Todd Howard, I beg you. Starfield. I need it. Tell me more. A release date, another trailer, some gameplay footage, anything.

@Dark Cloud I've seen glimpses of it through Steam Next/youtube channels that recommend indies. Haven't played a lot of survival horror, especially recently.
The lore in any given Zelda game is hardly complicated or convoluted at all, it only becomes so when people try to do timeline bullshit. You could easily make any given Zelda game into the foundation for a movie because they all follow the same basic premise of normal dude chosen by the gods goes on a quest to defeat the bad guy and save the princess.
Todd Howard, I beg you. Starfield. I need it. Tell me more. A release date, another trailer, some gameplay footage, anything.
The lore in any given Zelda game is hardly complicated or convoluted at all
You could easily make any given Zelda game into the foundation for a movie, because they all follow the same basic premise.
@SleepingSilence Twilight Princess would be the most marketable game to base a movie on.
@SleepingSilence the Surge is really just meh, so I picked up Nioh 2 this week and hot damn I love this game. I feel like a badass pulling off combos and shit. I also bought Pokemon Brilliant Diamond as you probably have seen since, we are friend on Switch. Lol
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
*Too complicated and convoluted — for Hollywood. Especially from the folks that made the Minion/Dr.Seuss movies.
The idea that each game could be just as easily adapted as the other, is something I can't agree with. Especially because the quality of the Legend Of Zelda games tend to go beyond the bare bones that Hollywood would imitate.
But maybe Link's Awakening could have an Oldboy-style "reinterpretation", since Hollywood's so used to producing the "and it was all a dream" cliché. Though I'm trying to imagine how fucking awful a Majora’s Mask movie would be.
Now with Beyoncé as Zelda. And all new music by Pharrell Williams!