Species: Human (Ethnically Druidic)
Age: 24
Sex/gender: Female
Appearance: Sitting at a firm 5'2 with fair skin, freckles, and a huge mane of unruly iron-coloured hair. Her features match that of classic Brigaentic descent. (Brigaentes being the now amalgamated ancient indigenous tribes of the island Prydain, the isles in which Gloomminster resides).
Personality: Bonnie spends large amounts of time dedicated to reading and the collection of knowledge, this combined with her natural intelligence means she is quite smart, however, she is very airheaded and could be oft described as somewhat dopey. With such a mind comes a ferocious curiosity and she regularly reaches down to her Druidic roots and performs Druidic rituals, imbuing herself with the magical properties of certain plants.
History: The youngest daughter of 8 Bonnie was raised by her father solely by her father after her mother's tragic death giving birth to her, a man almost as passionate about books and the collection of knowledge as her. After her father's passing, she inherited the family bookshop after all her other older siblings moved away from the family business or Gloomminster altogether. Currently, she has 2 siblings in the city, her eldest brother working on the Spronthunting boats after which the area of West Sprontside is named. He lives just down the road and they regularly meet for dinner, they are very close. The other working on the opposite side of the city, Bonnie's sister that's closest in age. She is a hotshot lawyer working for a pharmaceutical alchemist and rarely has time for her family
Spronthunting is somewhat comparable to whaling, using massive ships and Arcane Conduits that feed off of the abyssal energy of the Great Bentrane the charge up massive Thaumaturgic Coils which are employed to telekinetically lift massive sea creatures known as 'Spronts' straight from the water. Spronts are then butchered and the relevant parts are sold off. It's a brutal job and very dangerous, but the pay is very good and the sense of brotherhood among Spronthunting crews is unmatched.
Bonnie is very proud of her ancestry and treasures her family history. They originated from the small isle of Landune, on which they kept a great library of Arcane Lore, Forbidden texts, and Magical tomes. Pilgrims would travel great distances just to read from its reams of knowledge. However, the family was forced to abandon the Isle due to encroaching tides, with them they brought as many texts as they could, making the perilous crossing to the nearby Gloomminster, during the crossing many precious manuscripts were lost to the waves, however, they managed to make it over mostly unharmed. Once in Gloomminster, they set up once again, in the far less grand building that now exists as Cunningham's Bookshop. Over the years the grandeur of the place has dwindled, and their legacy has faded into obscurity. But Bonnie now manages the Bookshop and attends Gloomminster University (studying Arcane Lore and Magicka Arcana) in the hopes of restoring the Cunningham name back into the legendary keepers of knowledge they were once known as. In her free time, she enjoys exploring the urban wilderness, experimenting with rituals and substances, and expanding her inner architecture through mildly taboo Druidic rituals.