Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

It was a familiar presence.

An obvious presence.

In hindsight, she was the one who made the most sense when the threat was beasts, even if Aleksiya doubted it was an intentional threat on her behalf. She was either dead or enraged and not thinking clearly.

Either of these was dismaying information for the vampire. She quite liked Kordelia, and she was far more amusing to see pouting then in a state of fury. And, well, needless to say, seeing her dead would hardly be a welcome sight.

With that being said, it also heralded her reawakening, did it not?

Or perhaps if she was awakened, then the manner in which she had perished would be the source of her rage?

Either was a sad thought, but at the same time it also meant Kordelia was present in some regard. Which meant that not only would acquiring her mean reuniting with one of her favorite toys, but that it would likely put an end to the beast threat.

She straightened with a sigh.

"I believe I've determined the source of these beasts," she commented, running her fingers through her hair as she tilted her head towards Dragan, "And it's something we should be dealing with as soon as possible. Without delay, preferably."

@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

“Rikard and Rhea, I believe those two names were.” Giles replied. “I am unsure of that Alchemist's name. She remained in the building at all times, though we were grateful she helped show us how to make decent fertilizers and healing elixirs.” He glanced towards the underground fields nearby, the pale light of a silver lantern shimmering. “...for what good it does down here.” Giles brushed a strand of loose, scraggly hair from his field of vision as Aleksia spoke.

“You’ll forgive me if I’m once more skeptical.” He glanced in her direction. “But I have no reason to stop you from trying. If its that city you want information on, well…” He hesitated, glancing towards the massive, deceased beast not too far away. “All I can tell you is stories I’ve heard from my parents, and they, by their parents.”

He fixed both the vampires with a studious gaze.

“A cursed city…the place the undead scourge first took claim on their path of conquest. We’ve been told to stay away from it no matter what. Hordes of beasts, mutated and savagely mutated from curses and the fell power of the undead roam its streets while undead will seek to make you another number in their horde. A massive skeletal creature watches over the gate, keeping any from coming in.” He hesitated slightly before continuing. “My mom used to tell me that the Paladins left something there, buried far underground when they fled during the vampiric takeover. A source of divine power, they say. I wish I could tell you more for your help, but anything else would be mere legend, rumor, or speculation.”

He’d clear his throat.

“That aside…please, before doing anything else let me extend some hospitality as thanks. I’m sure you travelers are exhausted from the road. We do not have much in the way of food but I will personally see to it you and your friends are given accommodations as best as we can handle.”

Human Village, Riverside
@Pyromania99@Click This@Asuras

“You serious?! A vampire? Beasts in the tunnels? Is everyone alright!?” Julene shouted, upon hearing Luna’s account of what happened in the tunnels. She almost looked as though she was about to run off and help, but upon seeing some people tentatively leave their homes, she’d sigh tiredly, looking towards Akyasha.

“Tch...I should go help with repairs...but, I reckon if you’re here and the people are leavin’ its been taken care of.” She’d fold her arms across her chest. “Julene. Just…Julene. Only soul here who has any backbone.” She’d huff, glancing down the street towards the rest of the houses and people. “...not that I can blame ‘em. People here are too scared. What can a man do against a beast that can rip metal in half and all that.” She turned her head towards Giselle. “I try. Someone has to. Its not perfect, but with a lack of materials or skilled help its about all I can really do on my own.” She’d smirk, seemingly a bit proud of what she had created. “I think its good though. Lets me see anywhere in the village. With some properly aimed shots I can hit some barrels i’ve stashed across the tree line. Blows any beastie up before it even gets a chance to get here, heh. Only reason I wasn’t there now…well…I was out by the river tryin’ to figure out where our Undead problem’s coming from now.” She’d take her blade back from Giselle. “Thanks…uh, you all want something to eat or something. Ain’t got much but I got some vegetables and…well, some people here balk at it but the beast meat ain’t bad if ya cook it right.”

The Gorebat Akyasha sent of returned, alighting on her shoulder.

"Cold. Underground with steel man. Heading forest. Unsure. Found something below."

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

“Oh that old place?” The witch replied. “Hmm…now that I look at you, you look as though you crawled right out of that weathered sea yourself.” She frowned, studying Argus quietly. “I’m curious as to why you want to know about it. That is no place for men…but I guess you are no normal man, are you?” Faster than Argus could react to, the witch struck out with her hand, the sharp point on her ring piercing his hand, covering the end of the bone in the sweet, ichorious blood that ran through his veins.

“Hmm, yes yes, I see,” She’d say, licking the ring, not seeming to mind or even register that she had just possibly done something to offend him. “Vampire, aren’t you? That is the third one I’ve had the misfortune of meeting. A vial of your blood will suffice as payment and I’ll tell you everything that I know about it. I believe that is an acceptable term. Vampire blood could be an excellent reagent for some more…esoteric potions.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dragan Meszaros

So they were the same people that had been spotted within the city. How curious. Dragan wouldn't quite classify these people as a threat yet, but this was definitely something to watch out for in the future. For now, it seemed the coven of vampire lords and this Society were moving in opposite directions, with one leaving Alavaris and the other entering it. Hopefully, it would stay that way until they had more of an idea what these people wanted. Were they acting of their own free will, or were those humans patsies to some greater power? Questions for later. For now, they still had to maintain their charade with these villagers.

"Is that so? Thank you for the information, then. As well as your generous offer of hospitality." The vampire lord inclined his head towards Giles, resting his hammer upon his shoulder. "Food will not be an issue, as we've our own provisions. But a place to catch our breath before we move on would be most welcome."

Were he acting on his own, the grateful populace of a village would be a modest first step towards reestablishing his domains, and Dragan would have revealed his aspect in true without hesitation. But Ichor's mission superseded all. Unfortunate for his ambitions, but he would return in due time. Not even for his own sake, either. In this dark age, the protection of a higher being was more vital than ever for humanity to do something more than merely subsist and cling on to life. Regardless, there was one last piece of advice he would give.

"Should that alchemist ever return, I would advise that you and yours kill her. You've more than seen that whatever designs she has are for her benefit alone. A person such as that cannot be trusted to remain free to enact their schemes."

With that said, he turned to Aleksiya, raising an eyebrow at her words.

"Oh? By all means, then. Lead on. I'm curious to see as to what exactly that journal we found was speaking of. Shall we gather up the others?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Captain Argus Fellborn

Upon having his hand stabbed, Argus instinctively reached for his pistol, ready for a fight. When she did not attempt to follow through with her blow, and instead held it to her lips, the vampire eased up slightly, but waited to see what her next move would be. The blow had been inconsequential, but if woman was going to start a scuffle, Argus was going to finish it. On the other hand, killing a knowledgeable person in such a broken world could be a great waste, and even if he held back, even a restrained physical rebuke might kill this frail-looking woman.

Fortunately, the witch seemed to only want to deduce his nature...and now she had a price for the information that the pirate sought.

"For a moment there, I thought you might...never mind," Argus replied, taking his hand off of his holstered gun. It was fortunate for the witch that Argus was not a particularly prideful vampire- back when he had thralls, he allowed and even encouraged them to voice when they disagreed with him- and that as a pirate captain, he had a certain appreciation for particularly foolhardy and audacious actions.

He considered asking about the previous two vampires she mentioned meeting, but if the blind maid was correct, the vampires would be in the village- the witch might be referring to them, or she might be referring to others. It might be worth asking about, although he suspected she might require additional blood for that information.

"I agree to your price," the vampire spoke, holding out his hand. If the witch provided a vial, he'd use his magic to run his blood into the container until it was filled. He found it a bit amusing that he had found himself returning to his pre-vampiric roots in supplying suspicious people with dangerous, forbidden substances.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"I felt it was more appropriate that throwing her over my shoulder like a potato sack, Luna." Akyasha replied to Luna's remark. "Though, your news is..." The thought was cut-off as her gorebat returned and gave her more information that she had asked for. "Cold. Underground with steel man. Heading forest. Unsure. Found something below." She repeated in the common tongue in a low whisper to herself just loud enough Giselle and Luna could likely hear, though unlikely Julene would and it would be taken as an odd muttering to herself.

The Gorebat's answer was a small bit cryptic as usual but what it said gave enough of an idea to what was going on. Well, if Dragan and Aleksia had found something, it would be worth looking into later. Perhaps it would be best to see what they had to say on the matter. For now though, "Well, as for what we were doing, I ran into Julene here and we fought a small horde of undead together. And some crafted monstrosity as well."

"I for one do not have need for sustenance at the moment though I do appreciate the sentiment, Julene." Akyasha mentioned with a smile. "That said, would you mind if I came inside to sit for a moment. Fighting that monstrosity took a bit more out of me than I like to admit." After all, in her Prime she wouldn't even have to look at such a thing and instead sent servants of Ichor after it. Now? Well. Much less so. At this point the most she could summon some more Gorebats but she'd need to be a small bit out of town to manage that. Well, unless she wanted to chance the wrath of the concerned citizens of the town.

"Perhaps you could tell me in your words what troubles ail the town. There are beasts I recall. A Vampire... And these undead from the waterfront." She peaked around to make sure none of the other humans in earshot could hear as she leaned in. "As you said, you seem to be the most proactive person in town, so I'm curious as to your thoughts since they may hold the most weight." It was an easy enough observation. If they could learn anything from her, it could make any search they had easier.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 2 days ago

Luna Emeraltide

"Insofar as the present beasts have been vanquished, yes," Luna replied to Giselle, "But... what's this I hear about undead from the waterfront?" She tilted her head curiously and seemed unfettered. Truthfully, she felt a bit upset that the beasts weren't the extent of it, and not knowing whether or not they too were connected to the possible vampire frustrated her. One more problem to solve for the sorry villagefolk. She wished there that they could simply start the process of repairing everything, and take up stewardship of the village in peace.

Just one small step towards sanctifying the darkened world.

"I agree though, that we should investigate the forest as soon as we can. It does not seem to me a coincidence that all of these things are crawling up just as soon as we arrived, and I am worried that their frequency should remain if we idle," Luna nodded to Giselle, "Though we should all go together. We know not the extent of this source's power yet."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Giselle de Farry
Undead Princess, de Farry

Giselle frowned at the news that the towns’ defensive perimeter had been breached. How had these humans survived at all, even with what appeared to be a survival expert of sorts in the form of Julene? Unless events had been engineered for the arrival of the vampires. She couldn’t discount that thought, especially with how little they still knew about this future that they had been thrust into.

She acknowledged the blacksmith girl’s words with a nod. “Perhaps I can help with that in the future,” she replied, her offer still standing from earlier. Giselle was not lacking for skill in this discipline, even at the height of the Ophediel era, and a lack of materials would easily be remedied once she had a stable source of blood to draw from.

“Vegetables? I suppose I don’t mind salad from time to time, but perhaps later. I’m more interested in this undead problem, though. This is a separate issue from the beasts?” If they were from the river, it was unlikely to be directly from the city. Was the village being plagued by two separate threats?

Once Akyasha leaned in with more information, she kept on a poker face, but she remained curious what the gorebat had found together with the other two vampire lords. The cleric had beaten her to the chase in asking questions, so she nodded at Luna before adding her own. “Indeed. I would like to deal with the threat in the forest sooner rather than later. Though, I am curious. Are there other settlements in the area, or is it just your village, Julene?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
Avatar of VitaVitaAR

VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"I believe it's for the best if everyone comes along," responded Aleksiya with a nod, "It's quite a bit wiser to attack in force then to leave anything to chance, is it not?"

Aleksiya would have liked to say she could do it by herself. In fact, it was rather painful to admit she couldn't in her current state. But more than that, she decided it would be rater unwise to reveal what the target was until they were out of earshot of the villagers. Only an idiot would bear them ill intent at this time, and Aleksiya fully believed in the cause of removing the threat the beast posed. However, to reveal the source was one of their allies would immediately set the villagers' suspicions running high no matter what the situation may be.

Thus, it was quite a bit wiser to wait until they could talk amongst themselves without such risks.

With that being said...

"Though... perhaps a volunteer could stay behind to help ensure the villagers' safety..."

@Psyker Landshark@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

“...I will keep your words in mind, but if she continues to help with healing I may not be able to take that decision lightly.” Giles replied with a frown. “But if you intend to head out, I’ll have a room prepared for the three of you. If you’re looking for your companions, I’d suggest Julene’s. Her home is…well, it stands out. Close to the waterfront. Looks heavily fortified.”

Giles wouldn’t stop the two of them from leaving, shaking his head with a bit of exasperation. An eventful day he’d need to mull over. For now, though, he’d see about preparing a room for the three of the guests.

Julene’s place wasn’t terribly difficult to find. Near the waterfront, and heavily fortified. The stories that rose above the others were stacked with barrels and what obviously were sniper nests, and from within they could already and easily hear the voices of their companions…

Human Village, Riverside
@Pyromania99@Click This@Asuras@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

“Make yourself at home. I already told ye ya could.” Julene shrugged, taking her blade into her abode shortly following behind Akyasha. “Other settlements? Mhm, there’s a few…though we’re definitely the largest.” She’d respond to Giselle as she’d lean her blade against the forge, motioning for the rest of them to come inside and finish talking. “Don’t have a quick and easy way to contact them, though. We often use runners to run messages, lamp signals. light carries really well out here. Only for emergencies though, some beasts are…smart.”

The human leaned against the wall, folding her arms across her chest.

“The beasts have been rearin’ their ugly faces since before I was born, but the vampire is news to me. If it is the source of these beasts, well…guess there’s nothing I can do. I’m good to fight if I hafta, but I’m not a reckless dumbass that’s gonna jump against something that can kill me with a flick of their pinky.” She’d grunt. “Undead are new though. In the past…mhm, thirty lamp lightnings. Dunno where they’re comin’ from, likely the ocean. Ain’t too far, but that place ain’t no place for people. Undead crawling all over it and there’s something there that sleeps in the water.” Julene shrugged. “Not much else to say. I doubt you wanna hear about the food problems…ah?” Julene turned her head towards the entryway.

“...More of you? At this point I’m startin’ to think people are just’ dropping from the heavens.” She’d sigh. “...or crawlin up outta the demon pits. Come in, make yourself at home. Those three already have. Julene.”

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

“Eheheh, aren’t you a most agreeable vampire. Excellent, excellent.” The witch would produce an admittedly large flask and handing it to him. “Fill it in whatever way you want. Now lets see…” The witch would pull her journal from her pocket once more. Now that Argus could get a good look at it…it was far too ornately decorated and well made for someone like the witch to possess naturally.

“Hmhm…what can you tell me about the ocean, little book…? Go on, wake up! I’ve not all of this long night, ehehe!” With a drop of the vampire's blood from her ring onto the pages, the book would slowly start turning its pages by itself, the seemingly blank pages filling with text. Briefly, he could see the words ‘Good tidings, Lady Charlotte’ at the top before she’d manually flip through some more.

“‘Thiefs End’ or ‘Graveyard of Refugees.’ I’ve come to the conclusion that in the old days people tried to flee across the seas only to be destroyed by a demon…a god? Or something from beyond the stars. Apparently a vampire was put to rest there, too! Too long ago to say but they say the dead there were cursed with grudges and hate…hm, no no not that. Further on. What is the ship?” The book would flip through another few pages. “The ship…and the force that commands them. I can’t say what beast lurks in the depths, but that ship is…mhm, it’s been floating out there ever since the death of the world. I believe some creatures have taken up residence in it. They worship whatever that thing below the waters are.” She’d conclude, swiping the now filled flask of blood before he could do anything else. “Can’t say much more than that. Eheheeh, I hope you’re not too disappointed?”

The witch, apparently named Charlotte, turned to Argus with a smile.

“That said…I’ve a particular interest in that ship as well. Specifically something those cultists have. Its the entire reason I’m out here, you see. Perhaps, if you intend to go at some point, Mr. Vampire…remember little old me out here. I could and would be more than happy to assist. In the meantime…I could perhaps try gathering more information about it if I get something in return for such work, too.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dragan Meszaros

It seemed Giselle and Akyasha had been busy. Evidently, they'd been ingratiating themselves with one local in particular. As the woman introduced herself, Dragan removed his helmet and simply nodded back politely.

"Dragan." Was all he said in response, setting his hammer aside at the door as he entered the blacksmith's home. Evidently, Luna had found them beforehand. Good. It would save him time in explaining.

"I take it Luna has apprised you of what we found beneath the village? In that case, allow me to add on with what we've heard since then. Our mad alchemist was traveling with two companions in particular when they arrived in this village. Two by the name of Rikard and Rhea." He paused, choosing his next words very carefully with one of the villagers listening in.

"Indeed, the same two that Ilena spied in our last locale before her...passing. Given that we seem to have traveled in different directions since then, I don't foresee them becoming a problem in the near future, but it is something to look out for should we ever return by this way."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Captain Argus Fellborn

A ship floating since the death of the world...could it be the Swordbill? Argus' eyes went wide at the ship's mention.

Unfortunately, if this witch's information was accurate, something unwelcome was squatting in it. Even more concerning was just how unsafe the seas had clearly become. Still, at least he had some understanding of what was going on, and some goals to reach them. It could take a while, but as long as he stayed fed and played it smart, he should have all the time in the world.

"There are many things which I am presently disappointed with, miss, but your information is not one of them. This knowledge was worth the price paid," he spoke. Getting his ship back would be a lofty task, but he at least had somewhere to start.

The witch expressed her own in the ship, particularly something that the filthy bilge-rats occupying it possessed. Judging by her choice of words, she had deduced his own interest in the ship. It was quite likely that she had deduced- or had been told by that grimoire of hers- that the vampire standing before her was this ship's former captain. Argus wasn't sure exactly what the witch wanted with the cultists, but if they had a common goal, she could be a useful ally for the present circumstances.

"Aye, further information on this ship could prove useful," he replied to her offer to cooperate. "I have other business to attend to in the meantime, but depending on the work you need, I should be able to make time."

As a vampire, Argus had all the time in the world to pursue his goals as long as he could find a steady supply of blood. He wasn't so sure about how much time the witch could afford, though.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Giselle de Farry
Undead Princess, de Farry

“I see,” she said, following the human blacksmith inside her home. She would have to look into the others when she had the time. She frowned when she elaborated. Lamp signals and runners? She supposed technology had degraded quite a bit, but Giselle thought constructing a telegraph system wasn’t that difficult, even with regressed technology. She supposed it was too dangerous to do line work, or she was just out of touch. Wouldn’t that be a thought.

Giselle idly asked a follow up question. “Fire lit lamps, or oil lamps with Fresnel lens?” Depending on the answer, she could more accurately gage the village’s technology.

“Hmm, so the vampire is new, as are the undead. The former we can likely deal with, but undead dragging themselves up from the oceans is curious, if a bit ominous.” She recalled the skeletal beast they had recently encountered, and imagined a sea monster equivalent to it. That was the stuff of nightmares, even for vampire lords.

As she settled in for a quick rest, she raised her eyebrows as Dragan and Aleksiya filed into Julene’s house as well.

“The immediate situation is dealt with, then?” she nodded to confirm Dragan’s question, before letting him continue on, frowning as he went on. “Interesting. Good to know,” she finally said, filing the information to review later. The two stopping by the largest settlement in the region on their way to Alavaris made sense, but knowing that they had a third that had been meddling with the beasts pushed her to be more wary of them.

Giselle took a moment to relay the two newcomers of what they had found, before concluding with her suggestion. “If we are all sufficiently rested now, we must investigate this vampire of the forest.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Human Village, Riverside, Julene’s cabin - >Forest of beasts
@Pyromania99@Click This@Asuras@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

“...I remember those three.” Juelene replied with a frown, nodding a simple greeting to Dragan. “The Alchemist…Charlotte, I think. She looked more like a charlatan and a harlot more than any medicine woman, but she did make me some pretty good healing salves. Showed me how to make them, too. Those other two kept to themselves, but helped us with the beasts while they were here. Seemed like decent enough folk. That Rhea lady…” She paused. “...well, if I wasn’t looking at a bunch of weirdos in front of me I’d say she was the oddest thing I’ve seen all my life. Reminded me of stories of divine servants my parents used to tell me about.” She’d idly comment, turning her head to Giselle.

“...Frenwhat now?” She’d frown. “If you’re asking about the lamps, its neither. They’re Silver Light Lamps. I don’t know where we first got them, but the villages around here started makin’ ‘em shortly after the sun fell. They contain remnants of divine power. It's why the beasts are scared of ‘em just a bit. Not enough to drive a frenzied or hungry one off, but the light discourages ‘em just a bit. Helps plants grow even underground, too.” Julene moved away from where she was leaning on the wall, heading over to what was ostensibly the kitchen and open up a storage barrel. Some scraggly looking green vegetables were plucked out and laid on the counter top.

“I think the redhead wants to rest a bit more, lass.” Julene said to Giselle, using a thumb to point towards Akyasha. “You all wanna go to the forest, be my guest. I can’t leave…something might happen to the village in the meantime.” She’d say, pulling some preserved meat from a beast carcass off a nearby drying rack. “I’ll have you guys whipped up a nice good meal by the time ya get back though. Least I can do for your help.”

Assuming there was nothing else they wanted from Julene, though, getting to the forest would prove not too difficult, and whoever was willing to go would find themselves standing at the treeline, not too far from the river. From here, they could smell what Luna had earlier. Blood. Faint, but if it was this strong, it was no small amount of it from wherever it was coming from upstream.

So they’d cross the river at a shallow portion where the water wasn’t terribly deep a bit further down. The beasts they could see growled and gnashed their teeth, but ultimately didn’t otherwise engage, they were far too weak, scared of the vampires intruding on their territory. It wasn’t until they were well into the forest, past the foliage of the dead trees that the scent of blood grew stronger. What exactly it was and where it was coming from was unclear, but it had to be nearby.

As the group entered into a small copse near a tributary of the river, however…

They could hear it before they saw it. Something swooped overhead, a strong gust blowing past them and shaking the dead, old branches of the forest. The group had moments to react before a creature slammed into the ground in front of them, a large beak the size of a train lashing out with a gust of powerful moving wind, ripping the ground to shreds in its path with a baleful shriek.

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

“Good, good, eheh. Then, as a show of good faith I shall depart at once to try and learn more about this ship.” The Witch chuckled. “Ah, how rude of me. My name - Charlotte. Charlotte LaChance, if you must have a name! No need for honorifics or anything. Charlotte will do. Madam Charlotte, if you’re feeling particularly respectful.” A little cackle as the witch would close the journal, stuffing it back in her robes.

“Until then! Good luck in your endeavors and all that. Don’t dawdle around here, nothing to see. Except me, and if you stay I might start thinking you’ve fallen for my charms, eheheh.” Charlotte would offer Argus a toothy grin before turning back to her table, taking the vial of freshly taken blood and placing it in a protective case. “Valuable, Valuable. Can’t let those fools have it, isn’t that right…eheheh…”

Seemed Charlotte was no longer willing to engage and was muttering to herself as her fingers moved between various other things on the table…before stopping, perking up her ears and glancing towards the Pirate.

“...Say, Mister Pirate.” Charlotte said. “You any good at fighting?” She’d ask. “You may wish to draw that fancy blade of yours. A beastie is nearby and I do believe its spotted the beautiful flower that is myself!”

It wasn’t long before Argus could hear it, a low, bestial growl of some incredibly large beast, the ground thudding as it walked and came clearly into view.

It…looked like a bear. Sort of. It had a vaguely bear shape, walking on four leg, but also had the features of a boar. Its teeth had grown into long, deadly tusks that curled up from its lower jaw and curled down from its upper jaw. Its rear claws seemed to have deformed into deadly, strong looking hooves. Its fur was dirty, mangy and matted, and it stood at nearly teen feet tall on all fours - it could have easily crushed a full grown man with its muscle mass.

“...Ooh, that things pelt is quite warm. I could make a lovely blanket out of it.”

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
Avatar of VitaVitaAR

VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"My, an oversized chicken is our opponent, now?"

If this was Kordelia's direct doing, it was almost hilarious. Almost. If not for the rest of the situation.

The icy translucent barrier that Aleksiya had conjured served well to protect her from the winds, and any undignified results that might have come from such an impact.

"How threatening. How utterly terrifying," idly commented the petite vampire, deconstructing her ice barrier into water and drawing it into her hand, where it froze solid once more, forming an icy spear of considerable length and thickness that drifted above her palm, "I'm shaking, truly."

The fact that the beastly avian had chosen to drop and screech its presence as if there was any true gravitas to its entrance was, in all honesty, even more amusing to Aleksiya. The bird had a sense of self-importance, perhaps? It thought it had earned such a dramatic entrance? Or perhaps it was so mindless with rage and fury that it had to voice its anger? Or it was perhaps a display, in an attempt to threaten them?

It truthfully didn't matter in the slightest. The outcome would be the same. It would always be the same.

Her enemies would die.

Sooner or later, all of them would.

"But I've grown tired of loud noises, so would you kindly shut that beak of yours?"

With that, the child-like vampire snapped her fingers, sending the thick ice spear hurtling directly towards the bird's face.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"I'll watch over the village with Julene in case something happens. Still feeling a small bit fatigued from that fight earlier. Take of my cuties with you. If something happens and you need help, send it back and I can come running." Akyasha mentioned, ordering one of the gorebats to follow the leaving group. It was hard to tell what would happen so it was best to be prepared. She was highly anticipating the time in the near future when she could finally bring forth a few more powerful creatures in the goddess' roster.

Well, there was always time for that. After everyone that had planned on leaving left, Akyasha looked around Julene's house from where she sat. There didn't seem to be anyone else around the place. Rather, it looked like Julene lived by herself in this fairly tidy place. Akyasha couldn't help but want to ask a few question. "You live here on your lonesome? It looks like it at least." She was curious. Though perhaps it was not the wisest of question to ask one's personal situation but she was curious about the girl. She was clever. And clever was a good thing in someone that would help you. Akyasha had yet to give up on her thoughts of turning Julene into a thrall, after all and if she lacked real, concrete connections to this village, the easier it would be to convince her to join. "Do you have any family in town? Pardon if I'm too intrusive in my questions."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Captain Argus Fellborn

This twisted world would not allow Argus any rest, it would appear. A massive amalgamation of boar and bear had decided to interrupt his conversation with Charlotte, and it didn't look like it was going to back down. Unfortunately for the beast, Argus wasn't going to back down either. The vampiric pirate drew his cutlass as he turned to face the creature, with an intent to kill in his eyes. With the newly obtained knowledge regarding what was almost certainly his ship, Argus' motivation was at high tide, ready to cut down- and then raise up- anything that dared to stand directly in the way of his goals.

Unfortunately, the witch had a caveat- she wanted the bear-boar's pelt intact to make a blanket. That would mean no explosive blood magic, and a rather narrow range of options of where it'd be acceptable to stab or lacerate it. Still, it appeared to be a mortal creature, and that meant there were many possible routes by which its life could be snuffed out.

"I'll take care of this," Argus bluntly stated, staring the monster in the eyes and silently daring it to make the first move. If its animal mind perceived it as a challenge, all the better. He'd have some pertinent questions for Charlotte afterwards, because this monstrosity was clearly not natural.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 2 days ago

Luna Emeraltide

Considering their destination, and the persistent chittering of wary beasts that lined the path up until then, Luna had her saber out and prepared long before the roc made its presence known. She dodged backwards as its beak plunged into the dark dirt, and shielded her face of the upended sod. She assessed the creature for a moment, and wondered how the village could have ever survived as it did with things like this about. Either it was conveniently terrified of the so-called Silverlight -moreso than the beasts- or it was only now active at the behest of something else. Something told her it was more likely the latter.

If so, any illusion of a stealthy approach was shattered.

Luna arced her saber over her head, and a hand slid along the flat of the blade, coating it in a gleaming, starry pattern that twinkled with each chanting word of her ritual. Enchanted with an aura of cursing stupefaction, she set to work cutting and binding at the bird, first lunging for the apex of its limbs where she could immobilize it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Giselle de Farry
Undead Princess, de Farry

Giselle briefly raised her eyebrows at the mention of divine servants, but didn’t comment. “Fresnel. It’s a type of carved lens that propagates light far greater than a normal lens does,” she explained. “If these silver light lamps of yours don’t have them, they would greatly increase their range. If you have a lensmaker or a carver, I can teach them the pattern they need to carve.”

She frowned when Akyasha decided to stay. Certainly, there was nothing wrong with that, but the white-haired vampire suspected the priestess still wanted the blacksmith for herself. Giselle would be very cross if she came back and found the priestess with a new thrall in tow, but dealing with what everybody suspected was Kordelia in the forest was paramount.

That was how Giselle found herself back in the forest, this time with her peers… facing a giant chicken, as Aleksiya had so succinctly stated.

“Threatening, no. But it’s vile.”

The vampire princess went into action after the smaller vampire and the songstress made their moves against it. Staying out of the way of Aleksiya’s firing arc, she paired up with Luna once she drew her sword, aiming straight for the throat of the creature even as the other moved to pin it down.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Julene’s cabin

“Eh? Family?” Julene cut up some beast meat, grabbing a few things and shoving them into a oven to warm them up. “Used to have a mum and dad, but…well, beasts got ‘em when I was little. Gilles and I basically raised each other.” A shrug as she’d walk out of a door in the back, taking a jug with her before quickly coming back with a full jug of water. “He’s older than me if ye believe it. By nearly ten years.” She’d set the water jug onto the desk, frowning lightly. “And what about you, miss redhead? You got family?”

Forest of beasts

@Click This@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

The razor wind rippled past, ripping at the ground and tearing chunks of earth out from around the vampire’s frozen barrier. The retaliation was instant, the spear lashing out towards the things beak. A solid thunk, as the ice met the hardened maw of the beast. It recoiled backwards from the impact, its larger body staggering a few steps away from them as Luna lunged towards its limbs towards immobilization. The blade sunk into the nearest limb, earning a shriek from the enraged avian as mystical chains appeared in an attempt to bind it.

Giselle was not close behind, her blade sinking into its neck, but the avian was quick to recover from the icy impact, bringing its beak down onto Giselle's head before attempting to flap its wings to put a bit of distance between it and the vampires, only to find its wing completely chained to the ground from Luna's spell.

It likely had been a majestic creature once, but now where there was majesty there was only decay. The feathers on its head had completely fallen off, revealing an emaciated frame around its eyes, dull sockets having no eyes, only voids where they should have been. Its beak, as long as a tree trunk and just as thick had holes in it, but was just as sturdy as ever and still multi colored. Its wings, mottled with decay.

It didn’t seem too threatening, aside from getting the jump on the vampires as it’d get low to the ground, its bound wing straining against the bonds and likely to break free soon.

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

The beast stared for a few moments, before its massive frame would begin to rise off its two front claws, standing on its back hooves as it would pull itself up onto two of its legs, easily now dwarfing Argus in height…and coincidentally, rather oddly, Argus would notice a sort of…seam on the things chest, running down from the bottom of its muzzle to its abdomen, almost looking like a…zipper, almost. An interlocking series of small horns.

A few moments to register this before the beast roared, dropping back down into all fours and charging Argus at surprising speed, its front claws swiping savagely at the vampire.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Captain Argus Fellborn

If there was any doubt in Argus' mind that this monster was an unnatural creation, the seam upon its chest dispelled it. Somebody clearly made this thing and sewed it shut. Those same stitches, however, would provide an ideal place to fatally disassemble this creature without compromising its pelt any more than it already was. Assuming, of course, that he could get close enough to cut them.

That might be easier said than done, however, he concluded as the bear-boar began to charge, hurling its massive claws at the vampire.

First, Argus used his blood magic to spray a stream of his own blood in the monster's eyes, as to impair its vision. Then as it drew close, the pirate slashed at the underside of the first paw to come towards him, seeking to both turn the blows aside and hopefully lacerate an artery. The next paw to come at him would receive the same attack.

This would be much easier if he wasn't trying to leave a serviceable pelt, he thought.

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