Hehehe sorry couldn't resist.
Skimmed all that, wanna know more of what's going on will read when not barely awake...

you have no idea.
Hehehe sorry couldn't resist.
Skimmed all that, wanna know more of what's going on will read when not barely awake...
So no alien races yet. Are furries here basically chimaera? A mixing of human and animal dna?
No spacecrew is complete afterall without their own C3PO/R2D2 :)
Could you be a bit more discriptive with how he looks? Right now it's a bit hard to imagine him for me.
Okay history AddedName: Anxi Yue
Aliases: Ani
Age: 32
Birth planet/birthplace: Asteroid 7577-J10
Species: Red Panda
Gender: Female
Role on the Dauntless: PilotAppearance
Height: 4.89 feet (1.4905 meter)
Weight: 85.34 pounds (38.7095 kilo)
Build: Athletic
Eye color: violet
Fur color: Dark Red / Black Markings
Personal clothing style: Anxi loves armored clothing / pressure suits while working in private she loves wearing as little as required and has a good collection of clothing for a BelterPsychology
Sexual orientation: Bi
Relationship status: Free
Personality: <Work> Calm, Profesional, Friendly, or Blood Thirsty depending on the mission
<Casual> Friendly, Playful, Difficult to rile up, Nurturing, and Generous
- Relaxing
- Food
- Entertainment
- Smelly people
- Bullies
- Anyone in her Gun sights
- She's Blunt too blunt sometimes an might cause unintended friction
- Overconfident in her Piloting skills
- Pan amorous?
Background: Born in space like most of her family Anxi is a Belter her home an asteroid claimed by her clan nearly 250 years ago which yields the family a moderate an boring Income. Ani the most restless in her group family was kept busy in her youth with the demanding study of orbiting bodies and the math that applied to that study while also placed in the families exercise programs, work programs, all to keep her involved an tired.
Her home Asteroid 7577-J10 Terra system is one of the larger ore bearing measuring 47 by 21 kilometers supported a huge extended clan of 32 branch families and 4693 people like her except Anxi is one children of the 12 daughters of the Matriarch Si Yue, not one of the important ones Anxi is still ranked enough she could be on the mining board but hated the political nature so joined the Navy... not one of her better choses.
Anxi used her skills and her family reputation as pilots to join the UNS forces and in the beginning she excelled and was happy till little by little her patience was wilted away and she didn't renew her contract.
It began in her training when an instructor coaxed (Forced) her into a romance which was exposed and might have ruined her career right there except for the intervention of her family.
She knew it would cost her later when her Gran reminded her of her bloodline responsibility (Creepy story redacted, not for public)
In the Navy despite her small form Anxi impressed those leaders that weren't part of the rank nobility their post bought an paid for on the frontier. What she lacked physically she made up with her innate understanding of 3-D maneuvering born in a world that had to make their own gravity her playground as an infant Zero or low G. Aggressive as a pilot she earned a reputation as bloodthirsty her ship to ship gunnery better than most of her superiors.
Anxi moved quickly into the fast track of young officers till she was assigned as all future command officers to JAG and because her superiors hated work made her an Investigator, a flaw on their part should have made her work as a researcher with no arrest powers.
Grounded Anxi threw herself into a mountainous stack of Case Logs reading through them faster than her cpo assistant had ever seen any young Lt. It was while relaxing in her quarters Anxi's memory of the mountain began to suggest some cases where connected so she looked deeper and discovered graft, corruption, and a long list of other charges. Trouble was the list of people connected to the mountain and how by the time they knew she had written a report it was too late to stop the dung ball from rolling. -But ton of people got busted an even those that didn't or weren't connected hate her as a Rat...no offense to Rats so their is no love lost between her and Naval officers that have heard of her- (Not want her dead but they wouldn't help her some would cause trouble bureaucratically, a slim few might set her up)
Knowing the core was no longer obliging Ani used her money to get lost on the frontier flying briefly a ship called Bounce One a cargo ship owned by one of the outer system elite an over amorous an possessive Lady related to a planetary Governor.
From there Ani joined two other ships till while waiting for the last to be repaired and that looking a 6 months repair she found the Dauntless
Motivation: "Space"Skills and talents
Space travel:
- Piloting a skill she was expected to learn in a parents lap or on their back as early as wining from nursing
- Navigation was her first real math lessons because the belt is never still an rocks don't all go the same speed
- Ship to Ship Tactics she learned at the Naval Academy
- Naval Gunnery Naval Academy
- Martial Arts was the most common exercise at her clan's home rock
- Boarding Tactics she learned as an Ensign in the Navy because she is a Belter and Zero G her natural environment ships her dwelling
- She's not an Engineer but a passable mechanic and can assist if directed an best she's taught as far as ship things goes she's the pilot but the ship her love
- Virtual Reality programmer hobby level
- EVA suit repair and operator, think not just a vacuum suit but a small ship shaped like a 6 foot Anxi complete with prehensile tail with tool pack tip
- Dancer, uses it as exercise and she's just that way
- Masseuse if you can talk her into it
Gear and possessions
On person on Tool Belt:
- Navigator's minicomp
- 8 one ounce stone bearings 4 bounce 4 shatter
- 1 mini multitool on a 2 meter retractable lanyard
- 1 Baggie rescue bubble (think tough trash bag people sized that has a 15 minute air supply 25 if they breath real slow)
- Small hull patch
- Small First Aid pack
In quarters/storage:
- Lots of soft colorful very Girly things
- EVA Suit : It is an armored suit that is made for use in space so it's stats in a gravity weak aside from power assist an it's micro meteor resists small arms (Assist lifts 1/2 ton)
In space it flies but as a space craft it's slower than a repair drone, It can stay EVA up to 72 hours and repair external damage and because she loves to write VR she can allow an engineer to use the arms in vr as she curls up in the chest relaxingPersonal spacecraftReference pick goes here
Manufacturer and Type:
Max acceleration in space:
Max range in space:
Max speed in atmosphere:
Character quotes: "Don't take life too serious, you'll never get out alive"
Theme song:Krama Slave
Anything else:
I certainly have a few ideas :)
@Expendable Any idea on when we can expect your character sheet?
Does the ship have a dedicated medbay? Just curious.
Totally agree with the supposition of employment length. Want to say Dar is a recent addition but quickly made a niche.
If this was a warship, there would also be alternative trauma stations in those sections away from sickbay, basically a wall cabinet that opens up to reveal a fold-down treatment table, with portable med gear and meds tucked on shelves on either sides of the beds, and lamps that switch to battery should power be disrupted.
The dining area would be a perfect place for one, but I suspect it's also next to both hiberation and sick bay.
Likely what's available is a large med cabinet that can be found in the cargo hold, engineering, and bridge. Near the hatch.