Name: Jord Helvig
Age: 27
Gender: Female
What Makes You A Misfit?: She's an anthropomorphic Homotherium viking cursed by a dragon god.
Appearance: She stands at 6'2", her fur is a grayish black in color with hints of dark spots on her face and body; dark stripes adorn her arms and legs. Her eyes are a dark purple color, sometimes changing to red when she becomes angered, frustrated or when transforming. Her left hand remains as a dragon hand, even when she transforms into her feral form; her feral form remains the same as she does, only lacking her armor. She always wears a kodiak bear pelt mantle with viking armor, consisting of a black leather cuirass, leather bracers, a leather armor belt and leather greaves. Her armor has a layer of blue-gray dragon scales of a lightning dragon as added protection. She has a dark brown leather foraging pouch to hold dry foods, edible plants, roots, berries and herbs. She also has a black belt pouch and a leather brown coin belt pouch to carry coins, trinkets and gems if she happens to find any. She carries a large drinking horn as well, the horn itself having come from a water dragon. The sword that imprisoned the dragon god entity now belongs to her, remaining forever sharp, unbreakable and resistant to rust so long as she wields it in her hands. If anyone other than Jord tries to wield the sword by stealing it, thick sharp spikes erupt from the handle to impale the hands of the thief while the handle slowly becomes burning hot to the point of melting flesh and bone.
Dragon form:
Personality: She only becomes frustrated whenever she is belittled, talked back to or seen as nothing more than an animal. She dislikes being around others for too long, preferring a bit of solitude at times and absolutely hates when she is proven wrong. If she is lied to or betrayed, she will become furious and overtaken by rage while taking revenge against the one who is the cause of it. Jord can be very cynic and bitter towards others, especially humans since she sees them as nothing more than unintelligent creatures. She is not afraid to be blunt with the truth or to give her own opinion, no matter how it affects others. She can be friendly towards others if she is around them long enough to know more about them.
Skills/Abilities: She is very knowledgeable and capable in the art of swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat, as well as having heightened senses to aid her in and out of fights. Jord is also remarkably skilled in hunting, treating severe injuries, wild swimming and craftsmanship.
Powers/Magic: She was born with the power of pyrokinesis and object animation. She can shapeshift into a feral form of herself and can transform into a dragon. She was also given the power of regenerative healing when taking ownership of the sword.
Backstory: Jord was born in the DeathSabre Clan and raised in the life of a viking, along with her older brother Ulrik, being taught to fight with a sword when she was only five years of age. From then on, she was encouraged to love the thrill of taking part in battles and defeating her enemies to feel the taste of being victorious along with triumphing over her enemies. As she grew older, Jord slowly came to a realization that she disliked her brother, due to how conniving and manipulative he was with others, getting to the point where he could blame others for his misdeeds and get away with it. She eventually became more skilled in the art of battle, using a sword as her main weapon of choice in every battle she was in, only using her pyrokinesis and object animation as a last resort. Her mother had perished from a mysterious deadly illness, leaving her in the care of her father and her brother around the time they were at war with another clan.
When it was time for war, the DeathSabre clan had fought against the OxenHorn clan for almost three days, nearly losing the war until the leader of the ox clan was finally killed by the sword of Jord’s father. However, before their victory of war could be celebrated, Jord was horrified to witness her brother murder their father in cold blood; Ulrik then attempted to kill Jord to keep her from exposing what he’d done to the clan. As they fought, a few clan members had stumbled upon the fight between Jord and Ulrik, giving Ulrik the chance to make up a lie that Jord had killed their father and was trying to kill him to hide her secret. The clan members believed him before Jord had any time to tell her side of the story, trying to help Ulrik kill her in the end before she made a choice to run from the fight, knowing she would only end up dead if she had continued to fight.
Jord had considered herself exiled from the clan, but vowed to avenge her father’s death by killing her brother. For several years she lived alone with nowhere to call home as she traveled across the land, hunting for her food while using caves as a makeshift shelter for several days. It wasn’t long before she began to hear rumors of the new DeathSabre leader making a journey to find a sacred sword that was said to bestow the power of a god unto whoever wielded it. She knew it was her brother and felt this was her chance to kill him as she began to travel to different towns, finding whatever information she could on her brother and where to find him.
Within two weeks, Jord finally had the information she needed for her brother’s whereabouts, wasting no time as she stowed away on a ship that was to give him supplies for a voyage he was making, having found the location of the sword. Upon their arrival at the sword’s location, Jord made sure to stay out of sight until she had the opportunity to kill Ulrik, all the while avoiding traps, monstrous creatures and draugr on the path to the sword. In the end, Ulrik had finally reached the sword while most of the clan that had journeyed with him were dead, giving Jord the opportunity she needed before coming out from hiding and fighting with Ulrik. Unfortunately, Jord was losing the fight against her brother before he made an attempt to grab the sacred sword and use it to kill her. Not wanting to allow her brother to obtain that kind of power without paying for his crime, Jord had managed to injure Ulrik by throwing her sword at him, giving her enough time to run past him and grab the sword.
Even though she had stopped her brother from obtaining the sword, it only became worse from there as she was then instantaneously teleported to a completely different world located in an entirely different universe. Having no way of returning home or even knowing how to return home, Jord had nearly attempted to end her life, but kept herself from doing so, wanting to kill her brother and avenge her father’s death before ending her own life. Due to having touched the sword, the so-called power that was held within it was nothing more than the soul of a malevolent dragon god that had been trapped within the sword, having manifested into a living dragon that’s now bound with her soul, sharing all of her emotions and pain until she dies.
RP Sample: “Wretched mutts!” Jord shouted as the two werewolves immediately ran towards her, able to dodge one with ease only to be tackled to the ground by the other.
Razor sharp teeth punctured through her skin on her right shoulder as jagged claws dug into her back, causing Jord to let out a cry of pain as blood poured out from her freshly received wounds. Refusing to let a werewolf be the cause of her death, she did her best to focus as fire began to appear on her back, growing big enough to cause some harm to the werewolf and force it to release its hold on her. Without hesitation, Jord pushed herself up from the ground and attacked the werewolf as she bit down on its neck, feeling her large sabre teeth pierce through the werewolf’s skin and flesh the moment she bit down. Digging her claws into the back of the thrashing werewolf, she began to furiously kick her back feet at the large canine, her claws shredding and tearing away fur and skin.
Unfortunately, Jord had forgotten about the second werewolf as it came up from the left side, biting down onto her left leg to pull her off from its pack member. Despite the excruciating pain that erupted from her leg, Jord ignored it as she focused all of her attention and energy on killing the werewolf she had a hold of.