Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay had hoped this would be enough for Serena but the moment she frowned and asked to have a private word outside, she knew her hopes weren't to be. Sighing and placing the cloth down beside Drake so if he felt the need for it, he could reach for it without moving too much, she stood up and nodded. "Sure" she replied, walking outside the room, closing the door behind them both. "What's wrong?" She asked.

Chas waited beside him, keeping an eye out but also feeling pretty certain that Fia had the last remaining hound distracted and far enough away from them both. He was about to reply to John, but even John got cut off mid sentence when they both heard Fia's yell if pain. "John she's got backup, keep going with this" he told him, knowing it was so important to do this part and had a feeling Fia would lecture them both if they didn't complete the task.

With the wolf pinning the hound, she made sure her blades hit true, panting as she watched the hound yelped and howled in pain before dying on the ground. "Bloody hate hellhounds...." She grumbled again, shuffling herself up against a tree bark so she could gather herself after the fight. She also needed to check herself over for any injuries so she knew if she needed to pause for healing or not. Checking herself over, she initially couldn't see any injury and was about to sigh with relief, but the moment she went to get up to go retrieve her blade, she fell back down onto the ground with a hiss. Pulling her trouser leg up she saw a gash down her calf, "well shit...."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Serena closed the door and said “my high wolves are in a fight right now. But I am not so clearly something is wrong. Only I or Bane can command them so…what aren’t you saying?”

John cursed softly then kept going, his body shaking as blood dripped off of him. He said after a few minutes “I’ve almost got it…it’s like someone ripped this thing open with a can opener. It’s a mess…”

The wolf walked over and licked the wound, the blood stopping and sealing. “Are you alright alpha?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay sighed when Serena called her out on not telling the whole truth. She should have known she couldn't have hid everything from her for long. "Alright...Bane commanded it, John found the break in the leylines that the demons are using to track us. So with some of your wolves, Chas and Fia, they're going to close it and cut off the connection." she explained quietly. "They didn't want you knowing any earlier because they didn't want you and I to either go with them or after them after what we endured yesterday" she added for more context.

Chas kept an eye out on their surroundings, as well as John but he was also wanting to see Fia re-emerge already as he was getting worried for her being in the woods for as long as she was. "Good because I'm now getting worried about Fia not returning" he said honestly, even though he didn't want to concern John with his words.

Fia watched extensively at what the wolf was doing, at first she flinched but she did allow the wolf to heal her. "Thanks... I would have healed eventually or used a healing spell myself, but I appreciate the help" she explained. "But yeah, I'm alright, think my ego is more bruised right now than anything else" she smirked, as she pushed herself up onto her feet, feeling the aching in her right ankle. "Might have sprained my ankle but I'll be okay" she said as she limped over to the dead hellhound and yanked her blade out of it's body, seeing it turn to ash. "We better get to dad and Chas" she told the wolf.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Serena listened then nodded, folding her arms. “It adds up…and it was a risky move but needed. Neither of us she be out there till we can protect ourselves better…” she looked at her and said “but something has gone wrong?”

Joh was shaking as he said “she is alright…she is her mothers child’s…she…” his hand suddenly dropped as they heard a hiss like a vacuum resealing. He was panting hard and blood pooling under him. “It’s…done…they will be safe…now…” then he fell forward, his body spent and mind a beaten mess.

The wolf nodded and moved over to be her support and said “lean on me.” Then they heard the hiss and he said “it’s repaired. The dark energy is dying off…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay was relieved when Serena agreed that the decision to leave them behind was the right one. She was so was used to witnessing Serena insisting on doing things herself that it as much as it was a relief to hear the opposite reaction, it was also surprising. "that I genuinely don't know. Drake said something about an ambush but then said it was now okay, so I don't know what's happened. I've heard nothing from the others" she explained.

Chas saw the state John was in and how bad it was getting, hoping it would end soon, which his hopes were granted. He knelt down and held John up, "let's get you in the cab" he told him, making John use him as a crutch as he walked carefully toward the cab, where he finally saw Fia coming out of the woods limping and leaning on the wolf for support.

Hearing the repair job get done Fia sighed with relief. "Good, the energy shift is intense, it's gotta have had a toll on dad. I also feel his pain...we gotta get to them" she replied, leaning against the wolf and limping out if the woods, seeing Chas and John. Meeting back at the cab, she got into the cab and sighed. "you okay kiddo?" Chas asked, as he helped John into the cab, "yeah..just a sprained ankle, nothing that won't heal up when I get back" Fia replied.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Serena closed her eyes for a few moments then said “they have it under control…my wolves aren’t in fighting mode so…but someone needed healing. It’s odd…I can feel them so much clearly now…it’s not a strain…”

John nodded weakly, barely staying awake as he leaned on Chas to move. The wolves moved to the cab ans vanished once they were safe inside. John was breathing hard, his head spinning and pounding. He moved his hand and rested it on Fias shoulder and said “well done love…you were amazing…” he was in shock but looking at her.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay trusted Serena's words when she said she could feel that they have it all under control. What she didn't like was that someone needed healing, and she instantly felt herself mentally planning a moment to heal anyone who needed it. "it must have worked, what John had to do. It's clearly had a knock on effect" she replied.

With John safely in the cab and this time next to Fia, Chas ran round to the driver's side and got in, wasting no time in starting the engine and driving back. He kept glancing behind him to make sure John was alright but overall kept his eyes on the road. Fia looked down at her shoulder then up to her dad's eyes, taken aback by his praise of her. It wasn't that in her time he never praised her, but it was difficult to get praise from him, so to hear him here and now say she did good meant an awful lot to her. "Thanks dad" she replied softly.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Serena nodded and said “Bane filled me in on the plan. It must be something with all these attacks lately. Come on, my guess John is going to need some looking after when they return”

John smiled weakly and said “you are so much like your mother…I’m glad you got more from her then me…” he blinked hard for a moment: his hand shaking as he suddenly went white as snow.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay nodded, not surprised that Serena would have gotten her information from Bane. At her remark about John, Kay's lips curled upward in an amused smirk, "you're probably right, he has a habit it seems to getting himself hurt" she replied then headed on ahead and downstairs.

Fia couldn't help but smirk and scoff in amusement at his words to her. It was amusing to her because it was the complete opposite to what she was used to hearing. Her mother always said she took after her father more and most definitely had his stubbornness. So to hear she was so much like Kay was both amusing and surprising. "I'm usually told the opposite...." She muttered, then saw how pale he was going and took his hand to try and help calm his shakes. "Chas we gotta hurry, he's looking worse" she told Chas. "Got it kiddo" he replied, putting his foot down on the pedal and speeding back.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Serena nodded and followed her saying “it’s a trait of all of us stubborn souls have…” she made it to the landing and then looked around. Bane was asleep on his wolf form on the couch and she smiled. “Kay…”

John shook his head and said “I’m okay…really I’m…im…” he suddenly fell forward, his blood pooling under him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay couldn't deny what Serena said, they all did have a habit of getting themselves hurt, hells, she was one of the worst for actually getting herself killed temporarily. "That's true" she replied as she walked and then saw Bane asleep as Serena gestured toward him. "bless him, he deserves the nap" she said.

Fia didn't believe him for a second and when he fell forward, blood dripping onto the floor of the cab she knew she was right to not believe him. "Dad!" She said worried, tending to his aid as best she could, using her mage abilities to try and stop the bleeding at least, whilst Chas sped up and made an effort to get back quicker. "we're almost back Fia, he's going to be fine" he tried to reassure her.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Serena smiled and said softly “I’ve never seen him sleeping like this…he normally always sleeps in the shadows…he must feel safe here. So, what else did I miss this morning?”

John groaned softly, his body shaking. It was clear the hell hound had done a lot more damage then they had seen. And the magic drain and topping it off his lack of sleep was the kicker.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

"there's definitely something about this place that makes one feel comfortable, so I don't blame him right now" Kay replied to Serena's initial remark. "As for what else you've missed? Don't think anything else, the whole morning was taken up with John and the other two figuring out the tracking issue and what to do to stop it." She explained, "haven't even had a chance to sort out some breakfast yet" she softly half chuckled.

Fia kept focusing on trying to keep some kind of control on John's injuries, but she knew this was even out of her expertise. "You're gonna be okay dad... we're almost back" she spoke to him, trying to keep the panic out of her voice at the same time. It took another couple of minutes before Chas pulled up to the mill House and honked the horn to alert those inside. Fia and Chas both helped John out of the car, Chas taking most of John's weight whilst Fia ran to the door, opening it and holding it open for Chas and John.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Serena smiled and said “then let’s get making something. I think I saw a waffle iron in there the other day” she walked to the kitchen, her shadows already getting to work on making food for the group. Tea was brewing as well as coffee.

Then Serena heard the horn and paused what she was doing. “Kay…it’s John. I need medical supplies and fast”

John groaned Chas picked him up, his vision blurry “make sure…the girls are…safe mate…if I don’t…”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay smiled and nodded in agreement at the idea of making some breakfast for everyone for when the others got back. She helped Serena out by starting the brewing of the tea and coffee for everyone, considering they didn't know what Fia and Drake liked drinks wise. Then came the sound of the horn and her heart dropped, her breath hitching and almost forgetting to breathe for a few seconds before she started breathing again.

"Got it" she replied, rushing to where the first aid kit was last seen, and thankfully was still where it was left. Grabbing it she brought it over to Serena ready to be used. "Hopefully there's everything you'll need in there still" she told her.

Chas grumbled his sigh as he helped John inside, Fia closing the door behind them all. "Don't be stupid mate, you're gonna be fine" he told him defiantly, determined not to have his mate die and in turn causing the end of Fia's existence. "Chas is right, don't talk like that" Fia piped up as she helped Chas get John down the stairs and over to a couch.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Serena opened it and scanned it, nodd8ng. “Chas restocked. Man is better then an Angel. Let’s go” she picked up the kit as the three came and Serena cursed softly. Bane sat up and jumped off the couch and growled.

“Hell hound” Serena moved over and said “I need his shirt off now. I have to check everything. Hell hounds always cause more damage with their negative auras” John grunted as he fought to keep his eyes open. “Kay…I tried…”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

The remark about Chas was one Kay could easily agree with. The poor guy had been with John for years, seen all kinds of shit, tries his best to live a normal family life all at the same time but also makes sure things are good here at John's too. He was a complete saint in Kay's eyes. Then came the others and seeing John in the state he was got her instantly scared and worried for him.

She let Serena take control of the situation, knowing she knew what to do a lot better than she herself did. Chas nodded at Serena's commands and removed John's shirt for her. Kay stepped up so John could properly see her, "shh, you're gonna be okay....it's gonna be okay" she told him. Fia stepped back and ran her hands through her hair, angry that she wasn't fast enough in stopping the hellhound getting to her dad. "If I just had been quicker to react..." She mumbled under her breath.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

John coughed as blood hit his lips and Serena knelt down. “I’ve seen one before Fia…there’s no way without knowing a head of time it was there to stop these things…you did the best you could…” she started to look over the wounds and cursed.

“Internal bleeding…this is a mess…”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Fia nodded but she couldn't shift the whole thought process she had in her head. She should have used the sight spell and rune quicker, she felt she shouldn't have just trusted they were alone when she knew that was not always the case in their lives. She felt like her dad in her time would be so disappointed in her for letting her guard down.

"Serena can you help him?" Kay asked, not even able to focus on Fia or her self scolding right now. All she cared about in this moment was John and his health and life. She didn't just come into his life just to have it all taken away from her, and yes, it was selfish of her to think like that but she was never selfish normally and right now, she felt she had every justification to be selfish. Not only that, she was willing to heal John even if it put herself at risk of being unwell.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Serena nodded and said “yes but I need time. And all the supplies you can find. I’ll need more of everything. Chas, does John have a work table bigger than the couch? I need him more flat than the couch has for me. Fia? I need you to wake Josh and Trish for me. I need more hands. Kay, I need your fire. I need you to heat clean all the tools. I won’t risk infection. I’m going to go scrub. This is going to take a while”
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