Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah
Skills: Marksmanship, Sleight of Hand, Puzzle Solving

Maddie could feel the tension building up around them as Rumple had made his arrival. Guards were beginning to shuffle in, others still by the gates checking those that entered. Colby's wit immediately found him, using the entrapments of a social setting and party to force Rumple into a conversation. The distraction was simple enough, but something that allowed the others to be able to act and find a way out. Willow didn't seem to know what to do, her grip on his boyfriend's arm wrinkling the silk fabric of Colbys attire. Maddie had decided to try and use the layered fabrics and immense amount of flow to hide his hand movements.

He allowed for his sleeves to droop down a bit past his hands, hiding them as he watched around his periphery for an open flame. Luckily for him there was quite a few lighting up the room. He attempted to do the subtle hand gestures to emblazon the fire so as to catch something else on fire. His first two tries hadn't made the land, making Maddie second guess his original plan. He racked his brain, thinking of the best solution as to what else he could do to escape. He still had his smoke screen spell, but Rumple also had magic of his own as well as Jafar perhaps. But public image was hopefully more important to the pair than they were.

Maddie attempted one last time to stealthily cast his spell. The flames from the lamps burst upwards as they caught the nearby fabrics on fire. Hopefully this would cause the other patrons to panic and afford them all a swift escape as they evacuated the room.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded slightly. She knew that some probably wouldn't consider fencing to be real fights, as she wasn't out for blood - but she did all the same. It was how she learned everything she knew about the sword - everything she had learned after leaving Camelot. "I do," Megan said, after Sierra said that she didn't. Most children in their world who grew up where they did in Kansas didn't do much fighting, outside of things like self defense class. "I've fenced since I was a little girl," she added.

The carriages were moving faster than she had anticipated, as they emerged above the surface in view of the island. The island's harbor had more than a dozen ships outside of it - Hook's men, Megan assumed. Their carriages were going the far route as to not be spotted, hopefully allowing them to have some sort of element of surprise. Of course, Megan assumed that surprise would end the minute Jack started throwing fireballs at the pirates.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Oh great, more waiting around to go do something. She would really prefer to go do this recon journey or whatever now. The rain and the storm would probably provide them with a decent amount of cover to sneak around by the castle. That made some sense anyway, at least in her mind. Though she supposed if the entrance they'd be going to was on a cliffside, they would have to be more careful in the rain, so there were pros and cons to doing things both ways.

Rosalia was still wondering what all they were supposed to do while waiting out the storm. Though that was made apparent when Rapunzel came over and mentioned that there were rooms setup for them all upstairs. The others seemed to be more or less congregating together a bit, and she was perfectly fine with not being anywhere near them. This was definitely a weird place to be in, and she never expected to end up in the house (or well, tower) that she had more or less spent her very early childhood in, with her parents.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack wasn't sure what to expect given the fact that they were currently in a carriage underwater, with the King and Queen of Camelot. Yeah, this didn't sound insane or anything like that at all. Of course, now they were heading to deal with Captain Hook in order to get some help from merpeople. This definitely had been a strange adventure to say the least so far, and he still wasn't sure how it was all going to end.

He almost didn't hear what had been asked until the others were answering the question. "Not too much with actual weapons, I always tried to talk my way out of situations rather then fight. Unless you count when I sent a fireball by accident at my father's face and burned it pretty badly, then again it turned out to be a good thing that I did that," he responded with a bit of a shrug. Yup, he preferred not to use weapons, since to him violence was not exactly the answer to everything.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


They certainly were able to create a rather large distraction as the fire in the ballroom of sorts was quickly set ablaze, the fabrics on the table quickly caught on fire along with the draping's along the windows and other places within the room. Rumple glared at Maddie clearly he didn't like the boy right now after starting the fire, he also looked a little bit fearful at the fire. "We'll meet again, also say hi to Jazmin for me i'm sure Jafar will love to see you all." Rumple said as he quickly fled, making his way towards his group as Jafar was being escorted out of the room.

"We need to get going now." Aurora said as she quickly bolted for the exit, chaos was starting to happen now as guards quickly came in with buckets of water to try and take care of the growing blaze. Cheshire made sure to lead the way out of the growing chaos looking over his shoulder at the kids. "Well they most certainly know that we probably caused it." He said as they made their way out of the palace and gestured towards a nearby alleyway. "We split up into two groups, and we meet back at our place." Mad Hatter said, Cheshire and Auroa went one way while Mad Hatter started to head the other way.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Arthur turned to look at Megan and gave her a smile, fencing though was treated sometimes as a sport but if you had the right weapon then it would be pretty useful in a fight though Excalibur wasn't a rapier or anything like that hopefully Megan would be able to use it well enough. Belle turned to look at Jack and smiled towards him, she was glad that he was able to set Rumple on fire which he really did deserve to do that.

Once the carriages came to a stop and the doors opened Sierra quickly got out of it and onto the shore, she took a moment to look around everything seemed to be quiet for now which was a good thing then. Sierra watched as her mother and father were getting out as well and the men who came with them were starting to unload the gear as she made her way over towards them. "So whats the plan?" Sierra asked looking between the group as the others got out. "We do a little bit of recon first, and then form a plan around that." Eric said, as there was another set of tic tok sounds coming from the nearby water as Tic Tok the Crocodile came up to the group rather calmly and rubbed up against and Jack's Megan's legs looking up at her and then Jack expecting some kind of food. "Well looks like he seems friendly." Sierra said looking at the two of them with a slight laugh.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla looked between her sister and then Rose shaking her head slightly. "Nah I don't really want to hear the two of you making nasty sex sounds together all night, but thanks for the offer though." Layla said teasingly towards her sister and gave her another nudge back pushing her closer towards Rose. "Just use protection or whatever you don't know where her mouth has been." Layla said teasingly towards Rose wrapping an arm around Rosalia. "The two of us can have the other room." Layla said as she looked over towards Rapunzel and nodded towards them. "Follow me then." Rapunzel said as she started making her way up the stairs, Layla following shortly behind her up the stairs.

Rapunzel opened one of the doors revealing a small room with one full bed and a few dressers and whatnot on the side of the room, and then Rapunzel opened the other door revealing the room that looked just about the same as well both of them were rather dusty due to it being abandoned for so long, both rooms had a chair in them as well to. Layla made her way and plopped herself down on the bed and stretched out. Layla then looked over at Rosalia. "The bed is pretty comfy." Layla said patting it down next to her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose laughed at Layla's teasing. She smiled. "I promise I keep it clean" She leaned into Cassi a bit. She headed up the stairs after Rapunzel. Layla picked her room. Rose went to the one opposite it. She wanted to wish Layla good luck with being alone with Rosalia. Rose felt Rosalia might not even want to spend the night in there. She wouldn't be surprised.

She waited for Cassi to join her in the room. Then gave a bit of a sigh of relief. It was nice for it to be just the two of them. "How are you doing? There has been a whole lot going on. I got my memories all back, and I want to know if you're doing okay." She wondered if Cassi would choose to stay here in the long run or not. Rose decided she'd join Cassi in whatever decisions she made. Even though the woods here called to her in a way the ones in Kansas never had.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

"Well that was effective." Colby grinned as Rumple retreated. He hadn't expected it to end that easily. He followed his dad, especially since he had Willow holding onto him, and figured she want to be with her mom. He didn't know which way Maddie would choose, so he looked at him.

If things got too hairy, he could teleport them. Though maybe Jafar's ability to sense magic would be good enough to track him. He wouldn't want to lead Jafar right to them. They'd have to be careful going by foot anyway. He started moving after Chesire.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 16 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Tower -- The Moors

As if the moment couldn't get any worse, Layla and Rose ganged up on Cassiopeia to embarrass her and make the conversation incredibly awkward. Cassi's face flushed scarlet and she looked from Robin to Rapunzel before staring at the floor.
"You know that's not going to happen," Cassi said to Layla and pushed her. The damage was done though and Layla decided she would bunk with Rosalia. Which left Rose and Cassi with a room to themselves. She shifted her bag and moved to follow Rose, face still red. She hoped Arty would be in the bedroom already. She needed something to cuddle and squeeze that wasn't human.
Cassiopeia followed in behind Rose and was grateful for two beds. Sure, they would have a moment to themselves but Cassi wasn't about to pin Rose to the bed and ravage her. She wasn't like that.
Cassi tossed her bag onto a bed and opened it up to find dry clothes. She mulled over Rose's words while she retrieved a shirt and pants.
"The memories were intense. I feel like I lived a whole other life before this one but it's strange how similar things are as well… Is it weird if I say I feel more at home now? I mean…I love our adoptive guardians. Lala and I would have probably lived in the woods if it wasn't for them but now that we're here, I dunno. It was like it was almost meant to be. I guess I feel overwhelmed," she smiled at Rose shyly before she gathered her clothes to change in the bathroom.

Willow Jones

Location: Palace -- Agrabah

Despite Willow's death grip and her staring at Rumple in fear, she managed to see the flicker of light in her peripherals. She looked over when Rumple did to see the curtains catching on fire. How did that happen? But then she thought back to the fire in the stables they had set and had her answer.
Things moved quickly after that. Rumple left and guards moved in to put out the fire. Then they were splitting up. Willow was worried as she watched Aurora starting to walk away but Colby followed her, since Cheshire moved that way as well. Willow breathed a little more easily and released Colby's arm from her tight hold.
"Sorry. I've never frozen like that before," she mumbled apologetically as she hurried after their parents.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow at the friendly crocodile who brushed up against her and Jack's legs as they got out of the carriage and onto the shore. She knelt down for a moment and gave the crocodile some affectionate scratches on the top of the head, the way that she could show affection to a cat. The crocodile seemed to be following the Disney rules about animals being cute anyways, and for something as vicious as a crocodile, Megan couldn't help but be a fan. "I'll give you more pets for each pirate you rip apart, okay?" Megan promised with a slight smile.

She then stood back up straight, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. Recon made sense to do next. It was something Megan didn't have much experience with, but she supposed you didn't really need experience to look out for trouble. And if things got into a fight... Well, she was feeling confident. Sure, excalibur wasn't a rapier but she had been doing well with the sword so far. She wasn't doubting herself.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Yeah, she was not amused at all by the conversations around her with regards to the other two. However, she very much tensed up when Layla wrapped an arm around her. She was not okay with this at all. People touching her was not something she was fine with, since it wasn't something that she was used to. Usually it was because she got caught by someone or something while trying to steal or pickpocket someone. This was not a fun thing, and she really wanted to shove Layla away from her as she was led to the other rooms.

She looked at the room that they were given, and she instantly stepped away from Layla and found a spot on the ground against the wall, preferring that really to a bed. "Beds are overrated, so whatever," she said with a shrug. The floor wasn't actually that bad, actually it was better then some of the other random nooks and crannies that she's slept in over the years, so this wasn't too horrible of a place.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack didn't say too much for the rest of the trip considering the conversation had been about fighting skills, which he lacked, but was glad that he wasn't the only one since Sierra was in the same spot about it as him. Meg was definitely the best equipped and prepared for combat, so they'd have to see how this worked out in the long run. They were going to be dealing with pirates and all, so they clearly needed to figure out how this was going to work out, since pirates clearly were going to be better equipped for fighting.

Once they reached shore, he climbed out of the carriage after the others, and was a bit surprised to find a crocodile. Who for some strange reason was acting like a dog and rubbing up against them begging for food. "Well this is a bit weird," he commented, looking at the thing. After all, didn't the story go that the crocodile ate Captain Hook's hand and that's why he has a hook in the first place? He was pretty sure that was how the story went. So he had no idea why it was there, or if he should be overly concerned by the creature's appearance there.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah
Skills: Marksmanship, Sleight of Hand, Puzzle Solving

Maddie watched as the same look in Rosalia's eyes was mirrored within Rumples. Whether he'd always had a fear of fire or it was a new phobia that was marred by the scars on his face, he didn't know. What he did know was that they now had their best chance at escape, with Rumples tail between his legs and the guards busy, they could each leave undetected. He followed closely behind Chesire as they snaked their way between bodies and chaos, finding their way out of the Palace walls and into the nearby streets. They had stopped in an alleyway, where it was best to split up, allowing the guards to wear themselves thin if even possible given the scenario.

Aurora and Chesire ran one way, while Hatter the other. As Colby began to follow his father and Willow her mother, a knot wrenched inside of Maddies chest as he ran towards them. He grabbed Colby quickly and planted a kiss on his lips before letting go. "Take care of him for me ok? And Colby, stay out of trouble." Maddie turned around and bolted towards his father. He didn't have much, but between Colby and Maddie the magic skills could be divided. He knew it'd keep Willow and Aurora safe, and whatever the danger, Maddie would face it with his father at his side. Maybe he'd finally get to see the Hatters family tricks.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Some of the guards saw the group splitting off into separate directions. "After them!" One of the guards yelled as they nodded and quickly headed off, some of them chasing after Colby and Mad Hatter, while the other guards started to chase after Aurora, Willow, Colby, and Cheshire. Hatter looked over at his son seeing him following him and smiled as he waited for Maddie to pass him, before knocking over a few carts to slow the guards down, there were around ten after the two of them. "Well they definitely are on full alert now." He told his son as he gestured to turn left into another alleyway.

Aurora was happy to see that her daughter was right behind her along with Colby and Cheshire as she shoved a random person out of the way, causing them to stumble backwards and causing the guards to trip over them. She then gestured towards a store that was still open surprisingly. "Lets go in there." She said as Aurora entered the store which happened to be a store with dozens of rugs for them to hide among the various racks.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Well it seems that you two made a new friend." Sierra said with a slight laugh as she watched the crocodile rubbing against Megan some more clearly liking the pets for some odd reason. She had seen the Crocodile Hunter a few times when she was younger when the late Steve Irwin would tackle crocodiles. They could kill a full grown man without much of an issue at all really, as Sierra turned to look at her father who was pretty surprised but as long as it wasn't acting like a threat then he was fine with it.

Eric turned to look at some of the men and gestured them to set up camp. "We'll set up camp here, if we aren't back in a few hours head back home." He told them, as the guards nodded. "Lets get going." King Eric said as he motioned for them to follow him, and made his way into the woods. Sierra followed alongside her mother while King Arthur, Guinevere, Belle, Hansel and Gretel were bringing up the middle and rear of the group. There was a few sounds of birds and monkeys nearby but other than that things were fairly quiet and no one was spotted yet.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Have you not slept in a bed in awhile or something?" Layla asked as she looked over at Rosalia who decided to take the floor over the bed, luckily there was a large rug that was on the floor which was pretty thick and comfortable at least for the most part aside from the hard floor. Layla then got up and closed the door before waving goodnight to her sister and Rose, she went towards the bag of supplies that was nearby with a set of clean clothes for them to change into.

"Theres some clean clothes here if you want to change into something else." Layla told her as she entered the bathroom of sorts to get changed. "I'm going to probably crash unless theres something you want to talk about or whatever." Layla said towards Rosalia as she climbed back into bed pulling the covers over herself.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 16 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Tower -- The Moors

Cassiopeia headed into the bathroom with her clothes and quickly pulled off her wet things and pulled on glorious warm clothes. It was her favourite pair of sweatpants and large, long sleeved shirt. She didn't exactly blend in with the times but she was in the perfect outfit for cuddling.
Cassi then washed the road off her face before towel drying her face and grabbed her comb to brush out her hair. She stepped back out of the bathroom, tying her hair up into a messy bun as she glanced about the room. There was no sign of Artemis but Cassi didn't worry. They were safe back in Merlin's tower.
Cassiopeia turned her attention back to Rose and smiled. "We should go find some food. Then we can hide back up here."

Willow Jones

Location: Palace -- Agrabah

Soon enough, they had been spotted and the guards were after them. Willow this time pulled Colby along after Matt had come to kiss him. She kept her eyes trained on her mother and followed in her footsteps to the store and dashed inside with Colby and Cheshire.
Willow quickly looked around, trying to find an alternate exit should they require a quick get away. Nothing presented itself and so Willow pulled Colby to the back so they would have the best chance of hiding. At least this way they would see the guards enter the store and could ambush them that way. Willow just hoped she would be able to move and help.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"Yeah, let me change too." Rose could eat. She thought about the last time she had eaten, which had been in the old camp. Yeah, food sounded great. She changed her clothing too. Much like Cassi, it wouldn't be good to wander the streets of Camelot in them, but they were dry and warm.

She checked her arm as she switched tops. It looked fine to her. She'd make sure to have it get looked over before going to bed. Maybe a change of bandages. But it should heal fine. That was a relief.

When she finished changing, she opened the door back out of the room. "Let's go." She said, smiling at Cassi and starting to where they knew some food had been started.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

The tables turned as Willow pulled Colby along after her. He was stunned by the kiss from Maddie. Sure they had kissed a couple of times already. But part of him feared this would be the last one. So he let himself be pulled so he could watch Maddie until their paths diverged far enough apart that he couldn't anymore.

Once inside the rug store, Willow brought them toward the back of the store. Colby's eyes darted from side to side, trying to find a decent hiding place. Like a broom closet or ... His mind trailed off as he spotted a place he hoped would work. It was a small space under the stairs with rugs hanging on a rail. He pulled Willow this time and slipped behind the rugs.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie noticed as his father began to lag behind. Turning to see if he was ok, only to watch as his father toppled over some carts in an attempt to slow down the guards. They were unfortunately resilient however. Choosing not to give up the chase as some crawled over the wreckage, others simply went around and plowing through as each of them made sure to keep an eye on the pair so that they didn't lose them. They needed a way to break line of sight, something to obscure them long enough to slip away. If only there was a way to get one jump ahead of those slowpokes, one skip ahead of their doom.

Maddie wished he'd learned that teleport spell now, but wishing wasn't going to get them anywhere. He did however know how to cause a natural smokescreen. Mist would be too obvious, but perhaps a sandstorm would do just as well. He slowed his pace till his father passed him and muttered a few words as his hand slowly swept across him. Sand quickly began to kick up and fill the alleyway cutting off some sight between themselves and their pursuers. He started to quicken his step, matching pace with his father as they turned down into a new alley. "Man, they don't know when to give up. What now?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't mind the closeness of the crocodile - it was rather adorable, and the fact that it could easily kill her yet chose not to only made her most interested in the creature. She waved the crocodile off slightly though, as they had to head deeper into the woods in order to scout out ahead and figure out their plan of attack. Megan was a bit surprised to see that they would be the ones in the scouting party - not that she minded, but in most stories, the scouts tended to be unnamed characters. But then again, this seemed to be a different genre of story than the ones she was thinking about.

As they walked into the woods, Megan heard the sound of birds nearby - and what seemed to be the chittering of monkeys. She was mostly concerned about snakes and other venomous creatures. While it would be a fascinating death, she was not planning on venturing to the underworld - not today, at least. So she continued to make her way through the brush, keeping her eyes open for anything out of place.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She shrugged slightly with regards to what Layla asked about the whole bed thing. "I was out of the house more often then I was there. Not to mention my idea for a bed was a really ratty mattress pulled from a dumpster on the floor at one point, so yeah. I'm more used to the floor then anything since the mattress I had wasn't too much better than the actual floor. Not everyone had everything handed to them or something like that." that was the most she had for an explanation that she was going to give.

Rosalia didn't say anything else really, since there wasn't really a point in general for that. That was the most she had really said in general about what her life was like on a typical day. The idea of talking or doing more of really anything seemed a bit annoying really at this point more then anything. So she was perfectly fine with going to sleep and not doing anything else. That sounded like a great idea right now.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He was still a little weirded out by the crocodile following them around, but he didn't say much more about it. Everyone else didn't seem too worried about it, so why should he? It seemed to be friendly, at least at the moment, so they'd have to wait and see to figure out if the thing decided to try and kill them at some point or something. Since that would be fun to have to add to their list of problems, a killer crocodile, along with their pirate issues.

The idea of a decent sized group sort of being the scouting problem was not a good idea, since the more people, the more likely they'd get noticed. That was not something that should happen, and probably something a bit concerning, but oh well. Didn't seem too many people might be up to taking that sort of suggestion of splitting up even more then that. Jack followed along after the others, unsure of what else to do besides that at this point.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The guards were slowed down a little bit thanks to Maddie's quick thinking however he had used some magic, as a few more guards had detected it somehow as Mad Hatter turned to his son. "Try and not use the magic so much they will track it down." He told his son as he managed to knock down a few other things, and that caused the guards to trip over themselves. Mad Hatter was able to spot a store that was still open and was fairly crowded, grabbing his son by the hands and led him inside of it, finding a dark corner of the store as the guards quickly ran past it. "Are you alright?" Mad Hatter asked his son.

The guards quickly entered the store that Willow, Colby and the others had been hiding inside of as they started to look around the area the store was empty for the most part. When one of them paused and could sense some magic being used and looked towards the others before speaking. "I sensed something else." He said as the guard waved the others to follow them and started to leave the store behind, Aurora and Cheshire managed to get out of where they were hiding looking at the two of them. "We should keep moving Jasmine's place isn't to far." Cheshire told the two of them and headed out of the store.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

The crocodile decided to stay behind at the camp for now which was probably the best for now as Sierra followed the others, it did seem to be pretty relaxing hearing the ambient sounds around the area. Eric and Ariel continued to lead the group until they were at the top of a hill they motioned for the others to get low. Sierra nodded slightly as she crawled forward and spotted the entire bay area, she counted around ten ships or so maybe more.

Eric pulled out a telescope and looked forward towards the area as he tried to get a better look of the area trying to spot any weaknesses before offering it to whoever wanted to take a look at it next. Eric then gestured towards the end of the docks as Sierra took it and saw the red barrels at the end of one of the docks. "Those barrels should contain gunpowder that we could use to cause an explosion." Eric suggested as Sierra handed them to either Megan and Jack. "See if you guys can find some other weaknesses we can exploit." Eric told the two of them.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla had gone to bed though she tossed Rosalia one of the blankets and a pillow as well for her to sleep with as well, before closing her eyes and had gone to sleep rather quickly. The next morning Layla slowly woke up and stretched after hearing the sounds going on down stairs. Layla looked over at Rosalia she wasn't sure if the girl was sleeping or not at the moment, she headed down the flight of stairs and into the room, seeing some of Robin Hood's men were eating and talking amongst themselves. She couldn't see her father anywhere at the moment aside from Merlin and Flynn talking amongst themselves with some food in their hands.

"Good morning." Layla said to Merlin and Flynn as they nodded towards her and smiled. "Wheres dad?" Layla asked looking at Flynn or Merlin before Flynn spoke up. "He had gone out to hunt a little bit, he should be back with some of the others shortly." Flynn answered her as he offered her a bowl of soup which was still pretty warm and sitting in a pot over the fireplace still it was quiet for the most part as she waited for the others to wake up.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 16 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Tower -- The Moors

The evening was nice for Cassiopeia but strange. Since finding out about her past, Cassiopeia and Layla had been very close and hardly spent time apart. Cassi wasn't always with her sister. There were times she went to movies with her own friends or went solo for a hunt but it was different this time. She was grateful for Rose and the company she provided. It gave them a private moment to really enjoy the fact that their relationship had shifted and to talk about it. There was a lot that Cassi already knew about Rose, what with running in the same circle but it was nice to be able to ask more questions. And to make out a little.
Still, Cassi slept in her own bed and woke at a decent time. Cassi groaned as she woke, rolling over and covered her face. She didn't sleep the greatest which sucked. Cassi was used to sleeping in all sorts of places but every night in a new bed and new environment was getting exhausting.

Willow Jones

Location: Palace -- Agrabah

Colby kept up easily and once they were in the store, he managed to find them a place to hide. Willow ducked down once the guards entered the shop and held her breath in an effort to keep from drawing too much attention. She heard them rummage around, getting closer until once said they sensed something and hurried off.
Willow paused for a minute longer before peering around her hiding spot to make sure all the guards were gone. She stood up and nodded to Colby just as their parents came over and urged them to keep going.
"Don't need to tell me twice."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

The news that magic could be tracked by a few of the guards hit Maddie like a wall. He only had a few throwing knives that he'd stolen from one of the sisters and he wasn't exactly trying to kill anyone here. But without magic he felt as though he couldn't do anything to help. As he got lost in his head his father managed to knock more items down to slow the guards before swiftly pulling them inside a crowded store. He could feel his father's grip on his wrist as he dragged him through a crowded market and found a dark corner to hide in for a while.

For a moment he'd thought he was about to be chastised for using magic. For attempting to do something so foolish that could jeopardize the mission. But all his father could do was ask him if he was alright. Tears welled up in the corner of his eyes that he'd quickly wiped away with the back of his hands. "I'm fine. I just wish I could be of more help. I just…" He wanted to make his father proud, but he didn't know how. But as he thought back towards everything he had to wonder, was a Hatters true Trait their cunning? His father so far hadn't displayed any form of magic or tricks yet he always seemed to be several steps ahead of the others.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Eventually, they made their way through the woods to what seemed to be a hill. Eric and Ariel motioned for everyone to get down low and Megan nodded, lowering herself down to the ground. She didn't care about getting her clothes dirty. She never really cared about it in the real world either, so it was hardly a time to start. Army crawling her way, Megan stopped and peered over the hill. There was the bay below, with what looked like almost a dozen pirate ships present. She glanced to her side and saw that Eric was using a pocket telescope of sorts, and he explained that there were gunpowder barrels down there.

After Sierra looked through the spyglass, Megan accepted it and looked on through. She saw the barrels that Eric had mentioned, but she also noticed just the poor conditions of the dock. The docks didn't look like much upkeep had been done, and if she had to guess, they didn't look very stable as well. She imagined that if Jack could control his fireballs, he could probably instantly destroy the docks. "The docks are shit," Megan murmured, before passing the telescope to her brother.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She had a hard time falling asleep, and it had nothing to do with her being uncomfortable or anything. No, it had to do with the fact that she was back in her childhood home, and how she had no idea what to do about that now. When Layla got up to leave the room, she didn't immediately follow after her, preferring to stay by herself for just a few minutes longer at this point, since things were just going to get more chaotic as time went on, so it was actually kind of peaceful for her to just sit there for a little while.

Eventually though, she figured that she needed to head down to meet up with everyone else so they could figure out what next to do. She got up off of the ground, and headed out of the room, somewhat attempting to tame her curly hair, but ended up giving up in that fight. Rosalia saw the others already gathered for the most part, and she saw that Merlin and Flynn were both in the area already too. She just sort of slipped into the room, trying to remain fairly quiet.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: Investigation, Perception

Jack wasn't too sure how this whole thing was going to play out, considering they still weren't overly sure where they were in comparison to everything else on the island, and they were in freaking Neverland. This just seemed insane to him, but he didn't say anything else about that, since now they were going to see about trying to find some weaknesses with the docks that they had spotted. Though from a distance that sort of thing was not exactly the simplest of things to do from a distance really, even with a telescope.

Since they were so far away, not to mention they kind of had to take turns with the telescope. Once Megan handed it to him, he instantly started looking around, trying to notice as many details from this distance as possible. There looked to be a lot of sharks in the water, and bait of sorts to lure them, but truthfully that might not be the most helpful, unless sharks here were more like how they were portrayed in books and movies then they were in real life, but a feeding frenzy of sorts might be able to cause some sort of distraction. There were several boats down there being repaired too, which meant they basically could serve as kindling for an explosion because they were apparently in the best shape either. "I mean explosion seems the way to go, unless you want to be overly careful about the ships being repaired or something, since those would probably make good kindling or something to burn..." he ended up commenting, looking at the docks still, before moving to hand the telescope back to whoever wanted it.
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