Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Lucile “Lucy” O’Connor

Lucy shrugged her shoulders, thinking that all of that sounded very good. But not something she was particularly excited for. The mouse in her pocket suggested she could take a break and have some fun. “But I have to find my family and….give some payback to those bastards that hurt me…” Lucy communicated all of this mentally to her rat buddy. Reading the minds of the others, she was mildly disturbed by the images of Bai Yue’s mind. Feeling nauseous trying to figure out what she’s thinking. She had to quickly jump to the mind of Vincent. Which included him fighting a bunch of people, and weirdly enough dogs that were playing around the battlefield.

What have I gotten myself into.” She thought shaking her head. The people in the truck could prove useful to her mission. “So why are you guys going to Eureka City?” She finally asked. From what she had gathered reading their minds, it seems most of them were on the run. With various degrees of magical or superhuman abilities. Although she was not going to reveal more about herself just yet.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Eli's mind, although a little chaotic sometimes, was usually a semi-happy place. He took pleasure in the little thing, the fun of standing up on the truck as it moved, the wind in his hair, the little nicknames he gave people. At that time, his mind was stuck on the theme parks. Which rides would Vinnie agree to go on? Getting candy floss for Lele and funnelcake with Rey. It was clear most of his thoughts were of his friends, though occasionally there was a flash. An angry, stony face of an older man in a lab coat telling Eli just how disappointed he was.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

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Asa sat in the back of the pickup truck, partially slumped over in his seat. He had spent most of the night reading a medical text that Audrey had convinced him to loot from a bookstore in the last town the ragtag group had stopped in. It was a newer edition, meaning it had some updates then the ones he had in University. Unfortunately, Asa had got too much into the text book, and was now paying the price of staying up all night. Asa had fallen into a deep sleep.

The Water Elemental had been asleep in the truck for the past several hours, snoring softly. Sitting in his lap was his robotic companion TQ-58, better known as Tiku. The small medical assistant bot was in active mode, but was unmoving as he wasn’t needed for any medical emergencies currently. Its optics only slightly moved when the truck pulled to the side of the road to pick up a hitchhiker.

Deciding that a potential new companion was important, Tiku turned to the sleeping Asa. Reaching over with a robotic limb, Tiku delivered a weak level shock to the Water Elemental. The brief jolt made Asa immediately open his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Asa asked groggily.

“We have someone new,” stated Tiku.

Asa turned to the young woman sitting across from him, her platinum hair shimmering in the sunlight coming through the truck window. It wouldn’t be the first time they had picked up a hitchhiker in the few months that Asa had been traveling in this van, but the hitchhikers never lasted long. Usually they would jump ship by the next major city.

Asa figured that this woman would be no different as apparently they were headed to Eureka City, at least according to the conversation going on in the front of the vehicle. Asa wasn’t really familiar with the city, just knowing that it had a big theme park. The discussion going on around him also seemed to show that the theme park was the point of interest for the gang.

Asa then turned to the hitchhiker, “I’m Asa. Are you also headed for Eureka City?”

“He doesn’t know because he was sleeping,” piped in Tiku, “I think it was awfully rude.”

Asa glared at the medical support robot. In the years they had spent together, Tiku had begun to develop a distinct personality, one that wasn’t always kind to the Water Elemental. And yet the robot was the closest thing Asa had to a best friend. It was kind of messed up, even to the Water Elemental himself.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 7 days ago

"Well well, look who's finally awake" she said "someone enjoyed themselves last night." Giving a smirk that could charm the skin off of a snake, she laid her arm on the side of the truck. "That book must be pretty interesting, knew you'd like it." With the matter of the book, the conversation started with Asa staring at the book like a child at the candy store and her "convincing" him to grab it by starting an altercation with a random guy about inappropriate touching. She still felt bad for that one, but anything to help one of her friends. "Don't worry tiku, he'll have plenty of time to catch up on the long ride there." She snidly mentioned with a smile.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ever Faithful
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Matilda Armstrong

Money. The world just can't get enough of it. Credit Cards and Checks? Don't need them. Matilda's wallet is empty save for her driver's license from Massachusetts. Given her powers, she can simply pay any thief to leave her alone. Not that she wants to be alone. Even among a full crowd at the theme park in Eureka City, Matilda can't help but feel even more lost and isolated. She was here for a good time! The tickets weren't cheap after all.

That was a lie.

$25 is but a spare penny to her. The five dollar bills, as clean as if freshly printed without a single tear or wrinkle in sight, appeared in her hand as quickly as thinking. Unfortunately, the theme park only looked fun from the outside. Sweaty bodies and the stench of beer assaulted her senses. It was nothing like the extravagant galas and social parties her parents would drag her to all throughout New York City and Washington Capitol. With crude words and ill-fitting clothes from the people around her, Matilda felt more out of place, her attire was opulent but extremely modest, a courtesy from home.

Regardless, she let her feet lead her to whatever destination entails. Perhaps something different can occur today.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ordsmed
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Thuly found a lot of comfort in the random and not so random chitchat buzzing around the car. The young girl felt most at ease when she could blend into the background. Her looks had gotten her too much unwanted attention too often. That always led to Thuly having to use her power. And that always led to Thulile running her socks off, to get away from the authorities. Slumping in her seat, Thuly mused about all this.

Staring dreamingly in the distance her eyes suddenly focused on the newest pick up. ‘Lucy…’, she reminded herself. As her dark eyes took in the thin girl, the back of her head started to itch. Looking away Thulile wondered what that meant. Her deep connection with her more instinctive nature told her that this Lucy had set off an alarm within her aura. ’But how? She didn’t move from her spot. What did she do?’ Unsure, the curly head tried to figure out, whether she’d sensed it correctly. Stealing another glance at Lucy she noted that the sensation of earlier didn’t return. With a sigh Thuly gave up on her train of thought. She resigned herself to just keeping an eye on the newcomer.

Their truck finally closed on their destination. Thuly’s little nose wrinkled as it was assaulted by sweet and hearty scents. One of those smelled like she’d always imagined cotton candy to smell. Straightening up in her seat, Thulile murmured: “Almost there! Let’s go!”

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The truck, after a few hours, had finally arrived at Eureka Town. The town was full of sweet scents and with the sounds of laughter and screaming, and, despite it nearing evening, had plenty of people eager and willing to ride the many roller coasters and other rides that were all in and around the town.

The truck had come to a stop near one of the towns' many hotels, though this one looked a bit more dilapidated than the rest. The streetlights also shone just as bright as the peoples' many phones lighting up the sky, but not all of them had phones, and some looked almost transparent.

Speaking of rides, the largest roller coaster had finished its latest ride, with the people who were on it just seconds ago being ushered to the side by the ride's host instead of making them make way for the latest passengers, with the previous passengers following the host away from the roller coaster, and a new host popping up at the ride just seconds later.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Vincent pulled the old truck into the parking lot of a run-down hotel. He had no trouble staying at a dilapidated place like this, having often slept on the street without a roof over his head. As far as he was concerned, any place with a bed was heaven. He shut the engine off and said, "Alright, guys, we're here. Unless anyone has any better ideas, this is where we're staying while we're here, so don't forget where we're at."

He climbed out of the truck and stretched his arms over his head. He didn't mind long drives, but he didn't quite care for the stiffness that came with them. He took in the sweet scents wafting through the evening air, the sounds of joyful screaming from the amusement park as patrons enjoyed the thrill rides. As much as he wanted to check out the park, he let out a sigh and turned toward the truck. "If you guys wanna check out the park, I'll catch up with you in a bit. I noticed the truck was making a weird sound when we got into town, so I'm gonna see if I can't get it fixed while I've got the chance."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by EmiliaBaiYue
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Bai Yue

Checked the place out first as a small bird illusion as she used her control of air to fly above and around the old motel her mind already creating a map as she plotted her later ground reconnaissance. The ground portion accomplished as a fluffy poodle
Being seen as a dog was often a mixed bag and today was one of those days as she spotted two of the local feral dogs making a beeline right at her so she ran into culvert and they chased her. What happened inside the .75 meter concrete pipe would be a story the two huge mutts would tell their friends to the end of their days if dogs tell tales.
There they were chasing an interloper an had it cornered in the tunnel and as they rushed in snarling they heard a rumbling so deep they felt it in their bones and there before them was the biggest cat they had ever see, so big it nearly filled the tunnel wall to wall. Next it roared a sound that caught perhaps a nearby homeless or if you could call them apartment dweller's attention an as it happened just once they couldn't back up the dogs wild story if dogs tell tells. They roar was at the right frequency to display the bass of so large a creature's chest but it was the hiss that sent both tumbling back as if a invisible hand swatted them adding another strange sound to the local air the two defenders making a hasty retreat.
A few minutes later the cute poodle continued her patrol her only trouble some creepy guy that kept following her whistling like she was some sort of dog. So she could loose him as soon as she rounded a corners she became a large patch of weeds in lot covered in weeds the poodle crossing the road to a truck with an open door, she made sure the guy saw the dog an truck leave an was pleased he acted as expected.
Free of her tail she walked into the motel office as Ying Quan a young anthropologist doing a social audit she could bore even perverts to sleep with her dry lesson on life exptency, happiness index, schooling chances and mean grade income being another insult to free men an women mostly women. The old lady she saw behind the desk was sweet to her an asked few questions so Bai yue paid her in real cash she'd picked up in a liquor store a few days past.
Then she went looking for the others again as a bird only this time as a large raven.

(Let me know if you are curious to rp with me by saying you see the raven)
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Lucile “Lucy” O’Connor

Yes, I am going to meet some family members.” This was a semi-truthful lie, she was hoping to find her family in Eureka City. However she was not going to do anything pleasant with them, she wanted information no matter the cost. And hopefully, from talking to her parents, she could get information on those who experimented on her. She really did not have time to spend time messing around. “But you could have fun at the amusement park, I think you deserve to have some fun.” The rat spoke up looking up at Lucy. The girl thought that yes perhaps she should enjoy herself, but her mind was set on revenge.

Perhaps but I can’t be wasting time by going on rides and the like.” Arguing her point, but relenting, as she hates disappointing her rat friend. “I guess I could enjoy one ride, and just ONE.” Lucy said now petting the rat’s head. As the truck stopped, Lucy got out and started taking in her surroundings. This was the first thing she had been to an amusement park in real life, she had mostly seen one in books. Walking over towards a crane game, searching through her pockets for any change. She could not find any loose change. “Damn.” Cursing under her breath, she walked away and towards one of the rides. Her eyes looked over at the others, wondering what rides they would be going to. But she easily got her answer by reading their minds.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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Eureka City. A tourist trap of rides and greasy carnival food. It smelled like sweat and runny sunscreen where Haylen was, walking through the crowds and lines waiting to get on a ride or two. He had a baseball cap on and a pair of sunglasses over his face, and walked slowly, but steadily. Haylen's eyes flicked from one place to another, looking for the negative spaces; areas that weren't crowded or even being paid attention to, or anywhere that he could slip away behind a door were important right now. This carnival being this packed meant that people would easily miss Haylen in the crowd, but it also meant that the place was full of people who would miss a few dollars in the chaos. But Haylen wasn't about to start snatching wallets, no. He was looking for a place with a cash register behind a wall, somewhere quiet that wasn't getting as much foot traffic.

As he paced through the carnival, he eventually at one of the stands on the far side from the entrance. A popcorn stand with a sign that said "On break." Perfect. Ensuring that no one was around to notice, Haylen slipped behind the counter and stared into the inner working of the cash register.

It was child's play to coerce the simple machine into opening up, and he discreetly started pulling money out.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 7 days ago

After what seemed like (and actually was) hours, they had finally arrived in Eureka town. Audrey stricken with stiffness that would make a corpse jealous hopped out of the truck bed and stretched as much as she could. "Finally, as much as I love driving around in "luxury", that flatbed is about as comfortable as a slab of stone" she said. As far as the sleeping arrangements were concerned, it wouldn't have been her first choice, but Vincent had a point. Unless they wanted to sleep on the streets, this would have to do. "I guess it's not the WORST place we've stayed" she commented. "As long as they have showers" Audrey caught a whiff of herself while stretching and was offended by the smell. It had been a few days and places to bathe were not exactly in abundance on the road. But for now it was time for some fun and most importantly it was time for some funnel cake
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Member Seen 6 days ago

The moment the truck stopped, Eli jumped out off the back of the truck and stretched out. "Oh thank fuck for that! I love that truck but damn it's uncomfy." He turned to look at Vinnie. "If I can find us a good one, wanna trade in the pick up for an RV? Since our little band keeps growing and all?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by EmiliaBaiYue
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Bai Yue

Clothing was her first option after eating, she could of course make whatever she wore look as grand as any or shabby using illusions but her daily arcane exercises were more than expansion of strength but also fine control, preplanning, and local psychology.
She'd gotten the way she was from all her years of watching Anime Isekai in which the protagonist knew the importance of exercising their power so Bai yue couldn't fail to apply her lessons. Her scariest lessons were always among large groups of people so the amusement parks and outside venue places she had to visit so as to train her emotional control.
She entered the park a sweet young man who later became a plain Jane new hire of the staff stealing one of the uniforms. Sure she might get exposed in some small ways but the park rides, concessions, security, maintenance, and other support staff promised a shift of perhaps 250 - 350 and full staff to cover shifts 600 - 950 people.
She was a plain slightly over weight boy named Ming about 17 years old a little acne an glasses after observing the staff outdoor lounge and listening to the employee's bitch. Armed with a broom an rolling bucket walked everywhere in the park emptying bins, sweeping paths, collecting trash off the ground, and mopping the mess made by people with motion sickness. Sure it was a crap job and she wasn't getting paid but she was making money her own way learning the lay of the land, the patrols, and wandering bosses who when they saw Ming didn't ask who he was but gave him orders.
As time wore on Ming was discovered to be a good worker that didn't bitch about pay or job so snatched up by one of the higher managers whose job seemed to be handling disasters and bought the answer hired a few days ago an this Ming's first day
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ever Faithful
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Matilda Armstrong

Is there anything that isn't excessively indulgent? Matilda thought bitterly as she mingled among the riff-raff and out-of-state tourists. Being in a place such as this amusement park, she hoped she could purchase a snack or even a meal but given her high-class grooming, the food looked unappetizing. The items for sale were something out of a cartoon. She underestimated her American culture's affinity for deep-fried foodstuffs. Some of the combinations made her stomach shrink rather than growl in hunger. Surely, there has to be at least one stand to offer something normal? Matilda was willing to pay the vender solid gold for a nice salad or soup. Spotting a popcorn stand, the brunette decided that it would have to compensate.

Upon closer arrival, she noticed the sign dictating the owner's absence except the stand itself was not idle. Someone was already present. A returning crew member perhaps?

"Excuse me...sir?" Matilda called out, softly approaching the popcorn stand to get a better look at the person. "Are you still...open?" Only then upon closer inspection did she just realizes it was a robbery. She gulped. He might be armed given the number of layers he wore. Being unarmed herself, she pondered how to diffuse the situation.

"You shouldn't rob them," she said, standing firm though anxiously in her steps, "If you need money, then...follow me. I can lend you money to buy food or toys here. Just not out in the open." To prove her point, Matilda snapped her fingers and, like a magician pulling quarters out of ears, a $100 bill appeared between her index and middle finger. "Come and get it."

With a huff, she turned and walked away towards a place rather secluded, hidden by trees and the shadow of a building.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ordsmed
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As Vincent turned of the engine of their truck, Thuly looked around. ‘It doesn’t look like much’, she thought. Still, in the past months prioritizing keeping their head down above finding luxury accommodations had proven it’s worth. ‘Well, it’s not like we’re swimming in money anyways!’, Thulile sniggered.

Vincent got out of the car and Thuly did the same. He made a big show of stretching his limbs. Audrey and Eli joined him and Thuly hid her smirk. She did wonder when she’d lose her youthful flexibility. As she’d experienced, Thulile could sleep on a branch, ride a pony barebacked, perhaps even sit on a bed of nails without ending up with little or big aches and stiffness. ’One of the few perks of being a teenager ‘, she concluded.

Peering over the stretching trio, the dark curly head looked at the motel sign. It spelled out the name in bright neon letters: UNSET MOTEL. ’That can’t be right…’, she wondered. Taking a better look, Thuly saw another dark shape in front of the others. “An S!”, Thuly cried out. Surprising herself, she murmured: “Sunset Motel. That’s it.” The first neon S must’ve been broken. Grinning she added: “I prefer Unset Motel. It fits us better”.

It seemed Eli and Vincent would be off doing manly car things. That sure wasn’t anything Thulile could help them with. Audrey seemed inclined to explore a theme park. Smearing her most lovely smile over her lips, Thuly looked over at Audrey: “Hey Audrey, wanna go and visit one of those theme parks together?”
She so hoped Audrey would go with her. Thuly sure wasn’t planning on going there alone. The image of a horror clown smothering her in cotton candy flashed through her mind. She quickly shook the image from her head. “Are you with me?”, she asked briskly.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 7 days ago

Audrey couldn't help but overhear Eli's comment about upgrading to an RV and to be quite honest, she wouldn't mind it. Vincent most likely would never go for it, yet the thought of more space was ever tempting. The truck had history though, it would be tough to get rid of the old girl after all she brought us through. "Oh, but the leg room, and the beds" she thought to herself, it was an that wasn't easily refused. RV or no the truck had them stranded here until Vince and Eli could fix it, so making the best of the current situation was what mattered. Lost in her thoughts, she was quickly snapped back into reality by thulile asking if she would accompany here to the park.

"Oh, a woman after my own heart" she jokingly mentioned with a chuckle. "Let's go thules, let the boys have their fun." Strolling over to where thulile was, she draped her arm over the girl's shoulder as they started heading towards the park. "If I remember correctly, you're owed some cotton candy and a funnel cake"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Vincent thought about Eli's suggestion for a moment. While it was true that their little band had grown some and an RV would be more comfortable, Vincent found the idea of abandoning the truck brought a sour taste to his mouth. With how long he had had it and all the work he put into it, it didn't feel right leaving it behind. Then again, if they could find an RV with a decent kitchenette... "Let's go ahead and shelve that idea for now," he said. His tattoos flashed for a brief moment as he used his power to unlatch the hood 'remotely'. "We don't wanna draw any attention to ourselves by stealing one if we aren't even ready to leave, right?"

He lifted the hood and took a look inside. At first glance, it didn't seem that anything was wrong and he cursed quietly. "I'm gonna have to go deeper," he muttered as he walked back toward the cab and opened the door. He pulled a small toolbox out from under the driver's seat, filled with whatever he couldn't use his powers to make, and returned to the front of the truck. As he waited for the engine to cool, he unhooked the battery and continued looking over what he could see, just in case he had missed something. "Oh, Eli, mind sticking around for a bit? That gooey stuff of yours makes pretty good lubricant and I see a few spots that could use a touch-up."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ordsmed
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“Oh, a woman after my own heart", Audrey chuckled. "Let's go thules, let the boys have their fun." Then her companion strolled over and draped her arm over Thulile’s shoulder. "If I remember correctly, you're owed some cotton candy and a funnel cake".

Thuly grinned back at Audrey. “Oui, I can’t wait!” The arm around her shoulders felt so good. It felt warm, it felt like companionship and acceptance. Cautiously Thuly dared to fantasize: ‘It feels like friendship…’. Peering sideways at Audrey she found hope fluttering in her heart. Thuly would love to be considered Audrey’s friend.

Smiling broadly, she waved at Eli and Vincent. “See you later, guys. Don’t get into any trouble… without us”.

As the two girls found their way into the amusement park, Thuly’s lips kept forming an O of astonishment. Well, that actually starts with an A, but the black haired girl was quite overwhelmed by the rides, crowds, smells and sounds. “Oh, Audrey! Look at that rollercoaster. It goes, it goes… upside down!”, she yelped out. “Mon dieu! My god, look at that thing go!” Thulile acted as if she’d never been to a theme park, like ever. Which of course was the truth.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Asa relaxed in the backseat of the truck, glad that he had got a seat on the inside of the vehicle. While he was laying back, he felt little need to sleep seeing as he had slept through all of the morning. On his lap, Tiku was perched in a small position, indicating that the robot was in standby mode. Thankfully Tiku was very light, as his design was very modern.

As Asa looked up from his robotic companion, he saw the sign saying welcome to Eureka Town. The Water Elemental was glad that they were stopping in this town as he really needed to get out of the truck. Fortunately he didn’t have to wait long as the truck pulled into one of the first hotels they found. From outside it looked quite dilapidated, the first S in Sunset Motel being completely out of power. But that was fine as this was the best that the ragtag group could afford.

Asa picked up Tiku as he stepped out of the truck, his bones making a popping noise as they changed from the locked position they had been in during the drive. As Asa stretched, he could see that the theme park the town was famous for was close, a giant roller coaster rising above the skyline of the buildings. It was a little bit too tall for Asa, who, though he would never admit it, had a problem with heights.

Instead, Asa turned to Audrey and began to follow her to the Sunset Motel. She made a comment about hoping they had showers. Asa hoped so as well, not so much because of smell as Water Elementals didn’t really sweat, but rather that being under water helps rejuvenate the strength of a Water Elemental.

Eli then mentioned upgrading to an RV. While that would be ideal, Asa knew that funds were tight as it was. At least for now they would be stuck with the beat up truck. Eli and Vincent then went to work on the truck, as the others headed for the theme park. Knowing that he wouldn’t be of any help with the truck, Asa ran after Audrey and Thulile.

“I’m coming as well,” shouted Asa.

The Water Elemental then stuffed Tiku, who was still in standby, into his backpack, unsure if robots were allowed in the park. As he and his companions entered the park, Asa once again saw the roller coaster, immediately ruling out the idea of riding it. Maybe something like the merry go round was more his speed. That thought made the Water Elemental feel incredibly lame.
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