The Overhead
Mass Effect: Harpocrates is a series of stories set in the Mass Effect universe starting in 2183, three years before the devastating invasion of the Milky Way by the threat that will come to be known as the Reapers. Optimistically, the storylines presented will gradually take us through and past the events of the Reaper Invasion.
Players will create individuals who have been recruited as part of a response team tasked with operations that range from search and rescue, investigation, subterfuge, and more.
Players will create individuals who have been recruited as part of a response team tasked with operations that range from search and rescue, investigation, subterfuge, and more.
How Did We Get Involved In This?
This is the question that all six members of the Harpocrates Initiative will be asking themselves sooner or later.
Your character is a specialist. A person who has spent their life trying to figure things out and as a byproduct obtained an assortment of skills that make them one of the very best at what they do and generally being the best at what they do gets guns pointed at them. Often. For one reason or another, your character is either in dire straits or consistently unhappy in whatever that current situation they are in and are receptive to getting a job offer–a discreet, low information job offer in their inbox from the ExoGeni Corporation, a interstellar company headquartered on Eden Prime. It is a curious one, given the peculiarities of the offer to meet with the chief CEO of the company as soon as possible. It doesn’t take long for them to be on route to Eden Prime within days of the message.
The offer, as it turns out, is on a “need-to-know” basis. NDA’s are signed. ExoGeni has a dire situation about an attacked facility of theirs. They need a response team that goes beyond their current operatives and one that is away from the eyes of accountability of both the Systems Alliance and any other governing body. Your character, being an independent contractor, is offered the job of a lifetime but it is also riskier than anything they’ve ever encountered before. Something about the job compels them to say yes beyond the pay. It isn’t long before they are suiting up for a job with five other people. Five other specialists.
And so it begins.
Your character is a specialist. A person who has spent their life trying to figure things out and as a byproduct obtained an assortment of skills that make them one of the very best at what they do and generally being the best at what they do gets guns pointed at them. Often. For one reason or another, your character is either in dire straits or consistently unhappy in whatever that current situation they are in and are receptive to getting a job offer–a discreet, low information job offer in their inbox from the ExoGeni Corporation, a interstellar company headquartered on Eden Prime. It is a curious one, given the peculiarities of the offer to meet with the chief CEO of the company as soon as possible. It doesn’t take long for them to be on route to Eden Prime within days of the message.
The offer, as it turns out, is on a “need-to-know” basis. NDA’s are signed. ExoGeni has a dire situation about an attacked facility of theirs. They need a response team that goes beyond their current operatives and one that is away from the eyes of accountability of both the Systems Alliance and any other governing body. Your character, being an independent contractor, is offered the job of a lifetime but it is also riskier than anything they’ve ever encountered before. Something about the job compels them to say yes beyond the pay. It isn’t long before they are suiting up for a job with five other people. Five other specialists.
And so it begins.
Basically the jist. Trying to see if anyone is up for this. In a Mass Effect mood. Blame people. Declare interest people.

Interested Parties:
- @Lady Lascivious
- @Mao Mao
- @Heat
- @Supermaxx
- @Theyra
- @KaiserElectric
- @Fading Memory
- @Drag