Tilea is a rich land, its propserity matched only by the ruthlessness and greed of its Merchant Princes and rapatious nobility. An almost constant state of war exists in which power politics, strong arm mercantile dealings, and the paying off of petty fueds, fuels an entire industry of mercenary sell swords. Standing armies are unknown in Tilea, anything beyond the occasional peasant levy and swollen city guards, being too much of a risk to the status quo to be tolerated. Wars are fought by professional soldiers who live from contract to contract, often switching sides several times during the course of a conflict. Enemies today may be friends tomorrow and vice versa in a constant mosaic of shifting alliances. While grudges exist between mercenary units (and individual soldiers) the prevailing mood is one of professional pragmatisim.

The Seige of Spomanti:
For the better part of a year the costal plain around Olesi and the lush farmlands around the River Riati have been the site of a vicious proxy struggle between the Principalites of Remas and Luccini. The traditional Luccini rivalry between the Lucan and Luccinian lines has come to one of its perodic boils and Allesandra Luccina fled Luccini ahead of her rival Silvio Lucan's assassins. The Principality of Remas was happy to take her in and happy to take up her cause against Silvio in exchange for some very modest territorial concessions, which really, are theirs by right anyway...
After months of fighting the situation has settled down into a stalemate with the Luccini in possession of Spomanti and Olesi and Remas in control of the rest of the northern costal plain. Things have been looking good for Luccini until the arrival of a Reman trading fleet allowed them to nearly double their role of mercenaries, and provided them with the ships to take Olesi by sea and sweep south and east, cutting off supply and putting Spomanti under seige. With supplies dwindling and the defences failing its getting high time for the defenders to make a decision, afterall famous last stands really don't pay the bills...

Who Are The Players?
The players in this role play will take the parts of members of a mercenary company under seige at Spomanti. They are senior people, effectively officers under contract to Luccini. Although you will be expected to write your character, you will also be expected to write other members of the company, describing the actions of other members of the company, mostly regular troops under your control.
Players are basically loyal to the company. They might not like each other, they might violently disagree with each other, but they are at the end of the day members of a family.
Who Are The Players Not?
The Captain -In order to eliminate unnecessary power differentials the Captain of the Company will be NPCd.
Wizards - Although the company has a wizard, they are also an NPC.

Experimental Concepts
Contracts and Choices:
Although the RP will begin with the company being engaged by the City of Luccini this situation will probably (although not certainly) end fairly soon. Numerous contracts will be available to you as you go forward.
Company resources in coin and manpower will be loosely tracked. This will effect the kind of contracts you are offered, you will be able to recruit and train as you go.
Dramatic Flow (Experimental):
In order to create a flow of good and bad luck we will use a system of Boons and Dooms. A boon is something good that happens to your character or the company. You find boats to get across a swollen river, you discover a weakspot in the walls of a town you are besiging, you have a friend among the populace who will help you, are all example boons. Example dooms are things like you suffer a serious wound, a large number of men are injured or killed, the enemy got there first and burned the bridge. For each Boon you use you will be obligated to endure a doom. Each doom you endure will entile you to a boon.
Spreading the Luck - Rather than a full blow boon or doom, you may split a boon or a doom into three smaller incidents.
SPACE IS VERY LIMITED! The writing lift on this is heavier than normal and I need to keep it small to manage.
Tilea - Dogs of War

Tilea is a rich land, its propserity matched only by the ruthlessness and greed of its Merchant Princes and rapatious nobility. An almost constant state of war exists in which power politics, strong arm mercantile dealings, and the paying off of petty fueds, fuels an entire industry of mercenary sell swords. Standing armies are unknown in Tilea, anything beyond the occasional peasant levy and swollen city guards, being too much of a risk to the status quo to be tolerated. Wars are fought by professional soldiers who live from contract to contract, often switching sides several times during the course of a conflict. Enemies today may be friends tomorrow and vice versa in a constant mosaic of shifting alliances. While grudges exist between mercenary units (and individual soldiers) the prevailing mood is one of professional pragmatisim.

The Seige of Spomanti:
For the better part of a year the costal plain around Olesi and the lush farmlands around the River Riati have been the site of a vicious proxy struggle between the Principalites of Remas and Luccini. The traditional Luccini rivalry between the Lucan and Luccinian lines has come to one of its perodic boils and Allesandra Luccina fled Luccini ahead of her rival Silvio Lucan's assassins. The Principality of Remas was happy to take her in and happy to take up her cause against Silvio in exchange for some very modest territorial concessions, which really, are theirs by right anyway...
After months of fighting the situation has settled down into a stalemate with the Luccini in possession of Spomanti and Olesi and Remas in control of the rest of the northern costal plain. Things have been looking good for Luccini until the arrival of a Reman trading fleet allowed them to nearly double their role of mercenaries, and provided them with the ships to take Olesi by sea and sweep south and east, cutting off supply and putting Spomanti under seige. With supplies dwindling and the defences failing its getting high time for the defenders to make a decision, afterall famous last stands really don't pay the bills...

Who Are The Players?
The players in this role play will take the parts of members of a mercenary company under seige at Spomanti. They are senior people, effectively officers under contract to Luccini. Although you will be expected to write your character, you will also be expected to write other members of the company, describing the actions of other members of the company, mostly regular troops under your control.
Players are basically loyal to the company. They might not like each other, they might violently disagree with each other, but they are at the end of the day members of a family.
Who Are The Players Not?
The Captain -In order to eliminate unnecessary power differentials the Captain of the Company will be NPCd.
Wizards - Although the company has a wizard, they are also an NPC.

Experimental Concepts
Contracts and Choices:
Although the RP will begin with the company being engaged by the City of Luccini this situation will probably (although not certainly) end fairly soon. Numerous contracts will be available to you as you go forward.
Company resources in coin and manpower will be loosely tracked. This will effect the kind of contracts you are offered, you will be able to recruit and train as you go.
Dramatic Flow (Experimental):
In order to create a flow of good and bad luck we will use a system of Boons and Dooms. A boon is something good that happens to your character or the company. You find boats to get across a swollen river, you discover a weakspot in the walls of a town you are besiging, you have a friend among the populace who will help you, are all example boons. Example dooms are things like you suffer a serious wound, a large number of men are injured or killed, the enemy got there first and burned the bridge. For each Boon you use you will be obligated to endure a doom. Each doom you endure will entile you to a boon.
Spreading the Luck - Rather than a full blow boon or doom, you may split a boon or a doom into three smaller incidents.
SPACE IS VERY LIMITED! The writing lift on this is heavier than normal and I need to keep it small to manage.