Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

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"The people of the Empire have no national spirit, they have only family and clan solidarity. Without the Empire or its most illustrious rulers - the Kazymovs, the Azaryans, the Zyriazis - they are only a heap of loose sand.

The Others of the Galaxy - within, without, and beyond the light of our Empire Eternal - are the carving knife and serving dish, while we are the meat and dressing."

— Dr. Iriya Muzaev


Hey, everyone! Yam here back at it again with yet another annual post-winter rush RP.

Mekhanauts is a military science-fiction RP inspired by works such as BattleTech, Dune, UnderRail, and Aposimz. It's intended to take some of the out-there tropes of hard, cold, facts-based science fiction, and with the introduction of fantastic and unearthly developments of the farther-than-perceivable future, all in a Gothic Realist subtext.

It's a blend of realism and fantasy means that the characters are developed as true to what they would be in the real world while they are place in situations that are completely supernatural. To put it simply, Gothic Realism is about how real people react in unreal situations.

To that end, Mekhanauts combines real, hard sci-fi concepts with the fantastic, combining and reconfiguring what can be known and what cannot be - until coalesced into one, syncretic faith: The Religion of Science, conjoined into what is referred to now as, "wisdom".

You are members of one of the uncountable numbers of warlord states in this fractured Imperium. Not as commanders nor bureaucrats, but as common people thrust unto their positions as the backbone upon which a new Empire shall be construed. You fight under the banner of the Admiralty-Governor Khorchidian - Lord of Kyzyl-Dash and heir-claimant to Sirius - common soldiers fighting over the fate of the Empire. There are countless warlord states, all claiming to be the true adherents and successors to Sirius, and Khorchidian is no different from the rest. But, you have a job to do, and your objections, aspirations, or motivations to be here may very well not matter to him one bit: He is still supplying you to do a job - with a large degree of autonomy to boot - is he not?


The Sirian Empire - which has ruled over near all-Mankind for close to six millennia - has found itself broken and scarred. Her children lord over their petty leftovers, where they bicker over the succession that was the Great Galactic War. The Milky Way Galaxy of Mekhanauts is a place of unbridled heroism with horrid acts and rectification of its structures, until one reaches reconciliation or apathy.

A majority of Mekhanauts' influences come from various older, more fantastical epic science fiction: It combines Dune's multilayered interactions with ecology, politics, religion, and emotion with the intrigue, fusion of science and magic into one entity of UnderRail. Mekhanaut's main nomenclature is of Kazakh, Armenian, Greek, and Slavic (Primarily Russian, Ukrainian, and Serbian) origin, fusing together old mysticism and legends of West and Central Asia with the cautious coolness of retro sci-fi. The world of Mekhanauts is as much of an operator of "Rule of Cool" as it is a cautionary tale of romanticism of empire and historical phoenixism.

Society in the 96th century is incredibly fractured, and drastically different from our own. A total coalescence into something that can be called "Imperial Culture" is, by all means, impossible. The Empire is a collection of thousands of worlds and even more floating colonies. Every world and colony contains hundreds of languages of various families and trees and countless more clans, and it is only by the tenuous connections of its upper strata has the Empire developed anything close to a coherent culture. Many even from the same world do not speak the same mother tongue as one another: It is only through Salchak - a trade language that remains only barely standardized enough to allow for some degree of mutual intelligibility throughout the wider galaxy - that any are able to even speak to one another. Even this is, from time to time, assisted by the utility of psyonik power to accentuate words or feelings, incorporating the necessity of psyoniks into language itself.

Slavery has always been a topic of incredibly nebulous legal tenure within the Empire. Slavery was never de jure legal within the borders of the Empire, but the practice had never been formally outlawed and persisted throughout the perpetuation of various indenturement and caste systems, which had transpired into may forms of coercive control - de facto allowing slavery. While most people who existed as various forms of property in this sense have had certain protections against them in the case of outright abuse or negligence, the hard fact of the matter was that the effectual enforcement of any of these rights were simply far too diffuse to realistically control - there were far too many planets and not enough infrastructure to effectively police these actions.

Many warlords - and Imperial Lordships before them - insist on the mass-creation of vat-cloned persons through the gene-banks of so-called "martial castes", where they are typically drilled from young annual age to fight for their creators', or otherwise are contracted out for mercenary service at hefty cost. Their freedom of movement is severely restricted, and their opportunities and knowledge are far removed from anything that is not combat-related. For all practical intents and purposes, they exist as the property of their creatives. Many local administrators believe that agrarian or industrial lifestyles has made a large part of the galactic population simply unfit for military service or warfare of any kind. Even with optimistic reforms, this belief is so wide-spread and well-entrenched in some regions of the galaxy that it would require at least a generation to overcome.

Juggernauts - great machines of war which have beared the brunt of thousands of conflicts across centuries of galactic warfare - are your companions, and you the eponymous "Mekhanaut". Juggernauts are war incarnate - towering machines that advance forwards with thunderous strides, bolts of war roaring from the weapons at their disposal, while connected to their core by their pilot's Psyonik Tether. They are terrifying combatants, fighting with all the skill and ferocity of a fully-fledged warrior as though they were moving their very own body, but combined with the durability and firepower of a main battle tank.

Juggernauts are not, however, simple machines. Though the continuous bond and the residual operation within each and every Core they posses, Juggernauts grow to possess a being all their own. Many Juggernaut suits are decades old, if not centuries, and have long grown to harbor their own sentience and persona. All but the most recent of Juggernauts develop what is a Spectre - a being that is unto itself another essence within the fusion of man, mind, and machine. To operate a juggernaut is no simple task as it is to drive a car or to steer a spacecraft, for each Juggernaut comes to bewitch their own senses of desire and self-preservation. They have their own intelligence - even if they are usually not capable of prolonged speech, but all operators know that, to a Juggernaut, they shall act far before they ever speak.

It is far from uncommon for old Juggernauts to be able to comprehend long-extinct languages from centuries or millennia ago, the result of far-lasting bonds between their former operators and their shared experience. Even the nature that they still stand is testament to their odds to their operators at times: While a nuclear blast or a solar pulsar might fry an operator inside until all that is recovered is a melted biological sludge, the Juggernaut often survives intact.

There is little more rewarding than to be a skilled juggernaut operator. Apropos riding a great dragon or tumultuous stallion into battle, moments between total control and no control.

Z Y U N - A Y R A Q

At the intersection of several Enkoispace routes, the Ayg'hri (Аъгхрі) System at first glance seems to be an unassuming place - only home to some artificial colonies and small mining operations. In such an unassuming system belies the gem of Zyun-Araq.

She is a frigid, terrestrial planet, the fifth from her star and possessive of one thin set of rings and four moons. The majority of her surface is of a cold desert climate, rocky and with hot, dry summer periods followed by long, cold, freezing nights, and only broken up by a strip of temperate steppe at her equatorial region. She is habitable - just barely - through the efforts of timely adaptation and ingenious architecture. Her indigenous aliens are an amphibious ilk - though primitive compared to us, they are a hardy and perceptive peoples, and pick up on new concepts very quickly. They have built little of a civilization for themselves, and have bequeathed themselves to their ancestral lifestyles as subjects beneath the Empire.

Zyun-Ayraq has also found herself home to another flock - followers of old, Earthian Abrahamic religion: We know them as Avrakhans, and for as long as there has been a good Empire have they constantly been a thorn in the side of the good nature of Azvari and the Empire. The Avrakhans are a largely nomadic sort, traveling the vast reaches of the planet in single-file caravans of yak-like creatures they call "ghurts". They were long ago sent here to earn off their continuous debt to the Empire as well as to allow them to provide the Galaxy with an invaluable service.

Indeed, they both guard something of far greater value on Zyun-Ayraq.

Sozyak seeds are unassuming things - they are bumpy, black or slate spheres with tiny, pink-lined ridges. Each is barely the size of a ball bearing, and possess a distinct gritty, saltine taste to them when eaten raw. They are hardy things, capable of surviving under deep snow and ice, where they thrive in the rapid melting periods of Zyun-Ayraq's hot seasons.

And each Sozyak seed contains enormous amounts of DELTA - the most potent psyonik drug known, and has provided the overwhelming bulk of facilitation of psyonik power throughout most of history. Its use in both biological and mechanical applications for astral travel is far too omnipresent to every truly undersell. From these tiny seeds is the DELTA within extracted and refined into various psyonik powders and reagents, from industrial-grade Enkoinine meant to be churned and thrown by the barrel-full into Enkoimetic Astrogation Computers to Desat psy-drugs that open minds to peer into the threads of time and space themselves. From these inoccuous black-and-pink dots from the backwaters of the Galaxy are they shipped off by the tonne, where they are heated and crushed and titrated and blended where they supernova in value. It is no understatement to say that the known universe's navigation relies on DELTA - Whoever controls the manufacture of DELTA controls galactic space travel.

This unassuming planet harbors the one of the keys to intergalactic travel and psytek, and has carved for herself a place as the Galaxy's seedy trading post. Her moons shelter smugglers and traders from all corners, all hoping to nudge in on the lucrative trade of Sozyak. It is imperative to anyone in the Southern Galactic Hemisphere - so close to the old position of Sirius - to control the segment and with it the tide of the great struggle.

But DELTA must flow. No matter the cost.


Your mission is the pacification of Zyun-Ayraq. The overall control over the planet is essential for the continued operations of the war's progression, and the control over Zyun-Ayraq's strategic position and its Sozyak production is essential.

You are, however, far from alone in this goal: Already several warlords and rivals have begun to stake operating bases on Zyun-Ayraq. We cannot accurately assess their total strength or influence on Zyun-Ayraq, but their influence over the control and production of Sozyak is likely a tremendous source of their income - one that we must appropriate at once.

The locals have also not been the...most cooperative. Many of them erroneously believe that, because the authority on Sirius has been called into question, that rules and laws somehow do not apply to them. The Avrakhans have a considerable sway over the cultivation and production of Sozyak as it stands. It was believed that - by giving these cultists a token goodwill measure and shipping them off to this frigid lands to forever and put themselves to greater utility to all Humankind than to stand idly and preach their horrendously antiquated scripture - this small act might allow some of these Avrakhans to be appeased with the idea of relative self-governance while producing an invaluable commodity to our Empire. Alas - it seems that, as the old saying goes, if you give a rat a biscuit, it shall ask next time for the entire pantry.

Your top priority, above all else, is the security of Sozyak production and the total control of Zyun-Ayraq. All other means are secondary, and you and your comrades are free to pacify the planet as you see fit.

We are likewise on something of a tight schedule: Our leader, the Admiralty-Governor Khorchidian - Lord of Kyzyl-Dash and heir-claimant to Sirius - is highly expectant of our success. It has been made clear in no uncertain terms that, once our mission is complete and the planet secure, that His Majesty expects total control to be transferred to his jurisdiction (Or warlordship - whichever you prefer).
Of course, when this is all said and done and Zyun-Ayraq is under our control, we might have something to say about that...


// Thanks to @GN FOREVER for the format.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Ayo! I'm keen to get down on this.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

Member Seen 3 mos ago

You've successfully bullied me into this on Discord.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

You've successfully bullied me into this on Discord.

You're welcome
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I am here for this.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Smike


Member Seen 15 hrs ago

I might be up for this but it depends on how this week shakes out, just dropping a very tentative tag
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 1 day ago

Totally excited for this, even if it's out of my usual interest pool. I'm here for it if there's not too many players for my small brain to keep up with :p
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

@Bartimaeus@Smike@Stern Algorithm Great - glad to have you all aboard!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

All about the lore in this pitch, so very interested!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wikkit
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wikkit hi

Member Seen 18 days ago

This is very interesting. I need to consider being able to join because of other commitments but consider me a tentative 'yes'.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Fiber


Member Seen 7 days ago

I am interested.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bork Lazer
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Bork Lazer Struggle On

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mekhanauts is a military science-fiction RP

inspired by works such as BattleTech



But DELTA must flow. No matter the cost.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Thanks for all the interest so far all!

As i've mentioned in it, the creation for your Juggernauts is sort of CYOA-styled. I've gotten most of the creation panels done - I mostly only need to finish up all the Subsystem cards as well as all the Weapon cards.

In the meantime, feel free to browse through what's finished - there will be a full explanation sheet for how everything works in the OOC, but before then don't be afraid to ask questions!
@Bork Lazer@Fiber@wikkit@Abstract Proxy@Bartimaeus@Stern Algorithm@BCTheEntity@Smike@TheEvanCat

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I will do a thing.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I am curious to know more about keepers and Azvanrism in general. Like can a keeper become a juggernaut pilot or vice versa? I like playing religious characters, so I'm thinking of a character who is androgynous and very much in touch with their juggernaut's spectre. One of their specialties would be theology and interfaith dialogue, which might make diplomacy with the Avrakhans more of an option.

Also, are funnel-type weapons (remote-controlled drones) going to be allowed?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

I am curious to know more about keepers and Azvanrism in general. Like can a keeper become a juggernaut pilot or vice versa? I like playing religious characters, so I'm thinking of a character who is androgynous and very much in touch with their juggernaut's spectre. One of their specialties would be theology and interfaith dialogue, which might make diplomacy with the Avrakhans more of an option.

Keepers in the majority of Azvanrist sects are more kept as spiritual figures than they are in active roles - it's something that's dependent on local cultures and the exact nature of their upbringing. And though it wouldn't really be too out of it for a mekh operator to turn over a new leaf as a keeper as a religious experience, there's usually a stiff layer of economic and social calcification that keep a lot of people from doing so. Likewise depending on how long they were on that exact path, forsaking being a keeper could range from anything to a young devotee deciding (or getting persuaded) that they're not cut out for this whole monasticism thing to basically outright apostasy/excommunication. Owing to the nature of the "space feudalist" structure that the Empire has had there's only really a lot of social mobility on a local scale - anything that involves multiple planets is very much sealed-in.

In general, though, Keepers do maintain a similar role as there would be to, say, clergy in most militaries: That is, an important part of the maintenance of morale and as supportive roles, but not anywhere near the direct up-and-front fighting. This being said, it wouldn't be entirely out of the picture for a keeper to pilot a juggernaut...though it would be considered highly unusual, like how if the army base's Chaplin decided he was going to be a helicopter pilot for a day.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the goals of adherence and that of role as a keeper aren't mutually exclusive: "Keeper" as the term itself refers to a specific societal role that's in many ways part caste, part profession, and part lifelong journey. Think of it more as a dedicated monk.

Though, it's not to say that you must be a keeper in order to maintain or display that show of faith in androgyny. People throughout the Empire can and do present themselves in androgynous forms as to communicate their devotion to Azvanrism all the time, and i'd even go as far as to say it wouldn't be out of the question to say it's even a cultural norm on some planets' local societies.

There's still a good number of religious minorities all around the Empire and there's just not enough infrastructure or frankly care to clamp down on them all: Persecutions in the Sirian Empire were usually political and the religious aspect of trying to defend or push the faith typically came later. Really big influences - like the aforementioned Avrakhans - were usually the prime suspects because they put the stability of the Empire into question with clashing values and different collectives in things like churches, banks, common houses, soup kitchens, and so forth that they powers that be saw as potentially dangerous breeding grounds for insurrection. But if you're just some guy in his house praying to some obscure God in private then nobody will probably care. It's when you start Secret Society-ing that where the Empire does not fuck around.

Also, are funnel-type weapons (remote-controlled drones) going to be allowed?

I had a few of them written down, yeah. In general if someone has an idea for something - be it a part, weapon, subsystem, etc - then i'll allow it and draft something up for them.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This has successfully gotten my interest, I dig a good mecha game

I have a question, for melee weapons, could I give my mech a Pilebunker?

Second edit, for my mech can I throw in L and R leg modifications and a few design quirks to explain some of the machine's properties?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

I have a question, for melee weapons, could I give my mech a Pilebunker?

I actually did have something similar to that already in mind for a default weapon card: It's called a Thermic Lance and it operates on a similar principle, using a two-stage warhead to pierce directly into armour in the same way.

The weapon cards are meant to be archetypical, anyway: You can flavour them however you please with things like make, model, caliber, etc.

Second edit, for my mech can I throw in L and R leg modifications and a few design quirks to explain some of the machine's properties?

Tell me what you had in mind and I can give you some better pointers

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tell me what you had in mind and I can give you some better pointers

Was thinking like, hyperextending leg actuators, reverse jointed legs, and talon-like feet for usage in melee combat. I plan to make a highly melee focused build.

The weapon cards are meant to be archetypical, anyway: You can flavour them however you please with things like make, model, caliber, etc.

Oh so I can just... Design my own weapons, throw them at you, and see if they fit?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Was thinking like, hyperextending leg actuators, reverse jointed legs, and talon-like feet for usage in melee combat. I plan to make a highly melee focused build.

Yeah, those work fine, especially for a Raptor chassis. Most Juggernauts we've drawn in early art are built upon a swivelling hip, so they can turn a full 360° irrespective of their legs' cardinality.

Oh so I can just... Design my own weapons, throw them at you, and see if they fit?

If they're like, markedly different than any of the defaults then sure. If it's "close enough" in size and concept to a pre-existing weapon card then i'll just say you can use the stats of that card for the purpose of your sheet and then you can flavour it however you wish. But if it's just something I never got around to making and you have an idea for it, pitch it to me and we'll work something out.

Again - tell me what you have in mind and we can go from there
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