Name: James O'Toole Jr.
Alias: The Living Apparition
Age: 27

Power/Skills: James is a more than competent brawler with a cunning mind to back up his brawn. While lacking in the more super spots of heroics, James employs a multitude of gadgets and fear mongering to get the upper hand on evil. His pedigree also comes with the bonus of a vast amount of wealth to fund his superheroics and an above average post-secondary education.
Equipment: His suit is packed with specially crafted manganese-steel plates and thick cotton capable of stopping all but specially made firepower. James also possesses a pair of gauntlets that can bellow a thick smoke, capable of covering his movements. In order to not lose his own line of sight, James employs an advanced (for the time) infrared camera/goggles. The goggles can operate for about a minute before some components need to be switched out.
Personality: Quiet, Short-tempered, Theatric, Cunning, Resourceful
Brief Bio: The O'Toole family (consisting of James and Helen O'Toole along with their son James Jr.) called one of the seedier districts of Steel City home with the father and mother both working and making just enough for the family to get by. James Jr. did his best to make things easier on his struggling parents by trying hard in school and helping out around their house but James had a knack for getting into fights with the other local kids. Most of the time it was just something to do but James wasn't a stranger for getting into real thrash-fests. Despite his good grades, James' life was destined for a similar fate of working paycheck to paycheck like his parents until one dark night resulted in a premature pruning of the O'Toole family tree.
In the dead of night James Jr. opened the door to find a posh looking gentleman looking for his parents. James never got the full story but after the death of a distant relative with no immediate next of kin, the poor O'Toole family was rocketed from scraping by to being one of the richest families in Steel City and in possession of a majority share in Newman Defence Co. The family enjoyed a year or so, indulging in the good life but James Sr. and Helen had enough willpower to think longterm and grab this opportunity by the horns. It took some time but the family was eventually able to learn enough about the company to settle into a stable and good life.
With this newfound status, wealth and opportunities James Jr.'s parents were able to send him to the top schools for business in the hopes that he would be able to take over the new-found family business. Ever the diligent son, James accepted this path and attended a prestigious business school though his old hobbies followed him to the new life of luxury. James had more than a few run ins with the school's administration after getting into more than a few brawls at school, most of these being much less friendly than the ones of his youth. All these run-ins garnered a lot of stains on the O'Toole family's still budding reputation. James Jr. would eventually smarten up after seeing the affects his actions had on his family but his itch for combat would always be present. After graduating, James would have a big party thrown for him and, at his request, it would be a costume party. Most of those in attendance would be influential figures in Steel City or a small smattering of James' own friends, most of which he would have met during his minor in the performing arts in university.
For the party James dressed as a ghost in the classic A Christmas Carol fashion of all white. However, on his walk over to the venue (opting out of getting a rid as he hadn't been in the city for some time), James witnessed as woman getting robbed. Not oblivious to his own outlandish look, James intervened and leaned into the odd nature of his look. His stark white get up and years of brawling allowed him to take down the armed thug with not much trouble though the would be victim was similarly scared off by his ghastly visage. His costume covered in the other man's blood, James quickly made his way home and changed into a more toned down suit with masquerade mask. His late night escapade didn't get much attention in the paper but the act had left a deep impression on James. He'd found an outlet for his itch to fight and a way to keep his family's name off the lips of the gossiping elite. That morning James began his preparations for The Living Apparition's official debut...
Notes: James took a minor in acting in the hopes of finding something new to replace his urge for throwing down.