Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

12.000 hours
@VitaVitaAR@Click This@AzureKnight@Pyromania99@Sniblet

The greater beast was not longed to remain.

Astreya was the first to make use of the opening as it flopped onto the ground, its massive weight falling onto the earth. The hook of her hammer cut into the beasts hide, a deep puncture wound, molten blood spilling from the wound. It shrieked once more, attempting to roll over to crush the Krysa girl, but as it moved the hammer would only rip a deep gash into its tarry, tough flesh causing more blood to spill and quickly cool onto the ground.

Senya, would level her weapon near the creatures frontside. Though it lacked any visible facial features or any sort of ‘head’ beyond the gaping hole between its shoulders that was now seemingly full of much cooler molten stone now…well, if it bleeds, you can kill it as they say, and this thing was most certainly bled.

Lightning crackled as she channeled the magical ability latent in most maid weaponry, the bullets ripping into its inside, making more and more holes in its interior and causing more and more liquid fire to leak from its body. A final act of defiance would see it raise its arm, feebly slam its arm right into Senya’s body, shoving her backwards from its strength, but it’d do nothing more than singe her dress and leave her a bit bruised.

As soon as its arm hit the ground again, it was over.

The creature's body began to deflate as the last of the lava left its interior, its body collapsing in on itself as its body began to just turn into a massive pile of sludge and sickly smelling goo.

A small victory, but…just how many more of these things were here, was the question?

As the Krysa and Dark elf would wrap up their fight, they’d notice their three compatriots still locked in combat with the High Demon who was manically cackling.

“Seal? No no, I’m going to kill all but one of you. Dismember, feast, eat, rip and tear! I’ll drag the other back to use as my personal plaything, ehehe! That’s the only thing you mortals are good for as our entertainment you weaklings!”

The demon for now, ignored Katherine’s dolls, the demon moving far to fast to even think about hitting with a simple melee attack. The fire of rifles once more, didn’t seem to bother it, ducking and weaving, using its tendrils to pull itself in a completely random seeming direction in order to avoid getting shot, but it would still end up right in front of Polina.

“Tsk, one of you bugs managed to sting me.” She’d hiss as she’d land in front of Polina’s hastily constructed wall. Some of Lucrecia’s throwing daggers had managed to impale the demon, but she merely casually pulled them from her body, none too bothered by the injuries. “Oh well, I’ll just have to return the favor!”

The tendrils grew and writhed, growing in size as they started taking the form of individual mouths…


It was then, the little demon became quite aware of the tank hurtling towards them. Right on top of both her and Polina.

“What the fu-” A foul word barely cut off as the tanks barrage of parachutes seemed to do little to stop its quick descent. The demon immediately changed course, changing its attention from Polina towards the tank bearing down on them, giving her enough time to clear the landing zone. The demon's tendrils latched onto the bottom of the tank as it neared, the small demon roaring with fury as the tank’s incredible weight bore down on her.

For a few seconds, the demon looked as though she was going to be crushed, not even the strength of all of her extra tendrils able to stop the crushing weight of the tank. While the tank and demon were in a stalemate, though, the gleeful laughter of a certain former Krysan military officer could be heard from within just as the hatch to the tank's driver seat opened, and out came Leoniya climbing out and observing the area.

"Ahhahah! How do you like that warm Krysan Greeting demon!" Upon not seeing the demon in question, her ears fell a bit flat, seemingly disappointed. "...zhdat, where is the demon?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sniblet
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Sniblet drinking problem

Member Seen 4 mos ago

First kill! Astreya hurries back for her gun-
wait, so demons can be killed?-
Anyway, she goes back for her gun and reassesses her list of problems. There's the dead demon, the other dead demons, and this demon that's not dead. Right! Point the gun at it! Aaaand- a tank falls on it.
Well. Hey, that'll keep it still. She points and holds the trigger.

She can't hear Leoniya over the sound of her gun, but her disappointed searching speaks clearly enough. She kind of tries to gesture at it with her eyes. She mouths, "Это под тобой."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Katherine watched as the tank dropped from the sky and expertly landed on the demon... Apparently unintendedly as the rat seemsd to havr clue where the demon even was! "Rat! The demons under your tank!" Katherine barked as her gun dolls aimed at the barely visible demon and opened fire. If they missed, it shouldny even put a dent in the tank. On the demon? Every shot mattered. "She's barely keeping you from squadhing her like a crepe!" Her own gun went up and fired as well, hopeful that there might be enough bullets to be effective.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 6 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

It seemed like the demon took great offense that Polina had managed to scratch her. Really, what a poor sport of a demon it was. Wouldn’t a self-respecting powerful evil being respect an opponent that could actually land a good hit on its own self? The maid thought the creature was a petulant sore loser, but Polina didn’t think it was a particularly prudent move to judge the cute beast in public when it was already pissed off. Oh, there was merit in pissing off opponents further to make them slip up, but as a good professor from her courses always said, there was a time and place for everything.

The Farisian maid braced for contact, forming up her cobblestone shielding as tightly as she could… until she noticed the… flying tank aimed right for her position.

Had Polina been a less composed maid, she would have uttered the very same obscenities as the cute demon had, but she certainly mirrored the creature’s words in her thoughts. Instead, she immediately pulled back, effectively throwing herself out of harm’s way as she crashed to the side, somewhat less gracefully than she had intended.

It was still passable, considering that she hadn’t been turned into maid-paste by a flying Kyrsan tank. Polina quickly recovered, springing up on her feet and dusting her now slightly soiled dress with a brush of her white apron. Her eyes flitted over, searching for the demon and the tank, raising an eyebrow upon seeing the demon in a rather compromised position, with the Kyrsan maid, amusingly, fruitlessly searching for and failing to find the threat right beneath her.
She decided to respond by arching an eyebrow and firing her wall of cobblestones in a single large fusillade at the pinned demon.

Two others had already pointed out the issue, after all.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

12.000 hours
@VitaVitaAR@Click This@AzureKnight@Pyromania99@Sniblet

“Eh? Under-?”

The demon hissed, a barrage of bullets piercing the demon's flesh from Katherine’s dolls, blood spilling from the wounds as its tendrils grew in size, its multiple maws roaring with strain.

“Ah, I see, under me, ahaha! Squashed like a bug! Thank you kinswoman!” Her mirth was cut off, though, as the demon started laughing, too.

“Ahaha, a surprise attack? Trying to squish me, huh? You guys are irritatingly clever! Fine, I’ll get serious!” The maws of the demons many mouths lit up with magical energy, running alongside their bodies. A slight electrical whine as the energy quickly reached its peak - a torrent of liquid expelled itself from every single maw of the creature at high speed along with a near ridiculous level of volume as the red, foul smelling liquid slammed into the tank that was crushing her with enough force to shove it back, spraying the liquid everywhere as the vehicle was forced back enough to be rammed into the wall of a building a few meters away.

It was about to seemingly follow it up with another attack, just in time for the cobblestones to slam into the demons back.

“Grrah, Stop with the sneak attacks you pests!” She’d cry, the tendrils growing in more size as she was knocked around from the attack. The crimson colored liquid expelled from her was eating holes into the ground, and even Leoniya’s tank seemed to be having its body tarnished and eaten into - but it was no less operational.

“Good! Ahaha, its shown its hands, hm! Astreya! Katherine! Senya!” Leoniya popped her head back out of the tank, having quickly ducked back inside as it was knocked around. She’d toss something in Katheirne’s direction - a metal sphere with an intricate design carved onto it. “Myrilla says you’ll seal this demon or she’ll take away your catnip privileges! You other two will support us!”

The demon was getting back to its feet, growling as it’d focus its attention on the tank, the thing clearly the biggest threat here. Now that its full attention was gotten, it had engorged its tails to three main heads, all fixated on the Tank, Katherine, and Astreya, and it was already seemingly charging more of whatever corrosive liquid it was capable of making.

“Polina! Lucrecia! You’ll go find the other maids and clean up any demons in the area while we deal with this! A few good whacks with my toy here should bring her to heel, haha! Be careful though, whatever that liquid is, is highly corrosive! Go on, get going!”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 4 days ago

Cogsfell Aftermath

"Merda, Madonna, you're sitting right on top of it!" Lucrecia said, responding to Leoniya's inquiry about the demon. She had to admit, it was rather amusing to see the monster squirm in frustration. Still it seemed far from helpless as it gathered deadly energy from it's countless maws, readying to let loose on them all. Astreya and Kat fired their weapons at it while the tank had the monster pinned down, while it seemed to do some damage it was more annoyed that injured from the looks of it. Even Polina's sneak attack did little to change the situation. Lucrecua grimaced as the demon displayed it's supernatural strength in casting away the tank and Leoniya along with it against a nearby building. Taking care to dodge the corrosive liquid spewing from the demon's body, Lucrecia readied her blades and prepared to strike.

She was however, stopped as Leoniya emerged her head from the tank and gave her new directives.

"Ai suoi ordini, Madonna. We won't let you down! Polina, we go!" She said, turning to her Farisian comrade. She began making a break from the current battle. A couple of lesser demon had been attracted by the commotion, making their way toward her from some windows. Gracefully jumping over any instance of the corrosive substance in her way, she sliced a couple of the monsters in half with her machetes. One was about to jump down from the rooftop above them, but it was met with a couple of well placed rounds right in the head before it got the chance. It toppled over and fell straight to the ground, making a splatting noise as its disgusting blood started to flow onto the street. As she made more headway, she could only hope that there were at least some survivors left. Hopefully Myrilla's daughter would be among them...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The monster was dead. She'd shot it right where its head would have been, and now it wasn't moving and it was leaking a lot. Senya was quite sure that usually meant dead.

But the fight was hardly over, now. There was still the other demon to worry about, the one who looked like a girl but had all the tentacles and stuff. That was definitely no good, demons looking like that were the worst.

The small dark elf took a step forward, raising her gatling again. It whirred once more. Targeting the main body of the demon wasn't the best idea at the moment. She was likely very maneuverable, and made a small target. Hitting her simply wouldn't be easy.

But Senya certainly felt confident in her ability to reduce the demon's fighting capacity, and her orders only encouraged her to do just that.

The rotating barrels of her gun were once again surrounded by the glow of magical energy, flaring and flashing as bullets exploded through the air, tearing towards their target. As long as they hit their mark and embedded themselves in the demon's tentacles, they would explode just like the ones she'd fired into the other monster.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

This demon was irritating. First it eats her doll, then it tries to eat her and now it's spewing some corrosive substance everywhere! Hah... "How tiring." Katherine grumbled to herself as she once again recalled her dolls to her rings and making sure of each step she made to not step a single toe into any of the acid the made it's way toward her. As the rat girl threw the ball at her, Katherine caught it. And Myrilla said... Catnip? "She's the one that snuck the catnip in my room!?" Damn that woman.

Still, if she remembered right, this demon was still not sealable yet. "Fine." She summoned her dolls out to safe places so they could open fire on the almost defenseless demon. The ones with melee weapons she summoned closer toward said demon to try and cut the tentacles off after all, what use were they if they couldn't project corrosion near as far as she wanted. "Volley!" The firbolg commanded right as her dolls pulled the triggers on their rifles. She mouthed the words for the seal's chant, making sure she were ready for when she could do so.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 6 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Polina allowed herself a slight smirk of satisfaction as her attacks finally landed on the pesky demon, prompting a cry of outrage from the cute creature. For such a prideful being, being battered by the ground was likely far more humiliating than being hit by something more noble, like a blade or even a bullet. The maid was ready to unsling her rifle once more and unload on the helpless monster when she received direct orders to the contrary.

A mop up operation, was it? Polina didn’t like it, preferring to finish what she had started, but she acknowledged the command from Leoniya with a nod and a wave of acknowledgment. She followed after Lucrecia wordlessly, knives out once more as she began to clean up the stragglers alongside the foreign maid. Her knives homed in on their targets like guided missiles, and unlike her dance with the high demon just earlier, these had no problems finding their mark deep in the vitals of the monsters that dared approach.

Once a sufficient amount of lesser demons had been cleared, she approached the other maid. “I’m headed to the nearest armory or guard station. If there are any survivors to be found, they’ll be there or in a similarly defensible location.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

12.000 hours


The demon, focused on its targets initially paid Senya no heed. As its charged up attack grew to full capacity, the three heads in unison roared, a torrent of green liquid being expelled from the three. Just as one launched the acidic liquid, Senya’s bullets slammed into the side of one. The sound of heavy fire, bullets leaving the barrel of her gun and exploding upon its soft flesh and knocking the trajectory completely off, instead sending the blast of liquid slamming into the side of a nearby building thankfully saving Astreya.

Using so much magic was starting to get a bit draining, but she’d probably be fine for a little more.

Katherine’s dolls, swarmed a second, the one that was aiming at Katherine. The Dolls, small and swift, first launched a volley of bullets. Blood poured from its wounds, but it barely seemed fazed by the wounds as the dolls closed in with sword and steel, cutting deep wounds into its flesh but doing nothing to stop the trajectory of the acidic liquid -


Another explosion, this time, much larger and propelled by something of a much larger force. A shell from Leoniya’s tank, ripping right through one of the tendrils and sending a second stream of acid off center, barely grazing Katherine’s body and just barely singing her body.

The third though, was completely unhindered. Leoniya’s tank took the full brunt of the impact, the sound of burning, sizzling metal.

“Gah, ow ow that hurt!” The demon hissed, one of her tendrils having almost been severed by the dolls while a second, one could see visible bone as Senya’s bullets completely ripped its flesh. “I’ll get rid of the metal annoyance first!”

The demon leaped towards the tank, its uninjured maw grabbing the tanks main cannon, wrestling control of it away. The two injured ones would lash out towards Senya and Katherine, one taking a swipe towards the Pupeteer’s dolls, and the one targeting Senya preparing to send another torrent of acid towards it.

The demon's main body climbed on top of the tank, seemingly attempting to pry off the entry hatch.

@Click This@AzureKnight

Finding lesser demons to clean up was easy enough. Some hellhounds here and there. Some smaller versions of those lumbering furnaces. A number of some…bat things that exploded when struck, but for the most part, nothing above a demon beast level that was fairly easily dispatched.

Finding the remains of a guard station wasn’t hard. What was hard, was finding one that was still intact. The first they’d run into, was destroyed. The second had completely fallen into a fiery hole in the ground. The third? Overrun with demons. Even the armory wasn’t safe. The only commonality between them was something seemingly having completely destroyed or broken and smashed through one of the walls.

It wasn’t until, they would hear the faint sound of crying that they would be altered to any possible survivor. Following the sound, and the sound of high pitched giggling from some demons, the maid pair would find a rather disturbing sight in what was once an old storefront.

Hunched over humanoids, with long, bestial, leathery maws, slender, tarry skin with beady eyes. Three toes on their feet, ending in sharp claws, with long, far too slender and lanky arms that almost reached towards the ground. A number of hellhounds stood beside them, barking aggressively.

More Demon beasts, and what were they crowded around?

A girl, in tattered clothes. A bright red dress and blond hair. She was crying, but didn’t seem to be resisting at the moment. Nearby, a number of bodies lay, half eaten by the hounds and one of the hunched over demons was currently partaking of them. A similar red dress was being worn by one of the adult bodies.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 6 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

It seemed her hunch had been wholly unsuitable in the scenario of a sudden and severe mass demon attack. Against mortal foes, or even lesser demons, guard stations and armories were miniature bastions unto themselves. And indeed, as Polina and Lucrecia investigated the ones that they came across, they had been used for their intended role by the city’s defenders… only the defenses had been wholly inadequate. It was not that hard to deduce that, after seeing a more-than-token resistance, the demons had brought in something specialized to bust through the thick walls of those structures.

They showed a worrying level of cohesion and tactical understanding.

Polina had nearly written off the hope of finding survivors and had been simply treating her assignment as a mere mop-up operation when she was alerted to the faint sound of crying nearby. Homing in on the sound with her guard up –there could still be demon trickery, after all—she came upon a gruesome, grotesque scene. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the two distinctive bright red dresses, narrowing at the sight of an obviously deceased maid. More importantly, though, one of them was still alive.

Her eyes flicked over to the humanoid creatures near the girl in question. By her assessment, the downed girl could be mere moments from being gored, and Polina acted immediately.

“Lucrecia! I’m heading in— keep the rest of those creatures off me.”

With that, she sprinted forward with a ruffle of her dress, firing off a fan of blades towards the humanoid demons as she drew her blade once more, inserting herself right in between the awful creatures and the survivor. She made sure to add an extra blade directed at the one directly partaking of the bodies, even if it wasn’t quite the most efficient decision.

Glancing back when she could do so, she checked in on the crying girl. She kept to brief, important questions—unfortunately, consoling her would have to wait. “Reinforcements are here. Can you stand? Do you know if there are any others still hiding?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 4 days ago

Cogsfell Aftermath

A salvo of bullets echoed throughout the desolate guard station as Lucrecia did her part in covering her comrade. She was surprised to find that a little girl had managed to survive this hell. Unfortunately, the desecrated corpses that laid before her insinuated that she was the only one among them who did. Polina has used herself as a barrier to keep the girl in the red dress safe from the horde of demons advancing on them.

"Polina, we won't be able to stay here for long! As soon as we find any more survivors we need to find an opening and make a break for it!" She said to her comrade. A lone hellhound had broken through the bullet barrage and lunged itself at Lucrecia, its razor fangs bared and covered in drool. The maid instantly flipped one of guns to where the blade part stuck itself into the beast's chin, the other end srickimg out of its head. The creature struggled for a moment, but its body soon when limp. Lucrecia quickly threw the beast to the floor and stomped on its head, making a satisfying splatting sound.

"Lurido cane!" She snapped.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Gah!" Katherine cried out as she was splashed by some of the acid. "Bitch!" She exclaimed as she reloaded her pistol. Her dolls dodged the demon's attack rather that get pulled back into the firbolg's rings. They dropped to the ground and, if they had a good angle, would aim at the demon before opening fire once more. Katherine, for her part, imbued the bullets in her gun with magical power. She then fired off multiple rounds and each looked as if a bolt of fire shot from her gun, soaring towards their target to tear into flesh and sear it from the inside out.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

12.000 hours


Katherine's bullet slammed into the side of the demons large body, a few hitting impacting the creatures uninjured tendril, ripping holes right through it and searing the fleshy insides of the beast. While most dolls managed to avoid the blow not all were swift enough as they were clipped and launched backwards, a few breaking from the impact as another volley pierced the demons flesh. The one targeting Senya managed to finish charging, another torrent of acid being launched towards her! If she didn't dodge or do something, she was going to get drenched and there was no telling how powerful that acid was or how much her dress would protect her.

The demon itself, was still wrestling with the tanks cannon, making use of its impressive strength to pry the barrel away, and keep it pointed away from itself while its smaller main body repeatedly punched and pulled at the metal, managing to even put a few dents in it.

"Ahaha, what's the matter! Quit hiding and come-"

"Soyti!" The tanks lid suddenly popped open, and slamming into the demons face, was a large, mechanical wrench. "You wanted me out! Then here I am, demon!"

The demon said nothing, only responded by leaping towards Leoniya, who managed to barely avoid the lunge by side stepping, In one sift motion, she'd slam the large wrench back into the creatures head, but the uninjured maw was coming up behind the rat woman, aiming to make short work of her.

@Click This@AzureKnight

Polina acted swiftly, blades shining in the sunlight impaled themselves in the demons flesh. So focused on the girl and potentially tormenting her, they did not immediately hear the approach of the maids. One blade sunk itself inside one close to the girl, crying out in guttural pain as its flesh was pierced, its tough leathery hide bleeding fire as it would swiftly turn around in a somewhat unnatural manner, its long, gangly limbs twisting and turning towards the maid that attacked it.

At Polina's questions, the girl barely turned her head towards the maid, lifeless eyes simply gazing towards the ground, gripping a torn piece of the older womans dress in her hands. She at least, seemed fine physically, but she didn't seem like she was going to be going anywhere on her own at the moment.

Which proved to be a problem.

Lucrecia was correct - the demons had immediately set upon the two maids the instant they had made their presence known. While there were only five of the humanoid demons, now that they were in the thick of it, at least eleven hellhounds, barking and snarling aggressively.

The one that had been impaled earlier, made a harsh whistling noise three of the hounds immediately leaping towards Polina and the girl, fangs snarling and poised to rip and tear while the humanoid stamped its foot on the ground, lowered its upper body, and made to charge Polina. Another two snapped their fingers, a thin trail of fire appearing on the tips of their crooked fingers, which would turn into a thin beam of fire that fired towards Lucrecia, while a number of hellhounds charged her.

The one that had been gorging itself on bodies, managed to get back to its feet, firey blood dripping from its body as it snarled at the maids, seemingly angry that two of the hellhounds had been killed in their ambush while fifth laughed jovially, making a high pitched, shouting noise before seeming a bit confused that there were no hellhounds that seemed to be responding to it...

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Tch, damnit. More work to do." Katherine grumbled as she saw about half her troops inoperable. Still, that left half of them useable for now. The Firbolg recalled the broken dolls to their rings as she turned her attention to the rat exiting the hatch of her tank, preparing to deal a blow to the demon's head.

That much would have been fine if one of the maws that the demon made itself a constant annoyqnce with wasn't going to try taking a bite from Senya's mousy body. "Damnit rat!" Katherine exclaimed, recalling her last Halberdier doll to it's ring while channeling a bit of strenghtening magic to it. She ran towards Senya all the while and summoned her doll behind the rat, where it was empowered hopefully enough to break the bone inside the tentacle like appendage.

The Firbolg also held the metal sphere that the rat threw at her earlier, waiting for the perfect moment to use it. If her doll managed to cleave the maw from the rest of it's body, she was sure that would be aboit it for the demon and her rampage.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 6 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Unfortunately, it seemed like the young girl was too traumatized to respond to her questions. Polina was only able to spare a few moments to speak to the girl; just a moment later, she was back to fending off the demons.

Lucrecia was also right, and Polina knew as well that their position here was not very tenable. They would have to pull back soon. Seeing the humanoid creatures’ unusual regenerative properties, the maid switched strategies. She quickly unslung her rifle as one of them charged at her, working the bolt of her rifle twice as two high-power shots rang out to slam into it. Relying on the tendency for the high power slugs to chunk its flesh on exit, she then directed a pair of blades to finish the hounds.

Thankfully for their situation, Polina was uniquely suited to rescuing little girls without compromising too much on her offensive and defensive ability. The moment the immediate threat was gone, she swooped up the crying girl in one quick motion, before jumping back to regroup with Lucrecia. “Hang tight with me, okay? We’re getting out of here.” Keeping her in a princess carry, she gave her a pat on the head.

If any additional demons continued to approach as she left, she would direct more projectiles at them.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 4 days ago

Cogsfell Aftermath


Lucrecia spat a swear at the oncoming onslaught heading her way. As the little devils let loose a beam toward her, she dodged to the side to narrowly avoid them. Not missing a step, she then let off another volley of piercing rounds at the hellhounds closing in on her. She aimed precisely to ensure she would hit a few of them in the head. These ones had a peculiar regenerative ability, much to her chagrin. But hopefully well placed bullets to the head would at least slow them down.

"Oh diavolo! Polina, we need to leave now!!" She exclaimed. Her comrade regrouped at her side, child on tow.

As soon as an opening presented itself, they would make a break for it. She was starting to wonder if it was even worth it to continue looking for survivors. They had their orders, but the situation was looking less than favorable.

All Lucrecia could do for now was provide cover fire for them as they made their escape.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

12.000 hours


Katherine’s doll appeared behind Rat, immediately swinging forth with its halberd, catching the demons maw mid swing and stopping it mostly in its tracks long enough for Leoniya to grab something from her belt. Spinning on her feet, she’d toss it into the air, a oblong, roughly oval shaped object. She immediately swung her wrench at it, catching it on the flat end of it as she’d slam both the object and the wrench into the creatures maw.

Grabbing the doll, Leoniya followed through by slamming her foot into the demons head, sending her stumbling off the tank and to the ground, followed by the rat woman, leaping down on top of the demon and impaling her with the spike on the end of her wrench.

“Katherine! Now!”

The demon tried clawing at the weapon that was holding her down, growling ferally at the rat woman as she’d struggle to wiggle out from under her. The last uninjured tendril would swing around, making to knock Leoniya off…only for an explosion from something embedded in the creatures soft flesh to immediately explode, blasting the thing completely apart and giving Katherine enough time to seal the demon.

@Click This@AzureKnight

The girl didn’t struggle, or do anything really. Didn’t make any attempts at moving, speaking, or even acknowledging what was happening around her. The fact it made carrying her easier, was barely even a small blessing.

Polina’s bullets ripped through the demons flesh, impacting their relatively weak and not very well put together joints, ripping off chunks of flesh and briefly stopping its movements as it’d stumble to the ground, spilling its blood as it’d try and get back to its feet, its body shuddering and painfully snapping as its flesh and sinew would try and return to form.

The bullets Lucrecia loosed towards the hellhounds struck true. Thankfully, if the Hellhounds themselves did not have such regenerative abilities and with the well placed shots the demons fell to the ground, lifeless as their humanoid handlers would hiss angrily in a manner that seemed to suggest they didn’t quite like the hounds dying. They would back off from the maids lightly, seemingly considering the fact that the maids clearly were more formidable foes then they thought.

“...ah…” It was in this brief lull that the little girl would make a quiet sound somewhere between a sob and a shout. “Are…you with the other maids?” She’d squeak out.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

It was time to seal it. Katherine put her pistol in it's holster as she closed in on Leoniya, her doll and the demon. "Twisted creature from Naraheim, trespasser and destroyer of civilization. For thy foul deeds and wanton destruction..." The firbolg trailed off as she got up and close to the demon. "Of my dolls..." The maid raised the orb high before bringing it back down in an aggressive physical attack, "Just get in the damned orb."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 6 days ago

Polina Laye
Farisian Maid

Polina decided that her choice to switch back to her battle rifle had been a good one upon seeing the devastating effect the high-power rounds had on their bodies and attempts at regeneration. Oh, they still regenerated, but not quite as easily if she had stabbed and slashed at the creatures repetitively. Had she not been carrying the girl as she jumped back and away from the humanoid demons, she would have emptied the rest of the magazine and loaded in another pair of stripper clips.

Instead, she fell back to keeping them away with some of her blades, and a combination of cobblestones and debris for good measure, even if they were less effective. Thankfully, it seemed the demons began to think better of pursuing her and Lucrecia too vigorously. Who knew they had such an adroit sense of self-preservation?

Once the situation had calmed some, the girl finally began to respond to stimuli. Hearing the girl let out a cry, Polina looked down at the girl in her arms. She paused for a moment to consider her question, before responding. “Yes. Do you know where other maids went?”
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