academy’s history, etched in stone, for however long the walls would end up standing. Evander felt as if he found what he was looking for, a place to test his power and Gift, where he could sharpen his skills against the skillful and talented. This was his proving ground, and he would savor every portion he bit out of it. His right cheek raised as his lips curled to reveal his back teeth to his fang, every last bite.

He walked up to the desk where he was greeted by a gentle face, “Welcome to the Academy of Thaumaturgy; you must be the Marquess Synesti, Evander.” Evander nodded,well done lady. He leaned in to meet her eyes, “Yes, I am, and who might you be, a baroness?” Evander asked with a smile on his face. The woman behind the desk, flattered, but aware he was not serious in his question, answered, “Oh, you are too much. I am the Registrar. Here is what you’ll need to get started, class assignment, dormitory, school calendar, club information, your assigned Arch-Zeno, and Zeno; you will be staying in the Noble Dorms, they are North of here, but first, you’ll want to check in with your Arch-Zeno.” Evander watched her slide over parchments that covered everything she noted in brief. He slid his hand over the top of the small pile and pulled it toward him, “Thank you.” He turned around to exit, and she called out as he was about to step outside, “Good luck!”

Evander waved his hand to acknowledge her call, but he never looked back. He walked down steps back to the street where he paused, inhaling; he scanned and captured this moment in his new environment. There were a few tasks he had hanging on clouds floating around in his mind, but first, there was the task of meeting his Arch-Zeno. Lifting one of the papers marked “Apprentice Group”, he found the name under Arch-Zeno, Ardredelle Latvar.

First stop is…Arch-Zeno Ardredelle Latvar.

Where to begin was Evander’s next question, which direction should I take? Before he could decide, the woman from earlier interrupted his thoughts and answered, “Head to that building over there; it’s the school for chemical magic. She will be in the Arch-Zeno office on the first floor.”

A witch! Evander thought humorously, “Was I that obvious?” He said to her. All she did was smile and point until Evander turned to meet Ardredelle Latvar. The building was easy enough to follow, rarely breaking Evander’s line of sight as he walked along the Academy streets. Arriving at the doors, Evander opened both to walk inside. The halls were filled with an interesting stench on which he could not quite place his nostril. Chemicals were like that from time to time.Great, this was where my Arch-Zeno is supposed to be inhabiting? Evander continued down the corridors following signs to the Arch-Zeno’s office; he passed students and teachers without giving them much thought or attention. He focused on finding the one person he needed, Adredelle Latvar.

Evander arrived at the office door; standing outside, he took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Inside was a woman sitting behind her desk, pushing papers and moving them all over the surface. It appeared as if she could not focus on any one particular document. Instead, they all had her attention for minutes on end. Adredelle had sensed Evander enter the room, but she did not acknowledge him, not because she was rude, but because she was thinking about many other things that seemed to her a tad more important. Standing only feet inside the entrance, Evander waited, and waited, until he decided to interrupt, “Excuse me, madam, are you the Arch-Zeno, Adredelle Latvar?”

Adredelle stopped, looked up at Evander, and responded, “Pardon me, yes I am, and you?” Evander was a little annoyed at the fact she did not recognize him as a new student and HER new student to boot, “Evander Fino Synesti.” He answered sternly. Adredelle remained polite but could sense his attitude, “Nice to meet you, Evander. Welcome to Ersand’Enise and the Academy of Thaumaturgy; my name is Adredelle Latvar, and I will be your Arch-Zeno for this school year, do you have any questions for me?”

Evander nodded, “When do I start?” Adredelle replied matter-of-factly, “You begin tomorrow, first you will head to your dormitory, get settled in, review your course schedule, eat dinner, and tomorrow you will head to your first class.”

Evander noted his next step was to find his dormitory, “Ok, where is my-” Adredelle finished, “Dormitory? Check your paper.” Evander’s blood boiled a little; he was not used to someone interrupting him. Who does she think she is? Evander paused his thought, an Arch-Zeno I suppose. He pulled out his paper, “Noble dormitory, A10?” Adredelle answered respectively, “It will be the first row of dorms; you’ll see the marking once you get there, now no need to meander around here anymore, go enjoy your evening.” Evander felt as if he was being shooed away; a second time, his blood boiled in front of this character he was to identify as his Arch-Zeno. Biting his tongue, gripping his fists, he decided to say nothing…for now, “I will be off then, thank you.” Evander replied begrudgingly. Turning around, he exited her office and headed to his dorm.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by jasbraq
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jasbraq The Youngest Elder

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dorothea Hohnstein
von Albesatz-Danzau

Interactions with: Ingrid:@dragonpiece Ayla:@Ti

Ingrid has been overwhelmed with student life and has neglected parts of her social life but there was a part that she couldn’t ignore. Dorothea has been odd recently and it has been slightly worrying. Ingrid and Dorothea are part of Luna’s zeno group so she has been able to see every now and then that Dorothea has been off.

After getting Dorothea to agree to meeting at her dorm, Ingrid gets ready to go over. She put on some light makeup, and dressed lightly with some sleepwear in her bag in case it turns into a sleepover. In a small basket, she takes some pastries and some fine wine, and a strong spirit. At the bottom of her bag, there is some of Luna’s weed and some Eskandish psychedelics if she wished to partake. Ingrid let her servants know that she might be gone for the night but will check in with them by lunch tomorrow.

Ingrid left her dorm and headed over to Dorothea’s dorm and gave a knock.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Dorothea yelled out as someone knocked on her door. To think someone wished to laugh at her failure in person now too.

Coming down the corridor is Ayla, coming a little delayed as she waves over to Ingrid, “Ingrid! It is good to see you. Are we meeting your friend here?”. She looks towards the door as she hears the distressed shouting coming from inside. “She sounds really upset”, allowing Ingrid to take the lead.

Ingrid waved to Ayla as she came down the hall, “You are looking wonderful tonight, and it does seem she is upset. Dorothea are you alright? Ayla and I are here for an evening visit that we planned.” Ingrid was wondering what would make her answer the door herself instead of her servants. “Are we still good for tonight?” Ingrid waited for Dorothea’s response.

The two could hear some rumbling from inside of the room and before long the door was opened. “We’re still good for tonight, hope you don’t mind the mess.” Not only was the room a mess, so was the Feskan that let the two of them in. “Make yourself at home… Sorry for all of this.”

Ayla smiles as she takes Ingrid’s hand, squeezing upon it warmly, “Good to see you too, let’s give her a warm hello.”. As Dory opens the door, opening her arms wide, “The greatest gift is friendship, and it is time for you to receive it!”. She moves to give Dory a hug, to wrap her within those arms of hers.

Ingrid waited until Ayla was done hugging Dory to enter her room. Looking around, Ingrid could see how dirty the room was. Not good, Ingrid thought, “Thank you for having us tonight! I brought some fun things for tonight.” Ingrid cleans a table and starts taking out the goods she brought for tonight.

The Feskan’s eyes opened wide as the stranger hugged her all of the sudden, making her show a slight smile for a short while.. “I’m really sorry for the mess…” Dory sat back on the bed as she looked at Ingrid cleaning the table. “What did you bring this time? Some alcohol again?” The Feskan looked from afar as she tried to peek inside the basket.

Ayla shows herself inside as Ingrid is sorting the drinks out with Dory. She moves the clothing into neat piles to the side making enough room for them all to sit comfortably upon the bed and various chairs in the room. She moves around opening up the curtains to brighten up the room, and using incense sticks to make a more pleasant aroma. The place is now acceptable at least. Moves to try to find the glasses and plates for the picnic Ingrid for. “Are the glasses through here?”.

Ingrid pointed to where the glasses were kept. “I brought quite a few extra things today.” Ingrid started to show the items one by one, ”This is a Torrogan wine that was given to me by a random boy.” She sat it on the table along with a cork popper, before continuing to a fine looking spirit, “This is an Eskandish spirit, it is typically drunk warm and well spiced so I brought some things for that. I thought about mixing some Feskan things in to see what it is like.” She set that aside for now as she has to prepare that before revealing some pastries, “I made these so take them as you will.” The pastries didn’t look great but Ingrid continued, “I have some other things as well that my people use recreationally along with some of Luna’s herbs.” Ingrid wouldn’t bring those out unless people wanted some first. Ingrid changes attention to Dory, “Soooo, how are you as of late girl?”

Dory grabbed one of the smaller pastries and ate them with no issue, did she like it or was she just trying to be nice?. "Could be better. Nothing has really been going well for me lately." The Feskan's expression worsened for a second before turning back to a fake smile. "How about you two? How did your missions go?"

Ayla looks at all the various gifts Ingrid are re-using tactfully, it appears she had many admirers during her suitors event. Realizing in hindsight with some embarrassment, she was kind of enrolling herself to be Ingrid’s suitor and even got an apple of approval. At least she made a good impression despite the circumstances. She reached for the Torragonese wine, looking at the bottle of Gran Reservas Rioja, whoever this was, they were pulling out the big guns. She popped the cork and poured a small amount for each to enjoy in the glasses. She does ponder on how to reply to Dory’s question, especially with how so much happened in such a short time, she attempts. “Well went. Freed a refuge from a tyrant, made a lot of great new friends, and slayed some dragons. Returned with a lot of spoils. How about both of you?”

Ingrid was slightly disappointed that Dory didn’t share her stories from her mission, maybe it was too traumatic to share. Well, whatever. Ingrid believed if she shared some of the bad moments of her mission maybe it would help Dory. Ingrid took a long sip of the wine that Ayla had poured for everyone, “Pretty good wine. Fruitier than I thought.” Ingrid swished the little bit of wine left in her glass, she kept her head down as she started to tell her mission. “Our mission was to rescue the princess of Segonia and to kill the captain of the Maria Nera…” Ingrid swallowed the rest of the wine. “We succeeded but it cost us someone,” Ingrid poured another glass of wine and swallowed almost the entire thing before looking back at them.

Dory’s expression only worsened after hearing these big events that happened when she was screwing things up, taking a sip from the glass. “We were supposed to stop a potential riot.. And grab an artifact… I thought I could control the riot… but before I knew it, the ship was sinking and people were dying..” Her eyes focused on the wine still left in the glass. “People died for my incompetence. I should have been better, I could’ve done it better…”

Ayla tilts her head to the side as she listens to Dory’s story. She is fighting the overwhelming urge of just butting in, but has to mentally sit upon her hands to allow Dory tell her story. “It sounds like you went through a very difficult experience, those emotions such as shame can be very strong.”, she disagrees with why Dory should feel this way, but how to communicate this in a way which is not invalidating to how she feels... “The Tourrare have a saying, to translate into Avincian, it means ‘There is no I in team’. Things go wrong due to many reasons, not one. It is a chain of mistakes done by many.” She smacks her lips as phrases the next part in her mind, “You seem like a very sweet person who takes on the responsibility of the world on your shoulders, and you do this because you care, but…”, she wiggles a little, growing anxious herself, unable to resist the urge to say her mind, “You were not the only one. You were with a team. There were many people making mistakes long before you went there. You tried your best, but you cannot use a bucket alone to try to save a sinking ship. It wasn’t because you were not doing it hard or fast enough.”

Ingrid sharing her own misfortunes seemed to get Dory to share her own grief. Ingrid understood Dory very intimately, blaming yourself individually when the actions were of a group. Ingrid still struggles with that today trying to process the mission. Watching Ayla so quickly try to comfort and dissuade Dory from that damaging thought pattern had Ingrid smiling a little. Ingrid rested a hand on Dory’s shoulder, “Ayla is right. You were sent there with a team because it required a team. You can’t hold yourself wholly responsible.” Ingrid wasn’t very good at dealing with this. But she wanted to be there. Part of being a better person is being someone that people can rely on.

Dorothea bit her lip from annoyance of these supporting words. Did they really get it? She let them to their deaths.. her team had nothing to do with her actions. "I WAS wholly responsible!... I was the reason the mission almost failed.. I was the only one that failed their part of the mission…" the glass in Dory's hand began to shake. "Understand that I was the one that made the decision that cost my own countrymen their lives… If I wasn't cocky… If I wasn't there… it would've been fine!"

Ayla realized her urge to try to correct Dory’s thinking is the wrong one, she could see instead of trying to make things better, it only made her more frustrated. It is easy to think we can fix things, fix how people feel. Encourage them to look at the silver lining, point out how others have it worse. All that a good friend needs is someone to listen to them, make them feel heard and understood. She got the wine bottle as she gave a more than generous top up to all the glasses, as she brought them all the bed, so they can sit in comfort and perhaps have more than a glass than they should. “You are right Dory, my attempt to solve it meant that you were not truly listened to and felt understood. Going to share a game Maura used to do with me when things were going bad. First, there is far too little wine.”.

She takes a big gulp of the wine to get things started, encouraging the other two to do likewise. “It is time for the Sob Pillow. Whoever has the pillow shares something they messed up on, or just wants to get off their chest. We take a big drink, then we pass the pillow on. We let it all out, get very drunk and pass out. We feel terrible in the morning like a rinsed out old sponge, then we get a servant to get us some sweets and fill ourselves with good things to replace the bad.” She takes one of Dory’s bedtime pillows and passes it to her to hold. “Finish letting it out, then pass it on”.

Dorothea looked rather confused about the concept of a ‘Sob Pillow’. What purpose would a game like this have past the point of getting gossip out of others? Well, not like participating would hurt that badly with just these two. The Feskan would grab the pillow and hold it rather awkwardly. “Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt too much if you two know this, but..” Dory clenched said pillow, letting out a rather heavy sigh. “I don’t remember everything perfectly anymore as it happened so fast… I was supposed to talk the people out of rioting while having two people with me if things turned south… I succeeded! … Somewhat.. The people were starting to point their anger towards a point that would reduce harm to others… Then one man started berating me with questions…”

Her face grew darker as she took a small break from continuing. “He made an Aberration appear…. I wanted to have the others help keep me in check… But I had such a rush from it all that I could not dissuade them from consuming the Aberration… And to not be branded a traitor to them, I had to consume it with them… then it went dark for a while…” Her teeth gnashed as she thought about the others. “Where were they when I needed them?... I was never supposed to be alone…”

Ingrid had never heard of a ‘Sob Pillow’ but it seemed worth trying. Ingrid did worry about Dory becoming drunk as she was quite a lively drunk and Ingrid had no idea how that would mix with her current mindset. But it was worth a shot as Dory did share. Maybe it was the 3 glasses of wine but what Dory said angered Ingrid. Not at her actions but at her teammates for leaving her. It seems they may have had an understanding not to leave each other and she was left.

Ingrid just gave a hug to Dory to try to show her support for her. Ingrid didn’t know what to say, what would help Dory the most. But Ayla said that listening would be more effective than trying to solve things. Ingrid was more following along for what Ayla would do. Ingrid would want to say then fuck the people who left you. They left you in a situation where you were trapped. That is not your fault. But Dory hasn’t passed the pillow so maybe there was more she wanted to say then they could speak about it.

The Feskan was quite surprised from the sudden hug before squeezing out the pillow between the embrace, handing it to Ayla next.

Ayla claps her hands together, thanking Dory for her contribution as she takes a gulp of the wine, “A drink for gili team mates!” Now with the pillow in hand, she opens up with her own. “On the topic of unreliable, what kind of person leaves their best friend behind without saying a word? Seven weeks, and not even sent a letter.” She takes another drink of the wine, topping it up. “My father put me on house arrest, made me unable to see her, but there has been no attempt since then. Too busy being mopey and blaming my parents to even think about her. No excuse for my actions. She probably thinks that she has been abandoned.” She looks towards the other two as she now wallows in her own self-pity. “Probably best to kick me out before you two are abandoned as well.” She passes the pillow over to Ingrid, as she prepares for another gulp in unison with them.

It seems everyone has their own problems, Ingrid chugged the drink. The wine was starting to hit the Eskandish woman. Torragonese wine wasn’t as weak as she was told. Ingrid held the pillow under one arm and kept an arm over Dory, slowly leaning on her as the alcohol started taking hold of her body. Ingrid shifted her head from one side to the other, trying to think of what she wanted to say, “Ah! During my mission, I got scammed, burned, stabbed, and had cannons shot at me. Benny had threatened me and somehow we are on okay terms now and I even fucking kissed him.” Ingrid didn’t seem too particularly bothered by some of these things like she didn’t want to say the worst of the mission. “We arrived in the desert on a fucking hill dug underground. Had that bitch, I mean Trypano, fucking try to show me up in tunneling. Yeah, I know I wasn’t going the right way but I was trying to curve to the hill to not just pop out to the damn army. It was embarrassing.” Ingrid seemed like she had a lot of smaller things she could complain about. “When we got back I had to prepare for the speed dating thing. Do you know how many people tried to kiss me?! I love kissing as much as the next girl but Fuck off. Ah but I also made friends as well.” Ingrid gave Ayla a hug as well. Ingrid passed the pillow back to Dory, “Dory I still like you if that means anything. I got your back.”

Dory’s ears perk up upon hearing Ingrid’s story, taking another sip before poking the Eskandish woman. “Oh? Does a certain person like Benny?” Even if that wasn’t the case the Feskan couldn’t help but tease the other with it, it certainly helped with her current state at least. “Bah!... Even speed dating now? Seems like you’re really getting out there now, huh?” Dorothea once again took the glass and chugged whatever was left. “Ayla, is there still some more wine?.. Wait, speaking of love lives… How is yours going?”

Ayla is probably a little left out with the love conversation with how none existent that was, but she has certainly heard rumors about the other girls. She fishes out another bottle that Ingrid brought, this time, it seemed to be some kind of Eskander spirit. “Looks out Ingrid brought us the good stuff.”, she giggles as she pours the spirit into the glasses. “My love life is rather absent, minus the token betrothals of those trying to get on my family's good side. Classed as the ugly duckling out of my sisters.” she mulls over the drink, sniffing it, though waiting for Ingrid to expand more upon that. “Not trying to fish for compliments, one even looks like a younger version of Zeno Afraval”, she laughs as she cups to her chest for emphasis, giggling, though becoming acutely aware of her smaller size compared to Dory and Ingrid, and the awkwardness of her comments.

Ayla changing subject, “Dory, heard a rumor that you are in a relationship with Marci’s brother. So you may be seeing your new sister soon.”, she beams a bright smile towards her. “ As for you, Ingrid, there is a rumor about a childhood sweetheart coming on the scene.”. She giggles as she moves to taste the drink, trying to turn to hide her face quickly and cough as it feels like it was peeling the skin from her tongue. That is a strong spirit.

It seems revealing Ingrid’s recent adventures in romance had caught Dory’s attention. “Oh Benny? Like is a strong word. He is strong and interesting. He has a surprisingly gentler and charming side. I don’t know if I could date him because I am still trying to understand him. My mission made me realize how small my world was and how much I need to still grow.” Ingrid, being emboldened by the wine, looked proud of what she said. Proud that she could openly admit she still had much to learn. But a sly smile did creep onto her face and she said, “But, I wouldn’t mind a more physical relationship with Benny, his strength and bravado are kind of hot.” Ingrid went red and couldn’t believe she just said that openly.

Ingrid heard from Ayla that she got no romance to speak of, Ingrid joked “Not even fake romances your family teaches you to say?” Then Ingrid saw poor Ayla try to drink the spirit straight, “Oh not like that Ayla, let me prepare it.” Ingrid grabbed the spirit and made her way to the kitchen to grab some things. As Ingrid was leaving she said, “When I get back in a minute or 5, I will talk about Shven.” Ingrid went to raid Dory’s kitchen for supplies.

Dory looked as Ingrid left for the kitchen, being unable to hold her own laughter in. To think she could just say something like that out loud. She might have to learn from her example. After a while of silence the Feskan realized the thing Ayla said, making her face somewhat red. “Where did you hear that? Manny did not want to show it off too much so I have tried my best not to show anything on the school grounds!” Dorothea forgot how scary gossip could be among girls. “I haven’t met Marciline yet but Manny did say that I will meet her soon enough….” She leaned in towards the other girl’s ear, a bit tipsy. “Can you tell me what she’s like? I’ve been worried sick.. What if she doesn’t approve of me?... What if she thinks I would not be worth it for their family?...”

As soon as she realized she was folding back into her state of thinking. She quickly snapped back, faking a smile. “Well, that’s not important! Tell me about the kind of person that is your type, Ayla!”

Ayla giggled a little as Dory wanted the inside scoop. “We found her in the refuge. Very sweet though likes to pretend to act mature for her age. If you are a genuinely nice person, she would easily approve of you!” She nods as she takes Dory’s hand and squeezes upon it, “Manfred is in my class, only had small exchanges with him within the group. He seems to keep his feelings close to the chest, and seems to deflect a lot with his humor. It is nice to hear he has found someone to be open and intimate with, dropping his guard around.”

She pauses for a moment as she considers the next question, leaning back upon the bed. “Honesty? Unsure. Not saying as a cop out answer, but…”, she pauses as she considers her next words. “You know when you see a flower, it is pretty, right? Can tell what is good looking, but… it feels like something is missing compared to other people. When thinking of others, just think about my friends, about wanting them close to me, give them a great big hug. Simply enjoy their company. Last week or so, Jocasta, Kaspar, Yalen, Zarina… even got excited about the new girl in my class with the pretty dress. Most likely feel the same when you two are not here either.” She snickers as she pulls herself up to give Dory a hug, and probably gives Ingrid one too when she returns. “We didn't answer your question.”, laughing out louder in a drunken manner.

Ingrid had plundered the Feskan kitchen for spices and sugar or in this case spratz! Ingrid grabbed some mixing cups and headed into the room, “Like my ancestors before me, I have plundered your homes for your goods. Now let me make you a treat.” Ingrid mixes some warming spices into the spirit and adds some juice and whatever other liquids that sounded nice in Dory’s kitchen. Finally, she drew some of the ambient heat outside of the building to heat up the liquid to where it steamed. Ingrid poured each girl some of the spiced drink, “And done. A Feskan twist to a beloved drink of my homeland.” Ingrid took a seat next to Ayla this time as she wanted a hug. Ingrid accepted the hug and returned a squeeze.

A moment of silence as they tried the drink, “I like it. The spratz is nice. Oh right Shven! Me and him were neighboring nobles. His land is considered worst than my own family’s but honestly only by a few degrees. I was surprised to see him considering the bad harvests that have been happening. But he’s sweet. He is essentially a big nerd like myself. He really loves dragons. And it’s nice having someone you know here. I’m going to be tutoring him in some of the basics of Atomic since he didn’t decide earlier on. Oh and since he is dragon obsessed, I asked him to help raise an egg I came into ownership of.”Ingrid seemed to speak of him only in positive terms.

Dory smelled the spiced drink and could immediately smell the prize of the spices. “Ingrid… What did you put in this and how much of it?...” Her expression was showing quite a bit of annoyance. To try and keep it to herself she did what any respectable Feskan noble would do and drink it away, downing the specially made drink in one go. It was visible that the drink kicked back against Dory for drinking so quickly. “Ah… That hit the spot… I should hire you to make these for me often.” A couple hiccups came from the Feskan as the alcohol really started to make its mark on her behavior.

“Wait, so… about Scheven or Sven… uuuh… that lover… I mean friend of yours…. Are you interested in him?” Dory crawled over towards Ingrid and began leaning on her shoulder, really eager to know the answer.

Ayla smiles widely, as she mirrors Dory, teasingly cuddling up and leaning upon her other shoulder. “Tell us. Is he the one?”. She makes herself very comfortable against that shoulder as she wraps herself in. If Ingrid is not careful, probably end up having a drunken sleeping lion cub attached to her. “Dory wants to know in case it all goes wrong with Manfred”, she snorts out a laugh as she opens her eyes to peek towards Dory to see her reaction. “So, Sven in the streets, and Benny between the sheets?”

It seems Ingrid has gotten 2 very gossip hungry and very drunk noble girls on both sides of her. And they want to know the same thing. Which one are you going with? Ingrid answered somewhat quickly, “Sadly I don’t believe any of them I could marry or let alone do anything official. Benny is a commoner and from what I know not that rich. Sven is a noble, and our families have some history but they are poor and my grandfather sees me as a big ticket with my RAS. So I have a new plan! Either I can become so rich and Independent I can tell my grandfather to fuck off, or I can take over my Family and choose for myself who I marry!” The alcohol has made each of these plans seem totally plausible. She is still trying to avoid saying who she was going to go for. Honestly, Sven is just a friend at the moment and Benny is just a good time and someone interesting. Ingrid hoped that her statement would throw them off the questioning of what she wants.

Dory pouted at Ayla upon hearing what she said. “Well, if it did go wrong with him I guess it leaves me no choice!” She clung her arms around Ingrid, drunkily spouting nonsense. “... Then I’ll just have to marry Ingrid over here!” Seems like she might have drank a bit too much, although not enough for her mind it seems as she grabbed Ingrid’s glass and took a sip. “And if I do become Feska’s leader I’ll marry you too, Ayla! Traditionalists be damned!” Her mind was very much in a jokey mood. “Not like my family has any other candidates to become the head by the time my father croaks.” Another sip from the other’s glass was needed. “Well, the other two are never going to be accepted. My cousin will never stand strong… because he can’t… And little Floris is just way too sweet to ever rule properly…”

Ayla giggles as Dory makes her advances upon Ingrid, “If you two get together, will you grant me the position of chief bridesmaid?”. She breaks away to lean across the bed to try one of reportedly better tasting Ingrid spratz cocktails. The rich spirit pours in, the taste is dramatically changed as she feels the addictive sweet taste cling to her taste buds. “This is not sugar”, she suckles upon her own tongue to savor the taste. She moves to top up the glass some more to taste it, “Never tasted anything as sweet as this before where does it come from?”. Trying to return to the conversation, though blushing as Dory proposes to her as well. “Is this the point where we declare what happens in sleepover stays in sleepover?”, she grins as she ruffles Dory’s hair as she is cheering up. “Glad your mood is picking up!”.

Ingrid has realized that Dory is really drunk. The phase of being drunk means that some bad decisions can occur. Normally, Ingrid would only see this every now and then and she would have kept her wits together and not drink as much but Ingrid has drunk the most out of everyone. Ingrid looks at Dory and “If you do break up, I promise I’ll take you, you’re quite the catch after all. Beautiful, fun… ambitious” Ingrid was getting closer and closer before the responsible side pulled her up from a terrible choice. “I’m ducking shitface.” At this point, Ingrid is like fully cuddling Dory slowly giving her sips of wine. “I’m sure you will rule fine, Dory. And Ayla” Ingrid looked at her, “I mean we can turn this into something that stays here if you're interested.” She leaned in a little and it was hard to tell if Ingrid was serious or not, “I am a little greedy after all.”

“Then it’s settled! If it fails with Manny!...” Dory looked Ingrid in the eyes, is it just the alcohol making her say this or is there something more. “I’ll make you a Hohnstein!...” She looked towards Ayla and smirked rather smugly. “Well, that’s my family’s own Spratzpepper! It’s the best thing you’ll ever taste!” The Feskan proclaimed proudly. “Spratz is the reason we have the best pastries in the world!” On that note, Dory tried her best to stand up. After wobbling a bit, Dory walked towards the kitchen and came back with a small container. She opened the container, revealing small sugared cookies. “You two want to try? I baked them yesterday so they should be plenty fresh!”

Ayla happily put her hand into the container to pull out the small sugared cookies. “Are these Feskan Stroopwafel?” She bites into them, feeling it break into her mouth as the gooey insides ooze out. She lifts it up with praise, having a newfound love of this Spratzpepper. “Heard about Spratz but never imagined it would taste so good. Here Ingrid, put your lips to this.” She takes another two out as she paces one in each of the girls mouths so they can enjoy the taste. “Spratz makes everything taste good.” She looks over to answer the previous questions. “It is good not to share ‘Sod Pillow’ stories or drunk ramblings, which only leads to embarrassment and awkwardness. So we keep it between friends and enjoy having a good time together.”

Ayla didn’t even acknowledge the flirt. Well, alright. No fun kissing for me tonight. Ingrid listened to Ayla, “Yeah, it would be for the best to not bring up the pillow talk.” As quickly as those wants came they left. The Fesken Stroopwafel was so much better than Ingrid thought it would be, “Dory how are you such a good baker? Do you think you can teach me sometime?” Ingrid had nothing to do besides eating and chilling. Honestly, Ingrid wants to bring out the weed but thinks that the alcohol should start knocking all of us out soon. Ayla appeared to be one calm moment away from clonking out and Dory. Well, Dory was a random card if this would be the end or the beginning of a long night.

“My mom forced me to be taught all kinds of skills that would make for a good suitor….” She took a bite from the Stroopwafel, happily smiling at her successful pastry. “But baking is the only thing I enjoyed, so I tried my best to be able to do at least that.” She looked towards Ingrid, confused at her question. “I never thought you wanted to learn how to bake, but if you want I can easily teach you!”

Ayla smiles as she leans against Dory, “Dory would make for a good housewife, feeding us all the baked yums filled with love and spratz.”, she brings Ingrid close to peck them both upon the cheek. “There you go. Really enjoyed spending time with my friends, this has been fun!”. She gives them both a big Ayla hug.

Ingrid is thinking that these are pretty nice. They are very sweet and they go with drinks very well. And the filling could be filled with honey. Hmm. I should talk to Zarina about this. Ingrid giggled a little at the peck on the cheek. Then the big hug. Ayla was the right person to bring here, she is wonderful with people. “I enjoyed spending time with you a lot as well. We should do it again.” Ingrid left it off on that.

The peck on the cheek was a little surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Ayla really did bring out smiles out of even the toughest people. Dory looked rather concerned. “Are you really going to be able to reach your own room like that?...” She knows Ingrid could get in weird situations from time to time and now with her being drunk it might end up worse. “You two can sleep in my bed, I’ll sleep on the carpet!” The Feskan offered confidently.

Ayla drags Dory playfully down onto the bed. “Don’t be silly, there is enough for all of us, you’re not running off. It is your bed after all. Ingrid and myself only live a few doors down if you want us out” She reaches down to pull up the Feskan patterned blanket, the material being rather coarser than she is used to, but not complaining. “Come on Ingrid, time for you to go down with us. Would be nice being at a height where your eyes are the focus for a change”, tugging upon the tall Eskander girl to join for a soon sleepy rest.

It seemed it was going to be a cuddle session to end the night. Ingrid felt that she could make it home but cuddling seemed much nicer. Ingrid got into bed with them without any fuss. As she laid she took some heat away from her pillow because she knew that her face always feels hot after wine. Ingrid slept on the outside of the bed cuddling whoever was in the center. The soft bed knocked her out faster than any spirit.

Dory never really had any others in her bed past perhaps her servant back home. She might have to write Karl a letter to see how she’s doing, as for now she has two friends to keep her company for the night. “Thank you for this visit… It’s been really nice.” The Feskan chuckled contently as she was sandwiched between the two.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

REseRveD :)
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 1 day ago

Day Zero

Everything should have returned to normal. The sun rose, the birds chirped, and the fogs still rolled in at night. The weather grew warmer as Assani prepared to give way to Velles and, with it, stresia to dorrad. Nights lost that cool humid tingle that they sometimes carried and the first of the dorrad rains began to fall in preparation. In the subtropical forests surrounding Ersand’Enise, subtle shifts abounded. The rhythms and schedules of animals adjusted.

So, too, did those of people. The students still attended classes, walking back and forth in their little groups each morning and evening. The teachers still taught. Merchants still did a bustling business in the busy port of the city, perhaps even moreso than before, and anticipation built, as it did every year, for the Student Societies Faire and The Trials of Thaumaturgy.

Yet, things had irrevocably changed. One would be unobservant at best were it to go unnoticed. More than ever, clusters of Revidians walked only among Revidians and others of like alliance. Perrench skewed prickly and irascible perhaps even more than usual. The Belzaggics drew into themselves in mourning and quiet anger when it was announced that their king had indeed heard the call of Ahn-Eshiran.

For the first time in fifteen years, the Century was called. One hundred of the mightiest and most renowned battle-magi, their loyalty lay with the good of the city, its magic, and the human and yasoi races world round instead of with any one nation. The summons had gone out the moment that parties unknown had raised their blades against four kings. In the month since, members of the legendary force had been trickling relentlessly into Ersand’Enise, augmenting an already-doubled city watch, drilling in Arc-en-Ciel Plaza and on the Champs d’Echeran outside the New Gate.

By day and night alike, the stoic armoured figures, each sporting the Cloak of Centuries, patrolled the streets, their very presence enough to dissuade pickpockets, confidence men, and tiffs between rival groups of students. Security at the gates was now comprehensive and aggressive. More than a few merchants of less–than–savoury repute found their usual… compensatory arrangements no longer bought them entrance and at least a handful of wagons and travelers were now turned away by each evening.

Despite this, agents of the Traveler became increasingly active, preaching against the evils of war on street corners, railing against the greed of the elite and oppression of the common people, decrying despots and monarchs and eagerly offering their vision of a world without classes, borders, or a hierarchy increasingly ossified by wealth and unequal magic use. By night, they raced through the streets, defacing statues and the part-time homes of the elite, smashing windows and plundering from shoppes that they deemed exploitative. While they usually fled and scattered like vermin before the might of the city’s new guardians, they grew increasingly bold and, for all of the arrests that were made and all that they swelled the gaols of Ersand’Enise with their numbers, there always seemed to be more of them, and at least a few seemed to slip through the patrols every night.

It was like this everywhere, so some of the avvisos said: in Relouse and Solenne, in Avince and Orlan, Torra Corda and Varrahasta, Meldheim, Yabusa, Gandakar, Zewaggah, and Hetzelburg. Others claimed that the activities, reach, and impact of this bold miscreant and his followers were being greatly exaggerated. In the background, matters were eerily quiet. Few ambassadors met between Perrence and Revidia. On the 25th of Assani, the Corriere di Orlano reported that lands abutting the Parrench border had been temporarily requisitioned by order of the Doge. Through networks of their contacts, mercenaries began to receive offers of substantial remuneration. South of the border, the Légion de la Flamme Sacrée was quietly called to Ardeaux, only sixty miles from Revidian land… and that of the academy.

It was against this backdrop that students awoke on Lepdes, Assani the 29th to prepare for the Student Societies Faire: a sorely-needed escape from the near-constant bombardment of worrying news and one of the highlights of the school year. It promised to be a weekend of wonder, spectacle, discovery, and excitement. First, however, upon waking, many found themselves met with an unexpected and - for some - unwelcome surprise.

Day One

It was a lazy Lepdes morning. There were no classes today because of the faire and Marceline was in no hurry to get up. Last night had been spent hunched over a table with Zaz, planning out every little aspect of Zeno Bucks, drafting correspondence by candlelight, and figuring out supply chains. As little as she yet knew of the world, she knew much of these things, herself and Isabella having been Warden Ortega's primary secretaries. At different points, Ingrid, Jocasta, Ayla, and Manfred had all drifted in and out. She had fallen asleep on the sofa in Zarina’s drawing room, the walk home proving too daunting, and it was there that she found herself when a loud and persistent pounding on the door caused her to jump awake. "Coming," she groaned, "coming!"

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she swung herself into a sitting position and stretched.

"This is the Draconic Regulatory Association and Group for Organizational Nomenclature! Please open the door," said an insistent voice from the other side.

What the… Marci scrunched her face up. Draconic what? she wondered, looking down at her feet and realizing that she didn't have her braces on. It was easy to forget what a cripple she was these days. "I'll be there in just a minute!" she replied with patient sweetness, reaching down and fiddling with them. The fourteen-year-old glanced about for Zarina, but she was nowhere to be found. Where the hell are you, Zaz!? She berated her friend mentally.

“By law you are required to submit to an inspection of your dragon's living situation and to apply for a license. Please open this door.”

“Eshi,” she cursed under her breath. "I said that I'm coming!" The Kerreman added a bit louder, tightening the last of her bindings, calling for her cane, and rising both quickly and unsteadily.

Then, just as she was rushing for the door, a freshly washed Zarina appeared, effortlessly brushing past her with a quick but genuine apology. "What the hell do these guys want?" she griped, and Marci could only shrug. "I think we're about to find out."

Marceline and Zarina were not the only ones who received visits from D.R.A.G.O.N. agents that morning. Indeed, every single student who had been fortunate enough to come away with one of the coveted eggs from their recent adventures found themselves awoken by an insistent knock on the door. Rough initial impressions aside, they would find the agents rather helpful and reasonable once their registration fees were paid. These went straight to dragon conservation, rehoming, and public outreach, they explained, offering to sign the students up for courses on dragon hatchling care. Those who resisted were met merely with grim looks and promises of a 'rescheduled' visit at some point in the near future.

For those not so (un)fortunate, the excitement of the day was able to begin uninterrupted. It was, against all odds, warm and somewhat sunny after a persistent drizzle during the Hours of Ipte. Clouds cleared, birds chirped and chittered in the trees, and puddles began drying in the late stresian sun. All about campus and, indeed, much of the city, was a bustle of activity. Those who slept in for too long found themselves awakened by the busy whacking of hammers and clatter of wagons. Voices drifted in from the street and, soon enough, they were joined by music of a great many flavours and varieties. Over the past few days, the city’s inns, guesthouses, and guest rooms had filled up with graduates from the two previous cohorts, returned to help advertise the clubs and societies that had been such a grand part of their experience. Along with those who had remained to study in the Tan–Zeno program, these now emptied onto familiar and nostalgic byways and boulevards. A handful had brought husbands or wives. Others taunted the current students, shouting often-rude awakenings and making gratuitous noise to draw out the stragglers.

And so they rose, dressed and, chattering eagerly as they gathered, began to fill the streets. By the fourth hour of Shune, Ersand’Enise was alive with light, sound, and revelry. Dozens of student societies, great and small, ancient and newly-established, dazzled potential members and patrons with what they had on offer. From the carnival of nourishing delights set out by the Pumpernickel Clubbe, to the roving performers of the Bards’ Society, temporary zoo of the Fauna Society, and Katterhorn procession of the Eskandish Circle, it was truly a spectacle. Yet, not every student society found itself possessed of either the funds or the compunction to put on such a grand display. For every Brewers’ Brotherhood biergarten, Tasters’ Union smorgasbord, or Society of the Grapes party, there were the simple, earnest entreaties and rubbish gathering of the Egalite Fraternite, Rat Bastards who lurked down sideroads and flitted through crowds hawking test answer keys, and the first aid centre of the Carnation Accord. Some whispered that, in the shadow of enrapturing displays like that of the Red Table Society’s war reenactments or the sheer… theatre of the Fingersteeplers, lurked darker elements: Traveler’s agents stirring up class resentment, stealing and rabble-rousing, and perhaps even the infamous and long-rumoured group of clandestine agitators known only as The Faceless.

Yet, as the faire continued into the afternoon and five galleons of the Revidian Regia Marina offered a spectacular rolling broadside in salute to start the hours of Eshiran, it became clear that something was amiss. In the fauna society’s petting zoo, animals became skittish and uncooperative. Horses and other ungulates pawed nervously at the ground and paced. The Vossoriyan yaks and Eskandish kæmpe ko formed defensive circles, snorting and glancing uneasily up at the sky. The lesser and even mid-sized dragons of the Draconic Order stirred and flapped in agitation, some straining at their tethers.

Then, echoing across the open water, was heard a long screeching roar. Crowds swirled and necks craned, each trying to pinpoint the origin of the mighty noise. Many were the hands shielding eyes as they searched in the direction of the sun. People saw the shadow before they saw the beast: a great dark shape wavering across the rooftops and open plazas of Ersand’Enise, and voices rose in excitement. A second roar was unleashed and the shadow circled as people pointed and shouted, standing on their tiptoes or jumping up and down. Then, it disappeared.

Souverain shredded the clouds and for a moment it was just Jean-Claude de Toussaint and his dragon, alone above the world as they had so often been. Then, five more riders emerged, along with Oriflamme, Tempête, Volcan, Fantôme, and Lierre. “Ah, so you can almost keep up!” The Dragon Knight taunted, amplifying his voice with sonic magics. Acknowledgements and teasing challenges came back at him and he grinned, taking a moment to peer down through a gap in the clouds. The riders of the Legion had circled out over the sea and were now not so very far from the Revidian ships. Super, Souverain,” he assured his draconic companion, taking a moment to pat it where neck met body. “Now…” He raised his voice, “Allons-y, mes frères! Let’s give these Revidien sea-pigs a bit of a show, non?” With that, he wheeled Souverain around and pierced the clouds in a steep dive.

“They’re going to hit!”
“Oh my gods!”
“He’s gonna crash!”
“Pull up!”
“Oh Eshirian, no!”
Screams and entreaties rose from the crowd in Ersand’Enise as an enormous black dragon, easily larger than any of the Revidian galleons, plummeted from the sky. In panic, the ships tried to maneuver out of its way, but they were not near fast enough. Instead, at the last possible juncture, the creature spread its vast wings, air bulged them, and it pulled up mere feet above the tips of the Revidian masts. Five other dragons, in the formation of a pentact, followed, pulling up feet from the waves. The galleons, in a tight formation of their own, rocked perilously and struggled not to collide while the Perrench darted and wheeled above. Fire leapt from the beasts’ throats and formed the holy symbol for a moment in the sky, the largest of them all - a Great Volcanic Wyvern or Tyrannus Monsigneus, some were quick to point out - bursting through the middle and arrowing straight for the city.

There was not a person outdoors who did not feel the mighty whoosh of wind from its massive wings. Members of the Lamplighters and city guard pushed crowds back from the area that had been set aside in Cathedral Square and animal handlers did their best to keep the other creatures calm, particularly the small herd of eight kæmpe ko that threatened to stampede at the sight of their only natural predator. Souverain, one of only two such wyverns tamed the world over, had grown considerably since his last trip to Ersand’Enise, and he proved a tight fit in the plaza. The five other dragons, a mixture of Harlequins, Froabasses, and a Tyrant, perched atop the city walls, the last of them causing visible cracks where it alighted.

Sir Jean-Claude swung off of Souverain’s back and, with a bit of Kinetic Magic, landed softly in a crouch. He rose to the sound of thunderous applause and, after taking a moment to give the dragon some chin scritches, he bowed in all relevant directions, waved to the crowd, and descended into the Draconic Order’s display. How they flocked there. How they clamoured to enter. The lineup of young women hoping to gain a personal audience with him rivaled that of Leon Solaire, whose bombastic anthems, soulful crooning, and strobing light shows lit up Arc-en-Ciel Plaza into the hours of Dami. It all finished with a brilliant display of pyrotechnics and fireworks and many retired back to the townhomes of their Zenos for a rest before further revelry in the morning.

Marceline was not one of them. “Zaz, help me with this,” she sighed exhaustedly. She was capable enough with Kinetic magic, but she was tired, and two were better than one. They’d traded spots all day running the Zeno bucks stand after hastily deciding that a soft-opening during the Faire would hold significant benefits. Now, there was a giant pot to haul back to Zeno Afraval’s place, for she was a bit closer to the street corner they had snagged. Zarina had done much of the paperwork, Shune and Dami bless her both, and Marceline had been the cute smiling face to interact with the stuffy adult types and offer them free coffee.

Walking through the darkened streets with a giant copper pot floating along between them, just above head level, Marci got to thinking. “Hey sis,” she prodded. “Look: another one of our cups.” The little ceramic mugs had become an ubiquitous sight at the faire. While it was free advertising for their nascent business, the litter had also become a problem, not only because it was unsightly and broken fragments could be dangerous, but because it cost them money. A simple exhortation to return their cups for free had proven insufficient to make people reliably do so. Marci had yet to crunch the actual numbers, but she estimated that the rate of returns had hovered no higher than twenty percent. That would not do. “Looks like asking nicely wasn’t enough, huh?”

Zarina clicked her tongue at the sight. There was something disappointing about seeing one’s own logo - something they’d worked hard on - be left as mere detritus on the streets, “Their loss, they’ll have to buy new ones.” she groaned, “But yeah, constantly ordering these things is gonna be a shitshow. Think we should reward ‘em for going the extra step and not just toss away perfectly good cups?”

“That is exactly what I think,” agreed Marci. “The question is ‘how?’” Zarina chewed the idea for a moment and spit out a suggestion a few seconds later, “How about we give them, like, something that proves they’ve gotten a drink with a cup they’ve saved. They do it enough times and we give them a treat. Like they do to train doggies.” she snorted.

“Hehe,” Marci giggled. “How to keep track of that, though?” She scowled thoughtfully. “I wouldn’t want to use paper. It’s too expensive…” she trailed off as an urchin, picking through the garbage, collected another cup. “... Why not the cup itself?” Zarina’s eyes were taken by the scavenger’s effort and it so happened to have illuminated her, “We can dish out cups all we want in the end, but using the conserved cups as proof and a tool to get free shit will benefit everyone.”

“I knew there was a reason I kept you around!” squealed Marceline. She nodded with an exaggeratedly enthusiastic motion. “Maybe we mark them somehow at first? A certain number of marks nets you the good stuff?” Zarina nodded as she brushed some of the shattered pieces on their way to the side with her foot, “The underside, yeah? Like, something simple but can’t be easily imitated. Is there a way we can do that? I know mother did something like that a while back …”

They were nearing Sienna Afraval’s place, a handful of other clusters of students still milling about or tiredly stumbling back to nearby homes. One, a binder, was paused in place, using her magic to repair a small tear in her clothes. “Oh!” Marci chirped. “We could use binding!” She paused. “That, or just a standard brand to score the underside. While it’s just you and me, binding’s cheaper, as long as we have like… the same design we’ve settled on.”

Zarina clapped her hands together, “Binding! Yeah. That’s probably the way.” her eyes darted around, hoping to find her next piece of express-inspiration. The only bit of natural light they would have at this time provided both of them with an answer, “Easy. A white moon that fills every day they bring their cup. Five days of good behaviour, they get a little treat and a happy star. Seven stars for seven weeks in a month, big treat.” she opened her arms in an exaggerated shrug with a smirk on her face, “Eaaaaaaasy. Now you figure out how we prevent other asshole binders from just doing that.”

They’d reached the door and Marceline yawned. “In the morning, though, huh?” she replied. “For now, this thing’s going in the cellar, right?” the Virangish nodded, “That’s it. We really gotta get our own storage at some point, when we get that sweet dough.”

“Those sweet, sweet Zeno bucks,” Marci agreed. Zarina used the gift to assist her in these final steps and, after a door or two were unlocked, the pot nestled snugly in the little alcove where they’d been keeping it for the past week or so. “We’ll find something soon. Don’t worry, buddy. I’m looking!”

Marceline reached over and gave her friend a quick hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Virangish Pepper!” she teased, backing away. “Bright and early! Barely after Ipte!” In the event, she barely made it back to her own bed.

Day Two

She was awoken by the sound of thunder and the pelting of raindrops upon her window. “Eshi, nooo,” the girl moaned, rolling over in bed. She’d been offered the spare room on the bottom floor so that she wouldn’t have to climb too many stairs and, often to her chagrin, she’d let Penny have it instead. Being on the top floor of a rather tall townhome had its benefits, though. When she pushed open her curtains, Marci could see clear across the Cathedral District, and she wondered at the sight of Souverain. The colossal Monsigneus shuffled around lazilly, shaking his great head back and forth and letting out a little puff of flame from his nostrils that bathed the area around him in shimmering white steam.

For a long moment, the girl was enraptured. It was a titan of old: a creature so massive and ancient so as to far outstrip mere humans. Yet, she and her friends had killed something very much like one and Marci suddenly found herself thinking it quite a great shame. “N’ what are you starin’ at, Brandæble?” teased Marlynn, suddenly awake and leaning over her way. The younger girl started. “Scheiße!” she yelped, flinching back. “Do you always just sneak up on people like that!?” Marlynn shrugged, locks of wavy auburn hair cascading over her shoulders. “I guess so,” she admitted. “I’m honestly not even trying.”

“Humblebraggart,” grumbled Marci. “Anyways, you should see the show Souverain is putting on this morning: snorting fire into the rain.” Marly came and sat on the corner of her roommate’s bed. “I’ve been sneaking peeks all night,” she yawned, stretching and rolling her neck back and forth. “I don’t sleep well in storms.”

“You call yourself Eskandish.” The Kerreman shook her head.

“Yes,” retorted Marly, “because we’re all giant vikings from dark and stormy lands.” She pursed her lips. “Go get your special lil’ booties on, hun, and fetch my dragon leash and horned helm for me, would you?”

“Asking a cripple to run your errands for you,” Marceline scolded. “For shame. Truly, these barbarians have no decency.”

Marly hopped out of bed and fluttered over to her own, tossing her nightgown aside most indecently and beginning to pull on her day clothes. “Eh, you’re not that gimpy yet, Brandæble. Gonna make use of you while I can.”

Marci at least turned her back to change, but she tossed her nightgown right at her roommate’s head, hitting her target squarely. “Pff, pah, ugh!” Marly tossed it back. “Spicy throw there, Brandæble. Where’d you learn to throw like that?”

“Stop calling me that,” the younger girl whined as the Eskandishwoman grinned impishly. “Stop callin’ me that,” she mimicked. “But it’s true. You’re little, rare, and sweet, but much too spicy.” Now dressed, she reached over and ruffled Marci’s hair as the girl was doing up her ankle and calf bindings. “Bruja!” the little Brandæble retorted, batting her hand away, and Marly tossed her cane over when she was finished.

They were no more than halfway down their first staircase when a shout rose up the stairwell. “What the fuck!?” It was Owain’s voice, and he was clearly much alarmed. Marly, who had been hovering just ahead of Marci, turned and bounded down the steps two at a time. “Owain!” she shouted, “what’s wrong!”

Marceline's pulse raced and she called liberally upon the Gift to hurry after them. “It was a fuckin… abberration,” he exclaimed. “It was outside my door and I didn’t even see it. I just… walked into it.”

He was gripping his head between his hands when Marci arrived, eyes bulging and face red. “You’re not going skør on me, brother, are you?” Marlijn asked concernedly, laying a hand upon his shoulder. “No.” He shook his head, releasing it. “No, I’m okay.” He breathed deeply and groaned as Benedetto emerged from their shared room. “Aahhh, Eshidammit,” he grated, “Gonna have a splitting headache all day.”

Wordlessly, Marli padded over and enfolded him in a hug. Benny’s eyes darted around warily, as if they were suddenly under siege. “Penny,” he said flatly. “She has a history with these.”

“You can’t be accusing her!” Marceline was quick to jump to the defense of the Perrenchwoman. “You have no -”

“Don’t get your panties all in a knot there, Brandæble.” He grinned like the little shit he was. Benedetto was barely older than her and he had a mean streak a mile wide. She glared at him, still unsure what Ingrid saw in the boy. “I meant we’ll probably have to save her from herself.”

“She can save herself from herself, merci beaucoup, but the sentiment is very much appreciated.” Penny came to a stop just below the landing, still in her nightgown and leaning on a single crutch.

“Anytime, hopper.” He looked her up and down, rumpled hair, bags under her eyes, and all. “See you’re really putting your best foot forward.”

“Non merci, Benedetto.” She shook her head quite definitely. “Petit merdeux.” The half-stern mirth fell quickly from her face, though. “But that is not why I’m here,” she continued, quickly switching back to Avincian. Penny’s eyes took a moment to meet the others’. “I think you should all come see this.”

“If it’s an aberration,” began Marlijn, “Owain-”

“Non, ce n’est pas une faille du néant,” she blurted. “C’est différent!”

“Speak Avincian, baguette,” countered Benny, but Penny glared at him. “Shut up and come,” she insisted, turning on her heel and hop-running down the steps. “It’s not an aberration or… not a normal one.” She glanced back and Marceline was already following. The twins joined in and then, with a snort, Benedetto eagerly pushed his way past the others after a few seconds. “You will see. It’s… bizarre.”

A lingering unease: that was what Marci felt when she crowded into Penny’s room. She peered through the forest of taller people, trying to understand the feeling that had settled across her stomach. There, in the middle of the room, shaped like… a quarter-sized version of Penny, crutch and all, was… an aberration? It was some sort of nothingness, and Marci remembered the word her housemate had used: néant. It was a common enough size and had a distinct otherworldliness about it, but it was all wrong. Instead of a black gap in reality, it was… blindingly white. “Scheiße” Marceline mouthed. “What the hell is it?”

“That’s the problem.” Penny twisted on the spot nervously. “I have no fucking clue.”

“Well, it’s an aberration,” decided Benedetto. “Just a weird one. Who says they can’t be white?” He took a step towards and met with a stiff arm to the chest from Penny. It was his turn to glare. “What the fuck, Penpen?”

“There’s more to it than the colour,” she replied implacably. She glanced over her shoulder at the others. “I was… forced by circumstance to take two of these things in before, one after the other. I should be craving it, at least a bit. Instead…” she furrowed her brow and her voice lowered a bit. “Do you feel it too? That… weirdness in your stomach?”

“Yes!” exclaimed Marci, “ever since I started walking to your room.”

“I’ve been feeling it all morning!” agreed Marlijn, and Owain nodded. “I just ate one. I should be ravenous for another. Instead, there’s almost like this dread. I really don’t wanna be here, actually.”

Benny scowled and nodded. “Yeah,” he admitted, crossing his arms. “Alright.”

“We should find out what it is, non?” Penny prodded.

“Would help if our rainbow-hugging Zeno was here,” Benedetto grumbled.

“Benny, stop being such a curmudgeon,”; Marlijn scolded. “You know she’s busy with the Fauna Society, and the Astronomers.”

“Sounds like a ‘her’ problem. She has a -”

“Should we… report it?” Owain interrupted. Marci would’ve but, to be honest, she was too afraid of Benedetto.

Then, Marecline looked over and Penny was absorbing the aberration “Penny, what the fuck!” she shouted, but the Perrenchwoman looked as alarmed as anybody else. “Oh putain!” she shrieked, jumping back. "Non, sors de là! Dégages! Laisse-moi tranquille! Mes Dieux, à l'aide!" She stumbled away from it but could not break free, as if the strange aberration was reaching out and latching onto her, drawing itself into her body against her very will. “Oh my Eshi!” cried Marlijn, looking on in horror, but she did not move to intervene. Neither did her brother. Marceline took a step forward but recoiled in terror after a moment. This was something new, something terrifying! What if it killed her!? Paralyzed by indecision, she stood there for a moment, before Benedetto brushed right past her without hesitation and grabbed Penny. The aberration latched onto him as well and, shamed by her cowardice, Marci stepped forward to share its burden, just as she had in the desert two weeks ago.

This one sparked and stung as it touched her, like static electricity, but then it was… oddly pleasant. The ghostly white tendrils poured into her, the aberration wavered, it shrunk, and then - just after Owain joined in - it disappeared. Marceline stumbled back and Marlijn caught her. “I…” Penny started to say, but she tailed off.

“Holy shit,” breathed Owain. “My headache: it’s just like… gone.” He furrowed his brow. “The craving, too, is a lot less.”

“This may be too personal, but I was having my monthly visit from Auntie Eshi,” added Penny, “with all of the associated… unpleasantness. It is also gone.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I slept like a pig last night too, but I feel good,” she admitted, “really good. Light on my feet!”

“Foot,” Benedetto taunted absently, as if it came so easily to him that he could do it on autopilot. “Anyways, I’m happy that you’re happy and all that shit, but I didn’t gain an ounce of power from it. Fuckin’ ripoff. If anything, I feel like it…” he trailed off, scrunching up his face. Stole power from me.” glances were exchanged. Some concurred with him. All remarked on the lack of a headache or cravings. If anything, Marlijn announced, she very much did not want anything to do with aberrations.

Marceline, however, was not paying very much attention to the others. Instead, she was listening to her body, feeling it. “Um,” she began, and a couple of heads turned her way. “I know this isn’t something any of you would be familiar with, but, as tethered manas die, you can feel them inside you: this constant nasty little prickling right around your sensation line.”

And? Benedetto prodded, with his usual impatience, but it didn’t even irk her this time.

Marci looked up and regarded them all. “I’m not sure if I’m imagining it.” A grateful, hopeful, desperate smile broke across her face. “It… stopped.”

If Born-on-Solstice’s early rising apprentice group was the first to experience aberrations that day, it was far from the last, and two aberrations were not the sum of its quota either. Just like last time, there appeared to be one for each student. Marceline made it over to Zarina to find that her group, as well, had encountered one of the seemingly rare white aberrations, but they were running behind schedule and did not have the time to unpack everything that had happened. Marci felt good, though, as they set up. The sharp, ceaseless tingling and stinging that had bedevilled her since shortly after her ninth birthday was, for the first time in five and a half years, absent. Hope flooded quick in its wake, that the tethering could be halted, that she may yet live a normal life. All day, she found herself distracted by it, as the drizzle faded and a second one started in the middle hours of Dami. She made the rounds with her friends when her shift at the stand was up, but she did not break the news yet to Jocasta, Luisa, Bella, and the other tethered. She would see if this lasted. She would make sure that it was real.

As they walked - or rolled, in some of the other girls’ cases - they stumbled upon at least two further aberrations. Formed in the accusatory shapes of people, they had appeared and, where they were not wantonly or accidentally absorbed, had been cordoned off. Lamplighters, guards, and even the Century were in strong supply, and Sir Jean-Claude lifted off on Souverain in the early afternoon, joining one last big aerial display put on by the famed ‘Fireflies’ of the Draconic Order. Watching them, Marceline thought of her own froabas egg, now nestled safely in a warming nest provided at cost by D.R.A.G.O.N. In truth, she had despaired of ever getting to ride the magnificent creature that would emerge but, if what had happened today held true, the despair would easily turn to excitement.

Proceedings ended earlier on Victendes than they did on Lepdes, for classes would resume on the morrow. Marceline took on the truncated late shift from Zarina, and they exchanged talk of the day. She had thought about joining some of the magic-focused societies, and they were large and well-funded, but they’d felt too much like more work, like professional bodies. She had school for that. Instead, she’d opted for a series of more interest-based clubs, and a few that she thought might benefit her business.

The day wound down, with crickets chirping and a foggy mist rolling in a bit early beneath heavy clouds. Thunder rumbled above their heads as students and some Zenos hustled back to their shared accommodations. Marceline, for her part, was busy counting money as she walked, safe under the mighty brim of her hat and leaning on her cane somewhat less than usual. “Marci, watch out!” came a voice and she looked up just on time to see both the small aberration in front of her and Jocasta rolling up quickly. “At least look where you’re going, iblah!” The Djamantese came around and pulled into an easy rhythm at her side. Marceliine’s cheeks burned. “Sorry, Jo.”

“Don’t say sorry for me,” the older tethered replied. “It was you who was about to eat shit.” She rolled her eyes. Marci did too. “Sorry, mom. Didn’t mean to make you worry,” she teased.

“Shut up,” Jocasta pouted.

“Oh, so when are you gonna tell everyone you’re really like… twenty?” the girl asked, and her friend’s eyes bugged out. There was a bit of a warning beneath the comical overreaction as well, though. “Your mother’s been telling you too much, Brandæble!”

“Nooo!” squealed Marci. “You too?”

“It is… inevitable,” Jocasta teased. “Maybe you can pay me with some of those fat stacks of Hugos and I’ll forget.”


“You’re the one with the hat…”

“Touché,” admitted Marceline.

“Anyways, we split up here, I think.” Jocasta brought herself to a near stop, hands resting on her wheels the way they did when she was about to push off. The younger girl gulped and gathered herself. “Actually,” she began, “can you hold on for a second?”

Brow furrowed, Jocasta stopped and nodded. The exact contents of their conversation were known to nobody but the two of them, but they spoke for nearly two hours and the night ended with Marci crying on Jocasta’s lap. Thus came to an end the five-hundred-fifty-fourth iteration of the Ersand’Enise Student Societies Faire. There had been highlights and lowlights. Friendships and rivalries had been made, wounds both opened and healed, and a common mystery to unite all students and much of the staff had now gripped the academy. Though the Arch-Zenos had approved and then posted an official bulletin in most of the city’s public areas and students were warned about the danger and exhorted to report all aberrations to faculty, it did little to blunt the gossip, the whispers and the burning curiosity, even as The Trials approached. Just what were these aberrations, and now a new variety? Who had created them? How had they placed them so exactly and, most importantly: why?

Act Three: Trials and Tribulations, begins!

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by YummyYummy
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YummyYummy Ayyyyy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Welcome to Zeno Bucks, how may I take your order?

Partnered with the Pumpernickel Clubbe, the stall opposite of this one, Zeno Bucks launches on the very first day of the Faire! Tactically placed to meet the paths of many students, but also captivate those lured in by the more popular clubs, it would come to no surprise that this peculiar stall had gained momentum as the day went on, starting off with fluctuating rates of curiosity. The alluring aromas and promises of readily made goods only did so much, until …

♪Just one coffee,
give it to me,
delicious elixir,
from over sea.
Creamy milk and honey dream,
give me Coffee,
from Zeno Bucks team.♪

Sang the lioness maiden with a variety of instruments accompanying her. Her voice carried the holy word of Zeno Bucks, and many devout followers soon formed. At about mid-day, this surprise opening was considered a success! Albeit, only stifled by inexperience of the duo manning the stations and mismanagement of resources. Nonetheless, the echoes of this cub’s song reached far and wide, right until the sky turned to dusk.

With interest clearly shown by students, Zenos and locals alike, Zeno Bucks promises its return tomorrow, and many, many days after that! Now please, help yourselves with some of our many delights in our menu below!

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event:Meet the Arslans | Location:Ersand'Enise

It has been a busy week. It was hectic before the fair started but now trying to find lodgings for a Duque amidst these conditions proved to be exceedingly difficult. Now only are the alumni returning to host the faire and their sponsors, but also a 100 strong Century Knights have taken up residence. She had already been to see Yalen for his advice on the matter and he informed her about how Colette, his sister, has been staying in his student accommodation due to the lack of availability, not a good start. She had even considered offering her residence at the Pizza slice, though Jocasta easily persuaded her out of that one especially as the last thing she wanted after the events of the Desert was to be next door to a Torragonese duque, present company being the exception. Zarina suggested Ayla should house her father in a brothel to chill him out and give his wife a rest, but even if the temptation was there, there are currently high turnovers due to the volume of business being concluded in those establishments. Ingrid was currently too busy making arrangements for her auction to assist, and Dory locked back into her room again, waiting for her boyfriend to turn up. Marci politely declined stating that she isn’t the best candidate for roaming the city and had just recently arrived herself, and Eun-ji had been recalled to her nation's residence urgently. Last she saw Kaspar was when they had lunch but he has been absent recently, apparently further important family business. The best suggestion actually came from Silas, he recommended she go to Ipte’s Rest at the Cathedral Square, and after kissing the two Dragon Eggs goodbye, marks the location on the map and begins her journey.

Gina clopped upon the cobbles as she made her way towards cathedral square. The streets were abuzz with activity as many travellers came into the city to peddle their wares in time for the society fair. Along the many taverns and inns were notices showing that there are no-vacancies available. The torragonese girl approaches the intended destination as she pulls back upon the hood. The inn would be rather respectable for a merchant, but she can tell from the advertised prices outside the front, Silas did make a sincere effort, she will have to thank him later. She gently guides Gina to the front, tying her to one of the posts as she pets upon her head, informing her she would be back as she enters the establishment.

Inside was decorated with colourful furnishing as she made her way through the door, attendants providing room service around her as the place appeared to be very busy with the volume of customers, even as a couple appeared to be giggling as they moved down into the basement. She makes her way to the reception desk to ring the little bell. An older man comes to the desk, peering over the side to look down towards Ayla, ”Greetings little miss, you appear to be rather young and too well dressed to enter an establishment like this”. The man polishes his glasses, peering towards her. ”Hola, we were looking for a Señor Moriff, recommendation from a friend. He told me that could provide a pleasant and secure accommodation for the Duque, my father.” The older man moves his hands towards the parchment which made note of the lodgings and their availability, ”That could be arranged and prestige of a Duque would enable you to have a discount, but tell me why you would house a Torragonese Duque in a place like this. Is there no availability at Mansión de las Mil Ventanas?”. Ayla does look somewhat perplexed, ”Isn’t that the residence of King Sancho, no?” The man smiles, ”You’re correct little miss. Visiting Duques do have authority to stay there when the King is not in residence. I recommend you go and ask there first. I’ll make sure Mr Moriff saves this room for you, in the event there is no room.” Ayla smiles with a nod, ”Gracias, will go and see straight away!”. The older man waves her away, ”Send Duque Arslan Mr Moriff’s regards.” She curtsies in return, though does question how the man would know her fathers identity.

Ayla made her way to Mansión de las Mil Ventanas after returning to get the directions. The pair did receive a plethora of looks as they travelled down the road together, the petite girl and her Shetland pony being the perfect match for each other. ”No te preocupes Gina, están celosos de tu hermosa apariencia.” With a clippity clop they arrive at the entrance, a gate lies between the building and the road, with a Torragonese guard stationed outside. She trots up towards the guard, who raises his head towards her in a nod, recognising as some form of nobility. ”Buenas noches, Ayla, hija del duque Arslan desea hablar con el chambelán de la casa - Good Evening, Ayla, daughter of Duke Arslan wishes audience with the chamberlain of the house.”, one of the guards nod their head as they move through the gate, leaving Ayla with the other. He indicates for her to step down in preparation of being allowed to enter, as she nods, dismounting as she brushes her hand through Gina’s mane. ”Dicen que un caballo se parece a su dueño - they say a horse takes after their owner.” Ayla raises an eyebrow as she looks up towards him, “¿Estás sugiriendo que parezco un caballo? - Are you suggesting we look like a horse? The guard grew flustered as he attempted to make his apologies, as Ayla giggled teasingly as she stroked Gina’s neck, ”One can only wish to look this good.”

Ayla is brought through the mansion as she is led through to the welcoming room, and guided towards the indicated seat to wait in the well furnished room and served a Leche merengada for her trouble. After a short while, the door opens, only to not be greeted by the chamberlain. “Ayla Arslan, you appear to have lost your allure since leaving the Desert”, the very handsome man smiled widely, taking his seat opposite towards her. ”Augusto Frannemas, sometimes the allure can be deceiving. If one was to scratch below the surface, they may find that all that glitters is not always gold.” She continues to sip upon her glass as she looks towards him, the Duque’s son smiling in return. ”Sometimes it is, mi amiga de lengua plateada.” Ayla drums her fingers upon her knee for a moment before speaking again. ”Amigo, this amiga of yours does require a favour. Duque Arslan will be visiting the city during this time and requires a residence to stay. We hope your word may persuade the chamberlain to open these doors to him.” Augusto continued that damned smile, ”Amiga, friends help each other. I will gladly speak to the chamberlain, and you may be able to help me complete my business in the city. There are three I wish to speak with from the Desert: the bluebell of Eskand Ingrid Penderson, your negotiating friend Jocasta Re, and a merchant girl by the name of Trypano Somia.” Ayla considers the proposal, ”One may be able to place a good word in for you with Ingrid and Jocasta, the third is barely known, but willing to approach for an introduction.”. With a nod and palms opened, ”I trust my friend to do her best, that is all that matters.”

With the conclusion of her adventure, Ayla mounts upon Gina again to trot back to the dorms. Off on her way to convince the three lucky ladies the chance of an introduction with the heir of Duque Frannemas, and to prepare for the arrival of Duque Arslan.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location: Ersand'Enise

Interactions: All the charaters@Force and Fury

Ingrid’s time before the Scholastic Faire was busier than she originally planned. She was able to catch up on her schooling and even come up with a line of thought for her Atomic project. The speed dating event she put together was in retrospect enjoyable with her making new friends and rekindling some old ones. She somehow even got into a contract to help Zarra out with studying the wand in exchange for pretty broad favors. But the favors didn’t mean much as Ingrid didn’t have the heart to do anything that terrible with them.

I can only imagine how worried his parents are for him with his slipshod way of doing business, Ingrid could only think as she looked over the contract Zarra shined. Ingrid felt a burden on her from the trust he put in her. We barely know each other Zarra and you signed this. You sure are interesting.

Besides that, Ingrid had her sleepover that went mostly to plan. Ingrid still cringes as she remembered she tried to kiss Dory and hit on Ayla. Of course, nothing happened but the memory of it will haunt her for many sleepless nights. There was some benefit though. Ingrid found out about what happened to Dory and how wrong seemingly everything had gone on the ship. Ingrid found herself putting away the feelings she absorbed that night from Dory. Ingrid wanted to fight them on her behalf but that wouldn’t do anyone any good.

The thing that didn’t go as planned that night was hopefully opening up about what she had done to those poor people. She wanted to confide in her friends to try to lessen the weight but instead, she couldn’t even say the name of the girl who died. Pathetic was all that was.

Then tension of the war started to escalate and she could see the line being drawn. Cliches of the same nationality started to pop up more and more. Higher nobility started to mobilize their influence to make those lower than themselves get in line with their will. It was all so arduous. Eskandish Nobility was slow as Ingrid expected. As much as they wished for revenge, many were worried about if this was a false ploy. Many Eskandish had ties to Revidia and now their ancient enemy, the Perrench, was now a supposed ally that saved their king. The confliction between the 2 sides just never settled.

Ingrid had been swepped up in all of this. She was one of the higher RAS students from Eskand and her family had many connections outside of Eskand so her attitude towards things was highly scrutinized by her own countrymen. Some of the bolder Eskand Nobles tried to let her in on what was nothing but a thinly veiled assault on Revidian commoners and artisans under the guise of looking for something stolen. Ingrid didn’t participate and did her best to pressure things to stay away from physical violence the best she could. Luckily the presence of the Centuries at Ernise’Ersand made such conflict a fleeting dream.

The events were tiring. Shipments from her own family had started to make more sense. More arms were being produced and made than normal. Some of her own generation of Penderson’s were investing in artisans to produce more armor and weapons. Some she worried had started to buy the service of blood mages based on some of the transcripts. And here Ingrid was looking to purchase a galleon.

No wonder certain nobles felt emboldened. Smiths are churning out spears and cannons. Some are even producing rifles. And here I am looking to purchase a galleon in the middle of this. Maybe I should wait. No, Zarra already sent word to his parents and it would be rude not to consider it. Ingrid couldn’t help but stress. Ingrid was aware if war broke out she would likely be safe from it as she is at school but she couldn’t help but worry for her family that was out of school. All 8.0’s that specialize in explosives were going to be used extensively if war breaks out. Sven with his surprisingly high RAS may be pulled out to fight as their family wouldn’t have much else to contribute to a war effort.

All these events were under the influence of the aberration she absorbed with the others in the desert. It was larger than the first and gave her more power but with that came more side effects. Ingrid could handle the constant headaches but small things not going her way that would normally be passed by inconsequential as they were, suddenly became genuine annoyances and that took some time to forget. It was tiring to be so easily angered. Benny was infuriating in many ways and the aberration was making it worse. So as much as Ingrid wished to not ignore him, she did limit her interactions with him wishing to not damage her budding friendship with him. However, she did let him know that the aberration was affecting her strongly enough that she wanted to postpone their dinner date.

But as much worry as there was, Ingrid felt she did a good job monitoring herself and keeping a firm grasp on her emotions. And her reward with the sway of the aberration was the Faire. She was excited about the clubs. She even purchased a new dress out of impulse, maybe that was also the sway of the aberration she laughed to herself. She wanted to go with friends on that day considering there was no school. She thought it would be the perfect time to see Benny again, A little walking, a little talking, seeing the performances, maybe going home… Ingrid thought. She knew it was going to be crowded but thought it would be on equal footing. She sent an invite. And was rejected outright. It stung as she didn’t really set any backup plans so she resolved to just go by herself. She just put the pretty dress away and reserved it for the next event she goes to…

Not having anyone there to talk with made it less enjoyable. She knew she could be eccentric at times but even she liked good company for events. She tried her best to correct her mood from the start by going to Zeno Bucks for the Grand Opening.

The store was busy but Ingrid was able to get her coffee in a reasonable amount of time. She ordered a large café au lait with no sweetener. The warm milk was more than enough to blunt the natural bitterness of coffee. Plus the subtle flavor of dairy from the milk was delightful to Ingrid as she was used to much more dairy in her diet before coming to Ersand’Enise and she frankly missed it. She knew she has to go pet some of the kæmpe ko if they will let her, as they were but the cutest cows in the world. With her coffee, she got a yum yum mostly for the name itself. It was fun to say and it was very sweet. The perfect pastry to raise her spirits for the rest of the day.

Ingrid’s first club was conveniently just across the street from Zeno Bucks. The Pumpernickle club! The stall was popular not just for the people wishing to join but for the absolutely scrumptious pastries and bread that they have set up. From the variety of bread they had to the butter that they use depending on the good, this was completely unthinkable to Ingrid. The trade connections they have are amazing. But the thing that did it for Ingrid was the dark loaf of bread with kæmpe ko butter spread on it. It was the best taste of home she had in months. She had some starter for the bread they make at her dorm from time to time but the technique the Pumpernickle club uses is on a different level. Very nervously Ingrid asked if she could join and they said there would be a test. Ingrid nodded and they said to come back when you think you're ready. Ingrid smiled and bought some more bread to eat for the day.

Ingrid noticed that there were some girls behind the Pumpernickle stand using a mixture of Kinetic, Magnetic, and Arcane magic to make a high fat butter without having to constantly squeeze the water out and save time in the process. Ingrid thought the technique was interesting but Ingrid was more interested if they made the kæmpe ko butter fresh this morning. Surprisingly, they had and said they were given some from the Fauna club in the early hours of Shune. Seems things are looking up for me, Ingrid thought as she made her way to the Fauna club

Ingrid showed little self control and started to munch on some pillowy enriched yeast rolls as she strolled through the Arbortoreum to go visit the Fauna club. She had no real intention to join the Fauna club but from what the butter churners said, there will be a calf or two. The Arboretum, which was usually one of the quieter places on campus was now bustling as well with people. Still, it acted as a slight break from the loud roads of Ernise’Ersand. It wasn’t long before Ingrid could see the massive kæmpe ko that seemed to be a part of the club’s petting zoo. Ingrid spoke to some of the club members and they let her in, taking her bread so that way she doesn’t feed them intentionally or not.

Petting animals was a very soothing time indeed but Ingrid was still on the lookout for the truest prize. She saw one of the kæmpe ko move and then, Baby kæmpe ko! Ingrid was smiling ear to ear as she calmed herself before getting closer. The mother didn’t seem to care since it was massive but the calf was having none of Ingrid trying to pet it. She spent a pathetic amount of time trying to pet the baby. Eventually, almost as if the calf learned that Ingrid was a very diligent petter, gave up and Ingrid was able to pet the adorable creature. A true moment of bliss for Ingrid and a moment of weakness that would lead to the calf’s downfall as now that it was staying still many other petters came over. By the end, Ingrid was satisfied and the kæmpe ko calf, now named Koko, was laying on the ground being cuddled and petted from all sides.

Having completed her goal, Ingrid made her way to the Fingersteepler stall, checking out Ipte’s Courtyard along the way. If it wasn’t directly on the path to her true goal then she wouldn’t either bother. Her lack of interest was definitely a shift from her original plans for the school. God things have changed, Ingrid reminisced. At the beginning of the school year, Ipte’s Courtyard would probably been her only way to find some romance but after some of the recent events, Ingrid was feeling fine about her chances. Even if her current romantic prospect doesn't work out, Ingrid thinks she can find someone else. Hopefully.

Ipte’s courtyard was what she expected and although the attention from very attractive men was nice, it wasn’t good enough for her to join. She enjoyed the realer moments of throwing herself out there and hoping for the best even if it did lead to her being alone for the first day of the fair. Ingrid left the club to go to the Fingersteeplers.

Ingrid could see the stage but no one was there right now. Ingrid shrugged and took a seat across the street from it and turned her attention to some of the pastries and bread she had picked up earlier. Just one or two, Ingrid promised to herself, still being conscious of the weight she was gaining at this school. However, the sweets were dangerous and Ingrid ended up eating closer to three to 4 while waiting. Suddenly the stage came alive and a masked man announced the club. Ingrid watched giddily, this may have been embarrassing to some but to Ingrid, this was just cool. She watched the Choc Force spread out to find their victims. One happened to be Ingrid and she was more than ready to play along. She took the flyer and the chocolate.

With her time at the Fingersteeplers over, Ingrid had a decision to make. The day has been wonderful so far but maybe it could be greater if I were with someone. Maybe I should just go to the clubs I’m joining and enjoy the fair tomorrow. I already had a good time already so maybe… Unable to decide, Ingrid flipped a coin. Guess that means I’m going to rush my clubs today.

Now knowing that she wasn't here to wander about, Ingrid hastened her speed and tried to go to the remaining clubs on her list. They were fun for what it was worth but she knew that revisiting them tomorrow with someone would be even better. Ingrid already knew that she wanted Sven to accompany her tomorrow since he was always fun to talk with. And it would be cute to watch him randomly nerd out. Luckily Ingrid met him at the Draconic Order club and they were able to set it up.

With that, Ingrid went to her dorm where she had set up small things ahead of time. Her servants were made aware that she was trying to bring home a man and they kept themselves away from the front door, waiting to hear the door open. When Ingrid entered, she let out a slightly frustrated, ”It’s just me.” A small chuckle and a small snort was heard from the side rooms, obviously from her servants. Ingrid let them know that no one was coming and that they could eat the cheeseboard. However, her servants were cheeky, as they showed they already ate the cheeseboard, knowing Ingrid wouldn’t have succeeded. Irritating to say the least. But whatever, Ingrid thought. Their friendly jests were of no actual pain to her. They knew her well at this point and knows she plans a bit too much. Ingrid grabbed another set of clothes for tomorrow as she was still at her Zeno’s at the moment. Ingrid gave them the rest of the pastries and whatever else Ingrid had picked up along the way. Ragnhild was sharp with her tongue though, “Wise lady Penderson! Any more and I would have to get your dresses refitted!” That one stung. She left a little red from embarrassment and made her way to her Zeno’s abode.

She took a bath before just talking a little with her Zeno group. And went to bed

On the second day, Ingrid woke up and talked to Dory and Ismette a bit, proclaiming that she was going out with Sven today. She skipped breakfast to meet Sven at Zeno bucks. Ingrid had looked forward to today. The nerd himself was quickly growing to be his best friend.

But the day didn’t go as she wanted. Things started nicely. Some light talking and laughing. Going to a few clubs nearby. It was nice. Exactly what Ingrid wanted. But everything changed when Ingrid discovered a large aberration near a club stall behind some crates. Ingrid only came here to get out of the sun and wait for Sven to grab some snacks. It was scary to see one here. Why would it be here? Ingrid waited for Sven to come back but he never did. Ingrid couldn’t leave it here since this place was so densely packed. She decided because of its size and her own RAS she would take it in to make sure someone with lower RAS doesn’t absorb it.

As she plunged her hand in it she immediately felt regret. The aline feeling was even worse, hor body became wracked with pain like she was resisting it. Images flooded her head and she lost her mind until she collapsed.

To an onlooker, they swore that the woman had just died.

Ingrid rose from the ground in an unsettling way, lumbering. She seemed to be in a daze but soon she held her head and swayed side to side like something akin to a madman. Her eyes were red and they had no tears, they just seemed wrathful, more wrath than one who knows Ingrid could assume she had. She ran through the central street, trying to avoid anyone she may have known. She just needed to get home. She needs to hide before she lets loose on someone.

But as she crossed the junction she saw another aberration. Her mind didn’t even resist, it pounced on it as she needed it. She knew she would go crazy but she didn’t care under the influence of the aberration. It was almost as large as the other one. Silas had started to absorb it as well, maybe trying to stop her but Ingrid succeeded in touching it before it disappeared. As she drew even a lick of it, Ingrid had gone fully mad.

The first one to gain her ire was Silas. He had stolen from her. She lashed out at him and kicked him in the stomach with a slight bit of kinetic magic like you would a stray dog that tried to nip at you. She assumed he dies as the commoner body went a decent way. And she turned to see someone she once cared for

Dory had been unlucky to be the one Ingrid saw. The care and worry she had for the Feskan girl had twisted her image of her as someone who she abhorred and detested. Someone that needed to be squashed. With more kinetic energy Ingrid grabbed Dory and slammed her into a wall but Ingrid wasn’t done as there was a sadistic and vile feeling welling up in Ingrid that felt like euphoria. Ingrid held her life in her hands. It was but a game. She wanted to inflict pain upon her friend. Dorry tried fighting back but Ingrid was too fast at this point as she was augmenting herself with kinetic magic. Ingrid wanted to crush her into the ground and when she couldn’t it was no longer fun.

Ingrid took a step back and drew the fire and ambient heat and light darkening the area immediately near them and what took form was a large fireball that was destined to kill Dory. All of the magic Ingrid used before was almost random uses of magic, unplanned, unrefined. But this was different the girl had let off thousands of explosions and this was built into her like the lunge of a duelist. The fireball launched with an intensity that the Feskan girl couldn’t attend with. When it all seemed lost, Manfred came in and helped match the intensity saving Dory.

Ingrid yelled in frustration that they were still standing. The fight lasted a little longer but Ingrid could no longer get away with casting such a huge fireball. Even with all his experience, Manfred couldn’t restrain Ingrid with her large size being supported by this heretical strength. The fight wasn’t looking good until Dory gained confidence and used internal chemicals to weaken and sedate Ingrid. Dory's sedation had calmed the situation but she needed to still restrain Ingrid as there were moments when Ingrid came back and was still as rabid.

When Ingrid came too, she simply stared up at Kaspar, not completely aware of what happened. She just knew there were people on her. She didn't know what was happening but things started to happen

Ingrid continued to make her way to Luna’s. Her emotions were mixed and hard to process. She had no one to find comfort in now in her mind. Sven is probably furious that I ran off. Hopefully, he doesn’t know what happened… Ingrid had a pained look on her face, Of course he will Ingrid, it happened near the magic clubs, we talked about going there after the Orators society! I was then taken by two Centuries to the Violet Enclave! Everyone will see that. People are nasty and it won’t be long until everyone knows! Fuck!

Ingrid made it to Luna’s and grabbed her bag and headed up to the roof. She just stayed their. Crying intemtitedly when she thinks on how she fucked up. Ingird popped a bottle of spirits out of her bag and got absolutely hammered on the roof. They day got cooler as the sun went down yet Ingird didn’t feel like getting up. She didn’t want people to see her. Especially not Dory. What she saw when she was temporally displaced fucked with her mind but she thinks she understands hugo’s motives at least for just looping the time line over and over again. Her mind was filled with a lot of thoughts.

Ingrid stayed up on the roof the entire night and only left once the sun had risen and she could go to Zeno Bucks to grab 2 cups of coffee along with some pastries to fuel herself. She knew she should have felt tired from not sleeping and all the other things but she didn’t feel much other than mentally exhausted. She still has so much to do and she thinks if she stops she'll sink.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
Avatar of CaliforniaState

CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 1 day ago

Splashes of water dropped on her face. The coldness accompanied by the wet pellets was enough to disturb anyone’s sleep. A hand splayed out in front of her eyes, shielding her from the harsh rays of the sun on this morning. How many days had it been at sea since she had left Tarlon in search of refuge in the borders of Revidia. The sea wasn’t quiet, it wasn’t without its low whispers and murky waters that pulled Ymiico towards the edge of her vessel. She was thirsty and her water sack had been close, if not empty already. The blue hue of the water looked so alluring on her parched, chapped lips. Best she could do was let her hand run through the waters and let her skin feel the refreshing flow, for she could not entertain her thirst with such salty waters.

The coldness of her hand on her skin felt good, the sun didn’t stray from pounding down on her with all it’s radiance. And for a while it was the only thing that reminded her of home. Though the continued thought of such was too much for her to bear on a ship with solemn anyone to speak to. Instead, it was more common for her to dwell with nothing but herself to dissect. Ruminating was a plague she had self-afflicted, it was unfortunate that she could not hear any of the strumming, singing, and buzzing of the familiar invertebrates that made up the composition of most of Nikan’s summer tune. The sound was deafening enough to drown out any negative thoughts. So, she turned to religion to appease her minds voracious appetite to ruin her.

She retrieved the Kagura suzu from her bag and shook it. The ensemble of bells lit up like a goddess awoken from her eternal slumber. Rattling sprung and ran across the ship and reverberated through the hollowed-out wood. It was a kindness she had done for herself that brought a small smile to her lips. Without the ability to fall back asleep she motioned to the window inside her room, the only connection with the world outside. Sadly, she was in the back of the ship, so the window gave her nothing but the blank canvas of calm seas or the occasional rough tide. A knock was heard at the door, followed by the announcement of their arrival. An intense pang of fear and anxiety jolted through her heart, her body began to feel hot, is this not what she had wanted?

It was, but she couldn’t help that she had been duped and the boat had brought her directly back to Nikan. If not, then the unscrupulous people at the dock would surely be filled with derelicts who were quick for coin. Was she even important enough to contract someone to dispatch her this far out? Surely the Shogun and Emperors reach was only finite. Her mouth was agape to answer, but no words rung out. Low grumbles instead replaced coherent sentences. Fear had choked and paralyzed her. A paralysis so intense she could not move her body. Ymiico did what she always did in times like this and closed her eyes, it was the only part of herself she had control over. Her heartbeat was brought to a still, naturally rhythmic beat and her muscles relaxed.

Once settled she gathered her things and headed out from the ship, a knife gripped tightly enough it was leaving an impression in her palm. The ship was empty, they had already docked and touched down to pursue women, payment, or drink. Knowing better it was probably all three. Several forced conversations for directions in her most broken Avincian supplied her with enough to make her way to the gates of Ersand’Enise. Not just any gate mind you, it was the Queen’s Gate and as so commanded respect. In all actuality it wasn’t really the Queen’s gate it was the sea’s gate. That didn’t stop her from running her fingers through the perimeter that formed the wall. A voice boomed from the distance towards her direction, and she shuddered.

Shuddered hard enough to wake herself up from her dreams. It was always the same dream, the first day she landed here and arrived early before the rest of the students in their grand procession. It was better this way; she could avoid a large crowd of prying eyes and only be left to the judgement of the faculty within. She caught her breath after a few deep ones in through her nose. It left her lungs once again when she realized she was late for the student societies faire, not that anyone would notice her absence. Music and merriment were just a few meters outside of her window, it was enough to stir some excitement in her and get on about her day. She dressed in her typical silks and other garb and headed out into the giant academy.

It had only been roughly two months since her attendance and Ymiico was still not used to how lavish and prosperous the school really was. It rivaled what a major city in another country, reminding her of what laid in wait if she were ever to return home. But she was safe here, right? Either way she hadn’t made too many friends yet. She also considered those who said hi to her and were in her groups were automatically her friends. It was kind of hard to find anyone who spoke fluent Nikanese. Which is what brought her to the first club tent which was hosted by members of the Cherry Blossom, conveniently placed outside the dorms. In her most eloquent Nikanese she spoke with a fervor for which she had not had when speaking in her native tongue in months, “I’m here to sign up for the club!” hitting all the pitch changes and notes. One member just looked at her perplexed while another reciprocated her excitement. Turns out the other member was a nonnative and was able to recite three words.

That was one club on her list, and it only took her about an hour to find her way to the next one, it was nice having someone else who understood her culture. While she was in the vicinity, she visited the Yasoi'riimel area. If she was in both Nikanese and Yasoi clubs, she would be able to keep tabs on who comes in and out from their subjective areas. There would only be a handful she would have to watch out for to ensure her secret was safe. There was one Yasoi that stuck out to her from class, Casii. Ymiico wondered if she too would be part of this club. Ymiico spent the rest of her day braking up what other clubs she would enroll in, for day 1 it concluded with Yasoi'riimel, The Fauna Society, Cherry Blossoms, and Children of the Moon. The last one was nice, seeing as she was fawned over for a bit.

Day 2 was not nearly as packed, but she wanted to visit the Needle & Thread Guild and the Pragmatics. Her final choice was the faceless, true to their name however there was no spot for their club it was completely devoid of attendance. Ymiico had no clue what to do other than shout that she had no face very loudly down every nook and cranny she could. Eventually she had tired herself out and found herself near the Brewer’s Brotherhood wishing they had fermented rice instead of these so called ‘hops’ being. Overall, it was productive and accomplished faire. The affairs of the outside world and security mattered little to her. She had her affairs in order and that was all that mattered to her. Whatever awaited her next would be no different. Although, being alone was starting to get lonely.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event:Week Nine: Assani 26-30, Student Societies Faire | Location:Academy of Thaumaturgy, Ersand'Enise


There was a rap on the door as the knocking was relentless. Even as she tries her best, the pillow held around her head failed to drown out the sound. The lion cub growls and stretches as she tries to fight away the nose at this ungodly hour. “By order, if you don’t open up this door. We will break through it.” When the door eventually opened, it bore witness to the comical sight of Ayla looking like a demonically possessed ghoul with a serious case of bed head. ”... We will be back in an hour. I am sure we can prioritise some other students first.”. The DRAGON agents return in an hour, though this time, a fresh faced and charming Ayla Arslan is there to meet them. ”Lady Arslan, it has come to our attention you are in possession of a Dragon Egg. We are agents of DRAGON to check upon their welfare.”

Ayla opens the door to let them in, the room was warm, really warm, the kind that those in Eskand love to enjoy before diving into the snow after their sauna session. The girl seems to be acting oblivious to it, wearing her typically loose Torragonese clothing. ”Didn’t think my application inquiry would come to you so promptly.”, she moves over towards the special brazier where hot ashes are keeping the Froabase eggs nice and toasty as advised by the fireflies. “The big one when it hatches is going to be named Áureo, and the small one Amêndoa.”, indicating the large one with the aggressive red and encrusted gold pattern, and the small black one which would bear an albino. ”That one looks to be a runt, it is better…” the agent began to speak, before being cut short, ”Oh yes, Amy is just like me. Runts! We would be perfect together” The agents looks towards eachother, but deciding it is wise not to continue their comment after that remark, ”... better with you after all the paperwork is in order. You mentioned an application?”, ”Yes, went to the Fireflies for some advice which they provided with recommendation towards yourself. Having raised Lion Cubs in the past, it is not completely new to me to house... those that require additional requirements”. ”Well, your application was not in time, but since you are so willing and seem to be taking the right steps, let's work together. This is a first offense, you are taking the right steps though running afoul. Let me give you a fine, it looks like you can easily pay it, and we go through the paperwork here. I highly recommend joining the Order as well for learning proper care. Does that sound good?” Ayla nods in agreement, paying the fine and the membership in the hallway, and out of the heat of her room. They didn't need to double check if she qualified under the fireblood bracket.


Ayla has spent some of her free time between moving one place to another working upon a song for Zazzy's new venture. It was good to see her getting along with Marci, especially since that spicy first meeting, and admittedly feeling a tad jealous, but it is all fine. Friends stick together and work together. The melody wasn't too difficult, especially as she decided to do some creative borrowing from a well-known Revidian song, she started to put the chalk to board. Now, how to get more people interested… let’s get that curiosity, that spark, starting small. One foot through the door.
♪ Just one coffee,
give it to me, ♪

Now, for something exotic. Things are always nice and exciting when it comes from abroad. Does it even come from aboard? She shrugs her shoulders, Zaz is from Virang, so it does kind of count. Writing the next lines.
♪ delicious elixir,
from over sea. ♪

So they need to know what to order. Black coffee can be very bitter to taste, so they won’t be getting a lot of return customers. Milk can help with the bitter taste, and whilst sugar would be best, it is pricey. What about honey… something lighter on the taste buds.
♪ Creamy milk and honey dream, ♪

Now the last important detail, where can they order this treat from!
♪ give me Coffee,
from Zeno Bucks team.♪

Ayla smiles widely as she reads the words, and with a hum and a sing-song of her voice. Sings on her way to recite Zazzy the song she came up with.
♪Just one coffee,
give it to me,
delicious elixir,
from over sea.
Creamy milk and honey dream,
give me Coffee,
from Zeno Bucks team.♪

Society Stalls

The big weekend has finally arrived! Ayla starts the day with going to the stalls after her advertisement, the streets around the dorms especially are filled with song. It appears some did the wrong idea, as Ayla is buzzing as she is rather loaded up on coffee as they have been purchasing one for themselves and one for her. What is now known as the ‘Ayla’ order has become popular, with stories reporting about the distressed girl singing in need of her coffee and once you taste it, you can understand why.

Ayla takes a look at the map trying to work out the best route to go. It doesn't help that the map was unclear and starting walking around in circles, and it doesn’t help that all the numbers are out of sequence. She decides on attempting a clockwork manner starting close to the dorms, bringing her right to the Fingersteepler Society.

It seems she missed the silence at morning, the anticipation which kept the rest waiting, and due to her late start, this resulted in meaning she arrived perfectly in time for the chocolate. She wolfs down the piece happily as she meets the Shadow Sovereign and his friends dressed in red. ”So what is this, another do-gooder in ignorant bliss. One who aims to thwart my schemes? Perhaps in their dreams!”
Ayla smiles widely in excitement at the verse, and cannot help but get into character as well. She puts her fingers across her face. “Don’t mean to fright, for usually this one travels out at night. You think one is a knight? You will soon feel my bite!” she gives a low roar with a biting motion.
The Sovereign is being challenged as he hops on top of his seat. ”Sister! Who can resist her? You shall come tonight and dine, you are to join us fine.” "Mister! Don’t you dare diss her. For this is a sign, for she is in fact a dark divine.” Ayla continues her edgy looking pose towards him as if attempting to darken her features. The sovereign shadow looks towards her with that immovable gaze of his mask, clapping his arm upon her shoulder. ”I accept defeat, challenger! You have now joined our number”.

After the word play and potential recruitment into the ranks of one of the ten evils of Sipenta, she starts to continue her journey. She stopped by the magic based clubs, though by stopping, more like trying to avoid them unsuccessfully. Being an Arslan, the Firebreathers were vying for her attention to join their ranks. You may wonder how she gets spotted in a crowd of students so easily, then you remember she is head-to-toe in lion jewellery. ”Arslan! I see you Arslan, come and join us!” After trying to be grilled, both figuratively and literally by the fire breathers, she managed to escape with her clothing relatively intact, and avoided the cloudchasers all together. Her full clothing was much to the shame of Ipte’s courtyard where she ended up next. There was a display of couples dancing and having fun, and she even waved towards Ismette she saw there, but she seemed to be too preoccupied with the kissing booth and offering to take over, much to the joy of many who were gathered there. Nearby was the Torragonese league, making a courtesy showing and signing up, especially as she represents one of the large families, happily discussing Varrahasta with some of the other homesick natives.

Travelling through the arboretum, and after paying appropriate tribute to Mallow, is the Fauna society. It is definitely the best stall around with so many pens of animals, that it could only cause distress with there being so many, there was no time to hug them all and get through the rest of the fair. She ended up speaking with Beryl Mundi, the current president, talking about whether the society would consider paying a visit to the Reserva Natural de Arapor and seeing the famous Arslanian Lions. This resulted in a reluctant a yes based on merits, after a less than impressed statement about her family renaming the local Araporian Lion for their own purpose. Cannot please everyone.

Outside the park is the Pumpernickel Clubbe, with the Taster’s Union conveniently located just opposite. Though that won’t stop Ayla taking advantage with her height to sneak a few extra portions of the pastry delights for herself. ”Hands off. If you cannot bake it, you cannot cake it.” Ayla’s cake-hole was filled, but after a swallow, she responds to the large woman addressing her. ”Oh, yes! Able to make lots of yummy treats. Desserts are my favourite.” The woman raises her eyebrow towards her in a curious then furious manner, ”Treats? We don’t deal with treats here. We are the Pumpernickel clubbe, we are a patisserie club. This is baking, an art, not some... treat!” It appears Una has been enraged by Ayla’s words, as the little cub reels from the woman’s fury. It happened that she was in possession of her own baking in the form of Pastizz, for a completely different savoury purpose, ”Would my Pastizz lunch work?” Una looked down upon the girl, a common event given the height difference, taking a look at the pastries. She decided to take the girl on her offer as there is a light crunch as she takes a bite into it. ”This Pastizz has so much fat, I wonder how many Virangish Stripped Manatees were slaughtered in its creation. This cheese is like candle wax, and the pastry flakes are as tasteless as the dust of a carpenter's workshop. If you really want to learn how to be a pâtissière, I will see you at the exam. Otherwise stick to your… treats. Begone.” Ayla eyes widen as she was surprised at such a harsh review of her baking, another was friendly enough to suggest that her being requested to take the exam was actually a compliment. She sighs in visible relief, she was absolutely convinced she blew her chance then at joining the clubbe. Lessons learnt. Pastries are serious business.

The Bard and Aesthetics societies went as well as expected. The bards were hounding her for paperwork and receipts for performing without a licence, as apparently singing in the streets for free, especially as a clear endorsement of a business, did not constitute as fair use of your vocal ability. It appeared Jaqweshia was unhappy with trying to explain to their other customers that the lion girl was not for hire nor a member of their college and told in specific terms they won't press it further and event enhance her career if she applied. The Aesthetics society on the otherhand was very focused on their art, though some of the pieces were looking very pretentious. She swears that one of the prominent pieces was the aftermath of the artist being attacked by Mallow for wandering too close to the pond, then trying to pawn it off as some kind of masterpiece. There was a strong undercurrent of ‘Make Art, not War’, and some impressive usage of painting styles and techniques using the gift to achieve them which rivals traditional methods of chalk and brush. One artist used binding to create 3D sculptures created layer by layer, looking almost revolutionary in its potential applications.

There were smaller stops at the Needle & Thread Guild, and the Gamers Union. The Needle & Thread looked to be fun, with fashion displays and practical advice on how to use different fabrics. She has heard that the Yasoi girl, Casii, was thinking of joining this one. Perhaps it might be a society to try to befriend her at, or perhaps even hire her. As for the Gamers Union, Ayla thought it was going to be a lot more fun, though the head to head challenges were heated with those present taking it very seriously, and as for every sharp dresser, there were ten more experiencing significant hygiene issues and wardrobe malfunctions. Perhaps this wasn't the scene for her.

It was when she was on her way to the Draconic Order, the Fireflies, especially after her recent visit by the lovely people from DRAGON, that she came across something unexpected.

Last time she came across someone confrontational was Casii, the rather confused and eccentric Yasoi girl, but this was a different level that showed a geninue hatred. ”Look at that one there. I bet she looks down at you even at that height!” Ayla couldn’t help but not notice the obvious reference to herself as the girl was giggling to her friend. ”Oooo I think she heard us, perhaps she covers herself in all those lions so she looks so big and scary! Yet, she can fit in the palm of your hand, like a Palm-Top Lion.” Ayla sighs long, nothing ruins the day like coming across another bully. It is fine, just have to move on. ”Run away now little Lion, don’t worry, Mother will put some spratz in your warm milk for you.” Ayla stops. Normally, she would run away, keep her head down, but there is something about facing death multiple times in the Desert that makes you want to try something different, and it is at this moment, she decides, that sometimes you just have to do something for yourself. She turns around as she walks up towards the girl, then simply smiles. ”Don’t know who hurt you so badly that now the only pleasure in life you take is in the misery of others. Hope you find real happiness without it being at the expense of others.” The crowd of girls looked shocked, the brat even more so, “HOW DARE YOU, NOBLE BITCH”. The girl struck towards her with a mundane slap, as Ayla used the gift, foaming a sonic-sheet with the girls screaming to create a barrier, the hand clapped against it with no harm to either party except for a loud noise. “Is your rage because of my birth? No one chooses their birth, rich, poor, strong, weak, tall, short” the latter with emphasis with a smirk in that self-depreciating manner, “in this unjust world, what matters is our actions. Those who are strong help the weak, those with wealth help the poor, those who are tall get things from the high shelves… and those with power and noble have great responsibility. What is it you choose to do? Help or hinder those around you.” The girl looked like she was not going to give up easily, though it seems the presence of another caused her to reconsider her options as she turned away scowling and cursing.

“Don’t mind her, a large chip on the shoulder. A Noble displaced her family from their home to make way for a private game reserve.” The words did make Ayla frown as she pitied the angry brat, feeling sorry for their experience, the long haired man came up and held his hand out, ”The name is Elek. Don’t get the wrong idea, I wasn’t chastising you, Petra was in the wrong. I thought you spoke beautifully. The world could do with more of that mindset.“ Ayla looks out towards the direction Petra walked off to, ”It was really wrong what happened to her. She has a right to be angry...”, Elek nods as he follows her gaze, ”You are right, but it shouldn’t be misplaced. An eye for an eye, it makes the world blind.” he offers the palm-top Lion a big smile, Ayla couldn’t help to feel charmed by the sentiment. ”Mind if I borrow that one for next time?”, Elek laughs out, ”Gladly. It is all yours to use.”, ”Will do then!”, she smiles, waves, and is about to walk off as she gets tugged back a moment. ”Wait a moment, there is something. I do run a society, and it is actually what you describe. It is called Egalite Fraternite, Perrence for meaning a friendship group of equals supporting each other, regardless of class, RAS, or other such measurements. We do struggle to actually have members of the Nobility join, so I think someone like you would be perfect. Perhaps show Petra that there is good out there, even in the noble classes. What do you say?”. Ayla considers for a moment, then nods.

”Spicy like Virangish pepper.” Yasoi is leaning along the tree branch as he peers down towards the girl. ”Kitty has claws like a ferocious lion, and a loud roar to match.”. Ayla blinks as she looks up towards him, is it really going to be one of those days? Though she gets surprised as an apple is tossed towards her, the yasoi rolling to the edge as he dangles down upon his legs, matching her eye level by hanging up-side down. ”You are not scary like a flock of froabase like Casii makes you out to be.” she tilts her head to the side as she tries to match his look. ”Are you a friend of Yasii?”. He smiles brightly as he flips from the branch, the tall man appearing behind her, lowers himself down upon his knees as if trying to match her height, and still being on the taller side. ”Ashon’amar’loiyang, if you can tie your tongue around that, I would be impressed like a yanii reaching their 80th birthday.”, ”Ash-on’a-mar’loo-e-yang ?”, he claps, ”Close enough! Now, don’t tell Yasii we met-sii, though for a peck on the cheek, I could put in a good word for you with her.”, Ayla raises an eyebrow, ”You are strange one.” Ashon blows a kiss, giving a wild smile, jumping back upon his feet as he hops back up in the tree. ”The friend group sounds fun. Let’s see if they can handle the both of us in there~”

The last but not least is the Draconic Order. Ayla looks up as the fireflies are in action overhead as the riders buzz against the rooftops in a chorus of roars. No where impressive as the Tyrannus Monsigneus, but it definitely lured many eager to join the ranks. A lot of fans are turning up and cheering as stewards create barriers to keep them behind the lines and safe. Ayla joins the crowds as she cheers too, slowly making her way towards the front. It seems that the lines are being formed based on factors such as ownership. Ayla makes her way to the significantly far shorter queue for those who own dragons. ”Hello, can we see your DRAGON paperwork?”, Ayla rummages through the paperwork to produce the provisional licence and also a fine for owning Class B dragon eggs. The man looks at the paper, including the date, looking up towards Ayla. ”Ah, you were the one asking about the dragon eggs, weren’t you? Sorry about that, we need to report suspicious activities. We have had reports of several sales and illegal activities.”, Ayla shakes her head, ”It is fine. Though my eggs were rescued in Torragon, not through the black market. A couple of my friends did as well.” The man nodded, ”You do have a valid licence, so you are eligible for membership. So welcome to the Draconic Order. Put the choice on your application and we can sign you up to the Egg & Hatchling classes our Breeder’s host.”.

Ayla found her way towards the admission office and towards Margot Maloise’s desk by the end of the day. Her application filled out with a Pastizz placed upon it. Office work is hungry work.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 4 days ago

Location: Ersand'Enise

Interactions: None

Collab: Lamplighters @pantothenic

Desmond awoke the morning of the Societies Faire, he felt his body and it seemed stiff. He lightly sighed as he slowly sat up and rubbed his face before he left his room, as he seemed to almost move like a ghost, as his feet left little noise and even him turning door nobs and opening doors seemed to not have that same squeak they normally do. Once he left his room, he headed off to cleaned up, he had clothing prepared, light clothing and a cloak incase of rain. When he moved through the dark house with not even a light cutting through the window he was as quiet as a the wind. Not even his breath could be heard, his feet moved in a calm and relaxed way, yet he moved in a methodical pattern as it left his movements with little noise to be made. As once he was prepared to leaver, he opened the front door, not even the first light has cut through the horizon, as he had maybe another 20 minutes until that happened. As Desmond left to do the same things he did in the early morning: relax.

Desmond's relaxation wasn't simple as laying about, shopping, not even studying, no his tinkering was a fantastic hobby, yet that sometimes even gets on his nerves when he can't figure something out, or something keeps breaking, no, he trained. As Desmond moved towards the Arboretum, he originally moved in the early morning as it was the best time to dodge annoying Nobles who seemed to always found fun in harassing Desmond. After a rough housing incident with a noble, Centuries seemed to almost breath down his back anytime he is even near the a Noble's Dorm, so he had opted to leaving early to dodge the patrols in the early morn of his area. It was maybe a minute window he had to slip through as they seemed to have a decent focus near in the Noble's Dorm to keep the area safe, however even with the increased patrols, it was more than enough time for Desmond.

The moment Desmond opened the door to the house he checked the street, as the moment he saw the hole in the patrol, he began to bolt forward and through the set of Noble buildings infront of his home. Once he neared them, he dipped to the side where there was an alleyway, as the moment he hit the alleyway he set his hand against the wall and prepared as he focuses kinetic energy into his legs as he squatted down and sprung up as the energy he could muster threw him into the air. He did not have enough power to even throw himself high enough to clear a 30 foot wall, however he had quite a bit of experience and practice in climbing and freerunning.

As Desmond began to slow at about 20 feet off the ground, he began using magnetic energy to attract himself and the wall together as his hands near the wall almost latches on to give him the friction and grip he needs to put is feet under him and against the wall as the moment he had a grip he drew in the charged energy that attracted himself and the wall together as he used the energy he could draw from his beginning fall and input it into his jump again clearing another 10 feet before using the same trick he did before to do another bound as once he neared the top, he used magnetic energy one more time to attract his hands to the lip of the roof, as his hands barely griped onto the edge before he was able to grip tightly and pull himself up and onto the roof.

Desmond finished his ascent from the ground floor to one of the roofs in a mere moment as he began to run across the roofs to continue his travel. Using the fact that more often then not the only time any guards will look up is when they either hear some noises above them or they sense magic. Desmond moved with very quiet and methodical movements as he moved and shifted across the roofs as he watched out for any wandering guards or Centuries. As once he made it most of the way through the Noble Dorms, he began his descent using megnetic energy and kinetic energy to slow his fall, and once he landed he made his way to the road dividing the Merchant dorms and the Noble dorm, Desmond knew he would be mostly fine at this point.

As once he cut through the Merchant Dorms into the Common dorms, he was mostly relaxed as he finally saw the trees and knew he made it. As he entered the Arboretum he began hearing the birds calling, the insects musing, and the water slightly moving. It was nice here, it felt much more akin to what Desmond was used to, as after a bit of stretching, Desmond began 'relaxing'.

Desmond's training wasn't something that was just purely physical training, if that was the case he wouldn't be as proficent of a combatant as he is. Training has always been a wholistic thing with him, to train the mind, body, and magic is the required training to make an even stronger fighter, and so, Desmond's training regiment reflects that.

Desmond constantly drew kinetic energy from himself while doing pushups to create increased resistance and once he reached near his RAS limit, he imparts his energy quickly into a kinetic push into the air. After doing this for sometime, he switches to hanging from a tree upside down as he begins doing upside down sit ups. As the entire time he is drawing from his kinetic energy within him to make his workout much harder and anytime he is moving down he is imparting kinetic energy to force himself to put more effort into going back down, as once he feels his body starting to slow from muscle fatigue, Desmond hangs from the tree for a moment as he began to draw kinetic energy in and converted it over so he can use his spell: [Blessing of Endurance].

As Desmond's Spell worked it's magic, it slowly took away that muscle fatigue that seemed to slow Desmond down. Desmond let out a sight as he landed, Desmond began stretching as once he felt good enough he began sprinting across the Arboretum. As Desmond once more pulled from the force he was to exert on the ground to strain himself while not moving very quickly. Desmond continued this constant use of the gift, physical exertion, and mental exertion. After a few hours of exercise, he does all forms of exercise to train his body. Desmond was drenched in sweat, his body was red from the constant blood flow, muscle working, and growing heat his body is creating. Desmond was huffing and sighing as he used his magic one last time to cleanse his body of his Muscle fatigue.

Desmond did one last stretch before he left to bathe before he started his day. Desmond left to return home so he would be able to bathe and change into his proper clothing before things start to properly happening. Once Desmond was finished he left to begin his day, a day where the day the Student Societies begin. As Desmond went about his day he began seeing the streets slowly fill up, different groups of students building stalls, and much more. As Desmond saw someone come up to him and say, "Hey! Would you like to join….", and for Desmond, the Society Faire has began.

"You want me to pay HOW much every month? God damn!!!" Desmond shook his head in frustration and blew off the egghead working the Waverider booth. Learning how to surf sounded awesome, but he was already putting himself in debt by attending this stupid school. It seemed like half the clubs in this faire were only open to people with money or status. What did they have against normal people like him?

As he moped down the street a large piece of parchment flew through the air and slapped him in the face. "What the f-" Desmond ripped the paper off and looked at it. It was some kind of poster advertising a society called the Lamplighters. There was a lot of flowery bull written on it which he pragmatically ignored, but certain pieces of information stood out.

"Tuition rebates? Daily food allowances? Hourly income!?" Desmond crumpled the poster up and sprinted towards the front gate of the academy where the Lamplighters booth was located.
The signup booth looks more like a military recruitment station than a club. There are several tables with chairs on each side for people to sit on. Prefects are interviewing potential Lamplighters in order to assess their personalities and combat aptitude, as well as business matters such as money and release of liability. Desmond's line is rather short, and his turn comes up as quickly as he arrives. The bored-looking senior opposite from him shuffles some papers and prepares to take notes.

"Your name?"

Desmond put on his confident smile as he gave his name to the Interviewer, "Desmond Catulus". Desmond held himself with a calm demeanor, this was him introducing himself to an employer, so he knew the basics from his time as a Mercenary. Give concise information, make sure to play up your strengths, and make sure they don't know about any of your real weaknesses.

The recruiter attempts to write down Desmond's name and notices that his fountain pen is empty. After a brief refill, he notes his interviewee's name on a printed document covered in various blank fields. The print is too small for Desmond to read upside down.

"Desmond Catulus. Thank you for expressing interest in the Lamplighters organization. Before we begin the interview, tell me, what do you know about our society?"

Desmond took notice of the man's failing fountain pen and it being empty, Desmond thought about how many people would have probably came by for him to have a failing pen already, must mean there are either many people wishing to be good doers or that there are probably some more complacent types within the society.

As when the Interviewer spoke it almost seemed to be rehearsed, so Desmond knew that the most basic answers would have been heard a thousand times. So Desmond gave the information in a concise form to move them through the boring pieces, "The Lamplighters are a society that act as volunteer watchmen for Ersand'Enise, they enforce curfew, watch for suspicious activity, and while the Lamplighters are considered a part of the city guard and expected when necessary to be able to police for minor crimes, they are also expected to report more major crimes to the proper authorities".

As he spoke, the pen moved with every sentence Desmond uttered. The prefect's poker face was well practiced: His body language did not indicate whether the student's answer was a good or a bad one. It was unclear whether answering the question mattered at all, such was the nature of a job interview.

"Knowing what you do about the Lamplighters, what is your reason for signing up?" The second question was a big one. Desmond could choose to be somewhat honest, or bullshit it and give a nice-sounding answer.

Desmond spoke and watched as the man seemed well rehearsed, it meant either he has done this often, or he himself is a part of the guard. Desmond kept his same calmness as the next question was asked. Desmond in that moment had weighed his options, nice sounding would make him seem like a man who wants the job for some reason and is willing to lie about it, while the truth would make him seem like somewhat of a man who is here just for the money.

Desmond spoke in a calm fashion, he knew his answer anytime he took a job, you do what you need to, but on your terms, "Ah, I signed up because of the financial assistance and hourly wage. I'm here at Ersand'Enise from my own pocket and had to be indebted to quite a few people I know, so I thought this would be a good way to repay that while being in school".

"The financial assistance does seem to attract a lot of people to our fold." Another non-committal response. The prefect filled in a box somewhere on his document before looking back at Desmond.

"Well, let's start with qualifications. While the Lamplighters are rather safe by the standards of a guard unit, the job may at times put you in harm's way. Not everyone we deal with is a Biro trying to break curfew - Ersand'Enise has a very real criminal element within its walls. We do provide some basic training to those that require it, but this year's pool of recruits is quite large and we can't coddle everyone. You'll be a lot more successful in the Lamplighters if you have prior fighting experience of any kind. How would you say you fare in that regard?"

Desmond looked towards the man as he spoke, Desmond understood te situation clearly: in possibility of a Lamplighter gets into harm's way from the possible criminal activity that they could get mixed into because of the job, they can be provided basic training, yet from the large pool of applicants they can't provide it to everyone.

Desmond's smile never changed but internally he knew this was going to be one that was going to give him a decent edge, "Ah, I have quite a bit of experience in fighting actually. I have quite near a decade of experience in fighting in live combat situations. So basic training would only waste the instructors time".

"Live combat you say? At your age?" Desmond's recruiter reached for a stack of papers on the table and began flipping through them. It was unclear what their contents held, but a keen eye could spot tidbits such as the names of countries, some statistics, and the names of some local mercenary outfits. "Can you provide a little more detail?"

Desmond watched the man as he seemed to almost flick through a stack of papers that Desmond took notice almost instantly. As he watched the papers, he noticed the countries, and then he saw statistics for combats and battles that took place, as he began looking for names: The Flammenburgs, The Grunhounds, and many other mercenary outfits he remembered meeting and facing during his times.

Desmond knew who he was looking for as Desmond said, "Ah I was with The Crimson Sun Mercenary Company, or Le Soleil Cramoisi Compagnie de Mercenaires". Desmond then gave him a chuckle as he said that in a very fluent Perrence as he continued, "Our leader is Perrench, so it might come up as that-" Desmond smiled as he lightly gestured to the stack of papers the Interviewer was looking through, "-During my time we were in multiple smaller scale battles and a few small wars in the Kerremand, Huulendam, and Kressian region, and some of the most note worthy Wars come from the Enth - Helbahn War that was about 6 years back. That one ended with the Enth pushing back Helbahn from their archipelago allowing them to keep control of the sea trade there. Then there was the Kerremand - Huulendam War about 4 or so years back that led to an indecisive outcome or Pyrrhic at best for Kerremand in the that the Iron Duke had lost in open battle yet were bled dry. The rest would be smaller wars waged against piracy between Enth, Juiskarn, Eskand, and Warlisz for the past few years".

As Desmond shared his account, his interviewer recorded his observations on a fresh sheet of parchment. While taking notes he would often pull a document from the large stack and refer to it cryptically. After Desmond was finished sharing his personal history, the man pulled a whistle out from his shirt and blew on it. A younger looking lad wearing the Lamplighters arm band appeared at his side and was handed some of the notes. The prefect whispered in the runner's ear before sending him away.

"Your candor is appreciated Mr. Catulus. It seems we need not worry about your ability to protect yourself. No proof of your service will be necessary, for we can easily figure that out ourselves. Let us move on to other matters." The man picked up a paper and looked at it while speaking. "Before we can consider you for recruitment there are some questions we are required to ask you. Be honest, and don't overthink your answers. This is an important part of the screening process."

"Question one: One of your squad members has pocketed an expensive piece of evidence, and you are the only person to notice. You know that this is against protocol, but the two of you are good friends and have gone on patrol together multiple times before. You remember that this person comes from a large and poor family. What do you think is the right way to deal with this situation while upholding the integrity of the city guard?"

Once finished Desmond sat patiently as the man finished his notes and called for a Lamplighter to run the notes. Most likely to see if any of his claims were legitimate. As the man final broke the silence, Desmond listened as he asked the start of the questions that seemed to be used to screen certain personalities.

Desmond thought for just a moment before he answered, "Sigh, I believe in this case, it's evidence...to up hold the integrity of the guard I couldn't allow them to just leave with the evidence, but I won't get others involved. It'd be a difficult one as I would feel for them, however, I would try to talk to them about giving it up. I know they would fight it, but I would do what I can to get them to do it and then help them return the evidence in a unseen way so no one needs to know otherwise"

"Mhm." The prefect recorded Desmond's response but did not demand any further clarification in regards to the answer. "Noted. The next thing I would like to ask you is: What is the difference between a soldier and a guardsman?"

Desmond fretted if the Interviewer would have pushed further, yet he seemed to move on to the next question, one that was an interesting one that could either be seen as being based upon philosophy or based upon pure classification. Desmond knew not which he looked for so he answered as he could, "A Soldier is someone who is a member of an upstanding army whos job is to fight for and protect their country. A Guardsman is a member of a community who job is to fight for and protect their community. Both fight and protect their people, yet one is much closer to those they protect than the other, so they will have a naturally closer connection and trust".

"So why do we have both an army and a peacekeeping force? Why can't the 11th Mounted Rifle regiment of Perrence do the same job that we do?" The man retorted.

Desmond chuckled, as he said, "It's easy, Trust". Desmond shifted himself as he then continued, "You wouldn't trust someone you never knew to be the one you expect to protect your daughter from some pervs at night, even if they may be well trained and very capable. You wouldn't want someone who might have dubious ties outside the city you'll never know having the ability to say who is and who isn't a criminal. It's about the trust you have of those who are here to protect you, you don't mind having someone fight a war for you if you never see them, but you do care when someone outside of town comes to be a policing force. Because they aren't here for your community, they are here for the country. As the ears of a King never hear the cried of the Clerk and the Thief".

There was a tapping sound as the clerk's pen smacked against the table repetitively. He appeared to be giving something some serious thought. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence he impartially scribbled something down. "Third question: when is it okay to disobey the lawful orders of your superior?"

Desmond waited in silence, the tapping became more and more reverberating as it felt almost uncomfortable to sit and wait, as the moment the Interviewers pen finally scribbled a note, Demsond felt a sense of relief fill him as the man continued. The next question was another interesting one as it was the question of when was it okay to disobey lawful orders.

Desmond took a moment and then said, "The time I believe it is okay to disobey lawful orders of your superior would be when it either goes directly against the very foundation of what we as people believe is good, or when we are to turn our blades against those we are sworn to protect or know to be innocent. After all, laws may be changed based upon that which those higher than us believe befitting in either their benefit or otherwise, and any can be called guilty without due cause, yet we as people need to be able to stop when we know something is wrong".

The recruiter opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted when his runner abruptly returned. The two whispered in each others ears for a time, and then the Lamplighter was off to a different table. Desmond's interviewer looked at a dossier while glancing at him, then nodded and shuffled it back into the pile.

"Very well. The next thing I want to do is ask you a series of rapid-fire, binary questions. There are only right answers here. Ready?"

Once prompted Desmond said with a solid, "Yes sir", and the questions begin.

"What is seven times twelve?"


"What is the eighth letter of the Avincian alphabet?"


"Which way is east?"

Desmond looked as if he was confused for a moment that this was a question as he looked to the sun where it is rising and falling as he figured out which way was Eastward and tossed a thumb in the direction, "That direction"

"Spell playwright."

Desmond said in a clear voice to make sure a letter in not misheard, "P-L-A-Y-W-R-I-G-H-T"

"You have a number of coins that equal one Incantor. Twenty three coins are Owls. How many Bennies do you need to make up the remaining difference?"

Desmond took a quick moment of thought to remember the conversions and once done he gave his answer in a quick fashion, "You will have to have 50 Bennies".

When the questioning was over, the recruiter went back to his original document and checked something off. "Good enough. I think it's about time to wrap this up. I suppose you want to know how you did at this point...?" He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms at Desmond. His face looked more stern than it did previously.

"Question one. How to deal with crime among your own. Caring for your comrades is important, but as an officer of peace you need to adopt a different mindset. If you confront a criminal without the intent to arrest them, all you managed to do was warn them that their methods need improvement. There is no guarantee that the sob story he fed you was grounded in reality, nor that he has any intent to stop stealing in the future. It's our job to hold people accountable, not to rehabilitate them. That's a job for the Somnians. If arresting your own makes you uncomfortable then report the incident to your superiors."

The prefect took a wax seal and burned it onto his document using arcane magic. "You have potential though. You'll make a fine guardsman, I think, so long as you keep one thing in mind. Our goal is to arrest criminals, not shoot them in the head. Understood, mercenary?" He slid the document into a leather folder and leaned forward. "Training starts the day after Trials week. You know how to fight, but you don't know protocol. You'll report to the Proving Grounds where you will be assigned to your sergeant and begin your drills."

Finally, the man slid a sheaf of papers towards Desmond. "These are things we need you to fill out and turn in to the school's records department. Financial aid forms. Release of liability in the case of injury. Duty statements. Very interesting stuff I'm sure. Welcome to the Lamplighters, Mr. Catulus."

Desmond said with a calm, "Yes sir", as he rose from his seat and shook the Interviewer's hand before he left.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

A Promised Deal

In the campus library, Zarra patients stares at the copy of 'Helegans: A Missing History' which admitted he had to pulled some strings to attain, sitting rather uncomfortably on the public dark oak seats, their height just low enough for his knees to stick out. Across him is Ingrid, glasses glaring from nearby candle lighting.

Ingrid was reading up on how mana worked in blood. Having absorbed a few aberrations, Ingrid always felt the ick travel through her veins. So to read up on mana manipulation and where the Mana actually resided was in her mind the secret for getting the wand to work. She hoped at least. Little was known about the Hegelans so it was hard to say if it would be useful to study the Hegelans or Mana itself. This duel approach would help a lot. Ingrid took off her glasses to clean them as she talked at Zarra, ”Have you found anything of particular interest yet Zarra?” Ingrid had hoped that his research was baring easy fruits this early into their research.

"Not really, unfortunately. First off, the title itself is a lie, it's not remotely about Helegan history. It's just a story about a dude named Claude who is travelling to a supposed Helegan settlement. 'Day 51, I peed on a rock!', it doesn't obviously say that, but it equates to that. And half the book is him just trying to survive the wildlife with his supposed RAS of 8.88" Zarra looks clearly frustrated he got an adventure autobiography instead of a genuine textbook.

Ingrid chuckled quietly at his frustration with the text before waving her hand at him apologetically.”Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh but the way you stated that was much funnier than I expected.” Ingrid put her glasses back on before speaking in a more assured tone, ”It’s only the first day Zarra, plus your not even done with the journal yet. Their may be more things inside of it. The Hegelans aren’t considered to be mostly legends for nothing. Maybe you can use his geographical area to determine if you should look in other areas.” Ingrid started to read her own book again, and now in a more monotone voice, ”If it makes you feel better, so far this book feels like a very general overview of what I knew. So maybe I also need to dig deeper after this. But that is what research is right?”

"Don't forget your shovel." Zarra says with literalist snark. More awkward time goes by as 1 page flip turns into 5, which turns into 50. After all hope seemed lost they would get something, Zarra furrows and rereads a passage. "Aha. Here, he meets a Helegan on the outskirts of the mountains. He asked about their runes on their faces and armor, and the Helegan responded essentially that it is their language, but also an art. Each rune grows with every generation. It would be the equivalent to plasting your family tree to your clothes… But I am beyond doubtful that my bloodline is Helegan in origin. Plus it doesn't solve how runes are applied to tools, such as a wand."
Zarra puts the book down and pushes his leg while turning his torso, audibly cracking stiff muscles.

In a surprised tone, “Oh so he actually met the Hegelans? That is pretty cool. And they use runes. Old Eskandish uses runes but I doubt that they have any power in them. As for me I have a theory but I need to do more research because it might be a bit to extreme.”

“No Ingrid, I’m not going to sacrifice baby birds to get it work, a man has to have some ethics…” Zarra rolls his eyes at his own sarcasm. “Speaking of a lack of ethics, didn’t you say as part of your blood research, you were gonna engage Trypano? Are they willing to give information out for free?”

Ingrid shook her head a little to play along with the sarcasm, “Zarra I sacrifice at least a bird and 5 baby birds everyday.” Ingrid stopped the sarcasm by changing her tone of voice back to that monotonous way of speaking, “In all reality Trypano would be able to help us for a price but it is a price that I believe you cannot bear very easily. She is also a binder like yourself but I would consider her a higher class one. Apologies, but she may ask for time with the wand as well and I assume you don’t want more people on this project?” Ingrid raised an eyebrow wondering what he truly thought about it.

“You make a good point, I don’t want the wand to play hot potato or I’m never going to see it again. I’m sure I could do the price, it’s just gonna be something likely very weird and out of left field and I’m going to regret all my life decisions up to that point.” Zarra is not really reading the book anymore at this point and has his full attention with the banter between his research partner.

Ingird still having a seriousness to it, “She would probably take parts of your body and experiment on you since you are a rare specimen.” Ingird looked back over to him seeing he had stopped researching. Ingrid started to collect her things, “My research should be over in a couple of days. We can meet up here in a few days or you can come to my room after school when you wish.”

“I would like the latter but I don’t like your guardsman, I’m sure he does it to everyone, but he gives me stares. He probably doesn’t like that I'm a greyborn and can essentially sneak past him at any time I please, plus, my parents have expressed they are in fact coming, so it would be simpler if we shared research while doing that at the same time.” Zarra seems to be trying to make more intelligence decisions this time around, though the futility of that is beyond him.

Zarra seems to not like Eirik, Ingrid’s guard, and Ingrid can confirm the feeling is not 1 to 1. No, Eirik dislikes Zarra much more than Zarra dislikes him. In fact it was worrying to say the least but Ingrid trusted Eirik to not kill Zarra just because, even though at times it has felt that way. Essentially, Eirik hates kids like Zarra. So Ingrid lied, “He does indeed stare at everyone. If you are uncomfortable with him, how about we go to my bedchambers? I have essentially another study in there.”

The boy looks confused more than anything, “I assume you bringing it up, that you’re ok with that? You and I both know how dangerous it is with you being such a celebrity.” While it did not come off in a complimentary tone, Zarra genuinely seems to mean that Ingrid is popular and liked enough to be one of the supposed ‘popular kids’ of the school.

“You would be entering my dorm, Zarra. From there I would guide you to my bedroom. No one will see.” Ingrid had collected her things at this point and was beginning to rise from her seat. “Plus my popularity has waned recently so it should be fine.” Ingrid started to head off. It was up to him if he would patiently wait by himself or come to her room to continue her half of the research.

Zarra seems to get up along with Ingrid, not really with purpose like her, more of ‘so what are we doing next’ kind of manner, he continues to follow her as if somehow this question will answer itself.

Ingrid looked at him, “Um, Zarra, I thank you that you believe I’m talented enough to have a theory to test right away but it is going to take a few days to make me comfortable with presenting it to you. I more meant that since your research has come to an end, if you wanted to help me out, I would be in my room…” Ingrid questioned where the miscommunication came from.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to make it awkward, I was under the impression we were going there now. Alright, I'll talk to you later about it."


A few days pass as students from every corner of Ersand participate in the Societies Faire, Zarra and Ingrid are no exceptions. As promised, Zarra meets Ingrid on [undecided day of the week] with his parents, knocking on her dorm door expectantly.

Ingrid wasn’t in tip top shape after all that happened but this needed to happen so she put on a face and moved forward. Ingrid once again had Eirik greet the guests under explicit instruction to be kind and if any attitude would be detected then it was off with his beard. Under this threat Zarra and his family was met with the utmost care and Zarra could swear this was a different person. Once again they met in Ingrid’s study. Upon being told they were entering, Ingrid rose to personally greet them, “You must be Lord and Lady Travendour, it is good to meet you, please have a seat,” Ingird gestured to the finely crafted chairs, Normally there was only 2 but Ingrid had another one brought for Zarra to sit in on the talks as well. Now that they were settled, “My name is Ingrid Penderson, Zarra has informed me that your family are talented ship builders?”

Atlas responded first, his silver hair his most striking feature, it’s likely he’s graying and he just decided to commit to the look, one can only wonder how much they spend on their looks with dyes and obviously well-tailored clothes. Atlas is visibly taller than the rest of his family, but just as scrawny as his son. “Oh no, that’s a myth mostly, I am a ship schematist, I design the boats, we pay for the labor. The only parts we do make are the sails, which is my wife’s specialty.”
The redhead that is just over Zarra’s height pipes up. “Atlas, you haven’t even asked the woman for her name!”
Atlas seems to glaze his eyes towards the wall before coming with a proper response. “Do we need to? You are Ingrid Panderson are you not? And you are aware of our names? Unless my son has failed to communicate such basics.” Zarra is already feeling the exhaustion of listening to dad talk like his entire life is business.

This is going to be exhausting isn't it? From Atlas’s choice of words, to the mother already forgetting or never even acknowledging I gave my name to begin with. You know I assumed that Zarra was a but an unbelievably quirky child that was uniquely odd. Now I see it was hereditary, Ingrid thought as she tried to figure our how to continue the conversation. Playing along was probably the best option, “I am indeed Ingrid Penderson, and I am aware of your names. So to move on, you design the ships and hire shipwrights to build it for you. This is done directly under your supervision no?”

"Yes, exclusively my own. I also own all blueprints, attempting to use them without my express permission will result in legal action."
Milennia adds to the discussion, "Yes, same for all my cloth designs, we take our work very seriously." While Atlas is much more stern in his assessments, Milennia seems to give almost a bored or disappointed tone. Atleast they have their priorities in order. Zarra is starting to pick at his nails and hair like a bored kid brought against their will.

“Alright, I can accept that. So then, will you be gathering materials?” Ingrid asked.

Atlas and Milennia look at each other in confusion, before the mom inquisits further, "You own a mine. Why would we be supplying the matetials?" Zarra actually engages for once, even if it's to be pedantic. "Actually, mom. Her family owns the mine. It isn't under her ownership, just like you are with me." She puts her hand to her face with a 'oh' expression, but doesn't seem that shocked she missed such a detail.

Ingrid chuckled, “While I’m glad you belief I could be the owner of a high production mine and forge, I am sadly only connected to them. I can still arrange for quality materials to be delivered to your works site.” Ingrid seemed confident in this assertion.

Atlas continues with the trade conversation, “I am understanding that you are asking us to exclusively build the ship? And you will compensate us for the labor costs; you will be the owner of the ship. If this is the case, I can make an exception to the no manual labor on our part clause, and I will personally oversee the build, this should easily remove a third of the construction time.”

Ingrid was impressed but kept it under a laxed smile, “I see, then we should get to pricing. Since I’m going to be buying and shipping the materials to you, I would like to put a down payment for your build. Then the rest on completion of the Galleon. I believe this is fair as I’m holding a majority of the risk.”

“Oh, honey. Working this us is not a risk.” It’s a little disconcerting that she doesn’t elaborate on that, Atlas visibly wants to contradict her, while Zarra isn’t really able to, he seemed to have fallen asleep of boredom in his chair. His parents seem entirely unphased by this, like it’s just a thing that happens.

“I mean that if I were to pay you fully right now and purchase the materials and then ship them to you, I would be the one risking their capital. It is not that I do not trust you, it is to make sure that there is incentive for you to finish.” Ingrid hid her irritation at what they said.

Atlas pulls out some sort of large tome, starting to sift through and grasping the information again. He turns to his wife, asking a question in the middle of his study. “Are you going to make them supply the sails? You know the price of making them…” she laughs haughtily. “You know the answer to that.” Atlas furrows and continues to study the book, who someone could easily deduce is a financial record of some kind. “Well, we made the decision to supply the sails ourselves, we only trust explicitly our supplier, and your family surely doesn't have easy access to the many pounds of fabrics required. Avoids headache for everyone. With that in mind, the costs are… Three thousand, five hundred magus?”

Ingrid was quick to ask, “What is the break down between the sails and work?” She was mostly curious. She assumed that sails would be any where between 1400 to 1600 Magus for all the sails.

“They’re about 1500, according to my charting.” Atlas responds, “2000 for labor, and for any hiccups that come up” “That’s so much material, looks like I am not sleeping for a few weeks. Not that I got any with 2 kids, haha.” Milennia tried to break the awkward tension of a sleeping Zarra and only Ingrid and Atlas dominating the conversation, the failure is palpable.

“Alright, that seems reasonable.” Ingrid started pulling out some papers. “So, would a thousand Magus be enough of a down payment for the labor. I believe the sails do not need to be bought right away?”

“No, I was actually just going to ask if you would like a family logo or anything like that on the galleon? And, no, I will not accept ‘just make it white’ as an answer, it’s part of our trademark to do custom sails.” Milennia shares canderously,

“Well give me some time to commission some art for the sails then,” it is a small thing she has to take care of so it shouldn’t be an issue. “So I will start with a down payment of 1000 magus to lock you in and the project will start when the first shipment comes in.” Ingrid wanted to confirm this since they seem to be a bit airy.

Milennia and Atlas huddle together and whisper a little bit to each other. They turn back to Ingrid. “Yep, sounds good to us. We will stay on campus until a contract can be decided.” “Before we do that, my son had brought up the idea of using our hot air balloons for these so called ‘trials’, what is this about?” Milennia hopes asking one of Zarra’s classmates will get her answers.

With the main things laid out, Ingrid asked Åsa to start the contract as Ingrid answered some questions, “Oh, the trials is an event that many schools attend to take part in a variety of games. The overall winners get unknown prizes. And I think a hot Air balloon would be immensely helpful,” Ingrid said as she shook Zarra awake.

Zarra shuffles awake, not particularly tired and more of just understimulated. “And so how many will you need? And more importantly, will they be at any risk of damage?” Atlas has for once taken the backseat in the interaction. “Are you done already? I expected that to take longer.” Zarra adds naively.

“I cannot say,” Ingrid replied. Relaxing back into her seat now that business has been finished, “I have never done so but I believe it would be safe to be ready for some in any case.”

“While we absolutely support our son being creative, surely they’re going to set rules about this in the future. If it’s just a one time thing, why bother?” interprets Atlas. “Got anything to defend yourself mister?” Millennia says to her son, rather confrontationally at that. “You never listen to me. I told you it’s for a trial where we have to rise for as long and as high as possible. A balloon would be able to carry my whole class and Ingrid herself is an Arcanist, she could learn it effortlessly.” There’s a subtle undertone between the two, while there’s a veil of resentment, it’s never remotely explicitly expressed, how unhealthy…

Ingrid coughed to make her way back into the conversation, “Lord and Lady Travendour, I believe Zarra’s suggestion was quite ingenious. No one would be able to replicate your technology and if you are worried about the use of it, I am quite capable of keeping it afloat.”

“It is more about the fact being that this is a competition of sorts, there’s a high likelihood someone will attempt to destroy your balloon to make sure you can’t stay afloat.” Atlas fairly reasons.
“We could attempt to use it as advertisement, but I don’t know how good of an idea this is. If Zarra has not told you, I am Revidian, but my husband is Perrence.” Like a true couple, Atlas finishes his partner’s thought.
“The single last thing we want is to brandish ourselves too much and get pulled into the war, as we’ll be betraying one, if not both of our home countries.”

“Lord Travendour, with all do respect, unless you have the population, the children, or the capital, you will find yourself in the war. A balloon that exists as a luxury item would do little to make people weary.” Ingrid was speaking mostly because it seemed to need a mage to operate it. And unless it could directionally move itself, hold hundreds of people, and move vast cargo, then it would at best be a footnote if war was to break out.

"You seem to misunderstand, I am talking about our ships. Being used to transport men and weapons. While our balloons are our prized inventions, they do not always pay our bills." Atlas retorts this in a rather patronizing manner.

“Then simply don’t mark the as your own,” Ingrid responded. “Then when the war is over, I will let you take claim for building it if you are truly worried about this.” Ingrid didn’t care that much since this honestly wasn’t her issue. They want to build the ship and they want the cash.

And so the finalization of the business is done, and Zarra and Ingrid are able to reconvene and share research as promised.

Ingrid had sent word to Zarra,

Meet me in my bed chambers during the early hours of Eshiran. Make sure you are clean and bring a spare set of clothes, I doubt you will be returning to your own bed that night.

Zarra is understandably a little spooked by these instructions but ultimately follows them, bringing a set that he has less remorse for if they happen to become damaged in any way. He knocks formally at her chambers while bringing along a borrowed book from the campus library.

Åsa, Ingrid’s secretary, answered the door and smirked when looking at him, “It seems you followed her message, Zarra. The Lady will be pleased.” She turned as she guided him to the Ingrid’s bed chamber’s. Letting him in before shutting the door behind him

In the room was Ingrid in her normal clothing, maybe dressed down a bit. On her desk were plenty of cloth and sutures. Along with what seemed to be a sharp dagger and a pot of water. Ingrid took notice of Zarra, “ah, Zarra, you made it. I believe I have something to show you,” Ingrid smirked.

"So where's the part where I never see the light of day again?" Zarra quipped while looking at in his mind some sort of sacrificial ritual set-up. "I see we had vastly different ideas on how to handle the wand. I was gonna suggest we attempt to put as much power into it as possible, see what the upper limit of it is, if we learn anything from that…"

Well it is similar, Ingrid thought but decided to cut to the chase. “By my research, the wand is activated by Mana and if combined spells are the line of logic we are using in this case, then I believe cutting yourself to let your blood run over the wand would bring out its power. Essentially, we need to have your mana interact with the wand. But we are neither skilled enough to do that so cutting ourselves should be an effective substitute for our lack of skill.” Ingrid held the dagger in her hand quite confidently.

"Hugo gave me this nice old fancy wand and I'm told I have to bleed on it, gnarly. Does it matter where I'm cut at? It sounds easier to do on like the arm or elbow over a sensitive part like my hand. Just don't make me bleed too much or you're gonna have a dying grayborn in your room." Zarra seems rather squeamish and physically averse to this whole idea.

Ingrid responded bluntly, “Do you hold the wand with your elbow or forearm? We need it to be as close as possible. I would personally recommend we cut a semi sphere into your hand to increase the amount of area it is in contact with your blood” And Ingrid smiled afterwards, “Don’t worry about bleeding out, you are a binder after all. Plus I can always ask the Centuries for help if you are truly dying!” Ingrid was showing an unnerving amount of enthusiasm.

"Look Trypano, I gotta cool moon scare" Zarra says in an intentionally annoying falsetto. He inhales to calm his nerves as he waits for Ingrid to make the incision. There's an obvious look of 'aren't you gonna do it yourself?' but Zarra quickly looks at her like she's legally insane if she expected that to happen.

Ingrid sighed, “Fine.” She boiled the water to sterilize the blade, then cooled it before carefully cutting a semisphere into his hand. Ingrid held him close, almost holding him to make sure he didn’t move. She gave him a piece of leather to bit down on. “Do you best to not pass out Zarra, you are your own healer after all” With that Ingrid did it. Blood started to pool and she said lets begin the testing

The leather did little to help as Zarra instead basically just screamed, one of which could probably top Ayla in pitch. "Son of an actual woofaworf! God damn that freaking hurt. Who designs magic items to bleed on?? That's how you get like, every infection in the book!" Zarra shouts exasperatedly

Ingrid covered his mouth to muffle the screams. Last thing she needs is the Centuries busting in and believing she is a blood mage. “Quiet…” Ingrid said as she tried to calm him down. “Now look at that bath filled with hot water. It is very salinated and should be difficult to freeze with your RAS. Absorb from it as much as you can without holding the wand, taking note how you feel.”

Zarra instinctively tries to use his unsliced hand on the water but Ingrid basically stops him and forces him to use the sliced hand. Zarra is understanding he has to freeze the water. Which is made more annoying as he visibly bleeds into it, "Yah. I can feel it cooling but barely, if it were any hotter it'd burn." Zarra impatiently waits for Ingrid to hand him the wand so he can try and get this strange trial over with.

Ingird said, “Good, Now release the heat back into the water and I’ll bring it back up to where it was.” Once the tub had been reset, “Roll the wand in your blood and then set the pearl in the wound, then draw and see if you feel any difference.” Ingrid was doing her best to comfort him by holding him as he went though a lot of pain.

“Do I put the wand in the water? Do I use my hand after touching the pearl? Gotta be a little more specific here…”
What sounds like basic instructions to the Penderson clearly does translate well to the Travendour.

“Grab the wand like you would hold it in the injured hand. Do not put in water, draw the heat at a safe distance now using the wand and trying to focus on it. Then release the heat back into the water and note any differences. Do you understand”

“No, absolutely not,” Zarra proceeds to do exactly as Ingrid asks, making the denial to be entirely rhetorical. As Zarra does so, the water visibly stops steaming and if he decided to push for any longer, he could get the water to freeze as well.

“Alright, that is a small change! But a change is a change! Lets repeat this a few hundred cycles tonight and then tomorrow we can do some kinetic testing on ships bobbying up and down in the on the dock!” Ingrid seemed to be wanting to kill this poor boy… Like she had some ulterior motives. Or she could just be excited about researching.

“Uh, Ingrid, I am going to probably cry tears of boredom if you think I’m going to stay here for hundreds of tests. I’m happy to do less than that, but at that point any possible benefit the wand would have would be canceled out by my complete lack of focus.” Zarra argues while he wipes down the bloody and wet wand with his undershirt.

Ingrid grips onto Zarra, “Zarra? This is research. And if we want to get to use this during the Trials to win then we need to put forth a grand amount of effort. Now sit down and do magic” Ingird voice seemed friendly but it seemed a little threatening in the way a tutor would.

Zarra sighs before sitting down, deciding he better get comfortable. And with that Zarra is not seen for the entire rest of the day and night. Some say you can still hear his girly screams from the floor below. The end.

The end of that day! Ingrid was not done with her training of Zarra to unlock the potential of the Wand. Every day she was cutting him open to get him used to casting with it. From moving boats to increasing chemical reactions to simply burning things. More tests to get him used to the wand. Ingrid was ruthless. Zarra cried a lot. Like a lot. But in the end, he could pull a decent amount out of the wand but their was no idea if they had reached the bottom of the wand's potential.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Her eyes scanned across the letter that had been delivered to her. A request to meet from Augusto, a noble from Torragon. It seemed to not include any listed reason for this meet which was irritating. Even an allusion to whatever purpose this meeting could serve would of been better than nothing which was all this invitation held for her. It didn't really matter. Noble or not her time was precious so he could wait or approach her himself if it was really so important.

Looking up from the letter she noticed motion within the Zeno's halls. Having been passing through after receiving her letter she spotted Jocasta passing through. While they had run into one another a few times by now, the last time being during that hunt to secure the surge of aberrations that had started cropping up across the city, they hadn't properly spoken yet. Given the events that only the two of them are even aware of it seemed like something big enough to warrant some form of discussion. More than that however was the fact that Trypano now knew that Jocasta understood time travel. This meant she could potentially be of help to her in developing a theory of hers, a design which could hypothetically alleviate the effects of tethering by means of a time stasis chamber and, of course, their blood.

She scanned the area with her binding senses, getting a read on the existing material nearby to determine just how many living humanoids were within the vicinity. It seemed the two of them were alone for the time being, everyone else likely being busy out with club preparations for the upcoming festival. Still, caution was warranted given the sensitive nature of the material they'd be discussing.

"Ah, Jocasta. If you have a moment available I would like to discuss certain matters. They might include sensitive information regarding certain individuals and/or topics so I've checked to make sure no prying ears are listening but you're free to sense out the surroundings yourself for further privacy." 'Twas a bit of a wordy greeting but such was Trypano, thorough if nothing else.

Jocasta's greeting was the formation of a sonic bubble, dampening the sound of their conversation to all the outside world. "I don't," she teased. "Sorry, gotta go!"

Trypano quirked an eyebrow and cradled her chin with her thumb and index finger inquisitively. "If that's so then why the sound dampening sphere?"

"More of a hemisphere, wouldn't you say?" teased Jocasta, but then she relented. "Anyways, yes, sure. I've got a few minutes. Is it... about... you know..." She trailed off, a nervous conspirator.

"To some extent, yes. I do recall the events which transpired wherein we were forced to alter events. Though no expert on the subject of time alteration I would not rest easy given we still don't know the full capacity of what Ismette called forward nor whether the realm it was conjured from obeys time in the same way ours does."

In a small gesture she took her hand away from her face, flicking her index finger out. "My purpose for seeking you out's only tangentially related to that event however. Now that I'm aware of your understanding of time manipulation I was hoping to get your opinion on a theory I've been working on since we returned." She gave pause to allow opportunity for Jocasta to speak her mind so she doesn't end up like one of those people who corners someone and just talks their ear off.

"What she engaged with, I've heard precious little about," Jocasta replied, lowering her voice despite the dampening, perhaps out of habit. "Too little," she concluded. As for your idea... I have a question for you first, perhaps fittingly only tangentally related." There was ever so slight an incline to this floor and it was annoying her to no end by trying to make her drift into Trypano's shins: a fiigurative bowling ball to the much taller woman's pin. "If you could travel freely through space and time," the tethered inquired, "where and when would you go?"

An interesting question she was posed. "Where and when would I travel, hm?" She crossed her arms in careful consideration. "Freely through time and space would imply that I wouldn't be damaging the fabric of space and time such as when that aberration emerged after our return to prevent the summoning. Provided I had a means of traveling without such risk to our current timeline however I suppose I would first travel to each point in time, documenting all that occurs within this timeline. That way I would have a point of reference whenever I alter something and can follow the resulting effects of each decision all the way into the future and see what results occurred compared to if such alteration had never transpired."

She had been looking up as she thought up her answer but now returned her gaze back to meet Jocasta's own. "My concerns presently are less regarding time travel and more regarding time stasis however."

"That will be... useful for many things," Jocasta admitted, "but difficult to achieve." She did not bother craning her neck to meet Trypano's eyes. Her unusually tall classmate struck her mostly as the type to subscribe to social convetions only out of obligation anyhow. "There is something, when you pause the flow of time, that we Temporal users call 'Time pressure.'" She glanced upward anyhow before continuing. "An inelegant term, but it decribes the phenomenon where one's separation from the timestream causes mounting side effects. Most compare them to a building pressure in your head, like when you overdraw and, like that, all of the way to unconsciousness." She glided alongn the tiled floor, still annoyed by its tiny slope. "I haven't pushed the limit and have no desire to, but you'd best tread lightly." She paused. "Besides, and not to be rude, but since when have you dabbled in Temporal?"

Noticing that Jocasta seemed to find difficulty in keeping her wheelchair from rolling from time to time Trypano took a moment to test her progress in free-casting, extending a hand downward using a finger as her focus as she applied her binding to the tiles below, subtly molding their form so as to help keep her from rolling in that same direction so easily. Jocasta's response was to flash a quick, knowing smile of thanks.

"Interesting." The binder took a moment, considering what she had been told. "Since we can both count on one another to keep what is spoken here strictly between one another I can confide that during our mission from Hugo on Isla d'Amato we were ambushed inside the coastal caverns by a race of sapient reptiles. They held a significant degree of knowledge regarding both material science and temporal magic, enough so that even Benedetto was unable to oppose them." It was a risk confiding their existing to her but trust was a mutual contract. She had to trust her in order for her to trust back.

"We eventually managed to negotiate our way free which is how we were able to reach the Dune Sea over in Torragon. With that encounter however I've been made aware of Temporal magic and have been considering it's applications, specifically a medical application I could hypothetically employ that would generate minimal chronological disturbance." Trypano took a pause to let Jocasta air any questions or concerns that may have arisen from her explanation.

"Was it the Sirrahi?" she asked, but she knew that she would be right. "I've been told of them but never seen one." She glanced down at the subtle shifting tiles. "Keep doing youru freecasting practice, by the way." She flashed an encouraging smile. "Do it until you don't een have to think about it." She was falling slightly behind and gave her wheels an extra hard push to catch up. Like almost any scientific type, Trypano seemed to suconsciiously pick up the pace when she was talking about something that interested or excited her. "As for your idea, what wouldl it be? Preventing a bbleed-out at a crucial moment during surgery? Pausing the effects of trauma before they can worsen?" She tilted her head to the side wonderingly, thinking, herself, of all of the potential applications. "Oooh: preserving recently-deceased tissues to prevent decay?"

"Ah, so you've heard of them?" She answered her first inquiry. It made her happy to receive encouragement regarding her free-casting practice, especially given how recently she had picked it up. "They are a fair bit taller than most humans. Primarily carnivorous with a penchant for research and interspecies relations as Ingrid may attest."

She listened as Jocasta listed the number of uses such magic might have. All valid but ultimately circumstantial and none answering existing on-going issues save one.

"All good guesses, the last one fairly close." She clasped her hands together before getting into the meat of her explanation. "As you may be aware binding for the purposes of restoring the body primarily relies on using a mana's built-in framework of its owner's form to guide the process. It serves as the baseline for a majority of methods used to heal others using this art."

"Now, and do stop me if you find the topic uncomfortable, you may be well aware that the Tethering results from the mana's paralytic effects on the nervous system, gradually rendering its users' limbs and eventually body inert until user death. I've been considering for some time on how to alter the nature of mana for the purposes of changing this so Tethered mana no longer kills its users but it occurred to me that its rate of paralysis is related to the age of the mana itself." Unclasping her hands she softly hammered her left fist into her right palm.

"If I were able to create a pocket space similar to those used by Hugo and enchant the item containing that space, altering its chronological process to halt or otherwise greatly diminish the time that passes within compared to the exterior world then I could take a sample of blood from someone diagnosed with Tethering before it's symptoms have grown severe and place it in containment. That way by the time they start experiencing more dire symptoms I could remove their existing mana and replace it with new mana generated from a sample that hasn't aged since it was taken after which I could use binding to rebuild their body according to their mana's template which would restore them to a younger, healthier state. This would allow the tethered to regularly receive treatments that could prolong-"

Jocasta appreciated everything that Trypano was saying. If someone truly could cure the tethering it would be... everything to her and many other people. Her classmate, was also wrong, however: a master within her discipline, perhaps, bbut there was precious little on the tethering because, truth be told, nobody really cared about the cripples and the bastards and the broken things. She held a hand up to interject. "I'm going to stop you there," she began, "because I think you're really onto something, but you also don't have all the information you need and I'd hate for you to start from an incorrect baseline." She came to a stop, bidding Trypano to do the same. They were not so completely on their own anymore. "So, you remember Hugo's study, but this is where my mana type gies me an advantage. I could sense a much greater area around us." She nodded as much to herself as to her classmate. "And we were not in a pocket dimension. He'd teleported us all: automatically, somehow. We were some five miles from a coast and not so far from a city of... Sirrahi. There were things I could sense the energies of but not see and I could not even begin to comprehend them."

She shook her head. "That was one thing. The other is the nature of tethered manas. I can tell you from experience that an individual mana won't live that long. The... turnover rate among them is very high: a year from birth to death at most as soon as the colony gets large enough and starts bonding with the nerves. I think the notion of manipulating time to stave it off is a fundamentally good one, though. One I'll be happy to lend any help needed with."

Trypano nodded along, taking in what information Jocasta had to share on the matter. "So he used a teleportation spell, possibly in conjunction with binding to leave an enchanted item with a function imprinted upon it. The fact that his study is located near a Sirrahi settlement is a fascinating one however."

"I think you're spot on," Jocasa agreed, nodding for Trypano to continue.

"As for the nature of mana's short lifespan I do understand the quick turnover rate. They do subsist and replicate within the bloodstream however so perhaps creating an environment for them to subsist, at least temporarily, could provide enough of a lifespan for the manas gathered to survive going into a temporal storage and occasionally coming out. Depending on what dependencies the mana may require I could, from a sample, create several stages of environments up to and including an inert body modeled from the sample's memory. Testing will no doubt be required to determine what is needed for prolonged storage of the mana. The most important part however will be fusing binding with temporal magic to generate a vault with an enclosed space, removed from universal space or not, that is temporally slow enough to preserve mana over the course of a human lifespan or longer." Standing there with her arms crossed she looked back down to Jocasta. "Your thoughts on this?"

Jocasta blinked. "It'll be a lot of work to get to that point, and I mean a LOT. It's a stretch." She paused, raising a finger to her lower lip. "That said, not theoretically impossible. You're a bloody mad scientist, you know that?" she half-joked. There were now other figures in the distance. "You're also not the first to approach me with some interest in learning Temporal magic. If the school refuses to teach it and people are determined to learn it..." She trailed off for a second. "At least do so under my auspices. I sense, as I imagine you do, that our world is headed for a violent clash of ideals and worse soon. It's something we should equip ourselves to be independent actors within." She shrugged, eyes drifting over to the approaching figures. "If you're amenable, I'll speak with the others and we can set something up. You should join," she added invitingly, but there may have been something just a tiny bit firmer underlying her tone.

Trypano chuckled as Jocasta referred to her as a mad scientist. "You're not to first to accuse me." They were approaching the public so it seemed their conversation would need to approach a close soon.

"Caution in the field of time and space manipulation is wise. Even still, bogarting of knowledge stymies growth in academic fields, slows the process of discovery. And as for the world approaching a new time of conflict it's unfortunate but not surprising. With as many actors in the current political scene this era of peace is a tenuous one." She gave a sage nod. "Nonetheless I will respect your wishes and study under your supervision when involving Temporal magic. The sirrahi were kind enough to provide a manual as well."

As they approached the exit to the building Trypano held the door for Jocasta so she may exit easier whilst hearing out her invitation. "Just give me an address and I'll be sure to attend. Nothing like a meeting of minds after all~" She gave a humorous spin at the tip of her response, nothing overly cutesy or sarcastic but just a dash for levity. If Jocasta had faith in these other unspoken individuals then surely they wouldn't be too dull-minded, right?

Later in that evening Ingrid approached Trypano's dorm.

The deal with Zarra’s family had gone well all things considered. Sadly they wanted to also make the sails but that was not too big of an issue. The biggest damn issue is those cannons. They are the second most expensive thing and the shipping cost for them is outrageous. To top all that off, with the war on the way many cannon makers are swamped with orders. I could buy the metal for nothing and I still wouldn’t be able to get even 3! What do I do? Ingrid was blessed by a memory of something that felt all so long ago. Trypano! She made that cool cannon from blood magic! She could do it! Ingrid is only thinking of the Magus and nothing that she is about to ask a blood mage to do something.

Ingrid set up a meeting before the trials, meeting In Trypano’s room to be less of an inconvenience for Ingrid’s cash co- I mean best friend. Bringing nothing but some cool plants that have mouths. Kinda trippy. But hey it might impress her enough. And with that Ingrid give Trypano’s door a good knock

In the light of the lantern she sat, metal tools sat in a low rimmed silver bowl on the desk. In her hand was her own eye, still attached through the nerves, looking back at her as she focused on it with her other eye still in it’s socket. The coloration of the iris slowly began to shift, only stopping when she noticed a blood vessel spill out below one of the outer membranes. It was a good time to stop anyhow as a guest was now at her door. Oh how the time flies.

Carefully, with gentle precision she slides the eye back into place, giving her eyelids a few awkward blinks as she calibrates it. Leaving such experiment for later she quickly cleaned her hands of blood, partly with water and partly through drawing, before heading to the door to greet her visitor.

“Ah, hello Ingrid. Step inside, I’m happy to talk.” She greeted her, moving aside to allow Ingrid entry as she gestured for her to enter.

“Afternoon, Trypano, I saw this unique plant and thought of you,” Ingrid offered the plant only then noticing the lantern. Ingrid giggled a little, “Been having some good progress with your private research, I hope,” Ingrid said as she alluded to her using the artifact of Shune as a mere lantern.

“I wish” She answered back, taking Ingrid’s plant present and setting it on a free space on her desk. “I swear with studies and all the research that needs to be done I’d only have enough free time in the year if I cloned myself.”

With that said she sat back down and offered a guest seat to Ingrid. “In any case I am curious as to the purpose of your visit.”

Ingrid laughed lightly at Trypano cloning herself, it could either be a joke or something she may do after all. “Well, if you do end up cloning yourself, can I get a clone of me?” Ingrid sat down, “I know you are ever busy so I won’t hold you up. I saw you create the cannon on our mission and I was wondering if you could create some cannons for me as well.” Ingrid had Trypano figured as ‘let's get to the point of this’ so there was no need to do any acrobatics in our conversation yet.

Trypano nodded. “Hm. While that should be easy work I will need to make sure to find a location where I can construct this without spectators lest I come under scrutiny from the increased guard presence in town. After all, with fervor for the Traveler’s arrest on the rise the forces rooting through his cult’s activities may be paranoid enough to mistake an honest binder’s work for blood magic and accuse me of any number of wrongdoings thereafter.” She lightly rapped her finger tips across the top of her desk in contemplation, considering the details of the work Ingrid requested of her.

“After I can secure a location where I can work without interruption reliably I will create a series of standard cannons for you. I will not request financial compensation but as a favor from myself I may ask for lab assistance later on. Surely you’d be inclined to return my favor at such times?”

Trypano was right, with the increase in Traveller related incidents and the Centuries being present, asking her to do this was risky. They would have more than enough fake reason to put an 8.3 bloodchild head on a spike. Meaning the price is going to be steep, Ingrid thought and thought correctly. Favors were a dangerous thing but what could Ingrid provide as lab assistance? “Trypano, may I inquire what you mean by lab assistance,” Ingrid inquired. Ingrid was certain the place to do so would be much less of an issue.

Trypano leaned back, steepling her fingers as Ingrid inquired about her offer.
“To put it simply, magic involving the human body works far better when that body isn’t dead or a wooden practice dummy. Now, I can assure you I’ll avoid any procedures that’ll pose any significant risk to your health and you’ll be free to opt out of anything you deem too risky to be performed on yourself. That being said, having someone that will consent to these experiments is valuable as it is risky for myself to even ask this of my fellow binders since folks tend to get squeamish when I start speaking of medicine and their own bodies.”

“So, with that in mind do you accept my terms for the transaction?” She cocked her head mildly to the side, hair swaying gently with the motion as she awaited her response.

In a completely unfiltered response, “Trypano that is kinda weird. But not bad weird. Just different. Let me ask you 2 questions. The first is this. Were you able to save me and Desmond because of these studies?” Ingrid felt a strong urge to be closed minded about this but she is keeping it forcibly open for the money and because she wanted to make herself uncomfortable to grow.

Trypano gently sighed, closing her eyes but for a moment. It was natural for Ingrid to be reticent towards her craft. It was expected. Still, it was hard for her to not long for simpler days.
“I’ve been studying humanoid health and medical practice since I was old enough to read. When I was twelve I began work as a nurse for the Revidian naval forces when they had hired my master’s services during a brief skirmish. At fourteen I was put in charge of diagnosing injuries and at fifteen I was a surgical assistant. Come sixteen I’ve performed operations on soldiers gravely injured in duty. All of this while further incorporating my master’s teachings through the scalpel itself. Everything I do stands upon all that I’ve been taught, that knowledge passed down from master to student all the way back to the days of Avincia where wizards of old would study the wounds of soldiers injured in combat to give us all that we know of the human body today.” Parting her hands she set her left back down on the desk. “So yes, these studies are responsible for the medical aid I’ve rendered unto you and Desmond.”

Trypano took an extra long time explaining this and Ingrid appreciated it. It made it seem less culty and more like legitimate science. “Okay. Now then for the second question, do you have some procedure you can do on me now? That way I can roughly know what to expect” Ingrid leaned back, relaxing now. “I know that might be a bit sudden but I would want to know so I’ll give you one procedure for free.”

She stroked her chin, considering what she might have as a suitable demonstrative experiment available to her currently.

“Well, a simple one to start would be a specific Mark I’ve been developing in my head for some time. Think of it like a Binding enchantment but for the flesh.” She picked up a free sheet of paper she had set on her table, loose amidst a sea of arcane notes all pushed aside away from the medical equipment so there’s no cross-contamination. Using what she had learned of her free casting lessons recently she brushed her fingers along the surface and across it a picture manifested upon it. It depicted a simple image of a crimson serpent with an eye set in its back.

“This Mark has two effects. The first effect is that it will pull energy away from your drawing process, slowing it down and sending the energy it subtracts from you directly to me instead. The second effect is that it will propagate itself, growing by drawing from the surrounding air and converting it into itself. This will accelerate the rate at which it pulls energy out of your drawing process in proportion to its length.” With her explanation given she sets her picture down before looking back over to Ingrid directly.

“With your permission I’ll place one on you and see if it carries out its intended functions by having you draw. Once results are documented I’ll remove the Mark and this procedure will be concluded.”

Scary Ingrid thought but she still said yes as she nodded that as well. “I’m good to go Trypano.” Ingrid looked back at her to confirm one last time as it was getting scarier and scarier just thinking about it.

Trypano nodded, keeping a professional air about her as she reached over and took Ingrid’s hand in her own. Gently setting her index finger upon the top her hand the image of a crimson serpent painlessly formed upon her hand, colored on not unlike a tattoo.

“Now I will need you to draw.” Trypano instructed whilst generating a shaft of wood in her off-hand, material pulled from the desk itself resulting in it getting a little shorter. With a low level chemical spell she ignited the end of the wooden prop.

“Draw from the heat of this flame. I will observe the results and let you know when to stop.”

Ingrid nodded and honestly thought the little snake was cute. Ingrid began to focus on drawing from the flame in a very controlled manner to try and give her an accurate experiment. She slowly drew from it, enough to make the flame shrink but not stop. Hopefully, this is what Trypano wanted.

Ingrid would feel a pulling sensation begin to manifest as the energy she drew would start leeching away from herself over into Trypano. The crimson tattoo would start to grow in length, forming along the wavy pattern of an ever-elongating snake. New eyes formed along the pattern, each set right in the middle as the pattern continued to repeat itself as it continued up along her arm. Despite its growing length, however, the pulling sensation did not intensify.

“Tell me, how do you feel? Is there a sensation? If so, is it getting stronger with time?”

“I feel a tugging feeling. It feels pretty consistent in location but doesn’t seem to go past that starting sensation. How do you feel?” Ingrid was curious.

Trypano lifted a hand and, after triangulating a position between two primary fingers and her thumb to set her focus at, cast a basic light spell using energy she was taking from Ingrid.

“I’d liken the influx of energy to the same feeling one gets when drawing, only lacking the conscious act of focusing on it.”

With that said she leaned in, taking a closer look at the eyes proceeding the initial one. While the first eye had noticeably darkened as it continued to transmit its stolen energy the remaining eyes remained a solid crimson red.

“Hm. I think I know the issue here. Nonetheless you’re free to stop drawing now.” Leaning back away from Ingrid she turned and produced the pen from her ink pot, jotting down observations from the procedure.

That wasn’t that bad, Ingrid thought. Ingrid stopped drawing and sat there, waiting to see if she needed her subjective observations again, until Ingrid had to make a joke, “I don’t think anything is wrong with your spells, I just thing snakes love to hit on me.” referring only one eye changing and what happened in those caves.

“Ah yes, that reminds me.” Trypano leaned up from her papers and set her hand back on Ingrid’s new tattoo. With a slow sweep up the arm the tattoo vanished as her hand passed over it, the hand gently brushing along the skin until the final stretches of the tattoo were gone.

“I have all the data necessary for now. I’ll be revising this later but for the time being you’re clear for this session. As for the cannons, provided you’re still on board with the given terms I’ll be sure to create them as soon as I’m granted a location away from unwanted attention for such work.”

“Oh, that was it?” Ingrid thought it would be more intense like dozens of tests like she is doing with Zarra. Maybe I am a little unethical having him draw so close to his limit hundreds of times… well whatever. This is okay for me, Ingrid guiltily thought then ignored. She rolled down her sleeve and said, “Do you want me to help secure the place to make the cannons? I have a few ideas.”

Trypano nodded. “If you would assist me with that it would certainly be welcome. I have many projects throughout the day after all so any opportunity to delegate work is a welcome one.”

“Alright, I’ll let you know when I can act on it to not waste your time. Though don’t feel worried to ask me for more help. After how you described it I would love to help. You're a friend after all.” With that Ingrid makes her way out.

“Of course. I look forward to working with you in the future.” She bid Ingrid farewell, making sure the door was shut as she left before returning to her desk.
“Oh right, I’ll need to heighten this.” She recalls drawing from it, taking whatever material was left from the singed shaft and reincorporating it back into the desk legs. After that she took a mirror out from her drawer and looked over her eye.

“Hm. A simple fix.”

- Directly involved: @Force and Fury,@dragonpiece.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by YummyYummy
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YummyYummy Ayyyyy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Events: Clothing Commission and The Student Faire
Locations: Merchant and Commoner Dormitories, The Faire, Ersand'Enise

Assani 29th

Location: Merchant Dormitories - Zarina’s Quarters
Day of the week: Lepdes
Time: 4:00 HS
Characters: Marceline @Force and Fury, Zarina

”Final warning, or we will have to leave you with a notice. Please open up.”

”Coming!” Finally, Marceline opened the door for the two D.R.A.G.O.N inspectors. They didn’t enter right away, ”May we come in? We must first ensure the wellbeing of the dragon reported to be living here.” Marci took a step back and Zarina in turn stepped up, arms crossed and her golden hues squinted at the two. They were dressed in very formal clothes, as one would expect from more prestigious civil servant employees, “There aren’t any dragons here. May I know who told you such rumours?” the female replied without delay, ”Confidential, but our sources are reliable. If you refuse to comply, we will bring a warrant to search your home, Miss-” “Al-Nader. Zarina Al-Nader. And this is Marceline Hohenfelter.” Zarina informed them as the inspector was looking for the name in the documentation they held, ”Indeed. Miss Al-Nader, will we continue this amicably? We’re merely here to ensure the dragons are treated with proper care and no illegal traffic is occurring.” responded the male with a disarmingly calm voice, clearly seeking to diffuse the tensions.

Zarina kept her arms crossed and looked over at Marci. After a brief moment of awkward non-verbal movements the Virangishwoman shrugged, “Alright. They’re eggs. Three of them, one Alpha.” she said without adding any unnecessary details, her body language still closed off, ”Where did you obtain them?” the man asked as the group moved to the “living room”, where the eggs were resting on a table near a window, surrounded by soft cotton cushions to keep them safe and getting adequate sunlight, ”A gift from the Duque Frannemas to the Al-Nader family. Zarina has given one to me.” Marci quickly answered to keep things believable. The female nodded without even writing anything down. They were more interested in the eggs.

”These are … Very unique specimens. Dune Sea Froabases and-” the man furrowed his eyebrows and looked at this partner. The Duke explanation made more sense now, ”A reticulated Alpha. You should secure this egg. It is said one of these could buy you a small country.” said the woman as she showed a hint of enthusiasm upon thoroughly investigating the egg. A good ten minutes was taken to get all the information they needed before paperwork was shoved to both girls, ”We will have to fine you for failure to report the eggs. Registration fees are marked here,” he pointed with his pen, ”our training sessions also come with a fee and are compulsory to obtain your certification. The program will provide you with information and access to resources, however all goods are at your own expense.” he informed before nodding to his partner. With nothing else to add and content with the current state of the eggs, they began to leave.

”Full honesty- I thought we were going to lose our eggs. I would not be happy.” Zarina lazily sagged her rear onto the nearest seat and sighed in relief, “I’d lose my mind if that was the case. Busted my ass to put the momma to sleep.” she chuckled, “I’ll pass by their office during the day, get us our papers. Think you’ll be able to handle the stand while I go?”

Location: The Eyes of Vashdal Stall
Day of the week: Lepdes
Time: 4:00 HO
Characters: Unfortunate Urchin, Vashdall Representative, Zarina

“Ahh, The Eyes of Vashdal. For once, obligation doesn’t feel too bad.”

Zarina awkwardly spoke to herself, hands on her hips and her stance triumphant. She thought everyone was too busy dealing with their own things, enjoying the faire with little consideration for others. Her thoughts were voiced involuntarily when she felt this relaxed. She was wrong. Some urchin, potentially Silas-affiliated, just stared at her and snorted, ”Who would obligate you to do anything? No one would want a crazy self-talking lady like you to do stuff for them!” he called her out, though nobody else seemed to care except for the Virangishwoman with the wide, furious eyes.

They narrowed more and more, jaw clenched and the electricity between both gazes became quite intense. And then, after taking quick glances to the sides, she waved her hand upwards, causing a draft of air to slap the child from below. Not only would he flip backwards and land on his back, but also had his creamy pastry smeared all over his face. After a loud “Ow”, he began to whine and people still didn’t seem to care one bit. Now she was conscious of people listening to her, prompting a far less triumphant stance as she slowly made her way to the Darhannic stand.

”Ra'ayt dhalik. I saw that. the girl behind the stand claimed nonchalantly in Inipori while pointing at the crying pre-teen, “La lam tafeal. No you didn’t. quickly replied Zarina. Eyebrow raising followed, but then the secretary sighed and presented a form with a table and names written along with signatures. It was in Avincian - likely to avoid any sort of discrimination, ”Dae ealamatan ealaa asmik watawqieik wajtimaeina al'awal hu Victendes alqadim. Mark your name, signature and our first meeting is next Victendes. Zarina filled her slot and signed, lips pursed and definitely feeling the awkward nature of this exchange, “Okay.” she said in Avincian as she returned the paper and pen. The Hexaic lobbyist chuckled, ”Well, at least you’ll bring something new to the table. We don’t get that many people.” Avincian was the default now it seemed. Zarina tittered nervously and nodded.

“Uhh, yeah, see you Victendes, then? Cool, cool.” she finger gunned at the other before taking a step back, “Thanks and uh, yeah see you.” the whole time the secretary had her lips pursed and purposely exaggerated her judgement face to annoy Zarina. At least it was one club down.

Assani 30th

Location: Zeno Bucks Kiosk - Half of the Faire
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: 1:00 HS - 1:00 HE
Characters: Ashon, Ayla @Ti, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Ingrid @dragonpiece, Jocasta, Marceline @Force and Fury, Zarina

“Bravo! Give a warm applause to your talented singer, Ayla~”

Exclaimed Zarina at Ayla’s show that attracted quite the herd of customers. Zeno Bucks was generating good business - much better than the previous day thanks to Ayla’s communication strategy and the word-of-mouth that developed. Marceline and Zarina were hard at work servicing all the clients, leaving them wondering if they would have enough stocks to handle the growing demand. A problem that ultimately was very desirable. The large cups they were selling now came with a green circle and white crescent drawn underneath them with explanations made by the two businesswomen regarding the loyalty system they had established. There was also a Help Wanted sign on the side, with a few CV’s postulated already!

While working, Zarina took notice of something strange. Jocasta and Ingrid had so happened to be joining them at this time and the traffic had lowered a little due to many people stopping to enjoy their lunches, “The hell?” she mumbled to herself as she squinted to notice a peculiar distortion at the other side of the street. Ingrid had since gone West while Ayla was making her way to the North-East near the dormitories. Zarina took this downtime to step out of the kioske and investigate the minuscule distortion.

“Ah shit.” she complained upon realising what it was: A small aberration, so small she could barely make out the shape. At first, she took a step back and pondered how to report this, but then she started to notice what was around her. Kids, random pedestrians, animals involved in different stands … A flock of funny-looking mountain goats were being herded and passed by the street to be brought to the fauna stall, and the Virangishwoman couldn’t help but recall what these things had done to the Halassa, and even something as mighty as the Royal Sand Wyrm.

With minimal thought put into it, Zaz took it upon herself to immediately get rid of this problematic element before it caused another Deserted scenario. She extended her hand and drew from it, leading to a very familiar feeling of unpleasantness. The dark apparition was very small, so the result would be nausea, brief loss of balance and generally feeling like shit, “Ugh … Bad idea.” she regretted. Feeling sickly, Jocasta’s calls and disapproval of the action just rubbed her the wrong way, ”Hey, Zaz! I doubt I have to say this but that’s a terrible idea.” Zarina rolled her eyes and flipped off her friend as her back still faced the Tethered, “Yeah yeah, bite me mom. Nagging will make me feel better.” she shook her head and straightened her form while Jojo chuckled deviously at the sight, realising it was just some baby aberration and Zarina got a small lesson from it, since the one at the Refuge didn’t seem to be enough.

After a coffee to gather herself, both she and Jocasta went on a walk to shake off the shit feeling and shoot the shit together. A bit of catching up, some talks about Riesco and how they should go on an adventure again. Before they could go on to discussing the ramification of time travelling, however, Jocasta felt it - Something very different from the usual aberrations. Behind the Innovators' exchange booth was an alleyway, and it felt like it beckoned them. First Jojo, and as they got closer, Zarina as well. There was something almost inviting about it. Silently, the duo explored and eventually found it. A grey form that resembled the old man they had met on that fateful night. The Paradigm himself.

“... Okay, is it the lightning or is that thing actually grey? I am NOT touching that.” Zarina remarked, arms crossed and her heart racing. Even with just eating a single aberration, her body wanted more, although she felt very conflicting things in regards to this one, ”I don’t know, but …” Jocasta was just as agitated about it, but also excited. There was something special about this aberration. As they got just a little closer, the large anomaly began to distort and ‘reached out’ for both of them. However, it never latched onto the two and instead the grey essence merely circled them like it was waiting for permission to be one with the interlopers.

After a gulp, Zarina turned her head to Jocasta, “Should we do it?” she asked, ”I think so.” replied the blonde. The two held hands before they leapt into the unknown and took in this bizarre error in space and time. What they initially felt was like nothing they had ever experienced. It was terrifying yet unfathomably blissful too. One moment Zarina was seeing Jocasta, and then the other she was surrounded by total darkness. The touch of her friend’s palm went from a warm, clammy sensation to pure lukewarm and nothingness. Zaz was somewhere else, where extremes lived together and formed an amalgamation the human mind couldn’t easily comprehend. Before her was an entity shaped like something she couldn’t properly perceive. She knew what it was. Vashdal the Dreamer, exactly how she imagined the God, and yet like a dream the form was oh so fleeting to her memory, except this was every passing second. It was like seeing a blur. She knew she had seen it, but would not be able to ever describe it.

One mighty hand dropped on her right shoulder. It first looked so much bigger than her, but as it dropped it landed perfectly on her shoulder as if perspective and scale did not matter in this dream-like state. When contact was made, Zarina could see the past. All that Was, the bad and the good all put together into a single vision. Whether it was truly visions of the past or Zarina’s own dream was hard to determine. Then came the left, and All that Is to Be was ushered in. An even stranger experience, one full of ambitions being fulfilled and dreams being crushed. It was overwhelming, to the point where, as this fever dream would end just one real-world second after the assimilation of the grey aberration, she fell to her knees in exhaustion, looking as though she had run for miles. Yet, she felt fine with the queasiness from the aberration mostly passed. She kept silent about the ordeal, but Jocasta on the other hand seemed to have experienced something different, ”This feeling-” nothing seemed to have changed for Jocasta from an outsider’s perspective, but she could feel that her Tethering had been halted somehow, along with a rise in power that both girls definitely sensed within them.

The discussion of the tethering being cured or at least stifled by this peculiar encounter was one that would start, but when they sensed yet another aberration, the hope of experiencing something like this again was too much. Both made their way, with Zarina having an easier time making it there. With Jocasta lagging behind, she wouldn’t intervene in time to stop Zarina from taking in a considerably larger black aberration than the one taken near Zeno Bucks. Something just drove Zarina to take it, and it wasn’t a craving. Perhaps she was hoping to reach out to the Vashdal again? Or the size was concerning enough that she wanted to prevent an incident. The grey aberration rustled some perspectives, and with this newfound surge of power, Zaz truthfully felt like hot shit … Until she sucked in the black mass and nearly puked her guts out. She felt powerful, but her coffee wasn’t going to stick around long.

Jocasta reprimanded the Virangish, but it wouldn’t do anything to stop Zarina from ravenously power walking to the next sensed aberration. Again, Jojo could barely keep up, and Zazzy indulged once more, leading to a problem. She went nuts! And with that she’d have little memory of what would go down. Desmond would lock her down, but then would get his shit kicked in, requiring Jocasta to warp Zaz into the Tethered Refuge, right into the pool by the Gran Naranja. She could swear that she saw Escarra there, and he tied her up!

Eventually, a tied up Zarina would be brought back by Jocatsa and before the group was a white aberration! Well, the maddened teen didn’t have much of an opinion on it as she only wanted the black stuff. With the arrival of Ashon the Yasoi, Zarina was brought to take in the aberration with Jojo’s and the Yasoi’s help while Desmond apparently watched. It was a big one! And it sucked in some of the power gained during this binge, but also cleared the mind of the rabid businesswoman.

“Raaaahhhh! Blaaaaah. Bah. Ugh. And I’ve made an ass out of myself, haven't I?” she looked over at Jo, who had once again been blessed with anti-tethered juice. Zarina rubbed her temples, the headache had gone but the overall experience was just making her dizzy, even if now she felt even better than she had at the start of the day.

There would be some Ingrid management that followed, and some Zeno Bucks evening fun to be made. But ultimately, Zarina was brought to mull over the vision she had and what Jocasta had told her. Was there really a way to help this horrible disease? Each time her golden hues met Marceline’s figure, she couldn’t help but think even more about it. Right until closing time.

A good day of business, promising for the coming weeks where they would officially operate outside of a Faire attraction. Sienna Afraval’s home was once again used as storage with Zarina dismissing Marci for the evening, using the excuse of her being absent for a portion of the day during her “binge” as an excuse to clean up their stuff in the cellar all alone. But in truth she wanted to execute a secret and devious plan without her partner finding out! Nets and a bird cage were whipped out from a pile of junk that had a blanket draped over them, along with a bag containing fresh grapes. Everything one would need to go catching some unique avian specimens.

Footsteps could be heard upstairs. Zarina grinned. It’s grapin’ time!

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Suicharte
Avatar of Suicharte


Member Seen 3 days ago

The time between enrolment and arrival for Yuliya is a blur. Living in the moment was a blur, and thinking back on it is even more hazy. It is not as if she wasn't conscious, but rather the process was so.. uninspiring. Letters came back and forth, coin exchanged hands and requests for discretion were given to the Zenos. Before long, she was ready to head out under the new surname of Zolotova, a fitting one for a merchants daughter, but not one that she had intent on using. A boat was set to to the misty river docks of Karamevo, and they set sail. No royal procedure, no grand exit, just as her brother had requested.

Truth be told, Yuliya didn't remember much of the long voyage that brought her to the shores of Constantia, for she was not above deck much. Even on the largely southern sea route they took, the sun still stood high in the sky most of the day, and so most of the days were spent in the cabin below. The rattling of the waves against the ships, the taste of fine Vossoriyan vodka and far too many card games were how she spent most of her days aboard the boat. Occasionally she'd wait for people to fall asleep, and sneak out onto the deck to look at the stars and feel the cold air, but it did little to soothe the nerves in her stomach. It did the opposite. She began to realize with every day, how much further she was from the shores of her home. And so she'd drink again and forget, both from the bottle and from the unfortunate sods kept in the bilges. They were far from a good meal, but they kept her from going insane.

And as nearly 3 months passed, they finally arrived. And yet, time never really seemed to slow down for the girl. She was put under the merchant dorms, assigned her classes and began to get herself acquainted with the city and those around it. A few parties here and there, but she was still struggling to build a meaningful connection with her fellow students. That would be, until she'd make a fateful encounter on the 29th, the day the student society faire began..

Assani 29th

Location: The Guild Stalls - North of the School
Day of the week: Lepdes
Time: 3:00 HO
Characters: Yuliya, Zarina @YummyYummy

Zarina emerged from a session of bureaucratic management and was met with a faire that was just as energetic as it was when she had left her Zeno Bucks stand. Both her’s and Marceline’s paperwork were in order and packed neatly in a messenger bag over her shoulder. Beyond that more rudimentary container, she looked relatively plain for someone of her merchant class with only her lavish rings showing off the wealth her culture was keen on flaunting a tad too much.

Most were indulging in their luncheon but the stalls were still active and doing their very best to garner the attention of youthful-looking individuals. Zarina was noticed rather quickly, and by the Society of the Gift of all things - It was the rings, she thought, for there would be no way they’d pay attention to her in her current getup. They were bleeding members to the Magicians’, it seemed.

”My Lady, if you would kindly hear u-” the young, noble alumni froze in place as she noticed the bag Zarina was carrying around. In no universe would anyone of their calibre be caught dead with that dead animal on their backs! ”My mistake, errr, yeah no.” she finished with avoidant body language. Zarina, silent from the surprise, squinted. There was an opportunity here, “Woah woah woah, hold on there, love.” she waved her arm and shook her head, taking a step closer to close the distance the representative had created between the two, “I would LOVE to know more about your Society, it looks real fancy, m'lady.” the Virangish accent was particularly thick.

Yuliya watched. It’d been a little while since she enrolled but she’d recognize the tall beauty with the thick accent anywhere, for she was on her team. And what a situation she was in. She’d heard about the guilds, and this one seemed to be for the snobby elite. She had a particular distaste for those sorts. As far as she was concerned, the difference between nobles and rich commoners was a shitty little title. And this club seemed to fit the name of that bill. With a mischievous smirk on her face, she walked forward to the stand, admittedly dressed the part of someone who’d look like they’d belong there, but that would only serve her true intent here better.

”Sorry to interrupt, but where did you get that bag!? I’ve seen them all over court in Sawand!! It must have cost much money!” she spoke, her Avincean still rusty and ladened with even more accent than Zarina, though this was not by intention.

The noble secretary was making her discomfort very obvious to the Virangish teen that prodded for more, and it would be exacerbated by an interloper that most certainly fit the Guild’s criteria entering the scene. Wide, blue eyes from the olive-skinned creature leered at the bag she had once judged and then looked over at Yuliya’s lavish fashion sense. Something here didn’t add up, which just added to the stress, “Oh!” Zarina exaggerated a gasp as she twisted to acknowledge the Vossoriyan girl, “Mind you, it’s actually an EXCLUSIVE from Ahangaziz! Your friends at court must have some REAL GOOD friends to get these over in Callanast!” a toothy, impish grin took form onto her visage. That same, amused face then slowly turned to face the Guild’s representative. The poor, mousy critter was overwhelmed.

“So! What were you saying, love?” she leaned over the girl just a little, arms crossed and her golden hues shifting toward Yuliya from time to time with a wink added there for good measure. ”Uhm. Yes, right this way …” they would be brought to the stand where the now nervous piece of nobility fiddled with various, expensive-looking brochures, “Sawand you said, yes?” she turned her attention to Yuliya for a moment, “My my, wouldn’t have guessed! Our enterprise does cover all of Palapar, and we do get many Sawandis to work for us.” the more she talked, the more the rep could see just how painfully AVER AGE Zarina truly looked, with more and more onlookers, especially those affiliated with the Guild, beginning to whisper whilst gawking.```

As the two girls made eye contact, they both knew that some fun was about to be had. But they had to string it out just a bit longer to truly get the most entertainment out of this as possible. She turned back to the olive skinned girl with a confused look on her face, shifting her parasol all the while to cover herself more from the sun. Yuliya spoke once more, trying harder to sound a little more pompous than usual.

“So, you haven’t heard of Tatas? They are most extravagant wear, you agree?” she smiled once more, expecting a response.

“First Edition Tatas, too.” she waved the piece of crap she was wearing over her shoulder. The stall holder was sweating and it wasn’t from the heat of the high-noon. ”Would you like-” Zarina cut her off immediately, “Tell me honestly, love, does this Ruis Zeburg fit with the bag? The colour schemes are a little off.” she waved her hands over her pair of dark, unremarkable legwear that covered her legs and were a tad too baggy. There were some light coffee stains here and there if one looked closely enough. The girl was speechless, ”Uhhh.” the Virangish girl then reached out for one of the pamphlets and hastily flipped through a few pages, “Hmmm. Whatcha think? Getting a little competitive these days, no?” she peered over at her Vossoriyan accomplice, eyebrow conspicuously raised in a manner that the stall owner could very much see Zarina’s full-expression.

”It’s very modern look! I see Duchess Tatyana wearing something just like it before I came Ersand’Enise. I might have change my wardrobe to fit the fashion, you agree padruga?” she smiled inconspicuously at the ever more frustrated stall owner, not giving anywhere near as much away as Zarina was currently, which no doubt served to confuse her further.

The poor stall owner stared blankly at the blonde dame and could barely compute the information entering her ears, ”No.” she said with a mousy voice. To have Yuliya’s awe-inspiring getup be replaced by whatever amalgamation Zarina was wearing caused quite the meltdown in the poor girl’s brain. It was important to note that she too was dressed for the part as to best represent the Guild’s image. They were spitting on this image! ”No! You look far better. It’s just a fact!” Zarina furrowed her eyebrows and dramatically slapped her hand onto the stand, “What? You’re saying I don’t look good enough?” a panicked look was conferred to Yuliya, and it quickly turned into exaggerated outrage, “I bust my ass off to get this LIMITED edition Tata bag, and you …” she was gritting her teeth, holding back laughter.

Yuliya was managing just as well as her friend to stifle a laugh, but she knew that the best was to come, so she bit her tongue slightly before speaking once more. ”You are just being nice, I know I am not looking good as her, you can be honest." she almost struggled to get it out, swallowing a little bit of blood from her tongue, her pride for the gag and a laugh that almost definitely would have slipped out.

”No- I uh-” her heart was racing, the stares were growing in numbers and none of them showed interest in what was once a prodigious Guild. The others were enjoying their luncheon. This was too much! ”You. Look …”” she sighed and took a moment before speaking again, ”You’re messing with me. I get it. Another one of these Grapes. Yeah, yeah. You do this every fucking year …” she clenched her papers and glared at both of them, ”I’m not going to let you lowly wenches tarnish our good name with some practical prank.” she stood her ground, posture stiff and eyes shifting between both trolls. “A prank?” she looked over at Yuliya, “I think she’s calling us fools.”

The Callanasti girl was enjoying herself far too much. She felt a tinge of anger as she was called a lowly wench, but she kind of respected the fact she stood for herself a little bit. It’d be no fun if this was just a walking over. But this was the time - to seize the moment. And so she would. ”Lowly wenches? Do you know who you speak to? This is Fedwa Bukhari! And I am Ochistitel Kartoshki Maria Svetlana. How dare you speak to us this way!? I thought your club were for nobles but apparently is for uninformed people!” she spoke, bringing out a more enraged maidenly voice than she was ever used to making, before scoffing at the woman in an exaggerated fashion.

”I don’t believe you and your wenchy lies. Yeah, that’s right, I’ve dealt with your KIND before.” now she was just being venomous. Zarina could only raise her eyebrows at the flames emitting from this little noble creature. Just as she was about to speak up, however, a male associate of the stand owner’s emerged from the back. He too was well-dressed and looked to be albino with platinum hair - A Bloodchild, maybe? ”Wait, Elana. Did I just hear Bukhari?” surprised, he noticed the two standing before them, with Zarina more or less fitting the profile of a West Constantian noble. Again, the rings gave it away, somehow, ”Goodness! Yes! We were errr- expecting you, My Lady! Are you aware that every Harrachora has been an alumni of this Guild?” looking anxious, it seemed the name actually bore weight, “Wait, so now I’m no longer a wench? What is this circus?” with these words, the male stall owner twisted his head to glare at his associate, ”... They’re lying, Pierre. Look at them, th-” Pierre raised his voice, [b]”Look at them? Have you seen her friend’s clothing? That’s Vossoriyan haute couture. It doesn’t matter if a Bukhari dresses this way, you don’t call- …”[/color] panicked, he quickly bowed toward Yuliya, and then to Zarina, ”I am oh, so sorry. Oh Gods.

Yuliya smirked at the ‘recognition’ but she couldn’t help herself now. She looked politely at Pierre, before turning back toward Elana and looking at her far more seriously. She had to fake the level of offense she felt, but it helped that she’d used such strong words. It made her job at this point easy.

”Thank you for fixing your friend's mistake. But she slight us very much. It is custom to kiss boots in apology in my home. If she does that, the offence could be forgiven." she said pridefully, trying very hard to hide a shit eating grin.

Zarina wasn’t really hiding her’s at this point - it wasn’t like Pierre was looking at their faces with all that bowing. “I can agree to that.” she nodded at the direction of Elena, ”No. Oh no no.” Pierre shot a foul glare at her, ”You will get their forgiveness, Elana.” he leaned closer to her, ”For the cause.” Elana’s heart visibly sank as she realised her position. She knew this was total bullshit, but the Society of the Gift would not take this loss lightly. There was a lot at stake.

Her body language showed nothing but resistance and revulsion as she slowly stepped aside and made her way around the stall, ”A kiss on each one?” she inquired whilst looking at both teens. Zarina pursed her lips at the sight and raised her hand over to Yuliya’s shoulder, “How’s about we get them to pay for luncheon, hmm? Boot kissing is fun and all, but I’m staaaaaarving.” she subtly shrugged as both teens looked at one-another. Maybe it was about time the con ended, as the air got a bit less lighthearted.

Yuliya got closer to Elana after making eye contact with Zarina. As much as she wanted to break the girls pride, she knew that maintaining appearances was a bit more crucial in the present and decided to settle for the compromise that was suggested. She got as close to the girls ear as she could and softly spoke: “Lunch is fine. Intent is what matters. I forgive you.” before pulling back and gesturing in dismissal. She smiled sweetly at the girl, still holding back the laugh that would come when this would be over. Oh how she wanted to go further. But more fun would be had, if Zarina was as fun as she thought she was.

A sigh of relief escaped Elana, and she made herself scarce quickly after with Pierre catering to the two. A few pleasantries here and there and they would get to cut through a line to the nearest Revidian parlour for what they called a “Pizza”. With sausage on top too! Pierre bowed once more and Zarina spoke, “Well, I’m sure we can put this behind us, Mr. Pierre.” not even Lord or Sir, “We will mull over our options after this lunch, yes? A Guild choice is very important after all.” a few enthusiastic nods later and they would be given a new brochure of the Guild before Pierre took his leave and the two could enjoy some fresh pizza on a nearby bench.

The brochure was promptly hurled to the nearest bin, “Pfffftttttt, HAH.” with a burst of laughter, Zarina raised her hand for a high-five - if that even existed in Vossoriya, “EASY lunch! And she was gonna lick your feet too! Pffftt hahahaha!” munch, she took a first bite from the slice in her hand.

Yuliya didn’t restrain her laugh anymore. A hearty chuckle was given in response to her newfound friend and the high-five was met, though it definitely felt less pleasant for Zarina than she anticipated. She thought back to the girl at the stand. How delicious she’d be. Night Time, she thought. She’d fill her stomach and distract herself for now. “I was very hungry. It was good suggestion from you.”

When their hands met, Zarina winced! Just how hard could this broad hit a high-five?! She waved her hand in the air and furiously wolfed down her pizza slice, “Fuck, I’d almost say you’ve got that wanker’s cramp going with how hard you hit that.” she snorted, “Now, if you want a real good dessert, there’s this stand that has a very pretty girl’s face a block down, near the bakery club. You like that shit back in …” she paused, “Where are you from again?”

Yuliya sighed slightly as she watched her shake her hand. She forgot she had to control her strength here. She was no weakling but even still, restraint was necessary. She didn’t want to break hands or something akin. That would almost certainly raise suspicion. She smiled as she scarfed a slice down, before turning to face her again. Dessert sounded good. Another distraction, and she was definitely partial to sweets.

“Oh! I am Vossoriyan! You heard of it? Not many sweet thing, but I like very much. she paused. Was her accent that unrecognisable? Perhaps her Avincian was improving faster than she thought. She smiled with pride a little. “You are Inipori? What is your name? I am Yuliya but can call me Yuli if you like.” she spoke, missing a couple of words from her new friend. What was a wanker’s cramp anyway? She’d have to study up.

Zarina shook her head, “Virangish. You’ve probably seen a few of us near the islands.” she paused and tilted her head, “Or not.” she shook her head to get back on topic, “Ah! Yuliya of Vossoriya! I’m Zarina Al-Nader. Zaz is fine. Zazzy if you’re feeling Sassy.” finger guns away, “Yuli. Yuyu. Yuuuu. You’ve got a strong nickname potential, Yuliya, I can sense those. It’s my special power.” she did a little bit of ominous hand waving, and then snagged another piece of pizza, “Oh, wait.” she snapped her fingers, “I remember where I saw you.” finger wagging followed, “You’re one of Afraval’s, yeah? We’re on the same team. I think.”

Yuliya took a little longer to process. Zaz as she called herself talked fast, and used a lot of wordplay, and boy was she expressive. It was always exciting to meet foreigners and this was no exception. She could hardly keep a light chuckle escaping her lips as she ate the last slice completely shamelessly. Yes. I recognize you. Tall beautiful one. There were three others? Pale boy, tan boy. He looked like he from my side of world. And another pretty one. Dark skin. Is boy or girl? I don’t want make bad impression.” She spoke, more confused as she went on. Avincean was hard. Why couldn’t it be easy, like Eskandish or Vossoriyan.

Zarina shook her head and waved in dismissal, “C’mon now, you don’t gotta flatter me, you helped me get free pizza. Easiest way to my heart.” she took a bite and munched away, making her reddened cheeks come out a little more, “Girl, I think?” Zarina shrugged, “Ehh don’t worry about it, half of them are cool. And the other half is the three guys you didn’t meet.” she snorted, “... So, do you know what clubs you’re joining?”

The two continued to chat for a good while. It turns out they shared a couple of mutual interests in clubs and they discussed for a while, and in fact, Yuliya managed to talk Zarina into considering the society of the grapes. After all, there was nothing better than a good drink after a good jape. Or both in tandem for that matter. Regardless, not more than an hour passed before they walked right past the stall for the Society of the Gift right over to the Magicians Guild and signed right up. To put salt in the wound, Elana watched it happen.

Location: North of the school, near the noble dormitories.
Day of the week: Lepdes
Time: 5.00 HD
Characters: Yuliya, Elana

Long after her lunch had settled, Yuliya set out for a different meal. She hadn't had a real drink in a couple of days, and she'd picked her target. That prideful girl who'd been running the stall, that had spoken to her so disrespectfully. It wasn't like it was unwarranted, but that didn't matter. She'd been keeping distance for a while now, and the school was silent, yet the girl was still out. She'd gotten an earful by her guild, perhaps for falling for such an obvious scam, or perhaps because they let such a big fish get away. She didn't stress the details, nor did she attempt to listen. Her focus was entirely on the meal she was about to have.

Alley to alley, she moved with pace but quiet, getting closer and closer to the mousy noble lass until it was too late for a reaction. A hand over her mouth to stop her screaming, and her senses of sight and hearing were stripped, but not her sense of touch. How terrifying it must have been for her, to not know what had came and not be able to comprehend what was happening. Within seconds, she was dragged away to a less public alley, and a drink was had. Slowly, she sampled the flavour. A savoury taste, perhaps owing to her Revidian diet, and definitely a healthy blood, but it was nothing special. She'd had better, and she'd had worse, but the taste was still new to her, and so she'd keep a tally in her book. She knocked the girl out when she'd had her fill, content with her meal, and left her where she drank, using some extremely mediocre binding to cover up the holes she'd made in the girls neck, before briskly walking back to her dorm, and making sure no-one saw what just took place.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by pantothenic
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pantothenic bored salaryman

Member Seen 4 days ago

Assani 29th

Location: Yalen’s Dorm -> Society Faire
Day of the week: Lepdes
Time: 5:30 HI
Characters: Yalen, Colette, the IRS, Jonas, Derriere

When Yalen woke from his slumber that morning it was not to the boisterous antics of his enthusiastic older sister. As he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, his half-awake self noticed that a muffled commotion could be heard outside the front door of his dorm room. He instinctively sent out a mental probe, and what he could feel were three human presences, though the nature of the Gift couldn’t tell him enough to realize who they were. The clock on his night stand informed him that this was right when Colette would normally be breaking into his bedroom. Yalen wondered if she was one of the unseen presences.

After hastily strapping on his supportive legwear and donning his vestments as fast as he could, the tethered priest rushed to the door and pressed an ear to the crack.

”I don’t give a damn about your stupid regulations! You D.R.A.G.O.N. pricks need to learn some manners! How about making an appointment or something!”

”The law requires that-”

”I know what the law is! How was I supposed to know the kid didn’t register the egg? He practically fell out of the sky after going missing for a whole week! All I’m saying is you government lackeys need to show some class! Who in the hells would be in the mood to talk about taxes at this hour!?”

Are they talking about me? Yalen thought. While his sister continued to argue back and forth, he looked towards the shrine of Oraff erected in his sitting room. At the foot of the shrine was his froabass egg, which was resting in a brazier full of warm coals. The young monk had no experience with raising dragons, but the eggs of warm blooded creatures always need to be sat on right? He’d been doing his best to keep the unborn froabass comfortable since coming back to Ersand’Enise.

So dragon eggs need to be… registered? After a head scratching moment, Yalen opened the door to greet his guests. Though his view was mostly blocked by his taller sister’s Century cloak, he could see the two unhappy gentlemen from D.R.A.G.O.N.. Perhaps it was due to the demands of travel, but the way they were dressed the men looked more like sheriffs than civil servants.

”If you want your money so bad why not just mail us a bill so we can-” The sound of the door swinging open caused Colette to look backwards. The two men likewise craned their heads to get a look at Yalen.

”Well Ms. D’aureville, it looks like the man himself is now available. How about you step aside and let us speak with him?” The man on the left, a mustachioed gentleman with fair skin, appeared to be doing the bulk of the talking for the pair. His partner, a northeastern fellow with a dark complexion, merely stood at attention with one arm behind his back.

Colette let a growl escape her throat, but after exchanging an apologetic glance with Yalen she finally relented and moved behind him so the boys could all speak.

”What business do you have with me that is so important?” Yalen demanded. ”You’ve made my sister rather upset.” The more talkative man stepped forward and removed his hat before taking a shallow bow.

”Forgive my impropriety Brother Castel. My name is Thomas. We tried to tell your sibling here that we require only a modicum of your time to settle some paperwork. Unfortunately she seems rather overprotective of you… I assure you that any distress on her part is entirely self-inflicted.” Thomas sent a calculated glance towards Colette, who clicked her tongue but maintained her composure.

”Very well. Who sent you?” Yalen analyzed the man’s attire in order to find some kind of identifying mark. There was a silver pin stuck to the officials’ jackets in the shape of a grape dragon, but he did not recognize its purpose.

”The Draconic Regulatory Association and Group for Organizational Nomenclature. D.R.A.G.O.N. for short.” Thomas held his hand out to the man from the northern continent, who produced a roll up piece of paper and handed it over. This was then unsealed and passed to Yalen. It appeared to be a primer on their organization’s philosophy and goals, as well as a disclosure on D.R.A.G.O.N. 's regulatory authority and the political entities that grant it.

”We received good information that you are in possession of one unregistered Froabass egg originating from Torragon. We are not here to arrest you nor confiscate any of your property. We merely wish to discuss the terms that would allow you to raise your potentially dangerous fire breather in captivity, while also providing necessary information regarding its health and enrichment.”

Thanks to Colette the impressions made by the D.R.A.G.O.N. agents were somewhat sour, but once Yalen started flashing his hidden emergency fund the two men did a complete 180. At the end of their hour-long deliberation, the newly minted dragon keeper was left with an exhaustive list of resources to help take care of his baby froabass. They showed Yalen where to find reputable dragon related services such as ranchers, trainers, and even groomers. They also pointed out a number of books on dragon rearing that could be checked out from Ersand’Enise’s grand library. So long as he paid his yearly dues and didn’t cause any serious damage to infrastructure, the priest wouldn’t need to worry about any more face to face visits save for the occasional welfare inspection.

Once the siblings had seen the agents off Colette slammed the door behind them. Yalen had no idea what they’d said to her when he was still asleep, but it was clear they found a way to set her off.

”Is everything alright Colette?” He squeezed her hand reassuringly. The older girl sighed and gently gripped his in return.

”Yeah. I may have acted a bit immature. Command has me running ragged around the city dealing with this incident or that without end. Blast that Traveler and his lapdogs. Some nights I have to use magic just to keep myself awake.” Colette pulled her hand away and fidgeted with her equipment. ”Say, you have the day off today right? The faire is about to start in a few hours. How about you skip the training for today and go have some fun?”

”What will you be doing all day?” Yalen questioned.

”Well, that’s what I came to tell you this morning before those tax men showed up. My squad will be patrolling on high alert today. I have to watch over the streets and make sure nobody tries to bomb Parade Street, or assassinate a politician on their vacation. We’ll all be pulling a double shift thanks to the record high attendance. I’ll have to let Rita know I’m coming home late tonight.” She uttered Rita’s name with a measure of fondness.

”By the way, how is she doing with her new tutor?”

”Well, Rita isn’t a bad student or anything. It IS pretty hard to get her attention on anything other than sports, but she’s got a brain in that head of hers.” Colette’s helmet, normally hung off her shoulders with a thick string, was now tucked firmly over her head. The design had a strange curvature to it, and the ocularium was like nothing he’d ever seen. It stood out from the bucket helmets most of the other Centuries were wearing.

”That is some odd looking headgear.” Yalen commented while poking at the helmet’s hinge.

”You only see these in Kerremand. I forgot what they call ‘em. Technically it’s not to be used for real fighting, but armor doesn’t do much good against magic anyways and I think it looks cool.” Colette opened the door and took a step past the threshold before looking at Yalen one last time. ”Good luck with your clubs. You should join as many as you can. I don’t want you to spend your entire stay here eating, sleeping, and studying.”

”Don’t treat me like a hermit! I’ll try to enjoy myself today. And don’t sneak a wineskin onto your belt alright?” He started pushing his sister out onto the street.

”Wow Yalen. I swear you’re only this rude to me.”

It was still early in the hours of Shune, yet Ersand’Enise was teeming with activity. Yalen thought he had grown accustomed to life in a big city, but the amount of people on the street today made him realize just how rural his hometown was. There was so little room to walk that people were spilling onto the street and blocking carriages. Parade Street alone had enough people on it to outnumber the entire population of Vilamòs. It was exhausting trying to navigate through the crowd without bumping into someone.

After signing himself up with the Magicians Guild, Yalen quickly had enough of the hustle and bustle and began searching for somewhere to sit down. Without thinking about it he chose to walk in the direction of the Violet Enclave, but his search for an empty bench proved futile. Even the inns and taverns were unnaturally full, to the point where people took to standing outside with their breakfasts in hand.

”Pardon me ma’am.” Yalen squeezed through a group of gossiping ladies who were blocking the sidewalk, earning him a few grumpy stares. Despite his hasty apologies he nearly got smacked in the head by a fan. He stumbled westward for a bit, passing by some of the society stalls as he did so. The Bards’ Society was putting on an exotic performance behind the Academy, which momentarily drew the biro’s interest. A musician, dressed up in a long robe and turban, was cradling a strange looking lute in their arms. Yalen didn’t know anything about the construction of musical instruments, but he had seen street performers before. Their lutes had longer necks and frets underneath the strings.

I wonder if Ayla has played an instrument like that before. Yalen thought to himself. The melody produced by the performer’s skilled fingers was hauntingly beautiful. The student became hypnotized by the acoustic soundscape and lost track of time. The music transported him back to the high desert of Torragon, the place where his fate had been changed forever. Every string plucked brought back a new memory. The crunching of sand underfoot. The riding of camels together with his friends. The sight of waxing Juni as she bathed the desert in her faint white glow. It was hard to believe that he’d gone through so much in a mere week.

When the number was over, Yalen suddenly realized that he was no longer tired. With renewed vigor, he dove back into the crowded streets and set off in search of new societies to explore and perhaps even join. As he walked he repeatedly consulted the guide he’d received from one of the information desks, which provided a helpful reference for locating each society’s stall. There was a group that called themselves the Pragmatics which caught his eye, for reasons known only to him.

On the way to his destination Yalen spotted an arrangement where people appeared to be enjoying themselves with some table games. A glance at his primer informed him that this display was sponsored by the Gamers Union. There were several games on offer such as chess, backgammon, and dominoes, along with foreign ones that Yalen did not recognize. His eyes were drawn to one table in particular, where a sharp looking man with a monocle was sitting next to a big wooden sign.

”Beat the society head at chess and win five Incantors…?” Yalen rubbed his chin. While a part of him was intrigued by the offer, he was interested in neither money nor bragging rights. Still, while he was no expert he did enjoy a good chess game. Perhaps he was standing there for too long, as the man sitting at the table began waving to him.

“Hello there friend! There’s no need to be so indecisive! It won’t cost you anything to play!” With some reassurance from the monocled stranger, Yalen eventually pulled up the opposite chair and took a seat.

“How goes the society hunt lad? My name is Jonas Hahn. Were you interested in joining the Gamers Union?” Despite his face, the man sounded quite friendly. His Drudgunzean accent was barely noticeable.

”Actually I was looking for the Pragmatics... I just happened to bump into your setup along the way.” Yalen replied.

“A man of the sciences eh? I thought all the worldly types were with the Stresians, but I guess I was wrong. As a fellow scholar, would you do me the honor of having a game with me?” Jonas gestured towards the chess board, where the ivory carved pieces were already neatly arranged in anticipation of a match.

”I suppose I could play one game.”

“Excellent! As the current King of Games, I will let you pick which side to play.” The man of Huulendam leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingers together excitedly.

King of Games? Yalen put the thought aside and, after some deliberation, chose to play white. His opening move was to place his pawn on E4. Jonas immediately blocked it with his own pawn. The priest was stunned by how fast his opponent made his decision, and it showed on his face. The master gamer smiled and said nothing.

Suspecting he was outmatched from the start, Yalen resolved to hold out as long as possible. He advanced his knight on the right side, and Jonas did the same. The game truly began once the opening moves were made and the big pieces were unleashed. The bishops entered the middle of the board and started devouring pawns with impunity. Knights jumped back and forth. With no queens in the middle of the field, both players decided to perform a two space castle maneuver.

Apparently Yalen was playing quite well, for a crowd was starting to gather around the table. A mix of Gamers and curious observers watched as the players jockeyed for a superior position. Yalen was penetrating the left side with his knight and two pawns, while Jonas had sacrificed one of his pawns to allow his queen to enter the game. Unfortunately there were too many pieces blocking the way, and Yalen was forced to retreat within range of his own queen. It took a few dozen turns before either player managed to capture something bigger than a pawn. Jonas and Yalen both sacrificed a knight at E4. Then Yalen made some errors. He moved one of his pawns too far, which allowed Jonas to capture it En passant. Then he hastily captured a black pawn on the left, which left his H1 rook defenseless. A series of trades ensued which ended with both colors lacking rooks. Yalen had one knight over Jonas’s zero, but the latter had an extra bishop. The black queen also had a superior position in the middle row that made it difficult for the monk to push his own queen forward.

I’m being overwhelmed… Yalen bit his thumbnail and contemplated his next move. The spectators were respectfully quiet. Nobody interrupted the duel by making jeers or shouting out suggestions.

“You’re doing quite well Mr. Castel. Most of my challengers would have been in checkmate twenty turns ago.” Jonas complimented him.

”You praise me too much Mr. Hahn.” Yalen continued moving pieces around noncommittally, trying to preserve what was left of his pieces while probing the black side for openings. Jonas continued to force sacrifices out of Yalen, picking his line apart with threat after threat until his remaining pawns were all blockaded by Jonas’s. All that was left for the white player was a queen and a bishop… and yet somehow the same could be said for the King of Games. However, while the pieces in play were nearly identical, Jonas had a better position. In a few turns, he easily captured Yalen’s pawns from behind. Then Jonas started dancing around Yalen’s king with his own queen. Yalen panicked and ended up making another couple mistakes, losing both his queen and bishop. After that it was over. Jonas slowly walked him into a checkmate with ease.

“Checkmate.” Jonas announced. “But, it was a close game. You have a talent for chess Mr. Castel. I applaud you.” He clapped his hands together encouragingly, leading the crowd of spectators to follow suit. “If you enjoyed yourself as much as I did, I would love to welcome you to our society.”

Yalen continued to wander around the faire grounds looking for clubs to fill his quota with, and eventually he found himself standing in front of the Five Thrones Tavern. Having been founded early in the city’s history, the establishment was a major attraction in Ersand’Enise. The high quality food served here brought in sophisticated clientele that wouldn’t normally be seen around commoners. Thanks to the tavern’s reputation the price of entry was higher than other places, yet there was a society with pockets deep enough to reserve the entire building for the faire.

When he reached the door, Yalen was met by a posh looking woman a few years older than he was. She looked too gaudy to be an employee of the tavern, so he assumed she was a member of the Tasters.

“Good morning sir.” The lady cooly greeted him. “Are you interested in buying a membership to the Tasters’ Union?”

Yalen nodded. ”Yes ma’am.”

“Splendid. If you just want to sign up then you may simply flag down one of our members inside the venue. Additionally, if you’re willing to pay a single Incantor you may take part in today’s wine tasting event.”

”Hm…” Yalen crossed his arms and tilted his head. He didn’t really have a taste for alcohol. The only time he drank was when a religious ceremony called for it. That being said, the point of the faire was to have fun and experience new things. This might also be a chance to become a little more grown up. The price wasn’t an issue either.

”Okay, that sounds lovely.” Yalen palmed a coin into the hostess’s waiting hand.

“You won’t regret it, I assure you.” The woman stuck a small pin onto Yalen’s collar, likely to indicate that he was a paying visitor. She politely ushered him through the double doors and then left him to explore the tavern unmolested. The interior was magnitudes dimmer than the outside. He had to stop and wait for a second so his eyes could adjust. There were at least a hundred people inside, sipping on wine glasses and quietly chatting amongst themselves. Most of them looked like merchants and noblemen. Servers rushed this way and that with horderves and buckets while society members solicited attendees with sign up sheets.

As this was his first wine tasting, Yalen wasn’t entirely sure what to do. He stood to the side and watched some of the other guests. Rather than swallow, it looked like they were spitting the wine out. Between samples they would consume a morsel of food and sip some water, probably to keep their mouths from getting tired.

“Welcome to the Five Thrones Tavern sir.” A staff member finally appeared to notice Yalen and approached him. “I apologize for the wait. I will be happy to serve you today. We have two menus available for tasting today: local or imported. Which shall I prepare for you?” The server showed Yalen two sheets of paper, each one with a selection of drinks listed on it. He scrutinized them briefly, but gave up as soon as he realized he recognized none of the vintages.

”The local menu will be fine, thank you.”

With his selection made, Yalen was left alone for a minute while his server went to retrieve the correct wines. She returned with a basket containing four bottles, a wine glass, and a spit bucket.

“Here you are.” The server offered Yalen the glass, which he accepted. She uncorked a bottle and carefully poured the liquid so that he had about two ounces at the bottom of his glass.

“This cabernet is made with red grapes from the Solenne Riviera region. The vineyard is owned by Jean-Claude le Farriere himself. It is quite popular for its blending process which offsets some of the bitterness.”

”Jean-Claude? The professor of Fine Cuisine or the dragon rider?” Yalen inquired while looking at the wine in his glass. It had a dark purple coloration to it. When he brought the glass up to his nose, he could smell something spicy beneath the alcoholic aroma. Peppers?

“I would be the former, my boy.” A masculine voice called out from behind. Yalen turned around to see a face he recognized. The Tan-Zeno couldn’t be missed with his long, curly hair and expensive suit. He was known among the student body to be quite boastful, and many found it difficult to tolerate his company.

“I happen to be the head of this here Tasters’ Union I’ll have you know.” Jean-Claude continued. “As you may already know I also own many famous vineyards in Perrence.” He rubbed his chin while looking at the glass in Yalen’s hand. “If you don’t mind, could you share your opinion on that glass of wine?”

”Er, okay…” Yalen spun the wine in his glass a bit and then poured the lot straight into his mouth. His tongue was not accustomed to liquor, and he was momentarily overwhelmed by the taste of alcohol. However, he resisted the urge to immediately spit it out. He closed his eyes and swished the wine around.

After spitting the wine into the bucket, Yalen proceeded with his commentary. ”It- it’s a little dry. Um, it was blended with a dark fruit of some kind. I think it’s cherry but also something else… Cassis perhaps? It’s also a spicy and herbaceous. I believe you added a touch of bay leaf and Virangish pepper.”

“Interesting. I had you pegged for a first timer, but your palette is pretty good.” Jean-Claude grinned from ear to ear.

”You flatter me professor.” Yalen’s eyes drifted sheepishly downwards. He wasn’t used to dealing with caricatures of nobility like Mr. Ferriere.

“What is your name?”

”Yalen Castel.”

“Well Mr. Castel, when you’re finished with your round of wine tasting, maybe you’ll be interested in a bit of competition. We’re doing a blind sampling over there and our top performers get a month of membership free. How does that sound?”

”That sounds wonderful. I’d be happy to partake.”

Assani 30th

Location: Society Faire (Day 2)
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: Early afternoon
Characters: Yalen, Isabella, Colette

Yesterday was a blur. Yalen had spent all of Lepdes signing up for clubs. After joining the Pragmatics, Gamers, and Tasters he continued to walk back and forth between the stalls trying to finalize his decisions. Here and there he had bumped into one of his friends and kept them company for a while, which usually led to him getting pressured into a particular society. After chatting with the other tethered students he was led to the Unchained Society, a group dedicated to supporting people with the tethering. Ayla was especially pushy with her suggestions, having roped him into joining not only the Egalite Fraternite, but also the Draconic Order and the Fauna Society. These he didn’t mind. The societies suited his personality and interests just fine. However, the fact that he was also joining the Fingersteeplers? He just wanted to forget about the embarrassing performance they made him do on stage.

Today was going to be all about fun. With his quota met, Yalen was free to enjoy everything the faire had to offer. First he wanted to try some desserts made by the Pumpernickel Clubbe. Then he wanted to make a second visit to the petting zoo. Then he wanted to visit the Fireflies again and ask some questions about dragon riding.

Before I do any of that though, I need to go help out the Carnation Accord… wait, how did that happen again? Yalen zipped around his room trying to get ready while organizing an itinerary in his head. Once he was good to go he exited his dorm and walked in the direction of Cathedral Square, where the walk-in clinic was being hosted nearby. However, there was something odd about his surroundings that he noticed. The street was still quite busy like yesterday, but almost half the people that should have been attending the faire were absent. On top of that, there was something off about the looks some people had. They looked stressed out, and anytime Yalen passed a group of pedestrians he could hear them whispering urgently to each other.

”What is going on?” Yalen muttered to himself. When he finally reached the location of the Carnation Accord, he found that the entire building was surrounded by bystanders. A perimeter of Lamplighters had been formed to block off the entrance while Centuries worked to fence the place off with binding magic.

Did a bomb go off in there or something? This is weird. The young monk worriedly paced around the edge of the mob trying to assess the situation. It didn’t look like they were bringing any injured people out, and the building itself was in good shape. Was someone carrying an infectious illness in there?

”Yalen!” A familiar voice rang out from Yalen’s left. He looked to see Isabella rolling towards him from behind the crowd.


”Dude, did you hear? An aberration popped up right in the middle of the clinic. They’re sealing the building and canceling the Carnation Accord’s entire event.”

”A what!?” The color left Yalen’s face.

”Yeah. Mrs. Tomaras absorbed it before it could touch anyone else, but she got really sick. They took her somewhere. I dunno where. I saw everything go down while they were treating my heat rash.” Isabella scratched at her shoulder, which was noticeably reddened where it wasn’t covered by her dress.

”This is bad. Aberrations were popping up in people’s bedrooms a few weeks ago too. Now it’s happening again…” Yalen’s face darkened with anxiety.

”Someone said the aberrations are popping up all over the city right now. A girl in my class said she saw a chick go crazy and start attacking people. Maybe we should head back to our rooms and wait for this to blow over.” Isabella suggested.

”I agree. Let’s get out of here.”

The two tethered traced their steps back to their dorms where they would hopefully be safe until the next morning. While Ersand’Enise had quite a bit of security, aberrations were unpredictable and could appear anywhere they wanted. Holing up in their rooms wouldn’t necessarily quarantine them from the anomalies, but at least they wouldn’t be at risk from other people who had absorbed one. Yalen and Isabella split up in front of the former’s room as she was staying in the common dormitory.

”If something happens, pinch me with your magic. I’ll come over right away.”

Isabella lightly punched him on the arm. ”I’ll be fine you dummy. See you tomorrow.” Yalen rubbed the spot where she hit him as the pigtailed girl rolled herself out of sight. Their respective dorm assignments weren’t too far from each other. If needed he could be there in just a couple of minutes. Still, he couldn’t help but worry. It wasn’t good to take Izzy lightly though. She was a year older than him after all.

Eh? Who is that? When Yalen began walking to his front door he saw that someone was waiting there for him. They were small like a child, but strangely their feet weren’t touching the ground. Furthermore, as Yalen got closer he observed that this person didn’t have any identifiable features. They were like a void in the shape of a human. Like…

An aberration. The moment the thought solidified in Yalen’s head it was like his mind was ejected from his body. He screamed at his legs to take him far away from there, but physically he continued to get closer and closer to the distortion in reality. It was reaching for him. Beckoning towards him. The thing in the shape of a person held its hand out welcomingly, and when it did his own hand mirrored it. Something had him in its thrall, and all he could do was watch in horror as his body was puppeted by a terrible desire.


Just when Yalen was about to make contact with the void, he was tackled to the ground by Colette, whose presence he failed to notice in his state of insanity. The impact broke the hypnosis, allowing him to sit up and watch as his sister marched towards the aberration and pushed her hands into it.

”What are you doing!?” Yalen screamed. His voice was ignored, for she was too focused. He could sense the flow of energy within her body. She was absorbing it, just like he and his friends had in Torragon. The aberration vanished in seconds, and when it did the knightess collapsed to her knees.

”Colette!” Yalen pushed himself up and ran to his sister’s side. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind and shook her.

”Colette! Are you okay?” He started drawing energy in preparation for a healing spell, but his concentration was interrupted when an armored hand pulled his wrist away. Colette abruptly stood up and brought her face close to his, though Yalen could barely see her eyes through the slit in her helmet. Her breathing was ragged, like she had run a marathon at full sprint.

”You and I… will take about this… later.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Wolfieh
Avatar of Wolfieh

Wolfieh eternally terrified / he/they

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Assani 29

LOCATION: Noble Dormitories
INTERACTIONS: Mattia @Wolfieh, Jakob @Wolfieh

Mattia’s knuckles rapped on the wooden door for the third time, still hearing no response from inside. He checked the papers in his hand again, confirming the address for this “Kaspar Elstrøm von Wentoft” was correct. If I have to say that full thing more than once, he’s getting an extra citation, he grumbled mentally. Ten froabas eggs showing up in the hands of inexperienced students—he already had a feeling that Ersand’Enise was going to be a headache for the next five years. For more than just D.R.A.G.O.N., he could hope.

Glancing back, he watched his fresh-faced partner shift from foot to foot, unable to keep still. Jerking his head toward the door, Mattia took a step back. “Jakob, your turn to bruise your knuckles.”

The younger man nodded briskly, stepping up to the spot Mattia vacated in front of the door, and seemed to hesitate for a moment. Then, squaring his shoulders and setting his jaw, Jakob pounded on the door once… twice—

It swung inward, causing the agent to startle a little. Behind it, hand still on the knob, was an unimpressed looking boy in a surprisingly full state of dress, considering the early hour. As his crimson eyes wandered passively between Jakob and Mattia, the latter felt a keen prickle of irritation as he put two and two together.

Bastard wasted our time just so he could don his “full regalia”. Fucking nobles.

“We are…” Jakob cast a nervous glance back toward his partner, but the man didn’t take his eyes off of the boy in front of them. “We are with the Draconic Regulatory Association—”

“You are here about Varmkorv,” he stated matter-of-factly, Avincian words carrying the same peculiar lilt that Mattia recognized in Jakob’s Eskandish accent.

A different kind of confusion seemed to set into Jakob’s stance as he responded, “…Varm korv?”

Without a reply, the boy stepped back, gesturing them into his dormitory. As they passed through into the space, he gestured to a corner of the room overtaken by a heap of blankets and furs. Nestled inside, half-peeking over the top, was a banded froabas egg.

“The egg. Varmkorv,” the student offered, not seeming to notice the way Jakob stiffened uncomfortably.

The agent swallowed before asking, “And you are calling it… varm korv?”

“Yes. Varmkorv.”


“Am I missing something here?” Mattia asked in irritation, not feeling particularly guilty in the way his young partner jumped.

Jakob glanced to the boy, back to his mentor, and stammered, “It’s—well, varm korv is…” He hesitated, then stepped closer and whispered into Mattia’s ear, “It’s Eskandish for—”


Bringing a sharp eye to the youth who was still just watching their interaction, Mattia straightened himself up and dredged up his best authority voice. “Son, you’re not planning on eating this dragon, are you?”

The boy leveled them with a hard stare, eyes frosty though the rest of his demeanor remained stoic. “No. I will be raising it. Why would I eat this?”

Mattia barely resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Then why would you name it after—”

“Look at it!” The boy interrupted, gesturing to the red-orange egg with dark bands. “It looks like varm korv! Therefor, I name it Varmkorv! It makes perfect sense!”

Silence sat between the two inspectors and the student as they (or Mattia, at least) stared tiredly at the egg.

Finally, voice somewhat hushed, Jakob offered, “It…does kind of look like varm korv.”

This was going to be a long day.

LOCATION: Societies Fair
INTERACTIONS: Willa @Wolfieh

Kaspar had already narrowed down his list of options before the fair had a chance to begin. He and Willa had spent the past several lunches going over what information was available on each to determine what societies, if any, would be a good fit for the boy. He had selected several which seemed to be highly academic, but Willa had insisted he have an even balance of clubs selected for a practical nature and clubs selected for recreational interest. In the end, his list was... quite a bit fuller than either had expected at the start. He was going to need to do a serious amount of trimming over the course of the day.

To his benefit, the boy was good at turning an objective eye and working quickly.

One of the first organizations he visited was the Draconic Order—given his custody of Varmkorv and some of the requirements set out by D.R.A.G.O.N., it was an absolute must. He'd already read about it through the informative paper Ayla had given him with the egg, so the boy was quick to slip in, power through the process of signing up, and slip back out just as quickly. There would be plenty of time for socializing later—he had twenty-one more clubs to sort through, the sooner the better.

A few choices were made for him: he received no referral for the Strakhalists, something likely to do with his lack of social connections, and failed the entry test for the Valgardiers. He was at least told it was a close fail, but it offered no comfort to a boy who was not looking for it. They were simply two more stricken from the list.

Both the Carnation Accord and the Indigo Front were the sort of common, academic clubs he expected to join... But they were also among the clubs his parents had encouraged him to join. Old, prestigious... It was harder to put them out of mind as he turned and walked away from the booths, but he still managed.

One by one, his options were narrowed as Kaspar paced through the fair, spending a short amount of time at each of the concerned booths. By lunchtime, he had painstakingly whittled twenty-two down to seven.

“And you're sure these are the seven you want?”

Between bites of his lunch, Kaspar glanced to the tutor eyeing him harshly. “Yes. I think they are the right choices.”


He'd be lying if he said he wasn't expecting something like this. Willa was not questioning his judgement, but rather making sure he was confident in it—that he'd put actual thought into the choices and not simply picked for the sake of picking.

Draconic Order. Varmkorv needs the best of me, and it's the best manner of assuring I meet the standards set by the Regulatory Association. Egalite Fraternite—it provides a good opportunity to assist others and learn about the political climate we are shifting toward, while giving an insight into the lives of the kind of people I would be charged with, should I become Marquis. The Essence Club. They work a lot with plants, and the students running the booth seemed... Very friendly. Pragmatics. It is a... Well, a pragmatic choice. A good opportunity for learning in a hands-on environment, without the prestige of the Carnation Accord or Indigo Front. The...” He paused briefly, cheeks tinting slightly pink, and seemed to double down focus on the paper in his hands. Willa could read the list just fine, but she was going to make him say it.

“The... Sleuths. Working on the key critical thinking and logical deduction skills while furthering social contacts with acquaintances in the closely-associated Fingersteeplers.” Kaspar tried valiantly to ignore the way Willa chuckled under her breath, moving quickly onto the next club which was... Only marginally less embarrassing. Society of the Grapes. Good for increasing social influence among other members, while offering a chance to... Forgo typical societal requirements. And, lastly, Surveyors. A chance to help others while working on skills in binding and collaboration, among others.”

Willa was nodding, seemingly satisfied with his responses. After a moment of quiet reflection, she asked, “Why did you decide against joining the Aesthetics? You enjoy art quite a bit.”

The boy sighed, leaning back on his hands in the grass. “I don't know if I want to share or discuss my sketches. I do them simply because I enjoy doing so, and because it offers an opportunity to rebalance. Being part of a group may hamper that. If I do want to sketch with someone else, I can always ask Ayla.” It had been a difficult choice to make, in large part because his friend was planning to join the club. But he only had room for seven, and he felt confident in the choices he had made.

Kaspar was quick to spend the afternoon going from booth to booth, completing the application process for each and shuffling away from the crowds around each club. He'd spent all day stuck amongst hordes of students, and the noise was beginning to press against his mind. Satisfied with the efficiency of the day, he retreated back to his dormitory to compose some new sketches of Varmkorv to join the others scattered around his room.

Assani 30

LOCATION: Draconic Order Stall
INTERACTIONS: Silas @Tackytaff, Zarina @YummyYummy, Jocasta @Force and Fury

Kaspar had nearly considered not going to the second day of the fair, but ultimately pulled himself out to spend some time around the stalls for his new clubs. He was wandering away from the stall for Draconic Order, having spent quite a while listening to other members talk about their experiences with dragons and getting tired of the crowd. It was as he headed south that the noble spotted something unusual. Approaching, it looked familiar... Similar to what they had absorbed in the desert. An aberration, tiny compared to the beast in Torragon... But this one was white, and shaped like a girl. He almost felt he could identify the silhouette, but it danced on the edge of his mind.

Looking around, he spotted only one other individual—the blind boy, Silas, who he'd first met when more students arrived at the Refuge. He remembered briefly showing the boy to his room, but they hadn't interacted much outside of that. Still, he seemed to be making for the aberration even as Kaspar stood beside it, so he waited for the other student to get within range. “This one is... White,” he offered, unsure of what the other boy could sense with the Gift. Curious, he reached out a hand and... touched it.

It didn't feel like touching the one in the desert. There was no cloudiness overtaking his mind. In fact... It felt clearer. As the wisps of white seemed to curl along his fingers and wrist, absorbing into his skin, Kaspar felt energized. He wondered if Silas was feeling the same thing, noticing in his peripheral that he had also reached out to the aberration. As the refreshing energy flowed into him, though, it seemed to push just to the edge of discomfort, a faint prickling beneath his skin that seemed to crawl up his arm and through his body as though it were in his veins, swimming through the crimson blood within. It buzzed like electricity with a warmth like sunlight, something wholly unlike any other sensation he'd experienced—only in part because it seemed to press against him from the inside out.

Even as the last wisps vanished, the feeling persisted, and Kaspar took several steps back. He rolled up the ends of dark sleeves, inspecting his skin to look for any visual change to match what he was feeling. Nothing seemed to appear, though. He looked up to ask Silas if he felt something similar, but the boy had already vanished. Kaspar turned in a different direction, towards the Academy, searching for... something, though he wasn't sure what.

The feeling seemed to be gradually fading as he walked. The most unnerving part was that Kaspar was unsure if it was actually leaving, or if he was just getting used to the sensation like a faint ringing in his ears. For the briefest of moments, he entertained the thought of going to a Zeno and asking what they might know—but consumption of aberrations was against the rules of the Academy, and he didn’t feel the need for a harsh lecture or grueling punishment. Willa was even further out of consideration, then. Any punishment she doled out would make the Zenos look tame.

His wandering brought him towards the southeast corner of the Academy grounds, and long before he got there Kaspar could see some kind of commotion. By the time he arrived it seemed to be resolved, though the boy could tell it appeared to have been a brief altercation between Zarina and Jocasta.

The latter did not let him rest for long—a disturbance, it seemed, to the north. It was too far for the boy to sense, but Jocasta’s range was more than plenty for this—as were her temporal skills sufficient for getting them to the scene.

Unsure as to what exactly he saw on the other side of the portal, Kaspar nevertheless stepped through.

Collaboration with @dragonpiece

Ingrid struggled against the combined weight of Manfred and Dory pressing her down into the ground, restricting her joints to make sure she is unable to cast anything. The momentary strength she drew from her madness couldn’t pull anymore out of her untrained body as the mixture of lactic acid and Dory’s own internal chemical magic left Ingrid in a lull, only resisting in spasms when the chem magic loosened its hold of her. Her mind made had deteriorated to a feral beast, only craving wanton destruction and the power of the black aberration. Friendship no longer mattered as even Dory, someone she cares for, was nothing more than a punching bag for her.

Kaspar stepped through the portal Jocasta had offered, eyes immediately catching sight of the atomic mage seemingly driven mad. He was quick to kneel, trying to help Dory and Manfred subdue Ingrid while others filtered through the gateway. As his hands pressed into her shoulder and upper arm, something seemed to spark like an electric shock in the boy’s mind. He could feel something broken within her. Like she had been untethered from something, though he couldn’t tell yet the nature of it. He didn’t remember feeling such a thing when he’d gone mad in the desert, but this time he was unaffected. Curious prickling under his skin, he began to reach deeper into these connections.

Ingrid hadn’t become aware that other people had arrived to see her in this shameful state as she was chemically inhibited. But what she could feel was something pushing in her in a way that couldn’t be explained. It reached deep inside of her and she could feel the aberration madness was almost fighting this feeling. Her mind told her to run, a feeling she never felt under this madness. She spasmed more like fighting for dear life.

Kaspar retracted his hands for a moment, worried that he’d hurt Ingrid with the way she had spasmed, but it seemed to be the madness consuming her. Tentative, he placed his hands back and tried to examine further. It was strange to sense these disconnections—in many ways, it felt like sensing for injuries or obtrusions in the way taught to Binding mages, and carried some familiarity from his studies. But there was a metaphysical twist in the link, like what he was feeling was real, but it wasn’t really there. As he dug into what his Gift could feel, it came to him best like a bridge—or a series of bridges—that had collapsed in the middle and been swept away. There were two whole edges, but no way to get between them. Yet… something in him, perhaps the healer, tried to shore up the frayed ends on either side.

Ingrid sense of self left, any energy used for struggling turned inwards to fight against the intruder in her head. A scene like any other, a cosmic space filled with stars. These weird wiery bridges seemed to be hanging from to from what seems like 2 hemispheres. On Ingrid’s side was a place of comfort. She existed in multiple times on her side. Studying in her room as her servants bring her small snacks. A sleepover with her friends and her sisters. Her time in class when she was praised for her curiosity. Laughing with friends as they achieved their goals. Laying in bed barely covered watching her lover come in. Comfort was on her side.

The opposite of her side was dark: her fears. Awkwardness, inadequacies, failure. Countless nights of worry. Death of innocents, a long dreary life of fake smiles and false achievement. And whatever was trying to reach into her was trying to connect these white wiry bridges. The more the strings connected, she could see her comfort slowly fading. Ingrid lashed out in a panic trying to protect herself from the horrors across the bridge.

The abutments were crumbling. Something like panic flitted through Kaspar as the damage threatened to eat away the shore itself, so intense that he worried it was Ingrid’s madness seeping into him. “I think I can help her,” he uttered, voice soft as a breath at first. Then, solid—the confidence and the comfort those around him needed, “I can help her.” He wasn’t sure how. But he’d started, hadn’t he? If the boy had been able to support these intangible bridges, however little at first, surely he could do more than that. First, though, he needed to keep everything from crashing down. Speaking steadily with as much calm as he could muster, he tried to guide her. “Ingrid, I’m Kaspar. We have some classes together. I can help you—I can make it stop. But you need to let me.” He didn’t know if the words could reach her, through whatever hold the madness had, but he had to try.

Words echoed from the other side of the bridge, warping the astral space that separated the 2 sides until its waves collided with her side of the bridge. At first she feared it, as the wave only looked like it meant to harm her, but instead it only destroyed some of the scenes behind her. Her head stung as it felt that the side of comfort drew from Ingrid’s essence to repair itself. She screamed in pain as it felt like a hole bored into her memory to fix the damage. As she looked back at her supposed safety, she saw deeper wants. The bridges has started to rebuild and with it, the side of horrors seemed less terrifying, still much worse than what she had on her side of the bridge.

It felt like light was coalescing in his blood. Not the brightness, the visible aspect of it—but the energy, buzzing against his manas and perhaps even through them. The comfort of a lamp in a room swamped with shadow. It sank into his bones, seeming to seep into and from the very marrow, burning away the fear he felt at seeing someone like this.

“You’re going to be okay, Ingrid. We’re going to help you,” he encouraged, trying to reflect this light, to redirect it to the one who truly needed it. He felt like the gaps were beginning to fill, like the metaphorical and metaphysical bridges were being repaired and heading towards reconnection, but his confidence was shaky. They still needed to be linked, and part of him felt like Ingrid still needed to reach from the other side—a guide and a lighthouse, something to help him find the edges he needed to join.

The astral sky that acted as a gap between the 2 sides slowly began to light from the other side. It was warm as if the sun was on the other side and it belonged to the terrible scenes of the other side. But the warmth was odd. It made her feel at peace while the side she stood on continued to bore into her. Her flesh felt like it was pulling from her skeleton as the sun burned the scene behind her. She fell forward and touched the bridge. At first she worried that it was going to hurt even more than the anguish of staying where she was. But instead she was reminded of the headaches she would get from studying all night and Åsa bringing her some herbal tea to help her get through it. A moment that was slightly painful but real. The other side looked less horrifying for a second and instead seemed unnecessarily vicious. But It started to seem slightly better than where she was. She began to move.

Kaspar expected the edges to snap together sharply, like metals influenced by Magnetic Magic. Instead, it felt like threads weaving and pulling taut, knitting Ingrid back to reality. Like fiber sealing an open wound. Skin, pulling itself into one piece. Healing. It felt like… healing. Was this something fueled by Binding Magic, then? Some facilitation of her own ability to repair the damage, accelerating the rate at which she expelled the madness? Or was it something entirely different? It seemed unique, like nothing he’d ever managed before, but he couldn’t understand how to rationalize it—and he couldn’t spend time doing so now, as he was solidifying those connections, stabilizing Ingrid’s path back to reality.

As Ingrid tried to stand to start walking on the bridge but it felt as if the side that once gave comfort shot barbed hooks into her, trying to drag her back. It was hard as even with pain growing with every step, so was the unbelievable comfort it was providing. But she was scared. Scared that it was a lie, she needed to keep going. Every step brought back more memories, the struggles and satisfaction of actually doing could not be replicated. The barbed hooks broke as she went closer and closer to the other side and as she completed her crossing they snapped off and she was free to be who she was. The Light kept growing and the darkness was annihilated in overwhelming light, blinding Ingrid. When the light faded, she could see Kaspar looking over her, And she could only see that same light in him that freed her.

A wave of relief swept through Kaspar as Ingrid’s eyes turned to him, reflecting recognition and understanding. He could feel the energy beginning to pool in his veins, as though no more needed to be given away. The boy leaned back slightly, pulling his hands away, and held her gaze steadily. “You’re alright. We’ve got you,” he consoled, remembering how his tutor would comfort him after a bad dream. Head tilting slightly, the Lightbringer asked, “How do you feel?”

Collaboration with @Force and Fury

“You’re a Lightbringer,” said Jocasta simply. She’d brought herself over as a weapon of last resort for, even as powerful as Ingrid had become, the tethered doubled her. She folded her hands in her lap. With the group having dispersed somewhat and Ingrid having gone with two of the Centuries, she was close to alone with him. “At least… I think so,” she amended. “Did you take in one of the white aberrations?”

Kaspar clenched and flexed his hand, turning it in the daylight as though that might help him understand what had happened. Jocasta’s voice pulled him from the inspection and he looked to her, clear confusion bright in his crimson eyes. “I’m a… what?” he asked softly, almost a murmur as she continued. Slowly, he nodded his head. “I… yes. One, with Silas. What… what did it do?”

“I uh… may have tried to sound a bit too certain,” the blonde admitted, making a bit of a face, “but you could feel something happening when you touched her, right? You felt yourself rebuilding her connection with reality somehow?” She tilted her head to the side, “At least, that’s how it’s been described to me.”

Kaspar pursed his lips for a moment, considering. “It felt like a bridge, I think,” he admitted, “And like… warmth. Energy.” He turned to face Jocasta fully, remembering the way it had felt against the inside of his veins, and leveled his eyes on her, awaiting some sort of explanation.

In the event, the first thing that he received from her was the distinctive sensation of a sonic dampening bubble. “Walk with me?” she asked, setting hands to wheels, “Or you can do the walking.” She didn’t wait to see if he would. She started moving. “Take all and any of his with a grain of salt,” she began, “But it’s something I’ve heard of: there are mana types you can only get from aberrations. That is, unless a book I read a long time ago was wrong. I trusted my source…” She trailed off, glancing his way and smiling reassuringly.

Kaspar felt the bubble expand around them, and his face fell into something distinctly neutral as he recognized Jocasta’s consideration for subtlety. He kept up with her movements, listening to her words but not visibly reacting, eyes intermittently scanning their surroundings for anyone paying an unhealthy amount of attention to the pair. He couldn’t speak to the legitimacy of her source, but the boy believed Jocasta would not speak of this unless she believed it to be important. “And this… Lightbringer? It is one of these supposed mana types?”

She nodded somewhat solemnly, eyes scanning their surroundings. “You got it, bucko.” She shrugged. “At least if I’m remembering right and I wasn’t reading blather.” Despite their… sonically protected surroundings, her voice dropped anyhow, perhaps out of habit. “Don’t quote me on this but, if you wanna learn more, I don’t know how much help I’ll be. You should try the Seaside Exchange.” Jocasta wet her lips nervously and drifted to a stop. “It’s in Mudville. All sorts of goodies there.” She reached into a little pouch hanging off the back of her wheeled-chair and pulled out a little token. This, she pressed into his hand. “This’ll get you in. Policy is leave one, take one, alright?”

The more Jocasta spoke, the more a brick settled in Kaspar’s stomach. What she offered was no sort of official channel—but having healed Ingrid of aberration madness… He could understand why. If it was something he could do reliably, the implications were… complicated. It could rewrite the fundamental approach to aberrations. But if she could offer him anywhere to go, it meant he was not the first or the only. Though he’d never heard of a Lightbringer before, precedent would inform his next steps. His eyes scored down the token she handed him briefly before deft fingers slipped it into his vest, securing it in his wand pocket. “Thank you. Is there… anything else you can tell me?” the noble questioned, his own voice lowered.

Jocasta started moving again, slowly at first, as if thinking hard. Her brow furrowed and she worked her jaw back and forth for a moment. She turned to him and shook her head. “Wish I could, Sucker.” She grinned. “but I’m not even a hundred percent sure my source is one I should trust… not anymore.” Taking note of his ill-ease, she shook her head quickly. “Oh, don’t worry. There’s no real danger,” she assured him. “Even if you get caught, you’ll get a slap on the wrist at worst and people will dismiss it as quackery.” She coasted along beside him. “If it’s like I remember reading and if what you just did for Iingrid is any indication, you’ve got a gift that could help a lot of people.” The bubble began to lift. “Stay safe, friend. Don’t be a stranger, huh?”

He took her lack of further information in stride; it had been unlikely she would withhold anything else, so the result was unsurprising. This would require some deep research and personal testing, all of which seemed difficult to come by. There was the matter, too, of going to those who were far more experienced than himself. Willa would beat him like a rug if he admitted to going near an aberration, much less touching one. There were also the leadership of the Academy—though they knew too much of him and he too little of them to be comfortable revealing this information.

“If the opportunity is to help, I can only hope it will not be taken advantage of by those who do not deserve it,” Kaspar resolved with a nod towards the tethered girl. Trying to bring some levity to his voice as the sound dampening faded, he responded, “It would be hard to stay a stranger for long.”

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