Hi, I would like to put my hat in the ring and join this RP. here's my submission. :)

Name: Leon Hyksos
Race: Fae
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Theme: some desperado guitar vibes
Magic Divination: Espermancy
Mind's Eye - Leon's level of clairvoyance is what you call below average than your typical Esper. He compensates for his lack of foresight through his superb hearing and hyper-awareness in his years of experience in combating street thugs. As a result, he can perceive the future for a brief second and triggers whenever his life is in danger beforehand.
Psionic Blades - Leon can manifest daggers in the physical plain with the use of his psychic energy. A dagger designed to attack the victim's psyche. Its sharpness is based on how Leon envisions his target(s) to 'be stabbed' in his mind. How many times it will hit, the level of pain it can inflict, and what part of the body the knife will cut. Its damage ranges from a normal stab wound up to putting his victim into a fatal catatonic state, depending on the target's resistance against psychic attacks.
Spider's Web(Tether) - A niche espionage technique used by Leon, establishing a link between him and his target, putting himself into perspective in one's mind by the use of a special psychic thread, usually combined with his psionic blades to establish contact. Once this tread is latch to his victim, Leon can see from the target's point of view, analyze their current status and surveil their location from a far distance.
Marionette control - This technique is an extension of Leon's Spider web. With enough strings to subdue his victim, Leon can hijack and sabotage one's control of their body. Making them dance like puppets to his liking or binding them into one place.
Natural Acrobat - Fae(s) are not weighted by gravity. They are weightless, lightfooted, and nimble. This goes the same for Leon.
Marksmanship(dagger) - Leon is a master in the art of throwing daggers.
Multiple daggers he carries around; concealed and sheathed in his pockets and sleeves.
A simple mask that hides Leon's face when going through his alter ego vigilante gig.
Brief Background (Why you decided to become a Reaver): Born from a line of infamous fae family that uses Mind magic and soothsayers, Leon was the last sane survivor of the Hyksos lineage. His family descended into madness due to the mysterious miasma effect that consumed most of his clan.
With no place to go at a young age and branded as a cursed child by the Fae community, Leon decided to hit the road and started to join a ragtag group of traveling Gypsies made of different races. He chips his pointy ears, change his identity and started blending in with the Humans in hopes to start a new life as a street performer.
Alas, Even with his newfound profession and friends, This lonely fae was unable to escape the effects of his tragic past resulting in Leon to became somewhat of an overthinker and mildly paranoid.
As a coping mechanism to ease his survivor's guilt, he develops this alter ego of becoming a hero of justice. A silent street-level guardian that watches over whatever city their circus is performing. This rogue fae acts as a knife juggler by day and a wannabe hero at night.
It was that one fateful night that he stumbled upon a group of magus that was chasing the same criminal that was the real deal in Morgenröte.
"Huh, what the Queen fae's name is a reaver?"
Anything else we should know about you:
Leon came from a family of prestige soothsayers and even consulted by the Queen fae herself from time to time. His clairvoyance never comes to fruition ever since his family demise.
Due to his unregistered vigilante act of punishing petty street criminals in the city at night, Leon became sleepless and adopted this lethargic, unenthusiastic manner of being half awake most of the time.
His most distinctive features are his dead fish eyes and deep lines under them.
Despite being sleep-deprived and having sluggish behavior that often depicts the sleepy fae 'Lazy', Leon is highly competent in doing what needs to be done.
Leon can juggle up to 15 knives without the use of his Espermancy.

Name: Leon Hyksos
Race: Fae
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Theme: some desperado guitar vibes
Magic Divination: Espermancy
Mind's Eye - Leon's level of clairvoyance is what you call below average than your typical Esper. He compensates for his lack of foresight through his superb hearing and hyper-awareness in his years of experience in combating street thugs. As a result, he can perceive the future for a brief second and triggers whenever his life is in danger beforehand.
Psionic Blades - Leon can manifest daggers in the physical plain with the use of his psychic energy. A dagger designed to attack the victim's psyche. Its sharpness is based on how Leon envisions his target(s) to 'be stabbed' in his mind. How many times it will hit, the level of pain it can inflict, and what part of the body the knife will cut. Its damage ranges from a normal stab wound up to putting his victim into a fatal catatonic state, depending on the target's resistance against psychic attacks.
Spider's Web(Tether) - A niche espionage technique used by Leon, establishing a link between him and his target, putting himself into perspective in one's mind by the use of a special psychic thread, usually combined with his psionic blades to establish contact. Once this tread is latch to his victim, Leon can see from the target's point of view, analyze their current status and surveil their location from a far distance.
Marionette control - This technique is an extension of Leon's Spider web. With enough strings to subdue his victim, Leon can hijack and sabotage one's control of their body. Making them dance like puppets to his liking or binding them into one place.
Natural Acrobat - Fae(s) are not weighted by gravity. They are weightless, lightfooted, and nimble. This goes the same for Leon.
Marksmanship(dagger) - Leon is a master in the art of throwing daggers.
Multiple daggers he carries around; concealed and sheathed in his pockets and sleeves.
A simple mask that hides Leon's face when going through his alter ego vigilante gig.
Brief Background (Why you decided to become a Reaver): Born from a line of infamous fae family that uses Mind magic and soothsayers, Leon was the last sane survivor of the Hyksos lineage. His family descended into madness due to the mysterious miasma effect that consumed most of his clan.
With no place to go at a young age and branded as a cursed child by the Fae community, Leon decided to hit the road and started to join a ragtag group of traveling Gypsies made of different races. He chips his pointy ears, change his identity and started blending in with the Humans in hopes to start a new life as a street performer.
Alas, Even with his newfound profession and friends, This lonely fae was unable to escape the effects of his tragic past resulting in Leon to became somewhat of an overthinker and mildly paranoid.
As a coping mechanism to ease his survivor's guilt, he develops this alter ego of becoming a hero of justice. A silent street-level guardian that watches over whatever city their circus is performing. This rogue fae acts as a knife juggler by day and a wannabe hero at night.
It was that one fateful night that he stumbled upon a group of magus that was chasing the same criminal that was the real deal in Morgenröte.
"Huh, what the Queen fae's name is a reaver?"
Anything else we should know about you:
Leon came from a family of prestige soothsayers and even consulted by the Queen fae herself from time to time. His clairvoyance never comes to fruition ever since his family demise.
Due to his unregistered vigilante act of punishing petty street criminals in the city at night, Leon became sleepless and adopted this lethargic, unenthusiastic manner of being half awake most of the time.
His most distinctive features are his dead fish eyes and deep lines under them.
Despite being sleep-deprived and having sluggish behavior that often depicts the sleepy fae 'Lazy', Leon is highly competent in doing what needs to be done.
Leon can juggle up to 15 knives without the use of his Espermancy.