New Recruits:

Upon first impression, Lyssa does not take after her mother at all. A girl the age appearing of seventeen, Lyssa joined the organization just recently, much to her mothers chagrin and like the rest of you, is still considered something of a new recruit since she's been here less than a month. Haven't seen her around? Well, that's fine, she's been getting private lessons from her mom up until recently. She's a friendly, energetic sort who can't seem to ever run out of said energy. In fact, if one could somehow manage to create a perpetual motion machine out of how much energy she seems to have, then they could solve any energy crises in the world. Couple that with a seemingly naturally tough and able physical ability? Shes an excellent candidate for demon slaying.
Her weapon of choice? Giant mechanical gauntlets, preferring oddly, melee combat with most things. The Gauntlets are state of the art, designed by Bernadette, and allows one to exert and withstand much greater force, even if they are somewhat bulky to use with a single hand being about two feet across and enough force to dent metal. With the ability to overclock and briefly extend ones output of force if they don't mind getting a bit steamy, the mechanical arms serve their purpose well...though she lacks any ranged offensive abilities.
She takes after her mother a bit more than is obvious sometimes.
Veteran Operatives:

A former Krysan operative and general who ended up in Alavaris after the war and more or less deserting her position as a soldier and seeking Asylum in Violet Garden. Was once an absolute terror on the battlefield and single handedly ended four Orosian campaigns in the region (No exaggeration at all, if you believe her). No one but the administration know why she really decided to come here, but she was let in after some discussion with Madam Livia. A skilled commander, tactician, and handy with mechanical tools and chemistry, she easily fell into the paramilitary nature of the Garden.
Perhaps, ask her how she got her nickname.
Regardless, the former Krysan commander tends to fight rather explosively. She puts her love of chemistry and Krysa engineering to good use in fighting. She's jury rigged an outdated piece of Krysa tech as a sort of exosuit that covers her arms and torso. What does it do, you ask? Self loads the explosive launching unit on her right arm...that is to say, its basically a self loading grenade launcher. In the left, its an oversized wrench mostly for smacking things with.
Somehow managed to smuggle an entire tank out of Krysan territories and keeps it on the Garden's airship for safekeeping.
She doesn't wear traditional maid clothes either, preferring something with a more dress suit aesthetic.

Gelly is a Firbolg that finds herself far from home, with no way to return to her homeland through no fault of her own. Ending up shipwrecked after a leviathan wrecked the Firbolg ship she was on as it sailed towards the Orosian coast six years ago. Down on her luck, and without money to really return home she took up to doing odd jobs for people before eventually becoming hired by Violet Garden.
Wielding a double sided lance with a built in shotgun and shield, she forgoes a quite a bit of technology in favor of her peoples more traditional fighting styles. Strong and sturdy, she's a reliable sort. She was present during the fight in Elterberg and was instrumental in the defense of it.

Seig is something of an oddity, since most elves do not travel from their Forests or the realm of the Fey Wildes for one simple reason - she has never owned a fairy partner, leading her to be something of an outcast among her kind. For what is an elf, without a fairy to protect? When she was old enough to set off on her own, she did so, deciding that if she couldn't lend her aid to her fey folk kin, then perhaps, she'd be good at servicing humans, instead? Eventually, though, she would end up in the Violet Gardens care three years ago out of some sense of duty.
Like many of her elvish kind, she's fairly physically adept. So keeping this in mind, she has decided to take the most obvious route she can while also desiring to keep her duty to protect others - so she had a massive, mechanical riot shield made. Tall as a man, about as heavy, its quite a bulky piece of equipment that she swings around quite easily. The icing on it though, is the fact that it doubles as a heavy ballista artillery that fires varying ammunition at opponents, able to cripple even large foes.

Rose is a skilled witch that grew up on the outskirts of the Hexweal forest, not far away from the hustle and bustle of Alavaris. A somewhat taciturn and serious sort, doesn't mind taking a crack at someones self esteem if its what she believes to be truthful, and something of a prickly person in general. Unlike other maids, she takes to a far more sorcerous and occult path to fighting demons, as her mentor taught her. Most notably, skilled in hexes, curses, binding, and other somewhat fringe magic that afflicts a beings soul - something close to the forbidden arts of necromancy.
She's been part of Violet Garden for a few years now, and seems to be looking for a particular demon for some reason, though never says what for.
Administration Personnel:

A veteran of Violet Garden, and one of the first Maids to ever work for the organization. After a few years of service, she elected to take a slightly more relaxed, administrative role...that is, the teaching of physical combat and the physical training of the maids. Known as something of a relaxed woman with a violent temperament...and don't let her appearance fool you. She's married. And has a kid, Lyssa, who is also part of the organization.
Does not play favorites, and will drill you into the ground without remorse. Spends her leisure time drinking, smoking, and being somewhat unpleasant.
She is skilled with the every day weapons most maids are. Long sword and Rifle.

A recent acquirement by Violet Garden, having only been employed less than a year, though her skill speaks for itself. She's extremely knowledgeable about most demons and demonic matters and will often advise operatives in the field on such matters over radio or other such equipment if at all possible.
While she prefers to avoid combat, she is skilled with her signature spear...that also doubles as a high powered long distance rifle, which she much rather prefers using. As well, she is fairly decently skilled with healing magic.

The one responsible for building and maintaining most of your weapons, as well as the Gardens private Airship as well as the one for handling the construction and research of new weapons. Despite her young looks, she studied under Krysan engineers, excelling at and learning their trade secrets in the five years since the war. Her favored weapons, if she must fight, is that of a high powered, oversized chainsaw.
A somewhat sleepy character who is only motivated when someone either interrupts her work, or damages her creations.

The stern and strict, but also kind and understanding Head Maid of the Maison. Mari is known for being a stern teacher during her lectures and lessons, but its an open secret that when off the clock she's as they say, a bit of a mess and kind of a klutz and while she tends to stay out of combat like most admin personnell except in extreme circumstances, she is trained in combat like all other maids and residents of the Maison is.
And her weapon of choice? Flammenwerfer. And guns. Lots of guns. Well, its a modified Flamethrower designed to function with multiple different elements from Fire, sub-zero ice that near instantly freezes things, even functioning as a lightning canon that shoots blasts of electricity. Its not used often, as its bulky and can be rather difficult to use, but its effectiveness against anything is apparent. Mix her gun play with pistol type weapons, with her skillfull acrobatics built from years of tripping and saving herself acrobatic practice, she's a fair force to be reckoned with.

A gloomy, but skilled seamstress. Able to work magic into fabric with her specialized sewing tools and looms. Doesn't like company and seems to dislike bright lights. Often found working non-stop and doesn't seem to ever be asleep.
The Fiore Family:

Your boss, and the owner of the Maison. A wealthy aristocrat with both a reputation for being ruthless and possessing dark secrets. A serious and mildly no nonsense woman who prefers business over personal relationships.

Livia's personal maid, Nynnette Belrose.
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