The frontier is a roleplay with anthropomorphic animal characters. The cool thing about that is that they are just as human as you and me. They all have fears, flaws, weaknesses and things they fundamentally struggle with. In short, characters need to be imperfect, make mistakes, mess up and eventually pull themselves back together again.
Name: Njal Ulrik
Aliases: Giant
Age: 33
Birthday: November 12th
Birth planet/birthplace: Planet Zovelar in the Noble region of the Arctic Province
Species: Smilodon/Cave lion hybrid
Gender: Male
Role on the Dauntless: Other

Height: 9'1"
Weight: 267 lbs.
Build: Muscular
Eye color: Green
Fur color: Grayish black
Personal clothing style: He normally wears tan fitting cargo pants, along with a black tank top and black cargo boots with built in steel tips. He also wears a black belt pouch to carry old and rare coins and small gems to trade with.
Sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: N/A
Personality: Njal is usually quiet and doesn't make much conversation with others, preferring to have moments of solitude to enjoy the peace and quiet when he chooses to, sometimes finding constant chattering voices annoying. He purposely makes himself act less intelligent to fool everyone into thinking he's not that smart, only hiding how manipulative and secretive he truly is. He will also lie and act friendly towards others if it benefits him in the long run, willing to pit friends or crew members against one another.
Background: Njal was born on the planet Zovelar, growing up in the Arctic province of the Noble region where it's cold all throughout the year. His father was a member of a large spacecraft carrier, dealing with some illegal cargo supplied by shady clientele in which he would be gone for nearly months at a time while his mother homeschooled him. Unfortunately, his father was soon laid off from his job when the Omni Core became involved with the shipping of illegal goods, forcing his family to leave Zovelar and search for a new place to call home. They moved to planet Terra, settling within Terra city, much to Njal's dislike, while his father desperately searched for a job that would pay enough to keep them afloat.
During his time in Terra city, Njal had slowly learned how to con and haggle those that he knew were gullible and naive, making a small bit of money from them as he grew older, as well as making enemies and getting into frequent fights from those that despised his con artist nature. He broadened his horizons by stealing crates of drugs and small weapons from several stores and shops, selling them to whoever wanted to buy them for whatever price he could get them to pay, only to get caught many times from the law, being given multiple warnings since he was still considered a minor. Despite his father threatening to send him to Phobos and enlist him in the Omni Core Security Academy, Njal ignored the threats and continued in his drug and weapon money making from anyone he could, soon finding himself being introduced to an organization known as the Triads by a Triad member who had taken an interest in Njal's skills.
Curious of the organization, Njal began to learn more and more about what the Triads were and what they did, becoming very interested in joining them to the point that he made up his mind to just do it, wanting to earn enough money to get away from his parents and Terra city for good, although he chose to wait until he was at least twenty to join the organization, performing the initiation rite on the night of his birthday, becoming a Triad member. From then on, he was able to find jobs as a cargo loader, due to his size and strength, with the help of the Triads to make sure certain cargo that contained very rare and lethal weapons, drugs, prostitute slaves and rare exotic animal species were delivered safely to whatever clients paid for them, along with making other clients disappear permanently if they caused trouble for him. On two occasions, he kept a large hammer from one client after killing him for trying to cheat him out of his payment, while receiving a dangerous creature known as a Krite in exchange for an extra crate of drugs. Unfortunately, he had been caught by Omni Core soldiers during one cargo run, finding out that it was an undercover operation to expose what he was doing and who he was working for. To avoid whatever punishment or execution they would give him, Njal got away by killing several soldiers and escaping on a stolen spacecraft, only to steal another spacecraft and ditch the one he stole to get away.
To keep himself out of sight from Omni Core, Njal found a cargo loading job on a ship known as the Dauntless, feeling it was the best choice until the heat on him died down.
Motivation: Trying to make a profit for himself while staying hidden from the law.
Space travel:
On person:
In quarters/storage:

Manufacturer and Type: Musk Industries FVU-85 FFS
Seats: Pilot and co-pilot seating
Max acceleration in space: N/A
Max range in space: N/A
Max speed in atmosphere: N/A
Armament: None
Character quotes: "If the cash is there, I do not care."
Theme song: Nightmare
Anything else: Njal has a pet Krite, which is a small strange looking creature resembling a porcupine or hedgehog. It has a large rotund body, covered in a haze of black fur, having small limbs with three tiny claws on both hands and feet. It has a large mouth filled with multiple rows of sharp teeth that can deliver a crushing bite, which it uses to attack, allowing it to devour its victim down to the bone. Its nose is wide and flat, and it bears signature red cat-like eyes, which sometimes appear florescent from a distance. The Krite can roll into a ball like a hedgehog and roll off, climb and leap from one area to another, and can shoot poison quills that knock out its victims. In order to travel, the Krite can walk, but will commonly tuck into a ball (like a hedgehog) and roll. While rolling, it can gather enough momentum to 'launch' from a position and reach quite long distances. The Krite can behave mischievously, but has a vicious appetite that makes it deadly to handle and keep as a pet. It can navigate its way through ventilation ducts and can communicate with Njal through body language, as well as listen to commands given by Njal if he ever needs the Krite to perform specific tasks that he is unable to do, such as finding specific items or finding a way around locked doors in case he is trapped.
Njal usually keeps the Krite in its cage, but will take it out so long as its internal microchip is fully functioning, in which the Krite is kept in a calm state of mind, allowing Njal to sometimes use it to help him take down enemies. The Krite has been known to reproduce eggs asexually, but was quickly made incapable of doing so due to the microchip which blocks the reproductive signals of the body to keep it from reproducing.
May God help you all if that microchip every stops functioning.

Character name
The frontier is a roleplay with anthropomorphic animal characters. The cool thing about that is that they are just as human as you and me. They all have fears, flaws, weaknesses and things they fundamentally struggle with. In short, characters need to be imperfect, make mistakes, mess up and eventually pull themselves back together again.
Character summary
Name: Njal Ulrik
Aliases: Giant
Age: 33
Birthday: November 12th
Birth planet/birthplace: Planet Zovelar in the Noble region of the Arctic Province
Species: Smilodon/Cave lion hybrid
Gender: Male
Role on the Dauntless: Other

Height: 9'1"
Weight: 267 lbs.
Build: Muscular
Eye color: Green
Fur color: Grayish black
Personal clothing style: He normally wears tan fitting cargo pants, along with a black tank top and black cargo boots with built in steel tips. He also wears a black belt pouch to carry old and rare coins and small gems to trade with.
Sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: N/A
Personality: Njal is usually quiet and doesn't make much conversation with others, preferring to have moments of solitude to enjoy the peace and quiet when he chooses to, sometimes finding constant chattering voices annoying. He purposely makes himself act less intelligent to fool everyone into thinking he's not that smart, only hiding how manipulative and secretive he truly is. He will also lie and act friendly towards others if it benefits him in the long run, willing to pit friends or crew members against one another.
- Fighting against strong enemies
- Traveling through space
- Making homemade bombs
- Canine and primate anthropomorphics
- Being caught by the law
- Clients who try to cheat him out of a deal
- He is very overconfident in thinking no one will find out how manipulative he is
- He will betray anyone for money
- He refuses to use guns, preferring weapons that can crush an enemy
Background: Njal was born on the planet Zovelar, growing up in the Arctic province of the Noble region where it's cold all throughout the year. His father was a member of a large spacecraft carrier, dealing with some illegal cargo supplied by shady clientele in which he would be gone for nearly months at a time while his mother homeschooled him. Unfortunately, his father was soon laid off from his job when the Omni Core became involved with the shipping of illegal goods, forcing his family to leave Zovelar and search for a new place to call home. They moved to planet Terra, settling within Terra city, much to Njal's dislike, while his father desperately searched for a job that would pay enough to keep them afloat.
During his time in Terra city, Njal had slowly learned how to con and haggle those that he knew were gullible and naive, making a small bit of money from them as he grew older, as well as making enemies and getting into frequent fights from those that despised his con artist nature. He broadened his horizons by stealing crates of drugs and small weapons from several stores and shops, selling them to whoever wanted to buy them for whatever price he could get them to pay, only to get caught many times from the law, being given multiple warnings since he was still considered a minor. Despite his father threatening to send him to Phobos and enlist him in the Omni Core Security Academy, Njal ignored the threats and continued in his drug and weapon money making from anyone he could, soon finding himself being introduced to an organization known as the Triads by a Triad member who had taken an interest in Njal's skills.
Curious of the organization, Njal began to learn more and more about what the Triads were and what they did, becoming very interested in joining them to the point that he made up his mind to just do it, wanting to earn enough money to get away from his parents and Terra city for good, although he chose to wait until he was at least twenty to join the organization, performing the initiation rite on the night of his birthday, becoming a Triad member. From then on, he was able to find jobs as a cargo loader, due to his size and strength, with the help of the Triads to make sure certain cargo that contained very rare and lethal weapons, drugs, prostitute slaves and rare exotic animal species were delivered safely to whatever clients paid for them, along with making other clients disappear permanently if they caused trouble for him. On two occasions, he kept a large hammer from one client after killing him for trying to cheat him out of his payment, while receiving a dangerous creature known as a Krite in exchange for an extra crate of drugs. Unfortunately, he had been caught by Omni Core soldiers during one cargo run, finding out that it was an undercover operation to expose what he was doing and who he was working for. To avoid whatever punishment or execution they would give him, Njal got away by killing several soldiers and escaping on a stolen spacecraft, only to steal another spacecraft and ditch the one he stole to get away.
To keep himself out of sight from Omni Core, Njal found a cargo loading job on a ship known as the Dauntless, feeling it was the best choice until the heat on him died down.
Motivation: Trying to make a profit for himself while staying hidden from the law.
Skills and talents
Space travel:
- Basic piloting skills to pilot his personal spacecraft
- Average navigation skills to plot courses
- Astrography skills of planets, star systems and nebulas
- Self-taught hand-to-hand combat
- Street fighting skills
- Expert in wielding two-handed weapons, mainly hammers
- Bomb making specialist
- Street smart
- Can lift up to 450-500 lbs
- Bilingual
- Studies ancient civilization
- Looking into DNA infusion
Gear and possessions
On person:
- Two handed hammer
- Metal wrist gauntlet to carry a few small tools for making bombs
- Crew communicator
- Personal communicator to keep in contact with clients and the Triads
- Necklace with a round black onyx pendant that is secretly a video recorder
- Adaptable full body exo suit
In quarters/storage:
- Change of clothes
- Personal spacecraft manual
- Textbook guide on repairing different spacecrafts
- Worldwide book on bombs and how to make them
- Compass given to him from his father when he was young
- Caged pet Krite acquired from the black market
Personal spacecraft

Manufacturer and Type: Musk Industries FVU-85 FFS
Seats: Pilot and co-pilot seating
Max acceleration in space: N/A
Max range in space: N/A
Max speed in atmosphere: N/A
Armament: None
Character quotes: "If the cash is there, I do not care."
Theme song: Nightmare
Anything else: Njal has a pet Krite, which is a small strange looking creature resembling a porcupine or hedgehog. It has a large rotund body, covered in a haze of black fur, having small limbs with three tiny claws on both hands and feet. It has a large mouth filled with multiple rows of sharp teeth that can deliver a crushing bite, which it uses to attack, allowing it to devour its victim down to the bone. Its nose is wide and flat, and it bears signature red cat-like eyes, which sometimes appear florescent from a distance. The Krite can roll into a ball like a hedgehog and roll off, climb and leap from one area to another, and can shoot poison quills that knock out its victims. In order to travel, the Krite can walk, but will commonly tuck into a ball (like a hedgehog) and roll. While rolling, it can gather enough momentum to 'launch' from a position and reach quite long distances. The Krite can behave mischievously, but has a vicious appetite that makes it deadly to handle and keep as a pet. It can navigate its way through ventilation ducts and can communicate with Njal through body language, as well as listen to commands given by Njal if he ever needs the Krite to perform specific tasks that he is unable to do, such as finding specific items or finding a way around locked doors in case he is trapped.
Njal usually keeps the Krite in its cage, but will take it out so long as its internal microchip is fully functioning, in which the Krite is kept in a calm state of mind, allowing Njal to sometimes use it to help him take down enemies. The Krite has been known to reproduce eggs asexually, but was quickly made incapable of doing so due to the microchip which blocks the reproductive signals of the body to keep it from reproducing.
May God help you all if that microchip every stops functioning.