@HaleyTheRandom You're welcome :)
I might do that soon. I am just bouncing between things at the moment.
I might do that soon. I am just bouncing between things at the moment.
@Hedgehawk Last one xD
((FC: Scarlett Leithold // Dialogue color: A0D574 ))
"...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?" — Vincent Willem van Gogh
Name: Erin Jude BlakeNickname(s):
- E
- Some people call her Jude.
Gender: Female.
Age: Twenty-three // November 28th // Sagittarius
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.
Witch or Warlock: Witch.
Schools of Magic:
- Transmutation (Seven): Specilizing in Water and Earth manipulation powers.
- Earth: Erin has the ability to use plants, dirt, and other natural materials to bend to her will. She can grow new plants, or use ones that are already existing. Erin can make plants grow to massive heights, use their branches and weapons, sling boulders at you, and other such things.
- Erin can use rocks and dirt to make shields around herself and others.
- Has the ability to take and give life from plants and animals - humans excluded. She must be touching the target for her spell to work.
- Can cause vines to grow from the ground, growing at rapid rates. She usually uses this to trap her enemies.
- Poisons Touch: Just like Erin can cause plants to wither or burst with life, she can also poison your food or water. On the flip side, she can also purify whatever you are eating and drinking. She must make physical contact with the bowl/plate/cup that the food/drink is on/in for this power to work.
- Water:
- Can control both fresh and salt water. Erin can make weapons and shields from water. She can also use this as a defensive spell as well.
- Illusion (Seven)
- First and foremost, with this ability, Erin can make you see, hear, and believe what she wants. She can only do all of this to one person at a time, and must have eye contact for this spell to work on her target. She can make up to three targets hear what she wants them too, but they must be within her range of sight. She can make up to three targets also see what she wants them too, by casting a false reality in front of them. If someone comes to the conclusion that the illusion is not real, the spell will break.
- Erin is a master of disguise, and can change her own physical appearance at will.
- Erin can make herself and ONE other person invisible.
- When making eye contact with Erin, she can trick you into believing that you are suffocating, having the best time of your life, and anything in between.
- Mirror Image: Erin can 'clone' herself for ten minutes at a time. The 'other Erin' will follow her - unless given a task - and will mimic her movements and whatever she says.
Personality:🌻 Charming 🌻 Outgoing 🌻 Bubbly 🌻 Affectionate 🌻 People Pleaser 🌻 Blunt 🌻 Nature JunkieMost people who have met Erin describe her as being puppy-like. She’s inviting, gives out compliments like candy, and is always eager to please. She’s nearly always cheerful, and tends to look on the brighter side of things. Erin floats around town taking pictures of everyone and everything - sometimes capturing things she doesn’t intend to. Erin is the sort of person that has a heart of gold, and treats others the way that she wants to be treated.
Loyal to a fault, Erin always tries to see the best in people. This often lands her in some very sad and sticky situations when people turn out to not be who she thought that they were. Erin has a very hard time telling people no, and is known to be very trustworthy. The young woman often finds herself harboring peoples secrets, and has never leaked anything to anyone unless someone was in danger. Much like her father, Erin is corny, and always has a pun up her sleeve. Erin also gets her compassion and caring nature from her father, and does her best to spread the love.
But do not be fooled by her good side.
Erin also has a badass for a mother, and learned things over the years from her as well. Erin gets her bluntness from her mother, but she tries to word things in a friendly manner. Her mother is also determined and confident - two other things that translated well into Erin’s personality. Her mothers flirtatious and sexual side also transferred over. Of course, the one thing that it seems all the children in the Blake family inherited from their mother is her temper.
It takes a lot to push Erin to her limit, as she’s a very patient, kind, and forgiving person. But piss her off one good time, and you’ll find yourself pinned up to a wall while those blue eyes start to look more like flames.
- Erin was born to Nate and Jasper Blake (Formerly Delamar). Her mother is a world famous chef, and her father is a photographer to the stars. Erin is the youngest of the triplets, as well as the only girl. She also the tallest, but don't tell her brothers because they're butthurt babies. Growing up, Erin was a total daddies girl. She has always wanted to - and still does want to be - exactly like her father. Erin began taking an interest in photography at the age of six. Poetry came at the age of eight. Nature was something that has always and will always be ingrained in her. Erin has always been known to take off into the woods on a solo camping trip for a few days - especially on her family's home in Western North Carolina.
- The Blake Clan followed the Delamars, moving home to Tanner when Erin was thirteen. Jasper was a magi, Nate was just a loveable human - but little did the Delamar siblings know that their mother was a witch. Erin is the only one of the triplets that inherited the magical abilities of her ancestors.
- Erin has always been known as the Nature Loving Hippie of sorts. She's always dressed casually, her eyes are wild, and her hair is always messy. She had a few flings in high-school, but none of them really stuck around. She was also known for being on the Volleyball captain.
- Upon graduating, Erin moved to New York with her cousin Serena. While Serena chose to do Freelance work, Erin did go to college for her associates in photography. Once out of college, Erin really turned her attention towards her online presence in order to build her photography clientele. Having her fathers last name made things a little easier; While Nate took pictures of everyone famous, Erin sold them the pictures that they hung on the walls of their houses. She's done a runway shoot here and there - but Erin enjoys photographing nature over everything else.
- Coming back home isn't anything upsetting for Erin. Deep down, she always knew she would return to Tanner- she just didn't expect it to be this soon. Erin still really wants to travel and see the world - she just hopes that whatever is waiting for her in Tanner doesn't ruin her dreams.
- Plant parent as fuckkkk
- Owns a Mojave Banana ball python named Louie.
- Her personal Instagram is @Nature_Baby. Her professional Instagram is @Erin_Blake. She is also active on Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter.
- Erin snorts when she laughs, causing her to blush and laugh even harder from embarrassment.
- She’s allergic to cashews, celery, and watermelon.
- She’s obsessed with the movie Dirty Dancing. The dancing, the music, the Swayze. She loves everything about it.
- Erin is handy in the kitchen, though she is nowhere near as creative or as good as her brother, Neal.
- She speaks Spanish, Italian, and French.
- Erin loves classical music, and the older music of the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. She’ll listen to today's current music, and even enjoys most of it - but her heart lies in the oldies.
- Despite her innocent and wholesome appearance, Erin is actually a pretty sexual and flirtatious person.
- She loves marijuana and Rosé.
- Her hands are always covered in various gold rings. She wears a simple golden chain around her neck with her initial on it. She also wears a few gold bracelets on either wrist.
Victor Crowe
“Alright, Victor- Maximum effort.”Name: Victor Crowe
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
College Degree: Bachelor of Science in Law![]()
Witch or Warlock: Warlock
Schools of Magic:
- Invocation (8): Victor's natural talent for invocation was first noticed by his father. The boy nonchalantly conjured flames on his hands, much to his father's astonishment. It was similar for the other elements, able to conjure and form every element with seeming ease, although he seemed to have an affinity towards ice and wind. When prodded by his father he simply shrugged, stating that the elements were like 'the neighbourhood cats he played with' and that some 'liked him more than others'. If not for his lax attitude, he may have better control over the elements or potentially even other schools of magic.
- At one point, Victor sauntered across their family pool rather than going around it, each step froze and unfroze the pool. His mother punished his laziness with a knock to the head, reprimanding and warning him to avoid doing such acts in public. A similar act of indolence was when he created ice-cubes out of thin air, seeing the trek to the fridge as 'bothersome'.
Personality:Victor isn't what you would call active, he (used to) lives just to laze around. His general attitude reflects this greatly, always just preferring the 'relaxed' way out. He usually speaks in a clear and concise sentences, often in a mellow tone, to get his point across quicker. It is difficult to really get a rise out of or anger Victor, as he usually lets most transgressions roll off his shoulders. Only mentions of his family or the coven can really anger him.
The way Victor approaches a problem is unique, his mindset being 'Solve it as quickly as possible to get back to 'vibing''. He opts for the fastest approach to nailing down a problem so he can go back to 'lazing' around. It seemed he inherited his free-spirited and relaxed nature from his father.
Victor is a peace-maker, often getting between disputes between friends or the coven. Despite himself, he seems unable to bear others bickering. Violence is often the very last thing on his mind, often de-escalating situations before they reach a boiling point. Though unsure if it is due to his heritage, he is easily able to empathize with others and can generally tell when someone is not their usual self. This fear of dispute likely stems from his fear of abandonment from his 'real' extended family. While he liked being alone at times, he never liked being lonely.
The boy has a certain loyalty to the coven, viewing the rest of the witches and warlocks as part of his extended family. His is fairly protective of them. Similarly, he dislikes his 'real' extended family, the Crowe's who disowned his father during his youth.
History/Bio:Victor's family history is complicated. The Crowe's had practiced magic for centuries. Victor's great grandfather and his great uncle were famous witches in their time. Many in his family were exceptional and a few even famous for their mastery of magic. Generally, the Crowe's were pureblood and did not marry non-magicians. Believing that it diluted their magical potential. His father, Pierre Crowe, eschewed this practice after falling head over heels with Victor's mother, Jane Sunderland. From his youth he saw how other family members endlessly berated and mock his father. The Crowe's eventually 'banished' Pierre from the family as he was only the third son.
Pierre found the Tanner coven, a coven that accommodated for his family. It was soon that a separate Crowe line integrated into the coven.
Soon it was found that Victor had a certain talent for Invocation and a penchant for laziness. Despite being a witch, his mother had wanted him to atleast achieve a bachelors degree 'just in-case'. Initially, Victor was indifferent to the idea.
Due to this attitude, his mother was very strict with him- almost spartan-like. She found out that her son could apply himself with a bit of pressure- she forced him away to study law at a young age, making certain that Victor achieved honors. Despite being ostensibly human, Victor fears his mother more than any witch or warlock. As a result, he is surprisingly diligent about his studies, getting A(s) in all courses. In part not wanting to disappoint his mother, the other part being deathly afraid of his mother's wrath.
His mother eased up as soon as he achieved his bachelor's degree.
On the other side, his father let him approach magic at his own pace. After teaching him the basics, his father found it best to let Victor's talent guide his magic.
Daniel Bruce Cooper
FC: Matt Dallas. Colour: 00a651
"My body is a weapon, my mind is a fortress, together they protect what I hold dear."
Name: Daniel Bruce Cooper
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Witch or Warlock: Warlock
Schools of Magic: Conjuration (5):
Danny can conjure almost any mundane object you could think of. He often carries around a backpack so he can pretend to riffle through it when he conjures an item in public so he doesn’t arouse any suspicions.
He can also teleport short distances, so far only to places within 10 meters and in eye shot.
Lately Daniel has been working on conjuring a shadowy copy of himself that would also fight and he could swap places with. He still needs to work on getting it to fight, it currently can move a bit but that’s all.
Personality: If there’s a word that would describe Daniel, it would be “Driven.” Driven to improve himself, driven to protect those he cares about, and driven to just live his best life. He takes his responsibilities seriously but that doesn’t mean he won’t try to have fun while he’s doing it. He has a strong work ethic, but always makes sure to find a balance between his responsibilities and doing the things he finds fun.
History/Bio: Daniel’s childhood was probably a bit different from most magic users. He was always much more interested in being a strong man rather than focusing on his magic studies. This continued until his early teens, when the weight of his responsibility to protect the town really started to hit him. At that point he started taking magic more seriously, while still keeping up his belief that physical strength was just as important as magical strength.
Dan’s interest in the human body naturally lead him to wanting to study it more, but as he was getting ready to go off to school his father died. Some nasty creature got its way in to town, and Dan’s father died from wounds suffered while defeating it. Dan took some time off school at that point, he almost never went at all, but his mom wouldn’t have that.
Now he has returned from time abroad in exotic Canada with a Kinesiology degree and a fresh lease on life. Ready to take on his new role as a full member of the coven.
There we are, hope that's alright. Let me know if I need to change anything
Miles Connor Price
"I'm here for a good time, not a long time,"
Name: Miles Connor ParkNicknames:
- Hurricane (from his mother)
- Milo
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Family: Mary Price, Johnathon Park (estranged father)Magic use
Witch or Warlock: Warlock
School: EnchantmentMiles' spells lean more toward manipulating emotions, encouraging his group and seeing himself in a better light but he has a couple of damaging spells behind his belt particularly of the type that fill a headspace and do damage from within.
Key Spells:
- General charming spells- Miles can give others a better view of him or make them predisposed to trust him
- Calming emotions- Miles can make enemies and people more docile- it's effectiveness is more dependent on the targets will in their emotions. eg. leaders of adverse groups are likely to feel slightly less wild them completely docile
- Miles can put thoughts in others head from ideas (he can't make them follow them but he can put them there) to annoying sounds that can inhibit. He can even make dissonant whispers causing some damage in the form of headaches. His favourite is blaring the sound of airhorns in his enemy's heads
Miles is an exuberant young man, he is the life of the party and although he doesn't always go seeking to be the centre of attention he often is. He has a natural charisma about him, perhaps it's his charm or maybe his pools of confidence. He is very carefree and just takes life as it comes. Miles' concerns lie mainly in self-satisfaction and enjoyment. He doesn't really think things through before he does any thing. Miles is a big flirt but isn't one to get emotionally attached in general.
Despite often being surrounded by an entourage of 'friends' Miles is rather lonely. He's extremely slow to trust others and is often in 2 minds of whether people actually like him or it's his magic. Because of this, his mother is the only person he truly shares his life with outside of small talk and good times. In his younger years it really didn't bother Miles much but as he's getting to the age a lot of people his age are slowing down in the party scene he's been starting to feel it in the last months.
Miles was destined for trouble before he was born. The bastard son of Mary Price and Johnathon Park, a British-born Korean historian hailing from a coven in the north of England. Johnathon and Mary met when he was in America for work and building relationships with other covens. In the meantime he had built a particularly 'special' relationship with Mary However, it was short lived as when Mary found she was pregnant and reported so to Johnathon he dropped all contact and fled the country 2 months later. Mary took it all in her stride and tried her best to carry on as a single mum.
From Miles' most formative years it was clear he was going to be a handful. From the time he could drag his chubby little baby body across the floor he was dragging things off shelves and chasing after the family's bulldog. Soon his little legs started taking steps and he made a habit of causing destruction and chaos in the form of household objects and soiled nappies. This led to his mother dubbing him Hurricane, a name he still affectionately responds to til this day.
As Miles grew older he began 'terrorising the town' as his mum put it. He'd ride his bike around flinging half insults (which were honestly more amusing pitiful attempts at insults than cruel half the time), barking back at pets and pulling pranks on his neighbours. Although he never did anything seriously illegal he quickly became known enough for his mother to get forlorn shaken heads and condolences on the headaches he probably caused. Growing up his mother was his Kryptonite- no matter how rowdy he got he was a good son. He was still a ball of mischief about her- good doesn't always mean well-behaved- but they had a very close relationship and he respected her deeply.
When Miles hit his teen years he bulked up and grew into his charming looks and it didn't take long for him to take as much liking to the ladies as they did to him. Miles had a natural way of getting people to like him enough already and when some charm spells from his trained enchantment magic comes in it all came easy. Although his childhood mischief was all but forgotten to the adults of Tanner he once annoyed he was soon chalked up a childhood trickster who grew out of his ways and ended up as a normal teenager. To those more in tune with what those teens got up to, however, it was common knowledge he was a huge part of the party scene. Over Miles' late high school years Miles got really into the drinking and rarely spent a Saturday night alone- leading to his relationship with his hardworking mother to become tense even though he still loved her.
When it came time to graduate Miles wasn't overly keen on studying more but wanted to live the 'college life' so went to a college in Olympia for business. He actually only stayed in college for a year but found himself an executive assistant job after an internship and remained in Olympia for 4 years. Although his executive assistant job paid decently Miles also made a side hustle out of reselling items in questionably ethical fashions and gained another small income from such. Eventually Miles had felt he'd done all he needed to in Olympia he returned to Tanner where he got a administrative job at a local HR company. He finds it such a bore but it pays toward his future house fund and fuels his bad habits. Although he's not as far into the drinking as he once was he still enjoys a good party and a common drink as well as childish pranks.Catherine Rose HierichFC: Louisa Rose Allen ("Foxes") ~ Colour: 0DD1ED
"When who I am and who my past want me to be don't align, what am I to become?"
Broken Crown
Name: Catherine Rose HierichNicknames:
- Cathy
- Cat
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Sexual Orientation: Asexual heteroromanticMagic use
Witch or Warlock: Witch
Schools: Evocation, Illusion and a little NecromancyEvocationCatherine's evocation knowledges manifests almost exclusively in healing magic (likes of both singularly healing and mass healing. The only exception to this is being her ability to create light either as a ball in her hands or to make an item glow like a torch
Key spells
- General healing (she can't heal chrronic medical conditions etc- moreso reverse damage caused in battle/in incidents)
- Aura of Vitality- Catherine can create a short-lived 'aura' around her- granting light healing to those around her
- Light creation
IllusionCatherine's illusion magic manifests in creating visual and auditory illusions and making herself invisible. She is working on being able to shroud herself and other in illusions to pass off as another but still has a long way to comeNecromancyBeing her father's natural and most excelled ability necromancy is an innate ability in Catherine- and she hates it. Catherine has tried extremely hard to push it away. Even in this attempt it's not unusual for her to hear voices of the dead in her head- particularly in places such as graves and old war sites. In an attempt to hold down her attunement to necromancy she has learnt a couple of spells at the the urging of her mentor.
Key spells
- Life transference- Catherine can weaken herself to give healing to others in her group
- Catherine can speak with the dead, she rarely does so and often tries to ignore those that reach out but occasionally will answer a call or use it for investigative purposes
Catherine is generally a quiet and soft spoken women. She's very much a people pleaser and works herself hard for the the clan to prove she's worth keeping around- even if she doesn't have anyone to prove it to. Catherine can be very on-edge, living her life very carefully, calculating every move. Catherine is very patient and cares a lot for the people around her. She notices small things and fine details often overlooked. Although she is introverted she enjoys being around her loved ones
Joseph Pallow was a powerful necromancy witch- and born into a coven set on subduing the human race, of which he became a strong player. His coven often clashed with the covens such as the one in Tanner, possibly even Tanner itself. Michael, his brother, had joined the Tanner clan in his teen years as he was disowned from his family for his stance against their ideals. It's unknown exactly what happened to Joseph but one day he arrived on his brother's doorstep begging for forgiveness and acceptance into the Tanner coven. Although he was watched closely Joseph was somewhat accepted into the group and years later started a relationship with Melanie Hierich, a human waitress in the town the clan borders. After about a year together Melanie fell pregnant with Catherine. Only a couple of months after Catherine's birth Joseph disappeared. A couple of months later he was seen with his coven feuding with the Tanner clan to be kept from hitting the town. Melanie took their infant daughter and fled to Maine.
Growing up Catherine actually had a relatively normal life and knew none of her magical heritage. Her mother eventually studied and gained a job as a teacher and the pair lived a peaceful life. Occasionally as a kid Catherine would make some odd statement about hearing voices but early on it was put off as general children saying weird things. Catherine wasn't a super popular kid in school but had a decent group of friends. It was when she was 16 the voices got worse, it was the first time she was convinced they weren't her imagination. The voices seem to wail in her ears, some begging for vengeance, some requesting a family member be contacted and some, it seemed, just seemed to straight up annoy her for fun. She tried to ignore them for months, she didn't want to be seen as crazy, until she eventually broke down and told her mother. Melanie reluctantly told Catherine about her heritage and offered to get her in contact with her uncle. Catherine jumped at the chance and Michael convinced the pair of them to move back to Tanner so he can train Catherine in magic.
Catherine completed high school in Tanner and got to know the coven. While some of the older members of the coven were obviously weary of Catherine she was able to find her place among the people and her mother could be reunited with her old friends. Catherine completed a teaching degree, following in her mother's footsteps, so was asked by her uncle to take his place in the coven as he had no one else to pass his torch onto.
Catherine works as a tutor a couple of times a week to allow her more time to help with clan's healing and to train with her uncle. Knowing where she comes from she tends to live a bit fearfully- scared to become like her father.
Interested >.>
⚜ Respects ~*~ ☯ Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ ♫ Best Friends ~*~ § Tense ~*~ ♥ Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ ☠ Enemies
[b]symbol[color=00FFFF]Carlisle Aston[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=FFA500]Hayden Kersey[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=Crimson]Aurora Ivory Newman[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=00FFFC]Lilith Jade Montgomery[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=4BB181]Kolby Jett Hawthorne[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=FFC6AA]Serena Felecity Delamar[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=lightgray]Erin Jude Blake[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=EEBC1D]Victor Crowe[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=00a651]Daniel Bruce Cooper[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=DC143C]Miles Connor Price[/color]symbol[/b]
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[b]symbol[color=0DD1ED]Catherine Rose Hierich[/color]symbol[/b]
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I might apply myself later, with a better character concept this time. IF or when you get openings.
If anyone wants to discuss relationships with Aurora, feel free to pm me :) otherwise, can improvise as we go along and see where it goes.