Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

It was true, the Goddess of the Deep Lake wasn't so commonly worshipped, as Fio understood it. The fact that she was apologizing was even more surreal then the realm they had arrived in. Her life had just been saved, and the one responsible was making an apology?

"... Hmph, I'm showing you gratitude, you know," Fio replied with a huff, folding her arms over her chest as she spoke, "Don't apologize when I'm being thankful."

After a few moments of silence she let out a sigh.

"In any case, I can't stay here. Even ignoring my own personal wishes, I have plenty of things to do in the waking world," she continued. The rabbit-eared girl seemed lonely, and had shades of clinginess to her behavior. But the Sword Witch supposed a Goddess without worship would naturally be rather drawn to any newcomers.

"But I can return, if you're willing to help me look into her dreams again, like you said," she added, "And... and maybe I can... do something for you, or something."

The petite witch averted her eyes.

"You know, to thank you for helping."

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ethelred at least managed to get some answers as to what was going on- at night, the Unseelie used singing to lure people into the woods. The singing no doubt had a hypnotic or mesmerizing effect, and Ethelred wasn't entirely sure how if it'd have any effect on the knights.

As Elnith asked how to go about dealing with the Unseelie, Ethelred had to consider both options. If they stayed and waited, it'd be much easier to find the Unseelie- just follow the singing and smash whatever trap they had set for the peasants. If they kept a low profile until dark, they ought to be able to completely catch the Unseelie off-guard. On the other hand, the singing could potentially affect them too, and if any of the peasants were lured out, the knights may not have the chance to save them.

If they went hunting in the woods, they might be able to put an end to this thing before anyone else got hurt, but the fairies would have the home advantage, since they no doubt knew the terrain much better. Additionally, it might be much more difficult to actually find the culprits without a singing voice to home in on. Lugh could probably sense their corruption, but unless they had a bag full of stray cats, actually catching a fairy would be another story.

"I'm worried about that too. I fear I may be uniquely vulnerable because unlike you and Lugh, if that singing affects me, I cannot reach my ears to muffle them," he stated to Elnith, tapping the side of his helmet as to demonstrate.

"There's more to it than that, though," he spoke somewhat sadly. "During our previous mission, I witnessed several people being murdered by Fomorians. If I can avoid it, I'd prefer to avoid putting these people at risk. I say we spent what daylight hours we have left searching the woods for any whiff of the Unseelie corruption. If we find nothing by sunset, we'll head back here and prepare for whatever nightly trickery they have in store."

It was risky, but Ethelred believed that waiting and using these innocent villagers as bait would be highly unbecoming for one of Sorcha's knights. Their duty was to protect these people.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Reinhardt's practiced motions with the blade in his hands paused abruptly as the ritual the diminutive mage had been casting; as if on cue, went to shit.

Calmly, the Knight relaxed his posture as he looked both the stranger and the tentacle that gripped her from top to bottom. Based on the Woman's outcry, it seemed safe to assume that this sort of thing had happened on more than one occasion; perhaps calling the quality of the spellcaster's skills directly into question. From the looks of things, the girl didn't seem to be in immediate danger-- it was likely that she would remain helpless and humiliated within the tentacle's grasp until her magical power ran out.

The only issue was that this particular ritual apparently drew magic in from the surrounding environment as well to sustain it's function-- therefore offering no guarantee that the ritual would collapse once the Woman's magic ran dry... In fact, Reinhardt wasn't particularly certain if the fact she was supplying the ritual with energy was the reason she had yet to be harmed.

A small smile creased the edge of the Knight's cheeks.

Had this been any other day where he had duties to attend such a situation would be an annoyance, but today it would prove a welcome opportunity to blow off some steam as well as allow a chance for further honing of his skills.

The indignation suffered by the previously (and still) arrogant mage was still a welcome bonus.

"My name is Elias." Reinhardt replied as he gripped the canvas full of weapon, flinging it's contents to scatter around his newly provided foe. "Distress not damsel!" he mused loudly; mimicking the tone the Woman had used when talking down to him previously, "This gallant Knight shall save you from the clutches of this vile beast!"

A faint glow emitted from Reinhardt's chest as he crouched low, hurling his sword toward the tentacle's top-- surging forward as if ready to snatch whatever it may drop!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nids End

The alcohol was…odd. Not bad, but it was certainly not like the alcohol served in albion. It had a strong floral and slightly…grainy taste to it as though there were little bits of something inside of it. Whatever it was made from was certainly strong and highly concentrated too. She could already feel herself getting a slight buzz from it.

“...I’m fine, Lady Luna. Something about this place just…is uneasy.”

“Ahaha, that’s some pretty strong stuff human. Made with stuff from the forest’s fairy gardens you know. Surprised you’re not just knocked out from smelling it.” The elf laughed. “Well, if you can hold your drink maybe this will be a fortuitous meeting after all.” He’d glance back over to the fight before waving over another elf who gladly poured another mug for Luna.

Lady Sarah had deflected the blow from the Fomorian, seeming none to bothered by her foes impressive strength as she’d unstrap the shield from her back, impaling its pointed end right into the Fomorian’s foot.

He howled in pain as his leg was now firmly locked to the ground, the hefty shield impaling him into the ground. The elf leaped to the top of the shield with impeccable balance, using it as a stepping stone to leap even higher. For a few seconds, Luna’s eyes would lose sight of the elf as the next few actions happened so fast she could not follow but the result was plainly visible. Long slashes were cut into the fomorians neck, though avoiding any fatal blows. The elf herself ended up with her feet on either side of his cyclopean eye, one hand holding onto the side of the creatures head, ripping a handful of flesh from its body as her blade was poised to strike him right in his eye.

“Yield! I Yield!”

“...heh.” The elf, hopping off her foe, landing next to the shield and with a crack, pulling it from the fomorians foot. “You fought well, though your large size is the only ability you have.” The elf would say, the fomorian falling to his knee and gingerly touching his foot.

“You…are not any elf I’ve seen.” The fomorian grunted in reply. “Bwahaha, that was a fun match! I shall keep my promise and tell you what I know of this land.”

“Thank you, stranger.” She’d toss the large man a few thick cloths and some bandages. “Patch yourself up. I’ve a guest.” She’d turn her head towards Luna, briefly eyeing Sucaria but otherwise saying nothing to the servant.

“Hmm…you know, you look somewhat like her. Long blond hair, an incredibly handsome and knightly disposition but your eye color is wrong and your not perpetually scowling.” She’d laugh. “You can call me Sarah.” She’d hold out a hand to Luna. “Just Sarah. Family name isn’t important.”

“That was a fine fight, Sarah! I’m still impressed by your foot work.”

“Aha, well, I had a good teacher.” She’d grin. “Must have been a strange sight seeing a bunch of elves from boats singing, drinking, and having a bit of a fight party by the shore eh?”

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“I was thinking the same.” Elnith nodded. “Have you ever fought Unseelie before, Ethelred? I don’t mean the little pixies that cause mischief either.” She’d ask, sighing as she’d adjust glance towards the forest, narrowing her eyes slightly. “I’ve only fought a few myself, I’m much better suited to fighting Fomorians.”

“I’ve fought one!” Lugh eagerly interjected, following after Elnith. “Sorcha took me hunting once and we ran into it. Big. Really big! It had disguised itself as a tree!”

“If we go into that forest, Ethelred…for all we know we could be surrounded the moment we step in there.” Elnith smiled. “Not that I intend to back down.” And with a firm nod, she’d start walking towards the forest.

The thick forest and canopy cast a long shadow over the ground and the travelers, the shade from the trees keeping the forest much cooler than one would expect for this region of Albion. For the first leg of their search, nothing much was to be found. A few fomorians lurking in the forest, but such things were nothing new. Lugh could easily pick them out from a fair distance away.

As the day dragged on, it looked as though it might be a fruitless search…up until the pair would hear it first. A shout for help. Should they choose to follow it, the trio would come upon quite a sight. Small, green skinned creatures that looked more plant than anything living. Their body was almost entirely smooth and green, small little goblin looking things with overly large hands and three fingers, entirely black eyes and flowers growing from their heads.

They almost could have been mistaken for a small cluster of plants if not for the fact that were busy tormenting an unfortunate traveler from the looks of things. They were muttering something about playing a game and calling the traveler no fun.

They wouldn’t have long to decide what to do here. These things would be pretty simple minded, but viscous from what the three would recall from having seen them around a bit. Something akin to a common Unseelie pest.

Airedale Forests

“Eh? Are you mocking me? Listen here you little-eeep!” The tentacle, was not amused by being attacked. The sword hurtled through the air, embedding itself into the mages creation with a dull thud, cutting deep and clean into it. In response, the tendril did not simply drop the mage. Instead, it would choose to do something else entirely.

It leaned back, and launched the girl right at Elias.

“-eeeep, catch me catch meeee!”

It would follow this action up by slamming its bulk down on the both of them.


“Will you!?” The goddess hopped rather close, shoving her face incredibly close to Fio’s. “Ahem…sorry…I’d ask you to stay and show me more dreams, but someone told me kidnapping people is bad and I shouldn’t do it any more.” She’d pout a little at that, shaking her head and turning a bit more serious.

“But okay. I can help! It’ll be an interesting dream to see, eheh. I always wondered what a fomorian dreamed about…” The goddess seemed excited at the prospect if nothing else. “Next time you’re in a dream then, just draw this summon sigil. Or just dream me into existence next to you. There might be two of me then! That'd be fun, ehehe.” An intricate pattern drew itself on the floor under Ithica. A simple straight line, rounded at the end. Under it, was a stylized version of a rabbit curling around it, and at the top, a more monstrous looking one seemingly biting into the rounded end. Strangely, two small, jagged prongs shot off near the top of the pillar almost as if something was missing from this.

“Oh, and remember! This is a dream! You can do whatever you want here. Dance! Sing! Get married to a queen! Slay dragons! Slay evil kings! Adventure! You just…have to ask and I can make you a lovely dream as long as you want. Oh right, the exit.” Ithica smiled. “I can always give you a spook to wake you up if you need it.”

She seemed a bit too eager for that suggestion.

“If you wanna be boring though, here.” Water swirled around her, it slowly solidifying into a grand archway made of white stone. “Just walk through there. Really though, I can’t keep you here at all…so just remember, if you really need to wake up just…will yourself too like any lucid dream.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Yes, we might be walking right into the heart of their territory," Ethelred replied to Elnith as they walked up to the woods. "With a little freezing, however, their home territory should become my home territory. I'll err, try to not freeze either of you."

It was good that Elnith was on board with the risky proposition of marching into the woods to take the fight to the Unseelie.

"As for your questionn, I've fought them before," he claimed. "Long ago, I thwarted the odd petty scheme by the Unseelie every now and then. Then there was when I slew the one that turned me into...this." Ethelred trailed off, worrying that he had cast a shadow over this conversation. "Since Sorcha freed me, I've crossed paths with them or their proxies on occasion."

Ethelred didn't normally bring up his curse in conversation. His feelings on it were mixed- despite the physical sensations that it denied him through his imprisonment within his icy armor, he couldn't deny that his new form granted considerable boons, giving this once-inconsequential hedge knight the power to serve as one of Sorcha's knights alongside the scions of heroes like Luna and Elias. It couldn't have been what that Unseelie had planned for him- it must have gone wrong somehow, perhaps when the creator of the curse perished at Ethelred's hand.


Later in the day, after hours of no sign of the Unseelie, the trio heard a shout. Ethelred followed the cry, expecting the others to be right behind him. He would need to remain cautious- it was already established that the Unseelie were luring the people away with singing, so it wouldn't be too far-fetched for them to feign a cry for help.

When he came to where the cry came from, he saw several vile plant creatures, a common Unseelie proxy from what he knew, toying with a human, mumbling something about a game.

"We need to save that man!" Ethelred spoke to the others.

Could it be a trap? Yes. Was it their duty to intervene regardless? Yes. With that in mind, Ethelred dismounted (not wanting to risk getting thrown from his horse by a maliciously placed root, which wasn't impossible given who they were up against) and charged the monsters, aiming to skewer one or two of them.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

So rather then having to go through the initial ritual, making contact with the goddess had considerably streamlined the approach to viewing the Fomorian's memories.

It was a surreal experience, and the strange drowsy sensation that afflicted the Sword Witch had likely muted her reaction. After all, it wasn't every day someone made direct contact with the divine, even one who had been in decline.

"Then, you'll see me again," replied Fio, looking back over her shoulder as she turned to face the archway that the Goddess of the Deep Lake, "There's no way I'm going to let any information I can get out of her slip through my fingers."

And she had absolutely no intention of letting a goddess who could influence dreams scare her awake. That definitely wasn't on her to-do list.

"... And... thank you, again," she added, still turned away as she walked through the arch.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 6 days ago

Luna accepted the second mug but neglected to drink from it. "Worst case, Sucaria, we'll finish up what we need to do as fast as we can and get out of here, alright?" She said before taking a sip and looking over at Sarah's fight as she finished it up and headed over. The Knightess set her drink down and stood.

As this Lady Sarah walked over, Luna couldn't help but meet her eyes and stare. That is, until the elf started speaking. Long blonde hair, "H-handsome?" Luna repeated back, slightly confused by the statement. "But, well, I'm Lunalel Lightsword. Just call me Luna, Please.
This is my Maid, Sucaria." Luna said, slightly hesitating to shake the elf's hand before accepting it. As the other elf started to compliment her footwork, Luna retracted her hand trying not to seem rude. Then Sarah mentioned the elves' sing and cheering was probably an odd sight. "It's not too odd to me. That's basically how we are out here too. I little more roof over our head though." The Knightess said, smiling.

"I'll take it that you described whoever you were looking for, correct?" Luna questioned, looking the elf in the eyes for some seconds before blushing and averting her gaze to the surroundings. "What brings you all to this place in particular? I can't say I've heard anything good about this place though I've come to understand you had someone to meet? Perhaps we could help you look for them? It should be fairly simple if whoever it is happens to be in Airedale. Her Majesty might be able to help if I cannot."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nids End

“Mhm, I did.” Sarah replied with a small smile. “She’s fairly tall, eyes that could remind one of a clear blue sky. She’s rather irritable, though, and tends to speak with her blade more than her voice.” Sarah would heft her shield, staking it into the ground next to her and leaning on it. The elf passed her a mug with a grin.

“Hmm, thank you for the offer but it’d be ill form to ask the ruler of a human kingdom for aid in a completely unrelated matter.” She’d take a long swig of the drink. “I’d tell you more, but this is something I really must do myself. That and I promised her I wouldn’t actually look for her and focus on my own duties, but well…let's just say I have a message for her I need to urgently deliver when I find her.” Sarah turned to look at Sucaria.

“We simply sailed around this land until we landed here, really. Thought it’d be a good place to avoid any humans, though it seems we’ve been discovered anyway.” She’d chuckle, eyes drawn to Luna’s sword.

“So, Lunalel was it?” She’d flash a smile. “Care for a little duel?”

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“Ah! Its a ice man!”

“What’s an ice man doing here?”

“Ice man, Ice man, we’ll play with ice man instead-”

Elnith was in immediate agreement, charging in not far behind Ethelred. Blood red blade gleaming in the shady wood as she’d bring it down upon one of the creatures head. It’d nimbly disappear, almost as though it hadn’t been there to begin with and ended up a few feet away before leaping towards Elnith with its large hands.

“Hey you look like you’re in pain. I can make you feel-ghhhk”

“Nope!” Lugh leaping into the air, spinning once and slamming the spear down right on top of the Unseelie, smashing into the ground.

Ethelred’s lance would skewer one of the nearest ones easily, not having been able to react to the sudden, swift assault.

“Wah, hey, are they playing with us instead?”

“Aw, boring boring ow ow, it hurts!” The one that had been slammed into the ground said.

“Hey hey, what are they doing here anyways?”

“Who cares, run run~! A simple game of taggy?”

“Catch us if you can ice man~!”

And the small group would all proceed to run off after two of them had summarily been dealt with. Cowards that they were. The man would shakily get to his feet, holding his head slightly.

“Urgh…thank the spirits for your timely intervention…” He was covered in a number of bruises and looked like he might have a few broken bones, but otherwise seemed fine. “Are you…travelers?”

“Well…they fled rather easily…” Elnith frowned lightly.

—-------- -> Airedale Prison

At being told that She’d be seeing her again, Ithica smiled sleepily, her ears perking up happily.

“Please…don’t keep me waiting.” Were the final words of the goddess as Fio stepped back through the Arch. She’d be gone in seconds, so she wouldn’t see the Goddess’ smile fade, the realm itself slowly fading, too. The stars above darkening, slowly fading and twinkling out of existence.

Only a cracked, blackened sky, a white floor and a broken castle, far, far, in the distance.

She’d lay on the ground, ears drooping as a small puddle of water formed in front of her. She’d trace a thin, pale finger across its surface.

Fio would find herself waking back up in the tub she had fallen asleep in. Soaked from head to toe in water, warding sigils completely faded and burned. Noticeably, she was extremely tired herself, her throat parched, and it was hard to tell exactly how long she had been out. Long enough for someone to be knocking on the door shouting something and asking if she was okay.

“And here I thought Fomorians had a bad definition of consent but you witches always surprise me.” The voice of Cethlann would greet her ears. Though she was still bound, blindfolded, and immobile otherwise, she had somehow managed to…somehow…remove the gag. Or at least tear it somehow. It looked like it had been ripped by something. “Hey, get me food. I’m starving or are you gonna just starve me to death?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 11 mos ago


A slight grin played at the edges of Reinhardt's face as he rushed forward toward the oncoming attack; the sheer indignation in the voice of the previously haughty mage touching a cord of joy in the knight's stern heart. "But of course not milady--" Elias belted loudly as his hand short forth grabbing the diminutive magus; his feet twisting in a pivot to minimize loss of momentum as he continued barreling forth, "This lowly warrior couldn't imitate a shadow of your wit even if only hoping to mock it!"

Noting that the tentacle seemed not to care whether it's summoner lived or died-- Reinhart's sprint launched in a low, powerful, somersault, landing into a slide; the mage held tightly to his chest, just in time to barely avoid the downward swing of the fleshy mass above.

As his slide neared it's end, Reinhardt shoved the mage forward; sending the poor girl's butt skidding across the dirt; as far from the tentacle as he could get her. With a hard kick, the knight threw himself into a four-point stance; swiping a one-handed axe off the ground as his momentum shifted-- rushing to make a deep slash near to the tentacle's base!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Yes, and they challenged us to pursue them," Ethelred added to Elnith's observation. "They might be trying to lure us into a trap. If so, we at least have some idea which direction to take to find their kin."

Ethelred looked down at the man. The battle was quite brief, and the monsters didn't manage to put up much of a fight. Instead they had opted to flee, treating the entire thing like a game. It one of the reason that Ethelred didn't want to immediately pursue- those little plant creatures were too cheerful and enthusiastic about the prospect of being chased.

The other reason was that they needed to help the Unseelie's victim.

"After, of course, we assist this man. Might someone with warmer hands help him to his feet?" he requested, looking down at the traveler. He was lucky that the knights had come along. Even the lowliest of the Unseelie were cruel beings that delighted in causing others' suffering. He was bashed up a bit, but looked like he should be able to still walk.

"We're knights of Queen Sorcha, come to deal with Unseelie activity in these woods," he answered, now addressing the man. "They've got the nearby village cowed with fear, and from what we've gathered, the fiends have been luring people into the woods with singing at night. Is there anything you can tell us about them that might help in rooting them out? And do you need help getting to safety?"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

In spite of being surrounded by water, her throat felt dry. The protective sigils covering her body had done there job, but only barely. Her underclothing was soaked through, clinging to her body in a rather embarrassing fashion. Thankfully the only witness was blindfolded, and the person banging on the door hopefully wouldn't come barging through it.

"I-I'm fine!"

Her voice, unfortunately, didn't exactly convey that. Hoarse, and showing signs of her exhaustion, Fio stood up shakily, gulping in air. In spite of being completely soaked, she rather felt as if she needed a warm bath.

The Goddess of the Deep Lake. The eye that had fixed upon her.

There was much to think about. But more immediately, she had gained quite a bit of knowledge of the Fomorian and her interactions. The fact that she had been tied to the bizarre-three armed warrior, her name, the actions they'd been undertaking leading up to her capture...

The Sword Witch took a deep breath. If only it didn't feel like her throat was so raw.

She sighed.

"You may be a Fomorian, but starving a prisoner is something only a monster would do," she said, stepping out of the tub. Her bare feet felt cold on the prison floor, all the moreseo due to the water coating her.

She had to dry off and gather her clothing before the person outside barged in...

"... You'll get something to eat, Cethlann," continued Fio, giving the bound Fomorian a sideways glance, "And maybe I'll pass on a request for a specific meal if you tell me just how you tore away that gag."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Tall, eyes like the clear blue sky and irritable?" Luna thought on that for a small bit. "Hmm..." Luna thought on that description for a bit. That sounded like her queen of course, though... The Queen seemed a bit more reasonable than that. Though... Well, it was hard to say. Rather, there was much she didn't know about Queen Sorcha. There were more than enough times that the woman was rather somber and it was hard to point at what exactly it was that made her so. "Airedale has it's eyes everywhere. We have some of the best working there. In fact, your description sounds a lot like our hardest worker, Queen Sorcha." Luna said proudly. "Let me show you that the Knights of her Majesty do not slack in their training!" She took a drink of her alcohol and set it down, taking out her sword and shield ready for a little bout. It would be an honor to be able to give a fight with a warrior from the elves.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nids End

“...Queen Sorcha?” The elf smiled ever so slightly. “I see, well, maybe she’s the one maybe she’s not. I can’t say for certain unless I meet her.” Sarah would smile, earning a cheer from the elves around them and the Fomorian laughed boisterously at the thought of watching another bout. “Alright, but I must tell you, I’m no slouch. With these two hands of mine, a demon that wished to burn our forest was slain. If that would still not deter you,” Sarah would draw her blade, staking her shield on the ground. “Then let us start.”

Sarah wasted no more time. With supernatural speed almost completely invisible to Luna’s eye the elf closed what distance there was between them, both hands gripped on her blade and thrusting forwards right towards Luna’s throat.

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“I see…I think I remember something about a Queen going around claiming the land…” The man replied with a sigh, motioning with his hands as Lugh came over to help him stand. “And no, its alright. I’m rather tired.” He’d take a few quiet moments to gather his thoughts. “You have my thanks regardless. Yes, I’m aware of the village I’m actually from. I was cutting some wood, see, and I heard this beautiful voice asking for help, I think? I don’t remember much, and next thing I know I’m being swarmed by those things and you happened upon me then.” He’d take a seat on a nearby fallen log, rubbing his temples.

“Did this happen…during the day?” Elnith questioned.

“Yes, it happened just after sunrise.” The man replied. “I vaguely remember…a large flower of some sort, but other than that, no, I don’t remember much.”

“Haven’t seen it.” Lugh replied quickly.

“I can’t really point you in any direction, except maybe follow those flowers,” The man said, getting to his feet. “And I think I’ll head back to the village now. No need for an escort, I’ll be fine…probably. S’long as the fey haven’t replaced me with a changeling or something, haha.” He’d rather darkly joke, before starting to walk off back towards the village.

In the direction the little imps had ran, there was indeed what seemed to be some sort of abundance of flowers littered upon the ground. Multiple colored ones, some exotic and sweet smelling in their direction. These definitely weren’t flowers that were common in most parts of albion…

Airedale Forests

“Y-you’re totally mocking me-aaaaah-owowowow!” And skid the mage did, across the forested ground and nearly face planting into a nearby tree. She’d fall over, rolling over face first onto the ground, her white robes completely covered in dirt and grass from the forest now. She’d get to her hands and feet, face red with barely contained rage as she’d turn towards Elias. “Haven’t you ever heard to be gentle with a girls butt! Wait that sounds wrong-gah-you know what I mean you sword wielding beast!”

The tentacle slammed into the ground, crushing the earth and grass beneath it as it’d immediately retract upwards in fear of seeming retaliation. The octopoid appendage, immobile as it was could not avoid the blow that Reinhardt struck forth with - the axe cutting a deep, long gash in its base and spewing blood all over the ground and Reinhardt himself.

In retaliation, the tendril reached down, wrapping its mass around reinhardt in an attempt to crush him with its coils.

Airedale Prison

The voice from behind the door paused for a moment, seemingly in hesitation before it’d call back that if she needed anything, to only ask. It was probably just a simple guard that heard some commotion or otherwise had thought she had taken much too long. Still, perhaps it’d be a good idea to get dressed sooner rather than later.

“Eeeeh? We’re on a first name basis now? Pfft. And here I thought you didn't like me. Yes, I’m Cethlann. Your average every day little Fomorian.” The fomorian responded with her usual grin. “And you are…Fio, yes? I believe I overheard it when we were traveling. Well, Fio, its a good thing you’re not that queen of yours then, heh.” Despite not being able to see or move terribly much still, the Fomorian was tracking the sound of Fio’s movements with her head, slowly turning it to where her footsteps and voice were coming from.

“Hmm, I could tell, I could not…to tell or to not, hm…I get some good food, I lose a secret.” Cethlann seemed to tilt her head back and forth in thought. “Hmm, I think I’ll pass. Besides, if you’re a smarty little witch you’d already know.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Perhaps it was childish, but after her experience in the dreamworld Fio's patience had worn quite thin. Scowling at the bound Fomorian, she dipped one dainty hand into the dub of water and scooped out out, splashing it directly at her. Not much of it even made it to Cethlann, most of it simply splashed on the floor.

But it was enough to get her feelings across, and make her feel somewhat less irritated.

"You bit through the gag," she said, flatly. It was obvious, but the small witch's mind had been elsewhere when she emerged from the pool and so she hadn't even considered it until she was reminded of just how sharp the Fomorian's teeth looked, "It wasn't particularly durable, so with teeth like yours it wasn't an issue. I guess you couldn't stand not being able to speak, could you?"

Then again, she needed to eat as well.

"I'm going to tell them to serve up whatever they feel like, then," she continued, before returning her attention to whoever was beyond the door.

"The prisoner needs food!" she called, as loudly as she could manage when her throat was still sore, "But don't you dare come in until I tell you!"

With her underclothes soaked, her insurance against someone barging in on her had become a liability. Left with no other options, she removed them and set them aside, thankful once again that the Fomorian was blindfolded and there was no way to see into the room from outside, before setting about to locate the nearest object she could dry herself off with.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 6 days ago

Sarah was rather fast wasn't she? Well, that did likely come as a speciality of elves from what she heard through word of mouth. It was almost as if she had teleported. It may have been a duel, but a strike like that would have been deadly regardless. Luna quickly raised her shield and deflected the blow to the side. "I've had my own fair of tough fights. I've cut down more than ten men at once before." Luna mentioned, not to be out-bragged. As she had deflected Sarah's sword aside, she moved one foot forward and thrust her sword at Sarah. She felt that it would not be wise to allow the elf to make distance between each other. She was far quicker than Luna was and there was little chance that she would be allowed to fight on her own terms so she had to make her own chances for victory. "Speedy aren't you, Lady Sarah?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 2 days ago

"There's definitely something strange about those flowers," Ethelred observed. "I've never seen flowers like these in this region, certainly not in such large numbers. "

"They might be more of those plant creatures, lying in wait beneath the surface," he whispered to Elnith and Lugh. "Pleasing colors, pleasing smells, all the elements of a deadly trap. People walk into the flower patch, lured by the voice, and all the sudden the monsters pop out of the ground and swarm them. Could be why those other Unseelie creatures were trying to goad us into chasing them."

"I'm going to put my suspicions to the test. Be ready for a fight," he advised his companions as he approached some of the flowers.

He wasn't going to leave anything to chance. He took his lance and slowly pushed it into the ground where a flower sat, wanting to see if there was indeed a monster hiding down there. Even if it proved to be nothing, if the flower's stem merely led to benign roots instead of a monster's head, he'd move to the next flower, and the next one, poking the ground at each one.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 11 mos ago


The grin cresting the edges of Reinhardt’s face grew ever wider at the sheer rage of the miniscule Magus, "I'm afraid I'm often far too busy to familiarize myself with the proper treatment of girl's butts."

As the tentacle reached down to grasp at him, Reinhardt's body twisted; his foot slamming into the ground as a molten glow suffused his chest. In a fluid motion-- Elias swung the blade of his axe upward as he attempted to launch himself back from the tentacle's reach!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nids End

“My teacher taught well.” Sarah quickly swatted the blade aside with her own, a strong arm completely overpowering Luna’s own strength. Unfortunately, being this close to the elf made clear the difference in perhaps not skill, but definite training made itself apparent. Perhaps creating some distance would have been a good idea, because at this range Luna could barely keep up with the elf.

Before Luna could even react, the elf had slammed her fist right into Luna’s chest, the strength of the blow knocking the air out of the other knight as she brought her blade down in an attempt to bring it to the other knights neck.

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

Elnith nodded, readying her sword silently. Lugh would do much the same, eagerly making a poking motion with his own spear. So Lugh would approach the flower patch, stabbing the ground near the first flower with his spear. Ice began forming around the hole, chilling and freezing the rest of the flowerbed…but no monster, if they were here, would make movement.

He’d do this again and again, with one or two more flower beds with similar results. It wouldn’t be until he was a bit further in, would something change. A flower bed just a bit out of sight, deeper in the forest.

What he would have noticed as he’d work through the flower beds, is that they were somewhat oddly shaped, not just possessing odd flowers. Almost as though they weren’t natural beds, rather something made them. It would be this, coupled with the discovery as he pulled his lance out of a final flower bed that would put a rather disturbing image together.

A human arm, still somewhat fleshy but intertwined with roots and colorful flowers, would be pulled out of the ground, impaled on the tip of his lance. The flower beds were roughly shaped, perhaps as though someone had simply laid down to sleep and hadn’t got back up again.

“...there’s a cat.” Lugh would comment, not having been paying too much attention to Ethelred’s deforestation attempts. Indeed, there was a cat. It was perched on the branch of a nearby tree for some reason.

Airedale Forests

“...I’m gonna murder you myself!” The mage shouted, completely red faced out of both embarrassment and anger. “If that tentacle doesn’t, I’m gonna kill you myself you hear!”

Reinhardt’s quick action managed to avoid the tentacles grasp from crushing and squeezing him, the blade of the axe just barely grazing the underside of the tentacle leaving another deep gash in its flesh. Annoyed and now bleeding profusely, it would lash out in a fluid motion of its own, its slamming grab transitioning into a powerful sweep, aiming to try and knock Reinhardt off his feet.

Airedale Prison

“Aren’t you just sooo smart.” Cethlann replied with an eye roll. Well, it sounded like she did. She was still blindfolded so it couldn’t be for certain. “Now how about that foo-wuh, hey, wow I knew you were short but I didn’t realize you were that childish. As a witch, you should be more mature.” Cethlann replied with a huff, trying to shake her head a bit to make any water droplets that had gotten on her forehead fly off.

There was an audible confirmation from the other side of the door as whoever had been knocking left Fio with the prisoner.

Unfortunately for Fio, there was very little in the way of provisions or things to dry oneself off with in the prison. At least, not in the cell holding area. Didn’t want anything left laying about a prisoner could potentially use to escape. This just left the fomorian’s own clothes. Specifically, her rather odd if comfortable looking jacket. The only other thing she may be able to use were some rough, old sacks that were laying folded on a desk not far away.

This was made somewhat more annoying by the fact, she could have probably asked whoever was on the other side to bring an extra set of clothes too.

“So, what did you learn about little old me from invading my privacy? Learn my deepest secrets? Maybe my favorite way to cook a human? Or are you going to keep me in the dark so I can languish away here, slowly losing my sanity in this dark prison all bundled up unable to move?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ethelred was clearly incorrect about his theory. As he withdrew his lance from a flower and beheld an impaled human arm, however, he realized that there was indeed quite a horrifying secret to these flowers.

I think I may have found what's left of the missing villagers.

Just as he was examining this disturbing find, Lugh voiced his observation of a cat. The Frozen Knight almost immediately dropped what he was doing and turned to where Lugh was looking. Indeed, there was a cat sitting on a nearby tree branch. Normally this might be something not worth paying attention to, but with everything else they had seen in and around this macabre flower bed, its presence was awfully suspicious.

"What an odd sight. A cat, here among the Unseelie beasts and flowery grave. Just what are you?" he asked as he approached the feline, his eyes narrowing beneath his helmet. He probably looked silly, questioning a cat, but he didn't trust this thing. If he was wrong, if this was just an ordinary animal, it still would be worth observing closely.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 6 days ago

The wind knocked out of her, Luna threw her shield up to parry away the blow going for her neck. Her voice couldn't even crack a note to say, "So I can see" in response to the elf's claim about her teacher. Luna was many thing, and stubborn was one. It ached her, but Luna fought back with all she had. Something in the overwhelming strength from the elf awoke a desire in her to want to win. So strive for it she did, though she doubted she would at this rate. Whatever Sarah would do next would likely end the duel, but Lunalel Lightsword would not sit down and just let it happen if she could help it.

Glaring toward Sarah, blocking the blade aimed for her neck Luna dropped the sword from her hand and grabbed Sarah's wrist before she could fully retract the hand and pulled her in close before rearing her head back, gritting her teeth putting a foot toward her and ramming her head forward to meet her opponent's. As their head' connected, it hurt a small bit for Luna, but really, it was no worse than having the air knocked out of her. She followed up by slamming her shield into the elf's chest to stun her enough to be able to pick her weapon back up and swing up at Sarah.
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