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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Gabriel sat with his legs crossed, cocking his head to the side before nodding in agreement with Aurora "Aye, can't say I'm not opposed to a good old-fashioned witch-hunt..Or would it be a hag-hunt?" the bard shrugged, as the semantics weren't all that important "Eh tomato, tamato. I'm in."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Jub the Peculiar

Jub look visibly more and more disheartened as each of his companions agreed to this deal. "I guess we're doing this, then," he said with a sigh. He then looked towards the wisps. "The halfling is right, though. If you could at very least point us in the direction of this 'Bavlorna' and warn us of any tricks of hers we should be on the lookout for, that would be appreciated."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"What in the...?" Brutrumukk said in a manner that signified the bugbear's unsurety regarding how he should feel about one of the Wisps just passing straight through him. He did enjoy the feeling of power that had left him with though, so he didn't complain.

When once everyone else had either agreed or abstained from making the promise in exchange for the boon, and the Wisps had answered everyone else's questions, Brutrumukk spoke up again. "Before we 'ead off, I got one more question." The bugbear stated. "Do any o' you lot know where we can find any alley corn? Or anyone folks call the Doormat Queen what might be trapped somewhere? Before we came to this place, a pair o' clowns told us we 'ad to "Find the alley corn an' free the Doormat Queen as last!"... Whatever that means."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Gushing O'-Well

Upon Aurora's vocal promise, the purple Will-O'-Wisp phased through her body to grant her the same boon. The blue flame moved through Gabriel and the Green flame moved through Jub.

If Halander and Zavakri make the promise too, then they move through him to grant the boon as well.

The Wisps start with Jub's questions,

"Other than the fact that she cursed these wells and caused water to flood everywhere? All we know is that she is a powerful spellcaster. We can't exactly stray too far from this well,"

"That curse is what caused our demise..."

"Oh! But we have heard from passersby that she is in Downfall! Find Downfall, and you'll find her!"

Then Brutrumukk asked his questions. The wisps were silent as they pondered over them.

"An alley corn...?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what an 'alley corn' is...but I heard there is a unicorn somewhere in Thither,"

"Good luck getting there though. Ever since the hags took over, it's hard to get to other areas of Prismeer!"

The Green Wisp wondered, "What was that Unicorn's name...?"

The Red Wisp finally spoke up, clearly joking with his answer, "...Becky Apples,"

That got a laugh out of the other wisps.

When it was time for the party to leave, the wisps bid them goodbyes and Good Lucks to the party.

Telemy Hill

The party continues their travel in the swamps of Hither, and after an hour passes, Jub's wings vanish.

After a while of floating along the swamps by raft, the party is greeted by the scent of sweet-smelling fruit. Damp, downy, silvery-green moss blankets a gentle upward slope before giving way to a craggy ridge that marks the top of the hill. Dozens of enormous willow trees dot the hillside, swaying as though in a breeze despite the absence of one.

The raft comes to a stop at the beginning of this hill, and Bob once again seems happy to be on dry land.

"We've made it! This is Telemy Hill!" Sir Talavar chimes in.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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The smell of sweet fruits drew up memories from when her and her brother had snuck away from their home and into the market place. The exotic fruits brought in by the traveling caravans were a favorite of hers while Xander preferred the more local produce. Years later they included Daebella in their ventures before Xander had left to join the military as a scout. The ventures ended fairly abruptly when Sophia had caught Aurora and Daebella clambering back onto the family grounds through a window in the library. Rory was scolded for setting such a poor example for Bella by doing such unlady like behavior. Shortly after that Daebella had gone to one of the bardic schools two cities away.

A small smile, happy yet somewhat sad, played on Rory's lips as she stepped of the raft and onto the hill. The memory added further motivation to free sir Talarvar and search Prismir for her sister to make sure she was safe, though Rory was uncertain what all it may take to do so.

"Well let's find this Jingle Jangle and get this key to free you Sir Talarvar. Where on the hill would they be?"
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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When the Wisps handed over the trinkets, Brutrumukk insisted on having both the silver mirror and the silver pinecone for his treasure sack. After he got that, the bugbear tuned out until the scent of Telemy Hill's sweet-smelling fruit brought him back to his senses just in time to hear Gabriel's question. "If I 'ad to take a wild guess, probably somewhere along that path." Brutrumukk said while gesturing towards the long path winding up the hill towards the keyhole shaped cave near the summit. "Either way, I'm gonna go find out what's smellin' so tasty 'round 'ere. Don't wait up." With that said, Brutrumukk went off in search of food.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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After their resident bugbear, Brutrumukk announced he was off to find where the sweet smell of Telamy Hill's fruit would take him, Gabe couldn't pass on the opportunity to stretch his legs after their delightful yet boring little boat ride through the picturesque landscape of a swamp "Count me in my furry friend!" hopping to his feet, Gabriel jogged off with the bugbear "Come along Jub, the ripe bosom of the Feywild's fruit awaits us!"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Jub the Peculiar

Jub had spent the rest of the journey enjoying his new wings. The group had to tolerate him flying circles overhead and occasionally calling out "Hey, hey, guys, check this out!" before pulling off some trick. Eventually, the magic wore off and his wings disappeared. Thankfully, he wasn't too far up in the air when it happened, though he doing a somersault at the time and ended falling face-first onto the raft. Once he'd recovered, he had sat for a bit while just staring at the origami horse they had gotten from the wisps, considering all that had happened over the past few hours. In particular, he was recalling how he'd turned one of those giant snakes to stone with a magic missile, and wondering if he should see if he could do that again. Was that just a fun side-effect that occurred because they were in the Feywild? He was thinking about how he could test it out, even eying up Bob as a possible test-subject, when the group finally reached Telemy Hill. Aurora was just asking Talarvar where they could find this Jingle Jangle when Brutrumukk suddenly announced he was going looking for food.

"You hungry again?" Jub said. However, he had to admit, the smell was quite tempting. When announced Gabriel announced he was going with the bugbear and called for the goblin to join them, Jub gave a resigned sigh and stood up to follow them. Before he went, though, he turned to Aurora. "If, err, we need to find you again, I'll send up some fireworks with Prestidigitation. Good luck on finding the key!" And with that, he followed after Gabriel and Brutrumukk.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Brutrumukk wasn't opposed to having Gabriel and Jub join him in his Feywild fruit pursuit, the bugbear even welcomed the company when Gabriel helped him find a trio of gourds shaped like plump dragons. Brutrumukk picked up the gourds, snapped their heads off, and stowed them away in his head sack while sucking the innards of one gourd out of the neck stump left behind and passing the other two gourds to Gabriel and Jub. "You got some good eyes in yer 'ead, Gabe." Brutrumukk said once he'd drained his gourd before turning to Jub. "Let's see if yer eyes are just as good, booyagh." Having said that, Brutrumukk returned Jub to his place of honor on the bugbear's shoulder to give the goblin a better view of their surroundings. So long as Jub pulled his weight, a second set of gourds would soon be found. Once more, Brutrumukk took up all three gourds. But this time he didn't snap the heads off any of them. Instead, Brutrumukk simply passed Jub and Gabriel their gourds and stowed his own gourd away in his backpack for later.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Telemy Hill

Much to Gabriel's, Brutrumukk's, and Jub's surprise, they didn't have to travel far from the group to forage. They found gourds that looked like plump dragons. After Brutrumukk ate the innards of one of those gourds, he immediately looks refreshed. Did his fur/hair get glossier?

The path Brutrumukk pointed out is a narrow game trail. As the group follows this path, they would hear rustling, and other sounds of movement.

Before they can look around, they eventually find three huge trees blocking the path. They look at the group, and upon seeing Jub, the trees proceeded to move. Each one of their boughs move as they perform a bow to Jub, their bark creaking as they move somewhat awkwardly. Apparently it is difficult for a tree to bow...

One of the trees speaks to the group in a low rumbling voice, and addressing Jub as the leader of sorts,

"Your Excellency, Witchlight Monarch! We welcome you and your entourage to Telemy Hill. How long will you be staying?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Brutrumukk blinked in surprise as the very trees themselves came alive, moved, and even spoke. "Nine bleedin' 'Ells" Brutrumukk then said as the trees all bowed and hailed Jub as the Witchlight Monarch. Brutrumukk then looked to the little goblin seated on his big shoulder. "Word sure travels fast 'round 'ere don't it?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Jub the Peculiar

Jub had instinctively tensed up when the trees started moving, as if anticipating yet another fight. However, when the trees instead bowed to him, all he could do for a few moments was blink in surprise with an expression akin to a startled rabbit. It was only when Brutrumukk spoke that the goblin able to regain his composure.

"It sure does," he muttered in response to the bugbear. He spoke again, this time louder so the trees could hear him and with a dramatic flourish he usually applied to his street performances. "Erm, it is I! The Witchlight Monarch! Me and my cohorts will likely not be staying long but... erm..." He glanced towards Brutrumukk and Gabriel, with a look that showed he had no idea what he was doing or where he was going with this. "If you would like to show us around this, err, place or point us to any places of interest, that would be most, err, gratifying."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Deadpan, as the half-elf slipped the oddly shaped gourd away he turned his head slowly to the short goblin the trees called 'Excellency' . Gabriel's expression was a mix of surprise and amusement, his brow was raised as to say 'Yes what is your command your excellency?' as Jub looked between Gabriel and Brutrumukk with confusion "Oh a mighty fine request your Excellency." Gabe chuckled, giving the goblin a pat on the back.

"So then your royal majesty," kneeling next to his companion, Gabe rested his hand on Jub's shoulder looking at his small friend with a smirk "What shall we call ourselves? Your stewards? Or heralds? Sworn to protect the life of our king." he gave Jub's shoulder a squeeze before standing with a reassuring smile.

"Oh, I jape of course but really the best question is how do these trees know you Jub?" Gabriel glanced towards the trees as he said so, he wondered if the trees knew who Jub was then it might mean others could recognize the one crowned as Witchlight's monarch. For better or worse this could be as much a blessing as a curse if the wrong type of attention was brought to them, he couldn't be too careful. They weren't in Faerun anymore after all.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Aurora looked at the trio as the headed off in a direction that only their noses could lead them. A glance back at raft to Zavakri, who was next to Bob the snail, and the newly acquainted companions. All seemed rather distant and quite. "I suppose those of us who are going ought to start for the cave then." The elf stated rather irritated that the others took off with little care about trying to free Talarvar. She went to grab the cage to start to lift it. The awkward shape of the cage caused her to pause for a moment.

With a shrug, Aurora dropped her pack to the deck of the boat, taking some of her rations, the rope from it, and a small leather roll that had he thieves tools. Now that she had most of what she would need, the elf started to fasten a crude harness to the cage so she could carry it on her side or back as needed and keep her hands free incase of trouble or needing to climb.

"I apologize now if this ends up being a rather uncomfortable trip for you Sir Talavar. I do not think the others will be joining us until they've had their fill of whatever they have found. I will never claim to be the strongest person but at least this way I can carry you with relative ease." Rory said as she started up the winding path to the keyhole shaped at the top of the hill. "Perhaps to pass the time you can tell me more about yourself or Prismir?."

A bit of the way up the hill Rory spotted Brutrumukk, Gabriel, and Jub. The trio seemed to have been stopped by several trees. In an attempt to try to pass by unnoticed, Rory slipped off path moving along as if she had not seen them. That would have worked had she stepped further off the path and not tread on the roots of one of the three trees. Immediately the tree started to inquire if Aurora was with the Witchlight Monarch. "I have been traveling with Jub recently, though I do not know if we are heading the same way at this time." She states as she looks over to Jub to confirm this with the trees.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Telemy Hill

The trees look to each other somewhat confused by Jub's request. One of the trees usher Aurora to the rest of the group after she told them that she was with them, while the trees answer the goblin, "I'm afraid we're just a humble hill, Milord. There isn't much to us. Our friend, Jingle Jangle, does live here though," Because of the tree, Talavar was not able to answer Aurora at all, and could only pout a bit.

Then Gabriel asked his question, and the trees answered him, their voices creaking and groaning, "We can sense the charm upon him. Everyone in Prismeer can sense it on any visitor who earned the charm. After all, the Witchlight Monarch is a respected title. While not as high of a title as the Queen's, it is certainly worthy of nobility here,"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"You know a Queen?" Brutrumukk asked at the mention of a Queen. "Is she the Doormat Queen? Some clowns at the Carnival asked us to come free the Doormat Queen. That, an' find the alley corn. D'you lot know where we can find the alley corn or 'ow we could free the Doormat Queen?"
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Jub the Peculiar

At the tree's explanation of how they were able to recognise him, Jub looked a little pale. As much as he enjoyed being the center of attention, he wasn't sure he fancied the idea of any fey creature being able to recognise him. It took a great deal of restraint for the goblin not to pull his hood over his head.

Instead, Jub turned his attention to what Brutrumukk had just said. "Dormant," he corrected. "It means 'inactive' or 'sleeping'." He turned looked back to the trees. "But yes. That. If you know anything about a Dormant Queen, could you please tell us? And if not, would you be able to direct us to Jingle Jangle? We need her help with something."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Isaac
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"Dormant? Perhaps these trees could tell us how the Queen became that way, and it might lend some help in finding a way to release them. Erm, trees? I can hardly believe this is happening, but I'd hope you can lend us some aid. Do you know the story of the Dormant Queen?"

Dormant Queen, Dormant Queen. Hmm, could I have read about that somewhere?

(Insight check?)
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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As Jub mentioned to the trees that they were seeking the help of Jingle Jangle, Aurora shifted the cage around to display the trapped Sir Talavar. " Sir Talavar here is stuck in this cage. He had told us Jingle Jangle may perhaps have a key to this cage."

When Halander asked about the dormant queen, the elf turned to let him know what the rest of the group had learned earlier from Sir Talavar. "Unless there is information we are missing, The Dormant Queen is Zybilna. She is currently trapped by the Hourglass Coven and her rule over this domain had been split between the three hags. Though anymore information of her exact where abouts would be appreciated." She finished looking to the trees.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Telemy Hill

The trees looked at each other confused over the questions regarding Zybilna. They were especially confused over Brutrumukk's questions, but thankfully, Jub and Aurora clarified them. They were glad that Aurora was able to answer Halendar's questions. The knightly faerie dragon answered Aurora's question after he explanation, after he clears his throat, "Milady Aurora? It's as I mentioned before: She's trapped in her palace,"

The trees next answered Jub's request, clearly happy to help, "Of course, Your Highness. Just follow the road and you'll reach her home!"

The trees then move, proceeding to shepherd the party up the hill and towards the keyhole shaped cavern entrance. The trees do not follow the party into the cave when they enter inside.

Worn stone steps lead down into what feels like a cellar. It's chilly in here, and you detect a subtle scent of iron in the air. From a distant spot within the chamber, sputtering candles illuminate a multitude of keys dangling from taut strings that crisscross the walls. Hundreds of other keys lie strewn across the dirt floor.

As you take in the scene, you hear the sound of keys jingling as a goblin emerges from the dimness. She wears a coat lined with metal keys and carries a flail that has padlocks for heads. She manages a faint smile and says, "Hello! How might Jingle Jangle unlock a bit of happiness in your lives today?"
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