Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan watched the carnage unfold, her face emotionless, as if she was watching a commercial about paint thinners. She watched the massive series of explosions, lighting up the shoreline, and the deadly shrapnel that went flying. They were safely out of range, leaving the pirates to the mercy of death. The screams of pain came next, creating the soundtrack for the morose scene. Megan didn't know if they were the screams of just pirates - or if perhaps her brother and their allies and some of the freed mermaids had gotten caught in the terrific display as well. But she watched and listened.

The ships were sinking, the flames roaring, and the sharks began their feast. The others then returned and Megan saw that her brother was alright - that Jack was alive. "That was a bit much, hmm?" she deadpaned to him, a joke. She honestly didn't think he had been excessive at all - and if he had been, then it was fine. He was allowed some dramatics from time to time.

"Shouldn't we wait, see if there are any survivors?" Megan asked. She didn't know if it was right for them to just deal this blow and vanish - there could be some pirates who survived, and it would be easy to handle them now while they were still frantic and scattered and afraid.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 21 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: The Moors —> Outside Maleficent’s Castle

Cassiopeia pulled an arrow out from her quiver and twirled it in her fingers while they sat and waited. She wasn’t always fidgety, but there was a bit of nervous energy surrounding her. So far, they had fared well in their fights with the enemy, but this scenario seemed different. Cassi’s eyes scanned back and forth, watching the people enter the castle and others wandering around. As she looked more closely, she saw what looked to be an old path. Some small trees were growing along it, and the grass was relatively high, suggesting that it hadn’t been used in a while. Perhaps that could be their way in.
”Hey, dad, is that path on the map? It doesn’t look like it has been used in a while. Maybe that could be our way in.”

Willow Jones

Location: Tower – Bedroom

Willow yawned before she replied to Colby. ”Yes, please! I’ll see you in a few,” Willow said before she made her way up the stairs to find a place to sleep. Once she found an empty room, Willow walked in and shut the door behind her. She yawned and stretched as she walked to the bed. She sat on the edge, thinking about the day’s events while taking off her shoes.
So much had occurred within Agrabah. Willow learned more about her past and how that led to her future. It was a strange concept to think about, but it brought her so much joy. Every minute of every day brought Willow closer to returning to her mother’s home and seeing where she could have grown up.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

That was fair Rose supposed. Her curiosity was not satiated, but she could save the questions for someone like Merlin. She watched as the men moved around. Wondered what orders they had and if they realized what horrible things Malificent had done and was capable of. Of course, Rose didn't agree that things should go back to what they were. Monarchies were their own issue. At least the times would be a halcyon era after the evil was defeated. Or that was how stories told it. Rose doubted that to a point.

She looked where Cassie indicated. Maybe it would be a good way for them to get in. It might be trapped or locked, but with Robin Hood, those might not be issues. They should investigate it. Rose was a little concerned that if they got too close to the castle they risked discovery.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby smiled as he watched Maddie work to make them something to eat. He was in much the same mindset. Feeling for the moment that things were before they found out the truth. He didn't think he could ever eat Chinese food and not remember how much his life had been flipped in the last few days. At least out of it he and Maddie finally got together.

"I'm down!" Colby shouted too, before turning and opening his mouth to eat the bite prepared for him. He had to resist laughing as he imagined the scene from Ratatouille where Remy is feeding his brother. The bite was sublime. And caused his stomach to growl. Yeah, he was hungry.

"That's delicious." He said once he had swallowed the bite. "It'll be hard to save some for Willow."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

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Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Well this was a bit of a predicament. She hated getting caught and arrested, it sucked and it was not fun. Though part of the fun was breaking out and slipping away before anyone noticed. That always was a whole lot of fun. Then again, based on what was going on or what Flynn was doing, she seriously doubted he was thinking of anyway to get out of their current situation. This was going to end so well clearly considering the fact that Flynn apparently was more interested in the idea that it was taking them to where they needed to go anyway.

"Right like that's a great thing makes me feel so much better about what's going on at this point," she responded a bit sarcastically as to where they were now. Rosalia was at this point just sort of looking for a potential escape route, or a potential way to get out of the wagon cart or something like that. Breaking out wasn't exactly impossible, at least the way that she saw things, to her there was never not a way to get out of something, just ask the numerous cop cars she managed to slip out of, and those had a bit harder of a lock or something to get out of then a wagon really.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Well that worked a bit better then he had expected. Jack was mainly just glad in general that they had managed to get away from the explosives before the fuse ran out, because getting caught in an explosion was not a way he really wanted to die. It sounded a bit painful of a way to go. Especially considering that when the fireball went off, there were the screams of a lot of the pirates basically dying from the explosion, and from their own stupidity of rushing onto the docks which eventually gave way because too many people in one place on old boards was just spelling out disaster.

He hadn't fully expected the amount of damage and carnage he had caused with the fire though, and he just followed back to meet up with the others, waving slightly at Megan as she made her slight comment. "Maybe, but honestly I think it's fine," he said with an eye roll. Jack didn't say anything else with regards to the secondary comment about checking to see if there were survivors. Personally he was fine either way leaving the pirates to whatever happened to them or going down to see if there was anyone else still there.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Rapunzel's Tower:

In the room that Willow had chosen sadly didn't have any kind of curtains or blinds, it was starting to get pretty sunny it was around midday now in the Moors. In the room as well to, but the room was quiet for the most part no one came into the room whether Willow wanted to take a nap or hangout with someone it was up to her really she'd also hear Mad Hatter's voice from downstairs. "Well hurry up then once you are done eating come outside." Mad Hatter said, once the boys did finish eating outside both Mad Hatter and Cheshire had set up what looked like a little shooting range of sorts with an old spell book on a nearby table. "Figured you two could try a little bit of combat spells for whats to come next and get some practice in." Cheshire told the two of them.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra could see some of the smoke in the distance from their attack as she watched some of her people were already getting things packed up, as Eric turned to look at Megan. "They'll most likely head further inland on the island and their ships are badly damaged or destroyed they aren't going to be going anywhere anytime soon." Eric told Megan, it would take a really long time for the pirates to actually leave the island anyway and were essentially stranded now. "We can head back to Atlantica and let the council know that the task is done." Ariel said as Sierra gave a slight nod.

Sierra went to help load up the rest of the supplies onto their transport carriage. "Once we are back in the city we'll send you back to Merlin and you can let him know that we'll have the troops that you'll need and can expect them sometime tomorrow." Eric said to the group which Sierra was glad that they had came here for what they needed to do and met with her parents. "I'll be coming with you guys as well to." Ariel told them, and figured she could learn what the rest of the plans were from Merlin.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Flynn looked over at Rosalia as she spoke sarcastically about the situation that they were in, he didn't like being captured again really either himself but it was the situation that they were in now as the wagon started to move forward and was now on the main road that was being led towards the castle. "So what do you like to do for fun, or interests whatever you like to do?" Flynn decided to ask Rosalia they had sometime to get to know each other, and they needed to work together as well to it didn't take long until the prison wagon was now at the front of the castle and was slowly making it's way inside..

Robin Hood took a moment to look at the map as he took it out of his pocket and eyed the entrance that Cassi had found and went back to inspecting the map. "The map says that it leads along a cliffside to an old entrance to the castle, we can use that." Robin answered his daughter giving her a slight smile. Layla kept her eyes focused on the road in front of them that led to the castle itself, her eyes then focused on a prison wagon that was being driven to the inside of the castle. It took a moment but Layla noticed the people inside were Rosalia and Flynn. "Hey looks like we have a bit of a problem." Layla said as she gestured towards the prison wagon that held Rosalia and Flynn in as the gates were slowly closed behind them. Robin sighed slightly as he looked at the girls, they needed to go and save them now, which will make things a bit harder now. "Looks like we have to save them now to, once the coast is clear we go in through that entrance." Robin said to the girls.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 21 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Outside Maleficent’s Castle

Cassiopeia was proud of herself for spotting the secret entrance. Hopefully, it would serve them well. Cassi settled in to wait for a plan to be formed when the prison wagon appeared. Layla got a good look and saw Flynn and Rosalia. Cassi sighed and rolled her skyward.”It can never be straightforward, can it?
Cassiopeia shifted onto the balls of her feet and held her bow in her hands. ”So, a rescue mission and recon now? Or just rescue?” They could try splitting up to tackle both missions, but it would be risky.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower – Bedroom

Willow shut the door behind her once she was inside and surveyed the damage. It was a decent enough room with a stable bed, but nothing covered the windows. It seemed her room faced the sun as it rose higher in the sky, and she sighed. Down below, she could hear some of the conversation going on with the boys and their fathers’.
She approached the window and glanced out, noticing the surroundings and the people below. Willow didn’t mind the noise. She just wanted some space and a place to stretch out. Maybe take a nap. Turning away from the window, Willow wandered the room, looking for something to cover the window and block the sun a bit. Luckily, she found a curtain and the rod it could rest on. She managed to get the curtain on fine, but to get it on the wall was a completely different story. She kept missing where the pole would sit. Only after giving a frustrated little squeal and extending herself to her full height did she manage it. Willow huffed a satisfied sigh and turned to the bed to rest.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie rolled his eyes at their father's antics before they landed on Colby who was holding back some laughter. He often wondered what went through that beautiful head of his. But watching him smile, the way it reached his eyes and made them sparkle, he couldn't help but feel lost and in love. He grabbed himself another piece, getting a bit of honey, cheese, and a small bit of bread to chew it down with. A bit of him was feeling bold, being alone like this. It was like how he felt back in the room when they shared their first kiss. "I guess it's a good thing that I have more to snack on then." Maddie closed what little space was between them as he planted a kiss onto Colby's cheek before giving him another on his lips.

His cheeks instantly went flush with color as he gave an awkward smile towards his boyfriend. "Sorry. Just, I feel like we hardly have time to be alone so now that we do…I want to make it last. I know we'll have more time once everything's done, but…I still want to cherish these moments. Just…you and me…you know?" Maddie grabbed another bite, leaning against the counter before propping himself up and sitting on it. He gazed at his boyfriend lovingly, running a hand through his hair as some bits of sand slipped out. He giggled to himself before feeling his own hair. "We might need a bit of a wash I think. All that desert and not a single shower."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose looked at the carriage that Layla pointed out. She sighed slightly. Well, that explained what had happened with Rosalia. "Priority should be the rescue. Recon comes secondary. If we can get some done while rescuing that's fine." She looked at Robin Hood, really hoping he agreed.

"And do you mean the entrance Cassie found? Does that map have any of the interior layouts or are we going in blind?" Rose was suddenly very concerned about how this was going to go. There were people on the inside at risk. This was no longer something they could easily leave if they got over their head. If they left Flynn and Rosalia inside the castle they had no idea what would happen to them.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby was pleasantly surprised with the kiss. Maddie had a point. They hadn't had much of a chance to have alone time. Maddie's lips had tasted of honey and that was nice. Honey and cheese. "Don't apologize for kissing me. I like it when you do."

Colby laughed, dusting his hair a bit, away from the food. "Yeah a shower would be nice. Maybe after we do the magic practice." Colby really wanted to do that before too long. He took a few more bites of food. He had been very hungry and wanted to fill up. The charcuterie board was tasty too. There were good mixes of stuff. He chewed on some meat thinking.

"We can take a shower later together." Colby winked at Maddie. "However, I'm about ready to go out and learn some magic." He popped some cheese into his mouth. [color=#bf85f2]"You?"[color] Maddie agrees, Colby wraps his fingers through Maddie's own, and the pair join their fathers outside.

"Yes please." Colby says nodding.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan still couldn't help but be surprised that that had been all they needed to do. She had been expecting something harder, more drawn out - she had honestly been expecting a good amount of swashbuckling, perhaps a showdown with Captain Hook. It made her wonder why they had needed them to come out here and help, since it seemed like they had more or less done all of this easily on their own. Or was this some rule of story logic, where this wasn't the big bad they were meant to fight, so the fight could be done and over more quickly? She was becoming more and more convinced that this world operated by the rules of what would make a good story.

And she supposed the best story would be them taking down Maleficent and her forces.

They had headed back now and things were beginning to be loaded up, and discussions of Merlin were about. Megan wondered how her parents would feel about seeing Merlin again, after all this time. She wondered if they would blame him at all for the missing time. But she imagined mostly, it would be a happy reunion - one that now Megan had memories to give context to, as beforehand, Merlin had meant nothing to her. Now, he was as much her family as Jack. "Alright." Megan didn't have much else to say. She didn't have any questions - none that she wanted to voice at the moment, at least.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

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Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She wasn't entirely sure about making up any sort of conversation as opposed to not just figuring out a way out of their current situation. Her mind was mainly thinking about how they'd need to wait a little longer in order to give them a potential chance to get out of there. Right now there were too many people around them for that sort of thing at the moment, so maybe a little longer, since it'd be easier to escape or something from an actual jail cell or something then in a moving cart or something.

Rosalia figured he'd want a reply and probably bug her a bit if she didn't tell him something. "Would getting arrested more times then I can count at this point be considered a hobby or something for fun?" she responded to his question with a shrug. She'd been in and out of jail and detention centers for a while, not to mention the fact that she'd ran off from most foster homes that she had ended up in. That was just sort of the situation that she had found herself in growing up.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Well that was kind of an uneventful end to the whole fight and all. Just everything getting blown up and now they were all walking away from it. It seemed a bit too simple to him, and so he couldn't exactly blame Megan for asking questions about that or something at this point. He kind of had been expecting more of a fight or something, but nope, all that had happened was that he lit some guys on fire and lit a fuse to essentially a bomb and hoping they didn't get blown up in the process.

Not that he was complaining about how easy it had been, that was actually a good thing since it meant they could go deal with their other issues and the whole reason they had gone on this little side trip to begin with. Sounded like they'd part ways in Atlantica with Erik but Ariel was going to tag along with them to meet up with everyone else, which probably wasn't that surprising. Especially if they were getting aid from the kingdom, it made sense for one of the leaders to potentially tag along to learn what the plan was.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Rapunzel's Tower:

Outside with the others Tinker decided to come out and join the group as well to as she was leaning up against the table that Mad Hatter and Cheshire had set up. "So lets make things interesting and fun." Hatter said as he opened to a page for basic combat spells looking between Maddie and Colby. "Whoever hits the most targets wins, the spells in that page are basic but really useful in combat." He told them there were about ten targets they were old empty glasses that lined the table making a makeshift shooting range basically, when a portal opened up in front of the group. Over upstairs there was a knock on the door of Willows room, when she opened it was her mother. "Is everything okay hun?" She asked her, since she saw that she wasn't with her friends kind of made her worried.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"The sooner all of this is over the better then I guess." Sierra said as she leaned back slightly when everyone entered the carriage the group was quickly on their way back towards Atlantica. Hansel and Gretel were in the other carriage, and they were the ones that would get them back to where Merlin and the others were. She watched as the ocean started to quickly cover the rest of the carriage as it descended into the sea again. Sierra could see Hook's ships slowly sinking in the water as well to which was cool to see, and the other merpeople that Megan saved were swimming alongside the group to.

It didn't take to long for them to come back to the bay of sorts Hansel and Gretel were getting out of their carriage as well to, they took out the necklaces that Merlin had given them before they left that would take them to where Merlin and the rest of the group were. Sierra quickly got out of the carriage as she looked at them all.

"You all ready now?" Gretel asked as pulled out the necklace and then opened it as a small portal opened in front of Rapunzel's tower. King Arthur and Queen Guinevere entered the portal and stepped out, then Sierra and Ariel to after she gave her husband a hug and kiss. "I'll see you all sometime tomorrow with the forces you all need." Eric told them as he turned and started to make his way back to the war council's room with the other men that they brought with him. "Whats up you guys?" Sierra asked looking at Colby and Maddie seeing the shooting range of sorts that was set up..

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"We rescue them and then we continue what we came here to do." Robin Hood said to the girls, that was the best way that they could do it they just needed to make their way to the dungeon once they were inside. He took out the map and showed them that it looked pretty detailed. "From Flynn's notes that are written on the map it should take us to where we need to go." He said as Layla nodded as she watched that the coast was clear now. "Lets get going then." Layla said as she started to quietly make her way towards the path that her sister had found. It led down to a very narrow cliff path that led to a hole in the castle's structure that they could use to get through and into the castle. "Looks like we have to shimmy our way across, who wants to go first?" Layla asked them.

"Get out!" One of the soldiers said as they opened the back of the prison wagon, both Flynn and Rosalia were pulled out of it forcefully and being led down towards the dungeons. "Oh getting in and out of prison is my past time as well to, it's not the first time i've been forced into a cell either." Flynn said with a slight laugh as one of the soldiers pushed him rather hard enough that caused him to trip and fall to the ground. The guard then gave Flynn a rather violent kick to his ribs forcing out a loud pained groan from the thief. "Ow.." Flynn said softly, as he was kicked again.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie blushed terribly as Colby told him not to apologize for the kiss. Opting to grab a few more bits of food to stuff his mouth with so that he didn't say something stupid. Watching as his boyfriend shook out a bit more sand in agreeance before closing the gap once more to get some more food. At this rate they may actually not leave anything behind for Willow to have. They really needed to slow down on the snacking. He chewed his food slowly, almost choking on it as Colby suggested that they shower together. His face turned vibrant red around his cheeks and nose as he tried to compose himself, shifting his weight on the counter. The wink sent him over. "T-t-together? Y-yeah that sounds nice." He could hardly look at Colby as he thought about what was to come after practice.

The mood quickly shifting on one end as Colby laced his fingers into his and told him he was ready to head outside. "Tease" Maddy muttered as they made their way out and greeted their parents. "I think Colbys got the whole fire thing down given how hot he is, so I'll try using…" His fingers trailed down the page of the spellbook, seeing the lightning spell and the following steps to cast it. Keeping his stance wide to support himself incase the spell had a kickback, he started with closed fists, only his pointer and middle finger extended outward on both hands as his right stopped in an upward Arc, the left following suit in opposition in a yin yang technique until the both met in the center, connecting his fingers until he extended his right hand forward in a thrusting motion. Nothing happened.

"Just practicing. Lightning can be real dangerous…" He took a deep breath, finding his center like Uncle Iroh had taught him, and then tried again. This time sparks began to fly as he initiated the spell, following the motions carefully until the final release as a bright blast of Lightning crackled out from his fingers and arced over towards fourteen of the targets. "Did you see that?! I did it!!!" Maddy yelled jumping up and down, his hair sticking up a bit from the static. He ran over towards Colby and gave him a huge hug before going back to try again knocking out a few more targets. "Hehe try and beat that."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica -> Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

The party was off in the carriage again, which quickly dove under the sea. Megan watched with interest as more and more of Hook's sinking ships came into view, destined to make their homes at the ocean floor. She smiled and waved ever so slightly at the mermaids she had rescued, glad to see that they were returning home. The smile quickly faded from her face. Megan wasn't always the most expressionistic of people. A smile from her was rare - and when it happened, people usually told her that she looked at least somewhat unhinged. Demonic, even.

When they made it back to Atlantica proper, they disembarked from the carriage. Hansel and Gretel had talismans that they then used to open up a portal - on the other side, Megan spotted a tower and what looked to be a shooting range, as well as some familiar faces. She stepped on through the portal after Ariel and Sierra, emerging on the other side. Truthfully, she had forgotten most of the names of the other group - it had been a while since she had seen them, and she hadn't been exactly close with any of them.

Sierra called out to the group when they arrived - Megan recognized two of the boys that they had come here with, as well as... the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat and Tinker Bell. She blinked for a moment. "Where's Merlin?" she asked, after one of the boys got off a lucky shot of lightning. Maybe Jack could've used to have been here, learning about his powers. "Also, you should be more on your guard - I could have slit your throats by now."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 21 min ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Outside Maleficent’s Castle

Cassiopeia looked over the map, committing the paths to memory before she followed along behind Layla and Rose. They cleared the way that led to Cassiopeia’s worst fear. She groaned and turned around, holding her stomach.
”Seriously? Why?” She turned back around, examining the high cliff face. So far, she didn’t feel like she would pass out. Rose made the first trek across, making it look easy. ”My turn,” she grumbled. She looked at Layla. ”Take care of Arty if I die.” She then turned at looked at Rose. ”You better catch me.” She ran her hand along the rock and took a few deep breaths in before she started humming, My Baby Shot Me Down, from one of her favourite Tarantino movies. She made it and leaned heavily against Rose.

Willow Jones

Location: Tower – Bedroom

Willow rested her arm over her eyes, processing the last few days' events, when there was a knock on her door. She took a deep breath in before sighing and standing. No sleep for the wicked, she mused to herself. Willow opened up the door and smiled at the sight of her mother. She stepped aside, welcoming her into the room.
”I’m fine. I just wanted to rest a little. We haven’t had much downtime,” Willow explained. She walked back over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. Willow fiddled with the pocket watch she always had but never knew from where or whom.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Eh figuring out how to get out was always the fun thing," she commented with a shrug as they were basically being dragged out of the wagon in general towards the cells or something. Rosalia wasn't entirely sure what to do or anything aside from follow along after Flynn as he ended up out of the wagon. Though what she hadn't expected to see happen was basically him getting knocked down to the ground. Of course, this shouldn't have been overly surprising given where they were, still though.

Her mind was starting to think of what potentially to do in this situation. So she did what any sane person would do. Attempt to stomp on the foot of one of the guards. Her first attempt at doing so missed, which was a little disappointing, however the next time she did so, she landed a hit on his foot, causing the guard some pain and to cause him to stumble and she couldn't help but smirk a little bit. "Whoops, sorry, can be such a clutz sometimes."

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica -> Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Well now that all of the very brief chaos and excitement was gone, he was trying to figure out what exactly it wsas that they were supposed to do now. The obvious thing was after reporting back to the merpeople or something, heading off to go meet up with Merlin and the others, but after that? What were they going to do? They had to obviously deal with Maleficent, but even with that, no one had seemingly come up with a decent way or plan for them to actually do that. It was not easy to figure out what they were supposed to do.

Once back with Hansel and Gretel, the pair instantly used their necklaces to create a portal, Jack wasn't entirely sure where it was they were supposedly ending up, though there were a few recognizable people on the other side, and he followed along after the others through the portal, just in time to see that shot of magic, but didn't really say much of anything immediately. Meg's comments to them made him laugh a little bit though, it definitely was an interesting sort of greeting for him to hear.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"I'll go first." Rose said. She wasn't afraid of heights. Not in the knee-knocking sense. But she also knew a fall like that would kill her. She didn't want to die. So she crossed slowly enough to know that her steps were secure ones, but quickly enough that she was safe on the other side fast. She was not lingering.

Then Cassi went next. Rose wasn't sure if she had known how much Cassi was scared of heights. It isn't like they talked about their fears while playing rivals. Maybe it would be a good thing to talk about. How she was afraid of forest fires, now she understood why.

"I will. I promise." Rose said. There wasn't her normal hint of levity. And when Cassi made it across she held her tightly for a moment. "You're safe. You did great."

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby cheered and hugged Maddie back. It was pretty cool that he had done that. The whole thing was exciting! The blissful time that Colby had been having with Maddie was shattered. Of the others, some of this group were fine. It was Rosalia he didn't like and she wasn't there.

Colby did roll his eyes at the weird goth girl's comment. "I think he is inside." Maybe she didn't remember how Merlin's castle had protected them. Though Colby had to wonder if this place had the same sort of protections in place.

"My turn." He said grinning and turning to the glass targets set up. Since Maddie had gone for lighting he tried the fire spell, something vaguely irresponsible considering they were in a forest, but Colby didn't think that through. His dad seemed to think it was safe enough. His movements were smooth as he drew out the fire and then blasted the glass targets, taking out seven. Only half as many as Maddie had, and that was okay for him. He grinned at Maddie and then flicked his hand sending out more fire and destroying two more of the targets.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

In Willow's room Aurora gave her a smile as she entered the room and was about to take a seat on the bed next to her daughter, she could see the portal and some of the others from Atlantica were coming out now. "It looks like your other friends are coming back now." Aurora said to her daughter giving her a friendly smile whether she wanted to go down and greet them was up to Willow. "I just wanted to check up on you was all, is there anything I can get you?" Aurora asked her daughter wondering if she was hungry or thirsty, if not she was going to head down and meet up with the others.

Tinker looked over at Megan when she asked where Merlin was and gestured towards the tower. "I believe he's inside right now somewhere." She answered as Mad Hatter and Cheshire smiled at their sons seeing that they were able to take down some more of the targets that they had set up which was a good thing then and they'd be able to use the magic to help with the upcoming fight. Sierra looked at the shooting range of sorts and looked over towards Jack. "Looks like you could practice a bit more if you wanted." Sierra pointed out to Jack Ariel decided to head inside to see what was going on there and see who was there.

"C'mon lets go see Merlin." King Arthur said as he started to make his way into the tower itself along with Ariel and Guinevere following shortly after as well to. Merlin was coming out of one of the rooms when he spotted Arthur and Guinevere both coming in and smiled towards them. "It's good to see you again old friend." Arthur said as he went over to give Merlin a friendly hug.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

The guard glared angrily at Rosalia and grabbed her roughly by the hair and shoved her forward. "Shut up and watch where you are going!" She said as Flynn looked at Rosalia with a concerned look, he was in pain clearly as he managed to get up and turned to face the guard. "Leave her alone." He growled at her standing up for his daughter when the guard drew out his sword and smacked him with the pommel of the sword knocking him back down as two more guards went to pick him up and started to drag him towards the dungeon. Luckily for them they were both shoved into the same cell together and locked it behind them. Inside the cell were a few chains, a bucket as well as two small very old looking beds as well. "Are you alright Rosa?" Flynn asked as he went to sit down on the bed Rosalia would remember that her father would always call her that when she was little.

"You got this sis." Layla said to her sister giving her a thumbs up, she hoped that her sister would be alright, luckily Cassi managed to make her way across the ledge with no problems. Along with Rose as well to, she then started to cross slowly herself, when she ended up loosing her footing, and was about to scream when Robin Hood managed to grab her by the hand and slowly pulled her back up. "Thank you.." Layla said breathing heavily as she started to continue her cross and managing to make it across. There was a small breach in the wall large enough for someone to squeeze their way through it. Robin Hood was the first to go through and looked around to see that they were in a cellar of sorts, he pulled out the map and looked it through. "We are a level below the dunegon." He told the three of them, so far there weren't any guards yet.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie hadn't noticed as Sierra and the others emerged from a portal nearby, too enraptured by his display in magic and the time he was having with his boyfriend. It wasn't until Colby acknowledged them that he had turned to see as many people he didn't recognize walked past them and towards Rapunzel's Tower. He smile faltered as a wannabe Wednesday Adam's partially threatened their lives because they weren't vigilant enough. Maddie hoped that Merlin hadn't let them go outside without there being any protection or barriers of some kind to ward off assassins. He didn't respond to any of them, or their questions. Colby and Tink had done as much already.

If he was to be honest, he was a bit annoyed. Not moments ago this was a family bonding experience and now suddenly Sierra thought she could incite others to join. To him, it wasn't her place. A part of him wanted to blast the remaining targets just so that they wouldn't have anything left to practice on, but he wasn't that kind of person. So instead Maddie focused on his boyfriend, on what he was doing, and how well he did it. He giggled a bit after he was done, holding the fabric of Colbys shirt as he kissed his cheek. "Nice try, but I think I won this round. You get to be good at cool magical cats, I get to be good at using lightning like a pro." He turned to face the rest of the people now gathered. "Well? Welcome back, from whatever it is you all have been up to. We performed a very lucrative bank heist in the most secure Vault and evaded guards with ease. So I think we can let others be on guard for a moment without having to worry about our throats."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan decided then that she didn't particularly like this boy. He had rolled his eyes at her, but at least he had given her an answer. And then she didn't like the other one, after he boasted about his bank heist. She slow clapped. "I'm very impressed," she said dryly. She made a mental note to put a knife to their throats once another opportunity showed itself, just to make a point. "You are true heroes." Megan then rested her hand on Excalibur's hilt, before going inside with King Arthur and the rest. The way the boy had brought up the heist made her doubt him - it sounded like something someone would boast to cover up weakness.

They made their inside the tower, only to encounter Merlin relatively quickly. Megan's father hugged Merlin. Her mother Guinevere seemed rather happy to see him as well. Megan studied him, dim memories in her mind of seeing him as a child. Whereas before regaining those memories she hadn't seen him as a familial tie, now he felt something like an uncle to her - just as Lancelot did. "What's the plan to defeat Maleficent?" Megan asked bluntly, figuring they might as well get down to business. "Where are the others?" She assumed they were still missing some - mostly because she remembered a few more girls hanging around the group. But again, she had lost count of everyone who had been there at first - it had been some time.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"Are you okay?" Rose looked between both of the sisters. She may be dating Cassie, but she did like Layla too. She was thankful Robin Hood had been able to catch her.

Down under the castle, they went. "Which direction?" Rose's voice was quiet. She looked around hoping for a door. It took her a moment. Eventually, she found a set of stairs heading up.

"I found stairs." She said returning to them.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby shoulder-bumped Maddie. "Yeah, you did. That's cool though." Colby wanted to try his hand at the lighting too. He wasn't upset about being upstaged by Maddie. Especially in practice.

He grinned when Maddie told the story about the heist, clearly missing some important pieces of information. But whatever. He looked at Jack, the human one, and nodded. "You got magic too?" Colby tried to remember who Jack's parents were but honestly, he only remembered who Willow's mom was at this point and only because he had spent so much time with her.

It had been been a traumatizing few days. And he had spent so little time with the group as a whole. And disliked a good portion of them.
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