Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Periodity
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Periodity Misfortunate adventurer

Member Seen 9 mos ago

[GM Post, Intro]

Flight 1

Location: Just outside of Kallokain airspace, above cloud elevation

Time: Early afternoon

The ship rumbled as it descended through the clouds. There was always some turbulence as the ship passed cloud covers, with winds aching to tear the grand airship apart. But so far, thanks to the ship's endurance and its crew, the MILOV had continued to serve its purpose through any storm or unfortunate happenings. Inside the cockpit, the Watch Leader's voice echoed through the large room adorned with navigational devices. "Captain, I hear we have new recruits joining us today" Watch Leader Miriat proclaimed in his usual formal manner. Captain Olivia stood upright and looked over Pilot Suries shoulder who was busy holding the MILOV steady. It had been quite some time since the MILOV would have that much crew to look over her. "Well now, we have even more eager souls to join this vessel." Captain Olivia gave a slight smile as she peered out into the clouds covering the massive windshield in front of them. " Be sure to give them a warm welcome then, Miriat. I expect you to show them the ropes once they're onboard." the Captain ordered as the ship violently shook once more before coming to a calmer descent. Miriat simply nodded and stepped out of the Cockpit.

"You really think some greenies are going to be able to manage this work, Captain?"Pilot Surie asked as he held the helm from spinning out of control. "It sure took me a while to get settled into the... 'quirks' of working on this ship" he continued. He was careful not to badmouth the MILOV in any way, knowing how personally his Captain took opinions of her MILOV. Olivia stayed quiet for a moment before slowly answering his carefully put question "I do not see why they would not. When I was just a lass, I was already scrubbing the deck shiny!" Olivia optimistically put it. Surie sneered a look over his shoulder as Captain Olivia went on about her life on this ship. He received a piercing gaze back as the captain noticed. Surie quietly returned to look out into the clouds, waving his hand behind him "Alright Captain, I ain't one to presume I suppose. I just hope they're all willing to gamble some. I'm already running dry on last months pay. " he chuckled and held up his lucky die as the ship exited the cloud cover. Olivia took a moment to walk over to the assortment of speaking tubes situated on the left wall. She opened the latches on all of them before beginning her announcement "Crewmates, we are landing in Kallokian in a few minutes. Newbies, go give Miriat a hand. We are supposed to have more recruits waiting on the ground" She closed the latches and turned to face the ship's pilot "I've got a good feeling about these new recruits." Olivia added with a determined smile.

The echoed voice of the Captain's announcement traveled through the pipes and into all parts of the ship. In the kitchen, the large orc named Herrman was joyfully preparing today's meal, excited to finally be able to buy more ingredients. The smell that came out of the kitchen was practically enchanting and he smiled quietly singing an orcish chant. It had been a while ago they landed in a port town, especially one in the north.

In the engine room, the large machine screamed and ached, hissing with steam that filled the room. Piko's clanking was almost entirely drowned out as she relived the tension built up in the ship's core. The stress landings had on the ship was particularly great on the engine, an issue that Piko had tried to fix many a time. Alas, she sighed as the core finally settled down into a low rumble. She wiped the sweat from her forehead as the heat from the engine finally began to slightly dissipate. "That's it girl, just smooth sailing from here. she spoke to the core as she wiped some soot off it. "They're running you ragged huh? I'll give you a maintenance check as soon as we land" Piko patted the chassis of the core and sat down, letting out a deep sigh.

At the very top of the ship, Navigator Finmig had been enjoying one of his usual naps in the ship's very own crows nest. Despite the rumbling, he had been able to take these small breaks. In fact, he might have even found the turbulence reassuring, like a violent lullaby. He tipped his hat up from his face as Olivia's announcement echoed through the speaking tube. He yawned and put his hands behind his head and grinned. "Finally. Some fun." the halfling Finmig told himself just before returning to his slumber.

On the upper deck, Watch Leader Miriat walked over to the docking gear, preparing everything was in order before they land. He let out an annoyed sigh. Soon he'd have even more former ground farers to look over so they wouldn't just trip overboard and cost them a fortune in a search for their remains.

Location: Kallokian, Docking bay 3

The many docking bays of Kallokian was as busy as ever. Crowds of people from all over swarmed as soon as new ships with exotic wares and services landed. Merchants, mercenaries, hunters, and passenger vessels, all came to Kallokian which had made the city a bustling center of trade in the north. The cobblestoned ground was pummeled by the assault of horses and people who frantically traded with the docked ships.

The city had a total of 6 docking bays for airships located at the edges of the town, forming Kallokian into a hexagonal shape. While the bays were typically always filled with aerial ships, docking bay three stood unusually empty with only some smaller hunting vessels docked by its corners. However, that would not stay true for long as in the distance, the shape of a grand ship breaking through the clouds sailed toward the town. As such, the people of Kallokian began flooding the bay, hoping to potentially get their hands on some new wares. Others had already been situated there and awaited their deliveries which the MILOV carried.

Among the masses, there were those who did not seek to trade, nor awaited any deliveries. They were the ones being recruited for a job that would carry them through the sky and off to foreign lands. They'd have to get there soon, for the MILOV ran on a tight schedule and could not stay in the port town for long.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Savva yawns, idly kicking her heels in the seat of the wagon.

"We've been here for hours," she moans, "When are they going to get here?"
"Soon," Gregor shrugs, stifling a yawn of his own.

"So," Savva drawls, leaning forward to stare at her boots, "Do you think they're hire me?"
"Well, the notice said they were looking for more crew, and I've trained you well."
"But I'm a goblin."
"Really, I hadn't noticed."
"Hah hah," the goblin girl scowls. "I know what the villagers think about me. What if the captain decides they don't want a goblin on board?"
"Well," Gregor points, "There's one over there. Perhaps he's looking for a job, too."

Savva looks in the direction Gregor was pointing, then sighs, resting her chin on her fist. "Oh, great. They're not going to want a boy and a girl goblin on board."
"Oh? Why not?"
"You know why not," the goblin grumbles. "They'll think we'll sneak off and be, you know...?"
"You know, what?" Gregor asks, glancing at her as her face became a darker shade of green.
"Doing boy-girl stuff," she huffs hotly, turning her head away. "Like those old biddies back in town say."
"You shouldn't listen to what they say...."
"They shouldn't be saying it!" Savva hisses.

"Savva," the clockmaker shakes his head, "Don't give up before they get here. You're a good mechanic and a good girl."
"But, I...."
"You were forced to do that, to protect me. The fault lies with them."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Periodity
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Periodity Misfortunate adventurer

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hurried steps clacked on the cobblestoned road as Katja Veniro rushed through the upper parts of the city. She let out a sigh before catching her breath and realized she was utterly lost. Losing one selfs direction was common when just arriving at a new place, but Katja could swear she had a knack for it anyways. The streets were filled with people going about their day, one of which she approached hurriedly. She had spotted an older man with kind eyes who seemed to know the ins and outs of the city's layout.

"Excuse me, Sir, I seem to have taken a wrong turn and am lost. Might you tell me where I can find Docking bay 3?" She asked and bowed slightly. She did not know the customs of this foreign city so she thought it best to act as courteously as possible.
The older man simply stared for a moment before bursting out in a wheezing chuckle,
"Yer not from around 'ere ey wee lass? I agree that our city be mighty grand, but ye do realize you could walk in any direction an' end up in one of the ports. From there, ye simply follow the edge of the city until ye find it. And no need to be so proper lass!" The man scratched his ear and grinned
Katja smiled, slightly flustered as the simple solution was to have just done what the man had suggested from the start, but she figured that she had shed too much time.
"I'm afraid I do not have much time to wander and as such, could you be so kind as to point me in the direction of the docking bay?" she asked again swiftly. The older man simply pointed behind him,
"Tis' right down the hill over 'ere. Just continue runnin' forward and you'll find it."
Katja bowed slightly again and headed off, the hilt rustling against her backpack filled with the essentials.

As she ran down the cobbled hill, she could see a single ray of sunlight shining through a newly formed hole in the cloud cover above. It was then she noticed the large airship, the MILOV. She stood still for a moment, feeling her heartbeat as both excitement and a hint of fear filled her. It would seem that many more than her had noticed the arrival of the aerial vessel as streams of townsfolk rushed past her in an attempt to reach docking bay 3. Katja quickly followed the stream down, ending up at the back of the crowd which hindered any further attempt to reach the docking bay. She stood on her toes trying to see ahead as the bustling crowds cheered at the new arrivals. Deciding she had no other choice, she squeezed through the small gaps between people, uttering quiet apologies such as "Excuse me" and "Forgive me but I must pass". Finally coming out at the end of the gathering, she fell onto her knees before looking up in awe at the MILOV which practically shone in the radiant light.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PerfectThought
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PerfectThought The Cat

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Mamjir gazed upon the gathering crowd of the port. It appeared he hadn't been as early as he intended. He had been in this city for about 2 days, exploring it with great wonder when he had word of the MILOV's short arrival. He eagerly awaited its coming, hopefully, he would be able to join the crew and help them using his immense strength. The built-up sandstone was slowly chipping away from the Shedohr's exterior to reveal the dull steel underneath.

His time in the desert city of Karbarah physically and mentally affected him, and even though the physical effect may be wearing off, the mental one was not. He had bathed in the beauty and wonder of the city. The brutal adrenaline of the fighting pits where he had sadly remained unbested, fighting great beasts brought into the area to face him and attempt to demolish him. He had enjoyed the city immensely but had decided to move on after a good while. He traveled westward, to the city he was now standing in.

He had found himself at the back of the throng, not wanting yet to barge through and interrupt the locals he waited, looking around. He glanced down at the small woman he had found himself next to. He tried to make his towering stature slightly smaller so as not to intimidate her before he engaged in conversation. Due to his lack of a face, he struggled to convey the good-naturedness of his intentions, so instead, he made do with a small friendly wave. Spreading out his massive oversized palm (nearly the size of the poor woman's face) and rocking it back and forth by her.

"Hello my friend, I am Mamjir, Warden of Iron. Pleasure to meet you." He sang out, his voice was melodic and ethereal. So deep you could almost hear the undertones of humming machinery in your bones. "I'm here on business with the MILOV, are you?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 27 days ago

All the while, a blonde haired man was taking a nap in the small corner of the dock, his head pillowed by his own bag of food, clothes, utensils and other essentials, desperately trying to recover from his sleepiness the previous night due to being kicked out of the park. Thanks a lot loitering laws! But to be fair, he was being a little petty with his money. Upon realizing the MILOV was arriving in Kallokain, Bactrie did not want to miss it, and so he quit his job and departed at the eve of the week and crossed the land, taking in all the traffic and potential hiccups along the way. But everything went a little bit too smoothly. The carriage driver that took him there seemed to have a sudden injection of hustling motivation or something, taking him right to his intended destination way sooner than expected. And thus he was sort of stuck in the city waiting for the airship for a night, which to him was a bit too short to worth an inn room, and so the bench it was. Somehow he didn't get found this time.

Bactrie gave out a long yawn before looking around for any time indications. It looked like it was probably about time. Hopefully he was sober enough for his new employment, not only to create good impressions, but also that he was hired probably because he was to help pilot the ship. There's no way a sleepy pilot is a good one.

The atmosphere of the docking bay was much busier than in the inner city, surprisingly enough. But it made sense. This was a window to the world, and the world is more interconnected than it used to be centuries ago, so people were just doing things that were natural. But naturally it dynamically partitioned the dock into pretty recognizable groups. Upon swinging around eavesdropping near each group made it clear why they were there, one in particular were two individuals sitting in a wagon nearby. One older gentleman and a goblin girl. He tried to not pay attention to their bantering, but upon hearing that she was getting up there, the blonde man turned around in curiosity.

"Hi there you two." Bactrie waved at them with a friendly smile. "Are you here for MILOV, may I ask?"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KaliW


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arzhang's journey to Kallokian had been a long and grueling one. He had traveled for days on end, battling against the elements, and struggling to keep himself and his caravan alive. The bandits on the road were just the icing on the cake. It was a miracle that he had managed to outsmart them and keep his belongings. He had been fortunate enough to have some tricks up his sleeve, and he was able to convince the bandits that he had nothing of value to offer them.

As he arrived in the city, Arzhang was immediately struck by the crowds and the noise. It was all too common and unremarkable. He couldn't help but feel a bit nauseous as he navigated the bustling trade center with its six docking bays. It was a far cry from the exotic, mystical places he had imagined in his dreams. Kallokian was just like any other trade center, with nothing particularly remarkable about it.

Arzhang had heard about the Milov airship and thought it might offer some excitement, something he desperately craved in this dreary city. He had grown tired of the mundane, monotonous routine of life on the road, and he longed for something new and exciting. Perhaps the airship was just what he needed to inject some excitement into his life. As he walked towards the docking bays, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. He was eager to see what awaited him on the airship and what adventures he would embark on.

The young demon arrived at the docks and noticed a large crowd gathering near the docking bay. He wondered what could be causing such a commotion, but he didn't feel the need to join the crowd and find out. Instead, he leaned against a nearby wall and began to think about his decision to come to Kallokian.

He had hoped that joining the Milov airship crew would bring him excitement and adventure, but so far, he had only faced hardship and disappointment. Arzhang knew that the work on the airship would be difficult and demanding, but he was willing to do whatever it took to make a name for himself in this world. As he stood there lost in thought, the noise and bustle of the docks began to fade away. Arzhang was determined to make the most of his opportunity on the Milov airship, but he couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right choice.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Gregor and Savva turn towards the young man calling them, then Gregor nodded.

"I've got a clock for shipment," the clockmaker replied, "Do you know when the Milov will arrive?"

"What's that on your head?" The goblin lass asked, pointing. "Why does your hat have glass like that?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Periodity
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Periodity Misfortunate adventurer

Member Seen 9 mos ago

As the grand metal giant's voice boomed, a few of the townsfolk nearest to them subtly took a few steps back. Mechanical constructs were known by some to exist but they were by no means a daily sight. As for Katja, she was stunned, gazing upon the large figure above her. The voice was so foreign to her, but it was soothing in a sense. She thought it had sounded like how her books had described a whale's song. Katja stood up and brushed her robe off before giving a courteous bow. "That is correct!" the woman hastily answered. "In fact, I have come to join the MILOV's crew. I am Katja, Katja Veniro. It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Mamjir Warden of Iron." She responded in a friendly manner, trying to hide her feelings of awe and slight unease toward the broken-down machine towering above her. "Would it be reason enough to assume you are here on similar business, Mamjir?" Katja continued as she gazed upon Mamjir.

She had never been the brightest when it had come to the more advanced mechanical scriptures in the old library, but she did take an interest in tinkering here and there. That was however nothing compared to what amazing feats of metal were happening inside the being in front of her. Just as she was about to ask Mamjir about himself, the crowds bustling cut her train of thought. The MILOV was landing. The ship eclipsed the light behind it, casting a shadow on the dock. Its hull hissed with steam as if it was exhaling after a long journey. The bay was like one you'd find anywhere at sea, but instead of water, there was a long fall into an abyss. The ship rested upon large metal beams which hung over the edge, letting the ship rest.

A long gangway was cast down from the ship, one wide enough for the large cargo that was often delivered. A figure stepped down the archway, momentarily obscured by the light behind the ship. He was a stern-faced elf with a gaze that seemed like it could pierce armor. Watch leader Miriat stepped off the gangway and proceeded to look upon the crowd, almost instantly recognizing who was there for delivery and those who were just there hoping for an easy trade. It was a skill that could only have been learned through years of this kind of work. "People of Kallokian! On the behalf of the MILOV, I hereby request all of you who do not have delivery or some other sort of business with the ship or its crew, disburse. We will NOT be trading wares today." Miriat proclaimed to the crowd, many of which left in a grumbled disappointment. Those who remained received their deliveries as it was carried off with some help from the MILOV's very own orc chef. Left behind was a small hill worth of cargo ready to be shipped off to a new location. Miriat took another glance at the people who remained on the bay before noticing the clockmaker Gregor and his smaller associate, as well as the young Bactrice. "You there, I presume you have wares that need delivery?" @Expendable @Conscripts

Katja, who had stood by Mamjir as it all went down, turned to the larger figure and asked "Shall we? " and gestured toward the Watch leader.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 27 days ago

"Ah, I see, well, I don't have a clock, but should be anytime now." Bactrie replied, as the small goblin lady pointed at the glasses on his hat. He gave a little chuckle and said. "Ah that's my friend. He's a little shy but he likes the view from up here!" He waved his hand. "Just kidding, it's my aviator glasses. I got it from a friend of mine."

Not long after, the airship arrived, attracting a significant proportion of the crowd over to. The gigantic airship towering over the crowds below took quite a bit to dock, before a stern-looking elf appeared from within to greatly disappoint those who were around hoping to get some cash out of the visit. As people began to disperse and gradually as the group he was around began to stand out, the elf turned to inquire him and the two acquaintances he just made. The armour-piercing gaze took him aback a little, but Bactrie managed to stand straight and maintained eye contact.

"He does." He glanced over to the older gentleman, before looking back at the elf. "For me, umm..." Bactrie reached into his chest pocket and reach out a small letter. "It's for Captain Olivia, from her colleague Captain Carlos. From what I've heard, the captain wants another pilot."
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