Asani 15th
Location: Merchant Dorms
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: 2:?? HD
Characters: Yalen, Colette, Rita
The portal provided by Hugo dropped Yalen and Rita right outside of his dorm room door. Miraculously the priest trainee didn’t land on his face this time, and was able to step out of the gateway with ease. The tiny Segonese girl was all giggles as she followed her guardian out of the rift in space.
”Dat was so coooool!” Rita started jumping up and down while flapping her arms in excitement. Yalen smiled fondly at her antics. It was amazing how, despite everything that had happened to her, she still had the capacity to express such joy. It wasn’t hard to understand why she was so energetic. It wasn’t just the amazing display by the paradigm; this was also the tethered child’s first step outside the refuge. Like a pet goldfish released into a lake, she had a vast world waiting before her.
”Come on Yawen! ‘et’s go play somewhere!” Rita pulled on the back of Yalen’s robes to try and get him to cooperate. While he was all smiles, he had to remain firm and not go break curfew just to humor his new friend. It was as dark as could be outside save for the street lamps that dotted the main arteries of the city. The time difference between Torragon and Perrence would take time to overcome for her. He knelt down and messed with Rita’s hair a bit.
”Aw, there are a lot of places I want to show you Rita, but we have to stay indoors tonight. Sorry. This city is a little bit like the Refuge. All magically gifted students in Ersand’Enise have a curfew and I’ll be in trouble if they catch me out here.” Yalen could apologize all he liked, but Rita still puffed her cheeks up indignantly.
”Boooooo. Fine, but you gotsa feed me some’ting tasty for breakfast!”
A second rift in space opened and closed behind the pair, leaving behind the hastily prepared skid carrying Yalen’s auction spoils. Ten wyrm scales, twenty wyrm teeth, a sizable wyrm pearl, and a froabass egg were tied to the wooden planks. It was easily several thousand neskals worth of treasure. For the frugal Dordian priest, it was a mind boggling amount of money to be entrusted with. He still needed to decide what to do with it.
”Good thing they gave us this. I wouldn’t be able to carry it all by myself otherwise…” Yalen yanked the ropes over his shoulders and leaned his body forward. He wasn’t athletic by any means, but the proper use of weight and leverage allowed him to drag the heavy load all the way to the door of his dorm room. If there were two things to be thankful for, it was the city’s well paved roads and his luck in getting a place on the ground floor. As he fished around in his bag for the room key, Yalen realized he had forgotten something.
My hat! Yalen had forgotten his hat in Hugo’s study. There was no way to go back and get it now, at least until the paradigm called upon him once again. That was a shame. In the meantime he would have to use an umbrella. With a click the door was unlocked, but before Yalen could twist the handle the door swung open on its own. No, not quite on its own. Someone was standing there in the doorway. Someone whose face he recognized very well.
An armor-clad woman with platinum blonde hair strode out of the dorm, ignoring Yalen, and made a beeline for the Segonese girl.
”Go to sleep for a minute kid.” Colette waved a hand over Rita’s head, causing the child to gently collapse. The Quentic knightess put a gauntleted hand under Rita’s arm to keep her from falling to the ground, then hoisted the tiny girl over her shoulder. With her immediate objective accomplished, the older woman fixed her eyes upon Yalen. She looked like she hadn’t slept in days.
”It’s been a while, Yalen. Good to see you.”
The younger teen couldn’t meet his sister’s gaze. They couldn’t have crossed paths at a worse time. He bowed his head regretfully and clasped his hands together. ”...I can explain everything.”
Colette released a long, heavy sigh and rested her head in her hand. ”Let’s just go inside before she catches a cold.” She spun around on her heel and doubled back to Yalen’s room with a pint sized package in tow. As she passed by the stack of wyrm treasure, the ropes binding them to the skid unraveled and the entire cargo floated into the air before trailing behind her. Her little brother stood dumbly with his mouth agape. He’d never seen her use magic to this extent when the two were still together. How strong had she gotten while working as a knight?
Jocasta might still be stronger though… Eh? Yalen had no idea why that thought came to his head. Whose side was he on!? His ears felt hot as he closed the front door behind him. The candle sconces were already lit, filling the dorm room with a pale yellow glow. He had to wonder how long Colette had been here.
Yalen’s dragon bits were dumped unceremoniously in the corner of the room while Colette laid Rita out on his bed. Getting manhandled the way she did should have woken her up, but a mega dose of melatonin among other things would ensure that no such thing occurred. She was out until morning; thus, the two ‘siblings’ would have plenty of time to hold a private conversation. After tucking Yalen’s new friend into an oversized quilt, Colette breathed another sigh and rubbed her temples.
”Alright Yalen, who the heck is this?” She questioned while pointing at the bed.
”Her name is Rita.”
”Mmh. And? What’s she doing here in school?”
”I brought her with me after uh…” Yalen licked his lips nervously. ”Saving a refuge from destruction up in Torragon.”
Colette went silent then. The duo stared at each other awkwardly, him waiting for her to reply, her for him to say that this was all a joke.
”Merda! Sei proprio un coglione Yalen! Arghhhhh!” Yalen’s sister started pulling at her hair. She made the sign of the Pentad as well. She made it three times just to be sure.
“Calmatevi mia sorella…”
”Calm down!? You went to Torragon! I can’t believe you’re skipping classes in your first semester! And this kid? You’re adopting children? Are you trying to be like your father now? You’re barely of age yourself!” Yalen winced a bit. She sure had some pipes on her! Colette stormed over to the kitchenette and levitated an opaque bottle off the top of a shelf. It was a sample of wine that had come with the room. Yalen guessed it was a type of champagne but never took an actual sip. His sister poured some into a cup and quaffed it.
”Huff… huff…” Colette wiped her mouth on the back of her hand and braced her hands against the wall. She closed her eyes and took some diaphragmatic breaths.
”Alright. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s you after all. I’m just gonna… try to keep an open mind about this and listen to what you have to say.” The beleaguered swordswoman shuffled over to the dining table and took a seat there. She slapped the top of the table to get Yalen to join her, so he went over and took the chair opposite to hers. As he bent to sit down, the joints on his leg braces made a sound that got Colette’s attention. She reached her foot out under the table and poked at the metal and leather contraptions.
”Those are new. Did the school provide you with them?” She kneeled down and pinched at the various joints of her brother’s leg supports.
”No, I borrowed these while I was in Torragon.” Yalen replied, now feeling a bit out of place because of Colette’s intrusive examination.
”I see.” She got up from under the table and sat back down. ”Gosh, this room feels like an inn. The only evidence that you live here is a drawer full of your clothes and that shrine over there. Do you even touch the money Charles sends you? I thought you’d be staying in the noble quarters.” The two blondes looked towards the side of the room where Yalen had set up a shrine dedicated to Oraff. It was a small one made for portability, crafted with the infamous “axe-breaking birch” and covered in a generous portion of gold plate and orange sapphires. It was likely one of the most expensive things he currently possessed. Despite him being gone for a week there was a freshly lit stick of incense sitting in the receptacle. By now it was clear that Colette had been house sitting.
”But there’s really nothing I need.” Yalen admitted. ”I have all my textbooks and study materials. I eat three meals a day. I have a bed. Is there something else I should be spending money on?”
”How about a new outfit? Are you seriously wearing your vestments in class? You stick out like a sore thumb.”
Yalen self consciously tugged at his collar. ”But I’m comfortable in this… Besides, everyone knows I’m here as a priest, not the son of a nobleman.”
”That’s a fair point, but as long as you’re a Castel I think you should try to look a bit more important. By the gods, at least hire a maid for appearances sake. It would also give you more time to study.” Colette shrugged. Well, it’s not my business anymore. You’re old enough for me to stop nagging you about things like that.” She drummed her fingers on the table thinking about which way to steer the conversation next. ”Before we get to the bottom of your week-long absence, perhaps you would like to know why I’m here.” Yalen nodded in reply.
”This city has become a hot zone. A recent string of assassination attempts has the politicians on edge, and they’re cashing in every favor they have. The monastic orders were bombarded with pleas for reinforcements, so the Century has been dispatched by the Holy See of Verano. 100 elite mages are coming from every corner of Perrence and the surrounding territories. Until further notice, I have been granted a permanent visa in Ersand’Enise.”
Yalen got the gist of what she was referring to. Ever since the ceremony of the five thrones, ill rumors had been spreading amongst the student body. Some were even talking about the ruler of Belzagg going missing. If a head of state was harmed within the safe haven of Ersand’Enise, then even a hundred extra soldiers was too little. However, she called them the Century. While he was not familiar with the title, he assumed that these were top notch mages being dispatched to the academy city.
”I looked for you as soon as I arrived, you know. You had me worried sick! Couldn’t you have left a note or something? The day after you disappeared I interrogated every teacher in the academy. I even kicked down the door of the Zenith herself! That move almost earned me a whipping. Thankfully Ms. Upta was understanding and declined to report me. It didn’t do me much good though. I could tell she knew where you were, but her lips were sealed. I at least knew you were alive, so I spent the last week stalking your dorms waiting until you got back. With that all said”, Colette finished her cup and refilled it again, “How about we talk about your recent adventure?” Her eyes slowly drifted towards the dragon hoard piled up in the corner.
”Okay. Please bear with me, this might take a while to explain.”
Yalen walked his sister through the first night when he received a mysterious summons. He talked about the birds, and the journey through the Forked Tower. When he revealed his chance meeting with the paradigm, Colette raised an eyebrow.
”You met Hugo Hunghorasz? Isn’t that, like, the most powerful wizard in existence? What business would he have with a shrimp like you?”
”I was wondering that myself…” Yalen ignored her commentary regarding his height. ”But I wasn’t the only one there. He needed help, and a lot of it. A refuge in Torragon petitioned the school for assistance and a team of Biros was slated for dispatch. We were headed to a sanctuary full of tethered.”
”A tethered refuge? I’ve heard about those. They’re supposed to be like fancy hostels for sick people right?”
”On the surface maybe, but that place held some dark secrets. More on that later…”
Yalen skimmed through the battle with the halassa and the first encounter with the royal sand wyrm. The mention of the latter caused Colette to squeeze her cup until a crack formed in it.
”A sand wyrm? A beast like that would normally call for a military intervention! Was the paradigm trying to get you all killed?”
”He warned us of the possibility. I knew what might happen to me. Don’t forget, I volunteered to go. It was my decision to make.”
”Ugh. I wish you’d think about yourself a little more.”
”I know I don’t have long to live, but I can’t choose to do nothing when I have the power to help someone. I’d rather die fighting for what’s right.”
”That’s so like you… so are you okay? Hurting those animals must have been difficult for you.”
”You’re right, it did make me sick. They were aberration mad though. Even if I left them alone they no longer had a place in the natural world. It’s regrettable, but I had to do it.”
Yalen described his first meeting with Rita and his first impression of the refuge. He declined to talk about the dreams he had that night and quickly moved the story to the second morning. There was the communal breakfast and the mission briefing, and also his little pool party with the children. He briefly talked about the camel ride to the canyon where the aberration had been spotted. That was where the party discovered the sand wyrm’s consumption of the aberration and encountered a massive flight of froabasses.
”How in the five hells did you make it out alive?” Colette inquired.
”Well the girl named Jocasta…”
The rest of the events were a blur. Yalen told his sister about the death of the warden and everything they learned thereafter. He informed her of the plan concocted by Manuel and Amanda. He revealed the suffering Jocasta was made to endure when she was still living in the refuge, and the program for training tethered children to become assassins.
”That poor kid. And you’re saying she wasn’t the only one?”
”Her story was disturbingly typical, or so I was told.”
”That’s… I don’t even have the words to describe how disgusting that is. I can’t believe it was happening right under our noses. The church must be made aware!”
”I’m not sure how far your words would reach sis. Severa is home to a massive Darhannic population. I also cannot say with certainty that this is a problem endemic to all the refuges in the system.”
”Still… maybe I could convince someone to open an investigation.”
The hundreds of tethered in the refuge had to be trained in preparation for the wyrm’s assault. To further complicate things, Duke Frannemas and his people came to inspect his territory and Hugo was sending more and more students to intercede. With some shrewd negotiations and ample preparation however, the Biros were able to save the refuge from destruction and also gain its independence.
”Pffft. An apprentice teaching magic? The Zenith would have your head.”
”It was for the greater good! Besides, many of them were surprisingly quick to pick up on the Gift. Especially this one called Isabella. I believe some of the tethered are attending the school now.”
Yalen ended his summation of the adventure with the death of the sand wyrm, the mock auction, and the final goodbyes they all shared. He purposefully omitted the battle with the froabass alpha. There would be a time to talk about the disturbing things he’d seen and done at that time. He didn’t have the courage to do it right now.
”When this little one begged to come with me I was just about to step through the portal. She nearly tore my robe off.” He nodded towards Rita, who was snoring quite loudly. Colette leaned back and whistled. The whole story took an hour to finish.
”You’re such a softie, Yalen. I’ve always liked that about you. You may have been a little too impulsive though. How are you going to take care of a kid when you still have a full course of magical studies to complete?”
Yalen scratched his head. She was right, he hadn’t thought that far. ”I honestly don’t know. I figured I would sort it out as I went.”
”Yup. That’s so you. Intelligent as hell, but impulsive. Well, until she gets used to life outside of the refuge I don’t think it’s right to ship her off to Miatto. She can’t stay with you or it will interfere with your studies. Hmm.” Colette started rocking her chair back and forth. ”How about you leave her with me? I’ve got a room to myself in Cathedral Square. If you transfer some of your savings over to me I can use it for her living expenses and hire a nanny. Maybe we can even arrange a tutor to continue her education.”
”That’s- that’s a really good idea. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”
”You’re not the only one here with a heart kiddo. I’ve been watching over squirts like you since you were in diapers. One more can’t hurt.” Colette chuckled and gulped down a fourth cup of wine.
This is perfect! Yalen couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He had a ton of new friends, his big sis was in Ersand’Enise, and now he could see Rita any time he wanted. He couldn’t think of a more perfect school life.
”Yaleeeeennnnn.” Colette slurred. Her face was getting red now. The booze was finally starting to reach her head. She fumbled out of her chair and sauntered over to Yalen with her arms stretched out.
”I’ll forgive ya for disappearing from school, but you gotta give your sister a hug!” She wrapped him in a bear hug and dragged him out of his seat. Yalen felt his cheek getting rubbed against her steel armor and tried to push her away, but she was too strong.
”Colette, your breastpl-!”
”So you’re old enough to be interested in my breasts huh? You little perv!”
”Breastplate! Your breastplate! Take it off if you want to hug me you lush!”
Colette switched her grip so she could give Yalen a noogie. He started to kick at her shins in desperation, but she was wearing greaves. In the end he was forced to humor her drunken frenzy until the clock ticked past 4:00 HD. He still had a full day of classes tomorrow. When the knightess finally began settling down, her armor had been scattered around the room and she had Yalen’s head resting in her lap. She was stroking his head like a dog while he stared at the wall in contemplation.
”Do you think I can become strong like you?”
Colette stopped her hand.
”Why do you ask?”
”I can’t save anybody as long as I’m the one who needs saving. I don’t want to be a burden any longer.”
His serious tone seemed to sober her up somewhat. Colette let Yalen out of her lap and stood up to collect her equipment. ”I don’t know if you can be as strong as me, but you definitely have potential if you try hard.”
”I would like you to train me.”
”Pardon?” Colette looked back at Yalen while strapping her gauntlets back on. The look in his eyes was one she hadn’t seen since he begged to come to Ersand’Enise. It was an intensity that she rarely witnessed from him. He looked like a soldier.
”Yalen, I’m not a gym teacher you know. Asking me to train you is a very serious thing. I didn’t build muscles like these by jogging in the park.”
”I’m prepared to puke blood if I have to.”
”...” Colette walked towards Yalen’s study desk and looked at the class schedule he had glued to the wall. She picked up a fountain pen and tapped it against her chin. After a minute of thought she scribbled some words onto the parchment and circled them. ”If this isn’t a joke then let’s do it. But make no mistake, it’s going to be your funeral. We’re going to have to build a regimen on top of your classes using the available free time. I don’t want this to affect your grades so we’ll have to find a way for you to study too…” She circled a few more spots on the schedule. ”I’ll have to schedule my patrols to line up with the times you’re in class. We can do physical conditioning in the morning and evenings and use your free periods for magic combat training. As for study time, I’m sure we can figure it out together.”
Yalen came to look at the training schedule being drafted and crossed his arms. ”Is it okay for me to be doing this every day? Doesn’t the body need to rest after intense training?”
”With the church’s methods, you could push boulders for 24 hours and not even feel it the day after. Trust me, those Rezaindians know their stuff. No more prayers first thing in the morning, you’re waking up early for me now.” Colette patted her little brother on the back. ”Alright”, She went to the bed and scooped Rita into her arms, blanket and all, ”I’ve got to take this one home. I hope she won’t start bawling her eyes out when I tell her she’s staying with me.”
Yalen took off his Dordian necklace and placed it around the tethered child’s neck. ”It’s alright. I’ll visit her every week.”
”Heh, you’re a sweet kid Yalen.”
”I’m just imitating my pushover of a sister.” Yalen smiled and hugged Colette one more time. ”I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Asani 16th
Location: Merchant Dorms -> All over Ersand’Enise
Day of the week: Taldes
Time: 4:?? HI
Characters: Yalen, Colette
”Attention maggot!” Colette shouted. Yalen’s desperately needed rest was interrupted when his new drill sergeant started banging a pair of cooking pans over his head. In his panic to get up he accidentally rolled over and collapsed onto the floor. His sister dropped the pans and picked him up by the arms before sitting him back on his bed.
”Good morning sleepyhead, looks like you slept in! That business in Torragon must have tired you out huh? Come on, up and at ‘em!”
Slept in? Most of the academy will be asleep for another 4 hours… Yalen rubbed his eyes with shaking hands. His heart was beating out of control even though he had been laying still all night. His throat felt unnaturally parched. The symptoms of aberration absorption were beginning to manifest.
Colette rushed about the room trying to speed up Yalen’s morning preparations. She handed him his leg braces and a fresh pair of clothes. She also put a basin of hot water at his feet and passed him a towel so he could wipe himself off. While he groggily got himself prepped for the day, the older woman placed a cup of black tea on the dining table next to a sandwich wrapped in rough parchment paper.
”Here! I brought you breakfast! Hurry and eat!!”
After 20 minutes of hasty preparation Yalen was hustled out the door by Colette, a piece of his sandwich still hanging out of his mouth. First light hadn’t even broken over the horizon yet. The whole street was covered in the dark blue shade of astronomical twilight. Other than the skeleton crew of the night watch there was nobody in sight. A soldier in ornamental looking armor just happened to pass by right as Yalen finished locking his door.
“Good morning Lieutenant D’aureville! You taking a squire on a ride-along?” The person’s head was covered by a full face helmet, but they sounded male. Colette gave the man a friendly wave.
”Oraff keep you Manon! Meet my brother Yalen!” She ruffled Yalen’s hair despite his protests.
“The rumored brother? Good to see you’re okay boyo! I’m glad you’re here because she just wouldn’t shut up about you!”
”Thank you Sir Manon. I wouldn’t tease my sister too much. She’ll take it out on you later.” Yalen gave Colette a sideways glance.
”Hey, I’m not the type to hold a grudge! I’ll just break one bone during our sparring session later!” She sent Manon a wink while gripping the hilt of her bastard sword. Her fellow Century knight shuddered and marched away as quickly as his plate armor would allow. Once he was out of sight, Colette turned to Yalen.
”Okay so before we begin, I want you to drink this.” She opened a small bag attached to her hip and retrieved a vial of clear liquid. This she handed to Yalen, who eyed the tincture a little suspiciously.
”What’s this?” He asked while shaking the glass container.
”It’s an extract the Rezaindians concocted a few years ago in conjunction with the Stresians. I have no idea what it is, but it’s something they use to keep their ranks filled with able bodied recruits. Those Eshiran worshiping zealots have the highest fatality rate in the monastic orders, so they’ve developed some interesting shortcuts to address that.”
Yalen uncorked the vial and sniffed the medicine before downing it in one go. It was one of the worst things he’d ever tasted, and he’d once been fed a sardine pie from Enth. The young monk coughed and thumped his chest. Colette rubbed his back encouragingly and took the empty vial out of his hand.
”Awful stuff ain’t it? I’m not actually allowed to give this to people outside the warrior sects, so keep it a secret.
”It tastes exactly as bad as it smells.”
”Get used to it, since you’ll be sucking it down every week. When you combine that drug with hard training, a year’s worth of body sculpting can be done in only a couple months. Follow me.”
The pair walked until they were at the large fountain built between the merchant and common dormitories. There were a handful of windows faintly illuminated through the curtains by candle light, but the dorms were still mostly asleep and the siblings were the only ones loitering outdoors. If Yalen was caught out here without his chaperone he’d be cleaning floors after school.
Several empty buckets were scattered around the fountain. Colette took two of them and beckoned Yalen over. She filled the buckets with an inch of water each and forced them into his hands.
”Lift your arms up so they’re parallel to the ground.” She commanded. Yalen obliged, hoisting the buckets up so his body formed a T. ”How do you feel? Is it too heavy?”
”Actually, it’s not too bad.”
”Pass them here again.” Colette filled the buckets until they were just under half full and then asked Yalen to lift them again. This time he could only hold them in place for a few seconds before he was forced to let his arms hang to the sides.
”Great. That should be the right amount of weight. You’re going to follow me on patrol while carrying your water buckets. Our route will take us through the merchant’s quarter to the Queensgate, then we’ll circle back around. After that we’ll do some body weight exercises and cool off with light running.”
”How long will my morning training be if I might ask?”
”Um, I also need to perform magical therapy on you afterwards, so two hours I guess? Don’t forget, I’ll also be picking you up tonight. Ideally we’re aiming for four to five hours of physical training per day.”
Yalen clenched his teeth. I’m going to die!
Asani 18th
Location: Oliviere Bakehouse
Day of the week: Orredes
Time: 2:35 HO
Characters: Yalen, Isabella
It has now been three days since their return from Torragon. Yalen was on his way to enjoying his lunch period when he was unexpectedly intercepted by Isabella outside the school gate. The pair of tethered students were now casually strolling side by side, one of them on four and the other on two. According to the pigtailed brunette there was a great bakehouse in the Merchant’s Quarter they could eat at.
”These streets are suuuuuper flat. This is even better than the refuge!” Izzy boasted as she rolled her wheels over the cobblestone.
”Are you sure you don’t want me to push you?” Yalen offered.
”A gentleman are we? Nah I’m good, thanks.” Isabella turned her head to check out a horse carrying a pair of lovers down the road. ”Whoa, check out that lady’s corset. Was that thing made of leather? It must smell sooo bad.” The four eyed fashionista was forced to suddenly angle her wheels to get out of the way of a trio of giggling Biros. ”Man I hate when people take up the whole sidewalk like that.”
”Aren’t we walking next to each other too?” Yalen interjected.
”Yeah, but we’re uh, disabled people aren’t we? Where’s my special treatment!?” She loudly complained.
Is she the type to only garner sympathy when it’s convenient for her? Yalen secretly thought to himself. He jolted in surprise as a bird dropping landed inches away from his foot. He looked up to see a flock of seagulls circling overhead, likely scouting the city for food scraps.
”Hey, there’s the sign for Cutter Street. We turn right here.” Yalen followed Isabella around a corner, and instantly a delicious smell hit them like a wave. There was a sweet, yeasty aroma with a subtle herbaceous undertone. From where the two were they could see a fair amount of townspeople lined up outside a modestly sized building. The front of the bakehouse had a wooden stall erected in front of it with a row of slanted planks overhead for shade. A blonde Parrench girl about Rita’s age was politely manning the stall and taking orders, while someone who looked like her older brother walked up and down the line to keep it organized. People were leaving just as fast as new customers lined up, delicious treats in hand.
”Let’s grab a spot in line!” Isabella spun her wheels madly, leaving a trail of dust behind her. Yalen picked up the pace to catch up with her, narrowly avoiding bumping into a few strangers on the way.
”I’m so glad to be living here. I was getting sick of churros.” Izzy chuckled. ”Hey, do you think they have those sandwich looking things? The ones that look like they got dipped in paint?”
”Yeah! Those! I bet they’re super yummy.”
“Believe me, the macarons my father makes are delicious.” Seemingly out of nowhere, the tethered pair were suddenly addressed by the Parrench gentleman. He spoke to them while continuing to direct people with his hands. “Is this your first time visiting our bakery?”
”Yes.” ”Mhm!”
“Enchanté! Mother loves getting new customers. If you show this to my little sister you’ll get a free fruit tart with your order.” The kind youth handed Yalen and Isabella small blocks of wood with the name “Oliviere” carved into it. He gave them a shallow bow and continued to walk down the line.
”Uh, score!? I’ve never been one to turn down a freebie.” Isabella pumped her fist in the air.
”You can take mine too if you want.” Yalen dropped his share on his friend’s lap. ”I don’t think I could handle two portions.” Truly fruit tarts were one of his favorite things to eat, but the diet Colette had him on required cutting down on the sweets for a while. He’d been eating nothing but bread, meat, and cheese for a few days now.
”Oh, are you sure? Thanks a lot.”
The pair chatted for a few minutes while slowly advancing towards the bakery stall, and the closer they got the more their mouths began to water. It smelled so good that one could almost get full off the scent alone. Every few seconds a stocky looking woman pushed the doors open and handed a basket of goods to the waiting customers.
”How’s your homework coming along?”
”It could be better. I kept poking myself with the sewing needle last night.”
It was now their turn to order. The sandy haired girl gave the students a dimpled smile.
“Good afternoon! What can I get for you?”
”Fougasse for one, miss. Oh, and a spice cake.”
“One Hugo sir!”
Yalen produced a coin purse from the inside of his robes and dropped some coins in the girl’s waiting hands. She fondled the money for a second and then stuffed them into the pocket of her apron. She ran up to the bakehouse’s front door and stuck her head in to holler the order at whoever was working inside, likely her parents.
”I thought you weren’t that hungry.” Isabella said with a raised eyebrow.
”Oh, the cake is for my sister.”
The Parrench girl hopped back up to the stall and looked down at Isabella. “And for you ma’am?”
”Hm? Oh. Six macarons please! I also have these.” Isabella dropped the wood blocks in front of the young lady.
“You must have talked to my brother then. Fair warning, the next time you show up he’ll probably ask you on a date.” She covered her mouth and giggled. “Your face is his type.” Isabella made a face like she was choking in response to the comment, causing the cashier to laugh even louder.
“Yeah, he’s rather shameless. Twelve owls please.”
Once the two paid up they stood off to the side to wait for their purchases. It did not take long though. After about three minutes the big woman kicked open the door and handed the teenagers their food with a toothy smile. When they finally received their items Yalen and Isabella wandered north to the Arboretum. The park was full of other Biros in various states of activity. Some were studying quietly, others were enjoying their own lunch or walking along the river.
”Hey, I think those two are making out.” Isabella pointed at a pair of lovers who had attempted to hide themselves in a thicket of trees, rather unsuccessfully. They were so enamored with each other one might assume they needed each other’s lungs to breathe. The display caused Yalen’s cheeks to heat up.
”L-let’s just sit down.” There was an unclaimed bench nearby where they were able to relax out of the way of others. At least, Yalen was able to. Izzy simply rolled her chair around so she was sitting close by. The pigtailed girl picked a sandwich cookie at random and sank her teeth into it. She slapped her arm rest and squealed.
”Sho goooooooooooooooood!!!” Isabella screamed with a mouth full of pastry. Seeing the delight on her face made Yalen’s mouth water a bit. He had to try this. He unwrapped his food and marveled at the delicious slab of dough on his lap. The loaf was lightly moist with olive oil, dotted with cured black olives and seasoned with some kind of herbs. He could smell a hint of lemon as well. He bit into it without hesitation, and as soon as he did he was struck by a tidal wave of flavor. It was zesty, salty, and herbaceous. The surface was perfectly crisp, while the inside was moist and chewy.
”This is incredible. I’ve never had such delicious fougasse.” Yalen licked some oil off his finger. He and Isabella were so engrossed in their meal that they didn’t speak another word to each other until they were finished eating.
”My waistline is gonna hate me for this later.” Isabella brushed some crumbs off of her skirt. ”Phew. I wonder if I should go back though. I might end up looking like the baker’s wife pretty soon.”
”Hey now, if she heard you say that she’d have every right to hit you with her rolling pin.” Yalen chastised. ”Shall we start heading back?”
They continued to exchange small talk on their way back to the academy. They made some commentary on today’s theology class. Isabella boasted about all the plans she had for her free period later in the day. They talked about the progress of their magical studies - Izzy moped about accidentally making a bowl of water explode yesterday.
”If you don’t mind me asking, how are you feeling?” Yalen asked.
”What do you mean?” Isabella strained her arms to get her wheelchair up the ramp in front of the school gate.
”The…The madness. Has it affected you at all?”
”Well if you want an honest answer, I feel like shit. I’m just trying to power through it. I’ve been ignoring the voice in my head telling me to look for more reality holes to suck on. How about you?”
Yalen shook his head. ”Every morning it feels like I’m dying. If it weren’t for my sister’s help I don’t think I could get out of bed in the morning.”
”That must be nice... Oh, I have to go this way. I guess we’re splitting up here.”
”Yeah. I enjoyed this. We should meet for lunch again sometime.”
”You getting sweet on me Yalen? Careful, your other girlfriends might get jealous.”
”Hey!” Before he could throw something back at her Isabella zipped away, gliding her wheels along the ground using her newfound kinetic clout. Yalen sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. It seemed like every girl he knew enjoyed teasing him. He checked his basket to make sure Colette’s cake was still there and then shuffled off to agriculture class.